New Primary School | THOUGHT FOR TODAY Advice to the thin: "Don't eat fast." Advice to eat, fast." 4 the fat: "Don't Ghe Oshawa Time lanned For Raglan - Page Il WEATHER REPORT Overcast today with snow end. ing this evening. Sunny with cloudy periods and colder Sate urday. VOL" 91--NO. 34 Price Not Over 10 Cents Per Copy OSHAWA, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1962 Authorized as Second Class Mail Post Office Department, Ottawa and for payment of Postage in Cash. EIGHTEEN ee: Russia Non-Committ On Test-Ban Proposal LONDON (Reuters) -- Russfajtests while Britain does under- "a direct provocation to other today was reported to have given a non-committal reply to the Anglo-American proposal for a three-power foreign ministers meeting to discuss a nuclear test ban and disarmament. Meanwhile most newspapers here reached sympathetically to Thursday's announcement of the proposal along with agree- ment for the United States to use Britain's Christmas Island in the Pacific for atmospheric Arrested Rabbi Had Bruises | Doctor Claims | ieee PARIS POLICE CHARGE RIOTERS ground testing in Nevada. First Soviet reaction to the proposed foreign ministers con- ference came from ' Foreign Minister. Andrei Gromyko when he met with the U.S. and British ambassadors in Moscow Wed- nesday. Reliable sources here said Gromyko merely said he would refer the proposal to his government. The Anglo-American testing agreement came under fire from Moscow radio and the So- viet Communist party newspa- per Pravda. Moscow radio said the agree- ment was 'a serious blow to world peace" and warned that Russia "is hardly likely to sit doing nothing." Pravda, quoted by Tass news agency, said the agreement was "yet another step along the TORONTO (CP)--There were|road to intensifying the nuclear two bruises on the cheekbones of New York Rabbi Norbert Leiner after his arrest here the night of Jan. 26, Dr Raymond C. Levin said Thursday. Dr. Levin was testifying be- fore Mr. Justice Dalton C. Wells at an inquiry into the rabbi's arrest. Rabbi Leiner was arrested when he resisted police efforts to put him into a cruiser. He said his beliefs do not allow him to use any sort of trans- portation, or to carry identifi-/ment in British newspapers to-| military leaders and diplomatic} cation on the Jewish Sabbath, which begins at sundown Fri day. jarms race." MAY OPPC | There were icars the agree- ment may rrouse strong opposi- jtion in Britain. The Campaign \for Nuclear Disarmament has- tily organized a torchlight pa- jrade to the U.S. Embassy here Thursday night, while 200 dem- onstrators lobbied in the House jof Commons. However, the agreement got generally sympathetic treat- \day. The Guardian said British itests in Nevada would only be Final Mine Binat MORE STRIKE THREAT FOR RIGT-TORN PARI ae | ALGIERS (Reuters) -- The, discovery of an armed band of | European guerrillas operating) jin the Algerian mountains has| }convinced many officials here) g) |that the Secret Army Organiza-| | tion is preparing for a long war} jof . attrition similar to that) -------- | waged up to now by the Moslem| |insurgents. | Thé band, 40 strong, captured al =: week by French troops near Philippeville in the east. | The Secret Army Organiza-| \tion, led by former General) |Raoul Salan in hiding some-| where in Algeria, usually has} confined its activities mainly to| towns. But in recent weeks it 'announced that commandos} were being organized in the Al- gerian countryside -- and that thousands of men in Algeria had} received secret 'mobilization orders." In the cities the right - wing extremist group has attempted |\to establish its own law with a non - stop series of executions and propaganda coups. Pirate radio broadcasts,| sometimes on the state radio} ._|wave length, are an almost |daily occurence, PRINT OAS 'SPECIAL' Last Saturday armed and masked secret army men} forced the printers of an Oran U.S. Pushing New Strategy ers si gone Bl ae | In Viet Nam line & Bla pleteniagh or Galan and the text of a private broad- WASHINGTON (AP) -- Thejcast by his aide, former Gen-| United States is pushing a new |eral Edmond Jouhaud. ' strategy in South Viet Nam} aimed at clearing Communist} guerrillas from one area at a time rather than trying to mop up the whole country at once. The intention is to make max- limum use of manpower and equipment instead of spreading resources thin, said informed sources, The