Oshawa Times (1958-), 7 Feb 1962, p. 20

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i a ie + plan under which needy farm-|and one Independent-Liberal. 3 : For Interference ers received higher peyments| gen ili ' _-- Today S) Stock Marke | TORONTO (CP) -- A father corm ad pata COPS] Ontario) had jst sited Seale j who entered two public school enate am er | jing at the time Senator Barbour. 20. THE CONAWA TIME, Wolo, bry 7, 194 [Father Criticized 7 thea] Dies In Suraiiat Saari BENSON -- John and Barbara (nee ree ? Luke) are proud to announce the safe classrooms and berated the Shortly after resuming his)collapsed. He stopped and Sen, arrival of their son, Christopher John, TORONTO 11 A.M. STOCKS | 11 Net } 11. Net |teachers will be reprimanded seat Senator Barbour clutched ator Walter Aseltine, governe sae Be ae Hg eee tabeltal, vie. Br tee Cesatian Fives. | Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge| Stock Bales High Low a.m. Ch') the Scarborough board of ed-- OTTAWA (CP)--Liberal: Sen-|years and the province's minis- his chest and fell back in his|ment leader, adjourned the sit- tale Bl A Matte tae Riana tad 'Coeteatne tn uate caleos nabskes $Me SIE ee ee ae ea lucation but not prosecuted. ator George H. Barbour, 83, of|ter of public works and high- seat. iting until 3 p.m. EST today. Michelle. (Grandson tog Mi ak MS. |= ee lot 34---Eicdividend, | x1 "Ex: PageHers 1100 $234 234 254 + % Con-Key Philip, Krezanowski was al- Charlottetown died in the Sen-|ways from 1943 to 1949 when he Senators Joseph Sullivan (PC| A native of Alma, P.E/1., Sen- Benson, all of Oshawa. from previous board-lot closing sale.) oy ; ote ti iis € Marben s 5 leged fo have sworn at teach- ate chamber Tuesday night od Rake appointed | to the Senate,/--Ontario) and F. W. Gershaw |ator Barbour was elected to the COBBLEDICK Le: hk Sees INDU IALS QN 38% 8% 8% 4 4 C Mésher 198 ers Jack Wistow and N. Scott sont arene after igeig a -- resumed his seat after pel igs both medical doc-|P.E.I. legislature in 1935 and re- " ioe Same ped $60% 6014 60% + % Coprand F Brown for earlier strappi f brief speech in support of finan- livering a five-minute speech on tors, rushed across the floor of |elected at ev b: : phine (nee Babcock) are happy to an- STR J Coe atte '} |Brown for earlier strappings of |) Logan ' oe B ch on) t jelec every subsequent gen- ounce the birth ef their son, Bradley Ss Vie fm resco" Ms some of his five children in the cial aid for drought - stricken'a government appropriation|the House to examine him asjeral election until his appoint- Stewa Tuesday, February 6, 1962, } . Ch' . c : isel Prairie farmers. bill. the sitting was hasti =| a pocketing Eun ana A hee Stock Sales Mich Lew im. Ch'ge Roe AV c io Craigmt school. ; nm SS Pad cf rah ad-|ment to the Senate. ther for Nancy, Jim and Mary-Jo, | Abitib) ae tae tha chee Royal Bank $13 81% 8i%4 eae Hore 2 The board of education de- The former Prince Edward) He said no senators are Jou y Senator Walter Asel- ' in ; Alta Dist 450 260 260 260 -- | Royalite 660 $14% 14% 143 Delhi Pac 55 0 40 cided Monday night to send him Island farmer was the first against the $42,000,000 in acre-|"ne, government House leader. RAPID GROWTH PY nog sage virth of their Alt Dis vt vey Bey tar St Maurice 1000 105-108" 108 Dicknen 50 S1i% 1% 3.