THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, Januory 24, 1962 3 Horsemen's Club Has Trophy Night ley White Rose Service Station, presented by Norm James. TROPHIES PRESENTED The following trophies were won by Whitey, owned and rid- den by Billy Leggette, 70 Glovers road, Oshawa: Apple Dunking Trophy, donated by Goldell Homes, presented by Jack Brown on behalf of Mr. Goldman; Patch Race Trophy, donated by Plaza Restaurant, presented by Cyril Smith to Mrs. Marie Leggette; Pony Ex- press Race Trophy, donated by Five Point Stables, presented by Jack Brown; Mystery Race Trophy, donated by Loblaws, Oshawa Shopping Centre, pre- sented by Ken Ogden. The following trephies were won by Blitz, owned and ridden by Jack Brown, Ritson road north, Oshawa: Barrel Race Trophy, donated by Canadian Tire Store, Oshawa, presented by Mickey Barnier on behalf of Fred Smith; The Ladies' Barrel Race Trophy, donated by the North Oshawa Western Horse- men Club, presented by Mickey Barnier to Miss Gail Barlow. The All-Round 1961 Champion Horse Trophy, donated by the North Oshawa Western Horse- men Club was won by Trudy. This award was presented by the club president, Mr. Barnier, to Jesse James, the owner and rider of Trudy. Runner-up to the All-Round WIN ALL-CANADIAN RECOGNITION was Whitey, owned and ridden by Billy Leggette. In third place was Gidget, owned and ridden by Bob Harlock, RR 1, Oshawa. After the presentation of the trophies, Bev Heard "struck up the band" and round and square dancing was enjoyed by all for the remainder of the evening. The North Oshawa Western Horsemen Club would like to thank all the businessmen who donated the trophies, and all the people who attended the eight horse shows iast summer. The club would also like to see all those peopie in attend- ance again this summer, plus many more who are interested in seeing exciting Sunday after- noon entertainment, SCIENCE CENTRE OXFORD, England (CP)-- Work has begun on Oxford Uni- versity's new nuclear physics research centre, which will house a powerful atom-smash- ing machine. Now and then everybody gets a "tired-out"' feeling, and may be bothered by backaches, Pt noth- ing seriously wrong, just a temporary condition caused by urinary irritation or bladder discomfort. That's the time to take Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's help stimulate the kidneys to relieve this condition which may often cause back- ache and tired feeling. Then you feel better, rest better, work better. Get Dodd's Kidney Pills now. Look for the blue box with the red band at all drug counters. You can depend on Dodd's.60 Ajax Crime Rate Drops' But Charges Take Rise and it was on these two streets, where there is a pronounced tendency for motorists to ex- ceed the speed limit, that 28 out of the 38 major accidents (involving 20 injured), occurred. OTHER CHARGES "Charges laid under the} Liquor Control Act showed an increase to 92, from 72 in 1960, while Bylaw offences numbered $8, against 52 for the previous year. "There were 35 charges laid under the Petty Trespass Act, and five under the Juvenile Delinquents Act. "In this regard I feel I should mention what a big difference the opening of the new swim-| »: ming pool made in keeping the! children busy at the end of the} long summer holidays. This is) a time when they are usually more inclined to get into mis- chief. In total the charges laid in 1961 were 618, compared with) ~ 517 in 1960, and increase of al- most 20 percent. 1961 GOOD YEAR "T feel that 1961 was a good year for the Department. The) considerable increase in the) number of criminal charges re-| presented a lot of hard work and reflects improved efficiency on the part of members of the Force. "Compared with other towns of its size, Ajax is a quiet and comparatively crime-free com- munity. However during the hours of darkness, more and more of the criminal element from Toronto is to be found driving around the town, I am sure that it is only the alertness of Constables on night patrol which keeps the crime rate down to a mini- mum." The North Oshawa Western Horsemen Club recently held its i |first Annual Trophy Night