Oshawa Times (1958-), 7 Feb 1962, p. 16

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16 on d o- Dee tee ae i we aitieg ---- S522 OSHAWA BOWLING NEWS 450, Dot Brabin 447 (176), Mary Cole s 10-PIN ACTION ee es 422, Amy alker 416, Teresa Conlin 407, Bernice Differ 405 and Judy Bax-| MOTOR CITY MIXED DOUBLES {four points from the Colleges, Hib- ' ter 403, Points mg Gocters ®. Sober six 8, paste pag Ma -- Goof * Shooters 7, Happy Gang 4, Stoms 3, lal meni week goes to Dasemine® = ,Gooters O46, Danes TH+!) saheads 3, Hopefuls 3) Jets 2, No-|the Cromwells, This team wae sxunked|on, Zuson 224.) 200 Games -- Ken Edwards 280, Mike e ® id Names 1, Lucky Strikes 1, six nights last section, It Locke Ruth|Kapple 259, Ruth Parrott 247, Bill Janet Peel, Jim Zambonelli (e222 =. ESE eee eee se eS fe 9 188, Dora DiCesaro 146 and Doris Vann/| 261, 240); Frank Bell 749 (248, 230, 271);| Eddy Gresik led the i, Edwards 223, Dud Morey 717 (248, 213, 256); Wally|and Joyce Porter was Bittorf 704 (212, 321); Chris Collins 694/ladies with 661. At bong, French, | Flo Tuson, Frank Bright, he oo and Ivan Paros sie B: he 298) ;Ron Brown 666 (267, 246); iy handicap she ea , ; l LANDER-STARE CLASSIC [Sern dyer st (a), Hens West ft 'an ana, Durins 2, Cromate | santas, -- Anil ser fre 3 ant, ' 4 637 (2 FY » 5 5 4, . - '@) ee S l es I 1p es CAPSULES--Firing _ his third|2i9) ana Vida Morey 624 (231). |c2aty 286); Soyee Porter 661 CBDR, 06/5, Sresanee a Colleges' a Hibberts S10; Breakers 3, Liste, Aupe 30, Hge consecutive sezics over 600, Ziggie Benkowski 660 (331);|Hillsides 2. iTensions 8, Short Circuits 5, Singles -- Jean McPherson 3353 Joan \2>4)s John Waldinsperger took over|Cherry meTh 'Doug Campbell 244; Vi Janet Peel and Jim Zam-|within one pin of earning a tri-|points . . . McLaughlin Fueldjhe failed to carry that 8th/as average leader with 184 . liamson2i9; Earl Wesilake 21, pin bonelli were last week's "'Bowl-|plicate crest, witb a pair of|take over 'as Charlie Severs|strike. With that game, Jim|In addition to this week's 621, Mae 216; 213; . > ' i his other scores were 623. and Archie Brace 21% 208; "Pat nips 210; ers of the Week". 155's and a 156. leads the way to three points|topped the might off with a : 4 Janet earned the award for|_ cms, -- Auto-MagicCarwash 7, Bill Winters chips in the] great 650 triple. 614... . Tony Lupel displayed! Rik sane De, Same, somes sei Eastway Lanes 0; Russ' City Service 5,| 4,55 h single with 225 _ J.|_ Results -- Coeraites 4, Slapsticks 0;|some of his old form coming) jack James 202; Ev Campbell 201, 200 4 rolling a nice 532 score in the|Colipeels 2; Spooks 5, John's Garage |U8! ee Washouts 3, Wa Hoos 1; Nathan Sunoce|throush with a 608 . . . Substi- S an oo H H . league lead- b Eastway Mixed League. A big|?s Stickpins 5, Aces a ee at Spencer maintains leagu Faeries ce --~ J. Zamboneli @50\tute Bob McHugh led the Lions FIREFIGHTERS MIXED DOUBLES t 209 game was the highlight of|30'5'3; Doreens Gang 4, Cook's Body |i18 176 