'jas Holstein judge at the Royal Merit Publicity ago. Of the forty-odd members of that national producers' or- ganization, we contribute more : than any other. et D. S. Dunton of Brampton was elected president of the Hol- stein - Friesian Association of Canada Thursday. Vice - presidents are: R. F. Height, Saskatoon; Ross Seg- worth, Burlington; G R. Row, Curries, Ont.; and Roy Barker, Woodbridge, Ont. Named to the extension com- ported its advertising. and pub- lic relations program. We were the first of its member bodies to endorse the principle of a year-round set-aside collection. "We have consistently sup- "As a national association, -|E. A. Innes, Brantford, alter- mittee, which supervises the work of the _ association's branches, are: Harold McCaul, Napanee; Bruce Trenhold, Grand Pre, N.S.; Marland Mur- ray, Martintown, Ont.; Abner Martin, West Montrose, Ont.; and Hardy Shore, Glanworth. Mr. Shore was recommended our membership includes pro- ducers of milk for all purposes. We are, therefore, interested in the dairy industry as a whole, and not in any particular sec- tion of it in any particular sec- tion of it to the exclusion of any other. We regret that the federal government has not taken some action on the pro- gram submitted to it last fall by the Dairy Farmers of Can- ada. We are heartened by the action taken last month in On- tario to.lay the ground work for Winter Fair'in November, with nate. W. A. Petherick of Seymour PREPARE FOR MARDI GRAS BALL Chairman Dan Riordan of | for the big event, March 2; at the Mardi Gras Ball Commit- | St. Gregory's Auditorium. tee of St. Gregory's Council | This is the 11th annual Mardi of the Knights of Columbus | Gras Ball, recognized as one | supervises as plans are made | of Oshawa's outstanding 'so- | | W. B. Bennett Submission _ ositvarics Regarding Nordair Service Following is the text of a sub-,would approximate a return mission by W. B. Bennett at/flight to Windsor | the meeting of the directors of | the Oshawa Chamber of Com-| merce at noon Thursday. His \ submission was an argument in|Ply passengers for the morning} connection with the decision by/ flights is not peculiar to Osh-| Nordair to suspend its Oshawa|awa alone, all other stations, air service: with the possible exception of OSHAWA NOT ALONE The failure of Oshawa to sup- The operation of a scheduled Sarnia, are also having difficul-| , Nordair Limited has been term-|ty producing revenue on these} ed by Nordair a dismal failure,|morning __ flights. Passenger and to our knowledge this js,loads or 10 or less people are) quite true, however, it might be the rule rather than the excep- of some interest to look into| tion. In our opinion if stations, the reasons behind this failure|SUCh as Kingston, had only the to see if the blame for this|Morning flights to offer, the; situation lies entirely with Osh-|'T@ffic figure for them would be awa. It is our opinion that when animal sy Dahawa s 1 1981 all the facts are known the part] "Aly" r e fatter se hs played by Nordair will be shown|'7© ¢ nm apigten on A to have been the main cause|Proved an application and) behind this failure in Oshawa.|!8sued @ licence for Nordair to Therefore, the application by | erate a direct flight from Nordair to suspend the air ser- Oshawa to Montreal for one vice to Oshawa should not go un- year on an experimental basis opposed for the above reason. jbut it was never tried. The idea The following are some of the| must have had some merit or reasons why we feel the service| Nordair would not have made = | application. in Oshawa has failed. | In Nordair's news release of SCHEDULE |January 30, 1962, it was in- dicated that the Oshawa stop mg ae | r fewer nent was affecting business between] , |Toronto and Kingston. Nordair ing the morning only, appears!ia, since then, made applica-| to be the chief reason for the|,;.- ; non use of' this service. The) jtion to the Air Transport Board| present schedule shows flight 31|0r permission to add one other Fi |stop on their existing Seaway leparting Oshawa at 9.30 a-m.