m AN Rema THE RISTICH TRIO 1 \learn and every job about the nearly always make them at-'They have a fresh orange fla- 4 |tive is the lure of other things } the child would rather do--go- know that the job must be done Jess than one-quarter the calo- 1 S.A. Home League CHILD GUIDANCE |_7mt omwawa ruse, Themdey. Pater 18, 962. 9 | Low Calorie Candy |,% sp.srmey ice How To Encourage Child |Low ee Y Ny cup 'one pc juice Who Dislikes Household Chores -- of dated bridge apes may be seriously counting cal- For The Bridge Set 1? cup non-fat dry milk By G. CLEVELAND MYERS jing out to play or viewing TV) ories, But right now, even those tablespoons lemon juice Soften gelatin in % cup cold) orange juice, Combine sucary! and % cup orange juice in Anybody knows that the more|when a chore, music practice or who are aot, probably will attractive to a child any job or/homework is supposed to be welcome a change from the seaslvads Ata Lm La activity is the harder he will/done. Aiso, there often comes rich, high-caiorie foods of the peusiag ¢l . ve ' : 'il work at it, whether it be learn-| the time when the initial interest holiday period. stand at room temperature until i 5 ; | ; ange juic id dry milk; beat ing a chore. So a strongly pre-|der to go on. with squares of orange gelatin| "ange hives jvailing theory of education has} There's nething wrong about'candy in piace of figure-dam- Util well mixed, add lemon | thi i lis w i q | ' 7. linto lightly oiled 9-inch square} | t 0 t him tolis wrong if we hope we can asy of vais in ightly ol) q) | jeverything you want him eg I ferent and easy on the waistline. pan. Chill until set. Cut into 49| sired. | Makes 49 pieces. Each piece} bohydrate. home you want him to do. tractive by Conflicting with an effort to magic. jmake all such activities attrac-| STRESS INEVITABILITY As a rule, the child needs to contains oniy little tricks or yor and are sweetened with jsucaryl, the non-caloric sweet- Iner -- which means each piece sauce pan; bring to a boil. Add) ing to spell a number of words,|in the activity wanes and the| Why not delight them all by thick (about 45 minutes), Com- |been: |trying to make such things at- aging refreshmonts? These jel-Juice and beat until very stiff. pieces (7 culs on each side).| OPE caryerlong had contains 10 calories; 1 gram to softened gelatin; stir until practicing a music lesson or do-;need for effort increases in or |substituting a compote filled bine remaining '% cup cold) Make attractive to the childjtractive to the child, but a lotllied candies are delicious, dif-/"0!d into gelatin mixture. Pour Roll in shredded coconut, if de- protein; 0 fat; 1.5 grams car- and at a certain, more or less|ri¢ count of its sugar-sweetened regular time. Its very inevita-| Counterpart. bility renders it less repellent.| ORANGE GELATIN CANDY | Its high gro» completion can'3 tablespouns (3 envelopes) make the job less distasteful, unflavored geiatin First woman air pilot in the) even attractive. | % cup cold orange juice United States, Harriet Quimby | Suppose your child at ten 1s 4 tablespoons sucaryl solulion'made her maiden flight in 1911. | required to practice regularly) | on a musical instrument 20 min-) utes daily. If he can't escape) EARLY AVIATRIX | Valentine Party | The regular meeting of the \Salvation Army Home League {was held on Tuesday afternoon, February 13. Children of Mr. and Mrs. oseph Ristich, Bond street ast, are Peter, Daniel and Patricia. Peter, four-years-old, Danny, two and a half, and Patti, one, are the first grand- children of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ristich, Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. Eoto Vasiloff, Hamil- ton, --Photo by Ireland | Mrs. Major Rankin led in the singing of a few choruses, Mrs. {William James made the an- . nouncements, and