Wemen Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, Februery 13, 1962 7 , CWL Encyclical Record _ Played at St. Gregory's League Perhaps the most interesting; Made in the church bulletin, a jfeature of the February meet-|Daby's crib and five boxes of|f jing of the St Gregory the Great|baby clothes were received. as|¥ | Council of the Catholic Wom-) well as a cash donation of $3.00. jen's League, held in the parish|Mrs. Hanley expressed her jauditorium recently, was the/|thanks to all who had so gener- playing of the CWL encyclical] ously contributed. |record. This record was prepar-| During January, 24 patients jed by the Toronto Archdiocesan| had been visited at the Oshawa Council as a service to CWL'Hospital by Mrs. Frank Cope- jmembers and any others who|land, Mrs. C. C. Murty and | |might be interested, and in re-|Mrs. A. C. Love, and prayer jsponse to the request of Pope|cards distributed, while 'Get jJohn XXIII in his encyclical/Well" cards were sent to six |Mater et Magistra, when he| members. jasked that the social teaching} wrs| James Conner, co-con-|P jof the church be spread by|yener with Mrs. Hanley, report-|f jevery modern means of Com-)oq 7g hours spent in hair-dress- |! ;munication. One side only of the| ing at Hillside Manor, and 32=-- record was played the other magazines left there. |side will be heard at the March Mrs. C. C. Murty, convener | meeting. Neh baits Tega nicat es ai te alot : of Immigration and Citizenship, The record is divided into reported having called on two arts: s Pope). ; Rai nya ge lt yen Aid (the immigrant families and arrang- l Weaos ing for some of their members jeeene are ot me VAUren 315 attend classes in English. social teaching); 2) a study of Rha aia ended th i Pope Pius XI's Quadragesimo| "259 attended the annua jmeeting of the Red Cross So- repeat ee an a na (CY and meetings of the Chil- On 48th Wedding Anniversary selected doctrines from. Mater dren's Aid Society and | the --Oshawa Times Photo : Anh ;|. More than 100 relatives andjbrothers and nephew gave a al Paley : et Magistra. There are discus- ee er Onn ma ene assembled recently at|place setting of china. sion questions at the end of each Som the Ontario at|the home of Mr. and Mrs, A. H.| Receiving the guests sectipn. The record is meant to On 'Anniversary Night', Kinettes . . | PERSONALS ; io Hospital at Bickell, Martin road, Bowman-|Mrs. Johns and Mrs Dean Honor Their Past Presidents Yin Oshawa Council. eb: hs tn aid to small study groups tik shop. sn ese. in the} : Thurs- vile, to heoor them on heir Bickel who also had charge of t htgeetcs ae wedding anniversary. Their|the guest book. the Children's Residence. Knights of Columbus is holding)heard in advance of their|74¥ pig anergy -- |daughters, Mrs. Isobel Johns, The tea table was centred ing of the Kinette Club of Osh-/Mrs. George Fleming on the its 11th annual Mardi Gras' meetings. Mrs. Frank Copeland report-|Gshawa, and Mrs. Richard Wil-|with an attractive arrangement awa, "Past-Presidents and An-\Tuck-Shop at Hillsdale Manor Ball in St. Gregory's Auditor-| The material for this record cd a busy schedule of social af-ljiamson (Dorothy) of Toronto, |\of pink and white chrysanthe- niversary Night", was held injand Mrs. Holt Webster on the|ium. Among those who will be|was written after consultation|fairs for which her committee| made all the arrangements for|mums and carnations and pink the Fleetwood Room of the!Tuck-Shop at the Ontario Hos-|Making up parties are: Mr. and with the Reverend C. E. Mc-|had been asked to cater, and Heel' Gohontia pital. Mrs. Patrick Wiley, West Hill; /Guire, JJ, of the Toronto Catho-|help was asked to meet these Honored guests for the even-. The meeting was then turned Mr. and Mrs. Roy Jackson, Co-|lic labor and management re- commillments. Two Carts ab he ing were Past-Presidents Mrs. over to the entertainment|>ourg; Mr. and Mrs. Victor Jations school; the Reverend|ing purchased for use in the Russell Reeve, 1946; Mrs. \chairman for the evening, Mrs.)M¢Adam, Mr. and Mrs. Harold 7. P. McLaughlin, CSB, editor banquet hall. ote. ; J Clements, 1948: Mrs. Arthur Stone and her commit. Brain, Mr.. and Mrs. Ernestiof "The Social Encyclicals of St. Gregory's Council wil ack i brough, 1952: Mrs.tee of Mrs. Jack Menzie. Mrs, Marks, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pope Pius XI"; and Professor|again sponsor the annual Com.