| route. May we suggest that this and arriving Montreal at 11.45\yin affect the through ; | rough nature a.m. Flight 32 departs Oshawa| on their flights which is one of eigen ae Wind |the reasoris given above for . ° lai n ; 7 The arrival time at the two) ane nee, destinations indicate that a busi-/ EQUIPMENT ness traveller not only has mini-| Though the DC-3 ts a proven, mum time at his déstination but|reliable vehicle the travelling must in order to return to Osh-)public has shown a preference awa by Nordair arise at such an|for newer, more modern air- early hour to meet Nordair's re-|craft. The introduction of the turn schedule to Oshawa of 6.50|Handley Page Dart. early in a.m. that he would in effect get|1962, should overcome the above only half of a normal night's|/Objection and if the application sleep. As an example: jto suspend service to Oshawa is A traveller who is willing to|granted it will not be known travel to Montreal via Nordairjhow this might have affected] under the present schedule and/ Oshawa | is willing to spend a night in a} ADVERTISING AND |- which the public is invited. |Township, in. the Campbellford jarea, was elected an Ontario di- rector of the Holstein-Friesian| Association of Canada at its an-| nual meeting in Toronto on \Wednesday. He replaces as di- rector George R. McLaughlin of Beaverton, retiring president. The other 15 Ontario directors | were returned to office. Master |tg in MacDonald. Volunteer help- ers from St. Gregory's Young People's Club are Jeanette Zambonelli, left and Janette Kelly cial events of the season, to | Other members of the com- mittee, left to right, standing are Vince Vasey and Robert ' to --Oshawa Times Photo worth; and Fred M Waterloo A PRIMARY CONCERN \T FUNERAL OF EVERETT WILSON HUGHES The funeral service for Ever- ett Wilson Hughes, who died at the Oshawa General Hospital Wednesday, Feb. 14, in his 66th vear, was held at the Gerrow Funeral Chapel at 2 p.m. today. Rev. R. H. Love, minister of Columbus United Church, con- ducted the service. Interment was in®Oshawa Union Cemetery Pallbearers were George Cameron, Allan Cameron, Bill Raderford, Ted Stone, George - Wodnisky and Melvin Woodcock McLaughlin said that concern of| jthe association last year had) been given the marketing of | ; " < that the competition faced by Oshawa Chamber of Commerce all milk from other less nutri-|q Inaugural dinner with ap- | proximately 350 people in at- tendance. (b) Other Chamber of Gom- merce Industria! Advisory Committee, two luncheon meet- ings to discuss and help solve Nordair's problems here in Osh ages should be of far greater|T concern to us as dairymen than|w attempting to set up competition/ e: between milks of (c) Newspaper coverage -- has been generous and of a boost nature (d) Radio free spot an- nouncements after discontinu- ance of their paid announce- ments, by the local Radio Sta- tion (e) Television -- excellent cov- erage by both local TV outlets at the time of their inaugural flights into Oshawa None of the above was fol- lowed up by any more than token advertising. In addition to the above assistance, General Motors circulated the flight schedule to all department heads in order that where pos- THOMAS H. PINDAR } Following a lengthy iliness the death occurred at Fairview! Lodge, Whitby, this morning of Thomas H. Pindar. The deceas-| ed, who had been a lifelong; resident of the town, was.in his} Dr. C. H. Jackson, of the Osh- 83rd year awa Mental Health Clinic, will A son of the late Thomas and|be the speaker at the meeting Susannah Pindar, the deceased|next Monday of the Rotary Club was born April 20, 1879 at Whit-/of Oshawa. by and farmed in the area until} his retirement. TO SPONSOR STUDENTS Mr. Pindar was a member! Directors of the Rotary Club d of the Church of England and|of Oshawa this week decided to|, of the Sons of England Lodge|sponsor two Oshawa students to b ' jr? at Whitby. attend the United Nations Sem- poet} Be Bo Par "ochetule Predeceased by as vite the|inar at Queen's University. --|P i ».former Elizabeth Murdock, in : -- a ee ee 1932, Mr. Pindar is survived by TO AID} JNU KONG It has been decided that the ja daughter, Mrs. L, T. Mar- Rotary Club of Oshawa will CITY AND DISTRICT ROTARY SPEAKER C C ti an Ontario. milk marketing plan. 10. per cent, the highest since : : s \1958, and a gain of 15 per cent In his presidential review Mr.|over 1960. eral government to give finan- a rn : _ 9! cially-sound countries long time jmilk. 