10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Priday, Feb. 9, 1962 St. John Awards Given To CGIT's (isewesisnor ee ELLIOTT | To conclude the meeting Miss Choir are beginning rehearsals Group of Brooklin Unitedjior School, Brooklin, outlined| sented on March 1 and March 2 Church met on Jan. 29 in the|the United Church Caravanning | at the church. The program will Christian Education Hall un-| program. linclude a variety of music from) der the leadership of Mrs. Ralph) To illustrate her talk, Miss|coyntries around the world. Thompson, Graham showed colored slides}; At a recent meeting, officers The meeting began with ajfrom a caravan trip to Bri for the choir for the new year) game period followed by a\Columbia, in which she partici-| were elected, as well as people) pe gens byes -- Fig pated. lresponsible for various aspects of worship, con Lyn- ert, da je hg Sharon Walls. Linda PAPER COLLECTION _ pete eae f the choir i Stevenson, Ann Bartlett, Betty, The Brooklin Boy Scouts and | iy Pde Mitel il ues Wil. Greer and Gail Agar." "|Cubs will hold a Paper Salvage | rs. Hancock Wha apace "| After a brief business meeting Collection on Saturday, Feb. 10/1@m ona age poche including reports Mrs. Robetty(Weather permitting). Maga-| see ie Atte Donald 'Gibson Humphreys, a former CGI¥|@nes and newspapers must bend Mise Caraline Spence. leader, presented Chevrontied securely and in separate|# vis " »P ee Awards to all three groups. of|Dundles for collection at 10 a.m. The concert will be directed| CGIT members. The awards | Proceeds are for work of Scouts/by Miss Jeanine Werry, assist- are earned attaining and Cubs. led by Mrs. Douglas Love and| the re-| ; Mrs, Ross Lee, The, accompan-) |Choir Concert Rehearsal At Kedron Church quired standards in their 1961 gpRIpGE CLUB By I. THOMPSON DUNBARTON -- The inaug- ural meeting of the United Crurch Women' was held at -- The CGIT|Joyce Graham, teacher at Sen-|for a concert which will be pre-|fynbarton United Church on| mr. Thonias Carol Cross, presiding. Dr. McKay, the minister ex- plained part of the constitution. Members were divided into units, one afternoon and two evening groups. The afternoon unit leader is Mrs. Elizabeth Hollinger and Mrs. Violet Carel and Mrs. Ivy Thompson are the evening leaders. Plans were made for the catering to the Kiwanis dinners for the year. Jeanine Werry and Yvonne Hicks, Property and Lighting is in the care of Grant Spencer, Ben Hitchens and Bill Hancock. The ticket committee is Bill 'Dunbarton UCW Hold Inaugural Mrs. Joan Bell of Whitby held 2 baby shower for Mrs. Wayne Wells of Glendale drive on Jan. \22. Owens came |Jan, 25 with the president, Mrs./home from Sunnybrook hospital \last Wednesday. He is still not jable to get around since his car jaccident in December 1960. OAC spent the weekend at his home with his parents, Dr. and Mrs. W. A. McKay, Brock road south. A. J. Thompson of the Base Line celebrated his birthday on Jan. 28. He and his family, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McClement and \Mary Beth, Mr. and Mrs. |George McConachie, Hugh and 'Bob, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Thomp- son and Mr. and Mrs, D. Thompson and friends, Mr. James McClement and Miss Gina Dowie had dinner in Osh- awa on Sunday night. Mr. James Ravey of: Sunny- and Mrs. 'George Watson on| ® Sunday. | Man Acquitted of Pickering visited with Mr. and Mrs. | Sunday. | I En Ee Or eae: ee, rifle but said it was an. accl- dent He said in a statement ad- mitted in evidence that he went to a cupboard in the living room of his apartment to look for a pail with which to bail his boat and that the rifle fell down. He Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Typert Brian McComb on In Shooting Mrs. William Stenabaugh is a| TORONTO (CP)--John Still patient in Ajax Hospital. } Mr. and Mrs. Sunday. annual meeting of Toronto Pres- bytrial in Fallingbrook Church on Jan. 25. wi quitted Thursday of a charge ell, 23, of Toronto was ac- Gary