| Sack Hsebrough, 53: Mrs. A lDavid MeCann and Mrs Noe.|Pilkington, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan|L. E. Lynch, Ph.D., Chairman|munion breakfast for the Girl a a oa hag lan Rake ON ANG PES: NOT" Tavior, Mr, ~~ . ---- of the philosophy department,|Guides and Brownies, and liamson, Toronto, made the pre- ted ' gee y 1 aps : : Kunkel, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph) University of St. Michael's Col-|badges will be provided by thelsentation of a large easy chair , Cranfield, 1955; Mrs. Richard) The evening closed with the Riordan Jr., Dr. and Mrs, J. lege, Toroid.. The nartators| Couns fist 'lt a Wein tence or ts bi pe kaaad Serving were Mrs. Harold Donald, 1957; Mrs. Holt Web-j|serving on benalt of three daughters |Riddle, Hespeler; Mrs. Edith ong hg la oe bill ly of the anniversary'p G Maroosis. heard on the ey ay est Guides, and two sons. Their- daughter|Chapman, Toronto: Mrs. Fred 1959: M1 Earle Southern, The next executive meetin J ic f th D. McCarthy, a ra eCac.|,zhe Ontario County South Re-|tsobell, pinned a pink and white|Johns, Miss Rose Palmer and : eather Stee, 1961: |W Id at © Ve eee Wom eee ot sane |TV producer, and Mrs. McCar-| gional meeting will be held in/carnation corsage on her mo-|Miss Vera Hance, Oshawa 1960; Mrs. Arthur Stone, 1961 will be held at the home of the Voice of Women, Mr. Anthony|thy, a CWL member, who St Gertridete Parish wiser: dg : c sag Bh Po re PN gid Py abe Corsages were presented and/president, Mrs. Douglas Lowe,|Brooke, Rajah Muda of Sara-|writes and performs for Toron- 'igh OR SUNAA, eh SS ane Silo ee es cee bil I rbadate introductions were made by on Tuesday, February 20. wak, is . y, a niere on her father. jat home with her parents. MR. AND MRS, A. H. BICKELL Photo by Rehder, Bowmanville 'Bowmanville Couple Honored CUTTING THE CAKE from and Mrs. left are: Mrs. J. R. Reeve, | Lowe, ; Risebrough, 1952, Jack | A. O, Pollard, 1954. 1946; Mrs. president, Douglas 1962; Mrs. The February general meet-,at |prise to Mr. and Mrs. Bickell.|iced in pink and white Mr. Bickell is a long service|adorned the table. also more recently of the local Pub-| Westlake, the eldest neice and lic Utilities Commission. Mrs. Mabel Thickson, a long- Their son-in-law Richard wWil-|time friend of the family. They wore carnation and chrysanthe- mum corsages. ] touring Canada andjtg radio and television. The § | Mrs. Arthur Stone. a tea in his honor will. be|members of the CWL are urged members are urged to attend.| 4 pitt of money enclosed with| Many guests were present President, Mrs. Douglas given by the Canadian Peace'tg' become better informed on 'A. donation of $10 was voted/a pretty anniversary card was|from Oshawa, Toronto, Beams- Lowe proposed the toast to the| LODGES AND e jhome of Mrs. J. C. Jones on/Church through the study of 8am. behalf of the friends. Many in-|bourg, Port Hope, Maple Grove the club's highlights from its| SOCIETIES Chestnut Park road, Toronto.|these great encyclicals and this) E dividual gifts of flowers andjand Burketon. Mrs. Bickell's formation in 1940 up to the Hostesses with Mrs. Jones in-|record offers a simple and WRONG LEAGUE china were received and t w ojaunts wei F, nv riage lige! present. The reply to the toast clude Mrs. N. Z. Alcock, Mrs./stimulating introduction to that' MONTREAL (CP) -- Karen|heirloom bedspreads from Mrs:|ton, who is 86, had the honor o was made by Mrs.