a | Northminster UCW | Holds First Meeting] || Names Committees| || Mrs. Sandford Perry, _presi- ||dent of the new United Church Women of Northminster United |/Church, presided at the first meeting of the organization, held in the Memorial Hall of the church on Wednesday af- ternoon. (Wemen Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 Sunbeam Chapter Night Of Cards Sunbeam Chapter No, 73, OES, held a successful Night o Cards in the Masonic Temple recentl:. "he conveners were: refresh...nts, Mrs, Thelma Beerthuizen, Mrs, Bert Wight; decorations, Mrs. Gladys Little and Mrs, Agnes Kemlo; tickets, Mrs, Dorothy Haley and Mrs. Ann Brown. The room and THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, February 12, 1962 7 tables were The worship service was in the charge of Mrs. Ralph Wal-| lace, assisted by Mrs. Clifford) )|\Theberge and Mrs. S. V. Bar- low. In the introduction to the study book, Mrs, Wallace stated that the book of "The Acts of the Apostles", which was being studied this year, continued saying, in part, first Christians regarded vinely ordained society jdiawn by God... the Heart-Shaped Valentine Creams Are Fun For Children to Make One joy that lingers is the told about unique pleasure the origin of the church. She|derived from making candy at "The | home, the!such as nut brittles or fudge church as the continuation of|seem to signal a festive occa- the fellowship which they had'sion and the pride and_satis- known with Jesus, It was a di-/faction a youngster takes in into) making them is out of all pro- which the originat disciples were portion to the small effort in- On the day} volved. | very attractive in Valentine motifs and colors. Mrs. Thelma Beerthuizen wel- comed the guests and _ intro- duced Mrs. Mabel Alpin, Wor- thy Matron. Prize winners were: Door prize, Mrs. Mabel Carpenter; lucky prize, Mrs. Evelyn Booth, Mrs. William Duncan;" bridge and euchre, Mrs. Kenneth Mc- Rae, Mrs. Ilarold Stark, Miss M. Gulliver, Miss Dorothy Beamer, Mrs. Jean Campbell, Mrs, Gladys Elliott, Mrs. E, Me- Quay, Mrs. W. Caldwell, Mrs. G. Drinkle, Mrs, H. Taylor, Mrs. Geny Knight. pudding and blend thoroughly. Work the fonant-like mixture with the hands for about 2 min- utes to make a smooth ball, adding a little more icing sugar if required. Turn out candy onto an icing- |sugar sprinkled pastry cloth and |roll to about 14-inch thickness. Cut into small heart shapes with a little cookie cutter or use that can be Hoime-made delicacies | BED FOR WEALTHY | HOUSEHOLD HINT | LONDON (AP)--A gold-plated) Shirt collars need special | bed with a £3,000 price tax willjlaundry care, so before getting be shown at the London furni-|down to the actual washing, ap- ture exhibition. It is said to be| ply soap to the soiled area and | designed for the rich sheik mar-|work it into a lather with a ket in the Middle East. 'stiff brush, --___ KARN'S The Menta Patient's Secrets Es Hoard Water Q. Could the drinking of hord |water cause hardening of the larteries and high blood pres. \sure? |A, If there is any connection it |may be opposite in kind. There is some evidence thet people who drink hard water have 'ess trouble with high blood pressure than those who drink soft water. |However, statistics which imply a cause and effect relationship of this kind should be taken with.a Q. Some time ago you wrote that a doctor would not reveol information about his patients except in certain circumstances. Wheat about psychiatrists? | entecos disciples} my ' ee e | of Pentecost, iscip The recipe' given here for|a pattern cut from cardboard Mrs. 0. Dewland, Mrs. A.\grain of salt. In the study ree # WA PRESENTS FIRST LIFE MEMBERSHIP took | given in Holy The presentation was made meeting of the Woman's Aux- | by Captain Ronald Pul- iliary of Holy Trinity Church | lar, Anglican Chusch Army. held recently. at Glenholme | Mrs. Murphy has been con- An. interesting event place at the annual dinner faithful worker. Seen left to right are Captain lar, Mrs. Clinton Nicke | |the glad' confidence of the first }|church members who knew that Trinity WA, | has been a very devoted and from Pul- rson, land followers were filled with Valentine Creams is simple [joyous knowledge that God WAS! enough for even a pre-schooler jin control of their lives and ofltg attempt, given a little adult {the