and Murray Carter of|of manslaughter in the death of Pickering visited their uncle,|his 19-year-old wife Janet last Ira Carter on/Nov. 16. The assize court jury de- Mrs. W. Willis attended the liberated for only 30 minutes before delivering the verdict. During his trial, Stillwell ad- mitted shooting his wife with a .22 - calibre semi automatic Mr. Bill McKay of Guelph brook Hospital visited with Mr. im. 4 FRIDAY program. The Brooklin Duplicate|is t will be Mrs. Charles Thom-|Rosnak, Austin Hicks and Bob) Mrs. White of Oshawa, repre- senting the St. John Ambulance Bridge Club met on Jan. 31 for} as. In charge of costumes is|Spencer. ¢)\ pLus... a series of weekly games in the} Corps, presented the Junior St. John Ambulance Corps pins and certificates awarded for com- pleting and passing tests in 1961, to the following girls. Patricia Mitchell, Lucille Curl, Betty Greer, Lynda Ormiston, Brenda Ormiston, Carol Hawkesley, Judy Humphreys, Bonnie Snowden, Linda Ruth- erford, Marie Lowe, Sherri Lynn Campbell, Gail Agar, Anne Bartlett, Linda Burleigh, Diane Crawford, Linda Gerrow,|win, 8614; Mr. and Mrs, Clinton| Linda Dennis, Helen Stanley|Chambers, J. Buchanan, L. and Linda Stevenson. 'Harlow tied with 85 points. basement of the Township Hall.| Highest scores tallied as fol-| lows: North - South -- Mrs. Robert} Heron, Jack Patterson, Mrs. R.| Drew and Sid Sheridan, tied| with 9744; Mr. and Mrs. Ken-| neth Holliday and Mr. and Mrs.) R. Morris, tied with 90%. East and West -- John Mil- jler, Ted Heron, 116%; Mrs. W. A. Heron, Mrs. M. R. Clarke, | 11144; Mr. and Mrs. John Good- Balsam Class Cites Officers By MRS. LORNE JONES A pot luck supper was held in BALSAM and MT. ZION -- the Mt. Zion Sunday School The Active Service class met|/Toom recentiy followed by the recently in the church basement| Sunday School mecting. with Mrs. Allan Carson's group} The officers are: superinten- in charge of the program. Rev.|dent, Murray Jones; associate T. Fleetam presided over the|superintendent, Mrs. Elmer election of officers that result-|Wilson; secretary, Ronald ed as follows: |Jones; assistant secretary, John President, Mrs Glen Mander-| Wilson; treasurer, Jim Wilson; son; vice president, Mrs.|Pianist, Miss Sharyn Jones and Allan Carsen; secretary, Mrs.|Mrs. Allan Carson; auditors, Cecil Disney; assistant secre-| Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Disney. tary, Mrs. Elmer' Wilson;}; Cradle roll superintendent, treasurer, Mrs. Frank McAvoy;| Mrs. Frank Coultis; missionary pianist, Mrs. Allan Carson;|and temperance, The © Active teacher, Mrs. Ralph Jones. | Service Class. Business committee Mrs.| Primary. teachcis -- Gladys Jack Empringham and Mrs.|Disney and Janet Jones; junior Earl Disney. teacher, Beity Gates and Mrs. Sick committee--Mrs. Lewis| Lloyd Wilson. Jones and Mrs. Lloyd Wilson. | Intermediate juniors --_ Mrs. Group leaders -- Mrs. Burnett|Cecil Disney and Mrs. Lorne Jamieson, Mrs. Donald Jamie-|Jones; intermediate seniors -- son, Mrs. Elmer Wilson, .Mrs.|Mrs. Jack Empringham and Percy Jones, Mrs. Thomas Mrs. Elmer Wilson. Jordan, Mrs Lorne Jones. | Young People's Class -- Mrs. 4-H Club leaders -- Mrs. Don anol oe and Mrs , | Elmer Wilson. besos ssi sia ED ote The anniversary will be held on the last Sunday in Septem- ber. Miss Sharyn Jones Orono Colt Up For Dra On Derby Day By MRS. KEN GAMSBY ORONO -- The Orono Cham- ber of Commerce, promoting their annual Colt Derby for June 16, have included a spe- cial draw for this date. Tickets ettes attended the Achievement are now on sale Day eed ay at the Mount Zion Lodge The Chamber has secured a/Hajl at Brooklin recently. yearling filly which will be the " - ~ music. Secretary - treasurer is Don- ald Jamieson and the elders -- Burnett Jamieson and Cecil Jones. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Burnett Jamie son, Mrs. Donald Jamieson and Mrs. Dick Ware o: Claremont attended the acceptance cere- mony at Knox Mary Jean Jamieson and her classmates in nursing recently. The 4-H Mt. Zion Kitchen- and} Grant Carson will look after the} Presbyterian! Church at Oshawa for Miss) PRODUCTION In ROSS HUNTER 2m JOSEPH FIELDS 1 RODGERS &, HAMMERSTEINS BROADWAY'S .