{vided facilities for over 22 other;fare League for their leader-| Oshawa Welfare Department, Young and Old Find Response |organizations; provided special|ship; the advisory board, the\the Oshawa Health Department jevents and members of the staff)~ eater Oshawa Community|and all volunteer workers. . jattended educational conferen-| , sh H N ed S Hall lied. \Chest, The Oshawa Times, Ra- 0 Human e€ <a at 1mcoe |dio Station CKLB, the Rotaryi] xcip stomACH SUFFERERS--TRY From the tots: in Nursery|brought order to many families| eens THE GAP | Club of Oshawa, the Oshawa Ki-|]| NEW MAVENE. FEEDS-RELIEVES- School to th d womer i "haotic despair due to debts,| 1% Continuing calls made} yanis Club, the Westmoun: Ki-|] BALANCES. VERY -- EFFECTIVE. bra 65 gp ge in thel , maiet tact rth lomiaetic ris,|4POn our organization show Very|wanis Club, the Get-Together|] MAIL THREE DOLLARS TO P.O. eevee oe Club. the basic hucles During 1961 the Budget Serv. l¢arly that there are many gaps|ciyp, the Cerebral Palsy Parenti] BOX 7002 ADELAIDE $T., TORON- bs ne. ee pes +d ; to be filled", Mr, McNeill declar-| Council, the Y's Men's Club, the|] TO---FOR TRIAL ORDER. man needs are the same, affec- ice handled over $11,109. a , d. "There are times when! Oshawa Police Association, the ' ' : A 23-3474 tion, recognition, security, par-/ Children from Whitby, Ajax, assistance cannot be given do Alawinekly, Wemns's Riiec Dil 7 ticipation and a purpose in life. Pickering, Newcastle as well @8 through Public Welfare chan- | In his annual report on the Oshawa attended the Speech) j s THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, January 31, 1962 7 | work of Simcoe Hall Settlement| Correction Classes on Galurday|ore hen wits te sive mare sant 1 House, the director Harold Mc- mornings and piano lessons were| sonal service and have the free-| 3 ® 7 f gief the programs met the needs' dents. budget, to alleviate immediate ANN LANDERS ; of the community. Varied serv- The After-School Junior Group need. The scope of the work is! of : tendance of over 65,000. Other nastics floor hockey sal . , : St ee tae s, key, plastic|ly enriched by the voluntary] DANCEY S SELF-SERVE R ] ti W m d revealing statistics were: office pasebail, billiards, arts and help, in gifts and services from| elatlves ame interviews with children, 600; | crafts, table games, music ap- many organizations and individu-| 436; visits to homes, 655. eek the: Sbraby: SHOE SALE! . ; PERSONAL SERVICE ven ig =< apiag- te CHARACTER BUILDING "It is a pleasure for me to| Dear Ann Landers: My hus-|promise: Give a party -- open-|simcoe Hall, assumed the re- : ,men F ; | ' . ik 45 ' 4 fo 14 years of age. Through) w = i | jbarid and I are in our middle/house affair. Invite all likely or| sponsibility of the Crippled he sreliuen ot las sien aornea poi Fa age age Hag eg pen c 4 . . | blessed. A few years ago we them to ask her for a date if ' istributi f used|°.. e n ) -- the rounds of adoption they are interested. pv se ag ye coin ee ship. skill in working with them that} |were "'too old." see no reason why you shouldling the year. ely supported: The Oshawa Po-| Mr. McNeill also thanked the | My niece is 17 and pregnant. sit at home with her every eve-| , - lice Association Boys' Club, the} members: of the Women's /Wel-' Neill showed how the flexibility) ;iven daily by advanced stu-| dom to ait LInIEMA 'nly Exe olan ices were rendered to an at- took part in woodworking, gym-|only made possible and is great- office interviews with adults, preciation; folk dancing and the' als, P During 1961 the Women's Wel- These groups were made wn acknowl | x rie tne ' ps : \ ledge and thank the) fare League which operates' mainly of boys and girls from 6 members. of the staff for their) ao8 With Final Drastic Reductions forties, We've always wanted|unlikely prospects. After the/chiidren's School and Clinic and : lchi but were neverjfellows meet Linda it's tél naan 7 a the moral code, fairness. hon-|that it is the attitude of the Lf children wi up 'O/opened a clothing depot for the ..1v self-control and sportsman-| workers to the people and their| lagencies but were told that we' if no one crashes through 1 96.700 articles of clothing dur- The following were all activ-,makes for failure or success." IN DOWNTOWN OSHAWA _|There is no husband in sight./ning. Of course you shouldn't| Te Family Budget Service| Girls' Nursing Corps, the Teen- ---------------------- |We have offered to pay her liv-\go out every night and leave age Badminton