4 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, Feb. 9, 1962 Pickering Pupils Urged By Dymond TORONTO (CP) -- Ontario Health Minister Dymond said] | Thursday he hopes the planned Travel To Ottawa sir: irsate PICKERING (Staff) -- On Thursday afternoon, 67 Grade 12 students and three teachers of Pickering District High School flagged down an Ottawa-bound train at the Pickering CNR sta- tion and embarked on a three- day trip to the nation's capital| as guests of the Hon. Michael Starr, minister of labor. It is the. 10th year in-a-row that the school has offered its Grade 12 students an opportun- | ity to learn how the hub of] his afternoon the students they will dine and dance at the|and Harry Oyler. | Canada's government operates. Speaker's Parade and then and Algoma Sanatorium, an-| will be seated in the Ladies'|nounced Wednesday, will be fol- Gallery of the Commons [0 i,weq by similar mergers. Neen part of the sitting of the He said the merger has the ouse. ; i full blessing of his department bg gg iy Oe and that-it should result in| when they e sch Ne : oe ' F reater efficiency in the provi-| be Sees by Prime Minister fron of hospital services in the, eee | ey ge the area, together with a uniformity Liberal Party 'and the Hon,|in nursing education. Tommy Douglas, Leader of the! ~ New Democratic Party. Laurier Pool and this evening) were to be taken on a tour Of Chateau Laurier Hotel. Join Hampton | School Board -- HAMPTON -- Mrs. Lloyd Courtice and Herbert Wank were sworn in as new members| meeting of the | at a recent | school South board. Robert Craig was appointed chairman .of the board and| Sydney Worden named vice} chairman. Committees appoint-) ed were as follows: Property -- Harry Oyler and Herbert Mackie. | Finance -- Sydney Worden| Darlington Teachers -- Mrs. Lloyd Cour- | Accompanying the students|the Public Archives, the War| They will leave Ottawa at/tice and Syd Worden is Mayor William Parish of/Museum and the Royal Mint./19,30 p.m. tonight and will ar-| Public relations and planning] Ajax, a teacher at the high! at 439 p.m. the group will/rive in Oshawa CPR station at) Herbert Mackie and Mrs.| school who has made this trip) 10 times, and staff members) Miss Vera Emmerson and J. H.! Russ. The students boarded the train at 4.30 p.m. Thursday and) arrived in Ottawa at 10.30 p.m.| They are staying at the Lord Elgin Hotel. Today the group will see and| learn much more than any classroom could hope to offer them in the way of an eye- witness study of the Parliament Buildings. TOUR BUILDINGS This morning they were to, have breakfast with the Hon. Michael Starr and following that| they will] be taken on a tour of the Parliament Buildings, the} House of Commons, the Senate.) Library, Memorial Chamber and Tower. At 11.00 a.m. they will see the go swimming at the Chateau'6.19 a.m. on Saturday. Build Hospital In Early Fall | _ |Lloyd Courtice. | The next regular meeting will| be on Feb, 12 at Hampton Pub- lic School. | -- STARTLING-- NEW DISCOVERY | ENDS ACID STOMACH | AJAX -- Success of Our Hos-jnew building shortly after pital Building Fund in raising Labor Day,' said Ajax and close to $300,000 in donations!Pickering General Hospital fund and pledges will lead to a meet-|chairman Harry A. Newman. ing soon between hospital offi-| He said the county council cials and Ontario county coun-|will be approached for grants under their bylaw provisions. Of the 9,237 industrial, com- the initial stages of our cam-|mercial and residential cam- paign and our estimates of addi-|/paign prospects, some 3,960 tional pledges have placed ourjhave yet to be personally con- aims for construction of the tacted, and 714 rural prospects) cil to discuss grants. "The $282,000 received during Trustee Seeking 8-Room Addition By ELSA STORRY | BROUGHAM -- A member of Schoo! Area Two board of Pick- ering Township appeared before Council this week asking for eight more rooms at the new Bavviw Heights school Fred Hunt told