Ban- quet at the Oshawa Royal Canadian Legion Hall. A_ hot turkey supper was served to the 150 guests at 7 p.m. by the Le- gion Ladies Auxiliary. Seated at the head table were: Mickey Barnier, president; Mrs. Edith Brown, secretary; Mrs. Peggy Parry, treasurer and Billy Leggette, vice-president. At the conclusion of the sup- per, Mr. Barnier stated that the club, which consists of only 28 members, has very success- fully completed its first year of stiff horse show competition. There were eight horse shows i \held last. summer at Jack Brown's Five - Points Stables, Ritson road north, The shows were held every second Sunday at 2 p.m., and will be the same this year start- ing the May 24 weekend. PLAN RODEO The club is also planning to produce a full-fledged rodeo this summer at Mr. Brown's stables. Mr. Barnier assisted the donors of the beautiful trophies in presenting their awards to the owners of the highest point-win- ning horses for each event. The following trophies were won by Trudy who is owned by Jesse James, RR 1 Oshawa: Potato Race Trophy, donated by Cedar Rail Ranch, presented by Bob Harlock; Flag Race Tro- phy, donated by Wm. Wood- ward, contractor, presented by Mrs. Wm. Woodward; Pick-Up Race Trophy, donated by Peo ple's Clothing Store, Men's and Boys' Wear, presented by} Mickey Barnier on behalf of| Murray Swartz; Pole Bending! ; Trophy, donated by Oshawa Animal Hospital, presented by} Doctor Webster; Special Events| ¢ Trophy, donated by Hambly's| § Beverages, Oshawa, presented by Mickey Barnier on behalf of| 3 Mr. Hambly; Extra Events Tro- phy, donated by Pleasure Val- from this, and ensure their cars are locked before leaving them in their drive-way overnight. TRAFFIC "Charges laid under the High- way Traffic Act increased to 374 from 343 in 1960, and a furth- er 757 persons were cautioned for minor infractions of the Act such as mechanical defects and improper lights. The practice was continued of allowing the offender a period of 48 hours to have the necessary repairs made to his vehicle. "Speeding charges were down from 83 in 1960, to 25, and I regret that this is not any indi- cation of a greater respect for the speed limit by drivers in the town. "Unfortunately it was found possible to put the speed timer out on only a few occasions, due to a man-power problem, and I feel I should again ask Coun- cil to give serious consideration to purchasing Radar equipment AJAX (Staff)--The Ajax crime rate during 1961 was low al- though there was a marked in- crease in charges laid by the ten-man police force, Police Chief George Dunn reported in his annual statement to council this week. In the report Chief Dunn, who has been head of the force since 1959, stated as follows regard- ing crime, traffic, liquor and other charges laid by the depart- ment: CRIME "There was no major crime in Ajax during 1961. It is true to say that the crime rate gen- erally in the town is low, but there was a marked increase in the number of charges laid, from 44 in 1960 to 74 in 1961. In addition 19 charges were laid by other departments as a re- sult of arrests effected in Ajax. "The increased number of charges does not indicate any marked upswing in the number of criminal offences reported to|this year. this office, which were almost) "A big advantage of this identical with those in 1960.|equipment, apart from its much "It does reflect credit on good|greater efficiency, is that it) work in the field of investiga-|can be, operated by one man,| tion carried out primarily byjand I believe it would be a Sergeant Chambers, who has|real asset to the Department. taken full advantage of the ; |ACCIDENTS WORSE courses on which he was sent. | "Accidents investigated de- PATROLS PAY OFF lcreased from 110 the previous "The constables on patrol con-|year to 93, but generally they tinued to do a good job in crime|were of a more serious nature. prevention. With only one cruis-| 'While there were no traffic er to patrol during the hours of fatalities, the number of in- darkness, it is not possible i rae oe increased from 0 35, | | Despite the decrease in the ELMCROFT INKA JEAN Olla, owned by Dunrobin and