THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, Jenvery 30, 1962 13 ws 3,000 Estimated ee e e Trujillo Victims SunT0 DOMINGO. (APy=a{wo. Red aren Mr feet light blue- auto sped westward|child, Flor De Oro, and in 1927 ates cae gee vets arin i¢ was 10.15 p.m., May 30, 1961.} But he then fell in love Five miles west of the Do-|Maria Martinez. Ramfis, 27--Keal Estate For Sale/27--Real Estate For Sale|/29--Automobiles for Sale $1,000 DOWN -- three-bedroom brick|'59 CHEVROLET Impala, black, two CALL lbungaiow, Neat and clean with paved|door hardtop, 948 triple carburetors, 793.135 ses aa a FOR A COMPLETE REAL ESTATE SERVICE CARL OLSEN deluxe trim, whitewalls, $500 DOWN--4 bew licence. May be financed. REALTOR 19 ATHOL ST. W., OSHAWA Chambers Says No Warheads For Bomarcs OTTAWA (CP) -- The gov- ernment confirme d Monday that no conventional warheads 23--Apts. & Flats tor Kent|27--Ree! Estate For Sale|27--Real Estate For Sele PARCEL OF LAND FOR SALE 100 x 512 feet 3-bedroom rug brick house on Ritson Rd, South. Aill Near City Services conveniences, hardwood Private Sale floors, mewly decorated, oil TELEPHONE 725-1615 CENTRAL, furnished apartment, hydro, heat included, private bath,-light house- Keeping, after 6.30 p.m., 728-5916. heoted, garage, 2 antennae, Aoply' 108 William Street West. or phone 725-8384, cooking if desired, COMFORTABLE clean room for oe. man, close to North GM. 108 Ritson North or telephone 725-1300. 975 -- FOUR-ROOM, floor ground a refrigerator, close to diate self - contained new stove and downtown. Imme- 725-4569. = WILSON Realtor OFFERS THESE EXCEPTIONAL VALUES This 3 year old brick bungalow has severa] advanteges over many on today's market -- o dining area that will accommo- dote @ large suite, 3 good-sized bedrooms, excellent kitchen, full basement, well decorated and landscaped but, best of oll, priced away below cost. A firm price of $1 1,900 - $1,000 down -- carries for $93 principal, interest ond 'taxes on. one N.H.A. mortgage ot 6% interest, BACHELOR and three room apart- bath, downtown. Telephone 725-1932 or ments, refrigerator, stove, three piece 39 Simcoe Street North, Apartment 3. GROUND floor unfurnished, one bed- yoom apartment, private entrance, re- frigerator, » self contained, close to hospital. Telephone 725-5346. THREEROOM apartment, sink, cup- boards, private bath. Near Sh » South GM. 198 Hibbert Avenue. Telephone 725-1290. THREE-ROOM unfurnished apartment Lrxnol oud beth. Chane ty at carvices Telephone days, 728-6279. THREE-ROOM modern bath, built-in cupboards, he: wine, 5 -in cui F 1. $50 monthly. 965 FOUR-ROOM heated apartment. Private entrance and bath, garage, central, Working couple Tele- phone 728-8835, eek lg Charlie Rankine, 728-3682 HARRY MILLEN REAL ESTATE 728-1679 TIRED ??? Hove you been wasting time looking at over-priced homes? This owner hag priced his home to sell ond is offering his six-room brick home -- 3 bedrooms, lovely rec-room, large kitehen, built-in garage -- all for $13,900.00 with $3.500 down. See it mow, you may be moving, Call Loreen Kellett 723-3770, OWNER MOVING AWAY & ANXIOUS TO SELL $3,000.00 down will buy this 3-bedroom ronch-style ---- low with attached garage in Rossland Manor, Lovely holly- wood kitchen, L-shaped living/dining room, den or recre- ation room in basement. Full price $16,700. Call Loreen Kellett 723-3770 for on appointment to inspect. FOR YOUR FAMILY'S SAKE, SEE THIS!!! $14,900.00 Not just an older 2-storey home -- but o 13-year-old 7-room rug brick, Living room 12 x 18 with built-in bookcases ond Imitation fireploce -- full family dining room 10 x 13 built-in buffet ond china cabinet -- "Main" floor family room 13 x parking, private entrance, close to| 4 (2-pe. bath adjoining) opening unto patio end beautifully -- General Motors, 135! landscoped lot. Modem kitchen 10 x 13 with large eating = erea -- upstairs 3 fine bedrooms and 4-pe. bath. A lovely home -- a fine district. Shown by appointment only, Call Charles Smith 728-8254. S. D. Hyman Realtor 728-6286 $500 DOWN $500 Four-room bungalow, very smart and cleon, situoted close to the Shopping Centre. This home hos oll heating, low toxes, and one open