26--Reooms for Rent 27--Real Estate For Sale 27---Real Estate For Sale |29--Automobiles for Sale 29--Automobiles for Sale 32-----Articles for Sale WICE warm comfortable room, he 4] central, close to General Motors north) plant, eult gentleman. Telephne sda PRIVATE sale, Five-room brick bunga- low, 'north east section, Beverly Street. arranged. T 725-6398 for appointment. COMFORTABLE furnished bed-sitting good home, very central, bing ONE lovely furnished man, private home, private bathroom and entrance. 444 Fernhill Boulevard or telephone 723-7070, 00 ke FURNISHED, (tesla wont abate) elose to North General Motors, reas able rent. 105 Ritson North. 725-1900. ROOM for rent in clean, quiet home, suit one or two gentlemen, central le eation, near bus stop. Telephone 728- % PER WEEK. Breakfast included, Clean hotel rooms, single or ible. Nightly rates also available. Telephone 725-0078. PLEAGANT, comfortably furnished room, suitable for business gentleman. Ideally located, close to buses and down town, Private entrance, Call 725-2010. LARGE bright furnishd housekeeping room, studio couch, and 5-ROOM lVestorey brick home in North-west area, nicely dec- crated with finished recrea- tion room, fenced lot and paved drive with detached gorege. Close to shopping and schools. Low down pay- ment, For further informa- tion coll Lorne Hortford at 728-6286. S..D. HYMAN REALTOR PRIVATE 'sale, fiveroom brick bunga-Ul PONTIAC Laurentian sedan two low with garage, two years old, land-|tone, beige, automa' lly steering, scaped, decorated, jraalo, . out, all extras, one NHA mortgage 6/6 at 1010 Dundas Street . close to schools, bus etc.|Whitby. 3 per cent mortgage,|John MO 8-4456. be seen after East, Lot 20, 79 BUICK in good condition, Phone $3 CHEVROLET sedan, in good condi- tion, radio, good upholstery and body, For furmer 4 7 123- BABY crib in new condition, wooden with blue plastic mattress, $18 or best offer. MO 6-5220. + | 5637. Seo ate "38 PONTIAC coach, good body and motor, radio with rear speaker, elean interior, $195. MO 8-5631. GooD TV's | ANNUAL REPORT Parkway Tele- North, Your of at reasonable prices. vision, 918 Simcoe Street color store. \ bungalow, 20 ey covered patio. 2548, Howe and Peters real-| White, age, like new, Telephone 728-1203. 60 CORVAIRB four-door deluxe, Ermine beautiful red interior, custom radio, whitewalls, gear shift, low mile- 1960 HALF-TON Chevrolet truck with BEFORE buying or selling televisions, jerators, stoves, wash- canopy, A-1 Apply 216 Park Road North. ers, call Elmer Wilbur, CO 3-2294. 1918 CHEVROLET sedan, good trans- HOME with income -- Oshawa Boule- vard south, insul stone, two storey, nine-room house, basement, double garage. Private four-room unfurnished apartment, upstairs, $65 monthly in- come. Private sale or trade for home near city and schools, 725-0454, BUILDING lots by Courtice Public and High school, half down, balance terms. Telephone 728-5579, i S VLA BRICK bungalow, two-bedroom, $15,000. Three acres land, in North East section, city water, 725-4433. oes MASSON Street lovely five-room bun- galow with carport. Has all the extras, walk-out basement. $2442 down. 725-9478 LESLIE Street, nine-room brick, $12,- Ford, half-ton truck, standard. Will take trade or terms. Chief, good condition, owner. Must sell, will finance. evening. good condition, clean 728-0785. 1959 FORD station wagon, automatic, clean, excellent condition, $1,695, 1951 good condition, $175. 