The tary' rt There will be a birthday UNITS, GROUPS |read by as. Jack Stacey. The|in the form of a pot "ue 'dreasurer's report was given by|/uncheon. Mrs. William Hen- AUXILIARIES irs ttoend Morris There were|ning served refreshments, m 19TH SCOUT MOTHERS' AUX.|"¢W ™member. embers present and one The regular meeting of the| It. was announced that the SALE!! 19th Scout Mothers' Auxiliary| father and son banquet is to be continues et was held recently at Cedar-)held February 24 at 6 p.m. Fur- 55 KING ST. E, ae re. presided| 'Me? Plans are to be discussed that's ' at next meeting, which will be Model Shoe Store in the absence of Mrs. James White, president the fourth year as an Auxiliary. St. Mary's CWL January Meeting The January meeting of St. Mary of the People Council of the Catholic Women's League was held recently in the church auditorium with Mrs, Frank Donald presiding. The Rev- erend Norbert Gignac opened the meeting with the League prayer. Mrs. Leonard Weeks read the report of the previous meeting and the treasurer's report was given by Mrs. Edward Chevier. Presentations of the CWL scholarships which had been Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, January 24, 1962 7 LODGES AND SOCIETIES SUNBEAM CHAPTER, OES meeting of Sunbeam Chapter No. 73, Order of the Eastern Star, was held in the Masonic Temple. Mrs. Mabel Alpin, Worthy Matron, presided assisted by Mr. Frank Train, Worthy Patron. : After the opening ceremonies, Also welcomed were Mr. and Mrs. Wallace, Markham Chap- ter and Mrs. Margaret Mc- Keever, DD Grant Matron, Dis- trict 12, Port Hope. Roll call showed all officers present. The Degrees were exemplified on two candidates. Mrs. Cora Lyons, Associate Matron, gave postponed will be awarded at the next meeting. The record "A study of Mater et Magistra an Encycnical of Pope John 23' has been ob- tained by the Council for future use. Mrs. Larry Dodds in charge of the religious articles shop requested more assistance in MRS. DAVID HUTCHEON (President) LADIES' 1/Mrs. Dorothy Haley as Marshall s /| presented the. flag. the sick and sunshine report. Mrs. Jean Scott, Conductress,| Letters of thanks were re- introduced the following: Mrs.|ceived for cards and flowers. Grace Jones, DD Grand Matron|There will be a reception in the jon her official visit who was|Royal York Hotel, Toronto, in | presented with a corsage and|March for Worthy Grand Ma-|1,) visiting lescorted to the east; Pastjtron and Patron and their offi- A discussion on future projects - 1|DDGM's Mrs. Meta Moore, Mrs.|Cers. Invitations were accepted took place and the director | Agnes Kemlo, Mrs. Ann Creigh-/for Port Perry, Valentine party|rat.-+ Norbert Gignac requested * ||ton of St. Mary's and honorary|February 8; also Durham Birth-/that the members draw up the of P| member of Sunbeam; presiding|day party February 13; Sun- following program for the year; officers from Durham Chapter,|beam card party February 7. |4 «Night of Cards",the annual '|Port Perry, Whitby, Aloha, On-| Sister Agnes Kemlo received] parish Anniversary Dinner" and tario, Port Hope, also past ger brs yer the Chapter for/the s members from _all| Cleaning flags. i rds 4 | (fees chapters, The 'DDGM complimented|in the near future" (cat, Burgoyne; secretary, Mrs. |" Past Matrons of Sunbeam|Presiding officers and all offi-| Mrs. Ronald Gibbs has con- H yeceun dovons pal Bla bpd |Chapter present were ae C. 6 eRe ag go Pade i sented to convene this event withiyir¢ Robert Clayton and. Mrs. | | I , Mrs. in which they di ili i ' . : . . | ee ita Ny. eae, their work. She complimented i ga en io *: a ee Pann | f |lMrs. D. Haley, Mrs. B. Mc-|Mrs. Kemlo who is counsellor! Members of the French Feder- Pata eoneahon Miss Dulcie |Kinstry, Mrs. Bert Wight, Mrs.