Elmcroft Farms, Beaverton, Ont., has been named an All- Canadian show cow for the second consecutive year. A year ago Olla was acclaimed Toronto, Dairy Show in Chicago and at the Ontario County Black and White Day where she was also Reserve Grand Champion. Her dam was the Reserve All- Canadian four-year-old of 1960, Elmcroft Hartog Jean Ona. aes as the All-Canadian two-year- old heifer while this year she has won similar honors in the three-year-old heifer class after being a first prize win- ner at the Royal Winter Fair, the International give as much protection to the industrial area as we would like! ; to do. The number of break-|number of accidents the amount ins at factory premises during|of property damage increased the year was small. |by about 25 per cent. -- "There was a pronounced] "The volume of traffic in the increase in the number of cars/Town generally appears to have stolen during the year, up form|increased considerably. This is Royal Winter Fair, Toronto, and at Peterborough Cham- pionship Show. --Photos by Strohmeyer and Carpenter been named _ All-Canadian Holstein Heifer calf for the present show season. She was a first prize winner at the Ottawa and three grandsons, Scott, Kevin and Lori Brown, of Oshawa. The funeral service will be held at the Tubman Funeral Home, Ottawa, followed by in- terment in Merivaie Cemetery, Ottawa. OPEN UNTIL 10 P.M. 1038 KING ST. WEST (Atop Mt. Lawn Cemetery) All Day -- Wednesday Special CIGARETTES 3 xcs. 89" __All Day -- Thursday Special Nyton Fur AUTO SEAT COVERS All sizes, all colors. The WELL, | NEVER! it just doesn't seem possible that such a thing could heppen - and right here in our own City ef Oshawa too! Penee 1 COULDN'T BELIEVE MY EARS| ... when ! heard the girls of the club: telking about it .. but you know me . « « | decided right then and there to go see for myself . .\. end there it was es lerge as life. Baby hungry? It's a cinch to fix really smooth cereal in a flash. Gerber Cereals stir to creamy perfection in seconds when mixed with formula or milk, What's more, the consistency stays smooth throughout the serving. No wonder these quality cereals are so satisfying to a baby. RIGHT BEFORE MY EYES + ee two great shoe soles in one store. AND YOU'D NEVER GUESS . » « in @ hundred yeors how they're doing it, It's fantastic! IMAGINE WHAT THEY SAID . +. they told me that some folks like to fit themselves and some prefer to be fitted with shoes by experienced « but all want bargains. Digestibility assured.,Gerber Cereals are thoroughly pre-cooked and twice-tested to insure easy digestibility. Nutritionally speaking, they have added iron, so impor- tant to your baby's well-being. Calcium and three important B-vitamins--thiamine, riboflavin and' niacin are also added, fitters . . WHY, DID YOU KNOW thet they are having a self serve shoe ; ; sale of odds ond ends from their warmest, newest thing in regular shoe stocks for 10 days, and seat covers. Retail 19.95, then will follow @ full fitting service | shoe sale from the balance of their THURS. 9g 95 stock of better shoes. e ONLY DISCOUNTS... ON EVERY ITEM 2 Centres To Serve You Better OSHAWA Locate In Oshawa Phone Booth neth C. Bath, said in his annual|/now awaiting the Planning new manufacturing space was| In addition, he noted the/give the Bell Telephone Com-| sive of any General Motors of/ Oshawa Harbor. |did not pass without consider-| -- city during 1961 was 56,906|the continuation of Wentworth) phone Company requested that! ja short illness at the Oshawaljat the funeral home before Loma Linda Food Ltd. and|said. Simpson's Home Improvements.|,~.