1956 Meteor coach, V-8 engine, Private sale. Call after 5, Brooklin, 635-3179, STATION wagon, 1958 Pontiac, ptrato light blue, one Best offer, 728-2304 week days and Saturday 'sf CHEVROLET two-door, radio, in and out, no reasonable offer refused, Telephone whitewails, portation, $60, Telephone 725-4449. {959 PONTIAC Parisienne convertible, automatie, radio, <='2:6. Low mile! Must be seen. Telephone MO 8-484 matic, this week's special, only $1,395, Ted Campin Motors, 723-4494. 1956 FORD coach, radio. Working man's special. A real steal, $595, Ted Campin Motors, 723-4494. 1958 FORD sedan, & cylinder, custom radio, clean car, perfect tires, good paint. $1,095. 725-6786. '33 CHEVROLET BelAir, six cylinder, automatic, radio, A-1 condition. Color, coral and grey, Telephone WH 2-5684, 900 easy terms, air conditioning. P.!heaters, $25,000 miles, p: Pickens, 114 Oakwood, Toronto, 532- 7 large closet, near hospital and down town, Lady preferred. Telephone 725- GLEAN tarnished room on Park Road th. Suit one lady. Use of kitchen, Bus stop at door, Telephone 728-5606. FURNISHED rooms, close to business fection, for gentlemen, reasonable, 160 Park Road North. ee TARGE furnished bedroom, all eonven- fences, parking for car, very central, abstainers, Gentlemen preferred. Tele- phone 728-8644. ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Avcilable in privete. home. Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 82 PARK ROAD NORTH 728-8671 FOR SALE Good downtown property will be free and clear, ready for building .. . land is offered for sale at $2000. per toot frontage on King St. Leave information in writ- ing with: 27--Real Estate for Sale WHITBY brick triplex, very reasonable, low down payment or will take a first part T pay as MO 65765. $2,000 DOWN TWO.YEAR-OLD 6-ROOM BOX 3 sine INES LOOK !- $600.00 _.| 125-7279, aati MOVING, must sell! Spacious six-room} bungalow, two years old, storms, an- tenna, near school, churches, buses. Telephone 728-1963 after 5. | Sicoeeeteteenecoetiascoatente $650 DOWN, one mortgage, three-bed- room bungalow, year old, beautiful condition. Large kitchen, extra large tires on it. Ready to go to work. Telephone MA 3-5756, '86 CHEVROLET deluxe, two-door, " eriec' 4 Illness forces sell, Private MO 6-5152. 742, GMC six wheel drive, in running order, Good buy for quick sale; also "51 Chev four wheel drive, five speed transmission with power winch. 1050 x 30--Automobiles Wanted LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want cars for wrecking. Highest prices paid. 725-1181. $ ALL CASH $ y radio, living room, Sacrifice. MO 8.8253, hardtop. jeal ith NORTH west spacious six-room bun- galow, br fireplace, d $1500 down. Will finance to suit buyer. __|MA 3-916. after 5 p.m. 723-4343 ise CHEVROLET A-i condition stan- dard, four-door, $1400. Cash. Telephone For clean cars we deol up or down. Liens paid off, NICOLS MOTORS LTD. 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY PRIVATE sale, six-room red brick bun-| mtg galow, three bedrooms, north west lo-| THE HOME OF GOOD USED CARS leation, near schools. Reasonable. Owner jleaving eity, Telephone 723-9562, MOTORS LTD. 146 BROCK N. SOUNDPROOF, fireproof, elevator, in- tercom, many extras. $105. Two-bed- room apartments, Call Mr. Appleby 725-6544 or 723-3398. John A. J, Bola- hood, Limited. CALL 723.1133 ! FOR A COMPLETE REAL ESTATE SERVICE CARL OLSEN | REALTOR | |__19 ATHOL ST. W., OSHAWA _ | ee | PAUL RISTOW |_ BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA (ust East of Wilson Road) WHITBY MO 8-4741 _| 723-4494 Ros. 725-5576 MO 8-8001 CARS WANTED Buying a New Car? Sell your used Car to "Ted" Talk "Cash" to the New Car Dealer and "SAVE", TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 725-5574 31--Automobile Repairs KEMP MOTORS AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION SPECIALISTS Res. e.