Oshawa Times (1958-), 12 Feb 1962, p. 16

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16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, February 12, 1962 BIRTHS _| Responsibility Houston) are happy to announce the| On Individual arrival of a baby girl, 6 Ibs., 12 ozs., on i 'Thursday, February 8, 1962, at Osh.| awa General Hospital. A sister for) Lori, Thanks to Dr. Doherty and staff! of the Oshawa General Hospital. } PENYER -- Myrt and Des thank) TORONTO (CP) -- Dr. Brock God for the psig "eer Pod a, baby | Chisholm, former director - gen- daughter, Connie Isobel, 8, * * phen at the Ajax General Hospital on|eral of the World Healti: Organ Saturday, February 10, 1962, Manylization, said Saturday man must thanks to Dr. G. N. Mcllveen, idevelop a social responsibility of jan individual level if he is to DUNN -- To Jack and Barbara (nee! : ¢ pete ites Flodgson) a duughter, Cheryl Lynn, 7 avoid going the way of the din Ibs. 2 ozs., on Monday, February 5,/osaur, 1962, at Oshawa General Hospital. Dr. Chisholm, of Victoria, | and Mrs. William|B.C., told the annual convention) age lof the Ontario Association of Ar- W. S. Karn are happy to announce the birth of their son, Jeffrey Alan, on Sat-|chitects social responsibility, de- g urday, February 10, 1962, at East Gen.',. z i eral Hospital, Toronto. 'fined as the development of ci SEELEY -- Don and Frances (nee ancestral family groups. | Hancock) are very happy to announce; : 1 = the birth of their son, Michael John, 7! With the development of wea Ibs., on Sunday, February 4, 1962, atjpons, agriculture and greater Onnayre Geert Bowness. |mobility the group became big- | : ' bs ger until man's loyalty was to BON; Daughter,Twins--or--Triplets,_vou. ve : A will want si tell the whole town about|the national group into which-he} the latest arrival in your home An.) was born. nouncements are accepted until 9:00 Fifteen years ago said, Med a.m. for publication the same day for) { he only $1.50. Just telephone 723-3492. \man reached the point of : thill." The old system no longer |worked because man now had DEATHS the ability to kill everybody, in- \cluding himself, severa: times ARMOUR, Ambrose J. Pe At the Oshawa get by enn a "For thousands of years, we Sunday, February 11, 1962, Ambrose J. have depended on our ability to Armour, son of the late Joseph and|\< 'y Elien Armour, loving brother of Mrs. | kill other people for our secur ni Vinson of Fda Besides of/ity. When threatened or ah ampton and Norman of Toronto, in ; roper thing! Hemet gear. The late Mr. Armour|ened, the right and proj abil is resting at MclIntosh-Andersén Fun- to do was to increase our eral Home. vorphinagys ag ee ity to kill. Tuesday, February at 2 p.m. Inter-) ",, AS ment Union Cemetery. | Any war we have been in volved in was a righteous war Entered into rest in the family resi- | from our point of view. God ben dence, Lot 35, Concession 1, Darling- always on our side -- no matter BICKLE, William Level Urged BC Phone ivilization by man, had its birth MONTREAL 11:30 A.M. STOCKS By The Canadian Press 'i bh: Feb, 12 o (Quotations in cents unless marked $. z--Odd lit, xd--Ex-dividend, xr--Ex- rights, xw--Ex-warrants, Net change is from previous board-lot closing sale.) ih 5 $43% 43% 43% + Ye $51% 51 ---"% $284 28% 24+ % $3454 34% 34% $71% 71% 71% + % $78 78 78 813 $51% 51% 514 + % 1001 357% 57% 50 $52 = 5: 52 1200 360 360 +15 226 $36% _ 36Ya -- 1996 $1644 1614 -- 4 50 $54\4 MA --- Cal P 5 pr 15 $101% Can Cem 55 $31 Can Cem pr 125 $2814 CI Fndry- 800 $224 CAE 300 $24 Cdn Brew 600 $5914 Br Alum 375 $10%. C Husky 300 «$8 C Imp Bk C 50 $68% "L $1444 $26% 200 300 300 $13% $14%4 $234 $9 595 398 50 275 5: Algoma Alumini Asbestos Bank Mont Bank NS Bang PC Bell Phone Bow Mer p Brazil C BA Oil BC Pow 5 10% + 8 68% + 14% CPR Cdn Pet pr Comb Ent Cons MS Coronation Crush Int Dist Seag D Bridge D Glass 1340 14% 23% 305 350 100 675 160 400 50 | Stock D Stores Dom Tar Donohue Electrolux Fraser