* ¥, a "strongly worded" letter tell-senator to die in the Senate/age payments to western grain) Senator Sullivan pronounced} §IRACUSA, Sici'y (AP)--Cen- G4aughter, 7 Ibs. 2 ozs., on Monday, Feb- Ata * "22 1. 38s ges') rSeven Arts 500 $11 10% Dome $25 4 25% jing him he will be charged if chamber with the House in ses-|growers, He said that in orderjhim dead within minutes, ap-|sus figures "show this towa-- ruary 5, 1962, at Oshawa General Hos aitaGas pr 10 $109 109 Shawin 1470 $23% 23% East Sult 183 iss it happens again. sion. Other senators have died to appreciate the problem of the parently of a heart attack. |known as Syracuse in ancient if i fe J ,» Diane, Mark Sy, 57 Shaw B 10 $48 "a 157 5 iat i. : . ri * ro Z ry Be tage ce jerangs . a ane 15% 1 Ye Simpsons 300 $28% 28% Falnoe $62%4 62% $24 --% The School Administration Act in their rooms in the Parliament| western farmer "'you have to Senator Barbour's death cre-|times--is the fastest growing e Alig Cen w 100 795 : Slat Ind pr 250 $20% 20% Fatima 0 26 26 26 --1! |provides a maximum fine of $25 Buildings. experience the effects of ated the seventh vacancy in the community in Sicily. Its 90,000 TAILLON -- Mark and Guy would, aigima F 50% 50% + %4| Stafford 200 450 450 450 Geco Mines '825 27 --% on conviction of interfering with) Senator Barbour, a member |drought and losing your crop." |102-seat upper house and reduced) population is 27 per cent larger like to announce the arrival of their 5 Si *, 1 Giant YK 215 880 A x " A > Maby soter, Michale dea, Tuasday.|Alan a pr: °35 $45 ; fe kk ce Gunnar 1900 910 +10 school proceedings. 'of the P.E.I. legislature for 14' Senator Barbour and other|Liberal representation to 67./than in 1950, Feb. 6, 1962, at the Oshawa General | analog 00 19 9 1 Suptest ord 275 $14% 14% 14) Hastings 200 114 | * Hospital. Proud parents Joe and Ann Ang Pip pr 5 54% 5 y %|Tor-Dom Bk 50 $68% 6844 H of Lake 13100 (nee Mowat). Special thanks to Dr. lr- Anthes A 2 4 Tr Can PL 2165 $27 27 Headway 1000 win, Heath : ee Argus 4 53 Traps-Mt 1700 $15 4% 1 . r A t Wire '1 ; 3 Un Gas 1220 $23 22% High-Bell 240 INTRODUCE your son or daughter with Atlas teel % 3 Y % Union Oil 100 $13% 13% i Hollinger 6 ce oe an Oshawa Times birth notice. The Auto El is 5 5 Vendomat 300 $744 7% Hud Bay xd ; Rate is $1.50. Phone 723-3492 and our Bank Mont 117 $71 % 71% Vie G Tr 25 $5814 5814 Hydra Ex 7080 50 49 E ~ staff will assist you in writing a notice. Bank NS 160 Walk GW 120 $57%4 57% h Inspiratn 1300 3 (Ss | - ---- |Bath P A 220 $53% 53% 53% WCoast Tr 1045 $23% 23% 23 int Moly ee 11 oe ' 88 92 J : Beay Lum 125 3 4\WCoast vt 875 $22% 22% Irish Cop 500 Iso 20100 Bell Phone 661 % 5 3 + WC Brew 1220 $35 8 35 s 7 DEAT Bowater pr 50 5 1% Weston A zi4l $19 19 J Waite 1000 Brazil 539 3 West A wts 99 $105 10% Jowsey 1222 BA Oil 1065 $3 337 Wood J A 210 $375% 37% 378 Kerr Adl 225 HEPBURN, Merlin John BC Forest 505 ' 12 200 $ 16% L Dufault 7000 In Oshawa General Hospital on Tues- BC Pow 620 % 153 200 330 330 330 Lake Ling 