| TYPEWRITERS, electric ten key add- i050 CHEVROLET coach, radio, auto-|¥ «-|East, Whitby. SKATES, new and used, sold and ex- changed. Apply Drayton Cycle, 204 Bond Street East. ing machine, calculator, check writer, also cash register, Will sell reasonable. 123-4434, WE pay highest prices in the city for used furniture. Pretty's Used Furni- ture Store, 723-3271, 444 Simcoe South. WE buy, sell and exchange used furni- ture or ai you have. The City Trading Post Stores, 446 Simcoe Street South and 31 Bond Street East. 723-1671. ROLLER bearings and seals. Mitton \Electric and Mac! ry Ltd,, 208 Chest. nut Street East, Whitby. LEONARD refrigerator with 40 lb. freezer compartment, two crispers, ex- cellent condition, $85. Also 24-inch range $45. Telephone 728-3284 after 6 p.m. ONE commercial sewing machine, $83; one treadle, Domestic, $15; one elec- tric Domestic, $30. Telephone 728-2391. TYPING paper on sale, letter size, white newsprint, buy in bulk lots and save. 4% Ib. pkg. $1.00, 9 Ib. pkg. $2.00. Circulation @ept,, Oshawa Times. GAR radio, in the dash, transistor, $32.50. Aerial and installation extra. Try Dominion Tire, 48 Bond Street West. TENTS, camping supplies, marine hardware, outboard motors, is and bicycles. Best prices. Try minion Tire, 48 Bond Street West. GUNS (old) wanted rifle, shotgun, re- volver or pistols and cartridges. Tele- phone 725-8183. CHAINS and sprockets, Mitton Electric and Machinery Ltd,, 208 Chestnut Street East, Whitby. V-BELTS and pulleys, Mitton Electric and Machinery Lid., 208 Chestnut Street East, Whitby. ELECTRIC motors, Mitton Electric and Machinery Ltd,, 208 Chestnut Street DISCOUNT prices at Edgar's on Para leommittee, Mrs. Grant Glover R i : KEDRON -- The annual con- regational meeting of Kedron nited Church was held at the church recently. Rev. Ronald Love was the chairman for the evening. For the coming year, Frank Lee continues as Presbytery re- presentative. Serving on the session will be Alvin Spencer, Howard Farndale, Harold Werry, Ross Lee, Mrs. Laur- etta Crossman and the clerk of the session, Clarence Werry. New members of the Board of Stewards this year are Mrs, Ross Lee, representing the Unit- ed Church Women, and Bert Smith and Orval Jackson, who join Ted Maidman, Lisle Noble, Robert Dale and Douglas Love, The Board of Trustées will consist of Howard Farndale, Ross Lee, Harold Werry, Jack Glover, W. Mountjoy and Al- bert Wood, The auditors are Harvey Pas- coe and Rodger Bishop; flower and Mrs. Howard Brown. The Observer representative is Mrs. Everett Mountjoy, and paint and varnish. Gloss, flat ,semi- gloss, latex in white and 20 colors at/ 20 per cent off. No limit to quantity. | Get free advice at Edgar's Paint and) Wall Paper, 34 King Street West. 8. F, GOODRICH Stores -- Tires, bat- teries, Kelvinator refrigerators, tele- vision, Thrifty Budget Plan. 725-4543. the reporter, Mrs. Rodger Bish- op. Mrs, Ross Lee is the Dit- rector of Music, and Clarence Werry the secretary of the congregation. The report for the year's ac- tivities reflected growth and ex- Kedron Parish , THE sidan Seturdey, Fehrucry 17, 1962 15 $9137 ported a sucessful year. A sum of $115 96 was raised from paper drives. From a variety of activities such as the sale of apples, a square dance, and a refresh- ment booth at an auction sale, a little over $500 was raised, and a good start has been made on providing camping equip- ment for the local boys' groups. Derek Barnett presented the proposed budget for the new year, and a colorful pester made by Mr, Jack Francis showed how it was hoped the money would be raised, and how it would be spent. During