THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, Februdry 15, 1962 2] and other crops This will help Ghana diversify her agriculture which has been dependent o one crop, cocoa. - Presenting... SIM LASH and his TRIO Featuring JONNY ROMERO For your listening and dancing pleasure EVERY FRIDAY--10 P.M. TO 2 A.M. IN THE CONTINENTAL ROOM OF THE TOWN & COUNTRY RESTAURANT : 15 BOND ST. EAST PHONE 723-1821 - ' $1.00 Per Person 7 Volta's Power | Seen Power To Ghana Ills ACCRA (Reuters) eens ; F ivo| economic crystal gazers see the mone it, tne el of curative |fong. = awaited," contoversil century in terms of preventive| Volta River power project as medicine |the answer to many of the west ' : _ |African country's industrial, do- Before 1900 preventive medi-|mestic and development ills. cine concentrated on the dis-| After nearly 11 years of plan- eases of poverty, squalor and/ning and hoping, the Ghanaian malnutrition. The heroine dying| government has obtained fi- jof consumption in a garret was/nancing for this multi-million- the symbol. In 1962 we suffer|dollar project, which holds the from the diseases of plenty./key to the country's future in-| The flabby businessman in his/ dustrial development. | early 40s who is always slightly) A dam will be built across/ out of breath is the commonest|the Volta at Akosombo, in east- victim. jern Ghana, 60 a |Accra, to provide badly-ne DOCTOR SHORTAGE |power for both industrial ex- Early diagnosis of vulnerable|nansion and domestic require- groups is the modern method) ments, When the project is com- of attaking this problem. The pleted in five years, not only techniques are well advanced) wij; Ghana have cheap power in North America but, experts! for industry, but most up-coun- Say, are not properly under-|/try areas finally will be able to stood in this country. discoard their troublesome, A third problem is the van-| smelly kerosene lamps. ishing doctor. The average GP| The over-all cost of the proj- has about 2,300 patients on his) ect will be about $196,000,000, \of list. He makes about £4,000 a)which Ghana will provide half year but in terms of working/The remainder will be obtained hours is paid less than a brick-|through loans from the interna- layer. tional bank, the United States Fed up with administrative|and Britain. | inefficiency and hungry for the| Besides new industries and a! £10,000 a year the private con-|/giant aluminum smelter which! sultant can make, many Brit-|is part of the plan, the project| ish doctors have sought greener|will create Volta Lake--a new/| pastures overseas. Since 1950|/source of prosperity for a siza- | some 5,000 have emigrated,|ble area in itself | about 1,900 of them to Canada. | When the 370-foot high, 2,100- Because 'of a government|foot long rock-fill dam nears committee's miscalculation in|completion -- about. mid-1964--' 1957 the medical schools are not|a lake covering 3,500 square providing enough replacements.|miles will begin to form be- Today one-quarter of the junior|hind it. From its southern-most housemen in British hospitals|point, at Akosombo, the lake will come from overseas. |stretch up to Tamale, nearly Officials have evoked the|400 miles north. -- | creation of two good post-medi-| The lake will wipe out a few) cal schools in India and Pakis-|old industries, but create new} tan could bring the giant NHS/ones. ; to its knees through lack of doc-| Agriculture will, in some tors. | areas, taghide A to rae The Plans to meet this emergency|Vvast lake is expec pro- hinge on the new centralized hos-|duce some 10,000 pounds of fish pitals. These, it is argued, will|4 Year. give the doctor a better deal/ and encourage him to stay. \lings a week for room and Powell envisages a push-but-| food. Prescription costs, now ton medical Utopia that will be|two shillings each instead of the| a general panacea for the most/original one shilling, may go up serious ills of the NHS. He ad-jagain and socialists moan that The seasonal rise and fall of the lake waters also will make some 600 square miles of land available for cultivation of rice UK's Health Service Likeable, Sick