s) s ' ous I can't sleep at night with- H . Don i § THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, February 13, 1962 1A Topping Dessert; y yous Econ Seep. ot Om Fellowship Unit Dovalt Z Read, Mrs. Dorothy TELL-TALE STAINS gE ANN LANDERS , fc. Mac Smith 121CESTER, 'Eagan (CP ; si : | I love my husband but I feel ss {Mrs, C, Crouse, Mrs. Stanley ae ; | For Valentine s Day) : , that he has treated 20 years of Snowflake Bridge Gomme, Mrs. George Hunking,| 5¥USPicious wives here have beer | 3 poner Yay, Benin How Mr. Earl Wakely, Mr. Perc jaenting their husbands' hand- Cranberry Upside-Down Pud-| I 1 W. 0 Z y Ae far shall I go? eartsic mae The Fellowship Unit of King Fletcher, Mr. Walter Cole and/kerchiefs to the public analyst ding is not a recipe to be re-| LID~ aws Wal Uver See. Dear Hearts: Go the Hinat Sireet United Churehy UCW, * John Milne |to find out if smears are other Pa a Bese sa eecarea ied anneal nod tla) General convener of (hejwonen's lich, Saye naa lred topping makes' it an ideal Child S Upbringing oo vorce; separation.) A husband/Hall. An innovation this -- ag Back Derry as-| Frederick Bulloch. "T have to |choice for dessert on Valen-| / #7 ™ |who places a higher value on fen year was the dessert lunch|wood, ticket convener, Mrs_|Pe a-bit of a dipiomat, 1 saythe |tine's Day. A slightly - sweeten-| ; f aeee healt tin dance Bt mins served peer to the opening of/Ross' Duncanson, prizes, Mrs,|husbands may do what I've Jed, orange - flavored, baking) pear Ann Landers: Please/has always had "nose trouble." |doecn't deserve the comforts of ony. large Menta of des-/Hugh Hutcheson and Mrs.|sometimes done myself--wiped powder biscuit dough is baked) settle a problem that is causing She has never been particu:!: 516 : anise wan hes wore on long|Harry Souch, decorations. 'lipstick off a cup in a cafe." over fresh cranberries in syrup.|4 small-scale war in our house.|larly friendly, so I was sur- bell uf a waine 5, bg lower peter acer exto a large pate| Te utiaws on both sides are/prised when she gave me 2 sivenegs of the talGes Ware apy: {getting into the act until I'm birthday gift--a set of S; ; : wie: and decorated with swirls of maar te pull' my. tial out by! towels cat "Mr" and oe Canadian Present eral floral centrepieces which . +» Healthful whipped cream, if desired. It's'the roots. embroidered on them. | . were later prrsented as prizes. +» Zestful jat its best served hot per Hare Our baby girl is six months) I believe this was intended as For PM Ben Gurion The group leader, Mrs. Frank joven, but cold leftovers will be/giq She is an inveterate thumb-|a vicious dig. Shall I ignore it ; ae : Burrows and the bridge con- jappreciated by the family too. |sucker, My mother-in-law in- or tell her off? Miss Givings | Prime Minister David Ben/vener, Mrs. Jack Perry opened a ! ; : Bccree eeieidess te i Israel will be pre-|the brid, d later i Yield--9 servings sists that I put a mitten on her, Dear Miss: Anyone 'who de-| Gurion fe SIAP PY Panel e bridge and later in the éven- 2 cups fresh cranberries hand and tie it to the crib-post.|fies conventionality so flag-|S¢nted wit ai - pat By the ing drew for prizes assisted by |1 cup granulated sugar She says thumb - sucking will|rantly as you (conversation| Canadian Had eae Wins Or. a pn Bunner, Mrs, Wil- 1 tablespoon corn starch surely ruin her mouth andjpiece indeed!) should be pre- pope he, cloeiia. tal am Edwards, Mrs. Ross Dun- |1-3 cup water lteeth. My mother is furious|pared for a few slings and ar-|Sanization at the closing canson, Mrs. Audrey 'Metcalf |1% cups once-sifted all-purpose |about this. She claims every|rows quet of the organization's 19th/and Mrs. C. J. Wray. | ° ps : ; ise biennial national convention in| prizes were awarded to: Mrs. GUERNSEY 2 ogg ae P bore of her children (and there; A woman in your position can Tepaict or 1% cups once - sifted)were six of us) were thumb-j/ill-afford the luxury of telling|"",)~" 4). iol .