| 2 7 {prosperity and party leader Les- CHAMP INJURED {fight with Herman Marques of Pickersgill Hits _ |ter B, Pearson. SAO PAULO, Brazil (AP)--|Mexico in San Francisco. He said a Toronto magazine|World bantamweight champion Jotre, the champion's. father ' A PC rty recently reported prime minis-|Eder Jofre injured his right) 4 . Pa s Record |ter Diefenbaker made 62 prom-|wrist in training Thursday and|and trainer. said his son injured 4 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondoy, Februery 12, 1962 am Sunday Sports lIFavors For Trays ises prior to being elected in|said he would ask for a post-/his wrist while working on @ FIGHT ASSESSMENT Approved By eis : | & h m 0! Aas Seneanies ne 1957 and kept 50 of them.|ponement of his schedu title"heavy bag. Local Farmers. Pickering Twp. siaery Doaaats al erm a cn eet seta BOWMANVILLE -- The Wom-(iliaries Association fee of $30 is)y w pickersgill, Liberal mem-|around the country proudly ' i. BY ELSA STORRY en's Auxiliary of Memorial|te he paid. her of Darieit for Bona-|quoting them, Mr. Pickersgill BROUGHAM -- Sunday Sports| Hospital met recently in the| Mrs. W. Rudell offered to d0o| vista . Twillingate. said, orm SSOCIa 10n and theatres got the final 80/sunday School room of Trinity|the decorating for the annual Mr. Pickers gill, addressing) "Imagine anyone trying to : Soa agentes cael rie tre brie, i iach" | er home om ore ea he ho , rai ary meeting. Mrs. Stanle: -|\J. Van Nest ai rs. L. e rf it ge af ge tl nag nl enc ee eee syecing to their bylaw recent- Marler, a president, canes will be co-conveners. . tario Liberal Association meet- besnced* ee His name is close on ¢ ' y. : th ting. = i i a petition to Pickering Township] "The present method of as-| Voting against both Sunday! 'yrs c'w, Cawker, presi ber that the letier'D stands for| SWEDISH RESERVES Council protesting assessment| sessment is making it impossible|activities, Deputy Reeve Jean / ker, s : 'he I : have been taken to form \for some farmers and small/ McPherson said she was against| reg! 0f Inapiel austonties Bot 198, LOW Diefenbaker. The letter P, helserves incteaved, 31 per cent in| He was more than a boy. He was said, stands for progress, peace,'1961 to a total of $736,000,000. } not yet aman.Dangerously in-be- Rural Ratepayers Association|fandholders to operate on an|the question at election time, - ' in the township. economic basis. lhence she had no alternative ptpoe g ipods gg we Lost In se Meeting at Ross Heron's farm) «This can only lead to te eter Hacer Shang no:|John's Anglican Church at 10 | ny € wae 3) tween...and betw ris! ted that he had also opposed|aim. | Mrs. . |W. Sheridan, Seo tay! BOTH 1st RUN! and between three gi near Claremont, an interested/preakdown of land parcels and m. Mrs, C. W. Sheridan, group adopted a temporary CON-/the beginning of unplanned, ran- : . stitution and appointed a pro- i .|the question, but since the tax- vison 'executive | commie ainiy'no ane fo the. Town: |Payer exoreged their endorse | be We fuen eer! Barn Fire it 7 men allot, he felt he s Fy the ooh mageon: oye g meh Seas. be in lever of the bylaw. are to be revised with the fol- ill tackle the problem of in-|' ,, i : ! oauitable land assessment that|, "Assessment tricks don't af-|"saiq Councillor Milton Mow-|lowing committee chairmen:| cepaR CREEK -- Fire de- has caused dissension in the - the erage Bg See bray: : : Mrs. Joseph O'Neill; Mrs. L. T.| troved the large barn on the Township during the past few|¥20 sets up his deals through) «The way in which members|McLaughlin, Mrs. S. McMuiter,|former Parm farm re ag purchase options. and the pen-|o¢ Council have voted on these|Mrs. Herry Saunders and Mrs. The farm is owned by Neil HIJACKED! TERROR months. ; ose forming the/#lty is paid by those who wish!two bylaws does not necessarily|L. C. Mason. : ~_|Johnston of Ashburn.The-house Po A tec o Dt pba be- Seana living in the town-|refject their personal feelings.