- Jack Rise- LEND-A-HAND CLUB A. G. Volpe, Mrs. Gordon Co-| study, BUNT RSA CE? Karen pickell's sister, Mrs, Sidney|being the oldest person present. brough. . ) held) : fh = president extended a/"S regular business meeting in)Mrs. Frederick Mallet and Mrs.|scott, presided at the mecting|suburban Cote St. Luc boys'|ville, and brothers, Charles, Ar-|former town engineer who was welcome to new member, Mrs the Oddfellow's auditorium, /W. D,. Tucker. and the minutes were read by|mosquito heckey ieague before|chie and Cecil Dean and Mrs. |associated with Mr. Bickell with Prosper Corbeil, and guests, |SiSter Alice Lanning, president, ' Miss Loretta Gates. The finan-/ officials stopped her playing.|R0ss Westlake. Mr. Bickell's sewer and water works depart- Mrs. Barry Lockwood, Mrs. ena emg by remy Pingo birthday parties, wed: cial report was given by the/pni Wimmer, director of park! ere j Evelyn Sanders, vice-president.|ding anniversaries, coming an , $. i a niee Ronald Wilson, transfer from y pres: 8 treasurer, Mrs. Thomas Le league hockey, nal dhe ban 'was ELIZABETH ARDEN |Research Institute today at thethe social. doctrines of the|!0 the Sacred Heart Radio pro-| made by Mrs. Reginald Hearl on|ville, Grimsby, Hespeler, Co- past-presidents stating many of| The Lend-A-Hand Club held|nant, Oshawa; Mrs. Sol Berlin,| The president, Mrs. Ray|/ank, 9, scored a goal in the|west and Mr. West, Beams-| Mr. Fred Palmer, Toronto, a the Kinette Club of Tillsonburg,| The meeting opened with|S0ings of guests are always of| yeque. and Mrs. Keith Connell andjprayer, roll call and reading of|interest in this column. Write,| On health and welfare, Mrs,|mposed "'mostly because of the Mrs, John Werry, visitors from|minutes. Sister Evelyn Sanders|'@lephone-or visit the social de- W. Hanley reported four| risk of injury." the Kinette Club: of Bowman-|gave the sick list report and|Partment with your items of| i+.' nade to needy families,| -- ville. reported on cards sent out. news for which there is nOltour boxes of clothing and al Prize winners were Mrs. Davy-| Sister Evelyn Fickes, treas-| Charge. Telephone 723-3474. |woman's coat supplied. Shoes| id McCann, Mts. Donald Lake,|Urer, gave her report. |were purchased for two chil-| Mrs. Lloyd Pigden, Mrs. James| Sister Pearl Peacock report: | avenue had as Sunday guests ldren. In response to an appeal Henderson and Mrs. | George|ed for CP and T. There are| Mr and Mrs. Frank Hoskin, | Fleming. three hospital beds, and four/Blackstock; Mr. and Mrs. Mar-\Mrs. W. H. Dell, Mrs. Alan J.| During the business session|Wheelchairs available for any-|wood Heard, Enniskillen; Mr.\Heath, Miss Catherine Barrie, | committee chairman reports N@ wishing the use of same. | and Mrs. Cecil Pascoe, Whitby; Mrs, J. A. Aldwinckle and Mrs. | were given: Mrs. Archie Hu-|, Next meeting will be the 35th\Mr, and Mrs, Frank Anderson,|Thomas R. Robertson of Whit. bert on the progress of the up-|birthday party dinner at 6.30) Ailsa Craig: Henry | by. coming "'Kin-Kinette Night"./P-™. : : Parsons, Tyner, Saskatchewan. Mrs. Donald Cullen on the| Sister Alice Lanning _pre- The Literary Group of the|le "Skating Party" held for the|Sented Sisters Evelyn Fickes| Mr. Bob Rife, former assistant/Lyceum Club will be welcom-| children of the Children's Aid|@"d Amelia Weeks with a gift sports editor, Oshawa Times,|ed this evening at the home of Ii Society, Mrs. John Bondaruk|{rom the 'club for services they and now with the Canadian/Miss Evelyn Everson, tinted gave a final 'report of the|have given. Press, Toronto, visited the Osh- avenue Borstal pe et Christmas card project. Mrs. SUNSHINE REBEKAH LODGE awa Times news room yester-/ will consist of short biographies, ae i tba nee pe . He was accompanied by|prepared by the members, of Douglas Hart on the TV Room Sunshine Rebekah Lodge|t2¥ ae ea ere Vy laeisiens held its regular meeting re : : IODE Contest For Short Story [Howard who 'reported on the|the Jest", a'classic drama-ot|and Mrs. Clive 8. Aldwinckle| embers who were ill. |the 15th century, directed by|and family. jcently with noble grand sister Mrs. H. B. MacMahon, Lon-. The charter was draped in}Henry Zoder who instructed a\-- aeRO INS ViELLOW PAGES GULZZE/7/, |Margaret Gray presiding | sisted by vice grand don, educational secretary and|memory of Sister Willow Fay-|cjass in dramatic art in Osh- Mrs. W. L. McFaul, Hamilton,|en, @ past president, of the awa last fall. Noticed in the chairman of ,the Short Story george Hk Ontario. | audience ware as Dorothy Committee, announce today! SIV: : "|Birchall, Mrs. E. G. Tapping, BORROWED 7 that the Provincial Chapter of ponere % hex sig at goathe Mrs. W. Lawson Richards, Miss NATIONAL GAME Ontario, IODE will this year The eA fiee hl at qo rn:| Marion Davenport, Mrs, John| WITH A BORROWED NAME offer a scholarship award for a// ere Will be prizes and re-\Crook Mr. Kevin McManus, (S "BAGGATTAWAY' BORROWED FROM THE INDIANS BY EARLY FRENCH SETTLERS IN NORTH AMERICA,AND GIVEN ANEBW NAME BORROWED / , FROM THE CROSIER (LA CROSSE), freshments. short story. Nee This is the 15th consecutive Plans were made for a joint OR PASTORAL STAFF #S CARRIED By iTS Mrs. Wesley Hoskin, Hoskin body lotion @ DRAPERY @ BROADLOOM @ SLIP COVERS @ BAMBOO @ UPHOLSTERING Several members and friends; Mrs. J. A. Aldwinckle, Bon- ? 25|/0f Oshawa Little Theatre at-/niebrae Lodge, spent the week-| Sister Eldaltended the opening night of|end in Clinton, Ontario, with Mr.| |H m er meeting of the lodges pf the/will be held in the afternoon at| fod the competition has been|nistrict on March 28. to honor|2.00 o'clock. During the evening eld and this year the value Of the President of the Rebekah|Welcome Rebekah Lodge will the award is $200. assembly, A School of intruction'confer the Rebekah Degree. The competition is open to --------_ . ~ a a writers, citizens of Canada, resi-} . dent in Ontario, and closes! April 30, 1962. Dr. A. Munro Beattie, chair- man of the Department of Eng-| lish, Carleton University, Ot-! tawa, Ontario, will be the judge for 1962. | Contestants are advised not to submit any manuscripts without first obtaining printed condi- tions. These may be secured by writing to: Provincial Chapter of Ontario, IODE, 168 Jackson street west, Hamilton, Ontario. THE ONLY THROUGH RAIL SERVICE OVERNIGHT 10 CHICAGO NO CHANGE EN ROUTE Travel relaxed--arrive refreshed For information phone 723-4122 723-4512 , CANADIAN NATIONAL 124-61 giant size 22 regularly 4.25 cng HOCKBY also carRRiEs A Bn, NAME THAT MAY GO BACK TO AN ORIGIN SIMILAR TO'LACROSSE™-To THE OLD FRENCH WoRD : Now this famous Lotion in an economy giant size in the handy plastic bottle with the exclusive leak-proof loc-top dispenser. This superb Lotion =e smooths, whitens, and softens in just one applica- tion. Easy to apply--delightful to use. For a limited time only, 4 oz. size 1.25, 8 oz. size-2.25, 'ident, presided. March 16 was fjon Dennis Zaporozan, a talent- *|Hazel Farroe gave the financial employee of Bowmanville and| Pouring tea were Mrs. Ross| UNITS, GROUPS, AUXILIARIES ! WESTMOUNT H AND § ASSN. Mr. Donald B. Dodds, Osh- awa lawyer, guest speaker at the February meeting of West- mount Home and School Asso- ciation, was kept busy answer- ing the many questions which followed his address on points of law which frequently con- cerned parents and their chil- dren. Mr. Dodds was introduc- ed by Mrs. Ralph Boneham. Mrs. James Anderson, presi- sociation meeting was given by Sister Vi Coolidge. The coloring of margarine, the inspection of meat for human consumption and the new size chart for chil- dren were her main talking points. Arrangements for the 25th birthday dinner and dance to be held on March 17, are being completed and this promises to be one of the nicest affairs in the history of the Auxiliary. Tickets for escorts will