inch-Hitters Capture rewin Trophy Bonspiel By GEO. H. CAMPBELL A rink of "pinch-hitters,"' four curlers who consented to "'fill in" when the bonspiel commit- tee found themselves faced with a late entry cancellation, came ¥ up with three splendid victory ~% games to "take it all" in the § annual Dr. G. Trewin Memo- rial Trophy mixed bonspiel, at 7% The Oshawa Curling Club on Saturday. "Bev" Smith, piano-playing skip of the "volunteers", tuned up his rink to score three wins with a point total of 22-plus-3, only two shots short of "'the pos- sible' 24 count. Other mem- bers of the quartet included Shirley Farndale, a Whitby recruit, ""Waddy" Oke and wife Ethel, as vice-skip. CALENDAR TODAY'S GAMES HOCKEY Oshawa Junior Assoc.--(Ban- tam League Round-Robin Play- offs) -- "A'? Group -- Candian Tire vs Local 205, at 5.00 p.m.; Local 1817 vs Scugog Cleaners, at 6.00 p.m. and Civitan vs Houdaille at 7 p.m. "B'" Group -- B'Nai B'Rith vs Local 2784, at 8.00 p.m. and Westmount Kiwanis vs Coca Cola, at 9.00 p.m.; All games at Oshawa Children's Arena. OHA Lakeshore Intermediate League -- Napanee at Port Hope, 8.30 p.m. and Lindsay at Bowmanville, 8.30 p.m. Ontario Minor Assoc, Playoffs --Oshawa Pee Wee All-Stars Peterborough, at Peterborough Civic Arena, 7.00 p.m. ad Osh- awa Midget All-Stars vs Peter- borough Midgets, at Peterbo- rough Civic Arena, 8.30 p.m.; Both 2nd games of 2-out-of-3 series. SPORTS._| By GERRY BLAIR Ray Reeson, goaitender for Whitby Consumer's Gas Juven- iles, weathered a ferocious bar- rage by the classy Marlboro Whitby Mohawks, yesterday at Maple Leaf Gardens but still |came out on the short end of a /6-1 count. Without his brilliant manouevres, the Marlboro total {would have easily been in the double figures. It was the third- straight loss for Whitby. Reeson's defence provided lit- tle support as Gary Jarrett, Dune McDonald, Brian Conach- er and Ron Ellis repeatedly made a shambles of them. forwards in his first attempt as : Junior "'A" hockey with the ; THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, Februery 19, 1962 4] Marlboros Maul y Mohawks they pulled away from the "Seven-Ups, for a 7-1 victory. _ After a scoreless first period, »they pulled away ftom the Seven-Ups with three in the second period and four in the i . . Any possible chance of Whitby overtaking the runner-up Mariboros was # nullified by yesterday's result. The Mohawks, with only four) games remaining in the regular schedule, trail the "Baby Leafs'"' by 10 points. _ The same situation holds true for Mariboros. St. Mikes, on top munity Arena next Saturday, night, February 24... . Their final home game is on the fol:" lowing Tuesday, February against Brampton. , WHITBY -- Goal, Reeson;. defence: McCullough. Carnegies: Tripp, Wright; forwards: Luke, Smith, Weller, Tran, Butler, Dowe, Shearer, Kowalski, Flet« cher and Bishop. . MARLBOROS -- Goal, Dry* den; defence: Houston, Hoff: man, Ridley, Chipehase; fore Moore, McDonald, Milroy, Jar® rett, Ellis, Harbaruk. Ferguso and Mercier. * First Period £ 1. Marlboros: Milroy (Jarrett, Conacher) 18.00 Penalties -- Houston 12.18, |Shearer 14.01, Kowalski 18.37, Skond Period ' | 2, Marlboros: Jarrett (Milroy, McDonald) .. 3.38 3. Marlboros: Jarrett 4 (Milroy, McDonald) 10.07 Penalties -- Smith 1.41, Rid- of the Metro circuit, cannot be dislodged by the Marlies. In the race for fourth and final play-off spot, between Brampton and ley 11.16, Mercier 16.25, Rid ley 19.33. Third Period Marlboros: Conacher 4. 4.11 Unionville, the Seven Ups main-| 5. Whitby: Fletcher t ? ' tain a three-point bulge with! (Shearer, Kowalski) . 9.17 - four games left, while the Sea-| 6. Marlboros: McDonald forths have five tiits remain-| (Jarrett, Milroy) .... 