|for the Chapter on her work|ation are holding a talent night] spor: press, Mrs.-F. §, Wotton: | A. Kemlo, Mrs. M. Moore, Mrs.| with officers. n February 11, anyone wishing social. Mrs. Geor 6 MacGregor. | M. Dunlop.| Mrs. Margaret McKeever|to take part are asked to con- The officers eure installed i |brought greetings' from Port|tact Mrs. Lucien Chamberland. Canal CD. Cram y |Hope; also complimented offi-|Father Gignac addressed t he uM Ge 1d Ble stole cenitant | SOCIAL NOTICES lcers on their work. members, The new members i the | tine ante . | The altar was very reverently|were especially welcomed as the. thie end wi ie phitt RECEPTION |draped in loving memory o f|well as the old for attending ben elas vead 4 "tha! adi Walter (Roberta) Maiel Mrs. Sara Robertson, Past|this meeting. The members of|P M D y. Raitt. the| Mrs. Walter ive her|ctand Matron, who was an|the council were thanked for|(@tY, Mrs, 0. Nv. taltl, te| Mr. and Mrs. Lorne S. Mc-|(Brenda), Mrs. Stanley Brown|will be happy to receive er! honorary member of Sunbeam|the Christmas gifts received and|treasurer, Mrs. W. H. Jackson, Gill, Centre street, were guests|(Lorna) and Mrs. Mervin Brisco|relatives and friends at the| chapter in particular the Spiritual Bou-|and the dorcas secretary, Mrs. | of honor at a surprise party|(Joan) at whose home the party|home of her daughter, Mrs. Ro-) "yr, Jones quet. Father Gignac spoke on|Robert Clayton. The reports recently celebrating their 35th|was held. ibert Kirk, 297 French street, on gave the farewell "ve assisting the church and stress-|Showed that 1961 had been aj wedding anniversary. | The couple was married in|Saturday, January 27, from ; : ed that personal effort is much|Very successful year. | The party was given by their|Qshawa at St. George's Me-|{0 5 p.m. on the occasion of} more important than, as he| Mrs. Blears thanked the ex-| staffing the shop. Mrs. John Evans, Mrs. Richard Gabriel and Mrs. J. W. Mapplebeck of- fered their help. Mrs. Harry Lack social action convenor still needs additional help for hospi- St. George's Evening WA Holds Election Mrs. David Hutcheon was in- stalled as president of the evening WA of St. George's Memorial Church at its regular meeting held in the parish hall. The other officers are: Hono- 4 rary - president, Mrs. C. D. "Annual Bazaar." It wasicross; vice-president, Mrs. Os-| SPORTSWEAR LTD. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE ONLY ONE WEEK TO GO FINAL DRASTIC REDUCTIONS STARTING TOMORROW - FRIDAY - SATURDAY WHAT EVER YOU DO, DON'T MISS THIS GET HERE EARLY-YOU WON'T BE DISAPPOINTED HONORED BY FAMILY Mr. And Mrs. Lorne 5. McGill Celebrate 35th Anniversary M. Girard, Mrs. DDGM, FABRIC SOFTENERS GOODBYE IRON STAINS | If the water in your locality has iron in it. and chlorine Core but do not peel 1 large ; lace in|Dleach is used, brown or yellow (or 2 small) tart apples. Slice | 44Ncing. Pb wel oer ee on| Stains may result. When bleach very thinly. Add apples and| Guests were present from is to be used, first add a non- green grapes to the chilled gela.