Council that the request includes an indus- trial arts and home economics room. He said that there were 603 pupils in the Bay Ridges area Some were in rented classrooms in Ajax and Pickering Village he said. Existing schools were being taxed to canacity, he add- ed. and enrolment for this year will be 824 pupils The additional classrooms will carry the nublic school ponula- tion into 963, said Mr. Hunt, "and then we exnect to have to face the possibility of* a new school." He said that it was the. hope of the Board that the next school will contain 20 to 30 rooms, and that the two schools would be sufficient Councillor Ross Deakin ques- tioned the necessity of industrial arts and home economics in public schools, and Deputy Reeve Mrs. Jean McPherson re- marked upon the high architect fees. "Would it not be a tremen- dous saving for us to use the same set of plans for the sec- ond school as the first?" she asked. Mr. Hunt said'that they pro- await contact. They are scatter-| ed over the' hospital service area AWAIT APPROVAL | Many industrial firms await japproval of shareholders before their directors' recommenda- tions for hospital donations can take effect former decision not to permit) wr. Newman noted that a the school board of Area Two to number of area groups are appoint a member to the Plan- planning events that would ning Board result in substantial funds for He considered that a better the new hospital liaison would be created be-) Ye said the fund head- tween the Planning Board and quarters, now moved from Pick-| the school administration, "vital ering Village to the hospital's in the tax structure" nurses' residence, is staffed -to Mr. Bevan spoke of the ac-jassist these groups for fund quisition of land when neces- raising, promotion and publicity. sary, and said that the taxpayer} Three forthcoming events are} has no desire to be the victim a Women's Hospital Auxiliary of inflated land prices. He sug-jdance in the Ajax Community| gested that appointments be Centre on March 2, a presenta-| made on a yearly basis, rather tion of Handel's Messiah by al than the three-year term now)/100-member Ajax Choir in April prevalent at Ajax High School, and a Reeve Scott noted that be- dance at Pickering District High sides School Area 2, there was|School for the local Junior one other area, 18 school sec- Farmers on March 24. A calf,! tions, a separate school, and/donated by farmer Harry high school, board in the town- Boyes, will be the door prize ship, and all would wish the Other social events, including right to have a member on the several garden parties, are Planning Board. He said that reports would be summer months as part of the available to the board, and that|continuing hospital campaign. | a subdivision is never approved) These events are aimed at before the school board is asked helping the campaign reach its} Neme ..... for its comments. $495,000 canvass objectives. The Mr. Scott suggested that a remainder of the non-voting member may be ap-|building costs of the formed. from government grants. | pain, poe c ert tens planned through the spring and/s P-°. 1 for one trial order of MAVENE, $2,348,000" 110-bed § pointed to keep the board in-\city type hospital is expected 'ba -_--§SUFFERING| The Original Danish Discovery NEW NUTRITIONAL DISCOVERY takes effect on pain and distress of: heartburn, night stomach pain, | gossy bloated feeling, after eating burning sensations in the stomach, metallic taste 'in the mouth, etc, where these symptoms |} orise as a result of an excess acid condition in the stomach 1, Improves nutrition while it soothes and relieves. 2. Restores stomach acid balance, Soaks up excess acid like @ blotter soaks up ink. . Permits proper digestion te pro- ceed. Diet need not necessarily- be restricted. 