Oshawa Times (1958-), 15 Feb 1962, p. 8

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-- secretary, Miss Lillian Steele.| INCLUDES HOUSEWIFE recognized the housewife. He PERSONALS The girls' trio sang and Mr.| MONTREAL (CP)--For the/Christian name now appear Robert Strimple gave an ad-/first time since it first ap-jalongside her husband's in this dress on "Current Trends in|peared 119 years ago, Lovell's|fashion: "Smith, John (Mary) A successful card party was{Lloyd Sturch, ge D. au Protestant Theology." Montreal city directory has'...." held Sunday evening at the|Mrs. C. Wickett, Miss Gladys 3 Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Weir, Law home of Mrs. Robert Sholdra,|Colbreay, Mrs. J. H. Maiel, cre ' Apple Hill, for members of the|Mrs. E, Jackson, Mrs. E. G.|*reet, --, the capping HP 77? 202 200 299 I KOE OE Ct OE Barvinok Group of St. John's|Dingman, Mrs. John Foley, pogonry tering Be med Kitchen- Greek Orthodox Church. The|Mrs. D. Mitchell, Mrs, H. Wood. |°" 894 Waterloo Hospital, Kitch- prize winners were Mr. Steven ener, when their daughter, Miss Hercia, Mrs. Steven Hercia,| The Toronto Bible College|Verda Jane Weir, was among ||Mrs. Nicholas Semenuk, Mrs.|graduates of Oshawa and dis- ee ee bei a John Dutchak. Later a spag-jtrict met recently for dinner atlbithday and a Spier part hetti supper was served by|Sundalwood Restaurant 88/was held followin; Mthe pos Mrs. Sholdra and her co-host- guests of the college. The Rev- mony at the hae of tie aha esses, Mrs. Walter Kuch, Mrs./erend C. E. Falconbridge Wa, Albest Bowmen and Miss Steven Hercia and Miss Anne|a} i and itive secre- J a B Kitch ' Sabat. t the college represen-|)2"¢t_ bowman, poy 2 ery ne ize Fep! surprise feature was a birthday ee Fh tative. Also present were Mr. se nenk ninaay. Derties. Wet nobert Minos BA Mle img anniversaries, coming and the Reverend A. Troyer who nurse's cap. goings of guests are always of = A i ... |graduated in 1906. There were interest in this column. Write, 23 present. An election of offi- WOMEN'S HAIR 1 isi i 4 vans soe cP agin --_ * cers took place: President, the} A Japanese saying is that a ope, ited which tara Je 4 Reverend Percy Page; vice-|woman's hair is strong enough charge. Telephone 723-3474 president, Mrs. Neta Hoagland; |to keep an elephant tied. Mr. Keith Oliver of London, | | Daparto, saa at aha 0 UJ T 2S canbe COUPLES CLUB HOLDS VALENTINE BOX SOCIAL Hiiaey oan ake F a successful evening of cards - The Young Married Couples | day night. The wives packed | tents with his mystery partner. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Phillips, recently at Hillsdale Manor. Seas YARDLEY soap ONE TABLET FREE with every three in Lavender & Red Roses For a limited time only, Yardley offers you 4 tablets of Red Roses or Lavender soap, for the regular price of three. A thrifty way to enjoy a lovely bath luxury. $1.75 "DPD <DP> "DPD "BPP "DPD 999 399 359 Club of Grace Lutheran| and wrapped lunch boxes] pictured are Mr. and Mrs. | vice-presidents. Prizes were won by Mrs. Ray Church held a Valentine Box | which were auctioned and the Nelso residents and ; Westfall, Mrs. Frank Baker, social and dance on Satur- sdasied neues ne --Oshawa Times Photo |yr<° uM' Grierson, Mrs. Jack highest bidder shared the con- , Anderson, Mrs. C. Dewhirst, . » » Women preter the aS ber, however, since tactlessness|Mrs. H. Fitchett, Mrs. A. C. a -- THE STARS SAY [or outbursts of temper could|stone, Mrs. F. A. Wilson, Mrs. 7 ANN LANDERS : ' ee, jcause unnecessary upset. §|F. E, Taylor, Mrs. C. Marsh, bottles. "AT THE fe ; By ESTRELLITA | A child born on this day willl Mrs. J. B. Henderson, Mrs, D. STORE Go AT YOUR ig ; | |be vivacious, amusing and McLaughlin, Mrs. C. Foote, the ¢ FOR TOMORROW | much sought after by others. -- jReverend Derek Allen, Mrs. © fgp ee) Finances and personal mat-|-- ~~ {Ronald Wilson, Mrs. William fag: , Engaged Men gh ters continue to be surere" at | UNIFORM DRESS | Howls, Mrs. A. Hubert, Mrs. pS AO DIAL 728-6241 ake Second Look PCaggag SES SEs, LE namie ow Sens hit lt | fa aa lg ' ; ie d suggests that you be|two per cent of the girls at Bar-|p,_. nce 4 ag ke e. q ' T e n : fa Metedieing tactful and y itar (the North Collegiate Institute rage f Ncube ce ae P Ideak 'Dairy Limited Lada |stanaing with your business as-|voted for uniformity of dress at/Rudka, Mrs. C. A. Hewett, Mrs. . } QUALITY DAIRY PRODUCTS Dear Ann Landers: For me; Dear J. W.: Your son feels|sociates ischool. They want a uniform of |K. Kewin, Mrs. Frank Gazley, P OSHAWA, ONTAR there is no hope. I married the|inadequate. He is fearful thatip9R THE BIRTHDAY ja white blouse with green and|Mrs. Alex Nicolson, Mrs: Wil- wrong girl and I'm stuck. 1/Miss J. will not like him for) ]¢ tomorrow is your birthday,|gold plaid kilt. The whole outfit|liam Bowko, Mrs. William J was 25 and should have known/himself so he brings her gifts|your chart shows interesting|would cost about $16. |Wells, Mrs. W. Rorabeck, Mrs. ! better. It was all there--right/in the hope that this will stand|gevelopments in both your per} before my eyes but I thought I/him in better stead /sonal and business life during} could change her after mar-| Explain to Tim that it is how |this year. a Start making plans for good 14 | | I saw the whole bit--how her|You treat people and not what} g 1 mother treated her father, the|you give them that counts. ee naopaenyg tiger cage co Ng 9 filthy house, the fact that no|phasize that an occasional gift bed bic oo cae ; two members of the family|is fine, especially if he saves|®" a ae icy them. ep ever sat down to a meal to-|for it himself. But it represents| ° he a teceamiont the Year gether. They walked aroundjno sacrifice to the boy if yon ting Firth sceeial efforts dar. ec Sage ou ones aed ee eS eee 2 ee ling the next few ee you i : -| Dear A L ers: I' |do, you should wind up this year forks into pans, not even both ear Ann Landers: I'm #0 ery Sell, " . " about dishes. upset I don't know what to do.| sg. people didn't have to|I'm afraid to ask any of my!| Expect exceptionally good op- live like this. They could have|friends because my husband/portunities between -now and afforded much better. There/has read in your column that|/August; also in November, late wasn't @ newspaper, a maga-jmarried people should settle|December and the first part of zine or a book in the house.|their differences between them-| 1963 They never heard of hanging a/Selves and not blab to out-| Happy personal relationships picture on the wall--only snap-|siders |will be yours throughout most shots and photographs of the} Six months ago I lost my\of the year ahead and for ro- : family stuck with adhesive tape| wedding ring. I was just sick|mance, especially, this month, or thumb-tacks. over it. Now I am pregnant|May and June. Be circumspect I'm writing this to warn other|and have to go to the doctor's| in such relationships in Septem- guys. In the name of heaven/office for check-ups. I am quite paren look around and take a good)large and it is plain why I aM! more than the price of the air- ® ° e " ae E> KEE KR KEE KE EE EE + DDD 599 999 399 999 DD SD DDD Ke Ke KE KE KEE EEE KEE 28 KING STREET EAST 723-4621 P "999 399 D9 D2 DP?» KE KE KE KE KEK look at the girl's house and/in the doctor's office. I feel just family because yours will be awful, sitting there with = oie vis seston, he the same way. Plain hell--that's| wedding ring. pees oy seunet 6 ceuline a b I have ane my husband to|hand. at the dime store. Get uy me another ring. He re-| goj Iv ae BF ce gh gg artes fuses, saying that anyone who going. Trhis third grade teacher |'°, 2°, Careless doesn't deserve| Confidential to Cat's: Me-ow: fond of his third grade soe 00 another chance. I dread going|pon't push your luck. Quit Tim asks me to bake something|t> the hospital without a ring.