|F. Dobney, Mrs. H Etmanski, pastry flour -- |suckers and not one of us had!people off. Accept the gift in Peas glad lho Raa bape? Mrs, K. Calera: Mrs, I. W. GOLD MILK teaspoons baking powder to wear dental braces. good faith and say thank you. Se fogs two centuries ago Parrott, Mrs. Ruth Coulson, Distributed Exclusively by teaspoon salt My pediatrician says thumb- And if this is the worst dig you|>°8! Be ivon to the Israeli|Mrs. G. Saunders, Mrs. F. e tablespoons granulated sucking is all right until a child|get, consider yourself mighty 'aeaer by as Harry Cohen,|Gunn, Mrs. William Bone, Mrs. IDEAL sugar : is one year old and then it/lucky. |national president, on behalf of|J. Morrison, Mrs. CA. Pym, cup chilled shortening |should not be permitted. A psy-| Deak Ann Landers: I'll belthe organization. Mrs. Glen Glaspell, Ardeth Arm- ; teaspoons grated orange _{chiatrist friend insists that padtind to the point. My hus-| The gift is in line with the/Strong, Mrs. Harold Cornish, j DAIRY doe ilk thumb - sucking gives a child/pand had an affair with his|theme of the conventign which|Mrs. William Burns é PHONE 728-6241 % cup (about) OF iiciwe cube eee and security and if he|secretary. When I presented|is "Canada in israe"e Mrs. Charles White, Mrs. E. a Grease an 8-inch square cake/js denied this outlet the emo-|him with the evidence he said:| The rocker is an example of|Cay, Mrs. Donald Westnutt, Mrs. : jpan generously with butter or tional damage could be a great|*It's all over now. Forget it."|French - Canadian craftsman- borg ele Dg oven todeal more serious than buck) when I insisted that he fire her|ship, carved of hard-wood na- NER. Fs ot). _ {teeth he replied: 'Absolutely not.|tive to Quebec. Wooden pegs Pick over, wash and drain) Where do you stand? Pulled|Good secretarjes are very hard/are used instead .of nails, and| Mrs, |Cook, stirring constantly, until/['ye consulted' with a dozen au-jemploy. Since I learned of the|Feb. 20, at the Sheraton Hote!| Schlechter whose marriage | anq the bridegroom is the son |berries, Cover and let stand. |.noula not be allowed to suck] Church, Bowmanville. For- | Bangor, Saskatchewan, ing powder, salt and the orange rind. Mix in milk lightly| went with a man for five years. | ightly = floured board or canvas| "ver /Bive,him a, divorce. SPORTSWEAR | IT'S NOT TOO LATE Mr. G. S, Boychyn, acting as, teresting meeting has been pared pan and top with dough.|° Wally 'aul Udsclaéa' sun' te 4s ley Mason, assistant director of}spring rummage sale was an- onto a-eerving' platter. Pags|evervone who knows us is well| aware of the arrangement. We) major social ills -- Juvenile De-|Miss P. Taylor's room with is on the mailbox along with| FLORISTS LTD. and School Association. lers, assisting the social con-|stores in West Berlin stocks 288|in being open. inal code, prefaced the discus-| between the ages of 7 - 16 be lack of it, could be considered parents should encourage chil- to set the exampie, and inconsis- leads to difficulties. Corporal disciplining the younger child this form of punishment would and TV came up for discussion delinquency due to any of these its infancy radio was thought to view that sound basic prin-/ due influences they come in con-! The panellists felt that home great a part in juvenile delin-| the cranberries. Combine the) and Hauled Ito' find." 4 the chair is hand-rubbed to al $ vi » the home of {| daughter of Mr. and . ' i i 4 i Oahiave wil Oe Hie nene © : mixture comes to boil. Remove|thorites and here is the line-up:/situation I've become so nerv- in Tel Aviv. was solemnied recently a of Mrs. Karl Schlechter of Sift. together into a bowl, the|ni; thumb. Six psychiatrists say iss axi : ate Mr. Schlechter. Feta merly Miss Maxine Sharon He Ae ' by trib tablespoons sugar. Cut in short- Dear Ann Landers: Do I have with a fork, adding a little more| artery a while it became ap- Of Panel Discussion At H&S -- ankncad'ie'times: rat or rol itms which prove this: woman panel moderator, was assisted|planned. April will be Father's Bake in preheated oven 25 to 30 the Children's Aid Society, in ajnounced for later in April. aes cenit i whipped or pouring cream. hide nothing. My maiden name| WE ARE OPEN EVERY ' linquency at the February)Mrs) Dorn Fairservice and MANY VARIETIES his name. This is quite a con- WEDNESDAY TILL 6 P.M 725-1131 725-2512 A definition of a juvenile de-|vener, Mrs. C. M_ Root kinds of bread. I work with a woman who! sion. It was learned that should necessary, parents would have the basic cause in 90 per cent dren to follow a set code of tent behaviour on the part of punishment, if used as "a had its merits the panellists not have the desired effect. but it was felt that the actual causes directly was quite small. exert a bad influence on chil- ciples, taught in the home, will tact with during their everyday environment dia not play too} quency although in mepressed! in : MARRIED IN BOWMANVILLE 1 cup sugar and corn starch in' Dear Pulled and Hauled: I will never feel relaxed so|gleaming surface. a saucepan; blend in water.