10.50 : ing. These two clubs meet twice] 7. Marlboros: McDonald more and the outcome of these (Conacher) ..-.++... 18.53 games should tell the story... .} Penalties -- Carnegie 6,14, | The second - place Marlies GAMES FOR TUESDAY [were outguessed on six break- HOCKEY jaways in the third and_ final Oshawa Minor Assoc. --(Juv-|period by the spirited Whitby enile Round-Robin Playoffs) oa reese pg "a poled é , iry y .jani, whe is out wi gro! Donid'e. cute it Mee jury. | [eoenny night the Mohawks;/Kowalski 9.58, Ridiey 13.38, dren's: Arena. , | It was proven rather notably|Jarrett on both of his goals.|move into Unionville, then host/Houston 15.11, McDonald 15.44, | | Py aes aie tence OHA Junior "A" Metro Lea.|that taking penalties against|Brian Conacher, another stand-|St. Mikes at the Whitby Com- Wright 17.48, Hoffman 19.44. They started off with a "doubled" 12-6 over Norm Allen's rink in the opening game, came on to pull the major upset of the day, a 'six- end against Bobby Walker's powerful entry, that climaxed a 13-4 win and then in the final game, the new trophy-winnets whipped Wm. Treadway's Scar- borough foursome 13-3. | Ei Bi ietleite Si: GARY JARRETT PETERBORO Mrs. G. D, Clark, | Doug Chamberlain,/ Mrs. Chamberiain,' Grant Clark, skip OSHAWA Mary Pollard, Elmer Poliard, 'Jan' Miller, Bill Miller, skip WHITBY Eleen Philp, Howard Philp, Gwen Kemp, Don Kemp, skip ORILLIA 'Flo' Smith, OSHAWA { OSHAWA Norma Smith, 'Marj Tribble, Reg Smith, Bucky' Luke, Edith. Ewart, Marion Campbell, Jim Ewart, Geo. Campbell, skip 13; TRENTON RCAF jlrene Fletcher, Frank Fletcher, Paule Philip; Roy Philip, skip 9; OSHAWA * Helen Nichol 'Dean McLaughlin, ;' Brenda Calhoun, * Ewart Nichol, *) skip 9; LINDSAY . D. James, skip WHITBY Flo' Lott Harry Lott, Eileen Betts, Hugh Betts, skip Game Dr. Harding, T. Carruthers, 'Al' Hall Hugh Betts, Norm Allen, Jack Elliott, : 12; R. Riseborough, 2 13; Bob Walker, : Second-Half Splurge 10 Hawks, 12; Second Game Bert James, 6; Geo. Campbell Jack Beaton, 9; E. Nichol, J. Merrick, 8; Bert Vance, Don Kemp, 10; Wally \ Grant Clark, 14; Ted Carter, il Ail 13; Harv ton, 5. . Fred" Kite 8; AY Robin, s,\{hey haven't lost since Dece 8(W); Ray Philip, 8(L). ber 14th and it was also th i 7 | "§ I | t ont for the Marlies,| i i i i " Ok f th inni ink, |8Ue -- Whitby Mohawks vs Un- "py ae Whitby de a aadel's pe leton plus two as-| TREWIN TROPHY (Mixed | derby champions to win this | dy" Oke, of the winning rink. jonville. Seatorthe, at Unionville |spells disaster, itby dew six) a 8 | NORTH PLANT HOCKEY 7 on 7 "ni ie fi t P 1 classic, Left-to-right | Other members are Mrs. pi '\minor penalties and Turkj|sists. DESERVED THANKS -- __| Bonspiel) winners for the | annual classic. a aoe, | (Ethel) Oke and Miss Shirley |8:39 p.m. |Broda's glowing group scored) Whitby's lone tally came At the trophy presentation, 1961-62 season at the Oshawa | are shown, "Bill Trewin, Farndale, Skip "Bev" Smith BASKETBALL jfour times. On the other hand,|from Brian Fletcher midway| ti 'i following the day's play, mixed) Cypjing Club was a post- | formerly of this city and now | was unable to be present x : Distric ..,|Whitby held a man advantage|taking a perfect relay pass! 5 | P Oshwa and District Industrial : ' bonspiel committee chairman " resenting | w i bee, : d sometimes two, on six oc-|from centre Julie Kowalski. Ken Conlin, on behalf of the| entry that went to "the gate' | of Peterborough, presenting | when the picture was taken. |League -- Coca Colas vs Stu- | sO "a ped ; 'i thee al tn. the coeang Sana. the . other members of his commit-| at long odds but sprinted like | the Trewin Trophy to '"Wad- | Oshawa