Oshawa Times (1958-), 17 Feb 1962, p. 5

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WHITBY and DISTRICT Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Dundas St. West Manager: Lloyd Robertson Tel. MO. 8-3703 TIMES CARRIERS' Don MacPherson in recogni- tion of their' good work as car- riers. Pictured above are, back row, left to right, Bill Oshawa Times carriers, who live in Whitby, were treated to a night out on the town by | the newspaper. They were | Verhoeven, Dennis Rooke, taken to the Brock Theatre | Peter Weirsma and She'don by circulation representative | Huitema; middle row, left to On Thursday the above | WHITBY SPORTS PARADE By GERRY BLAIR Matt Leyden, second vice-president of the On- tario Hockey Association and Bob Watt, OHA Lake- shore Intermediate league convener hosted seven of the eight clubs at the home of Mr. Leyden on Wednes- day night. The prime objective was the settling of play-off series and dates. Uxbridge, Trenton, Bow- manville and Port Hope are entered in Intermediate "B" competition, with Uxbridge havihg first grabs as to whom they will play in their semi-final set. And as expected, they chose Port Hope, who gave the Black Hawks little difficulty through the regular schedule. This left Bowmanville and Trenton in the other set. Uxbridge and Port Hope will tangle in a best-of-seven affair with dates as follows: Monday Feb. 19, Port Hope at Uxbridge; Friday Feb. 23, Uxbridge at Port Hope; Monday February 26, Port Hope at Uxbridge; Wednesday Feb. 28, Uxbridge at Port Hope; Saturday March 3, Port Hope at Uxbridge (if necessary); Monday March 5, Uxbridge at Port 4 ; a 4 4 | ' THEATRE NIGHT right: Doug Ford, Arthur | "Times" now has some open- Weirsma, Peter Etmanski and | ings for boys and girls as Helen Goodall; front row, left | Whitby carriers who may ap- right: are Greg Roberts, Mal- | ply to the Whitby office at 111 colm Baker, Steven May and | Dundas street west Ronald Van Hocf. The! --Oshawa Times Photo 'I00F NEWS Whitby Scores Win Over Port Perry Team The Whitby Independent Or-the Port team were automatic Ider of Odd Fellows ([COF) Tues-|outs, and their scoring chances day weekly meeting was held on|in the first game were only suf- Feb. 13 in the Odd Fellows Hall,/ficient to produce five runs, |with Noble Grand Bro. Kemp whereas Whitby plated 35. presiding. The second game produced a The Noble Grand. upon open- {ew more scoring plays for Port ing lodge, welcomed all mem-| Perry, who start fair number present General business and commit- tees found very little to report, however the visiting committee} . reported Bro. Jack Sawdon was| 'Meir score to a total of 10. continuing to progress favor-| Whitby continued to pin point bly from hi. ecent car acci-| (heir throws into pay-off target aon m me |spots, as in the first game, and +t ey apr ee ;,came up with another 35 runs. oe, eee route ahaa The two gamg totals found } (ory 1m Pp , team in the able manne ort Perry on ife short end by ) to 15. they conferred that deg as m F er four Eastern Star and one The two wins this evening aad ; wank mebiesd leaves Whitby still leading the inthian candidates a week az0. joague with nine wins and no The Dart baseball captain re- louses ported the next scheduled game," would be in Oshawa, against} final outcome as they plated only \five runs up to the last innings when they were able to double \the 'eight goal over-all margin. Whitby Pee Wees WHITBY PERSONALS Take Ajax 12-4 By GERRY BLAIR OMHA playoff trail for Whitby Yesterday afternoon at thewill either be Trenton or {Whitby Community arena, the Lindsay. : Whitby Pee Wees captured the AJAX -- Goal, Piotrowski; two-game total-goals series