special pray- er for the: sick members was offered by Mrs. William Allison. the practice he may begin to see some gains in successes. | These gains will be the most! potent force in giving this child} satisfaction and causing him to} exert more effort. | There are hundreds of learn- i i i i i | | Bieplay Of Ethnic Handicrafts | 70f Interest At H-S Meeting bad An original and interesting/ethnic groups of the school. } spect of 'Citizenship' was pre-|There are at least ten such * ented to the Duke of Edin./groups represented at the Duke urgh Home and School mem-| of Edinburgh: Ukrainian, Dutch, hers at the February meeting. English, Irish, Scotch, Mohawk he meeting was convened by Indian and Czechoslovakian. Of the Citizenship chairman, Mrs. great interest were two dolls Yonald Sadoway and her co'dressed in full traditional CLUB SPEAKER Miss Gladys Neale of To- ronto will be the guest speak- er at the seventh birthday dinner of the Oshawa Sorop timist club to be held tonight at the Hotel Genosha. Miss Neale is a director of the MacMillan Publishing Com- pany of Canada Ltd., vice- chairman for Canada Feder- ation public affairs tee of Soroptimist Internation- al Association, a member of the editorial board of the American Soroptimist, a past president of the Toronto Soroptimist club and helped in the chartering of the Osh- awa club. She has _ recently returned from the Holy Land and will show some of the pic- tures that she brought back with her. hairman, Mrs.. Walter Kuch. | Ukrainian costume Represent- The highlight of the program ing Holland were the traditional yas a display of handicrafts|wooden clogs withovt which no nd skills pertaining to the!Dutch display would be com-|; plete, the old fashioned type of: jskate which is fastened to the UNITS GROUPS ordinary boot with laces andj) . ' also/a woven tapestry depicting | i@ a scene in Holland. Also includ-| AUXILIARIES ed was hand-woven lace from, Ireland; heather from _ Scot-| . nenes land; pottery and a school «RD SCOUT acy asd oe reader from Germany and a pPnuxiary held the reguiar| Peautiful collection of crystal eting at the home of Mrs. from Czechoslovakia ' ichael © Wakuluk Sharbot| One other item of interest to 'eet, on Monday evening, Feb.everyone was the "pastries", ry 12, Mrs. Glen Swindelis,|representative of each of the} resident, presided. Mrs. W. A./above named groups and which) paid eri Sameer served by the refresh-| 2 ee pada led gs iment committee. e secretary's report. Mrs.| re PTE Dindells announced that ali|, Before viewing the exhibits, hawa Scouters are invited t0| he ee ce be og weg tend the 50th Anniversary) ,, "risa eaeaaae ers ae A % ; omers." This film dealt with sav at Pg Te ea Gal immigrants coming to Canada| iate Institute February 22. jand showed how they settled) Pe ieee ¥ ** linto the Canadian way of life Loan sat aa ect Come by the use of talents and skills Peat brought with them. mac. Alo ih father and 400] "gs, Harry Metrath presided 24 at Camp Samac. Committee) at the meeting. Bg a ngs ebage eng re: are:'Moring, and the treasurer's re- Suppelsa, Mrs. Glen Swindells| Port by Mrs. Vernon Claus. and Mrs. G. M. Peters. Mp se - Objects hee im : : 5 and School' were read by Mrs. By & po age igloo C. N; McDonald in honor of Scout Headquarters| Founders' Night. uilding fund, Ottawa. The| The principal announced that the staff and the children them- ravelling apron was returned. |report _ cards would be sent)selves. |home on February 16 and any| The next meeting will be on LENORE GROUP lassistance parents could give|mental health and the speaker Miss Sally Parker, supervisor|the children in reviewing for|will be Dr. Jackson of the f Girls Activities, Simcoe/jtests, would be appreciated by|Oshawa Mental Health Clinic. all, was the guest speaker ---- = - te