8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, February 20, 1962 | ANN LANDERS Father's Love Dear Ann Landers: I am a married woman with growing children. My problem has caused me untold grief and hu- miliation. : My father is an attractive, well-to-do man who lives in an- other city. Mother died when I was in college. Two years ago Dad started to go with a lovely woman. We were all pleased and hoped they would marry. They did not marry but two years ago they began to share a home and live together as man and wife. | Recently I asked my father 'why he chose to live like this. |He replied "I want everything i\T.own to go to you and your children." I told him I would gladly forego all inheritance lrights if he would marry this 'woman and live respectably in the eyes of God and man. He |refused. JANICE AND SHARIE old Comerford, Eldorado, On, tario. |next month and bring his "com- |panion." I don't' want them to stay in our home. How shall I --Photo by Mary's Studio |introduce them to our friends? | No Words Dear No Words: own peace of mind you must accept the fact, emotionally as well as intellectually, that you Children of Mr. and Mrs. | years old, and Sharie, seven Claude Comerford, Gibb | months, are the grandchildren street, are Janice Marie and | of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hop- Sharie Lynn. Janice, three | son, Oshawa, and Mrs. Har- High School Education Futur Panel Discussion At H&S of;recent carnival. Mrs. Robert Vincent Massey Home andj|Peacock volunteered to replace School Association was|Mrs. Peter Highley on the bake) "Fathers' Night" and the many|sae committee since Mrs. High- fathers who attended we r ejley has recently moved to To- treated to an extremely im-|rohto. portant and interesting panel |. a ae on "Future in High School Edu- FOUNDERS' MONTH February | being Founders' cation" was) Month', Mrs. N. V. Roe gave Moderating the panel a Mrs. James Allen, president of | brief history of the beginning of Home and School and of its Home and School Council, who introduced the panel members/Progress up to the present. as follows: Miss Jean MacInnis|Home and School has been in- of the staff of Donevan Colleg- strumental in bringing music iate, Mr. Charles Jensen, OCVI into the schools, arranging for Shop Director and Mr. G. §. adult safety guards, getting out- Williams, personnel department, | door rinks..for the pupils and General Motors supplying bursaries to high school students interested in at- TECHNICAL EDUCATION tending Teachers' College. Mr. Jensen, speaking on the Mrs Kellar's room won the technical education, started the ro9m count for February. Mr. discussion by _ approving thelw 4 Armstrong, principal, eXx- modernizing which is finally be- pressed the thanks of the pupils\dian children who had been inj|foul mood for the evening. The ng done an secondary educa- and: staff for the Home and her care and many interesting|odd part is this: I was at home tion in Ontario. School Association's 'part infacets of everyday life in the all day but I didn't talk on the Starting in September, Done- making the carnival a success. far northern community ; - van and Central Collegiates\He also announced that the he told of the president of will. carry arts and science March meeting will be in thelthe WA of St Peter's who was courses only while O'Neill Col-iform of opr. res " eg cut aS) WELWYN GARDEN CITY, | it wane ae ite a program presented|plind. Later she answered many : legiate will carry arts and sci- hy the pupils and urged the par-| questions about missionary life England (CP) -- Trees with Raion well 'as commerciallents to attend Mrs. H. D, Cleverdon closed\names like Tommy and Susie The "nee RS McLaughlin Social convener, Mrs. Claude the meeting with prayer are growing here as part of a . ae ee yy ee... Glassford and grade mother The Shrove Tuesday pancake y i , 5j Composite' School will offer 2 ; , i y panc plan to beat vandalism. Council, three stream courses. These Mrs. Ross Porteous, served re-/ supper will be held from 4.30|which' has paid hundreds of will consist of academic courses freshments assisted by the mo-|to 6.30 Tuesday, March 6, at'pounds to replace broken trees, thers of the pupils in Miss Jac-|the Church: All are cordially in-/now lets local youngsters name as well as courses in engineer- ; ueline ake's r ty ap . f " ing, technology and trades. The|4¥©"" Doake's room. _ _vited to attend. |their 'personal trees. latter will be taught in 11 'shops which have been built to suit the needs of Oshawa and will simulate actual shop conditions. These courses will enable a pu- pil to continue to University in the career of his choice, such as engineering. A four-year course in skilled trades will qualify pupils to en- ter Ryerson or a similar trade school or to take employment and finish their education "on} the job'. As well, a two-year course will be offered to any pupils unable to cope with aca- demic work. Trades such as welding, masonry, retailing and merchandising,-will be taught to outfit these