Club, The Junior _j|ing expenses in another city/her. If you split it down the}1,000,000 miles apart. So I did Fish and°Game Club, The Boys' |Plus the medical bills in eXx-|middle your mother should be|something about it. : stamp Club. The Boys' Chess} jchange for her baby. She is satisfied. | I went on a diet, and decided Club, the Girls' Teen-age Club, | , jwilling and so are her parents. to loosen up and spend some) Woodworking and Craft class| | Our clergyman is a rock - Dear Ann Landers: I'd like to)money on clothes and in the) for Boys, the Archery Club, the| |headed conservative who is reply to "Idiot Wife" since that|beauty parlor. Then I got my-/Boys' Saturay Morning Basket-| |strongly opposed to the idea. He|Jetter could have been written|self a darned good job. I took) pj; Leagues, the Children's Li-| some night school courses and | said: "Write to Ann Landers.|by me 15 years ago. | C brary and, in the summer, out-| She'll give it to you straight be- "7 too married an attractive,|Sharpened my mind. I began to qoor playschool and the super- HAPPY BIRTHDAY RICKEY eae eys.' 5027? intelligent man and FCO Oe a ae todl in the world vision of Cowan Park. ' ; ; wondered how I got so lucky. I|* : i The Golden Age Club for sen- | i tie | t fa- bite : re i : 2 G Ag ¢ Celebrating his second birth-; and Mrs. Iva Bice, Brooklin, Rieger fled he velatees on vig 1 wert lntadiot to ie and|* Today T have a fine position ior citizens had a serait THIS IS IT . . . Our Greatest January VY. Price i key William, | reat-2 : | solutely nothing to} afta : 4 my|of 150 and met weekly for soc- og: son of Mr. and Mrs. Willam | \"acine" Ftercher and. Mr, (A pregnant gir, "Wwith no hast, TY C60 {nthe busines worid and my of 18 and met vectls for "oC HM Cleqrance! Terrific Values . . . See them Now " , r ig rmetha rletcher an Mr. |/ S- thus § PW) spect. P we f Atkinson, Arlington avenue.| : cieae band in sight" is likely to be One day I realized I was liv-lidiot Wife is a fool to sit around Jubilee Chapter of the Imperial] = Rickey is the grandson of Stewart Bice of e oge panicky and would agree to ing a 12th century life in a 20th| and vaeutte. What I have done,,Order Daughters of the Empire » »: « We must clear balance of Winter Merchan- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Atkinson --Photo by Hornsby |anything. __,|century world. My husband and|she can do, too. provided light refreshments. di k f Spri Stock SaaS RIEIES She could change her mind|I were 800 years and -at least --Idiot's Delight! In addition Simcoe Hall pro- ise to make room for Spring Stock. |when the baby is a few months| -- Campbell Weds Campbell = avarice FREE PARKIN SUDGET TERN in Uni iy st rg | ) In Brooklin United Church = sis steve BLAST 10 DAYS! @ am & Ps A re K % At Brooklin United Church,{alike, in magenta peau de s0i€/pon't do it. on Saturday afternoon, Janu-|with short bell skirts, and ary 27, Sandra Jean Campbell,|matching flowered hats, and| pear Ann Landers: Over the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arch-|carried ,cascades of gold roses, Christmas holidays I had an ie I. Campbell, Brooklin, was gold carnations and fern. lout-of-town guest. She is a cute united in marriage with Alex-. David Campbell, RCN, ofjgirl, 17 years old, and I had no ' Ep : ander Thomas Campbell, son Halifax, Nova Scotia, brother|trouble getting her dates. In| of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Camp-'of the bridegroom, was best fact, every fellow who saw her bell, Oshawa : man. Messrs John Campbell'/wanted to take her out. 4 The Reverend S. yJ. Hillierjand Bradley Campbell were| During Easter vacation 1'm| oe officiated. The wedding musi¢ | ushers. going to have another 17-year-| MID-WINTER STOREWIDE was played by the church or-| hawt t by (old guest, my father's daughter| f ganist, Mr. E. A. Winkler of re "ae avenues bike by his first marriage. I'll call] CLEARANCE! i é Oshawa, and Mr. Irvin Gibson|@PProximately 90 guests, WaS/her Linda. What a spook! She's| e ' t : sang "Because" and "'O Per-/held in the Christian education/taller than most fellows and) : . ; fect Love" during the signing|hall, of the church, Receiving,|she weighs more too. If she had| Thia is it! The final 10 deys of GLAZIER'S © : A of the register, the bride's mother wore goldja pleasant personality it would) or apsigesnl -- any i Mi < Given in marriage by her|Tocade with a matching hatjhelp but she's real Dullsville. | att fe Sve.» » Sees oY : ' Pe hg a ee ba in(and brown accessories. She