Oshawa Times (1958-), 9 Feb 1962, p. 5

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WHITBY and DISTRIC Whitby Bureau Office Manager: Lloyd Robertson : 111 Dundas St. West Tel. MO. 8-3703 | | | | "ig Me FRIENDS HONOR FORMER RESIDENT | ment Supervisor for seven years. Mr ing Whitby where he operates a_hard- ware store, was presented | with a wheelchair by some of On Wednesday night the home of Mr. and Mrs. Morley | Nicholson, 216 Cochrane street was the scene of a surprise party for Mr. John Rae, a former Whitby Works Depart- Seek Charter For New Hospital Here farmer and Township; William sales manager; Ken- Hobbs MD, a Whitby from Haliburton A steering committee for a|Down reeve of proposed general hospital in|Whitby Whitby will apply for a provin-| Davidson eial charter to the Ontario Reg-|neth C strar General. Enrolment of}medical! practitioner; Carl charter members in the. organ-|Mantz, publisher; Mayor Stan- ization which will conduct ajley Martin; Desmond Newman, campaign for the hospital's|plant.manager,-and Gordon~T establishment has begun Richards, plant manager. The steering committee which; Dr, Ruddy said Wednesday was formed by independent citi-|that charter members of fund zens of Whitby in September, raising company for the hospi- 1960, has Joseph Ruddy MD. as'tal are sought. He also said that chairman. Vice - chairman is this corporate company would Harold Mace, association exec- function under the direction of utive; Mrs. Hugh T. Nicol, re-'the Board of Governors. cording secretary; Mrs. Stewart; |Last year a survey disclosed Roblin, corresponding secre-|that 130 persons were willing to tary. give financial support to the Other members are: MTrs.|project. Dr. Ruddy's appeal is Wilma Davidson, George Ander-|qirected to those who. are also son, company president; Heberjinterested in becoming mem- Test goa bers of the organization. WHITBY DAY-BY-DAY 'iene Results Of Piano Tests The following is a list of suc- : sian eessful candidates in examina- SCOUT PAPER DRIVE tions held recently by the Royal) Members of the Whitby Boy Yonservatory of Music of To-|Scout Association will be con- ronto in Whitby, Ontario. The! ducting their monthly paper col- names are arranged in order of lection in the town on Saturday, merit. Feb. 10. Residents are request- GRADE VIII PIANO ed to leave tied bundles of Honors--Lauretta Anonby papers at the curbs by 9 a.m Pass --Barbara Breckenridge Kathryn Cuddy, Marlaine Part- ington (equal); Patricia Price; Elizabeth Knight GRADE VII PIANO Pass--Joan Hickling GRADE VI PIANO Honors -- Walter Van Nus; Alan ia Emma Grant; Pat- ricla Newman School Board and the Whitby Pass--David Brisbin: Richard safety Council may soon take Bales; Margaret H. Wigston steps to help decrease the teen- GRADE V PIANO _age auto accident rate in the Honors -- John Bell; Lucille area by introducing. driving in- -- ; : ¥ struction into the school cur- ass -- Jacqueleine arro; riculum Suzanne Gillard ' On Tuesday the High School GRADE IV PIANO Board received a letter.from Honors -- Peggy Squires; |the Safety Council inviting two poangyg tage sgn a members of the board to attend ers, iam arrie (equa meetings to discuss Phd chi bain lg 4 of attack for introducing {. King; George Warman; Ted program Norwick; Margaret Sheedy The board appointed Trustees GRADE Til PIANO Frank McGee and George Mor- Honors -- Patricia Pettit; rison to attend the next Safety Sharon - Ann Goff; F.rances/Council meeting and then report -- a eee es back to the board in March. ricia Shannon, Michael C. Volk- 174 tne gg Sowa ee oe er, Jackie Winter (equal); Pat. 202" a Sn 25g orough the Evans, -Jane Hurley (equal). secon ary schools gave students GRADE II PIANO up to 20 hours instruction in Honore = Dianne' (Bude donated