8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, February 7, 1962 Jable source that he had been I Just found out from a reli- ANN LANDERS Conflicting Loyalties Face Father of Bride Dear Ann Landers: I'm des-|my three children and be alpIDN'T KNOW. perately in need of advice onjfather to them. how to handle the approaching marriage of my daughter, Carol. seven years ago. I have since wise|Same religious faith. Fred told|little off -- like maybe a year. pie on ead me that . shad been seeing a|Slow down and give yourself a and noble woman. Carol and a whole parade of) woman regularly but he broke boy friends have visited in our|off with her when we started months ago. I was left home many times and my pres-|to go together. ent wife has gone out of her way to make Carol and her friends feel comfortable and welcome. My former wife has told Carol that if she wants me to give her 'away at the wedding I must not bring my wife. She also insists that I sit with her during the balance of the ceremony and stand with her in the receiving line at the reception. I feel that this would be a slap in the face to my wife. At the same time I would be heart- sick if I did not attend my only daughter's wedding. Please tell me what to do.--QUANDARY. Dear Quandary: If your wife is as noble and wise as you say, she will volunteer to stay away from the wedding. She will further insist that you give the bride away ,sit with your form- er wife during, the remainder of the ceremony and stand by her in the receiving line. This much you owe your| daughter. Your presence should) not be construed as a favor to| your former wife or an insult to| your present wife. Dear Ann Landers: I'd like) to direct a few thousand words to that clown who complained about the high cost of winning his Lady Love. He seems to forget that after the initial in- vestment is made, he collects a handsome return on his money | forever after. On today's market a left-hand-| ed cleaning lady gets $9 a day plus carfare. A governess gets $60 a week with Sundays off -- and this doesn't include a moth-| er's love. A registered nurse} makes $16 a day for an 8-hour) shift -- and you have to cook! for her. A chauffeur makes| $80 a week. And a mistress | can be more expensive than the} whole kit and kaboodle put to- gether. Any husband who feels that| he isn't getting his money 's| worth out of the little woman/ should be served this column for/ breakfast -- along with a nice, fat belt in the chops:--CLEAN- ING LADY, GOVERNESS, NURSE, CHAUFFEUR AND MISTRESS. Dear Ann: I've met a wonder- ful man who has asked me to FURTHER REDUCTIONS ON EVERY ITEM SPECIAL! MEN'S DRESS SHOES Toe cap, Moccasins ond Brogue in the Broken sizes, Discontinued lines, brown, beck and ue green. Regulor value to 23.95. mcr 12.95 Wand older than he is. a widow eight/know, so wake up and smell the Fred has never| coffee. My wife and I were divorced ua amid. Wi aie of the living with this woman for three years -- that she is married, I know Fred loves me and that he'd be a good provider and a fine father. I'm sick that he did not level with me about his past and that I had to learn of it from someone else. I love him very much and would like to marry him next month -- if you say so: Please, please hurry your answer.--WISH I Dear Wish: Well -- you DO I'd say your timetable is a chance to know Fred. 12 months, Id say he's a fairly safe bet for marriage. Are you tempted to smoke be- cause he crowd does? If so, send for ANN LANDERS' booklet, "'Teenage Smoking," enclosing with your request ten cents in coin and a long, self- addressed, stamped envelope. Ann Landers will be glad to help you with your problems. Send them to her in care of this newspaper enclosing a stamped, self-addressed envelope. FROTHIER Egg whites beat to a higher volume at room temperature than when just removed from the refrigerator, reminds the Food Department of Macdonald Institute, Guelph. On the other hand, the yolks are more easily If he proves to be reliable, honest and faithful for the next separated from the white when the eggs are cold, IN THE STORE... top. Sizes MISSES' end CHILDREN'S CANADIAN MADE LINED RUBBER OVERSHOES Shearling om "~~ 2. 