world. We need to share supervision. Icing sugar, and butter or margarine are blend- ed with a rosy, strawberry- flavored instant. pudding MIX, How] and a pointed knife. sheet covered with 'neither things present nor things | RED GLAZE -- In ne Y the Peagel vee abe them then miistened with cream or} "Be : I : , ee evaporated milk, The uncooked| during the business session,/candy mixture is then shaped| a letter trom Dr. Watt, super- into hearts for a Valentine|>P00" red food jvisor of environmental saniia-|treat and brushed with a red : tion, was read and it was de- glaze. They're such fun to make ful boiling water: and the little hearts on a cookie paper. Brush tops lightly with the following red glaze. Chill. combine 1 tablespoonful granulated sugar, 1 tablespoon- coloring; until sugar is dissolved. BREAD SAUCE Arrange/Kemlo, Mrs. Ann Cook, M18 s/ferred to above, the hard water June Watson, Mrs. I. Spencer, |drinkers were also shown to have Mrs. O. Neakes, Mrs. Lena Mc-,more automobile accidents than Farland, Mrs. M. Hutson, Mrs. |the soft water drinkers! Doctors Roy Nesbitt, Mrs. Greg O'Re-\ore now covinced that high gan, Mrs. Irma McKean, Mrs, |blood pressure and all that goes Rose Smith, Mrs. Annie Shor- hel She pe vs Fn ten, Mrs. Hilda Russell, Mrs.) 4; s % tea-|Mina Morris, Mrs, Thelda Mc.|2ink oF do but to many forces stir|Gee Mrs Er Mcl ae Mrs. El acting together on the susceptible Aged Weel iis hatte > ' 5» Avi |person, E |sie Miller, Mrs. Howard David- ~!son, Mrs. C, Carey, Mr. George waxed a small |Always ready to give you Pre- scription Service with the accent A. "Keeping faith" is essential to psychiatry. In treating the po- tient the psychiatrist (a medical doctor trained in mental disor- ders) must probe deep into the patient's most secret thoughts and feelings. The patient ex- poses his dreams, fantasies, sins, ond all the dark recesses of his mind to the psychiatrist. He is willing to do so only because" he knows the doctor will "keep faith', There are, of course, cer+ tain circumstances under which School when Mrs. Thomas | nected with the WA for 44 Murphy was the recipient of |.years, 17 of which have been the first life membership ever with Holy Trinity where she president of the WA and Mrs, Murphy. --Oshawa Times Photo regarding sanitation in handling for catering. UNITS, GROUPS AND AUX Groups wishing to cater, were asked to consult with Mrs. Gil- bert Jack, convener for social ILIARIES ADELAIDE McLAUGHLIN H-S|executive receive at least two The Adelaide McLaughlin nominations for future elections. Home and School Association Mrs. George Shaw was named held its February mecting re-/nominations convener with Mrs. cently.The president, Mrs. J. A.|John Richardson and Mrs. Alec Schell, opened the meeting. The Ivanoff to assist. minutes were read by Mrs., The room count prize went to Lorne Seeley and Mrs. O. F. Miss Gale Fielding's room. Gazley gave the treasurer's); Mr. Pascoe introduced Mr. report. Charles Anderson, safety inspec- Mrs. A. M. Recalla read thejtor at General Motors who report of the catering to the stated that 650,000 persons are official opening of the Board of/killed or maimed each year, Education building, and Mrs./ninty per cent of which were John Benson, the convener of due to human error. He explain- card night at Adelaide Mc-|ed the different methods of arti- Laughlin School, gave her re-/ficial respiration, Schafer, port. Mr. H. N. Pascoe, princi-|Hogan - Neilson and mouth to ple, gave a financial report of}mouth resuscitation. An excel- monies spent by the staff relent film entitled "That They school supplies and also stated|May Live," was shown which that report cards will be sent impressed upon the members home on, February 16 the importance of applying arti- Mrs, SQA. Schell explained in ficial respiration immediately detail the nomination forms|as in some cases serious brain and will continue to do so at'damage can result, future meetings. It was decided; Refreshments were served by that all nominees for Adelaide|the mothers of the pupils in McLaughlin Home and School'Miss Diane Sawyer's room. , \functions. s It was decided to hold any | The president, Mrs. Carson|Qpen House Tea February 21 Heard, welcomed the guests/from 2 to 4 p.m. to which the! and members at the February public would be invited to see 1 meeting of Queen Elizabeth the new Christian Education Home and School Association.) wing. The minutes and treasurer's) In the treasurer's report, reports were read. The roll by Mrs. John Collins, it was was called with the room at- noted that the sum of $50 was tendance prize going to Missidonated by Ross Mills, for Maple Brown's class, Grade 1-2.