'It is our firm contention] credit for the purchase of Cana- jdian cattle. Canadian farmers tious but more profitable bever-|porters of purebred Holsteins. different!funds to insure the continued im- men's club were guests of the G. Pickell, president of the Cour- Quarrey and his group of boys ul feat "We urge those concerned to! consider the future of the dairy | dustry as a whole, and we! 61.5 PERCENT AI secre- per | George M. Clemons, ry-manager, reported a 4 breeder shields were presented} -ent gain in registration to a Edwin Peire of Maryland, |total of 91,475 in 1961. Of these |Que.; Allan B. McComb, Belle-/¢1.5 per cent were artificially ville; Hardy Shore of Glan-| conceived. Membership is 13,685, Snyder,|of which 9,911 are in Ontario. ransfers of ownership were up 'The association asked the fed- re now the world's largest sup- his market could be expanded ith government help. The gov- also asked for) rnment was Violin Solos Featured At Courtice Club HAMPTON -- The Hampton| ircuit United Church AOGS -| | ourtice Brotherhood recently. ce Club, opened the meeting. After Ralph- Ballard, presi- ent of the Hampton Club, ad discussed a few items of usiness, the social part of the rogram was handed over to H. the Training School. Vio- nm and accordian solos were ures of the evening. 7 vo chand, of Eganville, Ont.; a te Citinee sister, Mrs. R. Bravener (Eliza-|send $200 through the CARE or- ganization, to the Rotary Club) -- ree. ee _ |beth), of Whitby and a brother, (a) Lack of adequate advertis-/Joseph Pindar, of Highland|of Hong Kong, for distribution ing. Creek. of food parcels to the needy of (b) A schedule not suitable to) The funeral service will be|the colony. Oshawa's needs -- the unly eX-/held at the W. C. Town Funeral fone to ig toto | peg pe Chapel at 2 p.m. Monday, Feb. 11 AMBULANCE CALLS t irom winesor which is atii9g, Rev. S. Armstrong, rector! No fires were reported in Osh-| a suitable time for freight ship-/of All Saints' Anglican Church, |awa for the saan successive will conduct the ser-\qday by Oshawa Fire Depart- ment, this 'morning. Ambu- ments to General Motors in the! whitby, morning. vices. {c) nerere estan vit Temporary entombment will|lances answered 11 routine calls ance to try a change in sched-!he in the Oshawa Union Ceme-j|during the 24 hour period end- ule before making any decisions | tery Mausoleum. Interment willling at 8.30 a.m., today about abandoning Oshawa. be in St. John's Cemetery, Port (d) Nordair's attempted cover Whitby, in the spring. ing of their action to abandon Oshawa by the presence in Qsht| MRS. M. SHORTRIDGE ney, of Bowmanville, has been sales campaign two weeks after; Seriously sick since Dec. 1/sick in bed the past week with the filing of their intentions to last Mrs. Margaret Shortridge|the flu. Police said this morn- died at the home of her bro-jing he is not expected back for ther, Jay O'Boyle, 257 Verdun'a few more days i »* CHIEF HAS FLU Chief Constable Bernard Kit- leave Oshawa (e) Their intentions to leave CELEBRATING BIRTHDAYS Congratulations and best wishes to the following resi- dents of Oshawa and dis- trict who are celebrating their birthdays this week- end. Those who celebrate to- day are: Mrs. Margaret Long,. 595 Harmony road south; Gail Watson, 82 Wil- son road south; John Ryan, 239 Roxborough; Mrs. Roy Sherry, RR 3, Bowmanville and Merv. Locke, 340 Bruce. Those who celebrate on Sunday are: Cindy Lou Morey, 377 Eulalie av- enue; Elaina Sherry, RR 3, JOYS OF MOTORING This motorist felt the effects of the recent winter storm that hit Winnipeg. More than CAPSULE NEWS Say Taxes Push Up Beer Prices OTTAWA ion Brewers (CP--The jtaxes are forcing up the price|persons. of beer. Mr. Fleming is hear-! six inches of snow blanketed the city in one night and was followed by winds piling up Domin-|guest speaker, said events have . 