Times Photo ent Engineers, at Simcoe aloes ut faile s! y Mohbwka outhuntika:Masieeus| : : tee, Fred Kitchen and Ed 00 p.m. gat oni cng sou ibut still were outscored 1-0 St T ed W th D ] t e, : pts Mi sgah OR ane G ut still were outscore: ' soey, mel the thie wives era Oshaws tink with s score), Coo Jano Gay Miloy and Dun| SHORT NOTES -- Attend, ay l l up ate pointed out that in consenting/of 15 plus 6; Wm. Treadway's N. Mott, BURGLAR'S DOWNFALL =| .3n McDonald was a feature ofjance was 5.040, the largest| _ ----o the a tg? Ad eg vipa bok ala rn 7 Gavvutters BELGRADE, Yugoslavia/the game. They accounted forjcrowd for strictly a Metro Jun-| As the schedule draws to ajout Don Cochrane, Dunn's seem ne eae to 'ig bonsniel Feige ager regu eich oka danRcoeaae R ' 4.(AP)--A burglar at Knjazevacifive of the six goals, with Jar-|io "A" twin-bill. In the open-|close, Kinloch's seem to be less| jinxed. special thanks of the pale ville rink with a score of 6 OSHAWA knows now that liquor and safe-|rett and McDonald scoring two|ing game, St. Michael's College|undefeatable. In a fast game,/HOY'S NIP ACADIANS committee and so it was a mat: points and an aggregate total of Mrs. G. Goulding cracking don't mix. He took too}each. Jarrett and McDonald|Majors employed similar tac-\the Trimmers kept pace with} Although out of playoff con- ter of special pleasure to see 26, which beat out Burt Harri-'John Morrison, many nips during a night-time|also picked up two assistsjtics against the Brampton) the well - conditioned Kinlochitention, Hoy P u thein emerge as winners of the f Peterborough, with 6 Mrs. R. Mann, : ; ' 5 : : ae M)-the we onditioned Kinloch|tention, Hoy Pavers and Aca n ge as Tite tli co en Eat Sheps. job and was awakened in the apiece and Gary Milroy, be-/Seven-Ups, for a 7-1 victory./team and also managed to be|dian Cleaners played a close day's top laurels. In addition to points and aggregate of 21. skip 10 8.:morning by police. lsides his lone marker, aided|After a scoreless first period,| 6-5 he fi ' the trophy and first prizes, the) wiph one-win prizes in the Second | ee : _ --_----___- seug ripen be the tune ha Me saga rst -- ended four members of the winning *atank or ieee er , W. Treadway, 15 7-1. Going ahead fast, Trimmers|3-2 for Acadians. Bob Miller, rink received individual minia- ea ee ee at E. Sharpe, |held a 4-0 lead by the eight-|/Don Walley and Garry Dods- ture trophies, suitably en- Nora Allen skiewine They had Nel Seesi es minute mark of the first period|worth each got singles for Aca- raved. ; . a " "ana (Burt Hi and never looked back. |dians. For Hoy's Bob Clarke and eym. Trewin, donor of the on 8 plus 5 for their one Mac Kinlooh's seored early in the bag Meclionaia scored. Early "Trewin Trophy,". in makin : : cy live eT a second, This rocked Trimmers|in the second period, Bill Howes the eressnlatien to the eenere | In the 11.00 0 clock draw, Bev 5 Third Game Cec. Hickson, Ralph Smith, | 5 e land they scored three more|and Rolly Jackson scored for echoed these thoughts and see, a pee Pairs al Carruthers, 9; R: Riseborough, + Bisson Tat: Cartee, goals, while blanking Kinloch's.