|North Oshawa, Raglan, Orono,|Saturday, Februaty 17, at 3) precipitating water conditioner tin mixture. Pour into a 4-cup|Burketon, Pontypool, Bethany, to the wash. The water condi- ring mould or dish. Chill unti]/Bowmanville, Whitby, Enfield,| tioner holds the iron particles' in| firm. Belleville, Peterborough, Toron- Lyndley | Suspension . . . thus eliminating| Te serve, unmould on lettuce|to and Oshawa. | the stains. | or endive. Garnish with un- 0 pared apple slices that have CORRECTION been dipped in lemon juice to The next regular meeting prevent darkening. (If Court-| of the UAW Auxiliary No. land apples are used, lemon} 27 will be held Tuesday, February 6, at 8 p.m. and juice may be unnecessary, since this variety of apple darkens} not 7 p.m. as printed yester- day. less than others.) Serves six. CLEARANCE OUT-THEY-GO 7.98 to 19.95 2.97 to 11.97 12.95 to 22.95 4,97 to 11.97 12.95 to 19.95 §.97 fo 11.97 12.95 2.97 to 6.97 7.95 2.97 to 4.97 39.95 9.97 to 26.97 29.95 7.97 to 19.97 59.50 11.97 to 39.97 75.00 29.97 to 39.97 45.00 9.97 to 19.97 four daughters; Miss Shirley|morial Church, January 15, 1927.|her 74th birthday. ; termed it "commercial charity." |ecutive and members for their McGill, Mrs. Archie Cochrane|Mrs. McGill is the former Fabric softeners are lubricat-/",s" this meeting was com-|support in the past year. | ENGAGEMENT ing agents which give fabrics|,; ' " k h Emma Voysey, daughter of the) yy d Mrs. Daniel Roy|new softness of appearance and bined with the annual '"Mem-| Canon Cross spoke on the ° llate Mr. and Mrs. William Voy-|,Mr.__an } ve-\touch, They i bership Tea", Mrs Leo Mc-\importance of the work of the Salad Apple Ring sey and Mr. McGill is the son|Corbman oleae iy the engage-|touch. They can be used effect- Carthy membership convenor,| missionary groups of the Church lof" he late M d Mrs, Jack|ment of their eldest daughter, ively when laundering bath introduced the new members. |throughout the world. Mrs.) Or t0e Ate Per. a0 TS. J@CK! noris Mary Amelia, to Mr. John|towels, corduroys, chenilles s picked for|David Hutcheon, the new presi-| Shar And Sweet McGill, all of Pontypool. The) ra aah baby cl | Members names picked for|David Hutc' 5 presi-| jcouple have ten grandchildren Plage pa nL | fa aoe ed pie aed a eres. Be-/the special prayers in January|dent, thanked Canon Cross. | issolv | ic (Mis. Fred Zedic, all of Oshawa. | '¢ Sottening the germents.| wero M ' ibbs | Refreshments were served b Poacsice te gees, Gg ag? woe pipe ate ie by thelr The marriage will take place ed polenta eliminate static elec- Sohn Reid egg hice poate Me eas iastioannt and hel i iling w. jeldest granddaughter, Lynda/ajpert Street United Church onjtricity in lingerie and other 1 Mrs C ibe - a 1. om -- sgn Mulville Cochrane and the/caturday, February 17, 1962, at| washable garments which are strong; and Mrs C."MeCarthy:icommittee: Gen, oon, eeraue; 2 capi with "penned wih al. eck. grone to cing in cold weather Ds s ° | |Some ] Carefully pour 1-7 ounce bottle|set 'and a purse of money by|,FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE lautomatic washers disponce nc] =6 PEK YS1O-THERAPIST oe thet cl am ie oe sire smgg- bh hee! Mr. and Mrs. W. 2 mg oho ad ee fabric softeners automatic-| . SCO, a - jally. of the bowl. Stir gently with Mise 'Shirley 'McGin oar' beheld Seosiny Gearvinge of ther Gault : WANTED po ene, motion. Chill)o¢ those present. ter, Dorothy Faye, to Mr. eee fee | Over eighty guests attended.