ASTRONAUT WITH CAPSULE Astronaut John Glenn stands beside the Mercury capsule on the gantry at Cape Canaveral. Glenn continues to train with capsule for his orbital flight. This picture was re- leased Tuesday by the Nation- HEY KIDS WIN A BIG 44 ministration. --(NASA Photo via AP Wire- photo) CAPSULE NEWS New Democrat Advises OTTAWA (CP -- Erhart Re- gier, 46 - year - old former schoolmaster who is the CCF- NDP financial critic in the Commons, leaves next week for British Guiana to advise the government on setting up a tax- ation system. Mr. Regier who has represented the British Co- lumbia riding of Burnaby - Co- quitlam in the Commons since 1953, is making the trip at the invitation of Prime Minister Ja- gan of British Guiana. ASKS TV DEBATES REGINA (CP) -- T. C. (Tommy) Douglas, New Demo- cratic Party leader, said Tues- day NDP officials have ap- proached the CBC with a re- quest for a series of radio and television debates between na- tional political leaders during the next federal election cam- paign. He said the debates would follow the pattern estab- lished 'in the Nixon - Kennedy debates that highlighted the last United States presidential cam- PASS TAX BILL Guiana CPU PRESENTS SALVER LONDON (CP) --Gavin As-| tor, chairman of the council of the Commonwealth Press Un- ion, Tuesday presented a silver salver to Sir Harry Brittain, 88- yer - old founder of the union, | | | al Aeronautics and Space Ad- | NET EARNINGS By THE CANADIAN PRESS | Canada Flooring Co. Ltd.,| year ended Oct. 31: 1961, $88,- 489; 1960, $40,161. Crown Zellerbach Canada) Ltd., year ended Dec. 31: 1961,| $9,400,000; 1960, $8,700,000. | Imperial Oii Ltd., year ende Dec. 31: 1961, $67,700,000, $2. a share; 1960, $61,202,000, $1.9: Newfoundland Light and! Power .Co. .Ltd., .year ended) Dec. 31: 1961, $696,000, $4.93 a share; 1960, $936,140, $4.75. | Slater Industries Ltd., year to mark Sir Harry's recent mar-|ended Oct. 31: 1961, $404,426. | riage. It was purchased with do-| (First annual report, Holds all! nations from members of the|common shares of N. Slater council in most parts of the} Commonwealth, including Can-| Co. Ltd. whose 1960 earnings were $362,516). BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT Delayed TORONTO (CP) -- Members of the Toronto Stock Exchange Tuesday deferred until their an- nual meeting in May a proposal to discontinue domestic arbi- trage, a plan that was stren- WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Senate passed and sent to the White House Tuesday the con- uously criticized by the Mont- jreal Stock Exchange. | A statement issued after Tues- troversial du Pont tax relief/@y's special meeting of mem- bill. It would more than halve|bers said the deferment was the federal taxes E. I. du Pont|made, at the request of the de Nemours and Co. stockhold-|Montreal and Vancouver ex- ers would have to pay if they| changes. It added: receive General Motors stock| 'Zhe governors of the Toronto under a du Pont plan to com-|¢Xchange are convinced that ply with a Supreme Court anti.| domestic holy a ade oy i ; |best interests of the investing a order to get rid of its GM | public and hope that between i now and their annual meeting WILL DECIDE jin May some mutually satisfac- REGINA, Sask. (CP)--T. C./tory arrangement may be ar- Douglas, national New Demo-|rived at between the Montreal cratic Party leader, said in an|and Toronto exchanges, and interview Tuesday he will de-|Perhaps Vancouver as well, cide after he returns from a Pa-|Which will have the effect of cific Coast tour in which con-|@ccomplishing what the Toronto . stituency he will run in the next/€xchange considers the proper pane OE i toe Sai edebtagiatil Take tira toscana atiecidinc to federal general