98 PR, Regular 3.98 CLEARANCE RACKS WOMEN'S FALL DRESS SHOES and TEEN AGE FLATS Pinelli and Savage. blocks and pastel shades. 2.98 " 7.98 Air Step, Clarks, FURTHER REDUCTIONS Burns -- Clearance of All WINTER OVERBOOTS -- _ Im Browns, MISSES' end CHILDREN'S NAME BRAND PARTY SHOES rvlon Regis' elu values are 2. 98 co. KING and SIMCOE LTD. CORNER "Fine Shoes For The Whole Family"' @ NO EXCHANGES OR REFUNDS ON SALE MERCHANDISE @ marry him. Fred wants to adopt! niaeeeieteeiiealiadieats 8 ROSS Mills MPANY a MITED ANNUAL STOCK CLEARANCE \ Odd lots, Discontinued lines and Special purchases make this sale an exciting event BUY NOW! TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE BREATHTAKING BARGAINS Plastic WALL TILE Reg. prices from 29¢ to 33c sq. ff. NOW SQ, FT. Reg. prices from 39c to 45c sq ft. NOW SQ. FT. MIXED COLORS LINOLEUM TILE Standard 9x9 Reg. 12c each ...... VINYL SURFACED FLOOR COVERINGS 6-9-12-feet Widths Reg. 1.99 Sq.Yd. Now Clearing ... = HEAVY DUTY 1/8" GAUGE VINYL ASBESTOS TILE Reg. 276 each 19° VISCOSE B Reg. 4.95 SALE Te $Q. YD. ROADLOOM IN POPULAR TWEEDS HEAVY QUALITY 3.75 2-BIG BROADLOOM SPECIALS All Wool BROADLOOM IN ROSE BEIGE 3.95 Reg. 9.95 SALE PRICE SQ. YD. ALL THESE SPECIALS ARE LIMITED QUANTITIES ROSS E. MILL 80 SIMCOE CO. LIMITED NORTH PHONE 728-6218 FALKER'S February SALE OF TOWELS Three days only! Thurs., Fri., Sat., February 8th, 9th and 10th Sale Of. All First Quality ! Usually 1.00 Big Thick Thirsty Terries @ Special purchase from leading Canadian maker brings good savings ! Specially purchased to bring thrifty home makers first quality towels at a money sav- ing price... Thickly looped terries on firm backing in bath size 22" x 42" .. .a quant- ity purchase makes this fine value possible . Choose from broad, narrow, or variegat- ed stripes in predominating colors of: pink, yellow, green, rose, sandalwood, desert brown, turquoise, sky blue, or lilac--some with fringed ends . . Usually 1.00, FEBRUARY SALE, each 57c. Good 18" x 30" Size! Save 40c on 3! Imported Tea Towels 377 Linen dries so much better . . . and this quality of linen weave with colorful pastel stripes of woven cotton is just right--in quality and size (18" x 30') Buy 3 and save 40c -- Usually 39c¢ each. FEBRUARY SALE, 3 for 77c. February Sale, 18" x 30" All First Quality! Usually 25¢c each! Sturdy Weave for Long Use ! Dish Cloths J07: A kitchen necessity. you'll like for it's sturdy weave . . . woven of cotton yarn in colorful check pattern... Choose from red, green, blue, or gold... 15" x 15" size. Fine value, FEBRUARY SALE, 5 for 57c. rely 1s" x is" Specially purchased ! Low, low priced ! acts Face Cloths | Of the same fine first quality 'Camtex' in stripes and colors to match the towels. . . from leading Canadian maker . . . 12" x 12" size... A fine value with good sav- ings. Usually 25¢, FEBRUARY SALE, package of 4 for 57c. Colorful Screen Prints! Save 30¢ ! Kitchen Terries 30. Pretty screen print terry towels ideal for kitchen or bathrooms . . . dries dishes wonderfully well -- fine for bathroom guest use . . . Choose from four colorful prints. Usually 69c. FEBRUARY SALE, each 39¢, February @ Open Friday Night To 9 p.m. Daily 9:30 to 6:00 p.m. Wacker's of OSHAWA Oshawe Shopping Centre King St. at Stevenson Rd.--728-8646 --/!