pupils for jobs in those fields : e Missionary Nurse Addresses Eve. WA The Evening WA of Memorial Church invited the other women's groups in the ther's behavior. You've been appealed to his sense of honor x . © without success. Now forget it. seh gg ages liga gat Tell your father that you will snake. Mrs. Philip Whitney, be happy fo make reservations cg Y: for him and his "companion of Toronto. at a hotel, Introduce him The president, Mrs. Stanley your friends by their names Lawrence, opened the meeting... . '"'My father, King Carol-- Mrs. Charles Dewhirst introduc- and his friend Magda." ed Mrs. Whitney who is a grad- uate of Toronto Western Hos- Dear Ann Landers: My hus- pital and the Anglican Women's|band is a good guy but he has a Training Centre, and is the wife red-hot temper and no patience. of a Toronto minister. Dick is almost psychopathic Her talk, with accompanying| bout people who yak on the slides, was about the two years| telephone He accuses me of be- she spent as a medical mis-|'"8 4 phone gossip which is not vionary . £ he true. I do enjoy chatting on the sionary among the Indians at és "ic bad Hay River in the NW Territor- phone but I'm not nearly as ba ies. She had. charge of a six-|9% he says. . Yesterday he claims he tried bed nursing station connected to call me for one solid hour with St. Peter's Anglican Mis- 4+ fiye minute intervals, then sionary Church gave up. When he came home She showed pictures of In-!he was boiling mad and in a Christ The February meeting PERSONAL TREES ARTS AND SCIENCES Miss MacInnis outlined the Arts and Science courses avail- able at Donevan and Centra Col- legiates. As always, there \wilf' be a five-year course, comple- tion of which will be required for entrance to University, Teachers College or Nursing Schools. However, a four-year course will be offered to give pupils a-general academic grounding for special techni- cal courses and commercial.| Pupils graduating from _ this four-year course will be able to take employment where they an start a career learning "on the job" CHALLENGE FROM OVERSEAS Mr. Williams, in reference to the importance of this new edu- cational scheme in_ industry, stressed the ncessity of obtain-| ing our future skilled tradesmen from Canada. The European source of skilled workers is ex- hausted and with the chal- lenge from overseas markets, Canada must supply her own| # skilled tradesmen, Industry canj # expect in future to receive appli- cants who not only are skilled but whose interest and apti-! tude for the work has been pre-! determined. From this program industry will be able to fill its) vacancies without going far afield as they are now forced to do A question and answer period| pointed up the intense interest of the parents in this new pro- gram. | Mr. Robert Peacock express-| ed to the panel the thanks of alll present. | The meeting was presided over by Mr. N. V. Roe, who reported on the success of the | INSTANTLY PICKLE PROOF BARNSLEY, England (CP)-- The pathetic plight of pickle packers was solved by a deodor- ant firm. Young girls working at a pickle factory here couldn't get rid of the smell of onions after work, and unkind jokes were hurled at them while the boy friends stayed away. The perfume firm cooked up a deo- dorant that smothers the onion odor | ...whenever you need them BELL iB) puts help at the tip of your finger | Dad wants to come to visit us); 3) India, Past, Present and Future | Life Bothers Daughter phone--not even once. He does not believe me. Can you provide a logical ex- planation for me? Not Guilty Dear Not Guilty: The tele- phone company provided the logical explanation and here it is: A busy signal is not proof positive 'hat someone is yak- king. It can result from an overloaded cicuit, or a phone which is out of order. Any oper- ator will be glad to test a line jand let you know whether or jnot a conversation is going on. Dear Ann Landers: My son recently received his Ph. D. When I introduce him to friends is it proper to say "This is my son, Dr. John Doe?" Or is the title Dr. reserved for medical doctors only? | He has been invited to best man at a wedding soon. Would be proper to use the title doctor in the newspaper an- |nouncement? Proud Mother | Dear Mother: Your son has jearned the title of doctor and it |wishes. Ask him how he feels jabout it. | The title, doctor, is not re- are not responsible for your fa-)served for physicians only. Den- economic tists, clergymen and scientists so. Confidential to Well Dressed: |You are prudish and mid - Vic- 'otrian. Wake up before some to|smart substitute puts you on the institutes also bench. | moving-around room GAS-SAVING ECONO-POWER 4 Pr on Canadian roads En now 'been refined performance... outs ing mileage! peppy power plant has improved --you get better "The Face of New India" a colourfilm excursion through| this vast and beautiful country, | as seen through the eyes of two young Indian students, illus- trated a delightful talk on Ip- dia given by Mr. Umesh Kotare lof Bombay,- to the