withalts., Andrews, McCosh, Swailes, |Ajax, 12-4. Yesterday's victoryMcCord, Finnegan, Hepburn, |was 3-1 for Whitby coupled withPatterson, Rydel, Adams, Gal-| ja 9-3 decision in the opener forlagher. | WHITBY -- Goal, Adams and The second tilt was muchPartington; alts, Norwood, Gib- closer, with the Ajax boys put-son, Town, Horeck, Cawker, ting up a stiff defensive battle.Sorichetti, Moon, Reeson, Kee- Ajax held a 1-0 lead early innan, Pritchard, Vipond, Hop- the first period on a goal bykins, Giffin. McCosh, only to- have Whitby's FIRST PERIOD | Giffin tie the count a little over1. Ajax: MeCosh a minute later (Swailes, McCord) ... 2.31 Mike Keenan scored the win-2. Whitby: Giffin | jning goal in the second period, (Sandford, Norwood) .. 3.44 his third of the series. Griffin SECOND PERIOD added an insurance tally mid 3. Whitby: Keenan way through the final twenty- (Norwood) minute session. THIRD PERIOD Next opposition the4. Whitby: Giffin Garrard Brigade along Major Claude Simpson is in the Oshawa General Hospital, where he underwent surgery. Best wishes are sent to him for a speedy recovey. Mr. and Mrs. Sharron Ste- phenson will be celebrating their 41st wedding anniversary on Monday, Feb. 19. Friends and neighbors of Mrs. G. Carter, will be sorry to learn that she is confined to bed with the 'flu. Mrs. Alex Scott, '"'Mickey", Is celebrating her birthday today. Many happy returns of the day. Mrs. Garnet Crawford, Maple street is celebrating her birth- day today. Best. wishes are sent to her. Seoeiti Guides Church Parade On Sunday On Sunday evening nearly 130 Girl Guides, Brownies, Boy Scouts and Wolf Cubs will take part in a massive church Quelled 21 Fires This week Whitby Townshipjfiremen also supervised a fire- Council received the annual re-|works display at the CRA Park port of Fire Area N shief|at Thornton's Corners. Among James Watson of the Garrad)other activities the men sold {Road station briefed council on|Christmas trees and held their) parade to All Saints' Anglican Church in Whitby. Taking part in the Church Parade, which nationally takes place as close to Lord Baden Powell's birthday as _ possible, THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, Peprucry 17, 1962 5 RAGLAN -- The first meet- ing of the 1962 season of the Raglan Ladies Auxiliary and Parents Committee was held at the home of Mrs. Clayton Mil- ler with the new president, Mrs. Harold Luke, as chairman. Mrs. Luke presented the past president's pin for the Scout La- dies Auxiliary to Mrs. James K. Lawrence. Rev. R. H. Love performed the installing of new- officers. New officers are: president, Mrs. Harold Luke; vice presi- dent, Mrs. June Bray; secre- tary, Mrs. James Lawrence; treasurer for ladies auxiliary, Mrs. Edna Manns; treasurer for parents committee, Mrs. Joy Bright; program convener, Mrs. A. Ferren; sick convener, for ladies auxiliary, Mrs. Bolduc; sick cofvener for par- ents committee, Mrs. Mary Pearson. The Euchre and Dance was held recently at Myrtle Hall with the local orchestra provid- ing entertainment under the di- rection of Lloyd Mahaffy. The Raglan UCW: Elects Officers ad were approved and adopt- jed, | President, Mrs. Harold Slute, first vice-president, Mrs. Roy Nottingham; second vice presi- dent, Mrs. Harold Luke; record- ing secretary, Mrs. Lorne Slute; assistant secretary, Mrs. Lloyd Evans, corresponding secre tary, Mrs. William Pearson; treasurer, Mrs. Harold Bray. Christian citizenship and so- cial action, Mrs. Norman Bir- kett; finance, Mrs. George Luke; Christian education, Mrs, Don Ferguson; flower and visit- ing, Mrs. Roy Brawn and Mrs. Stan Manns; membership, Mrs. Russell Corner; press and pub- licity, Mrs. Gordon