THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, Feb. 9, 1962 Valentine Tea Scheduled By Brooklin H-S By MRS. ARTHUR weg BROOKLIN -- Rev. S. J. Hil- lier occupied the pulpit at Sun- si lila Note The day morning worship Se > Brooklin United Church at 4 a.m. His sermon was based on ' bod Low Sale The Value of a Real -- ...; The rites of Infant Baptism 4 were administered by the min-| P rice: ister to Lori Ann, pee of 4 Mr. and Mrs. Gera avies; James Leonard, son of Mr. and | : ¢ Double-door Mrs. Leonard Davies and Mar-| ; style jorie Anne, daughter of Dr. and| y Mrs. A. G. Stocks, all of Brook- F : 3 ea 35 x 2114 x 65%" high. lin, | ' Mirror on each door. YOUNG PEOPLES UNION ce is 33.95 The Young Peoples Union will ; meet on Sunday, Feb. 11, at 7 : ae p.m. in the Christian Education ; E Single-door Hall. A film strip entitled The a ; Listening Year will be used at s oe style this meeting. ' i é i Bei tee The Home and School Asso- ' % j ahs a Sia tied oh ciation are sponsoring a Valen-{) j tine Tea and Home Baking Sale oe ee 24 95 : to be held on Saturday, Feb. 10, pee é oe +e 3 sietian at 2.30 p.m. in the Meadowcrest 3 4 ica Caves count Junior School. : fe ATE Mrs. Creamer, vice-president} of Home and School Council, Oshawa, will officiate at the opening ceremonies. Conveners}| of the tea table will be Mrs.| Andrews and Mrs. John Batty; | non Wison and Mrs. J0an 051 KA TR RORED WARDROBES METAL DINETTE SETS White Finishes dt bese Scout Moth- finished in walnut Take advantage of the. low price to get a sturdy, easy-care ers Auxiliary will meet on 5-piece set for your kitchen or dinette. Table tops (about 30 Special purchase J Thursday, Feb. 15 at the home ' : a 3 : itchy of Mrs. R. Ablett, Ferguson av- Useful big wardrobes for bedrooms, hall, even the x 38", extend to 48") are heat- and stain-resistant plastic in nage' ; , . ' enue, Meadowcrest.. office. Each is fitted with a full-width hanger rod, grey or walnut woodgrain patterns, tubular metal frames are Semi-Gloss 7 Interior latex UcW MEET. and is mirrored with door-length sheet glass. Sizes in chromium:plated or bronze finishes to blend with them. The United Church Women : will hold its first meeting of the are approximate. Chair covers are washable plastic--plain or patterned in year on Feb. 12 at 8.15 p.m. in colours to match or contrast. the Christian Education Build- P . aie EATON Semi-Annual Sale Prices EATON Semi-Annual Sale, ing 4 . wo-door ingle-door EATON Semi-Annual Sale, Triple Report degaa + o's 33:5 ee tee 24. ee ae gal. 4.39 Outlined In EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT, 370 PHONE 725-7373 HATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT, 370 PHONE 725-7373 Blackstock , ; . OLGA HILL @ b * | a af s © weet! Simmons "Royal Dresden" Mattresses, Box Springs Two splendid white finishes, hard-wearing and washable, for use on walls, ceilings and woodwork. Note the low price and order promptly ! a EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 275 PHONE 725-7378 vestry meeting of St. John's Church in held oo with 14 members in attendance. " ™ Canon Ashmore gave a brief | Q S _canm Ashmore eave set! = a two luxurious styles! Quilt top and Smooth top ities, mentioning that there had : ; : es ee ee ®@ 312 coil spring construction in the 54" size riages and three deaths during the year. Check these Simmon's @ Layers of new white cotton felt George Wolfe addressed the e ' ; assembly. He explained that the Sisal insulator pads : 66 " : : ; vec ; : j ae al me awe ke wed by Royal Dresdan" construction features: @ Simmons expert tailoring with pre-built borders ... taped edges . . . cord turning handles the synod. i hii These two previously separate| eos, ventilators aka porweanen. szans m=! QUILT TOP MATTRESSES--Ordinarily 69.50 SMOOTH TOP MATTRESSES--Ord. 59.50 tionment for the coming year will be $506. i oe caeeabiny of og In the same distinctive covering as the 'smooth top" but with extra layer of felt Designed for long lasting sleep comfort and correct posture support . . . the heavy duty woven other $100 towards the Canon's quilted to the cover with Simmons exclusive Multi-Quilt pattern. Available in 54, 48 cotton cover has attractive overall scroll design, Tailored with care for wear and appearance. Avails stipend. } and 39" sizes. able in 54, 48 and 39" sizes. Canon Ashmore appointed) G BOX SPRING MATCHING B