0 | | , ! Association said|shown the nations of the world breeds. With' this in mind, we/provement of Canadian dairy|Friday in a submission to Fi-|that their futures depend upon tripled our grant to the Dairy|cattle through record - of - per-|nance Minister Fleming that|the quality of their educated Farmers of Canada two yearsiformance tests. impassable drifts on most roads in the area. --CP Wirephoto WORKED QUICKLY NEW YORK (AP) -- Police said a young man in a hurry committed four successful rob- beries in less than 25 minutes in Greenwich Village, using 8 wooden gun he whittled himself. During his less than half-hour of crime Friday, police said Joseph Simmons, 19, robbed a leather goods store of $20, a restaurant owner of $20, a dry cleaning shop of $25 and a the- atre ticket clerk of $20. Police picked up Simmons about a half hour after: the final robbery. ing various submissions trom interested groups before bring- ing down the federal budget. | COMING EVENTS ECM REJECTS ACCESS WELLINGTON (Reuters) The Common Market has '"'flatly rejected" a proposal that New cess to the British market after today. The morning newspaper | Dominion says Britain has told New Zealand of the rejection) and has sought advice on alter-| native proposals. | ATTACK CONSULATES | JAKARTA (AP)--Shouting In-} donesian demonstrators at-| tacked the U.S. and Japanese consulates in Surdbaja; capital! }of East Java, Friday night, the! iUS. embassy reported today.) The demonstrations apparetntly were aimed at movements of| Japanese territory en route to New Guinea. PLANS U.S. VISIT WASHINGTON (AP) -- Pres- ident Ahmadou Ahidjo of the Federal Republic of Cameroon will visit the United States for) five days beginning March 13, |the White House said today. MORE IMPORTANT TORONTO (CP) -- An inquir-| ing mind is more 'important} than an acquired skill, J. Fla-| velle Barett, a vice-president of |~ the Upper Canada College Old) Boys' Association, said Friday} night at the annual founder's day dinner. Premier Robarts,/| __|EUCHRE Harman Park, Douglas St. |February prizes, Cerebral Palsy School and Clinic. Zealand maintain duty-free ac-|NIGHT of Cards, Legion Hall, Ce! |Street, on February 20, at 8 p.m. Price} ia " 50c, Britain's entry into the Europ-| prizes. Under auspices Ladies Auxil-| ean Community, it was reported lary, Royal Canadian Legion Branch Dutch troops through U.S. and'-- |RUMMAGE SALE ,|FARM MACHINERY sells fast with an ,{Oshawa Times Want Ad. Dial 723-3493 sed to place your result-producing ad. ees | ntre | Refreshments Proceeds 19, 8 p.m. admission 50 cents, UNITED CHURCH WOMEN NORTHMINSTER will hold OPEN HOUSE TEA WED., FEB. 21st, 2 to 4 The Public is invited to view the new Christian Education Bldg. including refreshments, special) BINGO CORONATION ORANGE TEMPLE SAT., FEB. 17th 7:30 P.M. 20 Games -- $8 Share the Wealth 1--$150 Jackpot to go. Seed Jochpets 90 90s | GENERAL '| MONTHLY MEETING of | NEW DEMOCRATIC PARTY to be held in the U.A.W. HALL BOND STREET EAST WED., FEB. 21st 7:30 P.M. Anyone interested Is Cordially Invited. RUMMAGE SALE at C.R.A. | TUESDAY, FEB. 20th 1:30 P.M. Sponsored by St. Paul's Guild WHITBY BRASS BAND GLEN HOME HAPPY WORKERS MONDAY, FEB. 19, 8:00 P.M. GLEN HOME WORKSHOP SIMCOE SOUTH NEXT TO C.N.R. STATION Refreshments FASHION SHOW under the auspices of the hotel in order to return to Osh-| peRSONAL SALES CALLS awa the next morning via Nor- dair would arrive in Montreal at 11.45 a.m., off Flight 31, picking | Little has been done in the | advertising field, as the Nordair Oshawa just as they are about to introduce new turbo prop air- |News release of January 30, craft could generate rea- jroad, early today. She was in jher 57th year A daughter of the late Fred| the. deceas- U.A.W. Women's Auxiliary ot Bowmanville and Mr. Leo- nard Ovenden, 453° Ritson road north. WINTER ASSIZES COBOURG The Cobourg} Winter Assizes of the Supreme| | No. 27 U.A:W. HALL IFAREWELL BINGO Wed., Feb.21st CLUB BAYVIEW FIRST PENSION up his baggage and the limou-| ; p ee service to downtown Mont-| 7X7, aamuits. advertising ' h real would account for another|in Oshawa has been soy a hour placing him downtown at), week basis with no hentin ag A ge ae tel anq|of Oshawa in any of these ads| ecking into the hotel and)except the schedule and phone} sonable additional traffic to and,and Edith O'Boyle, from Oshawa in connection with'ed was born June 7, 1905, at|/Court of Ontario will open at| a revised schedule. |Myrtle, Ont the United Counties Court Room (f) The period through which} A resident of Oshawa for 15|Monday at 2 p.m. before the Nordair has operated in Osh-|months, Mrs. Shortridge came|Hon. Mr. Justice King. Included) awa is that time of year when|to Oshawa from Bond Head, /in the list of cases to be heard| charge of} are one criminal Boys To Attend Church Service } ! P AID IN 1789 The United