mortgage for the balance. A good buy at only $7,700. See this to- might by calling Lorne Hartford ot 728-6286, A STEAL AT $10,500 it's amazing thet this eight-year-old, 3-bedroom, 5-room brick bungalow should be offered ot such a low price. So spacious, so neat and tidy, this attrac- tive home has a paved drive ond is beautifully of Generalissimo Rafael Leon-jter had failed to produce an idas Trujillo and marked thejheir and Trujillo divorced her beginning of the end of a 31-/in 1935. He married Maria Mar- dynasty. a - tinez late that year. Rafael Trujillo died near his destination that night, the town| HELPED BUILD FORTUNE of San Cristobal where he was|, Marie build the fam- born 69 years before. ily's fortune, estimated at $500,- Many mourned his passing, 000,000. Bank documents seized but not the relatives of thou- ego yielded nearly $30,- sands of Dominicans who dis-|900,000 in her name. appeared or were killed or tor-| Trujillo's military stature did tured for opposing Trujillo. not entitle him to cross caste No one seems to know what|system boundaries. Blackballed happened to bodies of Trujillo/by social clubs, Trujillo ordered victims, conservatively esti-|the club names changed to mated to total upwards of 3,000.|President Trujillo when he ; came to power. HAD GOOD POINTS vengeance he also Piidel Braye is hdewerrgphiocys Tag named parks, institutions, es he was generous, able, : merciful to his adversaries. He ws sama highways after his ad @ fair for organization and) "Ramfis became an army was a keen bookkeeper. Underneath it all was a last- colonel at the age of three. It took him only six more years ing sense of inferiority inherited "s from his humble beginnings and to become a brigadier-general. Trujillo provided the diplo- and ancestry going back to dark Haitian French blood, |MStic springboard from which He was foréver in need of re-|/O7ttio Rubiroso jumped to in- assurance from his associates. ome | . elgg Bs An unnatural fear of death con- i De verted him into a superstitious Oro, but Trujillo remained hypochrondiac. deeply attached to the Paris- His father, Jose Trujillo Val- bred diplomat who provided the po hg Nyy 3 a continental flair the generalis- member was added out of a atmo foi Ms court required misadventure by Jose Trujillo, FAMILY IN EXILE with some still unidentified lo-| The court, now that it has cal belle. been exiled in the post-Trujillo From the beginning, Rafael|turmoil, has been acquiring a Trujillo exhibited great energy|continental flair first hand. Tru- and love of money and medals. |jillo's widow arid youngest son, Later he affected the dress of|Radames, 19th ~ century war lords, plu-|George V hotel in Paris. Also maged hats and fancy uniforms|in the French capital is daugh- with gold and silver trimmings./ter Angelita and several former The American occupation of/Dominican diplomats. 1916-24 gave him his military; Son Rafael left the George V background. and rented a villa in a fashion- After jobs as a telegrapherjable Paris suburb. Radames is nat Strom Zan, Wee. and a guard, he entered the|reported negotiating to purchase Call Buperion eeaai a4 'urniture, ete: /constabulary and attended mili-|a stud farm. South, 728-4873, tary academy. Some 60 to 70 members of the CUSTOM in the Gash), transisior eat onan rg Bh Bains 2 om gard neahers. cous- radio, lowest prices in town. standing cer under is, an -laws, are in os Le t. mee eee Americans, Promotions swiftly -- --_ -- --s followed. en. Jose Garcia Trujillo, a Store, 743-271. 444 imcos gout "| In 1927, President Horacio|nephew of the dictator, shot FOR ice fishermen: Coleman two bura-| Vasquez converted the police es-/himself in Miami Jan. 18, per- er stoves, $11.25; Coleman lenterns|tablishment into a military force|haps in despondency over the Telephone Miller, War ager "| with Trujillo at its head. Tru-|decline in the family fortune. APARTMENT cise upright; Novduele: jillo was to repay him three} Flor De Oro divides her time er, with bench, All new action installed.