|the furnishing of the church) Mr. Lawrence Haisell intro-|parlor, Mrs, L. Pascoe, Chris | QUEEN ELIZABETH H - 3 teacher from Sunset Heights|ture, also for the parlor. Public School. "Reading" be- cided to have the doctor, or one|that the kiddies will probably of his staff, speak to the UCW| want to mix-up an extra batch food!tg give away as little gifts for|served as an accompaniment for special friends. Yield--about 1-3 read) ; 4 3 cup cream 'urn strawberry - flavored in-|Stir in bread crumbs with a s-/Stant pudding mix into a bowl;/wooden spoon, and cook until duced the guest speaker, Mrs. tie. avenue, donated two easy add sifted icing sugar and soft|/the sauce is thick, beating from Thomas Graham, the Grade 4/chairs, a table lamp and a pic-|butter or margarine. Combine|time to time to keep it smooth. red food coloring and cream or/Te serve, remove onion and add At the request of the official)¢vaporated milk; add to instant'a lump of butter. McKinstry. A thick, savory Bread Sauce chicken, turkey or any other fowl is an English speciality. Secrets of making it are simple little|-- cook it slowly and keep it candies {smooth, Here is the recipe: one package (approx, 3% ozs.)/Small onion, two cloves, two strawberry flavored instant|CUups milk, one bay leaf, two pudding mix |tablespoons butter, one-half tea- pound (approx. |spoon salt, one quarter teaspoon 4% cups, when sifted) icing sugar jblack pepper, part kt A gt cup soft butter or margarine|! Soft bread crumbs ot teaspoon red food coloring jonion with cloves Place in the a ji }top of double boiler. Add milk, ve evaporated/nay leaf, butter, salt and pepper. |Heat until the milk is scalded. VALENTINE CREAMS 7 dozen WIFE PRESERVER A tablespoon or two of salad oil added to the water will keep spaghetti or macaroni from boil- ing over or sticking. milk ing the topic, Mrs. Graham 'board of the church, the repre- spoke on the Unit system from sentations from the UCW was word recognition and how a child| increased to five to include Mrs. progresses at its own individual|R. B, Galbraith, Mrs. Sandford rate. By the end of Grade 1/Perry, Mrs. Victor Cubitt, Mrs compound words made up of two|S. V. Barlow and Mrs. R. W. words are taught, at the end/Yeo. of Grade 2, contractions, and at} A committee for purchasing the end of Grade 3, structural/furniture for the new church) analysis. Mrs. Graham told the parlor was appointed and _ in- importance of reading through-/cluded Mrs. John Collins, Mrs. out the entire years of learning|Richardson. and Mrs. George }when the child can achieve} Perkin. |more-in all its curriculum. The| It was decided that the units jchild should delight in reading | would take turns being respon- land be read to from a very|sible for the altar flowers on would be POWDER your face with PEARLS! DuBarry clk, PEARLED FACE POWDER actually glows with powdered pearls & on Service. the doctor might inform others of what he was told. For example, the patient might reveal plans to commit a crime--"l'm going to kill the mayor tonight. Obvi- ously, the doctor would then hove to take steps to protect the, mayor, The physician has an ob- ligation to prevent injury ond ~ sickness os well os to cure the victims of such misfortunes, edical Mirror Questions directed to Science Ed- itors, P.O, Box 97, Terminal "A", Toronto, Ontario. |28 KING ST. EAST, OSHAWA jearly age. Mrs. Jack Cooke in-|Sundays and these |troduced James Tomlinson who/sent to the sick and shut-ins |played two violin solos "Min-|after the church service. | juet in D'" by J. Danbe and| An official hospital visiting) \*Valse' by Markham E. Lee|committee was named to_in- jand was accompanied on the|clude Mrs. Victor Cubitt, Mrs. \piano by his teacher, Mrs.|W: E. Bottrell and Mrs, Doug- John Dickson. Miss Louise Wil-|!as McLaughlin, son, pupil of Mrs. Dickson,| Mrs. Harold Hawkshaw gave played two piano solos, 'Sona-;@ comprehensive report of the \tina" by. Mozart and "Willie in church library and its value to) \the Wind". Mr. Haisell showed) Church organizations. At her re-| la film on "The Lake District'.