average, while nearest) Tish Soot oe aera DiCesare|to the only shutout of the night 4 5 , 7 For the second k in-a-row, a her triple, Marie Potts was|soy je i's 4. atran Mote a a ee minum 4, Lali «aia 8%, Ge ragh with 2.008 «ets have i-lmtaa'te Site Tote ac"at| TE SIKTY-SEVENTH ANNUAL MEETING close behind wili: 526. --G. Reid $80 (214), /Eveniss Sales 0: Subway Lunch 4/p,"sobil 44 (209, 202), J. Waldinsper-| Creased their leage lead to four|lorraine Prout bowling a nice triple of 227, 262, ; OF THE High' Se ores j hon: ¢ 200), W. Ver-|4, Crazy Eights 0; Goch Supertest 4, , G. Reid 535, B. Hood 528, C, os 50. hao gg" : Grack 545 (229), F wallece 532, B, Bax- Progress Brand Cothes 0; McLaughlin rice ine and J: igre 525. gra rag? ; a ape al i dandy pie in as tei D. Cole 525 (207), G. Turner|Fuels 3, Mackies Van and Storage 13) 'standings -- Corvettes 14, Nathan esults -- Lions 3, Colts 0, vals! Other €00 triples were rolled by : 207), Men's Major League. The 4 09, G. Taylor 508 (208)|Cadillac Hotel 3, Robinson Motors 1; 9, Slapsticks 9 Bobers 8, Wa|2 Falcons 1s Jets 2, Hawks 1; Flyersiceo, Robinson 675 (252, 225)3 Palin, bing Pcl ecelliey was theland x Gee me ied. Houdaille Industries 3, Blue Boys 1;|Sin0c0, 9. Slapsticks 9 7 % Regents 1s Eagles 2 Chiefs 1. lxcnignt 661 (235, 257); Joe Garrett 617 . Women -- J. Peel 832 (209), I. Cyr|Black's Men's Wear 2, Arts Vending 2;|"Teaging Averages -- Mike DiCesaro m oR Tony' Lapel. 608 (237), Bop | (213- 229): Joan Batten 613 (244)5 Harry breaking of his own record with + Vann, sis (a2), Parker Electrie 2 Jokers 2. 182, 'George Reid 170, Walt Seott_ 178, Keys 603 (203, 239) and Casey Vermoen Bill (237), Doug Keeler 588 |go9 ¢. a sensational 276 game. ; use 488, J. High Scores ---L. McConkey 572) jonny 176, 220). Stew Molloy was the top|u urka 479, F. Bouckley 475, M. Cole a (221), W. Clarke 562 (204), B, Welsh|4a1¢ 176, Frank Sobil 178, Mickey Di- i dnetapey een oa ee eb, 200 singles games were rolled by -- > oT . Peake 466 and L. McLean 460. 544, L, Hall 540 (208), J. Spencer 538:|Cogarg 174, Charlie Andor 172 and 200), Ba Welsh 562 (212) 'a Tur. Mickey Smith 208, 241; sYvonne Cory . shooter in the Masters' Tourna- sy Standings -- Russ' City Ser-|J. Tyson 537, C. Andor $33 (202), C.|ijarry Joyce 171. . s! » George Tur-|057; Doris Vermoen 241; and Audrey le 561 (213) and Doug Vann 561 (206). nt on Sunday, with a five-|vice 30-84, Stickpins 21-90, Auto-Magic|Severs 530 (221), J. Denholm 528 and J. ner Keys 215; Art Tuson 210, 220; Bob Bat- ment y> ice exp League Standings -- Jets, Regents, |ten 226; Ken Gibson 219; Jerry Hickey . Brady 525. game total of 959, as the fourth) John's Garage 2063, Hymin ng 2264,|, Team Standings -- McLaughlin Fuels| LADIES' CLASSIC LEAGUE |royais, Earies, Falcons, Colts, Chita, |i; it ony 209; Ernie MacKenzie WILL BE HELD IN THE week was cumpleted. J. R. Bea- tate 20-67, Spooks 19-85, Leftovers 17-%4-|7, Jokers 6, Goch Supertest 6, Mackies Dora DiCesaro and Dot Bra- ieee rae eel HAN ua ars Neil Mallette 205 and Leo Smith had the day's , Eastway Lanes 1561, Cook's Body|Van and Storage 5, Arts Vending 5,| | ae ca . gang, " r Shop 1480, McHupeels 14-68, Aces 13%4.