the evening a film on the work of the church in An- gola, entitled "The Ones From sored was shown by Mrs. Ray cott. Orono Beats" Bowmanville In Badminton By MRS, KEN GAMSBY ORONO -- The Junior Gar deners had their January meet- ing in the Guide Hall, Orono Municipal present. Building, with 30 Captains were appointed and each captain chose members for her team. The captain is to be responsible for notifying members of her team as to the date of the meeting and also increasing the membership. the There will be a birdhouse competition in March also a poster competition which will eg ren by e the director February meeting. i Mrs. Fairbrother showed some slides of trips to Ottawa during tulip time, the Gatineau Hills, Midland and the Trent Canal system. - CREDIT UNION MEETS The directorate of Orono Dis- trict Credit Union held the re lar monthly meeting in the op Board Room, Orono. The president, Percy Werry, Brain Surgery Using Cold, Bloodless CHICAGO (AP)--A bloodless brain surgery technique substi- tuting super cold for the usual scalpel has been used by a presided. The report of the treasurer, A, Loucks, showed 136 members, 41 borrowers and assets of over $20,000, Two loans were granted during the month. Plans were made for the pot luck supper and annual meet- ing on Feb, 26. The Scout Group Ladies Aux- iliary held their first meeting cf the year in the Armories on Thursday, New officers elected for the year are Mrs. L. Aslett, presi- dent; Mrs. R. Black, vice presi- physician to relieve once hope- less cases of tremor and rig- idity. He is Dr. Irving 8. Cooper, director of the department of neurologic surgery, St. Barna- bas Hospital for Chronic Dis- eases in New York. In a prepared abstract, re- leased Thursday, he said his procedure carries such small risk that it is possible to apply the technique in early cases of brain disease as well as in far advance cases. The procedure consists of in- serting a small tube until it reaches the site to be treated and then filling the tube with liquid nitrogen cooled to around 200 degrees below zero centi- grade. BRITISH BRIEFS Workers Given Their Tea Boys By M. McINTYRE HOOD COMFORT FOR VISITORS Special to The Oshawa Times | HORNCHURCH, Essex--Wor- ' LONDON -- A group of work-/ried visitors to critically-ill patl- ers on an underground car parkjents will be able to stay over construction scheme at Marble|night at Harold Wood Hospital, Arch went on strike because|Hornchurch. A $2,700 rest room they claimed that instead of|fitted with two divans and a having to carry their tea from|studio couch has been provided a canteen they should have it/for their use. delivered to them on the job by tea boys. They objected to BAN LOUD RADIOS BOURNEMOUTH -- having to fill vacuum flasks People provided by their employersiliving at Highcliffe, near and carrying them to the job/Bournemouth, who comp site. The strike ended when the/about the nuisance caused by employers capitulated andjblaring portable radios, have agreed to employ tea boys. been told by their local council that a bylaw is to be enacted -- af an offence to play the Charollais bulls from Ke chat, foaae yeeccthawer France, in quarantine at Lon- USE HISTORIC LAND don docks for 11 weeks after) DOVER, Kent --Land once three others were found to bejused by the army for prepara- diseased and slaughtered, havejtions to repel any invasion by been released and sent through-|Napoleon and later by Hitler, is out the country for |to be used as the site for a new tests. Two which have become|factory at Dover. It would be lame have been held back for|the nearest English factory to treatment, and a_ third hasithe