election. His statement followed speculation that he will contest Regina con- stituency. SMALLPOX VICTIM DIES LONDON (Reuters) -- Brit- ain's smallpox outbreak Tues- day claimed its seventh victim amid growing demands for sne- cial measures to combat the disease. Dr. N. J. Ainley, 37, a pathologist who earlier had cared for another smallpox vic- tim, died in the northern city of Bradford, where all but one of the six previous deaths have occurred. Stock Market Drop Abrupt TORONTO (CP) -- The stock market fell abruptly during light trading Tuesday as all sec- tions showed losses. Minus signs greatly outnum- bered plus signs on the indus- trial board, with banks and bev- erages hardest hit. Bank of Nova Scotia dropped one point, as did Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce. Feceral Grain and Steel Company of Canada also were off a point. Gainers included Guaranty Trust with. an advance of 1%, Canadian Tire A, ur two points, and Canadian Tire, up %. On. exchange index, indus- trials were off 3.31 at 604.25, golds .21 at 90.88, base metals 53 at 210.34 and western oils 48 at 118.85. Volume was 4,- 084,000 shares compared with Monday's 5,350.000. In base metals, International Nickel dropped 15 while Fal conbridge gained % and Ven- tures %. Speculative action saw Northgate' dip five cents to $6.10 Lake Dufault advance tive to $7.25. policy." Arbitrage is the system under jwhich stock is bought on one |market and sold on another at the same time in order to take jadvantage of price differences jin the two markets. Its object is| [to keep the prices in various}! |markets at the same level. ANNOUNCED JAN. 10 | The Toronto exchange, in an- jnouncing Jan. 10 the proposal jto discontinue domestic arbi- trage, said the exchange gov- ernors feel it is no ionger justi- jfied 'since communication fa- |cilities now are adequate to al- jlow every broker to execute \clients' orders in the market {Where the best price prevails." The Jan. 10 announcement commented that the New York Stock Exchange does not per- mit domestic arbitrage by its |members, but that arbitrage over international boundaries is permitted by New York, Tor- onto and othe: major exchanges. | Eric W. Kierans, president of the Montreai and Canadian stock exchanges, in criticizing |the Toronto proposal Jan. 17, |said it would build up the New |York Exchange at the expense |of the Toronto.and Montreal ex- changes..He stated that it would | build up two distinct and separ- ate markets in Canada, one based on Toronto and one on the Montreal - Canadian ex- |changes. The Toronto move was widely interpreted in Montreal as di- rected against exchanges there, and Mr. Kierans commented that rather than Montreal be- DIVIDENDS By THE CANADIAN PRESS Empire Life Insurance Com- pany, $1, Feb. 27, record Feb. 'A. J. Freiman Ltd., pfd. Arbitrage Plan To May coming a regional exchange of, Toronto, al! Canadian ex-| changes would become regional! to New York. DEFER PROPOSAL. Decision on a proposal to ex-| tend 50-50 commission splits to! members of the Vancouver and) Canadian stock exchanges, an| arrangement that has been in effect with the Montreal stock exchange for many years, was also deferred. | Howard D. Graham, Toronto! exchange president, told Tues-| day's meeting that discussions are proceeding with the Mont- real exchanges with the aim of} eliminating in the near future] the "curb" section in Toronto} and the "unlisted" section in| Montreal. Stocks now traded on} these sections would be invited) to become fully listed. Mr. Graham also said an; agreement has been drafted with) Chicago's Midwest Stock Ex- change, and now is awaiting fi-| nal approval by the governors} of both bodies. Under the pro-| posal Toronto