was) My mother says I can't go| -~ . » see the tremendous bargains now on white peau de soie featuring a|2Ssisted by the bridegroom'sjout during Easter vacation un-| vag : : d lace bodice, and full-length|/mother in blue chiffon over taf-|less Linda has a date, too. If I) LADIES' : ; | sweeping skirt. Her fingertip|feta with a matching feather|fixed her up with any of the| veil was held by a pearl crown,|hat. Each wore a corsage of|fellows in our crowd it would) : ¢ and she carried a cascade of|Toses. be the end of our friendship. | : yed roses, white carnations and| Later, the couple left for a|What can I do? Easter Agony) css ih dus bela oollar Memon ohadee ieee fern. jhoneymoon trip to New York.| Dear Agony: Here's a com-| ef areenn bale, block, megente,. fey : Miss Sharon Campbell, sister|"or going-away the bride wore) turquoise, Royal blue, red and other lovely : of the bride, was maid of hon-|2 black wool suit, with winter/Montgomery avenue, Meadow- shades. All sizes Including helf sizes. eos or. The Misses Sherry Lynn|White hat, black accessories|crest, Brooklin. Values to 29.98 10 00 gee Campbell and Suzanne Camp-|2nd a corsage of red roses. | Guests attended from Whitby, BALR. cs bk s nes bell (sisters) were junior, Upon their return, Mr. and|Oshawa, Toronto, Nova Scotia! Values to 39.98 # bridesmaids. All were dressed Mrs. Campbell will reside on|and Brooklin, SALE Fr j ' ay Values to 59.98 29 98 oe 4 | i A ie FRIENDLY SERVICE EVERY WINTER COAT IN STOCK DRASTICALLY REDUCED Men's -- Ledies' ---- Boys' -- Girls' : ; a ee UNTRIMMED WINTER can Coats | BETTER SLIMs [2 COATS and SUITS | Q.97 to Such @ beautiful selection to choose from.|In @ good range of popular fabrics in such So snug and warm, too. Don't miss these | colours as Royal blue, black, brown, ete. Reg. 39.95 to 89.95. SALE values. Sizes 10 to 20, ond neat anaes SRN {BT FOOL" 299 FF sirvecan cons -- 4.9.50 Co-ordinated Lingerie in carefree "Arnel"' - i Reg. 25.00 to 39.95. SALE and Nylon that drips dry and needs just a i | LADIES' BETTER | the Utterly feminine and ee LADIES' DRESSES DRESS SHOES | WOMEN'S, MISSES AND JUNIOR touch of iron. Taek i We're clearing our entire line of this season's| AND CASUAL dainty yet priced to please Both the full slip . i | latest dresses, Now reduced to fantostic ew, Clearing better fines with most sizes in the | DR ESSES and GOWNS § 4] te 9] i | L low prices. ' vines! and shift gown are being shown in the new VALUES TO 15.98 4.99 VALUES 704.98. 1.00 Main Floor Oe Reg, 16.95 to 49.95. SALE SALE SALE BLOUSES Lower Level 1 4g te 8 spring colors . . .frosty white, soft pink and ' . VALUES TO 17.98 VALUES TO 5.98 sales SAN.E Reg. 3.98 to 12.98. SALE lime green. Sizes S, M, L. ONLY 2.99. ; VALUES TO 19.98 VALUES TO 6.98 % 4 SALE : SALE Wadi 135anNs INTE MEN'S SUITS : WINTER COATS ist mn ete mm SKIRTS and SLIMS All reduced again for.final clearance, Truly ela Si mate. to eke trom tt nash an {Spring stock. All wool and wool blends in : to 16 teen. jthis lot of smart patterns and latest style Lower Level a lg e VALUES TO 19.98 : 9.98 suits, Some with extra pants, ; - Reg. 7.95 to 16.95, SALE i e 1 sate VALUES TO 49.98 VALUES TO 24.98 12.98) su... 2 Mai r : SWEATERS snr OT great buys! Sizes 2 to 6x, 8 to 12, and 10 Al VALUES TO 29.98 VA TO 69.98 SALE eee DOB IY Reg. 7.98 to 16.95 ........++++.. SALE apciptlacore SNOW SUITS Ibex--Flannelette | HALF SLIPS pte oe D-pece ste. All this see You BLANKETS Well-known Canadian mokers. make . . . first quolity, reduced specially for | Hemmed with wide lace, edged this sale, 70 x 90. Reg. 6. ir. | srcnad et, eee aes yee 39 658 3.98 hn ee an ae 4 pink and lime. Sizes 5, M, L. VALUES TO 12.98 f 5 98 oe 5 49 PR Seeticne ° & g oy] Special Rack of MERCHANDISE and More than 66% MARKDOWN " . discontinued styles MAIN FLOOR ALL SALES FINAL -- ALTERATIONS EXTRA AND STILL MORE BARGAINS ON DISPLAY ieeees SDIANIS ATONIIUS Come on in NOW ... ONLY 10 days left for terrific SAVINGS ! VAL f © OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY EVERY WEDNESDAY BIG VALUE @ FRIDAY TILL 9 P.M. Kits 2 | Le . 5 4 FRIENDLY CREDIT TERMS e@ AMPLE FREE PARKING CS y a Pantie Briefs FAMILY ALLOWANCE AND PAYROLL CHEQUES GLADLY CASHED } panorama of silky rayon { ai briefs in the prettiest patterns ! e trims and spring colors imagin- if i P able 49% value. i | | ' LADIES' WEAR LTD. DOWNTOWN 72 SIMCOE ST. NORTH 725-1912 / SHOPPING CENTRE 21 SIMCOE ST. S. ZELLER S 226 STEVENSON RD. S. OPEN FRIDAY i PHONE 723-2294 LIMITED PHONE 723-2209 ehh eer