|Right with you. In \the middle.|long as that woman is in his| The banquet will take place| Mr. and Mrs. Charles James | F. C. McMal f Oshawa ha he ian mages from heat and mix in cran-) giv dentists say the infant\mme St. Joseph's Roman Catholic and all-purpose or pastry flour, bak: Tenvae Hiin aioe." McMahon, the bride is the --Photo by Mary's Studio |*'4" ' : bina ------ ------ Sa ening finely, mix in greated/the right to feel insulted? 1| Juvenile Delinquency, Theme milk, if necessary, to make alparent that his wife would out dough to fit cake pan. Turis plain nutty but I won't bore saet Fa ze os OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE TO PHONE US NOW! by Mr. Harold McNeil, Director|Night and a bake sale will pre-) oo a: this shrew ruin our lives. We PLE N E of Simcoe Hall, and Mr. Stan-|cede the meeting. The annual Caretiliy: turk. Gut" pudding took an apartment together and B REE crea ' D & SONS panel discussion of one of the} Refreshments were served by meeting of Mary Street Home/Mrs. Stanley Wood, grade moth-| One of the largest department /versation piece, but we believe| linquent, according te the crim-| 'aninnnmnemndis a court appearance of a child a prior knowledge of any such : i impending juvenile court ap- ae : pearance and that the probation bes : officer, working very closely ea , Popes : 2 with the judge, helps to deter- fs 2 mine the sentence. by his case f tes fits report. . ; ae Parental discipline, or the e . o - j ; aie 7 rite -- - . am ee oan ee ss ' zs ¢ of the cases. Right from infancy i : i Bin. ' conduct and it is up to parents parents in child discipline often means of communication' in felt but as the chiid matures Comic books, pulp magazines number of cases of juvenile Mr. McNeil pointed out that in dren. Mr. Mason expressed the} guide children to reject any un- life. | areas the percentage was much higher. This was felt not to be caused by the area.as much as the immaturity of the parents and it was pointed out that a home cannot be judged by ap- sbaacbes that some of the su poorest homes boast t "losest ae ioe. ast the close Mercury Meteor Custom 2-door sedan...one of Ford of Canada's fine cars, built in Canada. A question and answer per- iod followed the discussion Panel members were introduc- ed by Mrs. Jelle Bakker, cit a zenship chairman who was ir charge of the meeting, and were thanked by Mrs. Michael Ka- doski. inn president, Mrs. H. B i ' ; nest meri with report ve Watch people the first time they look at a'62 Mercury Meteor. See the smile! That's tary and Mt ee, ae called instant pleasure. And it comes in two series: Meteor and Meteor Custom. Your ca gh ic yet ity choice of Six or V-8 power too -- with a combination of power options. Meteor's wheel- winners in the junior and sen- Key's kindersaren and ats, - DaS@ is about seven inches longer than a compact... the same, sensible, six passenger i the absence of Mr. Gora size cars used to be. The unit body and special insulation package make Meteor your gg lide silent partner in our brand of instant pleasure. And Meteor's new Mercury styling puts it in cation fr 'the recent skating a Class by itself. Take a demonstration ride and size it up yourself. One taste of Meteor's SIZE UP ALL THREE AT performance and we know you'll be back for more. : Se ee Cee report cards would be distrib- uted very shonly. Mr. Junkin reminded parents that hockey i oe ek schoo Special ingredients for Meteor's instant pleasure: 30,000 mile chassis lubrication » 30,000 mile anti-freeze engine coolant * 6,000 mile oil change cycle with skntihe on Monday. Wee. * triple wrapped, aluminized muffler « automatic self-adjusting brakes »« super enamel finish + 145 h.p. V-8 or 101 h.p. Economy Six engine « Custom or nesdays and Fridays with par- Meteor Series » 2 and 4-door sedans « Dealer warranted for 12,000 miles or one full year, whichever comes first. Some items illustrated or mentioned are optional at extra cost. ents invited to use the rink also. Mrs. Armstrong announced that a safety patro! apprecia- tion party would be held at the school during the week with Mrs. A. J. Barclay and Mrs, Mansell Gerrow convening. It was decided to purchase more embossed schoo! jerseys and a radio for use in the classrooms : = as the yearly schooD project.| ; S ses Mrs. Glynn Morgan, health 1271 SIMCOE NORTH * PHONE 723-4675 chairman, will have charge of the March meeting, and an in-