* | his 80th year, | in Oshawa last year was 61,000|be allowed to grow beyond et 4 Reporting to council on Mon-|@ Member of the Beth Zion|at the Armstrong Funeral plant space lost last year was |Lawn Cemetery. that more than $380,000 was/|the area, providing lots of one/store because it was studying|2°Ponto, at 2 p.m. today. Inter-\mRs ROBERT JAMES KNOX industry, Mr. Bath said. servicing these lots, the report placed. He said that the Bell Tele-|Mrs. Wilson R. Norton, 6830! Robert James Knox. Mrs. and Stampings Ltd., by 14,000 : Reeve Pat Sheehan, in com-|the deceased was a daughter of| the, deceased was born Nov. 17, BRANTFORD (CP) -- Brant- the past who displayed their|1935. She was a member of| cally all her life, Mrs. Knox had by 1,000 square feet, Algoma'trict would mean a loss of in- its booth on the sidewalk? he|daughters, Mrs. D. Peel (Mar-| sirvived by two daughters, Miss improvements to local plants in}bylaw would end Brantford lor Ashley, "it sometimes can|. The memorial service will bel aera mis. Fanok Eiey (Aa: year. bring its processing plant up to Gerber Cereals, like all good-tasting Gerber Baby Foods, are prepared by specialists who work in the interest of better nutrition for your baby. AND LET ME TELL YOU they have hundreds of shoes for men, women end children. j RICE CEREAL WHEAT CEREAL OATMEAL CEREAL BARLEY CEREAL MIXED CEREAL PROTEIN CEREAL 1 FOOD 1 WHAT DID YOU SAY? Whot ore ~ prices? They're terrific 10 in 1960, to 20 in 1961. Car|particularly evident on Harwood acres of industrial land was sold|proposal of industrial zoning} AJAX (Staf) -- Ajax Council! Mr. Bath said the 109,161/proposed location of the raillthird phone booth in the Ajax| CINDY Lou jointly owned by According to the industrial|asked the board of works to/cil as a whole. THREE NEW PLANTS | Street. jin the shopping centre to meet! Owner of Glazier's Depart-|will be in Mount Lawn Ceme- 18,156 square-foot plant owned! street, where small manufactur-|the centre, in front of the Speed-| os 23. The deceased, who came| FUNERAL OF . INCUBATOR AREA y i stri ilders. | ittee' f by Guild Industrial Builders works committee's hands for sia in 1882 and married thet e@Sidence, 204 Roxborough| local plants last year totalled|move to a better area and : : : A Ashley, said that his committee|Predeceased by his wife in| Major M. Rankin of the Sal- A survey conducted by the be countenanced in order to/the boulevard in front of Speed- ward Glazier of Oshawa and a of all manufacturing industries | Said. The committee did not ff (Pauline), also of Oshawa, |Eachern, Frank Hodge, Charles jthe pr | , - > ne tery, Dawes road, Toronto. |Strathaven Nursing Home, Bow-| Alberto-Culver Ltd. expanded) s to make an alternative sugges-|the Oshawa General Hospital| '!2ce 1957. tries Ltd , by 10,800 square feet, : W : booth in front of the Speedwash|Wood. A lifelong resident of {@%0 and was married at West- square feet, Henderson Concrete|sented a brief to council 5 "Are we settling a precedent| Besides her husband, Mrs. | Sue was a member of Westboro! feet and Oshawa Engineering by| The brief, one of several stat- think it's right. both of Oshawa and a grand-| Donald Brown (Iris), of Oshawa. Anca Pharmaceuticals leaving) The company said it cannot) tie), both of Kimburn, Ont. and compare a phone booth serv- Home at 2 p.m., | of plant expansion and leased meat inspection bylaw. "Where else .do we locate NEW HAVEN HAD dustrial Commissioner said. | "Tt is the only plausibe loca- Is "romance" unstylish, even higher industrial zoning regula-| 4 pocident of Riverside drive, |Tequired phone booths with the| title to having the first tele- gests that the let's-be-practical ) jum | To conte are i ; The planning board, he said,|believed the bird is spending|>™unelle. prt ie EIR Ht | aoe cits Valentine articls, and see from 49¢ up. owners might well take warning|Avenue, and on Bayly Street, Th New Plants Third Ajax | Industrial Commissioner Ken-;The Industrial Commission is in Oshawa during 1961 and ajregulations to City Council Mr./this week endorsed a works k total of 109,161 square feet of|Bath said. committee recommendation to} . square feet of new manufactur-|spur from the CNR, through|Shopping Centre. However, the) William L. Prouse and F. ing space provided was exclu-/ Farewell Industrial Park to the/endorsation to erect the booth) Roy Ormiston, Brooklin, has commission annual report, the/include in its 1962 estimates} At the first meeting of coun- total new plant erected in tae|Wi..cient funds to provide for/cj] this month the Bell Tele- The commission wishes to|the public's demand. The com-|™ent Store, Oshawa, since 1925,|tery. These new plants erectediestablish