be available until Tuesday, March 6, at the regular meeting. Tickets are now on sale at the UAW office, for the forthcom- ing fashion show on Wednesday evening, February 28 at 8 p.m, MARY ELLIOTT SMITH The monthly meé of the Mary Elliott Smith Mission Cir- cle of First Baptisf Church was held at the home of Mrs, Ed- win Pearson. The president, Mrs, Robert Moon, opened the meeting with prayer. She also prepared an interesting Topic on 'Religion in Bolivia". Several members took part in reading of the ha- bits and ucstoms of these peo- ple, in far-off India, and sev- eral prayers were offered. ~ The business period followed with secretary and treaasurer, giving reports. It was decided that the group cater for the pie sbowe are ig for phe | an ctober and Mrs. Walter ter Ann Black gave a report on/Nickerson will take charge. |behalf of the auditors. | "An invitation from the Kate An account of the recently|McLaurin Mission Circle, to at- held Canadian Consumer's As-|tend a meeting at the church | ie ere was accepted. ; |Mrs. D. Tucker of the Interior prssnypicmagl a acne in ak |Sudan Mission, will be the guest newed acquaintance with many | "Stn Herbert Swackhammer sed eet arco vane ean coe sera, ee ltheir felicitations jout several new books for the ' Ss. __|years reading. These books cir- en acme Deal ashy od byl oc agg all members have |Nancy , was born in Cart-|rea em. lwright and Mr. Bickell is a na-| Mrs. Angus Barton offered her \tive of Bowmanville. They were|home, for next months meeting. |married in Blackstock. |The topic 'Our Mission Work'. the date mentioned for the As- sociation's birthday supper. Mrs. Harold Brownlee called ed youth, who delighted the au- dience with a fine accordion solo, Mrs. D. Demille thanked both Mr. Dodds and Dennis. Refreshments were served by the mothers of the pupils in Grade 2. UAW AUXILIARY No. 27 A meeting of the UAW Wom- en's Auxiliary was held recent- ly in the UAW Hall, with Sister Ethel Thomson presiding. Roll call and minutes were read by Sister Frances Bradley. Trea- surer's report was given by Sis- ter Marjorie McNeil and Sister secretary's report. Sister Mary Turner, sick list convener, reported that Sisters Betty Rutherford and Nita Bed ford were on the sick list. Sis- the occasion and it was a sur-|candles. An anniversary cake, ® ONDON VIA SUNNY LISBON BREAK YOUR BUSINESS TRIP WITH A LEISURELY STOPOVER IN LISBON--ONLY $28.70 MORE To London via Lisbon-just $28.70 extra fare. Fly a Canadian Pacific DC-8 Jet Empress to Lisbon, then by fast connection to London. Or take this opportunity to break your busy schedule with a sunny stopover in Lisbon's gay holiday atmosphere. You'll love the courtly, carefree ways of the Portuguese. And discover bargain prices every- where you go--a charming room with Continental breakfast overlooking a panorama of breath- taking beauty costs $5 a day. All this and $128.20 saving on CPA's new low. 17-day jet economy excursion fare. Only $397.70 round-trip, Toronto-Lisbon- London-Toronto. Just $40 down, 12 months to pay. See your Travel Agent or any Canadian Pacific office. "G tan Cacific BOOK YOUR FLIGHTS THROUGH... Howard Travel Bureau AJAX SHOPPING CENTRE WH 2-6690 OLDEST IN NORTH AMERICA, WAS FOUNDEO IN 1673 DID you KNOW 2g, , THE ROYAL MONTREAL GOLF CLUB, ILE BIZARD, THE 4-day treatment BOOK THROUGH ... Donald Travel Service $135 FOR SPORTING GOODS oF any xinp, LET YOUR FINGERS 00 THE WALKING 300 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY MO 8-3304 One ORNAIL capsule brings you 12 hours of continuous relief from stuffy nose, __ weepy eyes, and sinus pressure. CITY WIDE FREE DELIVERY 8 KING ST. €. S30 SIMCOE ST.S. | | PHONE 723-2245 OSHAWA PHONE 725-3546 [ROSSLYN PLAZA - 728 4668 | ALSO STORES IN BOWMANVILLE AND WHITBY PLAZA * REG. Con, TM. OF, Pe BOOK WITH... Meadows Travel: Service. 22 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH OSHAWA 723-9441 5}