Frosst A Gatineau Home B | HBC | Hu lImp Oil [Imp Tob lind Accep Int Nickel %\Int Util Inter PL Irog pr 26% -- \%|Pac Pete Page Hers Royal Bank 213 | Royalite |Salada S$ | | Simpsons }Southam 'Today's Stock Market Listings 11:30 Net 11030 Net Sales High Low a.m, 'ch'ge| Stock 575° $13% 13% 13% Steel Can 384 «819% «19% 19% -- %/ Texaco 100 $26 26 «26 Tran Corp 325 53% 53 33% --1%|1 F 420 $26% 265 26% -- | Wai 600 $20 20 29 |WCoast Tx 50 $35% 35% 35% | 1000 $14% 14% 14% 255 $124 124 124 -- 220 $5544 554 55% -- 370 $50% 49% 600 $16% 16% 300 $33°%4 1125 $83% $45 $82 312 $16 $34 $18% 813% $21% $42 $16 879 $61 $53 $1756 $23%% 382% $15 $16% $24 $30% 3 50-$2942 Sales 80% 81 + % 38 i+ Ve S2 +h 58% CANADIA 1 Alta Tnk A 100 $36% ¥s| Ang A Moly 2200 310 4\Atlas Tel 100 220 | Avalon $154 Bailey SA $10% \% | Bateman 1% Y% | Bornite 2Aho %--|Cal Ed $25%6 |C Collieries 600 C, Power 800 % | Canorama 15 %|Cent Del 840 ¥|Chemaloy 400 219 |Chib Cop 2000 +10 |C Div See pr 50 $35 C Paper 335 S$41%-- Cons Gas 200 $20% Con Gas 200 $20% %\Corvette A 100 2% |D Explor 0100 55 %4| Dumont 1000 Ya| Fab N 36% 3644 + Ve 300 «300 220 220 W% 15% 10% 10% + % ™% hh 23 2m +1 254% + Ve 600 +% +1 d Bay 500 23% 200 600 100 2000 3800 +20 --% 35 41M -- % 20%. ---% in 20 -- % 1 12% 5 55 O48 26 2% +1 9% Y 3938 7 65 3000 Reliance 500 di 500 14500 700 1235 ly YaiGlen Lake \% | Futurity %s Hollinger +Horner--A \% HB Cil G 4] 2 $22%% $40 $19 100 % High Low a.m, Ch'ge: | Big Collection 'In Youth Fund | TORONTO (CP) -- The Cana- +8 |dian YMCA Youth Fund has so 950 950 950 --10 far collected $1,157,531, or sio 10 10 + %/nearly two - thirds of its target $10% 10% 10% + 'of $1,817,000 to pay for new fa- - ed a +10 | cilities. $56% 53% 535%4--%! This was announced Sunday ow eg ay Fe +12 \by the fund's general chairman, 2 «623 «27 --1 |Harold Rea of Toronto, as he 46 46 46 --1 |broke for a new natiunal centre 6 M4 of youth work. 12% 12% 1 9 The three - storey, $380,000 tia Phas building at Yonge Street and 450 430 |Berwick Avenue is one project 14 14 of the fund. It will be the first 4 aur completely new building to be 09 150 148 150 peg Bod a" rage Council 770 770 770 0! JAs, for which it wil Tae fade lserve as headquarters, : The fund - raising campaign, <5 *|in progress since December, will continue through February. The national executive, meet- ling here this weekend, an- ll Net Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge 1300 500 495 495 100 370 370 370 3% O86 6 | | Stock i Int Helium | Jubilee |Kelley Fr | Kerr Add Lob Co B Melchers Meich pr |Mer Chip | Moore 950 | Mt Pisnt 14175 |Mr Dairies 450 NW Amult 38600 |NA Rare 500 ican Exp] 2000 Pitt Prod A 200 2000 200 200 2200 1600 100 20 $125 500 400 480 100 800 4100 t s L 5 2%-- % | Porcupine 9 t | Prem Stl }Que Cobalt | Que Lith |Que Smelt Sue Dev SC Pow 6p Spartan Steep R Tache | Tazin | TRC Freeze |Un Gas 9 $16% 530 450 14 100 f 1 t --s 350 350 350 300 $23%4 545 $25% 120 $144 2 23 23 545 545 25% 25% |U Towns El 120 120 M% 14% Wendell 2 2 5000, Sales to 11:30_a, 700; mines and oils BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT | Dictators Meet Business Shows Advances count for about 90 per cent of|Franco of Spain and Porgugal's|department in the Toronto Stock By FORBES RHUDE Canadian Press Business Editor|Canadian consumption, estimate|/Antonio de Oliveira Salazar--| Exchange their requirements of new rub-\were reyoried planning to meet|ployees' ber at' 89,765 long tons, Com-|toqay to discuss possible inte-|stock quotations. Early year business reports are less than sensational but they indicate continued vance | _| pare' ad-/590 tons in 1961. For Discussion On Integration MADRID (AP) -- Two aging {giants in the world's dwindling ranks of dictators -- Francisco Report d with consumption of 82,-/sration of their countries into a \federation of the Iberian Penin-' Ss. United States automobile indus production has been market by profusion, 3,000,000 have been buiit so far, word in model