« JOYOUS \ MUSICAL LOVE STORY! 1 | m COLOR urnses by PANAVISION® | NANCY KWAN we"suzie WoNer Sx. 5 || JAMES SHIGETA "nc MIYOSHI UMEKI NOW PHONE 723-2843 PLAYING FEATURE TIMES: 1:50 - 4:20 - 6:45 -- LAST SHOW 9:00 P.M. || THIS WEEK... SPECIAL ATTRACTION CY McLEAN AND HIS QUARTETTE OUTSTANDING JAZZ GROUPS DANCING 9P.M.--1 ADMISSION A.M, 1.00 PER PERSON cue TAY L GARDNER: "TAYLOR Great Stars in 2 Great Thrilling Adventures! co LOR 'i G M THRILL T0 THE EXCITEMENT AND THE SPLENDOR OF KING ARTHUR'S COURT! Knights ot Round Table Starring OBERT TAYLOR: AVA GARDNER: MEL FERRER CinemascoPé ome TAYLOR TAYLOR: FONTAINE SANDERS- WILLIAMS said it discharged when he |picked it up and pulled the trig- ger. The Norwegian Air . Force marks it 50th anniversary on June 1, 1962. Slim Gordon presents "HAL" LONE PINE | SUNDAY, FEB. 11 WWVA WHEELING W.Y. @ Cheff Adams Town & Country Records ® Little Cliffie Short 4-Ft. Of Dynamite @ Claude Bradimore AND MANY MORE 8 P.M. Admission $1.00 plus tex RED BARN WAS] FOR THE HAPPIEST ENTERTAINMENT THAT EVER HAPPENED TO YOUR HEART! SOSEPH E LEVINE presents "¢g | Wome ovat © ,OCONNOR |_CINEMASCOPE WO (ASTHAR THD» GHLIWTN » MATER presets FRANK GINA SINATRA-LOLLOBRIGIOA 7 pica coma rea CommaScape » WETRICD A LAST COMPLETE SHOW TODAY AND SATURDAY STARTS AT 7:20 P.M. INDEPENDENT BREWERS SINCE 1786 prize and is named Orono's First. This is a new venture in the promotion of the Annual Colt Derby CHURCH MEETING HELD The annual meeting of the congregation of Orono. United Church was held on Tuesday evening, with about 100 mem- bers present. It started off with a pot-luck supper. W. J. Riddell who has been treasurer for over 37 years re- signed, and W. Armstrong, Jr.,' was elected to take his place. Mr. Riddell received many expressions of appreciation for his long work keeping the fi- nances in good shape. He was presented with a picture paint- ed by R. Morton, on behalf of the congregation by Mr. O. W. 1] A GRAND SHOW FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY Rolph. Mr. Long asked for an ex- pression of opinion on the way @ he is conducting the work of ¢ the charge and after many words of approval from those present, Mr. and Mrs. Long and family were invited to stay for another year. The urgent need for more accommodation and better equipment for the fast growing church school were discussed. It was decided that plans and spec- ifications, as well as estimates on the cost of a new building be sought. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. ford of Kingston weekend with Mr. S. B. Rutherford. Mr. and Mrs. have taken up Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. W. Bunting and family have moved to Orono where Mr. Bunting will be the new Superintendent of the Orono WILSON & LEE LIMITED 4 Paul : Ruther- spent the and Mrs. > G. M. residence Linton in MUSIC STUDIOS 4 Register Now For Lessons On These Popular Instruments ACCORDION @ CLARINET SAXOPHONE @ HAWAIIAN VIOLIN GUITAR SPANISH GUITAR. @ TROMBONE POPULAR PIANO e@ VIOLA TRUMPET @ CELLO Our 6-week beginner's course on the accordion at 1.50 weekly includes the FREE use of an accordion during that period which is taken home for practice. Forestry Station. "BEEF" SESSIONS CALGARY (CP) Alberta Highways Minister Gordon Tay- lor has grass-roots support for the annual "'beef" session he holds here. At these meetings > anyone may present personal complaints, and usually is as- ¢ sured that they will be investi- ¢ WILS 87 SIMCOE ST. ON & LEELTD. MUSIC STORE NORTH 725-4706 gated by the appropriate gov- > ernment branch. i > > More people' phone for Molson's Export than any other ale *Molson's"Ex"is Canada's largest selling ale. More than 1,350,000 pints are enjoyed every day--proof. that Molson's Export is first in popularity. Pick up a case today.