markets of France. The gone to the Isle of Man. war office has sold the land te CHECK ROYAL CASTLE Dover corporation, WINDSOR -- Windsor Castle,| MAYORS VISIT BERLIN by permission of the Queen, is} LONDON Three British to have a nuclear fall-out check-|mayors have gone on a visit te ing station, linked to hundreds/Berlin at the invitation of that of others throughout the coun-|city's mayor, Herr Willi Brandt. try. Special recording equip-/They are Lord Mayor of Mane ment is being installed there in|chester and mayors of West- an underground shelter, minster and Acton. DRAMA AT SEA OBJECT TO TOWER ST. MAWGAN, Cornwall --| CROOKSCUTTY, Surrey -- Carrying urgently-needed drugs,|The West Surrey Society is ob- an RAF Shackleton from this|jecting to erection of a radar port flew out to the ship Port-jtower on Stone Hill, near land, 220 miles southeast of|Crooksbury. The tower would Land's End, to help save a seri-|be 250 feet high, and the society ously ill seaman's life. The|says it would "introduce an un- drugs, from a Truro hospital,|sightly and discordant element were packed into two specialjinto what is now_one of the cylinders with 600 yards of rope|most visually pleastng portions attached. of the Surrey landscape." MERRY MENAGERIE Distributed dent; Mrs. E. Dent, sec.-treas- urer. The retiring officers are Mrs. B. Mercer, Mrs, S. Barraball and Mrs. H. Best. It was also decided that for the coming year the mee would be held on the same even- ing as they have been for the past two years, the fourth Thursday of each month in the Armories at 8 p.m, On Wednesday evening the Orono Badminton Club were host to 12 members of the Bow- manville Badminton Club at the Orono Municipal Buildin courts. The two clubs enjoyed an evening of badminton p! ing mixed doubles. Donna For- rester and Art Hooper walked off with the top honors of the tournament, BUNGALOW Aluminum Storms, Screens. Landscaped lot, fenced yord, extras, 723-7818 CADILLAC NORTH BRICK BUNGALOW Large well-kept, newly dec- erated, five rooms, two bed- rooms. dry basement, well insulated, heats easily, Beoutifully landscaped lot, with lovely shade trees ond hedged lown, with poved drive, situated in_ residential cree, close to schools and churches. Aluminum doors, storm win- dows and screens through- out. Owner will hold the mortga: tgage. Asking $13,000, with $3,- 000 down. REPAIRS on any make cash registers, adding machines, typewriters. Also sup- plies. Work guaranteed. Free ~ esti- mates. Telephone 723-4434 any time. DUPLICATOR, hand and electric, spirit or stencil; supplies. Hamilton Of- fice Equip., 137 Brock St. §. MO 8-8442. FUR COAT dark brown seal, full back, full length, size 20, like new, $50. Telephone 725-8901, FUR COAT, dark brown seal, full back, full length, size 20, like new, $50. Tele- phone 725-8901. SEAL coats, black, like new, size 20, full length, $25; size 22%, % length, $20. 725-1882. BALL bearings and bronse. Mitton {Electric and Machinery Ltd., 208 Chest- |nut Street East, Whitby. AWNINGS, canvas. Prompt service, free estimates. Chair, table rentals. Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North. CHROME set, consisting of table with arborite top and six chairs in good con- dition, $60. Telephone 725-3844. USE THE OSHAWA TIMES CLASSIFIED COLUMNS 35--Legal DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS, OTTAWA TENDERS SEALED TENDERS addressed to Secretary, Department of Public Works, Room B-322 Sir Chorles Tupper Building, Riverside Drive, Ottawa, and endorsed "TENDER FOR FED- ERAL BUILDING, LINDSAY, ONTARIO," will be received until 3.00 P.M. (E.S.T.), WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28, 