|years later by betraying Vas-|between suburban Coconut Like new. $300. Telephone 725-2557. |quez in his first step toward the|Grove in Miami and a residence presidency, in Montreal. Trujillo's aged In the meantime, as his al mother is reported li with jillo divorced Aminta Ledesma, |F' Blackstock Scouts Plan Paper Drive Road South, 'ne M0, Sacriton Ser" qe. Saba Telephone 725-5366, BALL bearings and bronze, Mitton Electric and Machinery Ltd., 208 Chest- nut Street East, Whitby, By MRS. OLGA HILL Hooey and George, Peterbor- BLACKSTOCK -- -- - ough.. Mrs. Ashmore entertain e} Mr. Anglican WA and some visitors bell, Coe oF pric oan to a supper meeting in the Rec-/dayg with Mr, and Mrs. Roy tory Wednesday. Turner and girls and Mr. Turn- Canon Ashmore explained ren-|er Sr. We are pleased to offer 2 exceptionally spacious modem brick ranch bungolows at down-to-earth prices. If you would Hke an architecturally designed home, outstanding in price, oppecr- ance ond moterial, call now. 1958 OLDSMOBILE Super 88 sedan, ex- cellent condition. 309 Colborne Street East after 4 p.m. Anytime on weekend. 1957 CHEVROLET deluxe, two tone, two door, 6 cylinder, $850 or best offer. Ajax WH 20914. 1959 PANHARD, only 5,000 original miles, Needs small repair job. Make offer, May be seen at 72 Cadillac Ave- nue 30--Automobiles Wanted VLA APrmoVED property, nice five-|T ie eaionE Auto Wreckers want room bungalow, four-piece bath, allo so. wrecking. Highest prices paid. conveniences, fireplace, two acres of 723-1181, 43 . land. Eight miles from Oshawa, paved 2 road to door. Will Mag aed see 68 lider ¢; home in Oshawa, seven rooms "emer. Telephone MA 3-2930 ask for Anderson, or write Box 7, RR 3, Bowmanville. WILL EXOHANGE two . bedroom mod- ern home for six-room brick home, bal- ance cash, Apply Box 826, Oshawa Times. PAUL RISTOW REALTOR 52/2 SIMCOE ST. N. 728-9474 Residential Form Commercial industrial RURAL HOME Consisting of ranch bunge- low, all modern, with fire- place, 34 acres of land, lo- cated on No. 35 Highway. Taxes $100 per year. Con- tact CARL PRESTON, sales- man DON WILSON Real Estote 184 CHARLOTTE STREET, PETERBOROUGH 29--Automobiles for Sale '56 SUPER Buick, A.1 condition, power brakes, steering, windows, seats, trans- mission, radio, new snow tires, Tele- phone Orono 30 R 14. 1%) 1954 FORD tudor, in excellent running order, good tires, standard transmission, telephone 728-3978. '88 FORD Fairlane, two door, automatic 'V-8, radio, whitewalls, wheel discs, new snow tires. A-1 throughout, Cam be/Edgar's Decor Centre, financed. Stouffville 9-1526, ly West. Room lots of 10 sing! "? {TAO good radio, 725- mae rare SEVEN room house, four bedrooms, two kitchens, living room, bath. $800 low best offer, One mortgage. TWO-BEDROOM apartment, with stove, refrigerator, and facilities, on Simcoe North. 725-6343, 9 to 5 p.m. 26--Rooms for Rent ONE single furnished room, $4.30 week- ly. centrally located, close to bus stop. Apply 163 Simcoe Street South. TWO housekeeping rooms for two gentlemen, in clean, quiet home, cen- trally located, close to bus stop. Apply 128 Elgin Street East. | CARS WANTED Buying a New Car? Sell your used Car to "Ted" Talk "Cash" to the New Car Dealer and 'SAVE', TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 $ ALL CASH $ For clean cars we deal up or down, Liens paid off, NICOLS MOTORS LTD. 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY MO 8-8001 31--Automobile Repairs HOUSTON'S GARAGE and SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- PLETE BRAKE SERVICE, MOTOR TUNE-UP AND GENERAL REPAIRS. 67 KING ST. W. 723-7822 KEMP MOTORS AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION SPECIALISTS WHITBY MO 8-4932 32--Articles for Sale VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes, parts, attach brushes, guaran- teed rebuflt machines, Estimates free. Rentals. Vacuum Cleaner Repair Sery- ice, 728-0591 anytime. HALF priced sale ef Sunworthy redi- pasted and regular wall paper at 34 King Street fle rolls from 32---Articles for Sale SKATES, new and used, sold and ex- changed. Apply Drayton Cycle, 204 Bond Street East. floor. Two rooms, kitchen and bedroom, sink, cupboards, private close to Centre. Telephone 728-9165. NEAR FITTINGS--two or three rooms, new! d, cup boards, heavy wiring, TV outlets, utill- ties