Giant Britain's national health jreached the bright sunlit up- service is often mentioned jlands of socialized medicine. by. groups appearing before (Today, although the anxiety Canada's royal commission |about doctor's bills is removed, on health services. This (the average patient coming un- story relates the difficulties 'der. the protection of his own facing the British plan and welfare state might think him- efforts to overcome them, self back in a new dark age. By DOUG MARSHALL ('CRUMBLED WRECKS' LONDON (CP) Because The picture that wili haunt Britain built the first hospitals|™¢ for a long time,' writes one in the world she now is bur-|CTitic, "'is of silent circles where dened with the oldest--some*? Crumbled wrecks of old 2,800 of them and only two men or women sit gazing newer than penicillin. blankly gut at dirty roofs Th baplat cwallhd through narrow windows in a b aL ht re sg aba a jlong bleak room with one dubi- bottone that ont rally ie ous-smelling lavatory and a sin- main' weicht of wile National £l¢ bathroom stacked wiih com- Health Service. modes. : The NHS i ick -iant gob The new hospitals will also} oe a sce slant £0 bring the general practitioners bling up £900,000,000 a year. "the Gonkhoraek oF the NHB Many of its diseases are con- genital, some incurable. Wadi tras sonsctamts cea' hooph of administrative fat hang heav- tal staffs : ily from its extyemities; a shat- ; tered nervous system makes, (lhe gulte pico the Lourh -ordinati sgish: i ife-|are a structural weakness Srondination sluggish: its life|which the NHS inherited with slowly draining away. its inception in 1948 and has Despite these infirmities al-|40ne little to repair. It has its most all Britons--peasant and|°Tigins in Lloyd George's Na- .|peer alike--are really rather|tional Insurance Act of 1911 :|fond of their giant. Unlike Can-|Which diverted the mainstream ada the problem here is not| Patients away from hospitals whether to have him but how/2nd local clinics and into the Ito cure him. family doctor's waiting room. | One prescription is a° major) He was ill-equipped by train- |surgical operation on the back-|ing and tradition to shoulder |bone. Health Minister Enoch/the load. During the war years ; |Powell has announced that from|the development of medical = |now until 1971 Britain will spend|techniques far outstretched the |£1,000,000 a week constructing|facilities available to handle |110 new hospitals and substan-/them. After 1948 the GP found |tially rebuilding 134 others. himself acting as a clinical ex- pert, consultant and out-pa- MENTAL HOSPITALS OUT tients department all at the Southern England's great!came time. teaching hospitals will be |brought up to date. Currently LAG ON PREVENTION jinadequate maternity facilities) The structure of the health | will be extended. Most of the service itself evolved through a |bleak mental hospitals scattered|process of improvised solutions jacross the country will be abol-|and expediency rathan than log- ished to conform with modernjical planning. The Sunday itheories of out-patient treatment/Times medical correspondent for the mentally ill. says the result is '"'an adminis- Pivots of the new system will|trative arrangement that bears be a series of ultra-modern dis- no meaning to the pattern of 4\trict general hospitals. These/need and treatment of the pa- SPECIAL VALENTINE DANCE AT THE ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION HALL 90 Centre St., Oshewe Friday, February 16 DOOR PRIZES -- SPOT DANCES Dencing 9 to 12 p.m. Doug Week's Band $2.00 Per Couple EVERYONE WEL@OME F) A 2 BiG its! Sunburned and Gun burned... like the violent country he rode ! "WONDERFUL COUNTRY" IN TECHNICOLOR ROBERT MITCHUM -- JULIE LONDON WA se Pius It's a Bull's-eye of action - blazing Excitement. "TARGET ZERO" £4 2a Above is shown the new Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce Building in Mont- real. This 600-foot skyscraper is the tallest building in the Commonwealth and is expect- Life Insurance Sales Record Set Sun Life Assurance Company| of Canada chalked up another|@lone increased by nearly. $40/news