idea Defence Secretary McNamara during ferences in Honolulu with U:S. second-class powers to develop nuclear tests,' while The Daily Express complained that Christ- mas Island will never be the same again if used by the Americans. But The Times, The Daily Herald, The Daily Telegraph, The Scotsman and The Daily Mail all expressed hopes that! Russia would agree to the for- eign ministers conference. was advanced by Robert S. being watched closely by fed- tanta | : eral government supporters. big aaa in from South 'Conservatives peek freely pre- | ; ldicting that Quebec's Liberal According to the latest in-|5-emier will take no active part formation available here, the|in the campaign on behalf of the Communist build-up in South|feqeral Liberal party. |Viet Nam is continuing with) [jberals agree that Mr. Le- jguerrillas coming from Nort sage is unlikely to stump the| | Viet Nam by way of Laos. Guer-|nrovince for federal Liberal jrilla strength has been Guerrillas In Algeria Hint OAS War Plans - Near Algiers members of the;occupied by special police anti- secret army kidnapped a|secret army squads, killing French woman lawyer from an|more than 30 men. airport bus. She escaped with; In Oran, agents exploded two the complicity of one of her| guards. On Thursday another| squad stopped a workers' bus and told one of them -- a Mos- iem -- to get off. His body was found later, riddled with 20 bul-| cars. lets fro: a firing squad. | Salan, 62, one of France's Spectacular secret army at-|most decorated generals, was of the prefecture, which must be one of the most heavily- guarded buildings in the world. It is surrounded by armored tus as supreme leader of the European, extremists remains one of the contradictions of the | Algerian war. The nucleus of the secret army's killer commandos is formed by some 300 men of many nationalities who deserted [from the First Foreign Legion |Paratroop Regiment when it jwas disbanded after the col- lapse of the generals' Putsch ___|last April. Many of these men have criminal records and dare acks bl two villas|Stripped of his rank and sen- Ene HOSE Sere Or H9. Hies tenced to death in his absence SOCIAL CLIMB putsch last April. |WAS UNPOPULAR Salan was commander - in- LIEGE, Belgium (Reu- |china War and was military ters)--Joseph Piotrowiak, a |commander in Algeria at the Polish-born miner, jtime of the 1958 European up- house, ' |Fepublic. He began by stealing S$ disti ; bricks and cement from con- | cone ee Gidinctly. unpend rose he stole metal and (here, wooden sheets and windows. | When his home was com. |..0€ attempt was made by attic, Piotrowiak began equipping it with stolen fur- niture. and linen. For the final touch, he stole carpets, a ra- dio and two television sets. last October attempting to steal a car. He was sentenced Thurs- for his part in the generals' ENDS IN JAIL chief in the disastrous Indo- decided to build himself a' jrising that overthrew the fourth siruction sites. As the house [he was a military commander pletely built from cellar to |Europeans to assassinate him 'Next came cutlery, dishes Piotrowiak was arrested day to eight years in jail. plastic bombs on the 13th floor| ; jlar with the Algiers public when| § |with a bazooka, His present sta-| Against PARIS (AP) -- Communists today threatened strikes and more demonstrations after a wild night of bloody rioting in |Paris in which eight persons | were killed and hundreds were injured. | The Communists accused the ipolice of "unbelievable savag- jery" in three hours of fierce |street fighting which erupted |from a Communists demonstra- Ition protesting the govern- E |ment's failure to quell the ter. m |rorists of the secret army. = | At the height of the melee |President de Gaulle's govern- }ment made an appeal for order * |and warned: "'The government }cannot lend itself to the double |game of the enemies of the na- tion, which can only shake re- publican institutions and result in anarchy." | Interior Minister Roger Frey jcharged that the Communists de Gaulle Warns Anarchy secretary of the 15th District of Paris. The interior ministry said all the dead apparently were crushed in the stampede. It denied a charge by the Com- munist newspaper Humanite that the police had fired on the mob. While the battle raged in Paris other demonstrations broke out in Lille, Clermont- Ferrand, Lorient and other French cities. Authorities reported 83 ar- rests