| It was decided to discontinue|is rented by Mr. and Mrs. V. fore the Courts of Appeal and/® P. : : : | "Avery substantial majority|the gift of a pair of bootees to/Sjaunwhite and family. were also active in presenting] "This is the situation at thejof the people voted in favor|the new babies. | They had a cow. some the recent petition criticizing)moment,"" concluded Mr. Carr,j/of these two questions. We de-| Three copies of the Volunteer calves, pigs and hens in the Reeve Sherman Scott and re-|"but we intend to see that it is/ferred third reading so that any)magazine are to be ordered for|stable and all were lost. Also questing the dismissal of Asses-|Changed." person wishing to make repre-|the two vice - presidents and/iost were implements, hay and sor Goslin. The proposed constitution for|sentations concerning the bylaw|the corresponding secretary. _|straw, which were stored in the Guiding the group through its|the Association will be present. | could do' so. : The young people's groups in/barn. : ; formative stages was J. Bow-\ed.for approval at a general; "Under the circumstances,|town are to be contacted to' The Port Perry fire brigade den, president of the Agincourt/meting to be called in the near|many members of Council may|make favors for the patients'/saved a smaller barn which Ratepayers Association. Mr.|future. The provisional guiding|vell feel it is no longer in their|trays at the hospital, marking] stood at the north east corner of Bowden has played an active|committe appointed to put the|province to make any decision special days in the year. Mrs. the big barn. Ag ys" part in the life of the Agincourt|project before the people was:|other than the decision indicat-|Earl Thompson was appointed) Victor Larocque and sons, wasn Association since its formation|Ken Carr, president; Miss Vio-jed by the vote of tHe ratepay-|convener. ; |Ronnie and Paul and Roy Blain TROY DONAHUE ° CLAUDETTE COLBERT - KARL MALDEN OA weer in 1955. jlet Swan, corresponding secre-jers. I thing there is still room The treasurer reported $53|were ice fishing recently at) P ij a i i line ivi ? .|had been received for the mara-|Lake Simcoe. . and Parrish's three loves... (Im: wove DBLDRED SE Addressing the group, provi-itary; F. LeBrie, recording sec-|for individuals who feel strong ; pede thon bridge games. Twenty CONNIE STEVENS - DIANE MEBAIN - SHARON HUGUENY predate al sional president Ken Carriretary and Mr. Bishop, treasur-|ly on the questions to express " ' Aries stated: "In an area such ats |themselves,"" membership fees were paid in FALSE TEETH HARRISON > = rs ect DER OS, CHNICOLOR® From JARNER BROS. ick ynship, where the | January, ae A aes a |$500 FEE ACCEPTABLE An invitation was received That Loosen ri gg ca Ae egy o 4 | Reeve Scott announced that/from the Port Hope Auxiliary storte e taxa- | Reeve Sc | : : ' | fice sinters psy pend en 28 Babies Born at the Planning Board meeting/to a Valentine Tea on February Need Not Embarrass | Aided Comedy Hil lems of the farmer and land] [two applicants who wished to} 14. Many wearers of false teeth have ly owner are often overlooked. 2 sd divide their land were agree-} Mrs. A. L. Hooey reported SUE SLae aeopped, Mined Legg "Tt was the intention of the| Jax ospita jable to the $500 fee per lot, re-|$17.65 from the gift shop. bled eb jist thy wrong time. Do tiot BOWERY BOYS , cently imposed by the Board.|, St. Paul's United Church] live tn fear of this happening to you. : Ped Just sprinkle a little FASTEETH, Association,' Carr continued, | "e "to represent the Rural Rate-| AJAX (Staff) -- Total num-|The consents were granted, andjWomen offered to make a lay-| tie'sivaline (non-acid) powder, on . : "JAIL BUSTERS" payers of the Township and to| ber of patients admitted to the|the applicants now await ap-jette which will be on hand at] your plates. Hold false teeth more 1 '\ wo BN 8 ke every endeavor to have a firmly, so they feel more comfort- make every en i y Sm te Ajax and Pickering General Hos-|proval of the Ontario Municipal/the hospital to give to a needy arin "Dene HOt vous, Chocks relate FAS' at |pital during the month of Jan-|Board. mother. , odor breath". Get FAS juary was 216. This was broken| The Women's Hospital Aux-| drug counters everywhere. ® 3 2 Bowmanville |down into the following areas--| pLAN RICH TOURNEY Ajax -- 83; Pickering Town-| LONDON (AP)--A British to- |ship --_75, Pickering Village|bacco firm announced Thursday Theatre Group |--- 24, Whitby -- 14, Whitby|night it had signed golfer Jack |Township -- 3, Oshawa -- 9,/Nicklaus of the United States to Others -- 8. |play in a new $22,000 tourna- Holds Casting | There were 36 major opera-|ment -- the richest in British : jtions: 30 minor and 22 ear,|Solf history. The May 17-20 On BOWMANVILLE -- A _ spe-jeye, nose and throat operations, |,urnament in H pile fe ge cial meeting of the Bowmanville/A total of 28 babies were born|<: gi) ong a second prize of Drama Workshop took place at/during the month. $2,800. Nicklaus, 21, twice U.S. the residence of Robert Sheri-) Out-patients amounted to 406/amateur champion, will be dan with Mrs. Robert Sheri-/with 137 coming in for X-Rays|playing in Britain for the first dan presiding. jand 276 out-patient X-Rays.