selection. At last count a buyer had his choice of 300 separate models with 57 dif- market place, only by the profusion of models but the increasing variety of sizes and special types. The era |of the all - purpose car may not +be-over,-but indications are that! SALES UNEVEN year so far concerns sales, Rec- ords were October. to think all manufacturers are Auto Industry's Confusion Noted DETROIT (AP) -- For the,bing well over 50 per cent of the business instead of its nor- mal 47-48. per cent. Ford has been holding its own at about 30 per cent, leaving less than 20 per cent for the other three makers conbined. Chrysler, which alore used to take more than 20 per cent, has fallen to a bare 10 per cent, its lowest since the eariy days of the company. American Motors hasn't been able to improve on its six per cent and Studebaker Packard, up a fraction earlier, now is apparently suffering from a prolonged strike which began Jan. 1. ty the first half of 192 - model 1 confusion and illu- ion. The 1962 models started roll- ng last August and more than he fastest pace in three years. Profusion has been the key erent engines and 'an almost imitless number of other op- ions. Confusion continues in the brought on not Firm Reveals | Plan To Triple Toronto Space TORONTO (CP) -- Garrett Manufacturing Ltd announces jthat it will triple its Toronto jarea manufacturing space by jbuilding a 27-000 - square-foot \building on a three and one- t is drawing to a close, The illusion surounding the set regulavly from| But it is an fllusion haring equally in the boom. 250,500. _lvice worker, {l jand is majoring in psychology with youth program develop- nounced the selection of Can- T t S k | He is William C. Cleminson,| jat Assumption University. Clem- ment in a local "Y" and in an | TORONTO (CP) -- A' burst General Motors has been grab- half acre site in Etobicoke Township, about two miles from NET EARNINGS jits present plant in Rexdale 7+ Industrials 50~-oda's--first--junior--world--ser- 21, who comes from Windsor inson will spend a year helping Market Flood | overseas country. Trade Barrier © |water pipe flooded the records Ta e arrier | Breakdown Urged By Ford today attempts halting em- to. record Vv 13 | The pipe, on the fourth floor of the exchange building, burst Co., year ended Dec. By THE CANADIAN PRESS fins oes Tale, eaamagst, (thy8 ek we . spansion results from ad- Doggett -- hae 3 oa" dition of a major line of avionics 77: 1960. $719,177." ' 'equipment, projected activity ea ; . _._|into other areas, and increased Trans Mountain Oil Pipe Line production of aircraft compo- 31: 1961, nents and accessories On the basis of these figures, sula. Sunday night and water poured the over-all reports are the Greig. B. Smith, association) Informants said the scheduled|through to the second floor rec- of Maurice. Arthur, Jack and Ronald:/greatest problems of the world individual announcements|™anager, estimates total Cana-|meeting in the western Spanish|ords department unnoticed until and brother of Mrs. Herbert Nichols ig that of feeding the population, hat. indicate that business is(lan consumption this year attown of Ciudad Rodrigo, 15 today. ; . . Deny "aivet it is s g tten- ae 199,75 sc y rec-| mi P, i | w A the Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa yet it is still getting little att |pursuing an aggressive course, |99790 tons compared with rec-|miles from Portugal's border.) water damage was confined the breakdown of all trade bar-|1960, $586,423. vith Mi 1 Service in the Chapel/{jgn, be ir lord c ti f 101,475 in 5 i | , ' "4 Wednesday 'February 16 at 3pm. In-| "00 de of the starving,|Canadian General Electric's an-| 19:9 onsumption 0 ' jwas requested by Premier Sal-/ty the second, third and fourth|riers between Canada and the| terment Ebenezer Cemetery. The attitude of the starving.