included. Parking. Apply 130 Tyler Crescent. CLEAN furnished room in quiet home, central, suit gentleman, telephone '23-9225. Shopping Centre, 2, sso, condition Telephone 725-3744 after 6. complete fe *S1 CHEVROLET sedan, good motor, $7,700 full . Call Lorne Hart-| ' ford st 128-4306, B,D, Hyman Realtor. body Ade needs motor work. 90. Tele bedroom NHA . |Phone ig gh Storms, sereens, newly |'55 CHEY., outstanding condition guar- for the Bomarc-B anti-aircraft decorated, schools, buslapartment in central Whitby. Write to| missile exist. within | 300 feat, Asking | od ta Box 845, Oshawa Times. Egan Chambers, parliament- wn payment to s .. 925 DOWN. Bank finance '55 Chev. $495;ary secretary to Defence Min- Avenue. |? r Phone '725-0009, rahe ne Ree Posten' ae Tee at tear eed xg ister Harkness, made the state- LOOK ! -- $400 SIX room split level bungalow, finlshed|GMC % ton, No reasonable offer re-/ment in a Commons reply to my [recreation and SY, seals a fased. Stewart Motors, King at Thora-/Hazen Argue, House leader of Complete down payment. One |ss00 dewn or near offer. Telephone MO SE prone ge pe CCF-New Democratic Party N.H.A. mortgage, $69 |85463. two tone, fully equipped, radio, ofl #l-| "ZOUP- i monthly. PRIVATE sale, five room brick bunge-|ter, windshield Mr. Chambers said Bomarc low, north east section, Beverly Street.| snow tires. Telephone 725-5459. missiles have been installed at Why rent? Move into one of |Terms arranged. Telephone 725-6396 for SHOP FROM your phone by seanang/North Bay but that the Bomarc | Osh is ani l. 'ow a cog SAN Gs bake ane ibn Cire aoe, -- oh find everything you need. mt ai he nonin me the all conveniences, at your door |¢r trade on house, property, ete, 728-|10#0 FONTIAC Laurentian, two doet,|nigsiiog, step. Start 1962 the ee 9714 or 725-4701, Mr, Martin, aia ete, 725-3182 between'8 and 9 p.m. | He added that no warheads-- 'woy--own r own home, ROOM brick 1% storey on Detached. Private drive. grounds, Huron Street. Home in spot- prerdlg cadets condition, Tow 'mil moe. weir tie to Deltas eae ts less condition. Low Petite fw Agnrved $1,650. Telephone 728-8004, Canada. . . 725-1186 Seon Call's. Macko Realtor, 728-4661. |'54 MERCURY 1 ton pick wp, good) poy) 'Heir er (L -- Toronto- W. T. LAMSON #i.ti0 DOWN. Five room, two bedroom Teiephone MO S61, | Trinity) asked whether it is REAL ESTATE LTD. room, Litehen) lose to high school and government policy to equip the bus line, Easy terms. Newt Hodgson, forces with unarmed missiles. Oshowe Shopping Centre EVENINGS--. * }728-6408. Joseph Bosco Realtor, 725-9870. Mr. Harkness said the ques- MR. McMULLAN, 725-0104 tion was "'not worthy" of a re- After hours please call: MRS. HANDSON, 728-5075 ly. ri 4 ol 723-1231. Paul be pry Np mgs ong Ken Hann, 723-7963 ' NLINE north, six room house, 1% was ruled out of order when he aw CASTLE HOMES hanes land, large garage, suitable for asked external affairs minister wterage, must sell, me ee to Green to state the government's $1050.00 DOWN 725-5068. --, concerning possession of nuclear arms. Full Down Payment y' HEAVY SNOW Built-In range and oven In the winter of 1906-07, Ta- Large deluxe kitchen with marack, Calif., had 73 feet of island snow. Decorated in oils Aluminum storms and screens Aluminum storm doors Ultra-modern bathroom Recreation room facilities Detached private drive Full price $13,735 725-1186 Remember! There's never @ second mortgage on a New Castle Home. Ideally lo- cated, fully serviced. JOHN A. J. Insurance LTD. Realtors 167 Simcoe South Office Hours: 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. Mortgages Arronged, Bought ond Sold, WOODEN storm windows with screens, also Teleph 725-6009 after five p.m. CHAINS and sprockets, Mitton Electric and Machinery Ltd., 208 Chestnut Street East, Whitby. V-BELTS and pulleys, Mitton Electric and Machinery Ltd., 208 Chestnut Street East, Whitby, B. F. GOODRICH Stores -- Tires, bat- teries, Kelvinator refrigerators, tele- vision. Thrifty Budget Plan. 728-4843. ONE forced air furnace with blower, two years old, in good condition. $125, Telephone 725-1409, ELECTRIC motors, Mitton Electric and Machinery Ltd., 208 Chestnut Street East, Whitby, TYPING paper on sale, letter size, white newsprint, buy in bulk and save. 4% Ib. pkg. $1.00, 9 Ib. pkg, $2.00. Circulation Dept., Oshawa Times. ROLLER bearings and seals. Mitton Electric and Machinery Ltd., 208 Chest. LARGE furnished housekeeping room, laundry facilities, parking, apply 63 Greta Street, telephone 723-7800. FURNISHED rooms, close to business section, for gentlemen, reasonable, 160 Park Road North. 