George Wolfe as Rector's War- MATCHING B F i OX SPRING, den for 1962. Neil Bailey was! EATON Semi-Annual 50 Ordinarily 69.50 EATON Semi-Annual .3O Ordinarily 59.50 elected People's Warden for' Sale, each. e shepadal d rasa Sale,each.... _--, 39 50 1962. peassene s.cnomen Sale,each.... * Sale OER 65555 esec. ® Sidesmen are: Frank Stani- ' é land, Marey McLaughtiin, John! EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT, 271 PHONE 725-7373 Hamilton, Hatold Hamilton, Harold Crawford, Jack Green and Eric Mittens. e e Advisory Council -- Frank re) d | n ! ie ys John Hamilton, Har- ] /3 re) Y,. Red uced! utstan ing specia purc ase . old Crawford, Thomas Hodge, t Charles Smith, plus two war- 2 , dens, leaders of church organ- a 5 a izations and a lay delegate. Great Chapter -- Jack Green, P| aie Lawrence McLaughlin, Harold 5 Hamilton, Frank Staniland, Fred Hamilton, Harold Craw- omen S 0a S an lil S ford, Neil Bailey and George " Manufacturer's clearance .. . ordinarily much higher priced, Auditors -- Mrs. Harold Craw- ford and Mrs. George Wolfe. Reg 29 9 5 to 199 00 and aes tas le eat es ae e e . Lay Delegate -- Jack _Green. Please, no telephone or mail orders Orono ash Please, no telephone or mail orders Soft, smartly tailored slims in a fine wool weave. Styled with tapered legs, side zipper, one pocket, they come in handsome stripes and plaids in a Group Elects : pone | sael : 1 ood colour choice, Sizes 10 to 18 in the group. 1962 Officers Lavish fur trims' Fleecy fabrics! Radiant colours! a ey io By MRS. KEN. GAMSBY Ends-of-lines, reduced to clear EATO N Special Price, each 4.99 ORONO -- The Women of the Orono United Church met in the Sunday School Auditorium! % : os ibs evening f Séncars 1h fo 1 SPORTSWEAR, EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 246 the inauguration of this sew SAVE 20.00 to 70.00 : organization. ev. B. Long opened the ' ; ah meeting with prayer. Purpose of the. meeting was EATON . = - offering something for the election of the officers. Special Price, r : to ie : This slate of officers was pre- each for every sweet tooth! sented by the nominating com. mittee, which forms part of the Provisional Committ H . ' The sinthinating Peainitten Imported and domestic fabrics include fluffy ec -- Fj 4 wag made up as foliows: Mrs wools, wool-and-alpaca, wool-and-mohair. ~ a, coe We) oe oS kitchens » + » Tie CCAMMh: and Me ' i ; ' : ; choose a taste treat for your Valentine. ee eit ne Mis A Fur trims of Silky Canadian Mink, Natural Canadian Sheared Beaver sented by Mrs. McLaren was: and Natural Grey Persian Lamb. same te oar © Cottage Sweets Assortment . . . hard and soft centres, President, Mrs. B. Long; 1st ¥ amb Ces eo : creams, caramels, covered in light and dark chocolate. Chatterton; secretary, Mrs. Geo. : ' § Carson; | recording secretary, jersey double-knits, boxy wools . . . some with . Cottage Sweets Family Assortment . . . a mixture of Mrs. J. Cornish; treasurer, Mrs. | : ; : ' : ee eer oa: hocolates, f th dies. A. McGill. fur trim, Fashion shades include classic black, grey and brown... : oo ony gests igaa tural utigis Group listings were distribut-| : ee as cs dasaes cot ee ca as well as vibrant tones. roe 2 Price: 1-8, 1eOO 2-185, 2010 3.85. 4,00 justments were made. A general A i t Cottage Sweets Select Assortment . . . light arid dark meeting of all groups is to be! Junior Misses', Misses', Women's and : : chocolates with select centres -- nuts; ginger, marzipan, held every second month, alter- nating between afternoon and Petite Half Siz ° th : xed ite the evening groups. Those w : were life pn in the WA! sid . or ' aiee 102,00 z-.0s 4,00 20s. 6,95 bad snd ge Auxiliary | . ALSO AVAILABLE d Sf to will automatically become Life, , gp tah ita agh ig Mambers in the ihe group and| EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 244 and 644 Valentine heart boxes. Priced from .. 00 7.00 those joining in 1962 will be-| ' eodia charter thembers, EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 214 PHONE 725-7373 Rev. Long advised: each unit| : ; leader to set up their own 'com-/ mittee comprising of secretary) and treasurer and advised refer- ence to the constitution to help plan meetings. | vice - president, Mrs. W. Irwin; | ok EATON 2nd vice - president, Mrs. 0. SUITS Wool-and-alpaca strollers, sophisticated wool : : Price: 1-18. 10D 2185.2000 3.85. 4,00 omeaneall