Oshawa Times (1958-), 15 Feb 1962, p. 15

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, February 15, 1962 15° and deal with the censorship ofjsermon he delivered last Sun- this organization," he said. Hejday in an Ottawa church, As- suspected that many complaints|sociate Defence Minister Sev-| turbed" by the number of pro-|go to junior CBC officials injigny said Wednesday tests he has received about pro-|Toronto who may acknowledge) He said in a Commons reply e 'grams similar to the one Mr.\letters but "toss the protest in!to Douglas Fisher (CCF -- Pot On B Meddlin Brunsden mentioned ithe waste basket." |Arthur) that the department . & g but be cid the ach che" |does not consider it necessary be taken by ihe senior officers 8 jto take a stand in the matter. | ' "1 one recent 'program ni 'that se.\of the corporation--President Chaplain Refuses Mr. Fisher asked Tuesday Admit Statement ties entitled Crawling Arnold, |J- Alphonse Ouimet, Vice-Presi- whether the department would Quest has a varied fare of dent Capt. W. ES. Briggs and jtake a stand with respect to OTTAWA (CP) A naval} chaplain has refused to admit A charge of dangerous driv |the incident apparently arose . \their associates in Oittawa--and dramas, comedy sketches, in-| criticism of the CBC attributed criticism of the CBC attributed;man Catholic chaplain at navalling was laid when motoris jover one of the girl passengers terviews and topical mono-\"% by the government. ' : | "Protests should be sent to to Rev. J. E. Whelly, senior Ro- to him in a news report of a'headquarters. John Connors sought the protec lin Connors' car oe Mr. Nowlan, who reports to t ord ; Nowlan Says No fevce ob valeting |tion of Fort Erie police from @ | Dangerous Driver ldriver who tried to force him loff the road. Jailed 60 Days Connors said a car repeatedly pulled abreast of his vehicle NIAGARA FALLS, Ont. (CP)|and tried to bump it off the George Strickland, 20, of Forijroad, At one point, he said, the Erie, Ont., was' sentenced Wed-|two vehicles were jocked side nesday to 60 days in jail ancjby side. had his driver's license sus-} Assistant Crown Attorney pended for three years. Donald H. Scott tole the court OTTAWA (CP) Revenue fi Minister Nowlan Wednesday A overrode some voices of discon jjtent from Conservative back benches and gave a flat "No"' to a party supporter's request for | government interference in CBC programming. logues. It runs for a half-hour} starting at 10:30 p.m. EST each;}them so they may hear what Sunday. ithe Canadian people are saying DANCING PARTNERS Smiling Princess Margaret , skirted her | of Britain dances with husband, the Earl of Snow- don, as they attend annual ball of Canadian Universi- ties Society in a London res- taurant Wednesday night. It was their first public appear- ance since returning from Caribbean holiday earlier this month, Princess wore a full- New Democrats Vice President At Convention WINDSOR, Ont. (CP) -- Ma- dame Therese Casgrain of Montreal, vice - president of the New Democratic Party of Can- ada said here Wednesday night that the Liberal promise of a Canadian flag was '"'an insult to the intelligence of the Canadian people." She spoke at an NDP nomin- ating convention for the federal riding of Essex West at which William Tepperman, 25-year-old Windsor businessman, was cho sen as the party's candidate * Both Madame Casgrain and Professor Howard McCurdy of Assumption University took a swipe at the Canadian Chamber of Commerce's Operation Free- dom, a project aimed at pub- | licizing Canada's enterprise and | freedoms. Professor McCurdy, who nom- inated Mr. Tepperman, said Canada was not ready for "John Birchers or Minutemen." Madame Casgrain added: "It's best for people to pitch in themselves rather than trust the Chamber of Commerce and their Operation