|Parker Electric 5, Subway Lunch 5,/bin made the difference as the|sperger 184, Mike DiCesaro 183, George| Last Week's Lemon Leaguers are 2 est game, @ ' 58%, 300's 12-71, The Dilly's 12-44, Sab-/Progress Brand Clothes 4, Robinson/Nacchunds scored a 3-to-1 win|Reid 183.,Doug Keeler 182 and George|Ruby Heard 95; Marion MacKenzie 93; Gal 1c@: 0 um us a on. e The top ten are as follows:|,.7n' Motor Sales 11-71, Collpecis 10-51, Motors 4, Cadillac Hotel 4, Dumont the last place Terriers,| 770 1%. Connie Rowden 93; Sylvia Logeman 82; e y 7] e a Doug Keeler 185, Mike Di-| Leading Averages -- G, Reid 183, G.|Aluminum 4, Blue Boys 3, Black's/over the FP Don Marks 95; Al Prout 95; Udo 4 187, Rudy Parizeau 184,|Turner 174, J. Houlding 169, D. Cole/Men's Wear 3, Houdaille Industries 3) Fairley Bouckley was a stand- Schlottke 92; Ken Gibson 90 and Don 2 P M Cesaro 2 ey '1165 and G. McCormack. 165. Les Eveniss Sales 0 Crazy Eights 0. out for the losers rolling a big WAS, BUSY BOXER Heard &2. cS . George Turner 185, Bill Joyce)" Women -- 0. Gunn 161, J. Peel 152,| Leading Averages -- J. Spencer 176, | oy The Bell Ringers are still out in front i ich- i R, Milne 172, C. Andor 172, B. Worsley |198 game. LEVITTOWN, N.J. (AP)--Je- , en oe ici, 108 kad' B. Mothereill 150.7 87F 199 /t0, . Sennott 170 and R. Meitugh 170-| Doris Vann and Mary Mother-|rome ¥. Jefferds, 70, a former| acne samy eamcunes, with 13 pis "an | To receive and dispose of the Financial Statement for the year 1961, the Mickey DiCesaro 175 and Char- sill were in fine form, leading|/boxer who estimated he fought thay are. the Alarmisis, Firaaters and election of four Directors and Auditors and any other business may be brought lie Andor 173 EASTWAY MEN'S LEAGUE | EASTWAY MEN'S MAJOR | the Danes to a 2-1-to-l% deci-|more than 600 bouts between|ie2 mare followed by the Herbuy's|| before the meeting in the interest of the Company, gical § HILITES--Lawrence McCon-|. Two weeks ago, Jim Zambon-|sion over the leading goof-/1910 and 1927, died in hospital|with three. MONDAY MEN'S LEAGUE |ey high for the night withjelli rolled the season's highlers. The second game resulted] Sunday. Jefferds, who used the etokih Fick inadie JOHN DRYDEN, THOMAS J. TEMPLE, John Waldinsperger was the|572 .. . Teammates W. Clark}game of 273. This week hejin a tie but the Danes earned/ring name of Jeff Smith, fought] pons are gatiay toh Suscan President. Secretary. outstanding bowler this week/and B. Weish rank right be-| broke that mark wilh a tremen- the extra point, having the/a no-dccision, 15-rounder against] ater two nights in this section, The with a neat 617 series which in-|hind as Goch's Sweep four|dous 276, just missing $50 when'higher pinfall for 'the night. {Gene Tunney Dec, 8, 1924, Cromwells, Cuberts and took cluded games