were made in Paris and ordered an investigation into the rioting. In Algeria, the daily slaugh- ter went on with European set- tlers and Mosiems wreaking vengeance on each other. Elev- en persons were killed and 47 wounded by terrorists. The vic- tims were both Eurepeans and Moslems. |provoked the bloodshed and : | said: "These people wanted | |trouble. Rarely have such well- 5 jorganized bands of rioters at- ; tacked the security forces." : ; The non-Communist Socialist | isplinter party led by former | a premier Pierre Mendes-France demanded the resignation of DEFIES U.S. BAN _ [Paris Police Chief Maurice Pa- BERLIN SECTOR -- Col. |P0" and the dismissal! of, Frey. Andrei I. 'Solovyev, Soviet Missile Mishap Worries Head Of Peace Graup The party claimed many of its | commander in Berlin, attemp- members were among the in- | ted to enter the American jured. sector today in defiance of a |SETS OFF BOMBS | U.S. ban. He turned baék While the shouting, stone- when. U.S. military police as- |throwing mobs of leftists surged ked him to identify himself. through the streets battling po- Solovyev, en route to-the Bri- |lice, terrorists of the anti - de Gaulle Secret Army Organiza- tion set off a dozen or more plastic bombs in scattered sec- tish sector to keep an appoint- ment; has been banned from the U.S. sector since Dec. 23. Federal Backers Watching Lesage OTTAWA (CP) -- The rolejwill just be observing a tradi-|working-class suburb of Algiers h Premier Lesage of Quebec|tion of Quebec politics. They|where huge secret army signs| urts Knot er recent con.|Plays in the period leading up say his ministers and support-jare never touched by police, | « to a fedral general election isjers will be fully involved in the/some foreign correspondents; GOGAMA, Ont. ie |have met the local commander freight train jumped the rails in However, the Conservatives|of the organization by inquiring|this Northern Ontario commu- federal campaign. jnot return to their home coun-| --AP Wirephoto} tions of the capita. As usual the bombers got away. tries. Police say many of them, |with their bank raids and other| Freight Trai |robberies, are acting as much| relg t rain in their own interest sup-| . port of any political cause. | Crash Kills L | In Rab El Oued, a European} (CP) A Communist party offices and printing plants were attacked. One bomb badly damaged the Paris office of the Soviet news agency Tass in a_ building owned by the Soviet embassy. The club-swinging police suf- fered heavy casualites in the furious fighting as they charged repeatedly to break up the |mobs. A communique said 184 policemen were injured, 10 se- riously. Authorities argue that there is more than |for him at cafes. tradition in Mr. Lesage's atti-|---- tude. They see it as partly| $2,000,000 Haul based on a need on his part to!| play up to autonomist elments| in Quebec by having as few) public connections as possible with the federal Liberals. said they could nity today, killing one man and) | i give no idea of the number of jinjuring another. |g) _id | One of the two dozen cars on/rioters injured but there prob- /the CNR freight slammed into ably were several hundred. la tool shed, crushing section|/They were in hospitals all over |foreman Walter Kowalchuk to|the city, and there were treated Sign jat special Red Cross posts, Signal repairman Rene Char-! tier was hurled about 20 feet Ve a Seaic TORONTO (CP) -- Dr. Now man Alcock, exectitive director of the budding Canadian Peace Research Institute, said Thurs- day that during the last 10 years about 50 accidents to missiles have offered a risk of an accidental nuclear war He told an Empire Club lun- cheon meeting here that in one instance a Russian missile was heading for Alaska when it was destroyed from the ground in Russia. Dr, Alcock, who left a $15,- 000-a-year job two years ago to establish the institute, told the meeting that the success of the program on a world-wide basis will depend on its progress in Canada. "Canada is more afluent than most, and less suspéct than most; we have the democratic government under which it is possible for a grass roots scheme of this kind to succeed." The institute will begin a campaign across Canada this months, seeking $2,000,000 for facilties to help scientists solve the problems that lead to war. Campaign committees have been formed in 20 communities, he said, and the institute has of- Pierre