Oshawa Times (1958-), 19 Feb 1962, p. 17

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ment) as pays for CBC. _ _Mr, Farquharson replied,| more than a cup of coffee," he|pondents there are all hard- aes stated. "But the public doesn't;working newspaper men. \OTHERS AGREE think so and until they are will-| On the general calibre of Ca- | 1 N TS Serious ewspape | : | : ing to pay 25 cents for a news-|nadian newspapers and newspa- auielns a tes 'dea a yt eg paper they will get what they/per men, Mr. Berton said: xX ec e O TOs eT ment subsidy for the extension| deserve. ' I think the press of Canada | Coverage by Canadians fromjis a responsible press. By and Is same "hopper" (govern-| THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, Februery 19, 1962 17 of newspaper coverage. | Pet gp olden : ditek. con Washington, Mr. Farquharson|large newspaper men in bgp TORONTO (CP) -- The ten-;more of its newspapers; and to) of foreign news received in . Montreal La Presse, said he peor gp big, ay st Enlil scoe pigs eM Mpg eM dency in North America is . ned virtual | po inl a: peel gr oR ge agencies Of would prefer to see more for- . the more serious newspaper to|"the scoop," wi e J} . leign news coverage throug e prosper and for the sensational|ment of radio and television. IDISCUSSES CP Genadian Phen" ada perhaps paper to.decline, several speak-| Pierre Berton, Toronto Star} SI aki bout The Canadian/Mewspapers should supply it! # : ers stated at the weekend win-|columnist, said many publishers| , PC@N\n& Boou' Oe vanadian ith inore money. Linked with ter conference of the Canadianlare operating "on habit" and|Press. the co - operative news-| bsid Institute on Public Affairs \still emphasizing 'worn out" gathering association of Cana-| Mr. Blakely felt a subsidy c di wth The conference subject was|frothy features, while the public cine daily porgaress. sgh would be a "dangerous innova- anaaian gro The Press and the Public andjis expecting reporting "in ood ay ir ge ipa eee tion," adding that CBC's great- and roaress criticisms were expressed of al-|depth."" Re 2 Tcited States, sta Meuthed alest weakness is the possibility prog nea Red geen ee mente netananer"" they dunt Britain, Arthur Blakely, chief of that its grant may be cut or not ecavny, Many ho made uplmean a "dull newspaper." Injthe Montreal Gazette's Ottawa increased as fast as desirable. hades ed ata aa a ahi bureau, said: He felt it unfair to be critical the speakin anel. this area newspapers were : : ; P red "Its most serious weakness is/of newspapers in regard to for- The consensus appeared to be|charged with stressing the voice). 4 ous W | } that the press has improved but|of the established forms of so-|in the foreign field. _leign coverage unless the finan- probably not fast enough. |ciety, whether it be government,| Mr. Berton commented that it|cial angle was considered. No id s R. A. Farquharson, former|business, labor, or the local lad-jis supported by the newspapers| .; : newspaper editor who now isjies' aid, and not giving enough|"and they don't give it enough ee cain Oe COMPANIES ,bLimited minister - counsellor, Canadian/jattention to the unorthodox. money," | Mr. Bert ented that embassy, Washington, stated: | Mr, Berton said the worst] Mr. Farquharson said CP), ake ane. os must spine "There has been a steady im-jfeature of Canadian papers injhas offices in Washington, New| money ane the newspapers that provement in the quality of the|general is that "they lack dar-|/York and London and regretted) ont for worthwhile purposes product, but I doubt if the pro-jing and imagination and literary|that it had no steady represen- " FIGHT ARSON ATTEMPT gress has been as fast as thelstyle." There was nothing injtation in Paris. In this regard,| Vr the ones that would sur development of world complica-|/English - speaking Canada forjhe added, CBC moves faster. | Nelson, B.C., firefighters | nex of city's old provincial ; bomb. Terrorists tunnelled |tions. Newspapers are cil con- con ge 'A compare with Le} Ken McTaggart of the Toroena| WS See Preseed sane Q oe ; i through jail compound to |fusing rather than clarifying. evoir of Montreal. Telegram, speaking from the| However, eves a stemmen esha | cathe itunes isa start blaze. Jail holds 30 ic7pEs REASONS Discussion at-Sunday's closing|audience, asked Mr. Farquhar- would be solved if the public GASOLINES e MOTOR OILS ' two - hour session, of which one|son whether he favors payment|Paid a proper price for newspa- Sons of Freedom Doukhobors | The turn towards the more ' ; .