commentaries over radio million to a total of $648 mil-/station KFI in the 1930s and record year in 1961, selling more than one billion dollars of life insurance for the third year in a row. The largest Canadian life) company's sales last year were $1,129 million, up 8.4 per cent} over the previous record esta- blished in 1959. It brought total Sun Life insurance in force to $10,185 million, about 40 per cent of which is in Group life insurance. These records were announc- ed today by Mr. J. B. J. Wan- sink, Sun Life manager here. The announcement followed the) company's 91st annual meeting held in Montreal Feb. 13. The Peterborough Branch al- so announced that dividend scales on Sun Life policies are being revised upwards for the 13th consecutive year. Sun Life dividends to be paid to policy- holders in 1962 will be $45.2 mil- lion, $3.8 million more than in 1961. The Sun Life paid $194 mil- lion to its policyholders, bene- ficiaries and annuitants in 1961 -- $766,000 per working day -- bringing the total of these ben- efit payments since the com- pany's organization to more than four billion dollars. Assets increased during the year by $91 million to $2,480 million, invested mostly in gov- ernment and municipal securi- ties, corporate bonds, stocks Tourist Trade Falling Otf In S. Africa CAPE TOWN (Reuters)--The luxury tourist trade has fallen off sharply in South Africa. Hotels catering to the luxury trade have had their profits sharply reduced in the last two years. Tourism executives blame the unsettled conditions in many parts of Africa for the decline. They say people in North Amer- ica and Europe are being frightened off from _ visiting South Africa. Ocean cruises have _practi- cally stopped. Only one cruise liner called last year, and only one is scheduled for this year, against four or five annually a few years ago. } The head of a car rental firm said that he was doing at least four times as much business four years ago as now. "'But I would say there is a renewed interest in the last couple of months," he added. One hotel owner blamed the tourist drop on the 'bad pic- ture" of South Africa over- aean l ed to be ready for occupancy | of the Canadian Imperial in May of this year. Among | Bank of Commerce, lays the the articles placed in the cor- | cornerstone for the new build- nerstone was a copy of The | ing. John S, Proctor, vice- Oshawa Times. In the insert | president of the bank, looks Neil J. McKinnon, president ! on. FIND COUPLE DEAD TARZANA, Calif. (AP)--For- mer radio news commentator Fleetwood Lawton and his wife, Virginia, were found 'shot to death Wednesday. Police said |they had killed themselves in a suicide pact at their home. and mortgages. Mortgage loans|t awton was known here for his lion, invested in more than 58,-\early 1940s. In recent years he 000 residential and commercial| worked for an insurance com- properties, |pany. CONDONE OR CONDEMN--- But YO! CANNOT DENY : DYNAMIC "4 ENTERT AVHMENT! IDA DE BANZIE (6 MAK ORRAEZATION PRESENTATION OSTROUTED BY 29m CENTURY FOR, FLAME STREETS RE A CINEMASCOPE PICTURE Both Features .. Recommended As Adult Entertainment BILTMOR EB 77770 PET lag THERAPY THIEVES pls "FLIGHT THAT DISAPPEARED" 20m CENTURY 10% i rd RECORD. BREAKING WEEK! uf + ROSS HUNTER Socsren wm JOSEPH FIELDS : , RODGERS «. HAMMERSTEINS BROADWAY'S , y .vovous (> MUSICAL LOVE STORY? OR + venses wy PANAVISION® WONG" \X~ 5 NANCY KWAN .s'-suze JAMES SHIGETA tena MIYOSHI UMEKI PLAZA NOW 600-bed institutions will be de-|tient." jsigned for local population A letter from a harassed doc- needs and contain all the facili-|tor in a large Midland city ech- ties for specialized treatment. joes a universal complaint: | The patient may have to travel|"There are people running this |farther to hospital than he does health service who've been now. But his stay will bejtransferred from _ the Gas | shorter, his treatment better/Board... ." 