Oshawa Times (1958-), 9 Feb 1962, p. 9

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OTTAWA (CP) policy of trading with Cubalof the American markets. was defended Thursday by Prime Minister Diefenbaker as|Pearson (PC -- Saskatchewan) | the same policy now being fol-|protested that the prime minis-| American States. He told the Commons that/plied: critics of 'the Canadian stand would do well to consider what! amounts to, you can put the cap! the OAS decided on Cubanjon and wear it." trade at its recent conference. The OAS had called only for|port of arms and shipments to the Communist-|maintains normal commercial] aligned Caribbean nation. "'Welrelations with the Castro re- lowed by the Organization of/ter was being compared with| si scab labor, the 'B.C. Liberal re-/Some and western same. this policy. They attach wards Cuba If such an appeal was made/Tokyo. Dief Defends Policy Of Trade With Cuba -- Canada's)sales to Cuba, taking over some|gime. Latin American nations} He also has said repeatedlyjang Goulet Thursday | was told the Commons Thursday he|causes of the volcanic upheaval mem-|that Canadian sales he \ p When Senator Arthur M.|bers of NATO have done the}still are not as high as those Of/the death of her 17-month-old South Atlantic island of Tristan|behind by the fleeing islanders. European Informants say that it is pos-/The Americans still ship food|tg Monday for sentence ble Canada may decide at|and medicine to the island. | y, later date to reconsider "Tf that's what you think it) HAS NOT ASKED some signific-|rejected a request from a Lon-|change her plea to guilty of ance to Mr. Diefenbaker's state-|don cab driver who wanted to|manslaughter. Canada has banned the ex-|ment earlier this week that the|take his taxi on a 12,000-mile strategic|U.S. has not asked Canada to|trip across Russia and China.|mercy. immediate suspension of arms|goods {o Cuba but otherwise|review its trade policies to-|Albert Jacks, 38, had planned} Mr. Justice W. D, Parker|fore he left for work. The inci-|previous 12-month period, re- y Washington, fhe Canadian! Feb, 9, 1962 9 government might be willing to go along, especially if Latin America agreed. Mr. Diefen baker said last year that Canadians "cannot be! \indifferent" to the danger of a| |Communist "bridgehead" in Cuba, THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, Woman Pleads |-__-- Guilty Of Volcanic Island Manslaughter Expedition Back --» siemitc expedition sven LONDON (AP) -- Colonialjciety sailed for Tristan in mid- SUDBURY (CP) -- Mrs. Ro-| |The islanders were brought to Britain in early November and are resettling here. Secretary Reginald Maudling|January. It is studying the ; A rye volcano-stri imals left to Cubal found guilty of manslaughter in is doubtful the volcano-stricken|and the fate of the animal: da Cunha can ever be resettled.|Maulding did not report directly The island's entire population|on the findings of the expedition Earlier 'Thursday Mrs. Gou-|0f 262 was evacuated after ajbut said there are no plans to --Tltet, charged with capital mur-|Volcanic eruption last October,|send another. TURNED DOWN der in the shooting death of : LONDON (CP) -- Russia has/baby, Jean, was cilowed to/mind, in arriving at a verdict. AID TO GREECE A neighbor of the Goulets had) ATHENS (AP)--United States testified earlier that he had ob-jeconomic aid to Greece for the The jury recommendediserved Goulet kiss a teen-age| 1961-62 fiscal year will total $30,- girl goodbye one morning be-|000,000, about the same as the ithe U.S., despite the embargo.| adopted daughter and remanded nancnaiiang Ambassador Ellis to visit his son who lives in|told the jury that "much would|dent took place while Mrs. Gou-| ports US. turn on this woman's state ofilet was away in Montreal. Briggs. have consistently followed that course in the last several months," the prime minister said, protect the hemisphere from| communism, Canada had stepped in» and expanded its N.Y. Probe Hit 'By Magistrate TORONTO (CP) -- Magis- trate C. O. Bick, chairman of, |the Toronto Police Commission, | Thursday accused officials nf BUTTERFLY FRIEND This swallowtail butterfly | fly apparently didn't like the perched on the nose of Mrs. | cold spell that has gripped Richard*Massey of Peterbor- | some parts of Canada and ough, Ont., was found flutter- | skipped indoors for something ing round her kitchen. Butter- | warmer. School Milk Plan 'Not The Answer' iin: hau. OTTAWA (CP) \ national!dairy surplus proposed Wednes-\that both a recent crime report school milk program would ben- day to the cabinet by the Cana-\by the New York commission, efit health but is no solution to dian Federation of Agriculture.jand the attorney-general, had the Canadian dairy surplus, says! The federal agriculture de-|linked Toronto with organized! a federal survey partment for more than a yearjcrime in the United States.