1962, Plans, specifications and forms of tender con be seen, or can be obtained on de- posit of sum of $100.00 in the of a CERTIFIED bank ue to the order of the RECEIVER GENERAL OF CANADA, through: Chief Architect, Room D-715, Sir Charles Tupper Building, Riverside. Drive, Ottawa; Acting District Architect, 225 Jarvis Street, Toronto; ond con be seen at the Post Offices at Lindsay, Oshawa, Orillia ond Peterborough ,end ot the office of the Builders' Exchanges at Toronto, Osh- awa, Peterborough and Orillia. The deposit will be released on return of the documents in good condition within a month from the dote of re- ceptiorr of tenders. If not re- turned within thot period the deposit will be forfeited. To be considered each ten- der $25.00 and over must-- (a) be accompanied by one of the alternative se- curities called for in the tender documents. be made on the printed forms supplied by the Department and in aceordonce' 'with the condition set forth therein. The lowest or ony tender not necessarily accepted. | ROBERT FORTIER, Chief of Administrative } Services and Secretary. i SHERIFF'S SALE By virtue of a Writ of Fieri Facias Issued out of County Court, County of York and directed to the Sheriff of the County of Ontario against the Goods and Chattels of Marcel La Fontain at the Suit of Claude Veilleux | have seized and taken in execu- tion. One 1956 Pontiac-Four Door Sedan TWO TONE GREEN License-No. 339-665 --- Serial No. 62219610164 Motor No. W41363. All of which will be sold by Public Auction, on Wednesday, the 21st day af February, 1962, at 2:00 o'clock, p.m. at Heard's Taxi and Garage, 124 Brock Street th, Whitby. Dated this 9th day of February 1962. pansion in all the endeavors of the church. A total of $5,167 was raised during the year for the support of the local church, and $1,319 for the M and M fund. The newest organization, the group committee and the ladies Auxiliary of the Scouts re- WHITBY MO 8-4932 } |32---Articles for Sale |SENSATIONAL savings on baby ecar- {riags, clearance of i39i models, 1962 |styles to be shown next week as low as $19.95. Free carriage mattresses, | Wilson's Furniture, 20 Church Street. |"THE MATTRESS KING" has sensa- -----|tional savings on smooth top mat- tresses, reguiar $59.50 to $89.50 value, lal] selling in three group prices, $28, |$38. and $48. Wagon wheel bunk beds, '968. Crib mattresses $5.88. Continental jbeds $27. Wilson Furniture, 20 Church Street | USED parts and repairs for all makes of wringer type wsshers, 4 hp motors, $5 to $8, guaranteed rec d washers and stoves. Paddy's Market, Hampton, CO 3-2241 |6 WALL cases, birch, complete with sliding glass on tracks; show cae (floor), 6° 6", birch, cost $700, will sell complete $250; Taylor safe, fireproof, $150; gas heater, propane, cost $210, sell for $50. Telephone 723-4545. _|30:INCH bed, 36-inch coil mattress, al- most new, $10. 188 Kluane Street, Tele phone 725-1652. THISTLE baby carriage, grey, %8. Baba . Tenda, grey Arborite With chrome, $8. Sunbeam electric fry pan, $10, 725-8886. GENERAL 17 cubic foot freezer, chest style, almost new, $120. Telephone 725- 1980. 