Corner; program, Mrs. Roy Moon; so- cial function, Mrs. Clayton Mil- ler; stewardship and _ recruit- F. ing, Mrs. Russell Corner and pianist, Mrs. Roy Moon. The inaugural service was held recently in Raglan United Church of the United Church Women, of the congregation. Rev. R. H. Love conducted the jservice, The scripture was read by Mrs. Leonard Slute. The combined group will again work|church choir sang "Hear Us, O together in arranging and pre-|Tord" under the direction of paring the father-son banquet/Mrs. Lorne Slute. The address on Feb. 24 in Raglan Hall. -- |was given by Mrs. R. H. Love A suitable recognition will bejon Vision of the Future. The |the brigade's actions for 1961. | The Fire Department had 21 fire calls in the year plus two) service calls and another two| mutual aid requests. The bulk! of the 21 calls were to grass| \fires of which there were 13.| }Chief Watson recommended that jin future grass burning should jonly be allowed after 6 p.m. | There was also a fire report-| jed in a storage shed and a fac-| jtory. One fire was reported in a barn and a motor car and ga- rage were also attended to by| the force. "| The service calls consisted of| one resuscitation call and the presence of the fire fighters at| the scene of an accident. The) accident was one in which a gas truck was overturned. There were two assistance calls from! Brooklin and one from Oshawa.| The mutual aid calls were \broken down to a call 'at an jauto shop in East Whitby and |a large fire in Oshawa's Simcoe |street south. | TRAINING TEAMS | As to fire training the chief} jreported that he had four train-| { ed this one with/ing teams. Each tear. is in the/Canadian ambassador in Paris, bers, of which there was a rearranged line up, however|charge of an officer, there are left for Chamonix Thursday to! there was never any doubt of the/four or more men to be trainedjattend the international skiing|310, J. Lane 256, 248, S. Van- jin each team. Chief Watson! jadded that each man received, 90 hours or more training in {1961 | | Men of Fire Area No. 2 also| jattended St. John Ambulance Brigade First Aid Classes and\ gained certificates. The men} |gram was held in the fire area's annual dance. FIRE PREVENTION Also noted in the report was the part that the Force played! in assisting the cause of Fire Prevention. With the assistance of the Junior Fire Marshal's program 210 homes were in- spected. Junior Marshal's pro- will be the ist Whitby Girl Guide Company and the Ist Whitby A and B Brownie packs and the 3rd Whitby Boy Scouts and Wolf Cub Company. The group will assemble in the church hall at 7.00 p.m. and then parade into the church for the evening service. On Tuesday evening the 3rd Whitby Scouts and Cubs will hold their annual Father and Son Banquet in the church hall at 6.45 p.m. BOWLING NEWS WHITBY LADIES CANDY BOWLING LEAGUE Chief Watson ended his report; Team standing for Feb. 19 -- with the recommendation that! ajjsorts 54, Gumdrops 49, Maple the hours of grass burning be| Buds 46, Life Savers 41, Hum- regulated. The other TecoM-| hugs 36 "Jelly Beans 34, Pepper- mendation in the report was! mints 31, Lollipops 29. that a Fire Code be promul- gated. _-- | Triples over 500 -- A. Mikicel /671, G. Wiles 659, A. Hewis 637, R. Peleshok 620, J. Lane 615, B. WILL MEET SKIERS Moasé 569, D. Moore 560, H. PARiS (CP) -- Pierre Dupuy,| Dunbar 541, T. Shaw 527 and K. '< |Loyst 500. Singles over 200 -- G. Wiles three schools: Thornton, St. Paul's and Sinclair. Grades 3, 4 and 5 took part in the cam- paign. All business premises in the area were also inspected. Demonstrations on fire safety were given to business men and to school teachers. Home and School organizations were also given fire safety demonstrations with films and lectures. championships in the Frenchlstavern 245, A. Hewis 238, 222, winter resort. He took with him|R. Peleshok 232, 218, A. Mikicel a message from Prime Minister|230, 221, 220, D. Moore 227, B. Diefenbaker to the Canadian|Husted 223, H. Dunbar 221, K. team. Dupuy planned to give alLoyst 219, B. Pascoe 214, B. reception for Canadian skiers|Moase 213, T. Shaw 212, G. and members of the Interna-|Sandford 212 and A. Lawrence tional Skiing Federation. 