an area in an M2 bonctg suggested that one booth| Manus Glazier, died following) Friends are asked not to call by Smith Beverages, a i ers can make a start on small|wash premises, and the second directly. to. Ont f thal uare - foot plant owne: i rt r. Bath y 'ily to Oshawa from the sq p Y\fully serviced lots, M located at the north end bY | Ukraine, Russia, in 1924; was th PAUL (PAT) CLARK The memorial service for Paul In addition, Mr. Bath pointed| The intention, he added, is| ion. Py the total leased viok space|that such industries should not ay Oe Tee menen former Rachael Schwarburg/@Venue, Oshawa, Saturday, Jan. t REQUEST STUDIED there in 1903. The deceased was|2, in his 69th year, was held 52,255 square feet and the totaljerect a good-looking plant. In : 4 the Incubator Area, much lower|had studied the request and/1952. vation Army, conducted the ser- Surviving are a son, Dr. Ed-|Vice. Interment was in Mount ( ; k ee | 7 re aden i Cathmoir, Walter Reid, Lloyd in Oshawa, exclusive of General) The Industrial Commission|+ecommend that a booth be| Funeral service will be held} : , ' y' Motors of Canada, Ltd., revealed|has tentative plants drawn oOf/ptaced in the north end of the|at the Park Memorial Chapel, Halliday and Fred Owen. | more than $2,000,000 was spent|asied the Board of Works to/the sidewalk where the second on new machinery by local|Provide a cost estimate Of|/new tooth was proposed to be' MRS. WILSON R. NORTON |Manville, this morning of Ida} In poor health for five years Jane Armstrong, beloved wife! its existing plant by 20,000 7 square feet, Fabricated Metals Federal Inspection tion as to the location of this|this morning, ppp ark of ig late Mr. | booth. ey rmer Elsi jan rs, William C. Armstrong, | Fought By Packers The former Elsie A. Wood 8. store, said that council had|Oshawa, she was born here ard nai he ae i 1918. ; Products Ltd., by 1,300 square | claiming that federal inspection|been critical of merchants in| Was married in Oshawa May 4, ene s eye DEA: feet, Maple Leaf Tool and Die|of all meat in the city and dis- i i mice Ne as United Church, Ottawa. 480 square feet. In addition, ing views on a proposed meat la Aah on ie deci WeKiaahtes, Mie. Peat ed Besides her husband she is there were a number of smaller|inspection bylaw, says such a "A phone booth is a utility Child, Kimberly Peel, of Os "| Also surviving are three Oshawa accounted for the 25,000 afford to pay the $60,000 it sR eg I eel | s » 25, 3 F it es- square-foot plant loss here last|timates would be required to Friday, Jan./Mrs, Irwin Doig (Phyllis), of ice with apples and pears which 26, Canon C. D. Cross, rector g (Phyllis), are', displayed in front space in 1961 represents a gain aed "Romance" in municipal tax revenue of) CITY AND ja phone booth," questioned Mr. Bath said the Industrial Commission 1s anxious that oe DISTRICT tion? FIRST DIRECTORY unsporting in today's dating? tions than are now available in ,.)... ; existing two in the centre of Phone directory. The list, i : i |Oshawa, reports a robin has ; Po tie sev ke lair a ; approach to marriage is unfair the city. been seen in the area several|'h® Shopping plaza?" suggest- joeued in Peoeun es. 85 | to both women and men. Our " ; 3 ing| Names wh has prepared a draft of such|the winter here. FPP ggapoe ie sell, rent ag gg Ppa did in scrapping "romance" for regulations and these have been) | ' ¥ | ' ie "gex-appeal" we are missing a | 2 ' 1 1 { ' ! ! 4 MUST HANG UP NOW Is Approved report, released today, that 9.3|Board's presentation of its dratt| p> Ss provided here last year. Commission has re-affirmed the|/pany permission to erect. a a ee Canada Ltd. figures. The industrial commission has|able discussion from the coun-| square feet. street through to Farewell|two additional booths be placed| MANUS GLAZIER jduct the services. Interment during the past year include an|zoned city land east of Nelson J 8 y be placed at the south end ofl General Hospital Tuesday, Jan.|Thursday. s S lant owne i | a 10,750 square-foot plan The request was placed in the) jy, Glazier was born in Rus-|(Pat) Clark, who died at his feet. Enlargement of|certain size before having to 4 square 8 day, Works Chairman Owe n|S¥nagogue in Oshawa. He was|Chapel, Tuesday, Jan. 23. 