1961 AUSTIN 850 in good condition, 18,500 original miles, $850 cash. Tele- phone WH 2-0666. TWO-ROOM furnished apartment, bed- room, kitchen, built-in cupboards, re- frigerator, laundry facilities, private entrance, central. Suit couple. Apply 253 Athol Street East. FURNISHED room. Kitchen to share with one person, all conveniences, Members of O.D.R.E.B, 99 PER WEEK. Breakfast included. Clean hotel rooms, single or double. Nightly rates also available. Telephone 725-0078. MUST SELL Beautiful 6-room brick bun- golow, modern throughout, nice fenced patio. Asking $1,500.00 down, to. Inspect all Mr. Siblock at 725-6544, PRIVATE comfortable clean room for gentleman, close to North General Motors. Apply 105 Ritson North or tele. phone 725-1300. FURNISHED bedroom and light house- keeping room, heavy duty stove, cup- boards, suitable for one gentleman. Apply 63 Grenfell or 725-8721. | TWO rooms for rent, consisting of; kitchen and bedroom, furnished, close| to bus line. Telephone 723-3237. j TWO furnished rooms, bedroom and kitchen, built-in cupboards, sink and/ refrigerator, mear. hospital and down- town. Suit two girls. Also one light room. Teleph 725-5228. FURNISKED room in clean quiet! home, board if desired, central location, at bus stop. Telephone 725-3879. TWO large warm rooms, furnished for light housekeeping, eluding electric refrigerator stove. Heat, light and continuous hot water, central to downtown and shopping cen- tre. Suit working couple, adults only. $15 weekly. Telephone 725-5227. LARGE room, completely furnished for light housekeeping, heat, light, continu- ous hot water, use of washing machine and dryer, central to downtown and shopping centre. Suit working girl, $8.50 weekly, 725-5227. FURNISHED room, for gentlemen, will- ing to share, single beds, corner MARY STREET Owner transferred, must sell -- 6-room spotiess home. Asking only $13,500.00, To Inspect call Jack Appleby ot 725-6544 or 723-3398, LLOYD REALTY LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER in? PONTIAO good Titi, $3.45. Visit Edgar's first, |direction signals, $65. T 2504, CASH hi s FILTER Queen Sales and Service, lib- grill, milk shake, per aden tities Tae Free demon- hi amall safe, | jon, lephone 728-4683, 1954 BUICK century hardtop, radio, |typewriters, Hamilton Office Equip, 137 TYPEWRITERS, 24d road two-door, good T [Brock 8, Whitby, MO 8-844. ale tg pg 723-9343, ; 2 . Hamilton Office Equipment, 137 Brock % -- aoe seats io rigor pone MO 6-6442. Free delivery. ler chesterfields, continent: is, Oc casional chairs, coffee and step tab) ree onianian Galette poo mattresses and table lamps. (Limi |Cleve Fox, 412 Simeoe North. is supply). Also drastic on a 2 = bedroom, kitchen, dining room suites,| BEDROOM, living room, kitchen suite, pianos, cedar chests, room dividers,|freezer, vacuum, te! chest, cof: cribs, mirrora, ete. Don't mise these/fee, step, corner tables, golf clubs. 728-1963 after 5 p.m, tg ead a ig eek While they last! Barons' Home #+/¥%4 TON Chevrolet box trailer: also boat 424 Simcoe Street South. trailer, heavy duty electric range, table USED parts and repairs for all makes|model electric ironer, large oil space of heater. 