|quest, the UCW decided to | February being Founder's|Sponsor the CGIT, the Explor- |month the secretary, Mrs. Gor-/eTS, the Messengers (formerly j/don Tomlinson, read the Home| the Mission Band) the Tyro and land School Creed. Mrs. David|%her similar groups which |Hutcheon gaye a report on the|Might be formed. recent card party. Nominating ,1¢ was a -_ ef |committee for the election of|Sitting service would be avail- officers for able during regular UCW meet- 1962-63 are Mrs.|°~'* David Hutcheon, Mrs. G. 0, we G , ' | |Johnstone, Mrs, Nelson Wright.|. Mrs. George Perkin was ap-| Mr. Haisell announced there i Sank Ham nea ac ||would be a paper drive the third| unk -- , unp yates sup-| 4|Wednesday, February 21, paper|Y 8n@ social assistance eee to be brought to the school. retary, announced that a bale of} i) " ' : good used clothing would be |_ The next meeting will be on) packed in May. Tuesday, March 6, with the) -Mrs, H. A. Mellow, on behallf| 'health convener, Mrs. Eric'of the group, presented a life} {Brock in charge with Mrs. Don-| membership and past __presi-| jald White and Mrs, Harold] dent's pin to Mrs. Victor Cubitt, | ' '/Coakwell, grade mothers. April|jast president of the WA. 4 |8 will be Open House with Mrs, |}----___----_---- soe $ up '/Nelson Wright and Mrs. Cliff Nd 2.00 +|Brown in charge of refresh-| ]t's.a good idea to put your Said 'ments. name or identifying brand on} Q Refreshments were served by/|both ends of each piece of your| 28 KING ST. EAST PHONE 723-4621 eee "~taee J OO .... 250 FY Gilels flim? Mrs. George Pentland, grade|luggage so it can be quickly! | 2.25 fights away fines and shadows with complimentary Royal Velvet fluid makeup BLENDS PERFECTLY \ CHOICE CHOCOLATES in VALENTINE ( HEART BOXES QUALITY CANDY WITH THAT TRULY FRESH FLAVOR 75¢ 10 55° VALENTINES CARDS 0" Special Give a gift that says "Be aren #5ly. my Valentine"-and gets a "YES for an answer. Choose the perfect pre- sent from Jury and Lov- ell's sparkling selection of heart-winning gifts -- all sensibly priced -- and let it play Cupid for you this Valentine's Day. Be with Royal Jelly of ine Queen Bee Perfume YARDLEY "For Your , LAVENDER SOAP «For Your BLUE GRASS, ons' 1 15 rer 950 in heart shaped 0 HOUSHOLD HINT boxes. -- YARDLEY * | witeerr 'GIFT SETS £150 yy om 1 up Brownie Starlet CAMERA OUTFIT Suggested List 13.50. 8.99 SPECIAL ... PRIZE WINNING PHOTOGRAPH peg d le 9 a. vhbey | was awarded first prize in the eric iriwell, Cordova road, | «j » is geven-monthold Stephen six months to two years group Douglas. Stephen is the grandson of Mrs. Albert Par- ker, Oshawa. This photograph [mother for Miss Elsie McCul-|spotted among others. lough's room, Grade 3 and 4. | ---- PAINTS WALLPAPER 0 © | 20%050% OFF OFF PLUS SPECIAL MONEY-SAVING PRICES ON... @ ROLLER SETS @ WALLPAPER PASTE. @ SANDRAN (6' x 9') @ MOHAIR REFILLS @ PUTTY @ PLASTIC SHEETS PRESTON DECORATING SUPPLIES TABU Cologne MAX FACTOR ELECTRIQUE COLOGNE CHANEL NO, 5 PERFUME ARPEGE COLOGNE by Lanvin Hartnell IN LOVE PERFUME YARDLEY Red Rose Soap -- inte com ee COOKING TIP ONLY Blanching means putting food jinto boiling water for a. few ip Ane terror baby photo con- minutes and then into cold wa- test held in Oshawa. ter, for easier removal of peels --Photo by Ireland |and skins. ------ on ool a = L 4.50 as "SPECIAL" SPECIAL! WINTERSEAL ALUMINUM SELF-STORING STORM DOORS No storage problems. Insert of flaw- less glass are stored right in the door itself steers al SUNWORTHY HELENA RUBINSTEIN Apple Blossom EAU DE PERFUM CIGARS CIGARETTES PIPE TOBACCO All brands to suit his faste JURY: LOVELE PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS CITY WIDE FREE DELIVERY 8 KING ST.c. | | 530 SIM .. PHONE 723-2245 OSHAWA PHONE 526-s54c [ROSSLYN PLAZA - SSLYN 728-9668 | IN BOW Full 1" aluminum Concealed bottom sweep Sturdy door closer and check chain Glass insert set in Krylostic for positive seal and easy operation. . 35.00 Take advantage of Our Pre-Season Sale of Awnings AWNINGS at extra low, low prices. You'll never buy them cheaper LES EVENISS SALES LTD. than right NOW. "SPECIAL" "SPECIAL" wIWIDIdS,, COMPLETELY INSTALLED ONLY 19 BOND W. 723-4922 15 PRINCE ST. 725-4632 EVENINGS 723-2707 MANVILLE AND WHITBY PLAZA