cars by a professional Vireinia C oe $ Go 'instructor. He said that possibly gint assan, Anne Gove, similar program could be Catherine Pettit (equal); Bar- studied by both bodies bara Horton; Kathryn A. Stuart : Pass--Susan G. Foster The board approves the Safety GRADE I PIANO et oe Bee. Honors--Charles Day; Valerie Lapp Pass -- Catherine Shannon, Audrey I. Volker (equal). BROCK Evenings Shows at 6:55 & 9 p.m. WHITBY Feoture Starts at 6:55, and 9:25 ' The ust tender and touching love story of our time! | } | | | Board Considers | Driving Classes AT High Schools The Whitby District High the ADDITIONAL WHITBY NEWS ON PAGE 16 SRM ING MOFNEL WONG six. sen ie. Pestana Rae, who is visit- | a method} left to right, are Gartshore, friends. | back row John Hill, Norm Sam Minnis, Sam Burns and Harold Bonnetta --Oshawa Times Photo {| his many Whitby Shown above in a group pic- are, front row, left to Clare Rich, Mr. Rae, Harold Campbell, and | ture right, } and Consumers Gas Appeals To Board to county judge Judge A. R the local An appeal by Consumers' Gas) appealed the against assessment of their and last year property in three Ontario Coun- Willmott upheld ty municipalities enters its sec- assessments again ond day at Whitby today. The' The company claims that hearing, in Whitby, before a their lines are over - assessed two-man board, is against the because the assessors had taken assessment levied by the Town- the county rates which include ship of Pickering, the village of|the cost of digging, trenching, Pickering and the Town of Ajax| hauling, stringing and welding on the pipe lines running) The company holds that through those municipalities. assessment is not proper _be- This is the third appeal)cause it has nothing to do with brought by the gas company the true value of the gas lines against the assessments. The| George: Wilkinson, a special company first entered an ap-\representative of the company, peal before the local courts of|/told the board on Thursday revision, who upheld the 'Jocal|that these items had been in- assessment. The company then|cluded by the company in fig- uring the cost of the line Mrs red Glenney W. Porter, of the Mid Canada Entertains. Circle Contractors Ltd., whose firm had installed the lines across the south part of this, county, said that all these items had Mrs. Gordon Glenney kindly been included in estimates of opened her home to the Whitby! cost. Baptist Church Mission Circle on Tuesday afternoon for their February meeting. Mrs. Harold Crawforth, president, presided Evidence was given that Con- sumers' Gas uses only 28 per over the opening and business session. cent of the line's total capacity in this area. Today, Ontario County, which After the regular reports were|is representing the three muni- given, plans were made to as- sist the Explorer group with their Valentine party Mrs. cipalities, will present its case Maude .Cameron reported the Appearing for the county is Harold H. Elliott, of Toronto progress being made with the Explorers in their Mission Appearing for the company R. J. Zimmerman, of Toronto. |Study on Bolivia which she is }conducting. Mrs. Ivan Hoskin, ithe Mission Band "ee was Raise $560 In : te" Benefit Game material for .the Band to help The sale of tickets for the the children to better under- stand the work of the mission- ae 'a iti cae annual Police-Fire Department ie or the eval Onswaken Hockey game, played in the mad r é é SwekeTl/Whitby Arena on Tuesday, has pees vee wogar ng Poe be en relized to date a total of $560 ates Wy JF aoa' pp eod ea |for the Ajax, Whitby, Pickering Mrs. W. G. Hewis we re appoint- Association for ed to look after the White Cross) qren work this year. cee Mrs. R. Pickering gave high- A pl. Jim Barter of the Whitby lights from the Link and Visitor|Police Department said that the which 'was followed with a sea-|final total would be announced son of prayer. at a later date as he was still A very pleasant duty was per- ae for more money to be formed at this time by Mrs.