t the Lenore Group meeting ? @ i n Tuesday evening, February She| 9\.. @ @ , at Simcoe Street United) f a if i WITH THIS MAN ° e hurch. Introduction of the speaker was made by Mrs. H. H. Wells nd the thanks were expressed y Mrs. §. J. Taylor. The speaker outlined ted in London, England. Much good has been accomplished by these organizations. The meeting opened with the| }~ president, Mrs. Ira Travell, pre- siding. Mention was made of the annual dessert Luncheon April 11. Mrs. Jack Carter re- ported on this. project. The Devotional period was in, the charge of Mrs. R. EF. Cox| ? with Mrs. Robert Laing reading! } > CAME SECURITY This man was one of many respon- sible for more than one billion dollars of Sun Life insurance being sold last year and for Sun Life passing the ten billion dollar mark of life insurance in force. Through his dili- ence, funds that might not otherwise on been available were provided for widows' livelihoods, for retirement @ incomes, for advanced education and for emergencies. Perhaps this man brought security to you and your family. This man is the Sun Life representa- tive in your community. the scripture. A rummage sale was sched- pied for April 24, Announce-| ent was made of the UC eetings on February 21, April , June 20, September 9, No- ember 21 and January 16, '63./ The treasurer's report was| ven by Mrs. Wallace Butler. LEGION AUXILIARY The Ladies Auxiliary, Royal nadian Legion Branch 43, t on Tuesday, February' 13 h president Mrs. Norman Evers, presiding. eepest sympathy was ex- ssed for Ist vice-president, s. Alyn Elliot whose father, . James Cramb, passed away it Sunday. convener is still needed for Children's booth for the ba- r on: April 10. A Night of rds will be held next Tues- . February 20, at 8 p.m kets at the door will be 50, ? ts. This includes refresh- ; short meeting to be follow- by. a social, card bingo and eshments will be held on| ? j Li in 1961. i i A copy of the Sun Life Annual Report for lcome and spoke briefly. Also | wered questions pertaining to liary work. Mrs. R. E.| nts and special prizes. All) sday, February 27 with Port Auxiliary as guests. | iss Rose Bate 1961 will. be sent to policyholders; copies te, President of Bowman-| 5 ies raised will be used for , Zone Com- may also be obtained from any of the 150 le Auxiliary was also a wel- \_ offices of the company from coast to coast. me visitor. An invitation from| W. R. WOLFE, DISTRICT SUPERVISOR, fheir auxiliary for a future visit| OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE--OSHAWA, ONTARIO as accepted. | : Mrs, Pearl Taylor was report-| i = oeave General Hos-| Sun Life of Canada / i woverorvcccelly New Life Insurance Sold In 1961. Total Life Insurance In Force. Paid. to Policyholders And Beneficiaries In 1961 . + $ 194,628,661 Assets At December 31st, 1961 $ 2,480,916,134 $ 1,129,922,229 $10,185,070,715 Sun Life announces new dividend scales which, for the thirteenth con- secutive year, will result in an increase in the total amount to be paid in dividends to its participating policy- holders. Over $45 million will be paid out in the form of dividends in 1962, e an increase of more than $31 mil- a lion over the corresponding amount iliary work. der, given a_ hearty PE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA prresimonts were. served By fee Be. amen of the World Charles Gibbs and help-| One of the Great Life insurance Comp '|"The Unbelieving Heart"; Mrs. 1G. Drew, "The Glad i}Mrs. John Dixon, "The Prayer-| satisfaction to him by encour- commit- | The remainder of the after-/ing situations in which the child noon was in the form of a Valen-/needs to be required to go at a tine party and was arranged) jqb or learning activity, keep at by Mrs. David Owen, who Jed in| it for a reasonable time and stay| the responsive scripture read-|at it over a iong enough period O DISCOUNT at the Do-It-Yourself Store in Para Paints Flat -- Gloss Latex Semi-Gloss 1.99 QUART in white and 20 colors also available in gallons Unlimited Quantity Need Advice? Ask Us -- We'll Help You EDGAR'S PAINT and WALLPAPER 34 KING STREET WEST .