|while you're ahead. In my Sor Miss icines her ceangen |Weet can I do? Ringless opinion you already have more week. He brings her oranges, : h e apples, bananas -- one day a Dear Ringless: For little|than you're entitled to. grapefruit--flowers, and he has) ---------- even saved from his allowance! to buy her dime-store perfume. f My husband thinks this is ad-| Week-End SPECIA LS y mirable. He says we should be) pleased that Tim is so thought- ful and generous. I say there| ought to be a limit to gift giv-| AT ing. Furthermore, I don't feel| it is good for a child to aioe JURY & LOVELL LTD. IN so much importance to gifts. | Some days when Tim has no} gift for Miss J. he doesn't want to go to school. | My husband and 1 welcome}! Qshawa - Bowmanville - Whitby your views. J. W. TRIPLE ACTION REXALL Throat Lozenges POLYMULSION _ sees 4-0z. Pleasant-flavoured multiple Vitamin Emulsion. Res 2 1,00 | Res. 2" 200 A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE pace ae Model Illustrated : Chevy I 800 4-door Sedan 1.00 2.00 ww BAND AIDS ,.. »>. ge CHEVY II... ELEVEN OF 'EM TO CHOOSE FROM! An entirely new line of cars... teeee with 'big-car' comfort and room, 'small-car' manoeuvrability and thrift! COLGATE TOOTH PASTE .,., .;. 49° Pepsodent Dental Cream,.,. os, 7. 69° Lustre Creme Shampo0peq, 250 Veuel-98 DRENE SHAMPOO,.,,... 89 BAYER NOSE SPRAY "Sfcixc 1.0, 99° INSTANTINE '°°*,..4. 1.29 vowe ..... 99° VASELINE °*,.3°'s5. Quick Home Permanents ,.,. 2.00 a ae ta ee Chevy II's are BIG inside yet easy to jockey in the tightest --_low-weight, high-strength body . . . a 90-hp four cylinder Rexall SUPER PLENAMINS traffic, simple to park in cramped quarters. And Chevy II _ engine that's mighty miserly on fuel or a high-spirited 120-hp offers a choice of eleven breath-taking models, including a _six cylinder engine that's almost as economical. 18-day supply free with purchase 72 size ot Ne. regular price. $6.47 Value for .. 4.98 sporty hardtop, smooth sedans, family-packing station wagons 1 49 COMFORT-SIZED INSIDE! TRAFFIC-SIZED OUTSIDE! POWERED FOR THRIFT AND PERFORMANCE! J \Z. | raga ee These advanced features have already been recognized by the BARNYARD APRON ADRIENNE REXALL and a dashing convertibte. _ editors of "Car Life" Magazine who have honored Chevy II "By ALICE BROOKS HAND LOTION | COD LIVER OIL 'And new Chevy II introduces engineering features that with the coveted 1962 Award for Engineering Excellence. One Two more cooks spice the! include: easy-riding Mono-Plate rear springs . . . front _ test drive at your Chevrolet dealer's will convince you (as it ot we acer dayl" Apriiane,| Rea 3.00. 2" 200 ne ies... 2" 1.88 fenders that bolt on for easy, economica] replacement...a has the experts) that Chevy II's at the top of the erop for?62§ etitchery. | Rick-rack tails 'n' trim--gay, Whitewall fires epfienal ef entre esd? eux Resor sees ta yet This is only a partial list of our specials... pocket. Pattern 7225: transfer) Come into our stores for many more .. . ; of a group 12 x 16% inches; | 3 one 10 x 21. | : : Send Thirty-five cents (coins) | We will meet any advertised price!! for this pattern (stamps cannot) be accepted) to Alice Brooks, | (fe <# : co The Oshawa Times, Needle-| \ craft Dept:, Oshawa, Ontario. | Print plainly NAME, AD.-| @ DRESS, PATTEKN NUMBER. : i BEYER | BEFORE VALUE! PRESCRIPTION [;CEETY CHEMISTS Be sure to see Bonanza on the CBC-TV network, each Sunday. Check your local listing for time and channel. : , embroider, ot prion pee CITY WIDE FREE DELIVERY craft Catalog -- ready now! 8 KiNG ST.E. ee ae et Beautiful Bulkies in a com-]) #7" i 0 'STS. | c-oe = %: | etieees| §6§©=-- ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LTD. HARRY DONALD LIMITED spreads, linens, toys, afghans, | [ROSSLYN PLAZA - 728-46c8 | slipcovers plus 2 tree patterns.| STORES IN BOWMANVILLE AND WHITBY PLAZA 140 BOND STREET WEST, OSHAWA, ONTARIO 300 DUNDAS STREET EAST, WHITBY, ONTARIO. Send Ey igual saad PHONE 725-6501 ____ PHONE MO 8-3304, MO 8-3305, MO 8-3306

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