8 mits the problems, the financial ones, are still im-jicine are being undermined. mense. foots 80 per cent of the health|are evidence that the giant, still exchequer. especially|the very principles of free med- The government still) But the plans and criticisms ervice bill directly from the] in its adolescence, is beginning \to sort itself out. No one ser- There is talk of charing short-jiously doubts it will someday term hospital patients 21 shil-jachieve a healthy maturity. RICHARD CONTE -- PEGGY CASTLE KS Y STARTS hy TODAY jand the after - care service| At the same time the medical |more co-ordinated. profession itself has been guilty | When the program is com-jof a major error in judgment. | pleted Britain hopes to have'Britain's techniques, second to Held. Over (BRT tEWs nO ) BREAKS HOLLYWOOD UP -LAUGH BY LAUGH! FEATURE AT: 11:30-3:35-5:40 7:50-9:55 A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE Discount Prices on All L.P.'S We have just received a large shipment of Western L.P.'s et $1.58 . . . Listed below are just @ few of the over 200 selections now in stock. @ BARN DANCE MUSIC . . . Jigs, Reels and Waltzes. 1 58 Reg. 1.98. DISCOUNT PRICE W..., Ee JUNE PASHER SINGS . "Your Cheating Heart' and 1 58 others, Reg. 1.98 DISCCUNT PRICE . BARN DANCE MUSIC . Joe Murphy - Polkas, Jigs and 1 58 Reels. Reg. 1.98. DISCOUNT PRICE i) DOWN EAST FIDDLING ... . "Trip to Windsor Joy", etc, Reg. 1.98 DISCOUNT PRICE OLD TIME FIDDLE CHAMPION . ... Featuring Al Cherney, Reg. 1.98 DISCOUNT PRICE i) NEWFOUNDLAND OLD TIME FIDDLING MUSIC . . . The Shamrocks "Rock Valley' and others. . Reg. 1.98 DISCOUNT PRICE : t) CANADIAN COUNTRY ARTISTS + Featuring Stu Phillips, @ AY Bob King. Reg. 1.98. DISCOUNT PRICE 193 OLD-TYME FIDDLE JAMBOREE . . . Featuring Brian Barrow. 1 58 Reg. 1.98 DISCOUNT PRICE | 1.58 THE CHUCK WAGON GANG... with Carl Lofstrom E 1.58 sing Sacred Songs. Reg. 1.98 DISCOUNT PRICE Reg. 1.98 DISCOUNT PRICE 1.58 WWVA. Reg. 1.98. DISCOUNT PRICE Reg, 1.98. DISCOUNT PRICE "Big Bod : 58 5-string Banjo. DISCOUNT PRICE LTD. TIME OFF FOR COUNTRY MUSIC. . CANADA'S YODELLING SWEETHEART .. . Miss Terry 1 58 ' THE IMMORTAL MUSIC OF JIM MAGILL . + 10 Fiddle 16 TOP COUNTRY AND WESTERN HITS ... ji fT UNT PRICE . Reg. 1.98 1.52 CAPE BRETON FIDDLE ... . Dan 'Joe MacInnis -- ay : Eastern Ontario's LARGEST Music Centre PHONE 723-2843 FEATURE TIMES: 1:50 - 4:20 - 6:45 -- LAST SHOW 9:00 P.M. PLAYING i (yodelling). Reg. 1.98 DISCOUNT PRIC WESTERN TUNES . . . Evan Kemp and The Trail Riders, Parker --- 10 Yodelling songs. Reg. 1.98 DISCOUNT PRICE GOOD N FUNNY .. . with Crazy Elmer,featured comic ry Tunes -- Joe Murphy. Reg. 1.98. DISCOUNT PRICE 1,58 VALSE CANADIENNES . 10 French Canadian Waltzes, 1 58 Ey John', Soft Rain', Po' Folks. Reg. 1.98. DISCO! LESTER FLATT AND EARL SCRUGGS .. . Guitar and 15 Fiddle Tunes. Reg. 1.98. DISCOUNT PRICE 1,58 OPEN EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT TILL 9 P.M. 87 SIMCOE ST. NORTH 725-4706 Sell EATON'S SPOTLIGHT SALE Chopin "Lowboy" Pianos in art finish mahogany veneers, each EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT, 360 Oy LT /// CLEARANCE! \ only. EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 233 Store Hours: 9.30 a.m. to 6 8 From Canada's largest piano manufacturer to EATON'S of Canada, and then to the homes of music lovers who appreciate a fine instru- ment. These pianos come with the full-88-note keyboard, the sensitive touch and responsive action that encourages beginners, and a tonal quality to delight more advanced musicians. Graceful, space-saving cabinets are approx. 56% x 24 x 37" high. EATON Spotlight Sale, In art finish walnut veneers. Sale, each 569.00 EATON'S Budget-Charge Terms with NO DOWN PAYMENT moy be arranged. Benches extra. ER he > A i ji i le WW i lh ST Corded "Arnel" Suede 'Seconds' of 'much higher priced line! Three colours only .. . exceptionally low priced for notable savings. EATON Special Price, Imperfections are slight and should not affect the serviceability! This is a fine-textured "Arnel" with a wide-wale corded finish; a favourite be- cause it is easyeto handle and sew. Choose it for blouses and dresses, for sports fashions, housecoats and children's wear. In Beige or Tan Monday to Saturda Ms --_-- PHONE 725-7373 ld L/L LITLE YARD : .99 PHONE 725-7373 Friday Nights until 9