9000 day, February 6, 1962, Merlin J. Hep- Brown 100 $144 \ \ , L Osu 500 burn (Darlington Township), beloved Burns 220 $1 I 50 $39 39 39 L Shore 200 husband of Annie Mountjoy and loving Cal Pow 220 58 5 53 "Dp S 125 $2514 25% 25% Langis 1500 father of Mrs, W. James (Margaret) Can Cem 120 $3 : 30° ; 200 $41 410 «4d + py Am ay King, Mrs, R. Smith (Evelyn), New. Can Malt 2B $i 215 $36 35% 36 + % Ta eid Moe castle, Mrs, M. Francis (May), Zion,|Can Brew 169 5 3 Price Br 90 $53 «(5383 Lo! a 00 Harold and Russell at home; brother|© Chem w 300 5 ! ate of Mrs, H. Brown and Roy, Kedron, © Curt Md 100 13 OILS pone e Be Mrs. C. Vice, Darlington and Arthur of | Stes me Fo 8 Tyne aed Columbus. The late Mr. Hepburn is) Hacky bate-+4 Alminex 4200 245 244 = feet mit resting at McIntosh - Anderson Funeral c I ve ek c '7 i] Leduc 1000 7 7 7 Martin 1000 Home. Service in the chapel on Thurs.|%. 7 Gay 4 7135 1000 983 9 +10 |heaebean pie 4 day, February 8, at 2 p.m. Interment (4,"5)) 109 $313! on 5 125 $25% 25% 251 Mcintyre 275 650 . 49% Yalon Cometery CPR 570 $265 26% 2 " 139 139 139 «+2 | Mentor 1500 60 60 Cdn Pet p 0 Merrill 4100 94 92 HOCKIN, Minnie Ann C Tire A Meta Uran 5000 9% 94 At Fairview Lodge, Whitby, on Mon- Comb Ent Min Corp 400 $145% 14% day, February 5, 1962, Minnie Ann Jef- Conduits Min-Ore 3000 6 6 fery, beloved wife of William H. Hockin Con Baks 1 § 9 Me + M% 2. Mt Wright 18925 154 145 and dear mother of Mrs. J. Bartlett Con Blig 5 3 Ki 4" s : Murray M 800 113 112 (Marie) of Brooklin and beloved grand-|Con Bldg p Z 5 Nama Cr 500 11% 11% mother of Ann, Betty and Jim, in her/Con M S 922 $2 . , "pyr gh Js '1: New Ath 500 2 8629 Soth year. Resting at the Robinson Fu-|Con Gas $205 3 oo 3 New Bid 6200 12% 12% peral Chapel, Brooklin. Service in the static vt 100 by : NS Noose a 9 + : Chapel on Thursday, February 8 at/ Coronation 250 y y % > 5 765 few 1 0 2 p.m. Interment Pine Grove Cemetery, Dist Seag 1000 Se "alle Mae 4330 fina + af en Fry 3 3 3 BEST BUY ! 'issiiiie Save % ! soils GREEN GIANT SUNBEAM OLD-FASHIONED Prince Albert. D Bridge 1200 . Mac 433 5 + fylama 15 39 c 995 3, 5, 1,,C West P 275 Nor-Acme 2500 3 y 2 Dom egal 160 8 + i Dev-Pal 3030: $6 CS Norpax 1500 18 1 @ KINGSTON, Lillian May wo,./D Fndry 210 '$6 ; Dome Pete 400 $i4 13% N Coldstm 20500 7 7 Entered into rest in the Oshawa Gen-\ non,' stores 2265 $13% 13% 1 Fargo 350 405 Nthgate 22261 383 S75 S F eral Hospital on Tuesday, February 6.) ron. 'Tar 1210 $19 '5 19% Gr Plains 200 $137 North Can 200 4 9 1962, Lillian May Spencer, beloved! nom Tar pr 1000 $2214. 221 _ 4, |Home A 2200 1 N Beane pe ig le leg wife of the late Bidwell Brock King- nom Text H 7 Home B 1100 $1 P r Oka Rare 7000 4h 8 8 BAKERY FEATURE! 225 § 4 aton and mother of Miss Norma King- py pont 135 3: : ' HB Oi G 853. $18% 34 + % Opemiska © 1630 63 y ¢c Soeiz | a 7 % 6 REGULAR 49¢ -- EACH aton of Oshawa; Mrs. Hugh Miles fieetwood 100 Medal 6440 29 + Orenada 5500 Mecaiiinsy of 'Guawar't # fitece |e: : ee. Se ae a) Mill City 5500 Pog Osisk 2000 82 Miser, Ontario, and Gerald of Olympia, word Cda. "50 $163 165.163 Nat Pete 100 325 325 323 Placer 100 7M 27 BEST BUY ! -- Save 20c ! -- FANCY QUALITY HEINZ Washington; predeceased by one daugh-|Fr Pete pr Okalta 1000 1 3 --1 \Que Ascot 1000 10 ter, Mrs. Gladys Dunphy, in her 85th Gen Dev 900 3 "131 y, Pac Pete 3445 4 + Que Lab 500 year. Resting at the Armstrong Funeral | GMC . 