|pers. newspaper was. vari- hour was televised by CBC,|for Canadian newspaper repre e | awaiting trial on terrorist |serious 1 ; | oe 4 a eae ner lb wen | errorist Method | charges. lously attributed to a more in- dealt at length with the amount/|sentation in other countries from! 'I think a newspap' | --(CP Wirephoto) |formed public that was asking Shown Reporters | sHop and SAVE at ALGIERS (CP) -- Four gun-|member of the Foreign Legion, | brandishing members of the sec-| probably a deserter. ret army marched boldly into} "Wwe are prepared to die to an Algiers hotel during the|keep Algeria French," one of weekend and gave foreign COr-/the younger ones said. "We're Sages Wiens ar ce es! ~-- SUPERMARKET : a , '- from taking over Africa." | Y Z The four strode into the ma-| The captain seemed entirel ' [2 : > hogany - panelled Cintra Bar 'sities nar He slammed hie 174 RITSON S$. -- OPEN DAILY TIL 10 P.M. 4 ; of the Aleppi Hotel and de-|tist on the counter and said: : livered an ultimatum ronch|. "You talk to me about fight: BUTTER FIRST GRADE - 65° | fF . Blazers for Boys and Girls chunky, grey : "captal vas sitting iN8 communism. I fought the} army captain who was sittt = Communists in Korea and In- alone. r ; | TULIP : ; é ie 2 S ' eae ; taut |dochina when you were just a 4 | 00 : ih They said their mission was|docning Wh MARGARINE us. 1, ) : : Available only at EATON'S to recruit the captain for the right - wing Secret Army Or-/EXTENDS DEADLINE | CHRISTIE'S r] : : ; ganization. As correspondents! The argument lasted from| BREAD LOAVES fe : ak VAS : watched, they crowded round|shortly before: midnight Satur- md) 4 cog' : 4 Smart, nicely tailored blazers for school or 'best' the captain in a scene straight|/qay until 1:30 a.m. Before leav- YOUR Re : : ' out of some melodramatic cow- ing, the German came over to CIGARETTES CHOICE CTN. gD, : { |.» « warm Melton cloth blazer in Navy blue with at At me and said he had orders to} : crisp white piping down the front and at the cuffs. "All right, kill me," shouted/ shoot the captain, but he thought| TA ONTARIO 50-LB. 99° ; -- salad the captain, opening his army|we would give him another 24! BAG a ' Sizes 3 to 6x. jacket. hours to make up his mind. rp a Be paket CHOICE \ Ne . tam unarmed. -- gp, ahead! ) BOILING FOWL:t'. uv. 29° es : | EATON Price, and _ shoot. s ST: times you wanted to do it." | ivsck A. When (LIMIT 12 TO A CUSTOMER) rr CRYING -- /Rt. Rev. Neville Clarke, suffra-| , : a R LEVEL, 210 PHONE 725-7373 No shots were fired. At one | y j } : : EATON'S UPPE . DEPT. 21 - point the two youngest intrud- agi gg peer ania beige SHOP and SAVE DAIL at | . ---- . ers, both apparently local resi- ; A detis. ig ge i Anglican Church of the Epip- 9 The group was led by a man|hany here, the assistant was his wearing the rosette of the Le-|son John, a first year theology gion of Honor. Second in com-|student at Huron College of the| FREE DELIVERY on Orders of 10.00 or Over NEW SPRING STYLES mand was a German former|University of Western Ontario.' on) 4 i b : AND PATTERNS IN SPORT SHIRTS For Boys 2-button pop-over style; with long sleeves, breast pocket; patterns in blue, green or brown. Not illustrated Plain button-front; with button-down collar, long sleeves; neat stripes of brown, green and red. Both styles are roomy-cut for good fit (order correct size for this reason); are washable; and have long tails for secure tuck-in. 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