|Hoy's. as they went ahead 4-3. voiced mis personn genau to wan * whine af 19 ghsboh Pane Bort | A. = 1 ot ching T" skip skip 4. lI Ki : es aw cS l I } 'etna ee -- hadel ous Or ae Mh all the rinks who had partici- A cas i SL aa " Bob W , 16; Frank Black OSHAWA RICHMOND HILL | F a most succes- , ; icks pated, both Oshawa Club andjPell's Oshawa pee taggh oan Bev. Smith, 13 Treadway, 3. Mrs, G, Lofthouse, Blanche Reid, sful day as he came up with|Claire Watts and Al Cawker to out-of-town entries, and then he 1. sige hail any Wianets with aig No pene Ou Tok Rebikg: "Borie weneé Oshawa netting 45/first half, the Hawks opened up|notched 18 points. He will re-|fine saves against the Kinloch|put them ahead again 5-4 Bill gave special tribute to ther nore of ite : : Jim Ewart, 7; K, MacLuckie, Ab' Robins, " Bert vance," points in a big second half,|a 24-10 lead on good shooting) turn for home games in the OBA|Sharpshooters. Scoring for Trim-|Howes tied the score minutes members of the committee for)* 5° ; n _ 11:00 O'CLOCK DRAW skip skip $:\downed Toronto Parthenon's 74-|by Olinyk, Oldfield and Gunn) ja vqowns, Brent Oldfield fol-|mers were Bob Young, withjlater for Hoy's, then Bob Mac- having conducted, with the co-| High by the apes ae Sch ee uiehinae 60 Saturday night at Donevan|only to see it fade into a mere) os i ig and Tom Olinyk/(%% Charley Burges, Brian/onald scored again to put them operation of ice-maker Joe setaggt A Laentiinags higirabile A siden titchen, : Collegiate, running their win| 29-26 halftime lead. Big fe lit ¢ d Ed Kolod: ddleoe Vic Takach, Doug Mc-|ahead to stay 6-5. Roberts and the assistance of Tink, with a scot 1B * Elgin Munda Sistreak to four-straight games.|George Grozier was responsible) hit for a dozen. Ed Kolodzie and| Phee and Lloyd Tindal with sin- SCHEDULE. ENDING : drawmaster Fred Moss, an| Following are the complete porothy Munday, 3/It was their eighth successive for keeping the Parthenon's so/Fred Reilly had nine apiece for|gles. For the losers, it was Ted| SDULE 4 extremely successful repetition|list-of entries, and their scores: Fred Kitchen, 1.lwin on their. home floor, where|close, as he hit well. He had/the Hawks. Nick Vilani topped|Malloy alone. | Next week sees the end of the of this annual mixed curling : F Sai a aI SHAWA m-|11 points at halftime and Garney|all scorers with 19 for the Par-| : schedule, Although Kinloch's event. | hoig egoitt Phyllis Bates, Gunn had nine for the Hawks./thenons while George Grozier/ DUPLATE HOLDS ON have first place sewn up, there Runners-up to the trophy win- OSHAWA OSHAWA Bill Third Game tenth win in the last 12 games.| Tom Olinyk put the Oshawans| added 17 and Jake Tagner had! With a 5-2 win, Duplate push- |is still a battle for the other ners were four other Oshawa Shirley Ferndale, | Kay Derumaux, Polen aires iseven points in front with two}15. ed a strong Dunn's Tailors|playoff positions. At 1.00 p.m., Club members, the rink of Dor- 'Woddy Oke' else roc emacatlan Re ¥ een Williams, Ken Williams, Ev. gtr'. Ok? oA beth Granik and Bert Granik, skip." skip skies. sss ' j Perry Laurence, who also playing in the 9.00; SCARBORO OSHAWA |Jean 'Lawrence, o'clock draw, scored three wins Mrs. J. Tuff, Merlee Lawrence, |}4-k Beaton, : . s u has. White, "i and a point total of 16 plus 2, rh Laat eemennean pe Renwick: skip after winning their first game!wm. Treadway, Jack Elliott, on a nip-and-tuck extra end. skip skip 3 OSHAWA PETERBORO THREE-GAME WINNERS Mrs, E.7B, Vesey, Mrs. B. Davison, = i i 'Rich' Vesey, Fred Stinson, Taree fea i ong biggs Phas N. Hezzelwood, Mrs. F. Stinson, | 11.00 o'clock draw were rinks po) Walker Sirk: Maxceisen, from Lindsay and Oshawa. Bert skip "1; James, skip, together with Mrs. OSHAWA James, Cec and Mrs. Hinkson, |Helen Alger scored three wins and a point Muriel Nesbitt. total of 11, to take third prizes br. A. Harding, back to Lindsay. Phyllis Bates,| skip 9 i d Marion Jack and betilhdndl Bill _and } : * Joan Riseborough, George Bates, skip, won their art Crawford, three games also, this Oshawa Mary Praca : rink having. a total of seven leek i gamers ti points, on three close finishes-- OSHAWA one an extra-end game, in the Deresit, late | Ken iNiams, second round. ' Evelyn Gronis High two-win prizes in the' gert Granik, early draw went to Bob Walk-| skip J ohnny Trott Paces : Fred Kitchen, Doris Taylor Geo. Bates, Murray Taylor, 'Win' Acton, Harv Acton, Jack Wally Butler, 8(W); Bert Vance, BiL). or | ;, r ' tr The Hawks' down-the-middle| . 