59 5 . earme ase 7 . K Quemont 300 10% FROZEN FOOD FEATURE! Home, Oshawa, with memorial service Globe A 100 $11% 11 1 4) Phillips 1000 3 3 Radiore 500 5 3 in the chapel on Thursday, February 8 GN Gas 200 3 3 4| Place 800 Realm 3000 1 5 - SAVE 13c BIRDSEYE at 1 p.m. Interment Glenwood Ceme-|Gr Wpg vt 600 5 Ponder 1000 88 5 Raglan 50045 ont e tery, Picton Gr Wpg S6w 200 585 585 Prairie Oil 1000 235 s 5 Rio Algom 100 95 55 55 + eS ' ' 55Y Provo Gas 11600 225 +3 \Rix Athab 6000 49 f Guar T: es] Sarcee 8700 1 Roche 1500 PUTSEY, Albert Edward Sr. Hardee 1 Socur Free 7400 h 1 : 1 q 5 3; s Rockwin 1000 19 1 On Monday, January 29, 1962, at Sunny-|!mp Oil i . South U 1000 1 eoigy ed 100 7 4 : ei 15-0Z. brook Military Hospital, Albert Edward ind Accor io 3 > Minds 1625 102 106 +2 Satellite i000 2 BEST BUY ! -- Save 6c ! -- Win a Trip to the Stanley Cu © Putsey of Caesarea, Ontario, in his 70th oa ta Mal nriad Oil 1600 196 193 195 ahattite 3900 435 ie ® ' Pp y P eee PKGS. 25% 25%4-- %lArcad wis 1300 2% 2 Tribag Chapel, Whitb: fi rvii in the|Met Stores 200 : 9 9 -- %| Yellorex 54% 5% 5% T : 1 - apel, ys jor service in | bv ~ as > vi 97 et puny chapel on Thursday, February 8 at 2 ras ech ar bg Pha A cone Chib aan s : eS . + BES BUY ; Save 15¢! INSTANT Sliced Bread floral requirements for all pec confuse and puzzle the rue cane a a lan General Motors Corporation, | S ' qe occasions. | : " ah ns 'a< 20 cents March 10, record Feb. Be: ' OSHAWA SHOPPING G. F. Delaney, chief of a sec- Crater. The official name was 54 [ae ; lb vs. ey Fe RIVETT, Olive C. 22% 22% A Arcadia 3050 7 7 Un Keno p.m. Interment Bowmanville Cemetery. Minlen A 50 $29% 296 2934 lc . A lew . a tion of the federal mines depart-|the New Quebec Crater. Great. Lakes Power Corpora- year, beloved husband of the late Lil- i 444 4454 Un Oils 10900 172 178 +3 |Silv 6 Nf Tian Colwill: dear father of Harold, Los |" eh: RS Se + 8 avae ieete. aah 4 PEG bide A il ; 'Angeles; Albert, Gordon of Vancouver; 5 ~ : * SR Wsburne 18200 . ' 3100 13 ; 7 Monald and William, step-father of Mrs. | 6) pw iso - 5 | Wetaten 500 HAE prota ao ; ; MINUTE OR W. LaFete (Allene), London. Service|yoiuey Cc 4300 360 vs |W Decalta 1100 112° 110 11 Sturgeom 100) ° 23 : INSTANT BEST BUY!_-SUPREME ASSORTED was held at Brown Bros. Chapel, 1812) anatt 167 5% 4 Me hasten + a Pie am fully at the Oshawa General Hos- LobCo A Ya 94 9% + %) Aumaq 4000 Vandoo ; 6 6 £ ® Peo 'a Teed, February 6, 1962,,\LobCo A wil 350 340 350 +10 | Aunor 200 3 3 Vauze 5 160. 160 160 Olive Clarintean Parsons (formerly of |LobCo B 350 $9% 9% 9% 3 ' ventubee erin . He ¥ 7 Loeb M $22% 2% Uy | y 7, + espar 0 5% 15 5 Darlington), beloved wife of the late MB PR S sine 18% 8% : - fol ate Awa . gis tale se s +1 ; Astoria 1500 Minister, the Rev. H. Stainton. : 130 16% 16% 16% © Dyno 4700 11 . : e 3 1767 $554 55 55% Cdn NW 4000 3 1 b GIDEON Bibles are a continuing me-|Nat Drug 289 $19 aot hte + 2 ie Five yan i 4 | FULL ". Noranda 535 $61 Ya + %|Can.Eria 7 morial. For placement contact funeral| 7 NGas 480 921% 21% 21% + 1300 7% 7 74 Bales 000. papeyrrn < In Canada's early railroadin CENTRE ment which selects names for . 