|Harvey Roger Steenburgh, son 5 MORNINGS PER WEEK Meanwhile, wash and halve}, ffet refresh ts were served|of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Vader ¥% cup of seedless greert grapes, |PUlfet refreshments wi | : : i Apply dancing, "wud 404 S408" cemony Is to take place. SIMCOE HALL SETTLEMENT HOUSE | BRAL PALSY SCHOOL & CLINIC wpe te Pur 387 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH--OSHAWA TELEPHONE 728-7525 300 SWEATERS 200 SKIRTS 150 SLIMS 100 BLOUSES 50 SHIRTS 150 CAR COATS 150 DRESSES 50 KNIT SUITS 40 COATS 100 CO-ORDINATES ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. C, iPratt of Lakefield, \wish to announce the engage- |ment of their daughter, Carol) |Lynn, to Mr. Lawrence (Larry) | Bolahood, son of Mr. and Mrs. | Kelly Bolahood of Oshawa. The! wedding is to take place at Lakefield on Saturday, Febru-| ary 3, 1962. 4.95 to 4.50 to 19.95 to 16.95 to 19.97 to 52.50 to 19.95 to DON'T FORGET TO CLIP THIS AD AND BRING IT WITH YOU FOR SPECIAL DISCOUNTS AND PRIZES OPEN FRIDAY UNTIL 9 O'CLOCK SALE "TaunsDAr, 9:00 A.M. 6 yur MI-ANNUAL CLEARANCE BUY AT DICOMT ome SPECIAL SAVINGS ON EVERY ITEM IN THE STORE DURING BURNS SEMI-ANNUAL SALE Clock & Mantel Radios _ a Hi-Fi & F-M Radios The biggest variety and the lowest price. FROM 9,99 15.95 -- SPECIAL -- 15.95 Masterseal \ poi -- All Swiss mode, 21-jewel precision movement, HI-FI RECORDS shockproof, stainless steel back. Watch, yellow or white. Available with free expansion bracelet. 2 year 12". Big name artists guarontee, Limited Quentity. Reg. $36.95. at @ truly reasonable price. Reg. 3.98. Only VANGUARD CAMERA KIT Includes . . . flash gun, eveready batteries G.E. bulbs, gadget bag and FREE 8. 95 Kodak film for 1 year. reg. 18.95 @* WO LOWER PRICES STEREO RECORDS Reg. Value up to 4.98 Limited 1 ay L *, Offer. now Children's Brown or Black OXFORDS and Brown Strap by Guide Step @ Red Carpet Velusto 7,98 | recat 9.98 SPECIAL CANADIAN MADE SHEARLING CUFF CHILDREN'S OVERSHOES Reg. 3.98 Women's Dress and Street SHOES @ Air Step @ Clark's Skyline @ Pinelli GIRLS' NAME BRAND Patent Leather Straps Reg. to CLEARANCE OF DISCONTINUED McBRINE and SKYWAY LUGGAGE , x Y i Transistor |' RADIOS All sizes @ DON'T FORGET TO CLIP THIS AS AND BRING IT WITH You Clip end bri is ad with vou during this sale and you will be allowed 1.00 off any purchase over $5.00 SPECIAL GIFTS if you clip this od and present it on parcsove All Swiss Mode Gents Ladies or Boy's 2 yeer juorantee, Free expension brace- let during our Clear- once 5 Sele ... ba LADIES' HAIR DRYERS Ronson, Torean, Sam- son, Sunbeam, Dom- inion, UP TO 50% SAVINGS NYLONS Reg. 1.39 51? | each All tece holf slip & pontie set. Reg. 2.99 SALE .. 1.99 1 Strand of Genuine 7 MM Oriental Cul- tured PEARLS Sterling Silver Clasp, Attractive Gift Box. 95 i 1 set to @ customer Teble and Travel ALARM CLOCKS S$ Yeor Guarantee 40% OFF REGULAR PRICE Assorted Costume JEWELLERY Reg. selling up to 3.95 Now Clearing tach 19¢ (Limited Quantity) TAPE RECORDERS Lergest Variety, bat- tery operated. Exclu- FROM 34,95 SOUND MOVIE KIT Automotie Zoom Projector .... Transistor Tape Recorder 34.95 Total . 144,85 FREE film and tape og purchase of 9 BOND ST, w. L.A.&B. DISCOUNT DEPT. STORES t10. OSHAWA 728-9521 MOA HLIA LI ONIN GNV GY SIHL di1> O1 139404 LNOG @ CLEARANCE OF DISCONTINUED LINES SCOTT-McHALE MEN'S SHOES In quality Footwear. Reg. to 22.95 SALE ...... 14.95 5000 PAIR SHOES Special Rack Clearance from 2.98 up BURNS (0. LTD. CORNER KING AND SIMCOE "Fine Shoes For The Whole Family' NO EXCHANGES OR REFUNDS ON SALE MERCHANDISE ALL SALES FINAL MEMBER OF; SEI There's Still Lots Of Cold Winter Weather To Come ALL NEW REGULAR FALL AND WINTER STOCK MUST BE CLEARED TO MAKE WAY FOR NEW SPRING STOCK We Carry By Far the Largest Stock of Sportswear in Oshawa ANGORA GLOVES--MITTS--BERETS--HATS SCARVES--VESTS--JACKETS and other items. REDUCED TO 12 PRICE AND LESS A SMALL DEPOSIT WILL HOLD ANY PURCHASE ; | if OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE