THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, Februery 19, 1962 3 Pilkey Says Party Not Labor Tool Clifford Pilkey, president of| % the Ontario Riding, New Demo-| cratic Party Riding Association, said today that a_ statement made Sunday in Regina by Ha- zen Argue, former CCF Nation- al leader announcing his resig- nation from the NDP is "'defi- SOUTH DAKOTA BATTLES 30-INCH SNOW FALL The mound of snow nearly ear-high which this Sioux Falls woman is starting to shovel is part of the 30-inches heap- ed on southeastern South Da- kota Sunday. Weather bureau REPORT FROM PARLIAMENT Would Increase Use Of Butter By MICHAEL STARR, MP Minister of Labor The Canadian Federation of Agriculture dealt with various subjects in its recent brief to the government but of particu- Jar interest to the County of On- tario would be the dairy policy which was outlined. The recom mendations in this respect were to halt and reverse the decline in butter consumption by re- ducing the price to the consumer by 14 cents a pound This suggestions was design- ed to increase consumption so that the current production of butter, and over a period of time the butter surplus, will move into consumption in Can- ada. This is a matter that will ar- rest the attention of the govern- ment immediately, and over a period of time, in the study of this suggestion, to ascertain whether this would, in fact, help in the over-all situation as far as the butter surplus is concern- ASK SUPPORT CONTINUE The Federation also suggested that the butter support to the producer be maintained af>the present 64 cents a pound, by means of deficiency payments. A further recommendation in this @rea was to see that there is no expansion of manu- facturing milk production be- yond approximately 1961 levels, until such time as the present critical surplus situation is cor- rect ed. They dealt with subjects such as the grain and western in- come assistance, national trans- portation, also emergency and disaster loans to farmers, mar- keting policy, and rural develop- ment. The brief presented by the Canadian Federation of Agricul- ture is usually based on good reasoning and the government pays a great deal of attention to their recommendations. Many of the programs that have been instituted by governments have been as a direct result of the submissions made by the Feder- ation. INCREASE ASSISTANCE The House of Commons has mow considered and passed the increase in Old Age Pensions from $55 to $65 a month, the increase in Blind Persons' Al- lowances, on the same basis,| Disabled Persons' Allowances) and Old Age Assistance. All of these pieces of legislation are now in the senate for considera- tion by that body. It is hoped that it will not be too long before these increases can be | ESTIMATES fairs has introduced two resolu- tions that are being consideed by members of the House of Commons. One is to amend the Civilian War Pensions and Al- lowances Act to permit the pay- ment of allowances, similar to those provided for veterans and their dependants under the War Veterans Allowances Act, 1952, to surviving former members and to certain dependants of deceased members of a number of civilian groups of Canadians who made outstanding voluntary contributions to the war effort during World War I and World War II under difficult and dan- gerous conditions This will bring about a situa- tion that has been advocated for many years and will cover not been recipients of pensions and allowances up until the pres- ent time CLARIFY ACT Another resolution introduced by the minister of veterans af- fairs is to amend the Children of War Dead (Education Assist- ance) Act, to clarify the defini- tion of "'student'"'; to extend the benefits under the Act to cer- tain classes of children; to ex- tend in certain cases the edu- cation-assistance period; to ex- tend in the case of particular students the age limit at which all benefits will cease; to accept a student for assistance under the Act where his education has been interrupted by ill health or other good cause; and to in- crease the rate of allowances. The minister pointed out that this resolution deals with an- other important act in the vet- erans' charter. This act was in- tended to provide opportunities for advanced education to a child of a member of the forces who lost his life while on ser- vice during the Second World War, or afterwards from a cause deemed to be related to his war-time service, or directly attributable to subsequent peacetime service. This resolu- tion also will be of great help to the dependants of war vet- erans TABLED The 196263 estimates have now been tabled in the House of Commons. An item under the Department of Public Works is of interest to us as it pro- vides for an expenditure of $162,000 for harbor improve- ments at the Oshawa Harbor. Legislation is rolling through the House of Commons at a fair- ly rapid rate. However, there are some 17 items on the Order included in the monthly cheques} of those who are affected. | The minister of veterans af-| Paper still to be considered and no doubt more will be added as the days go by Hospital Fund Tops $300,000 AJAX--Donations and pledges for the Ajax and Pickering General Hospital building fund ave passed the $300,000 mark, eampaign headquarters an- mounced today. While $301,610 has been re- eeived, the total increases daily with donations and pledges from industry, clubs and indi- viduals across the hospital serv- pg The canvass objective Many residents who have not been canvassed have mailed pledges to campaign headquar- ters at the hospital's nurses' residence. The need for resi- dential canvassing in the area, particularly in Bay Ridges, still A number of organizations in the area will be staging special events to raise hospital funds. The hospital's Women's Auxil- jary has announced that the Hon. Michael Starr, Minister of Labor, will be a judge for the annual spring dance at the Com- - eed Centre in Ajax, March The Campaign Queen contest will feature entries from many area clubs. They wil! be judged on three scores --community work, homemaking ability, and poise and personality. Close to 500 people are expected to at- tend the semi-formal dance. Ajax Rotary Club has an- nounced it will stage Spring Flaws--an evening of satire and parody at Ajax High School on March 16. Receipts will be used for the club's hospital pledge. Rotarians Chuck Walker and George Lawrence are produc- ing the show, which will be di- rected by Dave Wordley. The Eastern Star, Ontario Chapter, is holding a spring fashion show at Pickering Dis- trict High School on March 10. Tickets are available from hos- Dital campaign headquarters and lodge members Other forthcoming events are a presentation of Hundel's Mes- siah by a 100-memb Ajax many of those persons who have} Sits records list few snows in South Dakota history heavier oo this one | (AP Wirephoto) OBITUARIES |WILLIAM (FRED) BARNETT He was the son of the late Ste- Requiem mass was sung in|phen John Honey and Nattie St. Bernadette's Roman Catho-|McMurtry and married the lie Church, Ajax, at 9.30 a.m.,/former Leah Hutchinson in Bow- today, for William (Fred)/manville about 50 years ago Barnett of Beachview avenue,| Prior to his retirement about Pickering Beach. ong 0 years ago, the deceased was} was in St. Francis de Saler/a farmer in Bowmanville fr~ ~ Cemetery. number of years and also was Mr. Barnett died suddenly atja construction worker. He we: Port. Perry Friday evening, Feb.|a member of the United Church 16. in Bowmanville He is survived by his wife,) Surviving besides his wife, are the former Clare Manning: twc\a daughter, Marian (Mrs. Pew') daughters, Mrs. J Blaier (Glor-|Kelly) of Port Credit and one ia), of Ajax and Carol of Pick-| granddaughter, Nancy. ering Beach and four sons,! Two sisters, Alma (Mrs. W. G. Robert, 'Ernest, Donald and|Werry) and Nellie (Mrs. H. S. Alec of Pickering Beach. Barrie), both of Bowmanville Also surviving are a brother, | and a brother, George A Leonard Barnett of Hamilton. |Honey, of Fenelon Falls, also} MRS. MARIAN M. BROMEDY SUrvive, A resident of the Whitby and, .1ne funeral service win al Brooklin area all her life, Mrs \Chapel howmanville, Wednes- Marian May Bromwell died at a Web. al at 2 pelle Tetar-| Fairview Lodge, Whitby. .Sun-iment will be in Bowmanville| day, Feb. 18. The deceased, Cemetery | who had a short illness, was ir) ~ | her 80th year. JAMES ALFRED KEAYS | A daughter of the late John, Following an illness of six |Blair and Janet Imrie, Mrs./weeks, James Alfred Keays, 19) |Bromell was born in Rrooklim Westmount street, died at the| jand was married to Edmund|OQshawa General Hospital Sun-| |Bromell (deceased) there '"\day, Feb. 18. The deceased, a 1907. She was a member of son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Whitby United Church William Keays, was in his 63rd Surviving are two daughters, year Marjorie and Marian of Whitbv |" Mr. Keays, a resident of Osh-| and one sister, Mrs. M. Blair of awa for the past 28 years, was| Greenbank, Ont. ; born in Baldern, Ont., Nov. 18,| The funeral service will be|jg99 and. married the former| held at the W. C. Town Fvneral|pisie May Ennis on June 99 | Chapel Wednesday, Feb. 21, at 1927, in Perth, Ont. 2 p.m. Rev. John Smith, minis-| The deceased, an employee of| ter of Whitby United Church,|General Motors for 28 years, re-| will conduct the service. Inter-| cided in Perth, before coming to| ment will be in Groveside|gchawa. He was a member of Cemetery, Brooklin. St. George's Anglican Church. Besides his wife, Mr. Keays Fagg aby at bac psoas jis survived by two daughters, / \Mrs. Jeffrey Fry (Willi) of! nea Minera ---. pe Bede Pickering and Mrs. John Gregg | day, Feb. 17. She was in her (Audrey) of Brooklin. One bro-| ther, Fred Keays, of California, 93rd year. She had been in poor . Ad health for a year USA, along with a grandson James Gregg also survives. He s. ; Ww , Mag iy ng Pee 22 Lee was predeceased by a brother, She had. resided in London,|Murray in 1934. will be mer Saskatchewan Premier T. C. based on a diversified group, | with it myself." through legislation." The memorial service will be des nitely not true". Mr. Argue, defeated for the NDP national leadership by for- (Tommy) Douglas, at the NDP founding convention last August in announcing his resignation said 'the NDP has become the tool of a small labor clique and is effectively under the clique's! domination and control." Mr. Pilkey said the NDP is representing all the young peo- ple. He said the party was founded on that basis and party supporters do not think any one segment should control the par- CELEBRATING THEIR an- nual Charter Night Banquet and Governor's Visit of the Kiwanis Club of Ajax on Fri- day in the Community Centre were the following Kiwanian ty. A labor leader himself, Mr. Pilkey, said "if I thought per- sonally, that a small labor group was going to run the NDP I would be disagreeing Locally, he said, the NDP rid- ing association is made up from people of all walks of life. No one group controls the associa- tion, he said . | "This,"' he said, "is true ac- ross the country. All one has to do is check the NDP national! officers to find the majority 0% the national executive is out- side the labor movement" "Naturally," he added, "labor is going to present a strong voice within the New Democra- tic Party. Labor has many problems that cannot be res- olved at the bargaining tables and these problems can be resolved by government, } Anglican Church, will conduct the service. Interment will be in Mount Lawn Cemetery. FUNERAL OF W. DOUGLAS EVANS Funeral services for W. Douglas Evans, who died at the home of his sister, Mrs. A. S. Ross, 300 Rossland road east, Wednesday, Feb. 14, were held from the McIntosh-Anderson Fu- neral Home, Saturday, Feb. 17, at 1 p.m Rev. R. B. Milroy, minister jof Knox Presbyterian Church, conducted the services. Inter- ment followed in Little Lake Ce- metery, Peterborough Pallbearers were Ray Haller- an, Dr. R. E. Cox, Edward Armstrong, John Preston, C. {Dempsey and W. O. Hart Lebanon -Lodge, No. 139, AF and AM, under the direction of Worshipful Master Dr. S George Werry, held a Masonic Service at the funeral home, Friday at 7.30 p.m. | FUNERAL OF MRS. ISABELLA FRASER The memorial service for Mrs, Isabella Fraser, who died at Hillsdale Manor Thursday, Feb. 15, in her 76th year, was held at the Armstrong Funeral Chapel Saturday, Feb. 17 at 1.30 | | } Ont., for many years. Her hus- band was the late Harry For- rester. She was a member of the First Church of 'Christ (Dis- ciples), London. Surviving relatives are two daughters, Mrs. Frank Stone (Given), of Malibu, Cal., and Mrs. Lewis Johnston (Nora), of | held at the Armstrong Funeral a.m. Interment will be in Elm-| wood Cemetery, Perth, Ont.! (3:30 p.m.). | The Rebekah Lodge will hold a service at the funeral home at 7:15 p.m, today | |Chapel Tuesday, Feb. 20, at 10\conducted the Rev. H. A. Mellow, minister of Northminster United Church, service. Inter- ment was in Oshawa Union) Cemetery. | Pallbearers were John Salter,| Roy Salter, George Salter, Doug Sager, George Burke and Wal- ter Alexander At Lunch held Sunday when the boys of the Bowmanville Trainin School were by The Alger Press, Carter, Jeavens Motor pany, 'Poronto. There re several BTS Party Entertained A deiightful luncheon was guests at Hotel Genosha. The luncheon was sponsored Limited. and The Oshawa Times and the guest speaker was Maurice Com- t guests present, all of whom were loud in their praise of the work done sver a long. number of years by "Mel" Smith who has championed the "'Sunday School of the Air" since the early '30's. Mr. Smith was chairman of the luncheon. Rev. Harry A. Mellow, pastor of Northminster United Church, Oshawa and Mrs. Mellow were present. Mr. Mellow endorsed the work being done on behalf of the guests from the training schoo] Those seated at the head table were: S. R. Alger, Mr. and Mrs. John Bain of the Bow- manville Training School, Ald. Gordon Attersley, acting mayor; the speaker, Maurice Carter, who is also vice-president of the Central Lions Club of Tor- onto and the boys' work of the Canadian National Institute of the Blind, T. D. Thomas, MPP, Mr. and Mrs Mellow and Gor- don Garrison i |; i Toronto, Markham, Dunbarton, Pickering, Lindsay, Peterborough, North Peter- ough, Belleville, Westmount and Whitby. ors and guests to Ajax was His Parish who noted that the Ajax Kiwanis Club had played an important part in the commun- ity over the past year in civic work and service projects. TRANSPORT PRAISED viding senior citizens to and from the Friendship Club meetings. ernor group, Lt.-Gov. Harold Anstey said that he had been a Ki- wanian since 1949 and a great asset stretched Marie to St. Johns, Newfound- land. dignitaries. Left. to right are past governor, Bob Stroud; past governor, Walter Howell; Governor of OQM District, Frank Summer- hayes; Ajax Kiwanis Club president, Stuart Copping; Lt. Governor Harold Anstey and past governor, Bert Coulter. The banquet, celebrating the first birthday of the Ajax Kiwanis Club, was attended by Kiwanis Club representa- tives from throughout Divi- sion 6B of the Ontario-Quebec- Maritimes District. --Oshawa Times Photo Ajax Kiwanis Club AJAX (Staff) -- The Kiwanis, Club of Ajax, the town's young-|gan his address est service club, celebrated its|greetings from the distict to first annual Charter Night ban-|Division 6B and said that the quet with the visit of District|division had done more than its Governor Frank Summerhayes on Friday night in the Ajax Community Centre Hall. Close to 100 Kiwanians at- ended, representing clubs from Uxbridge, South Peterborough, Oshawa, Oshawa-| Officially welcoming the visit- Worship Mayor William He said that several of the| Kiwanians contributed a great|competent deal to Ajax by serving on var-|their ideas. ous boards and that the club/ tself had been noted for pro- transport for Ajax In introducing District Gov- Summerhayes to the which Saint to .the district, from Sault CITY AND DISTRICT CHARGES PENDING Arson charges are pending against two Whitby juveniles as a result of the fire at Alger Press Ltd. in Whitby, Saturday afternoon. Sgt. C. Robinson, of the Whitby Police Department, said today that Inspector R. J. Simmons, of the Fire Marshal's Department, had questioned two youths, aged 13 and 14, on Sat- urday night. SPEAKING CONTEST The Women's Christian Tem- perance Union is sponsoring a public speaking contest for at 135 Celina street and not at 205 Celina street as previously stated. ciation reports debits to indivi- dual bank accounts in Oshawa in January of this year totalled $278,300,000. The figure for De- cember, 1961 was $264, 600,000; while that for January 1961 was $301,800,000 BANK DEBITS The Canadian Bankers' Asso- CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SUBJECT Governor Summerhayes _be- by _ bringing share of Kiwanian work in the District. He paid tribute to Past Gov- ernors, Bert and Gord Coulter, Walter Howell, Bob Stroud and Ed Horton, who he said had contributed much to the organ- ization. In his message he said that the extent of Kiwanian respon- sibilities was governed by the world. "Tt is a very small world," he said, "in which man's ideas travel much faster than ever before and the d of con- 'Has Charter Night Coulter and Mrs. Coulter; Lt.- Governor Harold Anstey; Gov- ernor Frank Summerhayes and Mrs. Summerhayes; Stuart Copping, president of the Ajax Club and Mrs. Copping; His Worship Mayor William Par- ish and Mrs. Parish; Past Governor Bob Stroud; Captain Waywell of the Ajax Salvation Army Corps and Mrs. Waywell; Peter Woolley, ist vice-presi- og of the Club and Mrs. Wool- ley. The 1962 officers of the Ki- wanis Club of Ajax are: Stuart Copping, _ president; Fred Ainsworth, past president; Peter Woolley, ist vice-presi- dent; Ernest Martin, 2nd vice- president; Jack Gorman, sec- flicting ideas is much more dangerous than ever before." Gvo. Summerhayes said that education was more widespread today and that there were more people to discuss "The danger lies in what peo- ple do with their ideas" he said. In speaking of the Kiwanians' responsibility in a world with conflicting ideas, the speaker maintained that they retain their individual! responsibilities. Kiwanians should apply the highest moral and spiritual val- ues in every relationship, he continued. "In the home we must know the place of our young people and help. create a climate in which they can develop as good citizens," he said. Gov. Summerhayes said that all Kiwanians should encourage vocational guidance and train- ing as part of their responsi- bility to young people. Likewise, he said, Kiwanis should maintain the same re- sponsibilities to the mentally ill, the physically handicapped and the senior citizens in their communities. HEAD TABLE GUESTS The head table seating was as follows: Ernie Martin, 2nd_vice-presi- dent of the Ajax Club and Mrs. retary; Eric LeMaistre, trea- surer and directors: Ray Ash- ley, Jack Bignell, Don Ains- worth, William Nash, Bert Bal- dry, Carl Beynon and William Noris. OPP Cruiser Damaged In 3-Car Crash BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- About $400 worth of damage was done to a Provincial Police cruise Saturday night when it was involved in a three-car colli- sion about four miles north of Bowmanville. Driver of the cruiser, Con- stable Peter DenHoed of the Bowmanville Detachment report- ed there were no injuries. Laurie Thompson, RR 2, Orono, was another driver of one of the vehicles involved in the accident. James Donalald Hinkson, 18, RR 4, Oshawa, was charged with careless driving in con nection with the accident. Constable Kenneth Suddard of Martin; Past Governor Walter Howell; Past Governor Bert the Bowmanville OPP investi- gated the accident. The nature of true happiness London, one son, John Hinden Woodman, of Oshawa, one sis- ter Mrs. Ward Bubar (Edith), of Scarborough, 17 grandchildren FUNERAL OF WALTER HENRY LANGMAID The funeral service for Wal- ter Henry Langmaid who died at his farm home Tuesday, Feb. 13, was held at the W. C. Town Funeral Chapel at 2 p.m., Friday, Feb. 16 Rev. John Smith, minister of and|the Whitby United Church, con- ducted the service. Interment was in Oshawa Union Ceme- |FREDERICK JOSEPH WHITE) A resident of Oshawa since 1921, Frederick Joseph White, ; 198 Oshawa boulevard south, and 32 great-grandchildren : The funeral will be held from|died at the Oshawa General the George Logan Funera]|Hospital Sunday, Feb. 18. The Home, London, Ont. The funer-deceased, who had been in al service will take n'ac> 'n '--|Po0r_ health for the past 10) Chapel Tuesday, Feb. 20, at 3/Years, was in his 74th vear p.m. The service will he con- A son of the late Mr. ducted by Rev. Dr. B. Eckhart,/Mrs. Walter J. White, he wa- was brought out Sunday, Feb. young people in St. Andrew's Sunday School tomorrow night. Medals will be awarded to the winners of five different groups and prizes will be presented for the best Sunday School essays on Temperance. QUELL AUTO FIRE Firemen were called to ex- tinguish a car fire at 74 King Street West, early Sunday mor- ning. The fire is believed to have started in the front seat of the car. No estimate of dam- WRONG ADDRESS age was reported. City ambu- Robert Peter Brant, who pleaded guilty to a charge of ing the 24-hour period ending 18, at Christian Science Church lances answered five calls dur-|-- COMING EVENTS ra tathad, Wat eee] RUMMAGE SALE February 19, 8 p.m. Refreshments, at C.R.A. prizes, admission 50 cents. Proceeds TUESDAY, FEB: 20th 1:30 P.M. Cerebral Palsy School and Clinic. Sponsored by St. Paul's Guild NIGHT of Cards, Legion Hall, Centre Street, on February 20, at 8 p.m. Price 50c, including refreshments, special prizes. Under auspices Ladies Auxil- jary, Royal Canadian Legion Branch 3. minister of the First Church o7|born at Battersea, England, Christ (Disciples). Interment SePt. 19, i and say Sol me will be in the Mount. Pleasant|(Ormer argaret Clements, Cemetery, London. jNov. 18, 1911 | Mr. White had been a resi- FREDERICK C. HONEY ident of Canada since 1913 and A lifelong resident of Bow-|lived in Whitby prior to his com- manville, Frederick Georgeling to Oshawa. The deceased Honey, died following a short/retired in 1945 after working illness at the Bowmanville Me-|with General Motors and Pedlar morial Hospital Monday, Feb.|People Limited for short periods 19. He was in his 78th year. of time. Mr. Honey was born on the| He was a member of Branch Honey Farm, in Bowmanville. 438, the Royal Canadian Le- gion and served with the 116th Battalion during the First World War. He was predeceased by_ his wife on Sept. 25, 1958. Surviving are five daughters. Mrs. Norval Allan (Jean) of Oshawa, Mrs. Fred Herbert (Margaret) of Oshawa, William Bowring (El- sie) of Sarnia, Mrs. L. Savage (Helen) of Toronto, and Mrs. R. Stewart (Irene) of Oshawa and six sons, Frederick, James, Ernest, Charles, Victor and Donald, all of Oshawa. | PEOPLE EATING MUCH MORE FOOD Research into food ex- penditures shows we're buy- ing it at the rate of $54 billion a year now. Five years ago U.S. families spent only $44.2 billion for food. Get extra cash for fancy groceries or other things tery. Pallbearers were Omer Edge- ly, William Davidson, Jack Beaton, Ivan Law, Dr. C. Mc- Kay and H Down. Curling Club i Is Ransacked "jing evsters is being considere: obstructing in Oshawa Magis- trate's Court last Friday, lived at 8.30 a.m. Monday. OYSTER CLEANER BRIGHTLINGSEA, England| (CP)--A new method of pom" | by the council of this Essex sea- port, which owns extensive oys- ter beds. It invoives treating the eng water with ultra-vio-+ et rays. EYE EXAMINATIONS by cppointment PHONE 723-4191 F, R. BLACK, O.D. 136 SIMCOE ST. NORTH Thieves made off with $190 early Sunday morning after breaking into the Whitby Cur- ling Club. The police said that $80 was taken from two pop coolers, while breaking' open a cigaret machine yielded $90. Another $20 was removed from the cash register. A trophy case rifled. Sixteen lockers in the base- ment were also broken open, but nothing was reported missing from them as yet. Entrance was gained through a side door, which was found Also survivine are a_ sister, Mrs. R. Bird (Mary) of Toron- to, three brothers in England| and 32 grandchildren. | The memorial service will be) held at the Arm&trong Funeral) Chapel Tuesday, Feb. 20, at 2 pom. Rev. Canon Clinton D Cross, rector of St. George's you want with fast acting, 'low cost Oshawa Times Classified ads. Sell the tools, furniture, other things you don't need by dialing 723-3492 today for a helpful Ad Writer. Choir in April, and a dance for local Junior Farmers at Picker- ing District High School on March 24. Worry of FALSE TEETH Slipping or Irritating? Don't be embarrassed by loose false teeth sli; ping or when you eat, talk or laugh. Just & little FASTEETH on your and security by holding plates nore firmly. No gum: , pasty taste (non or feell: ive alkaline. Aid) . Get PASTRETH at any drug coudter, NEW LOW COST TRANSATLANTIC GROUP FARES FOR GROUPS OF 25 PERSONS OR MORE REDUCTIONS UP TO $985 00 BELOW NORMAL JET FARES ' YOUR GROUP MAY QUALIFY For Full Details Call: DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE OSHAWA--WHITBY--BROOKLIN 300 DUNDAS ST. £. WHITBY MO 8-3304 PROFESSIONAL SHAMPOO and SET . 1.50 DONE IN YOUR OWN HOME! BY APPOINTMENT ONLY PHONE 728-9130 AND UP COLD WAVE . | | | | i BINGO ST. GERTRUDE'S AUDITORIUM EVERY MONDAY: NIGHT 690 KING EAST AT FAREWELL GOOD PRIZES KINSMEN SUPER BINGO TUES., FEB. 20th 8 P.M. JUBILEE PAVILION WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE NOS. 50-56 BINGO - TONIGHT -- 8 P.M. EXTRA BUSES RED BARN | HADASSAH RUMMAGE SALE TUESDAY, FEB. 20th, at 144 King St. E. (Downstairs) Good used clothing, uphois- tery remnants, good buys in winter clothing. EASTVIEW PARK TUES., 2 P.M. AND EUCHRE, WED., 8:15 P.M. Refreshments and Prizes ADMISSION 50c SAVE ... 520.00 | | ON AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE WELDER'S CLUB MEETING U.A.W.A. HALL TUES., FEB. 20, 1962 'RUMMAGE SALE GLEN HOME HAPPY WORKERS MONDAY, FEDS 19, 8:00 P.M. GLEN HOME WORKSHOP SIMCOE SOUTH NEXT TO C.N.R. STATION TIME: 7:30 Refreshments BUY LIABILITY INSURANCE Premiums as low as 24.00 per year SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD. See . . . Oshawe's Largest Insurance Office 360 KING ST. W. 723-2265 Canadian Mental Health Association OSHAWA ONTARIO Annual General Meeting WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1962 8:00 P.M. AT THE Y.W.C.A, SPEAKERS Dr. Jan Verhulst, Dr. Charles Jackson * EVERYONE COUNTY BRANCH WILL BE; WELCOME ij