5. Contains substances for tissue repair. . Functions in the presence of acid. MAVENE . works wonders for gostro-ducdenal disorders MAVENE is prepared in wafer form----you munch it like a cookie Pleasant to the taste. Sold on a full money-back guarantee and obtainable only by mail from Yorktown Products (Can.) Ltd. Perfectly safe. Cannot harm the most delicate stomach Three Day Service -- The Postmen Delivers MEDICAL DIVISION Yorktown Products (Con.) Ltd. Box 7002, Adeleide St. Toronto Enclosed please find three dollars \ ' ' ' . ] (Please Print) a Address Wrenvens é posed to use the first basic plan, | | but that there would be changes and orientations to suit the. site. He suggested that perhaps 2 per cent of the fees could be saved in that way. Two readings were given to a $160,000 debenture bylaw for the additional rooms, and will be submitted to the Ontario Mu- nicipal Board for approval. WANT REPRESENTATION | | Keith Bevan of Bay Ridges asked Council to reconsider a Fish Auction At Aquarium Meeting BOWMANVILLE -- The Bow- manville and District Aquarium Society will hold its next meet- ing on Feb. 12 at 8 p.m. at the Lions Community Centre. The society has become a charter member of the Canadian Associ- ation of Aquarium Clubs. There will be a panel discus-| sion about the Canadian Asso- ciation of Aquarium Clubs, as well as a fish show and auction at the meeting DANCING CLASSES There are still a number of} openings for anyone interested in taking tap, ballet or baton lessons. Classes are held on Wednes- . 53 wK KK me & day afternoon from 3.30 to as] p.m. and on Saturday mornings from 9 a.m. to 12 noon | The Wednesday class is under| the direction of Miss Irenie| Harvey and the Saturday morn- ing classes are under the lead- ership of Mrs. Shirley Fowler SENIOR CITIZENS | The February meeting of the} Senior Citizens Club sponsored by Club 15 will be held on Tues-} day, Feb. 13 at the Lions Com- munity Centre. Miss Heather Webb of Bow- manville will be a guest. The reading room will be taken by Mrs. W. H. Carlton TEEN TOWN ; | The next Teen Town dance, will be held this Saturday Feb. 10 at 8.30 p.m. at the Lions,Community Centre, rath- er on Friday, February 9 as previously scheduled. | New Symbol of Seagram Quality Before introducing Seagram's 5 Star, Seagram tested* this great new brand of rye whisky from coast to coast against the three leading brands in its price class... and in test after test. Canadians liked the taste of Seagram's 5 Star best. Next time try Seagram's great | vo new brand with the Five Stars on the bottle. 7 7 * g Spec "al Canadian Aye Whisky SEPH E.SEAGRAM & SON WATERLOO ONTARIO CANADA *Teated under the official supervision of a leading Research Organization. Hockey S108 Be Professional Type for the Kiddies ! Left, Right, Neutral, ~ @ OPEN 'TIL 9:30 TONITE OPEN SAT. TIL 6:30 P.M. Bedroom Suites Rich wood finish. FREE mattress, Spring. REG. $289.00 ELECTRIC KETTLES --- Complete with cord. 1-year guarantee FOOD MIXERS-- Three-speed FLOOR POLISHERS-- © 2-brush. 1-yr. guarantee No Exira Charge For Delivery, Appliances Are Factory-Fresh in Factory-Sealed Crates, Carry Full Manufacturer's arranty and ervice, lid. 1-year |guerantee 5.97 9.58 make. Reg. 34.95 CHORD ORGANS-- Electric Hi-Fi 4 22.60 CHROME SUITES LARGE FAMILY SIZE 36 x 60 TABLE, 6 CHAIRS REG. TO $139.00 FROM |FRY PANS -- Electric. Complete with ORIN He HTS RE DEEP FRYS -- Fomous | Hospital Mergers | New Trustees Se ae ee ae es Dares Anyone... "Match These Prices!" 17 Cu. Ft. Chest Freezers REG. $289.00 VACUUM CLEANERS Hoover, Lewyt, Eureka, j : WRINGER WASHERS REG. TO $139.00 FULLY AUTOMATIC CLOCK CONTROLLED 30" RANGES cl 14 CU, FT. 2 DOOR REFRIGERATORS REG. $369.00 CHESTERFIELD SUITES All feam eushions, Nylon coverings ONE-OF-A-KIND al! TWIN BEDS Complete Hollywood Style THE PAIR... "62 Marconi INGLIS DRYERS REG. $259.00 MG 1961 MARCONI an CY~Y. Stereo st8oo over revel REG $329.00 $289.00 corrridge. '0 DOWN DELIVERS @ No payments 'til March © 36 months to pay King St. East JUST EAST OF THE CITY LIMITS QHONES: 728-4658 -- 728-4659 FM-AM redie 4 speekers, 4 4 speakers, 4 changer, flip- 13,88 9.88