| nouncement that it has obtained|""" : __ |azar. {floors and to a sporting goods|United States affecting automo- he said, is that their children 0.000 order for electrical) Electronic Industries Associa-| The Portuguese leader, shaken) tore below the records depart-|biles CRARD lames are suffering while other, pros- 4 $5,000,000 order, 'tion of Canada in a February|by the loss of Goa to India,|, " aac ¢ aa In the Oshawa General Hospital on Sun- ATC nate A vorid *;,equipment from Ghana is only|'! a in uary |b} dat } 'iment, The trading floor, in the! 'We consistently advocate day, February 11, 1962, James Crain, perous people in the world don't one example of many report says television sales in wants Spain's military support | adicent main building was notifreer trade between all coun husband of the late Christina car oe I ' fie | > j , 7 str is i i ; Ph ts *y peeven dear futher of 'Phyllis CMs. |"t oc: : Continuing new investments December continued to advance/to strengthen his grip on Portu-'qamaged and trading is going tries," he said, 'and whole- K. Miller), Mrs, Evelyn MeDonald, For the oN in 3 by various interests also indi- and record post-war sales of |gal's remaining tor al on as normal. heartedly support the 'recom- Edna (Mrs. A. Elliott). all of Oshawa. tory," he said, "this. has be-\ 31. faith in the future. radio - phonograph and radio-|tories, the informants said. --| O#riciais said the water pipe mendations of the Bladen royal in his 74th year. Mr. Cramb is resting . ater pipe mm Mihe Mcintosh . Anderson Funeral|come a dangerous situation. If developments continue in|Phonograph television com-| Backed by Generalissimo|;.) 4 after a window had been|commission which suggest ways Home, 153 King Street East, for service |" this fashion, they will build up/binations were also recorded. |Franco's well - en rend left open during the weekend.|to achieve freer trade." in the chapel on Wednesday, February force 't somewhere along) "T f factor in the con-jof about 500,956 men, Salazar i ; 14 at 2 p.m. Interment Mount Lawn . a force that somewhere along _ "The cnie c in the con-| cide ' |The ceilings on the second and; He told a press conference, Cemetery. In leu of flowers donations: Liberal Leader the line can be expected tojtinuing marked advance in tele-\could move much more force-|inirg floors had to be ripped off Britain's entry into the Euro-| te See Ceiper Fund would be appre: make itself felt in a real eco-|vision sales, evident since Au-|fully to smash nationalist upris-)) o.men to allow the water pean Common Market will not bonita ® Inomic surge. gust, is the now well-established|ings in the seething West Afri-t¢ drain out. have a detrimental effect on Pct i hahah oa Outlines oaiS The Canadian Association ofjreplacement market," says\can territory of Angola and It is the second time in a\Ford of Canada, which has|/ uddenly, near Penhold, Alberta, . its Feb-|F. W. Radcliffe, th ssocia-|other Portuguese possessions. F iy : Pat : 'Thursday, February 8, 1962, FO Wil Purchasing Agents in its Fe ; icliffe, Ne arial bas ae d Lars + ore.;month that the exchange has wholly - owned subsidiaries in liam George Ferguson, beloved bus-} symicOe (CP)--Goals of hu-,ruary bulletin says moderate |tion's general manager. If such a federation is cre b bis te easale 'i ; i band of Joyce Wolosewich and son of) , gains in new orders and produc-| Canadian Steel Warehouse As-|ated," said an informant, "no, een unable to supply stock| many Commonwealth countries | Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Ferguson, in his}|man and economic development 8 A Peo saps : : . ish(quotations. On Jan. 15 a burned-| « : ' 26th year. Resting at the Armstronglin Ontario were outlined here|tion were, reported in January,|sociation says a survey of its/one could protest over Spanish quotations. an. 15 a burned-| "Our largest plants are in| Funeral Home commencing Tuesday|¢ > ni , O io Lib- with prices, employment and in-\63 members shows 79 per cent intervention in the territories." out circuit breaker crippled the|\Germany and England," he mornin, Service in the chapel Tues- Saturday night by ntario 5 soe r Fi ' e : hat i 5 4 day February 13, at 3 p.m. interment (eral Leader John Wintermeyer.