of 219 and 217. First section .two top teams, Kinloch's and Ontario Motor Sales, have both found the go- ing a little rough in the last section thus far. On the other hand Tuck Tapers, Bennett Pav-| # ing and Union City Body Shop have showr: the most improve- ment. Oshawa TV is the latest entry {nto the leaguc, replacing Charlton Tractors Results -- Tuck Tapers 7, Young's 6ports 0; Bennetts Paving 7, Oshawa TV 0; Dunlops 7, Jackson Sand 0; Sheriffs 7, Ontario Motor Sales 0; In- dustrial Tools 7,: Millwork Building % Union City Body 5, Team No, 5, Town and Country 5, Glen's Texaco FH People's 5, Kinloch's 2. High Seores -- John Waldinsperger 617 (219, 217), Ron Milne 578 (208), Bil Germond 568 (206), Charlie Wat- gon 557, George Reid 542 (222), Bill Moring 535 (208), Pete Small 534 (201), Archie Petch 530, Ken Fisher 528, George Somerville 528, Frank Sobil 524 (208) and Bob Richardson 520. Team Standings -- Tuck Tapers 21, Bennett Paving 19, Union City Body | Shop 19, Dunlops 17, People's Clothing | 12, Ontario Motor Sales 12, Town and Country 12, Jackson Sand 9, Sheriffs Tailors 9, Industrial Tools 7, Millwork Supplies 7, Team No. 5, 7, Glen's Tex. aco 7, Kinloch's 6, Young's Sports 4 and Oshawa TV 0. Leading averages -- Ken Fisher 183, Frank Sobil 183, George Reid 179, John Waldinsperger 176 and Ron Nelson 172. TUESDAY MEN'S LEAGUE g, Doug Keeler maintained his terrific 189 average, firing a 567 triple to lead Scugog Clean- ers to a 5to-2 win over Osh- PRESIDENT'S SPECIAL ! awa Cleaning Coniractors. This j gives the Cleaners a one-point OSE lead in the section. Winders Esso Service edged / : ot ting Se ) SWEET PICKLES ...... «-: i hy : # aereeeeece ©Z. JAR spite Ken McInaliy's 567 triple, which featured the night's high single, a 233. . ' TUESDAY MEN'S LEAGUE PRESIDENT'S SPECIAL ! Other Results --Thompson Plumbing 7, General Aggregates 0; Lander-Stark Oil 7, Oshawa Wood Products 0; Aces. | 5, NUICA 2; Jordan Florists 5, Slo- } e Moshuns 2. v1-FL, High Scores -- K. McInally 567 (233). D. Keeler 567 (202), 8, Hodgson 560, H. : 02. BTLS. Biohm 552 (202, 203), J. Houlding 850 sess aasavcihassuauons (203), J.. Masiewich $28 (223), G. Copp 524, M. DiCesaro 518, A. Jay 507 (20), J. Waldinsperger 504 and G. Price 501. Team Standings -- Scugog Cleaners PRESIDENT'S SPECIAL ! Fancy 24, Oshawa Cleaning Contractors 23, NuWay Photo 20, Lander-Stark 19, Aces 19, Winders -- Service 16, 5 MITCHELLS Jordan Florists 14, Thompson Plumbin: 11, Slo-Moshune 11, Oshawa Wood Proa-| LOBLAWS ALWAYS BUYS GOVERNMENT INSPECTED MEATS ucts 7, General Aggregates 2, NUICA 2. 