3. ne is ; ; 4 | ' a kip obins, 10; J rrick, 4 b rar | k baskets, to open the sec j\down to third while hanging on|Trimmers play Acadians. A wii 2 OSHAWA Grant Clark Ji sil Me. 6 ridig sangre ee ak night ond Brats Gunk oie Cheskl,| ates one iron nl oe ill Pyar satin' saath Triaiect aur cenek bi thel Butler Geo. Bat ; Fred Kitchen, - wi a! ? si and Gar-| A " nh "Is 'i ' fipat Cer lar Carmen: . 5; Bani Kemp, alee onan olnein 'apienasaiy ',(alternating at the centre spot,| onto on 27. Reilly was 3-for-3 on|°aWed back and forth. First Du-jond place for them. Dunn's, Motel Gilchrist, {Bert James, 10; Jack Beaton, 6,/ney & Lapsed r Jed with{managed to control the back) 44) shooting for the Oshawans,|Plate_ scored at 12.30, then it|who are a game out of second, Wally Butler, 11; J. Philip, 3. the li Biss teh sting. by| boards with the ever-present] 'lwas Dunn's turn at 13.05. Du-jplay Hoy Pavers at 2.30 p.m: skip 10; Ted Carter, eet Sahar ooh venand halt Olinyk, and the Hawks just|/PLAYOFFS NEXT |plate countered with two goals|If they win they can move inté splurge by Ed Kolodzie, the a second-place tie, third place, . maintained between 8 and 10) The Hawks may have a long|and Dunn's found only one an- OLD COUNTRY SOCCER Hawks won the game in the tie. Duplate ip WHITBY 12 . 6, Doris Beaton E. Nichol, 10; 8. |Hary Acton, skip HEATHER C.C Lillien MacLuck Al Horton, Anne Butler, Ken MacLuckie, skip OSHAWA Beth Kemp, 'Rich' Black, Hilda Black, Frank Slack, skip WESTON Edith Hall, Lou Elder Marjorie Elder, Al Hall, skip 7(W G 23 28 35 20 28 A Pts. 49 72 38 66 28 63 39 59 29 57 25 55 33 55 34 «55 |Bathgate, New York |Howe, Detroit Hull, Chicago Mikita,. Chicago Mahovlich, Toronto Provost, Montreal 30 Ullman, Detroit 22 Delvecchio, Detroit 21 Of Zone Qualifiers = = The Men's Division of thejhis first game at Motor City,|a wonderful comeback. He fin-| York City 2 Rochdale 1 City Zone Eliminations in the|with a 178 score but came back/ ished with 1,152 at County Bowl) Friendly Matches Eastern Canadian Five - Pin|well with 339, 249, 159 and 274 and rapped in a 1,297 at Motor) Arsenal 2 Dundee 2 Championships, was completed|for a dandy 2,664 ten-game total|City. Reg had 269, 250, 270, 219 Bristol R 1 Coventry -1 over the weekend with fivejto still finish on top. and 289 in his home lanes. --_| Dundee U 2 Man City 1 games at County Bowl, Whitby,| CLOSE SECOND | The last qualifying spot was|Ipswich 5 T.S.C. Alemannia 0 on Saturday and the final five) Joe Camazzola of Ajax put upconceded to Jim Cassels of) Morton 2 Hibernian 2 games at Motor City Lanes, ona real scrap against Trott and|Pickering and Jim just made it Queen of S 1 Partick 0 Sunday. was leading John by two pins,/by a one-pin margin, when he Scottish F A Cup In the first game at County going into the iast game when finished with 2,404 to nose out! Third Round Bowl, John Trott got off to a he ran into a bit of trouble.!Harold Bennett of Bowmanville, Aberdeen 2 Rangers 2 flying start with a dandy. 391 ne pate, og a os Pala had 2,403. Dunfermline 0 Stenhousemuir 0 ith 225, 294,\248, 306, 346, nd 22 | TORS IN ON |Hearts 3 Celtic 4 gpl Sg y ae 1,275 to add to his first five of PLAYOFFS IN Hace apebye .