| in Crawforth assisted by Mrs, D.| The double header in the local Wilson in the presentation of ajarena was played before a fair Circle life membership and pin|crowd who saw the Police De- to a very faithful worker, Mrs,|partment outscore the Fire- Gordon Glenney. Mrs. Glenney|fighters by a score of 4-2, and thanked the members for be-|the Oshawa Juveniles nip the stowing this unexpected honor|Whitby Juveniles 3-2. upon her The Whitby Police and Fire Mrs. D. Mitchell and her|pepartments and the Whitby ibe gp Sli of the, re | Juvenile Hockey Club wish to eB Poseon, Honig paca ea rial thank all those who supported the devotional. She took as her ey nyt ag re diate: theme '*'No Place to Hide". Mrs. ation by buying tickets. Ss Retarded Chil-| | t his/234. IOOF NEWS | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, Feb. 9, 1962 § Arena Board Closes Dance The Whitby Arena Commis- sion has notified the promoters of the Teen-Town dances held at the arena that the dances }must be discontinued immedi- , jately. Commission Secretary Smartly attired in capes of|Forbes McEwen said Thursday appropriate colors of red, white|that the promoter was inform- and blue, according to station,|@d of their decision Tuesday. and wearing their fezzes, with\Mr. McEwen says that the colored tassels designating their|@Cction taken follows a warning with a good turnout of local and/rank in the AMOS order, the|Siven on Jan. 12. ; team made a very impressive|.. This action has been urged in district members. . ' entry, intricate floor drill plac-|the past few -days by council Due to exemplification of the Pac i : initiatory degree by the district|ing each officer in his respec-|2%4 Magistrate Robert Dnieper. degree team of the Ancient/tive chair for commencement of/1%€ magistrate demanded that Mystic Order of Samaritans|the exemplification. [the dance be closed when he (AMOS) general business was| At this point the Noble Grand|jmen ca, 5, scm age, Birl on a) restricted somewhat to allow a) , 'rand|tiquor consuming charge Mon- j | * Py ' ry . full evening of entertainment ste donee Does ae 0\day. His Worship said "this is jthe assembled members that/not a public service, it is a pub- by the team and later by theithis was the first attempt byjtic nuisance. I expect that the members in remarks underithe AMOS Sanctorum, which| Police Department will take "good of the order." | consists of subordinate lodge|eyery step to see these dances The visiting committee re-|members from several dis-|are stopped." Zi ™ porting on the only known sick|tricts, also, in order that the| His Worship also said that member, Bro. Jack Sawdon, 'candidates would receive fulllthe dances might be all right if stated that while he was still/benefit of the ceremony, would) they were adequately super- confined to the hospital as @/appreciate complete _ silence,, vised but it appeared that young]. result of a recent accident, was|with no interference with the people from other areas were progressing favorably and candidates during the degree. |attending and the local police FE eee one etait' captain, |, The five candidates, one from|were required to keep law and B a tg bs Sana' Oshawa lodge and four fromjorder. As far as he was con- next Tuesday evening, Feb. 13,\V¢, to the various charges and there was only one thing to do Whitby being host' 40 Poril's later voiced by each, were|and that was close 'down the} Pert Pia : 8 ; greatly impressed with this|dances. : | ey. Soe ; .... elaborate ceremony of initia-| At Monday evening council] % ip big bed be ; gs tion. meeting Councillor Paul Coath) # Ge ane pie in detail the Upon finalization of the de- ----e a motion that the P re.