20-FL. { Leading Averages -- Doug Keeler j 189, John Masiewich 177, John Waldin- sreeeerens sperger 175, Stan Hodgson 171, Mick 4] DiCesaro 171, Ken MeclInally 171 and on oe | FOR UNIFORM TENDERNESS THE FINEST FRESH PRODUCE! PRESIDENT'S SPECIAL ! WOODVIEW PARK ee PRESIDENT'S SPECIAL! aa i HOI The season's new high ladies NOW Ar Te Neny aeeet Brig ts C single and triple were set this WHITE 48-FL. O2. week as Marg Germond rolled BONELESS ROUND LGE. TINS a nice 481 triple, which included shhus ae GRAPEFRUIT «:: The Stickers continued their or * Not winning way with a 3 to 1 win over the second place Jets. The PRESIDENT'S SPECIAL! carven FresHs PRESIDENT'S SPECIAL! Hanky or Chubby Aces whitewashed the last IDEAL FOR COLD WEATHER MEALS! place Selects 4 to 0. fi Sos fa eat ve BRUSSELS ¢ 496, Marg Germond 481 (202), Doris Clark 458, Billie Trivett SPROUTS Peeeesesacsecendcoasvesees 426 d Joan O'Bri 416. Team Standings -- Stickers) PRESIDENT'S SPECIAL ! is, Jets 11, Aces 9 and Selects PRESIDENT'S SPECIAL ! mito, TENDER PRESIDENT'S SPECIAL! Applefords " Leading Averages -- Bill PORTERHOUSE, WING, SIRLOIN CALIFORNIA'S FLAVOURFUL BEST! AXED Clark 156 and Marg Germond : ERESH Ww C : STEAKS or © PAPER ~nar OSHAWA MIXED LEAGUE BROCCOLI APPROX 14 LBS. PAPE aeeoeeresevereccssaeasereess The league's monthly meet- PERBUNCH °**: ORIGINAL BUNCH ing will be held this Wednes- day, Feb. 7, and all members LB. PRESIDENT'S SPECIAL! yvouno, TEeNnveR, crisP1 PRESIDENT'S SPECIAL ! are requested to be present. No. 1 GRADE FROM FLORIDA! va KINGS CHOICE bowler, while practising a "i "pe TASTY Pome srenile | Practising | ai] PRESIDENTS SPECIAL! Grape "A LARGE C oL Tis through the dining room wall, 4To GIZE 24' DESSERT pe ARS eh Johnny? | a. CUCUMBERS .... Picking up points for the r esse q is. come, ere Bu unt tee PRESIDENT'S SPECIAL ! ontario GROWN! "CEE" GRADE! 59 PRESIDENT'S SPECIAL C Big Six 5, Satan's Angels 7, PRESIDENT'S SPECIAL! swiFT's PREMIUM WONDERFUL ALL-FURPOSE |! ) idem i's) Van Mes SPY APPLES eauany SEACLIFF CHOICE dessvebasseneesonsessevesss MABPET nei OZ. TINS Beauty Salon 5, Carl's Barber e Shop 4, Jim Dandies 3, Screw- Rin ess ais oa Gaaaas seas - : PRESIDENT'S SPECIAL! AN EXCELLENT ST. VALENTINE GIFT! DICED BEETS bisecee Big "Goose-Eggs" were earn- : ed by Modern Grill, 'The Flint-| PRESIDENT'S SPECIAL! see COUPON FOR EXTRA STAMPS, BUDDIG 3 5 AZALEA PLANT s "POT EACH stones, Henderson Block, Doug's Barber Shop and Don Down Flyers. sy ; UPPER High Scores -- Harry Joyce 549, Mike re PRESIDENT: Ss SPECIAL ! DiCesaro 549, John Webster 547, Fred Soci tin Sta ea Dons LOBLAWS FAMOUS CHERRY CAKE ° FISH & CHIPS Bit: Randall 525, Jack Lee 524, John Bowers ' EACH ereeeeeeeecses: BKG. 507, Jim Wallace 506 and Bill Ger. mond 501. qdiomen -- Marie Potts 528, Theresa @ FRESH FROZEN FISH -- PAN READY @ PRESIDENT'S SPECIAL! Hostess 39 : ee sai ee eae CHOCOLATE MIDGET MALLOWS sxx Du! risopers srecutt Konty ae: fat wags biter sash doen PRESIDENT'S SPECIAL! Loblaws "Kitchen Pride' 4 4 CONT INENTAL & eaeryay wee zeus CHOICE HADDOCK FILLETS »< 39° BLUEBERRY PIE. geet oe cecoconne cue CHOCOLATES... week with 532, while George Reid and Gord McCormack PRESIDENT'S SPECIAL !--AVAILABLE IN MOST MARKETS topped the gents with 580 a Ease: Cooked White BASS FILLETS » 55° PRESIDENT'S SPECIAL! Available in Most Markets, Frozen

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