76 Colborne Street East. JBEDROOM set, blond finish, double bed with spring, mattress, dresser, chest; iron bed, springs, mattress, tele- vision Sylvania, 2i-inch screen, table model; two large baby cribs one mat- tress; platform rocker, brown uphol- stery; large size~ Conlon troner, kit- chen chairs, 725-0454 FILTER Queen Sales and Service, lib- eral trade-in allowance. Free demon. stration, Telephone 726-4683. JOHNSTON outboard motor 314 horse- REALTOR 5212 SIMCOE ST.N. | 728-9474 Residential Farm VOLVO THE FAMOUS P.V.544 1962 MODELS NOW ON DISPLAY Jake & Bill's Garage FINA SERVICE | 449 RITSON S, -- 728-0921 WILLIS MOTORS TAUNTON ROAD EAST Your AUSTIN Dealer We hove a good assortment of Used Cars, 725-0331 ov RAY) «CLIFF MILLS COMPLETE DOWN PAYMENT ONE N.H.A. MORTGAGE $71 MONTHLY Why rent? Move into one of these solid brick, 3-bedroom bungalows, with oil heot, and all conveniences, at your door step. Start 1962 the right way --~ own your. own home. Detached. Privote drive | Location: | Neor Oshawo Shopping Centre | 725-1186 W. T. LAMSON | Real Estate Limited | Commercial Industria! 29--Automobiles for Sale i954 INTERNATIONAL canopy on back, in good condition, new tires. Apply 330 Rosedale drive, Whitby SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up | or down, Liens paid off. | DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. S. } 723-9421 | 35--Legal CHANGE OF NAME ACT, 1960 TAKE NOTICE that the Ap- plication of Thomas Water Glowacki otherwise known as Thomos Wolter Glowaski of 586 Bloor Street East, Oshawa, Ontario, to change his name to Thomos Walter Gront, and the application of his wife, Mary Ann Glow- acki otherwise known o8 Mary Ann Glowaski to Mary Ann Grant and thot of his son Thomes Michcel Glow- oski to Thomes Michael Tim- othy Grant ond thot of his daughter Diane Marie Glow- eski to Diane Marie Grant ond thot of his daughter Janet Mary Glowaski to Jonet Mary Grant, will be made on Friday ,the 9th day of March, A.D. 1962, at 10:30 o'clock in the fore- noon before His Honor Judge J. deN, Kennedy in Chambers ot the Court House ot Whit- by, Ontario, DATED AT OSHAWA Ont- crio, this 29th 'dey of Jan- wary, A.D. 1962. Greer and Kelly Barristers, 114 King St. Eost, Oshawa, ontario. Solicitors for the Applicant CHANGE OF NAME ACT, 1960 TAKE NOTICE thot the Application of Poul Frank Glowacki otherwise known as Poul Frank Glowoski other- wise known as Paul Frank Glawaski. of 1057 Cedar Street, Oshawa, Ontario, to change his nome to Poul Frarik Grant, and the appli- cation of his wife Marie Margaret Ellen Glowacki otherwise known as Marie Margaret Ellen Glowaski otherwise known es Marie Margaret Ellen Glawoski to Marie Margaret Ellen Grant and that of his doughter Linda Marguerite Elaine Glowaski changed to Linda Marguerite Elaine Grant and that of his son James Paul Peter Glowa- ski to James Poul Peter Grent and that of his son Robert Leo Paul Glowaski to Robert Leo Paul Gront, will be made on Friday, the 9th day of March, A.D, 1962. at 10:30 o'clock in the fore- noon before His Honour Judge J, deN. Kennedy in Chambers ot the Court House at Whitby, Ontario. DATED at OSHAWA,. this 29th day of January, A.D, 1962. half-ton with This is a very attrective, well built home ond must be seen to be appreciated, Telephone 728-8849 After BULLS ARE FREED LONDON -- Twenty-four of a Daily until 8 p.m. ~ T.V. TOWERS 40 - ft. structure with ail- channel antenna, all galvan- ized, guaranteed 1 yeor TRIO TELEVISION 171 Bond St. E., 728-678) Joesph Bosco | Realtor | TELEPHONE 725-9870 GOOD RECONDITIONED Refrigerators Ranges And Washers All ports and service. AJAX BARGAIN CENTRE HARWOOD AVE. NORTH AJAX -- WH 2-6410 VALLEY CREEK FURNITURE In @ new location 16% Bond Street West. Top prices poid for used radios, televis- ions, furniture and applian- ces. We buy, seli and' ex- change. Telephone 728-440}. GREER AND KELLY, Barristers, 114 King St. East, Oshowa, Ontario. Solictors for the Applicant. to everything, You, too, will be pleesed with this ospect ef buying your in. "Downsview 'Pork'* (Adelaide St. E.), For further info call exclusive agent. bead ome ation features 4 te, THEN CALL YOUR MOVER own 3706 DOWN | OFFERS room apartment j GUIDE REALTY |. sescmucens*.n ei "AS IS' LOW PRICED CARS Good irwestment or live rent | LIMITED Troe, dat listed, | Coll, Bil | 1951 PONTIAC DELUXE, TWO-DOOR-- 16 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH | Oe. Nice green color. 