8 ition Ltd., 17% cents, March 30,| i SKINLESS NO WASTE Bglinton Avenue West (at Dufferin). 'y y¢. 100 15 F 5 --25 Teck-H 55 @ we Friday 3 p.m. Interment Prospect Cem- price aad 500 5 MINES Temag f 5 'etery. Mr. Putsey served in World War [ont Cem 2110 4: +15 | Abacus 1100 18° 18 15 Thom $ 7 : ancy Iscull s Edward G. Rivett, dear mother of Ed- $13 13 13 Warner 15% 15% 13h 22 21 22 Girector er phone 725-2327. -- comer a 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE [government maps, told a sym-|4ays Sir Donald Mann wanted to -ooo.g March 1. 728-6555 1 with 42nd Black Watch Batt.; retired Laura Sec 250 1 Acad Uran 3000 Tombill Bs eS BEST BUY ! -- Save 39c ! -- DR. BALLARD'S -- 2c Off Pack a bien aon. CELLO ¢ 3 PACKAGES 89 ward C., of Whitby, in her 80th year. | Mass-F ais Lid iB , Wiltsey 9% o | n cerrow FuNetAL |Miqkers Of Maps --2os war, CHAPEL By THE CANADIAN PRESS | fa TI ; ECK'D M Kindness beyond price Burrard Dry Dock ompany | ' , ' ; ' SE ' leone ATS yet winin veer ot ot. RaPped On Names #.cc.4.3.% ) 728-6226 Crown Trust Company, 30/ ' \. # THE PORK ROAST SUPREME 390 KING STREET WEST OTTAWA (CP) -- Cartograph-|zled -- they don't-know which nes. Soe raving send . FRESH, ABSOLUTELY BONELESS oe 'ers--the men who draw maps--|name is right." Company of Cannas 65. cental a s ; y J ¥ LOCKE'S FLORIST were sharply criticized Tuesday, Mr. Delaney said cartograph-| 7 "ox" wants extra. Feb. 16,| OT il . & Z ; LEG "@Q" Pp for using place names on maps ers are not being responsible |? : ore ' § | . : posium sponsored by the Cana-/Name a divisional point on the | "International Nickel Company employee Ontario government. 130 $23 23 23 + ¥|Agnico --2 |Tormont 1370 AUNT MARY'S Resting at the W. C. Town Funeral|MassF 5% 32 $1 Funeral arrangements and record Feb. 9. |Canadian northern railway in c L Giaindian I dian Institute of Surveying that Northern Ontario "Foley." f Canada Ltd., 40 cents (U.S.) |too many place names on maps|\\' | 20 | sb. 19. i i May We Suggest vary with local usage. When he was told the name was| March 20, record Feb. 19. | FOR FRYING "EXTRA" LEAN WELL TRIMMED | TASTY, LIGHT HICKORY SMOKED 1-18. cetLo_ | "YOUNG TENDER--FRESH SLICED" Mr. Delaney. said names already in use he said to an of- | SHOULDER : orrangements for memorials | should not be selected for maps |{icial "I will name that place W R | Pp k 5 k 53° Skinless Wieners 43 B { Li 39° for"Spinginachen be aan'onCeamnaign eae 32s, ate peianey awa, OMEN Request} || Fork Steak =». ceiniver = the place names used by local! 