| "The increase probably would has been pondering a welfare|When he asked for details, he be considerably less than four|/Package system whith would/said, he did not receive any. per cent of total consumption," |attempt to raise the nutritional) "I wrote the attorney-general says the study prepared by the|!evel of diets for segments of/and I never got a reply." He} economics section of the agri-|the population legitimately in|said an official of the New| culture department need. York commission, invited to a Per capita consumption ;. A school milk program would/crime conference in Toronto fluid milk in 1961 is calculated|>e Part of the package, plus dis-|last year, came a day late, at 300 pints, or a decrease from tribution of other foods required|stayed about an hour and con- 1960 of 1.2 per cent--aside from for a_basically-balanced diet./tributed nothing. use of dried milk in fluid equiv-| Distribution is the stumbling} 'Then I saw in the newspaper) alent block--how to get food to per-|he had given us a list of names A ational school milk pro- sons who have a valid claim to and addresses rey wie gram hae "heen advocated con assistance without the stigma of} "That's an unadulterated lie, sistently by farm groups and it a means test. the magistrate said. was part of the solution to the ATIIIOKKION Offer To Purchase oo a 10f8 Wolf Cubs << fopmans- WINDSOR, Ont. (CP) -- A FOR man in Phoenix, Ore., has of- VALENTINE'S the New York state commission} lof investigation and the attor-| ney-general of Massachusetts of] doing "a character assassina-| tion job on Toronto." fered to buy one of the eight) wolf cubs that John McGovern| is taking on his trek. through Western Canada McGovern, of Hull, Que., tra- vels with a dog and a timber wolf named Cindy. When he was = in Windsor last month he was ordered by the Ontario lands and forests department to take Cindy out of the province. A week ago, while McGovern was in Sudbury, Cindy gave birth to eight pups. McGovern is now believed to be somewhere be- tween Sudbury and Winnipeg. The offer to buy one of the pups was made by Cecil Day of Phoenix in a letter received by Mrs John McGovern of Wind- sor, no relation of the traveller. THIS WHISKY KEEPS ITS FLAVOUR » Even melting ice cubes can't dilute the true taste of Adams Gold Stripe. It will keep its flavour He loves Penmans Socks for their dependable quality and many comfort features. Choose from plain or smart pat- terns, newest colours. < 3 < 3) 3) <<} SINAARAAAAAAAAAAAA LS to the very bottom of the glass --the mark of a great whisky. THOMAS ADAMS DISTILLERS LTD. Toronto, Ont. In the Senate meanwhile, al Liberal senator was, condemn-| ing Canadian trade with Cuba) : as "scab" interference with the United States trade embargo. | ee CRITICIZES STAND Senator J. W. de B. Farris of Vancouver said the U.S. gave up trade advantages in Cuba to) THE REAL EASY WAY TO WIN 100.00 -- AND, IT'S FUN!! eee BEST OF ALL, It will acquaint you with a building project, so unique, so modern and so sensible, that you'll be glad you entered the contest. WHAT YOU DO: Cut out or mark the picture lou like best. Write a cap- tion of ten words or less, using the word "Braemor", which you think best suits the baby's expression. Fill in the entry form below Then put your caption and picture in an envelope marked "CONTEST and bring it to Braemor Gardens Model Home Stevenson Rd. N. and Annapolis Ave. or mail it to Braemor, 167 Park Rd. N., Oshawa, AS MANY CAPTIONS AS YOU LIKE Your entry should be in our possession not later than 5:00 p.m. March Ist. Most original captions will compete for the prize. All captions will become property of Braemor Gardens, and may be published without further notice, Employees and relatives of the following firms are not eligible: The Oshawa Times, Braemor Gardens, Goldell Homes Ltd., Sub Contractors for Goldell Homes, Harry Millen Real Estate. By entering the contest, you agree to the conditions under which you enter. So, decide to-day. Enter this easiest of all contests. and... be sure to see "Braemor". It's worth your while. ENTRY FORM Dear Sirs: I hereby submit my entry in the "Braemor Baby" caption contest, | have read, and understand the conditions of the contest. CAPTION (10 words or less) .,...0:-.s0y-- orere ooo tepeuepetomeverers « O Lem ey ee. eget eo eemen ey

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