|/time as a pro. | The business of the evening)There were 61 miniature x-| H was to cast players for the forth-|Rays. | | see or ] a eC $ your we are, | coming productions. The presi-/ Laboratory in-patient treat-| , CHANGED ECONOMY | dent announced that John Scho-| nents totalled 928 with 46 out-\-,neta! Production for the; enmaker would not be available \first time exceeded fur produc-| and Robert Sheridan consented|Patient treatments. There were|tion in value in the Northwest 5 5 | to present the Bowmanville|17 blood transfusions. 'Territories in 1939. | your we s eing your prosper y : High School's production of =e || "The Man in the Bowler Hat", by a. An Mine ct AN INTERPRETATION BY LOCAL It was also announced that the Town Hall was not available for the March dates originally , . set and the alternative dates would probably be mid-April. Me : : Casting for the two plays y : then began. "The Invisible BoY "on Worm" by Elda Cadogan, di- el : | rected by Mrs, Winifred Won- cammars 4 wah oh nacott will be performed by Ra ; om ; Mrs. Barbara Bethune, Ken- eth Dennis and Richard Murkely. "A Tiny Closet" by 2 OM William Inge will feature Mrs. , : Robert Sheridan, Miss Helen 5 : 5 Nelles and Frank Stenger and fs ' i 'i \7 will be directed by Mrs. D. . se $ Louis Frenchman. | . Stage crews and designers) TODAY have yet to be selected for! these productions and all inter-| FEATURE DAILY AT 1:30 - 3:35 - 5:40 - 7:50 - 9:55 | ested persons are asked to at- tend the next general meeting} | which will be at The Lion's| Centre on Feb. 16 at 8 p.m. | OSHAWA TOASTMASTERS | of their . Will be giving a course in | . ' s : one PUBLIC SPEAKING | Objectives - Community Relations - Developments at the By MRS. KEN GAMSBY Yow Told In Complefe Defail In Orono -- The Ontario Racing e e C. A. | Commission has. granted 14 199 CENTRE ST. days of harness horse racing) : * to Orono this year which would} o | ; begin on July 2 and run until| This is an 8- course | July 17. | | Application was made for the| Orono track dates by interested r persons who have ben nego-lf q meeting to explain this course to interested per- tiating with the Durham Central | ie) d Agricultural Society for the use J 50S. (Open to men and\women.) of the track for the 14-day per-| one ranting of these dates| Yipee haae granting se | aye for the Orono track by the Com- | 6.00 PLUS "Y mission practically insures 14 consecutive days of racing in| Orono this year. | With plans being completed| in the near future, it will mark the first venture in Orono for such a meet. The intentions of those pro- moting the race meet indicate that it will be held on the same ' . basis as those held at the i 'Woodbine in Toronto including) : \ pari-mutual and a good string of ' horses. : ; The granted dates do, how- 7 P , ever, conflict with those of the & i Woodbine in Toronto which run | ' =. : 5 7 from July 2 to Sept. 1. < * Sid ieee It is now expected that nego- tiations will continue to con-) clude plans between the local Fair Board, the Orono Turf) Orono Race eet et | A ¢ Biante Mr. Busi racine. Pore ais wit We =m i een a ie installed by the promo- | NANCY KWAN atu of "SUZIE WONG" \yX a : aaa. acral JAMES SHIGETA ®t: MIVOSHT UMEK] || Be Sure To Tell Your Story In The 1962 PROGRESS EDITION that new stands will be erected - **** and along with further stabling facil- ities .It has been stated that ) 5 stabling will be pecessary for] 1 OW and a Competent Advertising some two hundre orses | H H Other improvements at the = Representative will call local fair grounds where the PLAYING to assist you in meet would be held include a, PHONE 723-2843 preparing for your advertisement new rail around the track with exteysive improvements to the MOATURS JIM 1:50 - 4:20 - 6:45 -- LAST SHOW 9:00 P.M. and parking.