723-1121 A dg pl E WHOLE PRICE only $03 eash. Telephone 725-0478. down. 5-room oie ™ sve Saas. a Douglas dryer, food =con: ion 9.95, budget terms; Rant Sve antes take Call Ed Drumm ot 728-5123; ONLY $59 om down "d i econ on F. Good- @ week, complete with Soin efter hours 725-9345. rich Stores 88 King West 725-4543, modem bungalow with double | Lloyd Realty (Oshawe) Ltd,, 1953 BUICK SPECIAL SEDAN -- Two- (pre prt weteen' Siete, tla ee ati Realtor, tone blue, custom radio. re aS a Mca A pea Bah ie nce yt y 10) Fetch N, } LICENSE B 16188 Fant casathion aaitseie and bea e 'active RO CT ee ee decoreted home on extra FULL PRICE $99 Ey gh eng RGR Settee | OPEN ULL PRICE $ Seer rasa Ceo, coe 1954 DODGE SEDAN -- Grey color. Samra TeLD ad chai cr wet room. 6% NAA.» ortgoge FULL PRICE $79 Sovely iva, a $819 vate, mavens' Heme end principol. \VaCUUM cleaner Tepairs, all mates, CE T irati [pode a ered ine gl em ae ten: Mea LCATION | Admiration 1954 PLYMOUTH HARDTOP--Red and _[fsrtieurtnam,cirete fever Ser hi in. ALY prised sale af Banwooilg. eal ase Piei pal hoet FUTURAMA waite, powe A87791 ese Tia enna wal pane tt etree FULL PRICE $99 Penge ee area , three |FURNACE forced air, i0 year guaran care x wcont wit we | BUNGALOW eau dt Race Tori toe Ca tawn. | Ronarnace Strent Oe) eee see = Block: cians andar nee taictoee, Nabe epen this week end. Refresh: | OFF ANNAPOLIS ST. FULL PRICE $199 ce ts ed. ME scale, cho; lock, slicer, he ton Bet ie ta ae yd yea fg = -- Black and white, custom ra- | ¥ io, automatic transmission, power | Lloyd Corson, Dick .Youry, steering, power brakes. ! Lucas Peacock. LICENSE B 4548 YOUR GUIDE TO BETTER FULL PRICE $499 ' 3 BUYER'S VIEWPOINT ! | ! 1955 PLYMOUTH SEDAN -- Blue. 1 purchosed my home in "Downsview Park" beca it Is HIStHIRE AP 1278 use it Is the only ploce in the heart of the City where | con purchose o FULL PRICE $299 -~ Nice red and\black car, auto- matic transmission. LICENSE B 10584 LLOYD METCALF Real Estate Ltd. | ~ FULL PRICE $199 "40 KING STREET EAST DIAL 728-4678 | | 1955 irl eo ser te atenetic. radio,' two-tone blue. COME OUT THIS WEEK-END ; | | | ULL PRICE $179 Ney sr | : ~ . DRAPERY WONDERFUL BRAEMOR GARDENS THE 'See F F Ml aay Custom-made, lotest ealorful x floral ond abstract patterns. "OSHAWA'S MOST CONVENIENT COMMUNITY" f | Satins Rayone, Mohelr, ined We'll be glad te show you around ~; MOTORS.LTD HARRY MILLEN REAL ESTATE é ' ONTARIO ST., OSHAWA 266 KING STREET WEST 728-1679 723-4311 @.3-room aportment in good LICENSE NO. 759573 GROCERY STORE ' fireploce, nicely decorated. one Norge dryer re-conditioned $99.95. |springs ($119 value) will be given to the large lot, Hos 1,000 sq. ft., LICENSE 810760 Ee -- i ee Furnishings, 424 Simcoe Street South. $9,950.00 |Edgar's Decor Centre, 34 King Street at 820 ond 828 Glen Forest, cookware, appliances, lady's golf equip- 1955 OLDSMOBILE, TWO-DOOR HARD- \desk, chair. Hamilton's, Whitby. Roy Flintoff, Jean Peace pew modern home in @ restricted location that is so convenjent~ 1951 CHEVROLET, 2-DOOR HARDTOP LICENSE 205451 | TO and unlined, up to 4 widths 54 to 95 inch lengths, $17.95 up. ot- tractive colors in polished 79 yd. up, Dan, River Dress Cottons, var: ious colors, pdterns, 98c yd. M & C DRY GOODS | 74 CELINA ST., 723-7827 | 1 Kitchen Drapery Fabric | | ¢otton. "Arthur Welsh' Sheriff, €.0, Sheriff's Office, Whitby. 4