|ing and in the singing of sev-\to win success. It's the success eral choruses with the word which will essentially be the re-| jheart in them. j ward, rendering the activity less| | A dialogue on "'hearts" was repellent or more attractive. presented by Mrs. George Hes-| This is something which par- "The Tender Heart";/ents and educators generally Edward Holland, "The/have overlooked. art Ms. F. Williams,' ENCOURAGEMENT HELPS Mrs. . Robert Clarke, | We might add that, nee the 5 'ichild goes at the required job) "+7, \0C learning activity, his success Heart"; | may be enhanced with resulting ful Heart'; Mrs. Jack Ludlow, j "The Thankful Heart'; Mrs. Wee axecanin a oss" Anek Owen gave a short talk on might well surprise him once| "Hearts. in a while by helping this boy} A few games were enjoyed|scrub the floor or wash the! the winners as follows: | dishes; | jmaking a hat, Mrs. Frank'/right suggestion to assist him| Hall; matching the lovers, Mrs./at a hard place in his home-| Eldon McDionald; counting the| work. | hearts, Mrs. Edward Holland; a| Q. Between the ages of two heart contest, Mrs, R. Goderich; |and seven or eight, what type guessing candies, Mrs. \F. Wil-|of baby sitter is worst? | jliams and Mrs, Thomas Salis-. A. TV is the worst baby sitter. bury. ' . er A prize to the one with a birthday on Valentine's Day} was awarded to Mrs. Jack Ludlow, who sang a solo, "Oh, |for a Heart that is Whiter than /Snow.""' Mrs. Frank Buller |closed in prayer. Mrs. Major Rankin on behalf of the Home League presented a gift to Mrs. Charles Cathmoir, who will soon be leaving Osh- awa for full time work with the |Salvation Army. | Tea was served by {Cheerio Group. Honey and sirups are best pro- Next week the meeting will tected from mold by storing in| be led by the members of the|the refrigerator after opening. | |Rainbow Group, under the lead-|Crystals can be dissolved by| ership of Mrs, Thomas Myers. 'placing sirup jar in hot water. the Mostly 50% OFF Daytime, After-Five and Formals Reg. to 28.00 ..ececeuece hee 15.00 Reg. to 50.00........... 2000 WA we Reg. to 29.95 ......ceee Fur-Trims and Un-Trims Reg. to 69.95 9.88 to 39.88 LUXURY COATS 9.88 Reg. to 75.00 Reg. to 89.95 SUITS 29.88 to 39.88 tf 6 beh Peaeee eb) Puccio || [KRESGE'S | PUA PeE bade aS eb eA bead 1 |) Pedoded dl CASUAL KNITTED SPORT SHIRTS Relax in perfect comfort in one of these handsome knitted sport shirts. Your choice of fancy patterns or plains ,... in a really good selection of colors. Each shirt has 3-button placket neck opening... short sleeves... and single pocket. Sizes S.M.L. Be ASK ABOUT OUR CONVENIENT LAYAWAY PLAN KRESGE'S SPECIAL PRICE . . . Each SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY CHEERFULLY REFUNDED WE WILL NOT KNOWINGLY BE UNDERSOLD ON IDENTICAL ITEMS 2 STORES TO SERVE YOU BETTER 'DOWNTOWN 'OSHAWA OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE ' SLIMS & SKIRTS Reg. 8.95 to 39.95 4.49 to 19.47 BLOUSES & SWEATERS Reg. 3.98 ].99 to §.47 to 16.95 Girls' and Boys' Sizes: 2-3x; 4-6x; 7-12; 12-14x. Reg. to 39.95 9.99 to 19.99 GIRLS' JACKETS Corduroy and Holland Reg. to 17.95 Sixes: beer 7,99 to §.99 BOY'S COAT SETS 3-Pc. Wool Reg. to 19.95 Sizes 2-3x., 10 By @ NYLON SNOW SUITS Fes. to 18.95 '23 1.99 tg 19,99 Infanis' COATS (Orlon Pile) 1 i he is ee a ak es oe ALL SALES FINAL for shopping pleasure . . . A JOHN NORTHWAY CHARGE ACCOUNT EASY BUDGET TERMS OPEN DAILY TO 6 P.M, == FRI, TILL 9 Northwa OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Reg. to 17.95