70 Glovers Road, 725-9783. meat slicer, marker, bil. 1958 PONTIAC station wagon, Lauren- tlan series, automatic, radio, 6 cylinder, good gondition. Apply 59 Wilson Road North. VOLVO THE FAMOUS P.V.544 1962 MODELS NOW ON DISPLAY OSHAWA BLVD. & ADELAIDE $9,900 FULL PRICE LOW TAXES 8-room brick, hot water oll store at William and Mary. hone 728. AE aa EE $10 WEEKLY--Furnished room, small ki lichen, © » stove, entrance, central, suit one person. Teie- decorated and has many more desirable features, For further information call Bob Stevenson at 728-6286. heated, vendor will accept very reasonable down pay- ment. For more information contact Ed Drurmm at 728- Jake & Bill's Garage FINA SERVICE _449 RITSON S. -- 728-0921 wringer type washers, 4 hp motors, $5 to a 5 wash- ers and stoves. Paddy's Market, Hamp- ton, CO 3-224]. BEAUTYREST, Marshall, Simmons and other spring mattresses repaired furniture, ton, CO buying or selling televisions, Tefrigerators, stoves, wash- ers, oll heaters, vacuums, dishes, cook- ing utensils, call Elmer Wilbur, Hamp- tals on the Parish Hall after which he conducted the install- ation of officers. Sunshine secretary reported While strolling Mr. and Mrs. George Wolfe and Mrs. Ross Duff saw a robin and heard it singing near the woods. phone 723-2764. ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home, Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 82 PARK ROAD NORTH 728-8671 BUNGALOW WITH CARPORT Situated in Rossland Manor, this 51%-room. brick bungalow is truly on exceptional property, Nicely landscaped and decorated, complete with storms and screens, large comfortable rooms and pleasant FA oil heating, just living in this home becomes a cozy proposition. For additional information please call Glen MacKinnon ot 728-6286. 5123, just like new. Medium or extra firm. day service, Eiderdowns recovered. Ontario Bedding Co., CO 725-4189. G. E. WASHER $190, Dryer $140 Matched pair, excellent condition, PHONE 728-4646 ICE ON YOUR DRIVEWAY? SIDEWALK? Remove it with rock salt or caitium chloride from: BATHE AND McLELLAN Building Supplies Ltd. 81 King Street West For Free Delivery Telephone 725-4761 T.V. TOWERS 40 « ft. structure with all- channel antenna, all galvan= ized, guaranteed 1 year. 171 Bond St, East, 428-6781 TRIO TELEVISION 171 Bond St. £, 728-6781 VALLEY CREEK FURNITURE 145 KING WEST Next to Western Tire FURNACES, forced air, 10-year-guaran- tee, $2.25 per week, no down payment, Package deal, $130. T 725-4729. SELLING furniture? We'll buy it. Re- frigerators, TV's, wa: » pianos, stoves, ete. For " cash offer contact 19 Prince Street, Phone 728-1131, WE buy, sell and exchange used furni- ture or anything you have, The City Trading Post Stores, 446 Simcoe Street South and 31 Bond Street East, 723-1671. GOOD selection of reconditioned TV's at reasonable prices. Parkway Tele- vision, 918 Simcoe Street North. Your' color store. on cards and boxes sent out and several cards of thanks for same were received. Mrs. J. Hamilton announced the World's Day of Prayer serv- ice will be held in St. John's church on March 9. A quilting is to be held in the Parish Hall Jan..31. Mrs. Ash- more announced that the Vestry meeting his ~ Jan. on It was decided to have a se wares Tikes a wine a oper. pancake supper on Shrove Tues- Telephone T8497" evenige | aay. o MATEREPORE, Qty, Mato ticen required for the bale. tress % size, Good as new, telephone} Mrs, Ashmore displayed the Valentine Tea invitations. Each member took some to send to friends, SKATING PARTY HELD Some 30 persons enjoyed a skating party: on Vines pond along with a bon fire and games on Saturday night; They re- turned to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLaughlin's for lunch. This was sponsored by the ONO Club. Last week the Curling Club received word from Bowman- ville club that three sheets of their ice would be available Thursday night if Blackstock BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. --- OSHAWA Gust East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars, Trade up or down, Liens paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. S, 723-9421 . THE HOME OF GOOD USED CARS BILL WHITTICK MOTORS LTD. 146 BROCK N. WHITBY MO 8-474] WILLIS MOTORS TAUNTON ROAD EAST Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jobnston, Willie and Linda, Bethany were Saturday evening visitors; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wotten and family Purple Hill, and Miss Maxine McKee, Nestleton were Sunday visitors of Mrs. John Wotten. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Horn, Oshawa visited Mr. and Mrs, Fred Trewin and boys and Mr. and Mrs, Albert Wright Sunday. Mrs. Alice Sinclair and Mr. and Mrs. Alex Sinclair, Osh- awa, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Humph- reys, Joanne and Marion, Lind- say, Miss Annabelle Kelly, Brampton, were Sunday supper guests of Mrs. Phyllis Sinclair and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Strong and family on the eve of Bey- erley Anne Sinclair's second birthday. At a group meeting of the Scout committee Sunday night held at the home of Howard Tre- win, it was decided to hold a paper drive in May. Paper from all over the Township will be collected and delivered in one day, The date will be set later. DOWN $1,900 'DOWN Six-room ranch bungalow, ultra modem kitchen with expensive built-in oven and elements, wall to wall broad- loom in dining room and liv- ing room. Three good size bedrooms with sliding closet doors, 4-pc. tiled bath with vonity, natural trim through- out. All this for $14,500.00, Don't be disappointed. Call Bil Horner now ot 728-5123. 27--Real Estate For Sale MODERN five room brick bungalow, east end, open for offers. No agents please, Telephone 725-4654, $2,000 DOWN TWO-YEAR-OLD 6-RM. BUNGALOW Aluminum Storms, Screens Landscaped lot, fenced yard, extras, 723-7818 GUIDE REALTY LIMIT 16 Simcoe St, $/723-1121 SIX-SUITE APARTMENT Situated In a desirable renting area, this income pro- perty offers security for a lifetime. Complete with stoves and fridges, washing machine and bamboo drapes, fully 'rented and centrally located, this in- come unity shows a monthly return of $540.00. For your passport to greater financial rewards please call Howard McCabe ot 728-6286. $700 DOWN 4 year old three-bedroom bungalow, nicely decorated, S G Large Hollywood kitchen. L. S. SNELGROVE CO. LTD. oe NR sy elle eet privet hedge. Aluminum storms and screens through- out. Delay will mean disap- pointment. Call Irwin Cruike shanks at 728-5123. ENCYCLOPAEDIA Britannica, new dition, 24 volumes with book case, cost $380, sacrifice for $250, 728-6031. VIKING wringer Washer, in good con- dition; also double wardrobe with gull length mirrors, Telephone 728-2764. FURNACE, gas (used), excellent working condition, Reasonable, Tele- phone 725-3834, GIRL'S winter coat, size 12, blue, fur fabric lined; three record play- er; girl's bicycle; good condition. 725-5316. $40, REBUILT, rewupholstered tapestry Lazyboy chair, stool, beige and green, uo vere Street South, Whitby, MO Realtors 43 PARK RD. S. GUELPH ST. N.H.A. resale, 5-room, 3-bedroom brick bungalow, @ spotiessiy clean home, 514% mortgage, fully modem in every respect, including aluminum storms and screens, full asking price $12,500 with terms. Call Cy, Preece 725-8761 or even- ings 728-9335. SUITABLE FOR REST HOME 7: rooms, 2-storey brick home, clean condition end modem INCOME BUNGALOW WITH DOUBLE GARAGE Sacrifice price for this brick home on La Salle Avenue, Private apartment rents for $65.00 monthly. Only $2,- ELEOTRIO razor service, Sunbeam, Remington, Schick, Philishave, Ronson, ete. Cords, cutting heads in stock. Meagher's, § King Street West. HARMONY 0. NORTH Situoted cise to Maxwell Heights School, on a large lot overlooking the City. This 6-room ranch home with at- tached gorage has mony ex- tras, Unusual notural stone fireplace in attractive living room, built-in china cabinet ord bookcase planter, stove ond oven as well as roughed in fireplace in bosement, CLOSE TO G.M. 4 yeor old, 3-bedroom brick bungolow on large 50 x 150 ft. lot that carries for $75 interest, Principal and Taxes. EAST END OF OSHAWA Lovely rug brick and stone home in East end of Oshawa, Owners very anxious to sell, For full porticulars call to- day. For full porticulars call 723-1121 irene Brown, Phyllis Jubb, Roy Flintoff, Jean Peacock, Lloyd Corson, Dick Young, Luces Peacock | Open 9 om. to 9 pm. We List Phote Co-op, ide ma ee and shone, grounds, central fo~ cation, as F with ,900 down yet in to on offer. Calj Sid Martyn 723-9810. a GLIDDON AVE. 7 rooms, 1V4-storey brick home, hardwood ond tile floors, modern kitchen, full-size basement, oi! furnace, storm wine dows ond doors, private drive and gorage, on ideal fomily home. Asking $12,500 with terms. Call Cy,.Preece 725-8761 or evenings 728-9335. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Grocery store, lunch counter and 6-room opartment, will ex- for home or farm, store and lunch counter, fully ond operating, shown by appointment only, Call equipped Sid Martyn 723-9810. $400 DOWN 6-room_ brick bungalow, modern kitchen, dining room, living room, 3 bedrooms, 4-piece bath, recreation room, 50 x 100 ft. lot with SS an a 6% N.H.A. mortgage, An one rtunity to own your with a very low down payment. Call Cy. Preece 728:8761 or evenings 728-9335. $1,000 DOWN Neer King St. ond Park Rd. 4-room bungalow, modem kite chen, living room, 2 bedrooms stairs in to attic for enother room, full basement, oi! furnace, private drive ond goroge. Call Sid Martyn 723-9810. MEMBERS OF O.D,R.E.B. 000.00 down. Call Bill Mil- lor, 728-5123. Immediate possession. Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd. Realtor 728-5123 101 Simcoe St. N. Your AUSTIN Dealer We have a goed assortment of Used Cars. 725-033] 728-4401 We buy, sell exchange used furniture, washer, TV, radios and so forth at prices to top anyone In the city. 27--Reai Estate For Sale 40 KING ST. E. 7-room split-level with ent. $15,000.00. Joe Moga 725-919) John Kemp 728-2392 METCALF REAL ESTATE LIMITED ROSELAWN AVE. Longe Balcony off dining room, netural stone fireplace, walk-out basem Must be seen to be appreciated, THICKSON'S RD. N. Attractive 3-bedroom bungalow on large fot; modem kitchen, decorated, landscoped, new oi! furnace. LIST PHOTO CO-OP THROUGH THIS OFFICE AFTER $:30 CALL DIAL 728-4678 attached sarage, family room. Full price only GOOD RECONDITIONED REFRIGERATORS, RANGES AND WASHERS All Parts and Service. AJAX BARGAIN CENTRE HARWOOD AVE. NORTH AJAX -- WH 2-6410 34--Lost & Found curlers would care to use it. In ptance of this Invita- LOST: Terrier dog, grey and white, clipped, answers to Bobby. Brass col. lar, Telephone 723-2646 after 5 5 SPORTS BRIEFS tion, six rinks went out and en- joyed the evening there. REWARD for return of man's lost 21 Jewel wrist watch, "Felt Bros." silver expansion band. Telephone 723- liege Hill on vet dM bs el ie hound, Co! district. 10) 'orrison, teim.|mon from the subject Supposing collar tag. Brown markings, whit Reward. Telephone 725-5265, There was a good attendance at the United Church Sunday morning. Rev. Walter Crawford Enniskillen delivered a fine ser- Him to be Present. The Hi C WOULD brooch that area, gentleman who found allver brooch, Memorial Park area, phone 725-1685 again? Friend ane lost choir sang A Melody of Love The regular service was con- ducted by Canon Ashmore in the 32----Articles for Sale Anglican .church Sunday morn- ing. DO IT Fuli price $10,000.00, Marion Drew 725-7610 Everett Elliott 723-9290 Dick Barrioge 725-6243 BUILDING NOW FREE ESTIMATE SERVICE AVAILABLE AT McCULLOUGH SUPPLIES 128-4688 | 1270 SIMCOE ST. N. (WEST SIDE) Mrs. E. Darcy and Mr. R. Ednie have returned home from hospital, Mrs. W. Bradburn, Mrs. Merrill Van Camp and Mrs. J. Forder are still in hospital. Mrs. Rupt. Werry is home from the rest home in Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs, Russel Mount- joy visited Mrs. Cecil Ferguson, Newcastle. on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Thomp- son, visited Mr. and Mrs. Can- ning, Oshawa, on Sunday. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith were, Mrs. M. Philp, Pine Ridges, Picker- ing and Mr. and Mrs. Bert RESOURCES DROPPING HALIFAX (CP) -- W. 8. Dickie, president of the Nova Scotia Fish and Game Associa- tion, said Monday game and wildlife resources are "at a low ebb in Nova Scotia and get. ting scarcer each year."' Speak. ing to the association's 32nd an- nual meeting, he suggested leg- islation be enacted to protect farmers from the "tragic slaugh- ter" of domestic animals by hunters. RICKEY HONORED PITTSBURGH (AP)--Branch Rickey, retired baseball execu- tive, was presented the 1961 Hu- man Relations Award of the Dale Carnegie Alumni Associa- tion International Saturday. The association called him a "thoughtful human relations apostle" and pointed out that he introduced the first Negro to major league baseball when he signed Jackie Robinson to a contract with Brooklyn Dodg- ers.