206. were: H. Bryan, G. Blair, G. Allan and J. Watson. | | .The brigade's officers for 1962 are Chief, J. Watson; Deputy) Chief, H. Bryan; Captain, G.! |Blair and Captain, H. Knox. The officers named in the report for) Is Your Present Heating Unsatisfactory? Have your ESSO furnace dealer install an economi- cal ESSO oil furnace now at reduced winter prices --e Raglan Cubs, Mrs. There were 15 members at this meeting and the next meet- ing will be on Wednesday, Feb. 28, at the home of Mrs. Wil- liam Adair. An open meeting was conduct- ed at Raglan Hall for the Group Committee, and the names are as follows: chairman, William Pearson; vice - chairman, S. Manns; secretary, C. Fice; as- sistant secretary, A. Ferren; treasurer, W. Adair; public re- ations, J. Bolduc and L. Ma- haffy. UCW MEETING The United Church Women of Raglan United Church, held their first meeting in the church with the Rev. R. H. Love acting as chairman. Mrs. Harold Luke presented the following slate of officers of the new organization for 1962. made to the former Akela of| minister conducted the dedica- tion of the executive of the United Church Women. PAIR SHARES LEAD ST. PETERSBURG, Fila. (AP) -- Six - foot - two' Carol Mann, a 22 - year - old blonde from Atlanta, shot a 68 Friday to share the second - round lead with another Atlantan in the $7,500 St. Petersburg women's open tournament. She is tied at 140 with Louise Suggs, who du- plicated her one - under.» par 70 of Thursday. your PLUMBING SPEC/AL/STS : Family Monuments AiS/ Crected To Individual Requirements STAFFORD BROS. LTD, MONUMENTS 318 DUNDAS EAST MO 8-3552 f | aa GAS-OIL ia M0,8:8761-137 BROCK ST.§. jthe Firemen's Association are,! Hope (if necessary); Tuesday March 6, Port Hope at AUTO RACE Chairman, G. Allan; secretary, and save. As low as TWELVE DOLLARS monthly Corinthian, on March 1 and also! WIN E reminded those present that al. DAYTONA BEACH, Fia.| double header with Port Perry,|(AP) -- Glenn (Fireball) Rob-| was to be played this evening.|erts and chunky Joe Weatherly| Uxbridge (if necessary). In the "B" series, a best-of- five after Trenton open in Bowmanville next D. Ellison; treasurer, K. Brown, Chief Watson noted that | : |Whitby Churches with 10% payment. PHONE, for 1961 Thursday Feb, 22, then as follows; Friday Feb. 23, Bowmanville at Trenton; Monday Feb. 26, Bowman- ville at Trenton; Thursday March 1, Trenton at Bow- manville (if necessary); Friday March 2, Bowman- ville at Trenton. The winner of these series will meet in a best-of-seven final, which the subsequent victor to meet Picton for the Eastern Ontario title. Proceedings didn't go nearly as smoothly with Belleville, Lindsay and Kingston entered by virtue of a bye into the Intermediate "A" play-downs. The main: stumbling block arose when the Kingston club were unable to attend the special meeting because of the hazardous driving conditions. The maining two clubs, Belleville and Lindsay were at loggerheads all evening determining who would get the first game of the proposed round-robin with each club playing four games -- two at home and two away. Lindsay and Belleville are apparently