|ventories remaining at about pening for oe be sales volume . oe ner | erate ' ns electric system throughout the|said, "and it is the cars from Mount Lawn Cemetery, Oshawa * i the December level. this year, and 63 per cent ex-|Salazar an ranco feel hole buliel snd cwtonel dies : ee : 4 Speaking to the annual con) \44 orders were booked at\pect more satisfactory profits Spanish - Portuguese federation, nanan be nd 8 = ie these gilt we pete " ms sales Ne in most other Commonwealth a reg Ping aa aes cent of reporting companies,' In 1961, 40 per ment had higher|000 people. might increase the compiled by hand for the re-|countries. In the ECM, we urday, February 10, 1963, Clark a. atl a OntaHé and a definite|While 32 per cent reported in-/sales than in 1960--with 60 perjchances of strong central rule| mainder of the day. would be exporters." oy" formerly of illcroft Street | . ler 9 ar a inui , y eats ie J Oshawa) beloved husband of the late|plan for economic progress will) creases and 20 per cent de-\cent at the same level or lower|continuing after they pass from Mrs. di (Betty) G y * $ ejati i its i incr ' Zar. yer a Ser gi Mig thioaane a dapye4 future campaigns. | Rubber Association of|higher profits, with increases) Salazar, in power for more Mr. Floyd is resting at Mcintosh-| «We will take us our objec-|canada says the rubber indus-|mostly in a narrow range. than 33 years, is 72. Franco, Anderson Funeral Home. Funeral ar- 4 i Je \try expects its consumption of; Association members market,who took dictatorial powers fol- ton Township on Monday, February. 12,/which side we were on" 1962 William Richard Bickle beloved mi husband of Alice H. Oke and father} Dr. Chisholm said one of the EDMONTON (CP) -- Karl E./$6,210,755, 82 cents; 1960, $3,-!" 'The company, a subsidiary of Scott, Ford Motor Company of | 448,022, 46 cents Garrett Corporation, Los Ange- Canada president, said Saturday} Western Canada Steel Ltd.,|les, now has an $8,000,000 back- his company would uke to see;year ended Oct. 31: $449,966; log of orders extending over the next two or three years, Perhaps more interesting than SAVE ON YOUR MILK PURCHASES Milk costs less if you buy the economical half-gal- lon size. Skim. - Homo or Guernsey Gold. "At the Store Or At Your Door'. FERGUSON, FO Wm. George QUALITY DAIRY PRODUCTS SHAWA. ONTAR FLOYD Clark J At Toronto General Hospital at- (Closed casket), t : 2 vention of the Southern Ontario the December level by 47 perjor a change from loss to profit./bringing together nearly 40,000,- Ethel Pickell_and loving father ef be the platform of his party increases --but only 34 per cent reported|the scene. | ph ; | There's du MAURIER rangements Later. jtive the maximum development} i jof each human being's ability.|) 41 this year race' ka caia "thon ae Member companies, which & eral Hospital on Saturday, February 10, |P/3 uy, ° | $$$ 1962, Michael Gajdos, beloved husband| Will build a group of young} < e and father of Joxephine | people who can fight for their li T k an chael, in his 68th year. Funeral) ; " from the Armstrong Funeral Home, |country in the field of ideas. Ang 1cans a e Oshawa, with High Requiem Mass in| He said co-operation must be! leffective between management Holy Cross Church, Tuesday, Februa' land labor in order that econ-| No Stand In 13, at 9 a.m. Interment St. Gregory's Cemetery. , z jomic progress can be achieved) in Ontario. 1 Pi k s day, February 10, 1962, William George! t} Hote IC. eting Hyland, beloved husband of JeanGrant,|Ontario has not moved - | Mr. Wintermeyer charged tha effec-| dear father oF Mrs. Harold, Reetitively, and in fact has drifted.