University, Women's Club at its February meeting. Mr. Kotare is with the Government of India Tourist Bureau while studying at the University of Toronto for his Ph.D. "India is one of the world's oldest civilizations, with a popu- lation of 400 million, one- seventh of the entire human race -- a country that is aj racial mosaic -- its unity deep} and abiding. Indians are a group of hardworking, thrifty | and philosophical people, speak- | ing 14 recognized languages, al-| though Hindi is the official lan-| guage and English the second. "India is a unique adventure, | the antiquities, the historical| sites, scenery, pageantry and| color from a backdrop of 5000} years' history -- India is a fu-| sion of ancient and modern ar-| chitecture and culture, a coun-| try of constant contrasts, of old} 'and new, of inertia and pro-| gress. ' | "The government has recent- For your|is his prerogative to use it if he/ly instituted a 35 year plan. Its} laims are.to expand industry, in- jcrease agricultural output, in- icrease opportunity, distribute| powers and increase employment. To facilitate and| forthright and|may use the title--and properly|expediate this optimistic plan there has had to have been a break in old traditions in edu- cation, to diversify and make it a more utilitarian education. To \this end over 200: polytechnical have been opened, students are coming MORE ROOM AND COMFORT The 1962 Envoy offers room for six husky adults. Plenty of for everybody, too, with Envoy's increased interior dimensions! Subject of Absorbing Address 36 per cent and there !s a hope|Pinto was ill, her husband that within the next two orjcame to welcome Mr. Kotare. jthree years it will be halved.| Mrs, H. D. Cleverdon,\ presi- "India has an optimistic out-|dent, presided at the regular look and great plans for her| meeting, the highlights of which future. She welcomes all to were a discussion of possible abroad to study and acquire in-/come and witness her change centenary projects and the ways sight into industrial and techni-\into a great, new country. It isand means project. This year cal procedures. jonly by visiting one another's|the club is sponsoring a travel- : 4 z A {countries can we learn to un-jogue of the Holy land by Hilde. VANISHING ILLITERACY lderstand and live with one an- garde and Leroy Toll, Mareh Not only has education been other better." 29, to raise money for scholar. changed but also those acquir-| Mr. Kotare was introduced by| Shins. ing it, the most revolutionary;Mrs. Hayden Macdonald and of which is unicersity education|thanked by Mrs. C. M. Elliott. EDUCATION GAIN for women. The base of educa-|One of the club members, Mys.| Illiteracy among nadian tion too has been broadened on/E. J. Pinto, is a graduate' ofjchildren of school age Was ft a more elementary. level, in fact|University of Bombay and alduced to 166,000 from 309,000 the illiteracy rate is now only|"daughter of India" as Mrs. tween 1931 and 1951 Hear Again! Ae zenite ROYAL MEDALLION - --_ ONLY EYEGLASS HEARING AID TO GIVE YOU ALL THESE BETTER HEARING FEATURES! Discover the four most impor- tant benefits in eyeglass hear- ing aids today--yours to enjoy only with the new Zenith Royal Medallion.* And remember, Zenith offers the most com- plete line of hearing aids, starting from $50.t Ask about Zenith's 10-day money back guarantee. Your Zenith Dealer is listed in the "Yellow Pages." *You purchase lenses and frame, if needed, from your eyeglass specialist, ground noise! O-6 battery life than our previous model E. M. Kinney, Vice President, Zenith Radio Corp. of Canada, Utd., Dept. Capp 1470 The Queensway, Toronto 18, Ontario Please send me complete information on the new HEAR AGAIN Zenith Royal Medallion Eyeglass Hearing Aid. Jae HEARING AIDS ewww nee oewoed en ae ZENITH HEARING AIDS ere available at IMPERIAL OPTICAL co. LTD. 11 ONTARIO ST. PROVINCE vs (ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES) ROY L. WHITTINGTON AUTHORIZED DEALER FOR ZENITH HEARING AID 5 BOND ST. WEST 728-6239 725-5633 TOPS IN TOTE-SPACE Plenty of room for everyone's luggage in Envoy's family-size trunk. Convenient spare- wheel stowage! LOADED WITH LUXURY Envoy brings you a new dimension in low-cost interior luxury with a perfect blend of high- quality upholstery ma- terials and meticulous appointments! Extra- comfortable bucket seats.are standard equipment in the Envoy Custom Sedan, optional in the Special and Sher- wood Station Wagon. HIGH-FASHION STYLING Sleek new lines... dramatic new colors and color combi- nations... elegance of design ... these make Envoy the style leader of its price class! PRICED FOR THE BUDGET All the fine-car features and importan oven : "extras," yet Env voy's ¥ Also General Mo and tand- ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LTD. 140 BOND ST. WEST, OSHAWA, ONT. PHONE 725-6501 t little oy is still priced among the lowest! tors de- pendability and superior service, coast to coast! HARRY DONALD LIMITED 300 DUNDAS ST. EAST, WHITBY, ONT. PHONE MO 8-3304 -- MO 8-3305 -- MO 8-3306 "