States first started paying pensions in 1789, to veterans of the Revolutionary War. | WEDNESDAY, FEB. 28 | (44 BOND ST. EAST) | NEW SPONSORS TO BE ANNOUNCED NEXT WEDNESDAY / 8 P.M. Price 50c Door Prizes lunch (Nordair provides no meal service) would leave him from approximately 2.00 p.m, to do his day's business. His re- turn to Oshawa means getting up at 4.30 a.m. in order to dress and have breakfast and to catch a limousine to the airport at ap- proximtely 5.45 a.m. to allow time for checking in for the scheduled departure for Oshawa on flight 32 at 6.50 a.m. This allows only a maximum of three hours to do business, plus the expense of a hotel, ete., and an impractical departure time for Oshawa. The approximate times apply to a return trip to Windsor. SUGGEST EVENING FLIGHTS If scheduling allowed only one flight each way from Osh- awa it is suggested that the evening flights would have been more successful. This would have provided the business man with a more realistic schedule. The following is an example of a return trip to Montreal uging Nordair's evening service on the schedule now in operation on their evening flights 33 and 34 which bypass Oshawa. The approximate departure time from Oshawa would be 7,30 p.m. with an arrival time in Montreal of approximately 10.00 .m., a one hour allowance for ousine service, etc.,. would place him at his hotel' at 11.00 p.m. His next day's business would be started at a normal time and after a normal night's sleep. His departure to Oshawa via Nordair's evening flight 34 would have him catching a lim- ousine at 3.30 p.m. for a flight departure time of 4.45 p.m. The approximate time of arrival back in Oshawa would be 7.00 p.m. This would almost double the business time in Montreal! for the same flight and hote! expenses, etc. The times for this return! fight te Montreal once again} number in very fine print. At a| recent meeting of the Industrial Advisory Committee of Oshawa Chamber of Commerce a news- paper ad from another point presently served by Nordair was produced and any mention of Oshawa was conspicuous by its a®sence. In the radio advertising field Nordair bought a ene minute spot announcement Monday through Saturday at 7.59 a.m. These were stopped at the end of December by Nordair, but due to the public spirited man- agement of CKLB these were continued free of cost to Nord- air as a public information fea- jture. No other monies have been spent in this field. G. Cooper, traffic sales rep- resentative of Nordair, was in Oshawa during the early part of January to make personal sales calls to industry in this area, as far as can be learned, only one call was made and that to General Motors, a firm pre- viously visited on other occa- sions by Nordair people. No new sales contacts were made. |The only other calls made were |to losal civic department heads jand to the manager of the Osh- jawa Chamber of Commerce. |This effort was made appoxi- mately two weeks after the | air travel is at its lowest peak,|Ont., and had been an employee! hardly a fair trial period, with/of Hunt's Bakeries at the Osh- higher travel period approach-/awa Shopping Centre. She lived ing, the intoduction of new/with her sister, Miss Galilee new equipment and a change in/Q'Boyle, at 65 Aberdeen street.| schedule Nordair could well rea-|/ Mrs. Shortridge was prede-| lize its fair share of the travel! ceased by her husband,' Wilfred, | business out of Oshawa. This! at Bond Head Dec. 26, 1959. She should be tried before any deci-|i; survived by two sisters, Mrs. sion as the feasibility of Osh-| mildred North, of Clarkson and jcriminal negligence, four ju awa as an air terminal is reach-/ iss Galilee O'Boyle, of Osh-| |awa and a brother, Jay O'Boyle, jof Oshawa. The memorial service will be EFFECTS IN OSHAWA The application of Nordair to abandon Oshawa, if successful, could have two and possibly three: adverse effects on Osh awa. First and the most obvious is the complete lack of schedule air service and its vital effect on the industrial growth of this city. One needs only to tour com- parable centres in the U.S.A. and note difference in the diver- sity of industry in those centres which have schedule air service as opposed to those who do not have this type of service. Second, the possibility of Nor. dair not making a