Freedom, If they want operations, we'll give them surgery." Finance Finn Office Robbed LONDON, Ont. (CP)--Three men held up the manager and cashier of a finance company in east London at 4 p.m. Wednes- day and escaped with between $500 and $700 in cash. Kim Keeping, manager of the Beneficial Finance offire, said two of the men brandished a sawed-off shotgun and a revol- ver. They forced their way be- hind the counter while their companion kept watch at the door. "They kept saying 'stand up atand up,' Mr. Keeping said. The robber with the shotgun pushed it against Mr. Keeping's head, making him open several record drawers. The other man emptied the cash drawer. Before leaving. the men shoved the manager and woman cashier into a rear room and shouted: 'Don't come out or you will get it.' "They were so nervous I was afraid the guns might go off," Mr. Keeping said. "'I said 'Take the money, take the money, but point that thing at the ceiling.'" FAMOUS PEAK Mont Blanc on the French- Italian border, reaching 15,771 feet, is Europe's tallest moun- biue lace --(AP Wirephoto from London) Detecting what he called "cat- calls" after his Commons state- ment, Mr. Nowlan added in even stronger terms that gov- ernment interference with the publicly-owned CBC would lay |the foundations for a Fascist or ;Communist state in Canada. Cries of "shame"--identified by one Liberal MP at the time as coming from the government side of the House--followed Mr. Nowlan's "No" to a request that he use his influence to remove the CBC television program) Quest and try to control "appar-, ently degenerate minds' that! appeared to have taken over) CBC programming. | Edwin W. Brunsden (PC --| Medicine Hat) made the request} after .saying he has received) letters describing the program| as "depraved," '"'disgusting,"' "absolutely immoral" and "'gar- jbage" as well as 'a rank viola \tion of the sanctity of the Cana- dian home and family." of midnight | REFERS TO QUEST a diamond neck- | | ater, Mr. Brunsden said he was referring to the CBC net- |work television series Quest on Sunday nights, and particularly dress with via radio DIRECTOR OF FITNESS AND AMATEUR SPORT, university ADMINISTRATOR OF NATURAL RESOURCES IN THE NORTH PROPERTY OFFICER, accredited standing with Appraisal In- INVENTORY CONTROL AND CATALOGUING OFFICER, ex- PURCHASING METHODS AND PROCEDURES OFFICER, « OPERATIONS SUPERINTENDENTS, experienced in mainten- NORTHERN AREA SURVEY OFFICERS, with related exper- NORTHERN REGIONAL PLANNING OFFICERS, with related LEGAL OFFICER, lawyer with e@pproximately two years' ex- STATIONARY ENGINEER -- HEATING OR POWER, first class TECHNICIANS -- TOWER CONSTRUCTION, with related ex FORMS DESIGN AND CONTROL TECHNICIAN, JUNIOR LEGAL OFFICERS, membership in or onticipated to a INCOME TAX ASSESSORS, trainees, with knowledge of the FOOD AND DRUG Re hs groduotes with TECHNICIAN -- INSECT GENETICS, ot least three years' SECURITY GUARDS -- OFFICES ABROAD, External Affairs BOOKBINDER (FINISHER) number of years' journeyman ex- TECHNICIANS, METEOROLOGICAL-IN-TRAINING, with high Details and application forms at major Post Offices, National Employment Offices or nearest Civil Service Commission Office Quote Competition number as indicated. Employment Opportunities (Civil Service of Canada) graduation or comparable combination of education and ex- perience, senior related experience, to be responsible to Deputy Minister of Welfare for the implementation and administration of the relevant. Act, National Health ond Welfare, Ottawa, $14,500-$15,000. Competition 62-4611. (Other positions in this Division will be advertised in the near future university graduote, broad knowledge of economic develop- ment of Canada's natural resources, senior administrative experience, Northern Affairs and National