| TORONTO (CP)--The Angli- James Grant of 'Sault Sn, Marte, om through Jack of an economic!can Church of Canada is not So a Re mas Seaelleee ltaking a stand in connection Te clks remsday afiaincne 61.3 6 clock. | "The Liberals will not stand|with the strike at the Royal Interment Union Cemetery, Oshawa./hy and see the family farm dis-| York Hotel, Rt. Rev F. H. Wil- POY te Sertinee appear," he said. 'We will pro-|kinson, Bishop of Toronto, said jtect the farmer against vertical| Sunday. Commenting on the action by four Anglican clergymen in joining the picket line Saturday, he said it was purely a matter of individual attitudes Three children of one of the rubber to rise to a near-record!metals with an annual value of/lowing the end of the Spanish jabout $180,000,000. Civil War in 1939, is 69. Canadian cotton textile mills) - SASS ERISA ACRE ER ~{in 1961 used 370,895 bales of| OIL SEARCH ool raw cotton, or 11 per cent more! Australia's most intensive \than in 1960, says the Cotton|search for oil, costing at least Institute of Canada. A_ bale/$13,500,000, is being conducted |weighs 500 pounds. in Queensland in 1962. GAJDOS, Michael Entered into rest in the Oshawa Gen- c- HYLAND, William George At his home, 400 Elm Road, on Satur-| KOCH, Hetty t r I At the Oshawa General Hospital on|integration and corporate inter- Sunday, February 11, 1962, Hetty Nigh- | ference," IN MEMORIAM Koch, in her 83rd year. Resting at the Chapel of McDermott-Panabaker, Port Perry, for service on Tuesday, at 2 p.m. Interment Pine Grove Cemetery. LEGGE, Ernest George _ | WELSON -- In loving memory of a|clergymen joined the picketing, Entered into rest in the family resi-/dear grandmother, Jennie Wilson, who\Churchmen and some of their dence, 210 Division Street, Oshawa, OD|passed away February 12, 1959. | parishioners. Saturday, February 10, 1962, Ernest) Gone from us, but leaving memories! The hotel and Club Employ- George Legge, beloved husband of} Neath can never take away; By. caged 4Mpioy wary ag pee a, tego of ous Memories that will always linger (€es Union (CLC) has been on TOD oe eee eee eee, ete ena| Whue Upon this earth we stay strike against the hotel since and brother of Arthur of Oshawa and|_sadiy missed by granddaughter Wy-|inct A Victor of Toronto, in his 86th year./one and grandson Dick and great.|/@St April. ae Resting at the Armstrong Funeral|grandchildren Lynn, Cindy and Rickie.) Canon Moore Smith of St. pet |Matthias Church, who led the demonstration, said the decision Home, Oshawa. with memorial servi in the chapel Tuesday, February 13 #t| witsoN -- In loving memory of a to join the picket line, carrying reading "We Support 2 p.m. Interment Mount Lawn Ceme- | dear wife, Jennie Wilson, who passed tery, Oshawa. away Feburary 12, 1959 Oh, what I would give to clasp your cards Put your Wife on That Cloud LEVER, Harold Entered into rest in the Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital on Sunday, February 11. 1962, Harold Lever, beloved husband of} Margaret Larkin Clarke and father of Grenville Larkin. For further particu-| lars, please call the Armstrong Funeral) Home, 728-5173. and; Your dear kind face to see; Your loving smile, your voice, That meant so much to me No 'one knows the silent heartache, Only those who have such can tell Of the grief that is borne in silence welcome | For the one I loved so well. PULKINGHORN, Dr. Judson --Sadly missed by her husband Man- Entered into rest in hospital at Peter. |ley. borough, on Saturday, February 10,/) 1962, Dr. Judson Pulkinghorn, beloved husband of Martha Wilson and loving father of Mrs. Wiley (Madeline), Jack | COBON jsincere appreciation to friends and and Ross, all of Peterborough; dear 'neighbors for the kindness shown to stepfather of Mrs. H. 8S. Ogden (Doro- thy) of Oshawa. Dr. Pulkinghorn is resting at the Comstock Funeral Home. Service was held Monday, February 12, 1962. ™ to our family in bereavement. We es- |pecially wish to thank Dr. Angus Mac- Donald, William Grant, Dr. H, R. morial. For placement contact funeral Rowsell, all special nurses, staff of 1E director or phone 725-2327. jand 3B of Oshawa General