|Kilmarnock 7 Ross 0 1,465 five game string, to take| 1,346, for a grand total of 2,621, ane Matern Canadian Finals Raith 1 St. Mirren 1 . P * to give him second spot. will be held in Sherwood Lanes, |. ct the lead. sCigsset - Hamilton on Saturday, March|Stitling 4 East Fife 1 Doug Bryant finished right be- Oshawa copped the third spot 0 . aaah" Stranraer 1 Motherwell 3 : me 9 when Ron Swartz followed up,/0 and Sunday, March 11, with i Aalei hind Trott with 280, 273, 231, 309) "2°" 039" 'i tp four games being rolled in each Thd Lanark 6 Inverness 1 and 316 for 1,409. Doug is from|his 1,333 County Bowl total with apse : : the Whitby area 249, 238, 209, 221 and 333, for cecliee SCOTTISH LEAGUE Joe Camassola of Ajax also 2,583 and it was a terrific fin-| This zone should be a strong Division I |contender in all events with the|Berwick 1 Albion 1 J uvenile Petes Tie Up Series PETERBOROUGH Peter-jling, O'Grady, Armour; |borough TPT Petes posted ajwards: Jobe, Thompson, |convincing 7-4 win over Oshawa|breico, Winslow, Self, O'Toole,| Generals Saturday afternoon at|Hawkes, pson, Dunford, | 14 Memorial Centre, to deadlock|Wilgoose and' Dobbie. basil dob oe lost dogs and ane \their Ontario Minor Hockey As-| First Period swered ¢ telephone calls. sociation Juvenile "A" best-of-| 1, Peterboro: Wildgoose BOB JOHNSTON Invites You To ; . 'three series at one win apiece.! (Thompson, Winslow) The third and deciding game} 2. Oshawa: Linton DRIVE BUSY YEAR WOODSTOCK, Ont. (CP)--W. | G. Blach, small animals control | for- Officer, reported he covered Aj-|3:407 miles in 'his official duties | during 1961, He picked up niné) points of a lead through most/rest now before they enter OBA|swer, late in the period, Dur-lor a third-place sitter stanes of the secandshalt (2 the second half. Jake Tagner| playdowns on March 3, in Brock-|ing the second period, Duplate|have a larger chore, against atte ges '\and Nick Vilani, two formerjville. With most Toronto clubs|scored twice more while holding|Kinloch's, in the 4.10 p.m, i s)-- Its|Leicester 2 West Ham 2 MAKE IT CLOSE Ryerson stars, played fine balljand many OBA teams in play-|Dunn's and thus the game end-|game. , NS ring yomgmorntr mag sie F 2 Cardiff 1 It was actually a closer game|for the losers and it was their|downs, the Oshawa crew haveled. Joe Lack scored three goals} Two teamates, Doug McPhee United Kingdom: ; olson Xi |than tHe final score would in-|good shooting that kept the Par-jhad considerable difficulty get-|while defensemen Rodger Plan-|and Bob Young, do battle for the e English FA Cup _Division \dicate, The Toronto club were|thenon crew in the game. Butiting opponents for games forjcke scored two for the winners.|scoring championship and the "Fifth Round Luton 1 Newcastle 0 |within three points of a tie on|Ed Kolodize, Fred Reilly and|the next two weeks. They'll play|For the losers, it was Bill Duf-|leading goaltenders face each Aston Villa 2 Charlton 1 'Plymouth 2 Leyton Or 1 three occasions, but couldn't/Tony Andrejicka all hit for sec-\a practice game against Ajax/field and Wayne Norris. With-\other in the same game. $.\Blackburn 2 Middlesbourgh 1 Rotherham 2 Bury 0 seem to pull any closer to the/ond half scores and the HawksjInter "'C" OBA entry on Thurs-| [Burnley 3 Everton 1 Stoke 1 Scunthorpe 0 Oshawa crew. Early in the|were just a bit too much for/day at Donevan gymn, to keep) Fulham 1 Port Vale 0 Siaderlahd @Brehion € the Toronto team. jin shape and they may have a "14! EASIER T p Man United 0 Sheffield W 0 | Sunderlan righton | Playing his farewell game|#ame with Peterborough, in the) S oO ay ace Sheffield U 3 Norwich 1 |Swansea 1 Walsall 3 | NHL BIG SEVEN before returning to school at Lift Lock City, the following | ----_ West Brom 2 Tottenham 4 Huddersfield vs Derby, ppd Flint, Michigan, Garney Gunn) week. aoe ae ag ao ba Liverpool 0 Preston 0 Division 111 | By THE CANADIAN PRESS se clon called G0 Sana Rawen | 7 | ais 9 Bournemouth 2 Portsmouth ® | Andy Bathgate of New York| Buffalo's Bob Dove} will return to action to bol-| e a MH Division Bradford 3 Torquay 1 |Rangers scored two goals anal |ster the squad, through the ome TL), Bolton 3 Birmingham 2 Brentford 2 Peterborough 0 |drew an assist in two 'weekend . 