success of th whole route pattern they now have in Southern Ontario, is not inconceivable. Should th ey abandon this route and another air line makes application to op- erate in this area they would be Nordair had made application to suspend service in Oshawa. Nordair insituted a return flight from Oshawa to Windsor on Thursday and Friday even- ings during November and De- cember to facilitate, according! to their news release of Jan. 30,| peak travel days to and from| Oshawa. May we suggest that| the peak travel days were at| other points on the route and that the flight originated and terminated in Oshawa for rea- sons known only. to Nordair. LOCAL ASSISTANCE TO NORDAIR | (a) City of Oshawa and thy!' } | |hard pressed to: first, consider |serving Oshawa in view of Nor. jdai's figures,. and secondly, if they did include Oshawa in their application they would have a tough time trying to convince the Air Transport Board of the economic feasibility of provid- ing air service to Oshawa. All this on the strength of Nordair's figures for Oshawa, if not refuted by some strong local action, could have dire effect on the chances of Oshawa securing ry| | 10 oe ases. |.A group of the boys from silo dea daortite __.|the Bowmanville Training School will attend the morning held at the Armstrong Funeral) service at Northminster United a e re a ot Feb.|Church, Oshawa, tomorrow. rs Went aa U ee vee Following the service the boys or mestmoun nitec urch,|and officials of the school will will conduct the services. Inter- be guests of Alger Press Limit- ment will be in Oshawa Union| oq and The Oshawa Times at cases and | Early Bird Gomes | Jackpot Games 54-52 Special Games $50. Extre WATCH WED. PAPER But if you're looking for a | good job, Classified ads lead you to it! Read "Help Ads" to see what's open. Place "Work Wanted"' ads to contact help-needing em- ployers. i Dia] 723-3492 for an _gd- Tickets are now on sale at __the U.A.W, Hall. WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE BINGO-MONDAY, FEB. 19 2--$250.00 Jackpot Nos. 50-56 1--$150.00 Jackpot (Must Go) eee | } writer. } | 20 GAMES--$20 and 5 SPECIAL GAMES at $30 iaenoat A jlunch in Hotel Genosha. FUNERAL OF -- MRS. EFFIE M. SMALL | The memorial service for Mrs. Effie Matilda Small, who) died at the Oshawa General} Hospital Tuesday, Feb. 13, in) her 8ist year, was held at the Armstrong Funeral Chapel Fri-| day, Feb. 16, at 2 p.m. Rev. Frank Ward, minister of Westmount United Church, con- ducted the service Interment was in Mount Lawn Cemetery. Pallbearers were Joseph Davies, Kenneth Davies, Ken- neth Knowlton, Reuben Young, SATURDAY, FEB CONCERT TICKETS 1.50 air service of this nature again in the immediate future. The details of Nordair's attempt to provide air service in Oshawa must be put on record, as the} Air Transport Board is only in-} terested in economics' in the| granting of licences to operate) air services in Canada. | PREMIUM QUALITY FOR DELIVERY PHONE 668-8441 William Reid and Earl Paige. CONCERT Oshawa Symphony Orchestra with assisting artists HERBERT GENTRY ASSISTANT CONDUCTOR OSHAWA MISSIONARY COLLEGE available et: HENDERSON'S, WILSON and LEE end ALTO MUSIC STORE QUackpots Pay Double in 52 Nos. or Less) REGULAR GAMES PAY DOUBLE IN 17 NOS. OR LESS---$100.00 DOOR PRIZES ADMISSION $1.00 -- EXTRA BUSES Admission Ticket Gives You Free Chance on Door Prize RED BARN NORTH OSHAWA KINSMEN SUPER BINGO TUESDAY, FEB. 20th-8 P.M. 20 REGULAR GAMES $20 EACH -- 2 CARDS 25¢ $150 JACKPOTS . 24 - 8 P.M. HALL AND 1.00 $20 PER LINE -- $50 FULL CARD (3 CARDS $1.00) SAVE .. . $20.00 $1.00 ADMISSION -- 2 FREE CARDS ON 2 -- $200 JACKPOTS (MUST GO) EXTRA CARDS 25¢ EACH, OR 5 FOR $1.00 5 -- $30 GAMES -- 2 CARDS 25¢ ~ ON AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE BUY LIABILITY INSURANCE Premiums as low as . SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD. See . . . Oshawe's Largest Insurance Office 360 KING ST. W. 24.00 per year EXTRA BUSES --, Children Under 16 Not Admitted JUBILEE PAVILION Monday, BINGO 8:00 p.m. ST. GERTRUDE'S AUDITORIUM 690 KING EAST AT FAREWELL 20 REG. GAMES -- TOTAL $300 | Snowball 56 Nos.-$210.-$20 Con. Plus $10.00 each horizontal line | Regular Jackpot 53 Nos. -- $100 - $20 Con. SHARE-THE-WEALTH 723-2265. GOOD PARKING EXTRA BUS SERVICE y, NO CHILDREN, PLEASE