Bernard, Communistifices in six cities. |dent of the apartment house and a utility company service man, esti-'candidates but argue that he) [It jis also contended among) wo te | s Death Tou: 300 | "..,|- = ---- conservatives hore. that "Bit ,.NEW YORK (AP) -- Suey the impact He was treated . Boe 'the greatly. ingroaead RS S h ] Cl d Lesage has long-range ambi-jtives have seized $2,000,000%in| 'The homes of both men are| (OE: ean G ; Ce HS GHA to aaoe: Routh Vick CNOOIS UIOSE [tions to step into the federal! counterfeit $10 bills in the base:|in this village about 100 miles| VOELKINGEN, WEST Ger-, All 20 teen-age apprentices|U-S. effor' save sou | Liberal leadership. tof & Brook A t| west of Sait many (Reuters)--A final death|working in the mine escaped|Nam from communism has re-| Ty "Fly Outbreak i LN ee al seabed i end Mer doathee car toll of about 300 appered likely|death by what was believed to|™ained below the surface here, RIPE TO PLUCK? Cure. ; |. Witness sald' another bi t today in the grim wake of the|be a heroic action by their ** least officially. : SAULT STE. MARIE, Ont.| Their theory is that the Lib-|, But they haven't got theirjhit the Geman station, bu worst mule disaster in the his-jieacher, Wilhelm Massion. His| More of the iceberg came intol\(CP)--Only nine. of the area'sjeral leadership would be ripe|hands on the plates used toldamage was slight. | tory of the big Saarland coal/body was found against a fire|YieW Thursday when the Penta- 62 elementary and' secondary|for Mr. Lesage's pucking should|Ptint bogus bills--the big prize) rate * a Beg bioshl + basin. door which had been safely|$0" announced creation of ajschools were open here today|Mr. Pearson and his Liberals|i" any counterfeit raid. [ees but the engine remaine The official toll stood at 287\closed. major new U.S. military com-|because of an influenza out-|fail.a second time to defeat the| Five different plates appar-|upright, said Gogama hotel pro- following the death in hospital) tm Bonn, the West. German|@@n4 in Saigon. It will direct/break which has stricken both|Conservative government in Ot-|ently were used, because five| prietor Albert Geroux. during the night of three in- est "erman'ty s, helicopter missions and|teachers and pupils. tawa, |different - federal reserve dis-| I heard a roar like thun- jured miners. About a dozen|80vernment set aside 1,000,000|other operations by U.S. mili-| Another school closed two of, 'This is discounted by Liberals {tict ™arkings were on the/der, met SO A 2 miners were still not accounted Marks ($250,000) for families of|tary men in support of the South|its rooms. who argue that Mr. Lesage jg | Pills. : {when I looked out my window for and another 62 were in hos-|the victims. A spokesman suid| Vietnamese army, navy and air| A spokesman for the Davey|\unlikely to give up the Quebec | ..0r° mineden pagel penis "a Station tage A aals pital, many in critical coydi-/president Heinrich Luebke will/(TC® _. ae jhome of the aged here said/premiership to lead the Opposi-|path Be hon ti 4 t ee ae tion. BE ae ..,| American authorities are/more than 40 residents of the!tion in Parliament. They also|>% each section, for many| About 100 miners escaped un- SPeak at a pithead memorial|nopeful U.S. fighting men won't/home and some staff are bed-lsay that Maurice Lamontagne, |»~2"* 2 favorite dumping) a harmed in Wednesday's explo- service Saturday in Voelkingen.|be needed. jridden with the flu. a senior member of Mr Pear-|*"pur of gangland's corpses. | Hampton Pilot ; 2 oe fae Ne i ative it hae Ue anes e : : a ' But authorities said the pris-| sion of methane gas deep within json's brain trust and a candi-|qner, Joseph Maggio, 35, a resi-| the government-owned Luisen- ldate in Quebec East, has al- Bitte BE10, Jo, . thal coal mine here. ready staked a strong claim to Many of the victims were burned to death by a fire which shot through the mine shafts in the wake of the explosion. Oth- ers died from inhaling coal gas. The recovered bodies were brought to the pithead where crowds of weeping relatives kept a round-the-clock vigil, QUEBEC (CP) -- Attorney- tensely reading typewritten cas-' General Geor ges Lapalme ualy lists. Thursday night threatened to One silver-haired woman saw call the legislature's public ac- her husband's name struck off;counts committee to investigate the "known dead"' list and cried| government spending since 1944, out with joy. But