members would) acquire a franchise to trade on} the Midwest through a corre- spondent. Vote To Decide | Which Union To Bargain TORONTO (CP)--Office and technical workers employed by Local 598 of the International) Mine, Mill and Smelter Work-| ers Union (Ind.) at Sudbury,| will vote Tuesday to decide| what union will be their bar-) gaining agent. | The Ontario Labor Relations) Board announcea that the em-/ ployees will chouse between) their current representative, Lo-} cal 902 of the Sudbury and Dis-| trict General Workers Union, an| affiliate of the Mine-Mill Union, | and Local 101 of the Sudbury| General Workers Union (CLC).| In another representation vote) involving Mine - Mill, the local board announced, 34, civil work- ers of the town of Port Colborne will vote Feb. 1 to. decide be- tween two unions as their bar-| gaining agent. | Local 918 of the Mine - Mill union, the Port Colborne Gen-| eral and Service Midndes Union, is the present represen-| tative of the civil workers. | Attempting to win by tege 8 tion as bargaining agent for the civil workers is the National Union of Public Service Em- ployees. FANCY FOOTWEAR From early times. the Orien-|f tal peoples nave excelled in the! |$1.12%, Feb. 1, record Jan. 30. art of making beautiful om mental slippers. 44 Here's An Opportunity For Every Young Hockey Player In Oshawa and District To Win An Autographed FRANK MAHOVLIC HOCKEY STICK! This Is a Once-in-a-Lifetime Offer! ! Imagine fellows you can be the owner of one of these "Pro." type hockey sticks -- signed with the name of one of the greatest goal scorers in N.H.L. history - FRANK MAHOVLICH - this is a stick that you will want to keep among your trophies. Be the envy of all your friends when they see this big "M" hockey stick, @ Here's All You Have To Do! Printed below are three customer subscription con- tracts. Sign up three new subscriptions to the Oshawa Times. Bring or mail orders to the Oshawa Times office. After the Orders are verified as new customers, you will receive this dandy FRANK MAHOVLICH AUTO- GRAPHED HOCKEY STICK. THIS OFFER IS OPEN TO ANY BOY IN THE CIRCULATION AREA OF THE OSHAWA TIMES PLEASE ALLOW 2 WEEKS FOR ORDERS TO BE VERIFIED SUBSCRIPTION CONTRACT ' SUBSCRIPTION CONTRACT THE OSHAWA TIMES THE OSHAWA TIMES BIG "M" CONTEST : BIG "M" CONTEST BIG "M" CONTEST OFFICIAL ORDER FORM OFFICIAL ORDER FORM OFFICIAL ORDER FORM l agree to have the Oshawa Times delivered to my home for | 1 agree to have the Oshawa Times delivered to my home for ! agree to have the Oshawa Times delivered to my home for a period of not less than 13 weeks, and then on a period of not less than 13 weeks, and then on a period of not less than 13 weeks, and then on Until Order Discontinued | Until Order Discontinued Until Order Discontinued § will pay the carrier at the regular rate of 45c per week. 1! will pay the carrier at the regular rate of 45c per week. 1 will pay the carrier at the regular rate of 45c per week. DATE 6s es cs DATE Sn caas PHONE NO, . o0 <3 DATE. cscs veee « PHONE NOx ic csneeeaeke NAME ...... NAME ....:. Ae MAME Ss ieee hoes sets caw perio aene rin b cana MODRESS. vias bisboanpeches ies entra ners ADDRESS 3 cis'vsac bp cals oss €660 9 ee qbess osu ee a i SOLICITOR'S NAME ADDRESS FRANK MAHOVLICH Was born in Timmins, Ontario, Jan- uary 10, 1938. Plays centre or left wing. The Big "'M" is 6 ft. 1 in, and weighs 194 Ibs. He came to the Toronto Maple Leaf club from Tor- onto St. Michael's in 1958. In his five-year professional hockey career he has scored 109 goals and has 100 assists. In the 1957-58 season he was awarded the Calder Memorial Trophy, SUBSCRIPTION CONTRACT tT ' THE OSHAWA TIMES I SOLICITOR'S NAME |. ...sccccscssccsceseses ADDRESS. 6. ccc PHONE NO. .....