\gree the following were wel- s be stopped. He said that , meeting held on Monday eve-|® ad there was a great deal of diffi-| ning, Feb. 5. All unfinished and,comed as new members of the! culty at the dantes and siichi new business being completed Independent Order of Odd Fel- dances 'were bad tor the won! at this meeting. The next meet-|'0WS: Ronald Van De Walker,| munity. Mayor Stanley Martin| & ing will be held early in March. ee ae agreed with what was said and| | , -| frye Salina | CONI'ER DEGREE comb, Lyall Harrison and A. EM ratay the council that Police General business being com-|Smith of Eastern Star lodge, ~ hel George | Nankule | Was 19/:8 g com-)smi 8e,/request the Arena Chairman pleted, and upon the degree/Whitby. that the dances be stopped team captain, Shiek H. Wickett,) The team, upon retiring, went pat sities ROS stating readiness to proceed,|through further floor drill dur. the lodge was, at this time,|/ing which the letters 'A', ""M"', turned over to the AMOS team."'O"', "S" were formed. WHITBY BOWLING NEWS 221, Gord Johansen Igglesden 220, Al Brian Findlay 238, | : Ivor 246, Joyce Denyer 212,/8iven out by the Juminous watch Don Denyer 245, Rose Mclvor) dials 222, Bev Childs 217, Ron Childs 246, Jim White 249, Thelma bugs 33, Jelly Beans 31, ! i f Mystic Order Confers Degree The Whitby Independent Order of Odd Fellows (IOOF) held its regular meeting of the week on Tuesday evening. All officers being present, together SPECIAL EFFECTS LONDON (CP)--Lupins grow-| ing at an research sta- tion have watches Essex wrist 201, Pope John Me- Vic| radioactivity on plants, and a! 215, ° , ; jsmall amount o: radiation is MEN'S MAJOR LEAGUE Bassett Jewellers 2, Whitby Mercantile 1; Seaway Motors 2, Hambly Tire 1; County Bowl 2, Burtinsky Florists 1; Wilson's Food Mart 3, Hillcrest Dairy 0 Final standing of 3rd Section: of Pepper | Mrs. Whitby, ding at | John the Evangelist, on Satur- |Experts are studying effects of ------------ Cc Honoring the 107th anniversary |tor, assembled items ranging ~ WED IN ST. JOHN'S the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Diego Ruggeri of Italy, and the groom is the son of Mr, | and Mrs. Tindaro Giardina, Shown here are Mr. and Ignacio Giardina of following their wed- the Church of St. r Antonina Ruggeri, is --Photo by Mary's Studio SPECIAL MUSEUM jmuseum was opene d here, AMP SHILO, Man. (CP)--)Major M. S. M. Ferguson, cura- the Canadian Artillery, the|from 19th century coast defence new Royal Regiment of Canadalsignal lights to modern missiles. Seaway Motors 15, Whitby Mer- cantile i3, County Bowl! 12, Bur- tinsky Florist 12, Hambly Tire 11, Wilson's Food Mkt., 8, Hill- crest' Dairy 8, 'Bassett Jewel- lers 5 Average Bemis 226, Georgina Nimegars 9 9 209, Betty Pascoe 206, Clem silly rege ag 673, Hewitt 229 A, Anderson 634, B. Pascoe 615,| Team standings -- Sabre Jets|A. Mikicel 610, G. Gale 601, B.| 22, Rockets 19, Symbols 12,|Moase 549, M. Bentley 543, G.| Echoes 26, Poker Chips 9, Wood-|McDonough 541, D, Moore 531,| peckers 18, Cubs 25, County/J. Lane 528, A. Kochany 527, W.) Bowl 17, Whitby Cleaners 17,| Wilkinson 518, R. Peleshok 516, Hopefuls 19, Headpins 12,)T. Shaw 516, H. Moore 506 and Porky's Prides 19, Beginners 13,/M. Brooks 500. Stokers 19, Neighbors 20,|. High Singles -- A. Anderson Munn's 'Press 13. 