Resources, Ot- tawo. $12,500-$13,500. Competition 62-301, stitute of Canado, or American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers, at least six years' related experience, National Defence, Ottawa. $8820-$10,500. Competition 62-726. tensive recent practicol experience, some directly concern- ed with items used in operations of large organization, Transport, Ottawa. $6840-$7860. Competition 62-227 number of years' related responsible experience, Transport, Ottawa. $6420-$7140. Competition 62-225 ance and repair of facilities used in airport operations, sup- ervisory experience, Transport, Ottawa and Winnipeg. $6420-$7140. Competition 62-226 ience, to conduct surveys of human and renewable resources in the North, Industrial Division, Northern Affairs and Na- tional Resources, Ottowa.. $6000-$6660. Competition 62- 300 experience, to conduct surveys of industrial, commercial and Government development in the Northwest Territories, North- ern Affairs and National Resources, Ottawa. $6,000-$6660. Competition 62-302 perience to administer the leasing of Indian Reserve Lands, Citizenship and Immigration, Ottawa. $5940-$7140. Com- petition 62-727 Stationary Engineer's Certificate, National Defence, Army, London, Ont. $5400-$5940. Competition 61-T2063 perience, some supervisory, ability to work at heights up to 300 feet. Transport, Toronto, Ont. $5100-$5640. Com- petition 62-T2003. approxi- mately ten years' related experience, Notional Defence, Air Ottawa. $5100-05640. Competition 62-728 Low Society, Notional Revenue and other Government De- partment, Ottawa and various centres. $4920-$5880. Com- petition 62-735 principles and practices of accounting, National Revenue present vacancies Rouyn and Sherbrooke, P.Q., Saint John, N.B., Ottowa and Toronto, Ont. $4800-$5160. Competition 62-551. courses in Chemistry, Pharmocy, Bacteriology or a related elfare, $4380-$4920. Com- science, National Health and petition 62-451 >. related laboratory experience, Agriculture, Ottawa. $4080- $4800. Competition 62-365. $3210-$3660. While abroad, $3660 plus additional al- lowances. Competition 62-554 perience on finishing operations in suitable commerciol printing establishment, Public Printing and Stationery, Hull, P.O. $2.60 on hour. Competition 62-252. school graduation, $175 a month while training for three months. $2940-$3540 after completion of training, Trans. port, Toronto Air Services Region. Competition 62-T-2006 NAME ...... ADDRESS of their .. + for if affeds your welfare, your well-being, your prosperity! AN INTERPRETATION BY LOCAL INDUSTRY Objectives - Community Relations - Developments Told In Complete Defail In She Oshawa Cimes b EDITION Mr. Businessman... . Be Sure To Tell Your Story In The 1962 PROGRESS EDITION PHONE 723-3474 anda Competent Advertising Representative will call to assist you in preparing for your advertisement 1. ON THE COUPONS BELOW, FILL IN THE NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF PERSONS TO WHOM YOU WISH TO SEND COPIES. 2. BRING OR MAIL TO THE OHAWA TIMES WITH 15¢ FOR EACH ONE TO BE MAIL- ED OR $1.00 IF EIGHT COPIES. YOU WIH TO SEND poomoor ore ee ORME 5 isi sits 3. WE WILL MAIL THESE FOR YOU FROM > OUR OWN MAILING ROOM. ADDRESS ........ tain west of the Caucasus. Doug Amey Invites You To... TEST DRIVE this '58 BUICK , SEDAN .. "A good- | MOE rise shaves REORERR 6s 65a looking. car and smooth driving model"! says Doug Amey. This 1958 Buick sedan is finished in ,smart 2-tone green and ivory. Has. radio, windshield woshers, whitewalls, wheel etc., etc discs, MAIL AWAY TO FRIENDS EVERYWHERE NOW ONLY 51095 For the Best Choice . . . Choose from the LARGEST SELECTION at ONTARIO MOTOR SALES NAME .. este, eee 140 BOND WEST MAIL AWAY TO FRIENDS EVERYWHERE 725-6507 Li ceie wee ta a Ge ae

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