5 : | te by Matthews ore the finest ; pd replied: "'Foleyet will be fine, 5 8 | made anywhere. We exclu- paca abe ---- | ir" nic ror 'FOR ECONOMY', LEAN MEATY CHUCK STYLE SWEET PICKLED "ERYOVAC HALVES" | FRESH SLICED "LEAN TASTY" a, install and represent eee tine secu tavectieason tal The community still is called ie m so. s ¢ it € 6-0Z. VAC this 100 year old Com WED Phodessey |Foleyet. | | B R b 49 R ll 49 ' ' gis jGerermitne whether a local name! ag ee said very often Sex Criminals } raising 1 s seas 0 a e 0 Sy M 00 e am PAK id Please call should be used. lcartographers seeking to im- | "Every time a map is pub-| OTTAWA (CP)--The govern- | Mount Lawn lished with carelessly re. blic poor gage run afoul of| rent was urged today to set up| , clinics for treatment and pre- searched, carelessly applied % for understanding co-operation. Some years ago an attempt)' : 3 names confusion results. The was toads to rename Crowe | Ventive detention of dangerous FEATURE!--SAVE 2c!--MITCHELL'S FANCY harm done is not easy t0|r ore and Crowe River as Mar. | Sexual criminals, 723-2633 ldtsapate tor eucceeding correc Lake and Crome River as Mar-|""710' eauest was contaied in| APPLE JUICE 4902. 2c || NO. 1 GRADE--LUSCIOUS CALIFORNIA RED EMPEROR itions leave the public sorely puz-| after the adjacent mining town | Orinet by the National Paoli) FEATURE--SAVE 8c! jof Marmora. The attempt was) ; | 15-OZ. IN MEMORIAM ' Producti U abandoned after local residents |", omen. becuion' aia dealt | KAM Luncheon Meat TIN 39° ar uction p made a strong protest. | e organization also 'called| Ss. Cc | | "The name Crowe is still ini the government to establish|f FEATURE--SAVE 3c!--TREESWEET WOODWARD -- In loving memory | ; : youth hostels in Canada's na-) of a her, hi juse, and will doubtless survive,"|; -OZ. * ws ae Se Over Last January sr! Soedaney said. oe Gonal poge gona) Paes LEMON J UICE 3 TINS 35° ter : es s; | We Whe kan Wien "be oes ik i glo (CP) -- Production} land urged pensions payable tol] FEATURE--SAVE 9cl--BREAD 'N' BUTTER--SUPREME TENDER JUICY HOTHOUSE -- NO. 1 GRADE morn, of motor vehicles in Canada i i i i Th int \ ' . |widows, which are subject to in- ' The call was sudden, the shock severe Jumped 22.4 per cent in Janu-| NET EARNINGS come tax, be exempt from the PICKLES 2 ae 4a To part with one we loved so dear,/ary over the year - earlier total,| estate tax Wn sone [ikina Bog wos § ro Bt of statistics reported ig age hi a The council asked for amend-|§ FEATURE--SAVE 4c! Ib. ¢€ n His isdo: God has pil ad | 7° v n " imi 7 le pia Wustoms God has Maneed | Production totalled 48048|mos, ended Nov. $8. 1901, $232 (qe cage the Bg Criminal Code un'! GIANT SIZE TIDE 83° ba sgh mineed le ag semarabat- units, compared with 33,450/900; 1961, $426,000 . i ri id person -- inal PKG. 5 y daughters Pa' ia, ' 4 ' . A F vic "dange s Gordon. cia, Vera and # units' in January, 1961. egiiiok Monsdsies tad Sinellcscn circa" Goat iam FEATURE!--AYLMER STUFFED MANZANILLA LOOSE PACK MILD SWEET WAXED -- NO. 1 GRADE A 25.8 - per - cent increase|Ltd., year ended Dec. 31: 1961,| mi j WOODWARD -- j popped Mckee »|mited by the judge to a gov- 8-OZ. 16-0Z, Ph porate Bell olt aber gerne 4 was reported in January pro-|¢14 094,000, $3.93 a share; 1000 stneceat Gagnsetic: clinic. s OLIVES JAR 29° JAR 49: away February 7, 1956. a sagan ig aor tomy Tas he | $11,827,000, $3.31. The group also urged legisla- c et * . . / -| . } Fenelon rest, dear mother, (973 units against 27,791. Com-| Jefferson .Lake .Petrochemi-|tion that would empower judges Ib. In life we loved you dearl jmercial vehicles went up toleals of Canada'Ltd., year ended 4 | In death we do the same. 5,975 units from 5,659, a 5.6-Der-\Dec, 31: 1961, $283000. 