Hospital, Rev. R. Love and Armstrong Funeral |Home. The many acts of kindness will |always be remembered. The fami f M GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL Kindness beyond price yet within reach of all. 728-6226 390 KING STREET WEST | Fred Cobon Science Now: Without Pain. LOCKE'S FLORIST Funeral arrangements floral requirements for occasions OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE 728-6555 ond | all | Toronto, Ont. (Special) --For the first time science bas found a new healing substance with the ability to shrink hemorrhoids and to relieve pais and itching. Thousands have been relieved with this inexpensive substance right in the privacy of their own home without any discomfort or inconvenience. In one hemorrboid case after another, 'very striking improve- ment" was reported and verified by doctors' observations. Pain was promptly relieved. And 'while gently relieving pain, actual reduction or retraction (shrinking) took place. , And most amasing of all--this imp t was maintained in cases where doctors' observations were continued over a period of many months! In fact, results were so thorough IN MEMORIAM ALLISON ---In loving memory of a! dear Mom, Annie Allison, who passed away February 1}, 1960. Too dearly loved to ever be forgotten, ~-Sadly missed and always remember. | ed by son Alfy, Pearl and children, BROWN -- In: loving memory of a dear husband and dad, Edward Brown, | who passed away February 12, 1 | Fourteen years that sad day When ond we loved was called away God took him home it was His will But in our hearts, he liveth still. Lovingly remembered by his wif have passed since --We wish to extend our) jour father during his long illness and/ Finds Healing Substance That Relieves Pain And Itching As It Shrinks Hemorrhoids {the Royal York Strikers," fol-| lowed a prayer meefing and a discussion at his church Satur- day morning. Mr. Smith said the hotel man- agement's decision to rehire only 90 per cent of the 400-plus/ workers still on strike was "un-| j|democratic." | The three children on the line| were with their father, Rey. Daniel Heap, assistant minister at St. Matthews Church. | Mr. Heap said the children,| {Margaret, 10, Susan, & and Har- old, 7, 'seemed to enjoy it.". | "They knew about the strike) and when they heard IU was go- jing to picket the hotel they ask) if they could come." The group stayed with the} picket line for about an hour. | | Shrinks Piles Or Discomfort that sufferers were able to make such statements as "Piles have ceased to be a problem!" And | among these sufferers were @ very | wide variety of hemorrhoid con- | ditions, some of even 10t0 20 years' | standing. All this, without the use of nar- coties, anesthetics or astringents of | any kind. The secret is a new heal- | ing substance (Bio-Dyne)--the discovery of a famous scientific in- stitute. Already, Bio-Dyne is in | wide use for healing injured tissue on all parts of the iy. ; This new healing substance is offered in suppository or ointment form called Preparation H. Ask for individually sealed convenient Preparation H Su; tories or | Preparation H ointment with special applicator. Preparation H | is sold at all drug stores. | -- action guaranteed or money 4 je and family. A modern Kitchen can take the drudgery out of the many hours that must be spent in meal-pre- paration. Let our kitchen experts plan-one for her that includes all the latest time-savina, work-sav- ing improvements, MATERIALS TO MODERNIZE THE AVERAGE KITCHEN COST AS LITTLE AS $17.00 A MONTH FOR BEAUTIFUL QUIET in kitchen or any room use acoust- ical ceiling tile. Only 18c per 12" tile. FOR CLEAN - EASY FLOORS put down colorful floor tile. From !ow as 10c per tile BNY NOW... PAY LATER FIRST PAYMENT JUNE 1, 1962 HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY BROWN"S LUMBER AND SUPPLIES LTD. 436 RITSON ROAD NORTH i - Qracat, DIAL 725-4704 OSHAWA, ONTARIO

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