7 N P |playoffs. eee ns i |games to move six points ahead| Going o New ost! es i es i Grimsby 1 Bristol C 0 ' aw, | | HAWKS--Olinyk 12, Oldfield . ° d ' Jof Detroit's Gordie Howe in the} 13. Kolodzie 9. Cheski | Everything In Clothin Newport 2 Notts C 0 |National Hockey League's scor-;) HIRAM, Ohio (AP) Bob| 13° peng 9g ag yy a g Northampton 3 Halifax 1 ing race. Bathgate has 72 points|Dove, assistant coach of the|., \ Hae ' 'err and Andre-| Needs for DAD and | Reading 3 Shrewsbury 0 fon 23 goals and a league-lead-/Buffalo Bills in the American|!!°X@ 4: hides aa Hi L d! Southend 2 Crystal P 2 ing 49 assists. Football League, has been ap- wit t tee pet eens is Lad! r) e |Watford 3 Barnsley 1 | The leaders: |pointed head football coach andj ¥¥ant 19, Kyranis ¢, alloran St F n° P F | Division IV | lassistant professor of physical 2, a 17 and Tagner 15 e USE YOUR CREDIT ! V ie lL] } 1e | Chesterfield 2 Barrow 2 education at Hiram College. ola || rong 1 © \Darlington 2 Aldershot 0 The 39 - year - old former, Officials -- Bob Winter and| e NO DOWN PAYMENT ! '" Gillingham 2 Mansfield 2 lineman for Notre Dame and/Bill Dell; scorers --John Newey lHatlepobis 1 Bradford C 3 {the Chicagu Cardinals and De-|and Tony Saramuk. | e MONTHS To PAY ! | Millwall 2 Oldham' jtroit Lions of the National Foot- 25a aan Ese | e |Tranmere 5 Colchester 2 bong ex riggs es oe TOURIST BOOM : |Workington 0 Crew Alex 1 jval, w o remains as head coach) woporta (CP)--The tourist] m bac Mcacballty Sacer, Bosca se RO | in British Columbia 2 BIG Locations mated to be worth a ¢ | ,000,000 in 1961, but it in Oshawa may be ddubled this year, Rec- FOR Y reation Mihister David Turner} 9 OUR CONVENIENCE jsaid. The increasé would be fa largely due to the Seattle World| | Fair. | 7 Men's & Boys' Wear ¢ OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 36 KING EAST (DOWNTOWN) 6.18 e Self 10.04 A beautiful medium blue metallic sedan with ec- onomical 6 ~ cylinder motor. A compact car in terrific shape. Let Bob Johnston give you a dem- ©nstration, call him now, NOW ONLY $1495 | For the Best Choice . . . Choose from the LARGEST SELECTION et 7.45) ONTARIO MOTOR SALES 140 BOND WEST 725-6507 : 5 ; lish that did it. goes next Saturday in the Lift- (Gibbens) total ote ln oe at By The greatest comeback was following bowlers being the rep- Cowdenbeath 1 Ayr 0 lock City. : : 3. Peterboro: 295 and 278 for 1.346 In fourth|Staged by Ron Jay, who finish-|resentatives: Ladies' singles,'-- Stirling 1 Arbroath 1 | Peterborough scored four (Armour) spot it was Ron Swartz with/¢@ his first five games with a\Bea Ross and men's singles, Forfar 4 Dumbarton 4 limes in the first 20 minutes,/ 4, Peterboro: Self some neat trundling for a 1,333\YeTY low 1.085 and recovered John Trott __|Hamilton 5 Brechin 2 (ppd Sept,added two more in the middle} (Jopling) total including 196. 279, 212..353|Micely at Motor City with 401, Ladies' team: Isabelle King,| 9) frame and a single tally in last) 5, Oshawa: Furey and 293 for a brilliant effort. |265, 216, 313 and 291 for 1,486;Oshawa; Mavis Taylor, Osh-|Montrose 2 Clyde 2 period, in the win, (Macdonald, Lutton) This Jim Cassels also stayed up and a grand total of 2,571. jawa; Audrey Bickell, Bowman- Amateur Internationst Oshawa picked up thre e| 6. Peterboro: Wildgoose é : with the leaders with 1.310, for Doug Bryant finished next to/ville; Bernice Buday. Bowman- Scotland 0 Northern Ireland. 0 |markers in the first period, (Winslow) 27) ' : é 1960 his first five games, 343, 955, /Jay; with 2,568, which included) ville; Isobel Mothersill, Whitby |were blanked in the sandwich| 7. Oshawa: Lutton | a : , 233, 191, 288. Close behind Cas.|/;409 at County Bow! plus hisjand Bette Sackett, Whitby. IRISH LEAGUE iframe, then added another goal! --_ (Wilson, Furey) 18.46} . : " ; FORD FALCON sels, was John Hrico with 1,297;|Motor City total of 1,159 for a). MUE'S TEAM -- Ron Jay, R\Ards 4 Crusaders 1 lin the last period. Penalties -- T, Peters 1.57, T.| ae Ai Jack Bent 1.254. Earl Jordan|%ice effort Swartz, Joe Camazzola, Ajax; |Cjiftonville 1 Ballymena 3 | Johnny Wildgoose was the big|Peters 7.53, Jopling 9.37 and| : 1,246, Ernie Perfect 1,245,. Jack|, Lloyd Sabins was next with) Doug Bryant, Whitby; Lloyd/Derry City 1 Bangor 0 \'trigger" man for the Petes,|Thompson 12.95. Bond 1,242, Pete .Dobbins 1,238, 1,203 at County Bow! and 219,/Sabins, Oshawa and Jack'Distllery 4 Coleraine 2 scoring three times. Mike Self| Second Period Harold Bennett 1,227 and Lloyd 244, 304, 265 and 309 at Motor|Brown of Whitby Glenavon 3 Portadown 4 |added a pair with Marty Wins-| 8. Peterboro:. Wildgoose Sabins 1,203 City for'a grand total of 2,544. | Mixed team --Doris Joll,|Distillery 4 Coleraine 2 'low and Billy Armour dividing) (Jopling, Thompson) eg Jack Brown of Whitby follow-/Bowmanville; Millie Bilida,'Glenavon 3 Portadown 4 singles . 9. Peterboro: Armour KEEN COMPETITION ed with 2,510 for his ten games| Whitby; Lorraine Murphy, Osh: Glentoran 1 Linfield 1 For Oshawa, Ken Linton : (Thompson) The second five-game hae' bee 1.158 at County Bowl and) awa, Hilda Brock, Bowmanville; |---- woe ~~ |Serry Furey; captain "Ted Lute! Panaities at Motor City Lanes produced/1,352 at Motor City His Oshawa!John 'Hrico, Oshawa; Re ' . 8 . s Jenignt baci itso Fe " Stina ae - | the very best in fiveroia trund-;|games were 281, 311, 273, 269|Hickey, Oshawa and Jim Care WINS DOG DERBY ton gnG: Junin Revere were Diener 10.14, O'Grady 14.27 and) ling, with some of the betterjand 218, Mickey McMaster roll-|sel, Pickering QUEBEC (CP)--Ernest Bru-|the marksmen. I _|Jopling 18.39. : shooters trying desperately to ed high single with a 413. John} It should be a big weekendjnet of Pointe Gatineau, Que.,| OSHAWA GENERALS -- goal: | Third Period get back in the running. |Hrico was next in line with}for five-pin bowling in Hamil-| won the $1,500 first prize Sun-|Braiden and Hooper; defence: 10. Peterboro: Winslow Roy Jay was at his best at/1,297 at County Bow! and 1,166/ton on the days mentioned and|day in the 88-mile Quebec Inter-/Linton, Bradley, Cover, Koles-| (Wildgoose) his home alleys and almost|at Motor City which included|Oshawa should hold its own|national Dog Derby when his|nik, Matthews; forwards: Wil-|11. Oshawa: J. « rolled a perfect game, when he|games of 241, 298, 219, 247 and'with the best huskies completed the course in|son, Kemp, Gibbens, T. Peters,| _ (Macdonald) | racked up a 401 and it was just|161. Alex Donaldson was elected|six hours, 26 minutes and three|J- Peters, Macdonald, Arm-| Penalties -- Wilson 2.30, Ar;| one of those stubborn corner' Another lefthander was add-'(?) to coach the men's team/seconds. Keith Bryar of Lake-|strong, Furey and Lutton. mour 2.48, Macdonald 8.41, Wild-| pins that stopped him ed to the qualifiers, in the per-|and "Dutch" Lugtenburg to/port, N.H., finished second and) PETERBOROUGH ~ goal,|goose 8.55, Jopling 12.07 and| John Trott slipped badly inison of Reg Hickey, who @taged|coach the mixed team. jgot $725 with a time of 6:36.59.'Ailken, defence; Delaheye, Jop-|Bradley 17.17. '