1960, cg Mees tex coleeaty VOLUME NO. 4--GOLDEN BOOK Ev . F inc' 5 a tang aaa ¥ el ag = oon cent increase. 1960, $86,310. preventive detention. These pris-) AS ES TAN oe Ot ee daughter Elizabeth: Kathleen. a ie Page Light and Power oners would be kept in a special | L PEDIA iw : o. Lid., year ended Dec. 31:/clinic until an appointed board! 'on tate Woodward wee teeed| CARD OF THANKS |1961, $2,111,060, $1.30 a share; ruled that it was Kae to Hiesoa Ib qusy Fem tite |1960, $1,792,892, $1.11, them. i] | NOW ON SALE! . $ Your last parting wish | OGDEN -- We would like to express 7 We would like to have heard our sincere thanks and appreciation to| These suggested meas ong (Volume No. Pee 49c) aiehiees And breathed in your ear relatives, neighbors, business were among the chief recom-} Our last parting words. i hospital staff, nurses, doc- Home Fluoridator jmendations. of a three - man Only those who have lost Masonic Brethren, Oshawa Scot. the pain im the heart Periecton sim io Reverend Mott! Made In Toronto Se ote oe somes VALENTINE FEATURE--SUNSPUN SAVE 10c--SUPREME GOLDEN HOUR CELLO BAG saying farewell. for acts of kindness, words of sympa- . ICE CREAM 4 ais 89¢ Seamless Nylons Valentine Candv 29 Lovingly rememberéd by Tommy thy. cards, letters and floral tributes the Ontario Supreme and Doris. f during the illness and loss of our dearly; TORONTO (CP) -- Murray|~ ~~ ----. ----| PARTY RICKS beloved husband, a brother, | ; : |Harola --_ cot peoaient International |installed at a separate cold GOLDEN HOUR GOLDEN: HOUR |--Mrs, H. S. Ogden, Mr. and Mrs.Wil-|Fluoridators Ltd., announces/water outlet in the ho | | , | | 4 me, | 16-0 Ox ; " ¥ CARD OF THANK: 'ord ee cream tocae oacaed jthat the Toronto company has| 'The release adds that the unit) FAVORITES CHOCOLATES tb. box 89¢ Pair . Popping Corn Pkg. 19¢ ae oo STINSON -- I wish to thank my (developed a home fluoridator|will cost $295 installed, includ-| i ieMINN -- I wish to thank all many friends, neighbors, relativ nd inki 7 | 1 -¥, . ici ith | friends and neighbors for many. cards priger gyy ste gabe Enfield UCW, tor ae pong Mir ge il the prod pr lend ro oe Oe 5 5 L a lowers. special thanks to Dr,|cards, flowers and gifts sent to Pag Rte anes aspen dy Bhs als. 4 Cesey and to the Reverend J. M. Smith during my lengthy stay rs Oshawa ites: uct is the result of work by| A _ spokesman stated ~ that SPROULE 5) McKENNA 5 MARKET BROWN s MARKETERIA MAPLE GROVE MARKET for his comforting words during rx pital. Special thanks to Drs. Rowsell Bric ; Tor . . : recent bereavement . " and Gill, mares aaa stait of the hospital aig Greenwood, Toronto 'en-|world parents are held and that Corner Simcoe at Mill --Mr, Robert McMinn and 'daugbter,| and kindness of Rev. Crawford. Many Sieer, is six inches tall and/the product will be marketed in- Jean, thanks to all. --Helen Stinson. |three inches in diameter and 15) ternationally. 948 Simcoe Street North Brooklin, Ontario Maple Grove, Ontario

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