set to open the round- robin, but both want the first Friday game at home. Lindsay are afraid that if they open in Belleville and get trounced, the return match wouldn't draw flies -- which makes sense. Belleville have a power house In- termediate "A" club -- about as strong as many Senior clubs in the Western OHA -- and according to the governing body, the Belleville club are perfectly in the right based on the flexibility of certain clauses in the rule book. Belleville on the other hand has been using Wednesday nights for their home games, and they have an outside opportunity of securing a Friday night which would mean more gravy for the club. A toss of the coin will decide the issue, Meanwhile, Kingston has only one home date for the month of February. They may have to play some games on the road. Representing the Uxbridge club at the meet- ing were, Bruce Foot and Gord Todd, Bowmanville-- Jim Crombie and Terry Masters, Trenton -- Dick Dossett, and Don McCallister, Lindsay -- John Tozer, "Rags" Raglan, Belleville -- Jean-Paul Lamirande and Lionel Botley, Port Hope -- Ian Helford and Bill Smith, Port Perry -- Sam Smith, and an OHA execu- tive member Jack Devine, and league statistician Arn Etcher. Port Perry, with coach Sam Smith as spokesman was given the okay to compete in Inter- mediate "C" play-offs even though guilty of ineli- gible players for most of their league games. This has all since been straightened away. BROCK EVENING SHOWS at 7 & 9 p.m. WHITBY Feature Starts At 7:15 & 9:40 Also a postponed game with drove their gleaming new high- Brooklin remained to be picked| Powered Pontiacs to victory Fri- up as soon as possible. jday in twin 100 - mile-stock car |races. PAST GRAND NIGHT Roberts won his race with a The annual roll cali and pastirecord speed of 156.999 miles Grands night will be held the.an hour. -Although Weatherly evening of March 6 with the of-|/was clocked at 157.895 miles an ficial notifications to be mailed hour on one lap, his winning to members shortly {average speed was only 145,395 Upon the closing of lodge the|because of a wreck that forced Dart baseball teams took the|the rate to. be run under the floor for the double header to caution flag for five laps. clean up the postponed game; Roberts and Weatherly each of Jan. 22 and the one sched- pocketed $1,000 first place uled for this evening. money. As was quite evident from -- jamong the activities |was the part played in the Mus- |cular Dystrophy Campaign. The | force was also host to the No. 11 Cub Pack who toured the sta- tion. Afterwards the 55 boys were given refreshments. The RODMAN HEATING Co. FOR FREE SURVEY WHITBY MO 8-2515 PICKERING WH 2-3641 the first innings on, this was not to be an evening to give Port Perry many cheering op- portunities. | The first 10 players to bat for -- PLUMBING] and HEATING Travel Director ToAddress CWL Miss Carol Lane, Women's Travel Director for Shell Oil Co. of Canada, will be guest speak- er on Tuesday evening, Feb. 20, at St. John's Hall, where she will present her unique address and bag packing demonstration, before the CWL of Si. John the Evangelist. Miss Lane is one of Canada's most widely travelied women, covering some 20,000 miles a year, personally investigating and testing ideas and plans for enjoyable family vacations by WE DO IT RIGHT THE FIRST TIME When we doa job of plumbing you can: be sure that it won't be in Florida car. Her extensive background, and professional platform man- ner, make her an entertaining and informative guest. Many Whitby ladies groups have been invited, also the pub lic is welcome workmanship is tops. Albert 4 WHITBY have to be re-done later. iy Randall + Sone "HESTNUT WEST ONT Ti.MO 8-299) evan ~The heat is on at low Ww . s y s cost, with thrifty fuel oil The heat is always on when you need it. Delivery arly time in any weather guar- antees steady even heat. COMPLETE LINE OF FUELS @ Coke and Cannel Coal i @ Hardwood and © "Blue Coal" Softwood Slabs ®@ Stoker Coal ®@ Building Supplies 24-HOUR BURNER SERVICE MO 8-3524 AFTER HOURS MO 8-3071 JAMES SAWDON & SONS 244 BROCK ST. S., WHITBY MO 8-3524 e Texaco Fuel ond Stove Wh And only TCA takes without change of plane! Enjoy the luxu- ries of a jet-age world aboard TCA's smooth, Rolls-Royce powered DC-8 jets, where soft music, the relaxing atmosphere of the beautiful and modern Voyageur Lounge, finest foods and refreshments, and breathtaking panoramic views blend together to the unforgettable pleasu and-fun filled Florida vacation by TCA jet! Your choice of Economy a Piety In 2 hrs. and 35 mins. you can by TCA DC-8 Jet (2 flights daily) *from Toronto FLY TO TAMPA 114 Jet economy return you from Torento FOR ONLY add a final touch to : Ask your Travel Agent about low cost re of flying to a sun- k i i P rT or e day, 6-night stay, doyble each including transportation airport to hotel, 2 meals daily, for as little as $92 (plus cir fere). service or First Class --and without any jet surcharge. FOR JUST A LITTLE EXTRA, ENJOY THE EXTRA LUXURY OF FIRST CLASS your Travel Agent for full detelis or write See TCA et 130 Bloor Street, Toronto, TRANS-CANADA AIR LINES (@) AIR CANADA DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE 300 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY. MO 8-3304 HOWARD TRAVEL BUREAU AJAX SHOPPING CENTRE WH 2-6690 MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE 22 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH OSHAWA. 723-9441 Let's All Go To Church This Sunday! FAITH BAPTIST 419 Brock St. N., Whitby Postor: Rev. E. C. Corbett, $.Th, 9:15 A.M. Radio Broadcast 9:45 A.M, Bible School Hour 11:00 A.M, and 7:00 P.M. Pastor preaching ot all Services Soloist: Mrs. G. Windebank of Toronto ALL WELCOME Whitby Baptist (Colborne St. W. at Centre) REV. JOHN McLEOD Minister Mrs, W. E. Summers, A.T.C.M, Organist THEY CRUCIFIED HIM No. 1 THE !tNDIFFERENT Canadian Girls in Training, Cubs, Scouts and Rovers will attend. 7:00 P.M, 1 CAN DO WHAT 1? LIKE Bible School meets at 9:45 a.m. Classes for All Ages Baptist Young Peoples Union meets ot 8:15 p.m. A meeting for all young people WHITBY UNITED CHURCH REV. J. M. SMITH, B.A,, B.D. Minister REV. A, M. BUTLER, B.A. Assistant Minister J. BEATON, A.R.C.T. Organist MRS. 11 A.M.--An ancient religion end modern churches SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:45 A.M.--Girls and Boys 9 years and over, 11:00 A.M.--Girls and boys under 9 years, 11:00 A.M.--Infant Care, Junior Worship ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN Corner Byron & St. John Rev. W. J. S. McClure, B.A., Minister Mr. P. M. Spratt, Organist 9:45 AM. CHURCH SCHOOL 11:00 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP Parade of Guides & Brownies Nursery (infant Care) Beginners' Classes Junior Congregation EMMANUEL REFORMED REV, GERRIT REZELMAN THIRD CONCESSION WEST OF HIGHWAY 12 9:30 A.M. English and Sunday School 11:00 A.M. Dutch Service and English Sunday School 7:00 P.M. English EVERYONE HEARTILY WELCOME PERTH, @ Guest Soloist MISS D WHITB "The church of the unique -- AT Y PENTECOSTAL CHURCH MO 8-8251 YOUR LAST CHANCE TO HEAR REV. S. S. O'BRIEN e@ IN TWO GREAT SUNDAY SERVICES 11 A.M. and 7 P.M. @ GRAND OPEN SESSION SUNDAY SCHOOL CAMPAIGN AT 9:45.A.M. ONTARIO OREEN COXE TREET,. NORTH telephone minute message" we

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