the cry|the year the Union Nationale changed to a wail of despair party took over Quebec's gov- when she saw a note explaining ernment. that the name was struck off) Stung by Union' Nationale only because it had been en-'Leader Daniel Johnson's re- tered twice. peated demands for investiga- be tions by the committee, the at- |torney-genera] replied: CITY EMERGENCY "That's an excellent sugges- jtion. And to render justice to PHONE NUMBERS Ithe two parties we shall star} lin: 1944." | The committee last sat in POLICE 725-1133 1937 under the' first Union Na- tionale government FIRE DEPT. 725-6574 | At issue was the public works depart ont's purchase HOSPITAL 723-2211 ee ae oe 'building in Hull, Que., for ub Lapalme Clashes With Union Nationale Head |by the provincial police. It wasja public accounts committee! |purchased Jast June for $475,000) was sitting, whoever had erred) and Mr, Johnson said published|would be found out and the rep owners|utation of politicians of both] reports asserted the | increase in the made a $175,000 profit on the|parties would sale, public eye. He fired a. stream of ques- | Mr. Lapalme shot out of his} tions at Works Minister Rene/seat and said the Union Nation- St. Pierre about the building. |ale government had bought 'the Mr. St. Pierre said he worked|Chateau Normandie Hotel in out the agreement "to the best|Upper Town Quebec for $340,- of my ability and in the best}000. He described the building interests of the province." Thou-|as "an old barracks' which sands of dollars would be saved/needed thousands of extra dol- by purchasing the building in-|lars in repairs. The Hull build- stead of renting it. jing was new and needed no} He had nh "way of knowing|changed, he said. what the profit of the owners} Mr. Lapalme said all the} was. "When you buy a building|charges the Liberals had made you don't ask how much it cost./against the Union Nationale You ask how much the owner|would be brought before the will sell it for." public accounts committee "and Mr. Johnson said he was not|there are some here who will 'accusing Mr, St. Pierre. But ifinave to answer for their acts." the succession. __|was not important in the coun- The Liberals consider it will/terfeit operation. He was silent be fairly easy to capture many|under questioning. of the 50 seats in Quebec the | The counterfeit money -- all Conservatives won in 1958 with;new and described as excep- help from the Union Nationale/tional in quality--was crammed government, turned out of of-|in three suitcases and two large fice in 1960 by Mr. Lesage. cartons. LATE NEWS FLASHES $21,300 In Phoney Cheques TORONTO (CP) -- Police said today Toronto banks re- ported being fleeced of $21,300 in less than five hours Thurs- day through phoney cheques. Suspicious bank employees had held two attractive women after an unsuccessful effort to cash $1,000 worth of travellers' cheques, but two male companions escaped, Claim Cyanide In Luciano ROME (Reuters) -- Charles (Lucky) Luciano, former New York overlord of vice, died of potassium cyanide pois- oning, the newspaper Telesera claims. An "exploratory" ex- amination made at the Institute of Legal Medicine at Naples | Dies In Crash | RED DEER, Alta. (CP)-- |RCAF officials Thursday identi- |fied an instructor and NATO |student pilot killed earlier Thursday in the crash of a miles southwest of here. The instructor was FO Wil- liam George Ferguson of the Oshawa area, in Ontario, and the student, Flight Cadet T. D. Daughberj of Birkerold, Den- mark. The single - engine air force plane crashed while on a rou- tine training flight. It was based at Penhold, Alta., near Red Deer. An RCAF spokesman said an investigation into the crash has been started. Ralph Youngstrom. a farmer in the Markerville area, said he saw the plane from a distance| of about a mile "Two Harvards were flying} low and one dived into the ground. There was some smoke but .I didn't see any flames." FO Ferguson is a son of Mr.' revealed traces of potassium cyanide in Luciano's intestines, the newspaper says. and Mrs. John Ferguson, of Hampton. | Some of the crew members of the Greek freighter SS Yaniz row life boat away from after end of the sinking ship off the northwest tip of Luzon, Philippine Island. The ship sprung leaky in number one and number two holds and sank recently. The 29 crew members were rescued by the destroyer USS Stod- dard and the Surfbird, --AP Wittphoto