25,000 square feet. standards of performance would|called for one phone booth on industrial commission last year assist growing companies, he} wash. daughter, Mrs. Wilfred Steme-|_ Pallbearers were Donald Mc- spent for plant expansion andjacre and half-acre sizes and has | ossibility. of cutting back ment was in Anshei Kiev Ceme-| The death occurred at the PLANT EXPANSION stated. es Kn phone Co. should be requested|Osler street,- Oshawa, died at| 00x had been in failing health) square feet, Houdaille Indus- 8 : . A menting on the placing of the|the late Mr. and Mrs. Samuel 1896 in March Township, On- Coulter Manufacturing by 4,000 ford Packers Limited has pre- Manufacturing by 575 1 Brantford wares in front of their stores.|St. George's Anglican Church, | Ved in Oshawa for two months.| anutacturing by square dustry to Brantford. questioned, and added "I don'tjilyn and Miss Joy Ann Norton, | }azei Knox, of Toronto and Mrs. 1961. 'Packers' operation. |die), Mrs. Vict . save a life and you cannot held at the Armstrong Funeral| ay tek cee ee The total 145,261 square feet the standards set by a federal of Of St: George's Church, will con- stores." ; ] approximately $33,400, the In- ud 4 | Councillor Edward Wetherall. or Sex Appeal best industrial land should bear HARD ROBIN | "Why not put both of the New Haven, Conn., claims February Reader's Digest sug- REGULATIONS SET ltimes in the past week. It is? Councillor Dominique) 'ssued in February, 1878. sense of values has changed, agreed to by the commission Ashley. 'Any - other town! Other need, put a Classified Sutton Seniors Nip | Uxbridge 44-32 UXBRIDGE A powerful Sutton High School squad edged Uxbridge seniors 44-32 in bas- ketball at Uxbridge. High scorer for Sutton was Barry Fairha with 19 points. Top netter for Uxbridge was Roger Forsyth with 10 points. Uxbridge Juniors fared better downing Sutton 39-26. Douglas St, John was high man for Ux- bridge with 21 points. Tamblyn with 16. | QUELL CAR FIRE Oshawa fire fighters {called to quell a fire King St. E., Tuesday afternoon. broke out in a car, parked on|ice." were would be glad to have an in-! which|creased public telephone serv- Ad in the Oshawa Times. Dial 723-3492. Digest today--40 articles of | lasting interest. Mayor Parish said that it was -- No details of the cause of the|2 Shame that a booth could not fire, or estimate of damage, was|be located in the north end of immediately available. The car|the centre where people didn't is owned by B. Crane, of Co-|have access to a public phone, bourg. Department ambulances|>Ut he suggested that an alter- answered 'six. routine during the 24-hour period ending at 8.30 a.m., Wednesday. GETS CONTRACT Fidelity Construction Co., of Oshawa, has been awarded the} contract for the erection of an addition to the Lindsay Colleg-|i i Tre tender price was $1,056,057.|at 8 a.m., today. | B |the right to install the booth in the south end was passed. calls | Native location should be found The resolution granting the ell Telephone Company NO ACCIDENTS No accidents, or other neidents, were reported in Osh- Top|iate Institute, which will take|awa by the police department, marksman for Sutton was Jack the form of a composite school.|during the past 24 hours endin Pd 6 GLAZIER'S DEPT. STORE 498 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH WILL REMAIN CLOSED ALL DAY WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 24 IN RESPECT TO THE FOUNDER MR. MANUS GLAZIER lot. Get your February Reader's | | DISCOUNT HOUSE 1038 KING ST. WEST (Atop Mt. Lawn Cemetery) |j OPEN: 10 A.M. TILL 10 P.M. DAILY CLOSED ALL DAY MONDAY 728-0311 290 ALBERT ST, | OPEN THURS., FRI. & SAT. ONLY, 10 TILL 6 FRI, TILL. 9 P.M, 728-7071 + «+ | want to call a few more of the girls about this sale. so I'll be secizq| you tomorrow morning et 10 e'clock sharp ot DANCEY'S Downtown Oshawa me oe ol Babies are our business ... our only business! Gerber sasy cereals GERBER PRODUCTS OF CANADA LTO. NIAGARA FALLS, CANADA 6 Cereals--Over 100 Strained & Junior Foods