323, G. Gale 269, A. Mikicel 257, 205, G. Wiles 247, 226, 200, G. _-- - 700 -- G WHITBY LADIES McDonough 241, M. Bentley 223, 859 1300, 308) B. Jordan sis, CANDY BOWLING LEAGUE |A. Kochany 222, B. Pascoe 218, | (315): L. Pollard 776: S. Himes! , Team standing for Feb, 12 --/200, T. Shaw 216, W. Wilkinson/ 761 (311); J. Kirk 761 (314); D.Alisorts 50, Gumdrops 46, Maple|214, M. Farquhar 209, B.. Moase Rowden 746 (312); ¥ Patterson, Buds 45, Lifesavers 40, Hum-!203 and J. Lane 200. including Jan. 30, 62 -- D. Adams 250, S. Himes 249, Jordan 247, M. Jordan Tripp 238, E. McMaster Jordan 234, M. Reeson Oliffe 233, J, Brueckle GO PLACES WITH DONALD FLORIDA ESCORTED BUS. No overnight travelling. 12 days Daytone Beach. 3 days Miami Beach. Sightseeing. Departure Dates: Feb. ; Merch 17; Mey 26 ~ EASTER TOURS: Ask for fully descriptive Free Brochures NEW YORK--All expense; New York Basic -- Roil WASHINGTON AND COLONIAL VIRGINIA by motor coach NASSAU by Air; BERMUDA by Air; FLORIDA by Air PLANNING EUROPE THIS SUMMER? Spoce Is getting scoree == 7 DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE OSHAWA-WHITBY-BROOKLIN MO 8-3304 300 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY 742; J. Brueckle, 734; M. Ree-| so', 726; B. Murphy, 718; D.! Adams, 714; E. McMaster, 709 (301); D. Reynolds, 704; J Sutherland, 700, WHITBY MIXED LEAGUE Over 600 -- Harold Moore 747) (307); Ozzie Moore 738 (276);| Harvey Roberts 733 (256); Doc) Dafoe 724 (268); Wilf Anthony} 697 (261); Joyce Johansen 690 (272); Isobel Mothersill 681 (248); Jean Batherson 674 (268): John Brueckle 674 (256); Jim Kirk 674 (243); Kim Jen- kins 673 (276); Marty Jordan 668 (251); Doug Rowden 666 (247); Don Grant 662 (255); Ron Pascoe 657 (254) Jack Mothersill 650 (233); Hazel Moore 649 .(246); Jed Munns 647 (248); Joe Hancock 646 (241); Merv Bemis 634 (228); Chuck Gill 633 (214); Hilmar Hansen 631 (256); .Mil- lie Peggs 627 (220); Beryl Wat kins 615 (230); Vi Jordan 614 ); Fred Coleman 613 (228); Clara Rowden 609 (223); Jenny Fowler 608 (266); Tom MclIvor 601 (235). Over 200 -- Helen Munns 232, Al Young 223, Jack Veitenhimer 200, Doug Peggs 201, Jim Miff lin 202, Rita Hansen 225, Bill Collins 219, Larry Batherson 207, Jean King 223, Esther Anthony 208, Harold Gordon Every glass of Dow has it. Every sip reveals the uniform flavour that comes from masterful MULTI-BLENDING of 36 smooth, perfect individual brews Always satisfying, guaranteed to please, Dow is the easy-drinking best in beer. Treat yourself, and you'll soon see. % ALL SAINTS CHURCH GUILD Valentine Tea AND SALE OF HOME BAKING Tuesday, Feb. (3th 2:30 - 5:00 P.M. All Saints Parish Hall Whitby Mitchell. assisted by four ladies. reviewed the first chapter of the Mission Study book on Bolivia, which was in the form of a geography lesson. It gave! the members a far better under- standing of the conditions exist- ing in Bolivia. The meeting closed with the| jsinging of a hymn and Mrs.| Mitchell offered prayer. Mrs.| Glenney, assisted by Mrs. Crawforth, served delicious re freshments, and Mrs W. Hewis on behalf of the members,| thanked the hostess for her gra- cious hospitality "There they were... sitting in their wrecked car, 1200 miles from home... «| didn't know a soul, until..." It happens every day--until the State Farm man arrives on the accident scene, things look gloomy. Then comes the usual happy ending. Every State Farm agent has handled cases for people away from home. We're all part of a 9,000-man team giving DODD & SOUTER PAINT and WALLPAPER STORE 107 BYRON ST. S., WHITBY MO 8-523] C.I.L. Paint Dealer Your Painting & Decorating Contractors STATE Faam (MELD OVER! LAST SHOWING TODAY! Gyptex, Paperhanging Full Wall Murals iweue act. every State Farm policyholder 'Hometown service wherever you drive."' Contact me today Wm... H. (Bill) MIDDLETON 608 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY MO 8-3762 STATE FARM MUTUAL AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE COMPANY Canadian Head Office: Toronto, Ont.

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