==] THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS [== 16--Female Help Wanted |22--Store Space & Garages|25--Apts. & Flots for Rent|25--Apts. & Flats for Rent/26--Rooms for Rent HOUSEKEEPER wanted to live ih,/mODERN office space, 2,000 square|NEWLY decorated three-room aspart- room apartments /taRGE bright furnished front fooms © mind' three children. Can. have own pfi- feet. B ay King and{ment, private entrance and bath, sink a vaté room, boatd Apply 351/5; atevets, Avetiainle Bl fay 1. 1962.|and cupboards, TV aerial, 323 Simeoe|!0om throughout. Usilities paid, A seas tegieines "ule" po Md, Ritson Road South after seven. Apply 'nana Wise Store, rset South, 725-3243, : able February 10. Telephone 725-3817./Good residential ares, Telephone | RELIABLE girl for day work. Apply| si, space: for rent, #0' x 12, with|DPSTAIRS front room, furnished of un- Faie ih ght housekeeping. het a em. Envoy Restaurant, 522 Ritson Road furnished. Kitchen privileges. Parking. ON! South. No calls, please. pee ogg Sultable fr, light Tepalr OF! cuit one or two. 130 Albert Bireet, tele.|hydro pense, After 6.30 p.m. a Seen Py cingme cen irscaa 4 " a28 WEEKLY for wearing ay 7 for hk phone 725-6662, phone "wand Hiss central, bus at om. close to 3 ses given you as bonus. y vets ouses r ent Ere. fi 4 j.| NORTH west area, ground r, kitchen|General Motors. ly 387 Frocks le Ba egy to Quiet|diningroom, bedroom, bathroom, liv-| Street, 4 ntants Fuel and Wood Painting and Decorating show North American Fashion malt elderty couple, a -- FACTORY hardwood cuttings. Suitable CLASSIFIED AD RATES [it Ae Meladeice Nets Ameena hosted, bus sient rp Ag a = tome, i Telephone 1254150 |parking, dove refrigerator optional. | /OMFORTABLE clean room for gentle. Bervice. Complete Cater cous ltor stoves, fireplaces, fetuses Tole- DODD & SOUTER Ae Chere Fashion Frocks, Lid, 3425 "Industrial lass. Albert, Street Soute: or Tie S007. | teeters: Giaice | 7251200" after 6. ' many cleo Nae. aM. Are 108 | : 728-8535. Bivd., Dept. J2696, Montreal 39. EL ike ta LC oe 5 cheninned bed Bond Street West, 7: . Res. . PAINTING AND DECORATING 3 CONSECUTIVE ; SIX-ROOM, three - bedroom house, a of Shopping|FOUR large room modern apartment, FURNISHED or unturnished bed - a i. 7605, FIREWOOD. ary, good, for stove, fur- GIRL, 21, desires employment .as/Oshawa Blvd. South, oil heated, Centre area; self-contained, stove and|self heated, nace or fireplace. Free delivery. Tele CONTRACTORS peat a Oe 2.25 2.48 awitchboard operator (434 years expert-|age. ~ 725- heavy duty wiring, Near school and ag poem te for Pogay two. Hewty deco- MONTEITH, MONTEITR, RIEHL, and /ohone CO 3-2275. Painting, Paperhanging © Gene 3.75 4.13. [lence Or as dental receptionist, Typing|723.7054 after 6 p.m. 4344, Shopping Centre. Telephone 725-5963, /;3104, Close to downtown. Apply 213 Co., Chartered Accountants, 725-3527, INSERTIONS experience. Telephone 728-5300. Ajax,|POWER TOOLS sold fast when you use Gyptex, Full Wall Murals, . ext . 300 MODERN fi ree|ATTRACTIVELY decorated THREE unfurnished rooms, heavy wir- War namo, ret North Omhawas A3%/ib¢ Oshawa Times Want Ads, Just dial Spray Painting. If not paid within 7 days the |\Go0m bookkeeper wanted for Week |pedrooms, full basement with oll fur-|room apartment including 'range, re|i08., TV outlet, cupboards, 'heat. aad tyr dines te eotouns the BAL lowe HOPKINS and Company, Certi-|start al eats eee, a now to 107 BYRON ST. S., WHITBY Charge poeta ft sii i immediately. Call 728-0811 even-|nace,. Janae Tete $9 ge ae oe gear iengre washer, dryer a, Teen, ae Ne | sim os ft hs gp-fokrl 163 3. 7. an mpany, - c * dey Above rates apply only to origina 8. February 1, Telephone % a tre, +5327, cinta Public Accountants, 172 King - DAYS MO 8-5231 orders for consecutive insertions. rE ys Apply 349 Frontenac -Avenu "< FU b and light house. P * 1|SALES clerk for jewellery store. Apply|FIVE-ROOM two-storey house for rent, enue. LARGE modern three - room apart- Street East, Oshawa, Ontario. 725-3509. | Instruction NIGHTS 725-7426 ubeauent Waeciione' srddted at's Oe eer eaeias" Pelertatel (cre 12 Generel Motors Seuih, Haste] ERRER ROOM unfurnished apartment, |ment, Heinste satrance, hwavy "€i3) Keeping room, heavy daty stove, cup YALE, FEIEDLANDER, HUNTER) LILLIAN MAE MARSH Dancing School, r perience ani all ences. Telephone 723-9221. | vicinity ison and King, » ° na, a Apply 63 G Ma by! and Co., apcoumanse Bankr mpg DEA. Ballet, ata, Peed ee Personal Service pos SS ce Mtl fad = eo peri a or ATED. fara ed Fiver trance and. bath, close to all services. ee cupboard space. West end. 'ine vidhtostenrdlad Lc -- icensed Trustees ankru : iy ay hand Se: ae ielp want room house with bath; o! mace, rea- id +6279. ph corti eR King Street East, Oshawa; B. L. Yale,/Temple, Centre Street. 723-7253. {Mac's Mending Service, 'Mechis "ip.|] 37-50 per month for 3 lines daily. Hlsitter. required, 8 to 5, while mother|sonable rent. Apply owner, 238 Kaiser |THREE room ground floor apartment,|BASEMENT apa Soaitnanty best lights,/20me, for respectable gentlemen, close CA; F. Fi B. Comm., CPA, HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY, Baton, pers Ad, euttad: oOlinis tineed. Each additional tine $1.60 per |i works, steady. Apply Mrs. Deeks, MO Crescent, 725-1212. sun room, stove, washer, water, refr to downtown and hospital, Privile WILSON and BURROWS, Chartered|tap, RAD ballet, Highland. 'Register|ing lessons. 728-2301, ? month, 8-5637. three jow on|serial, 'garage, 'adults, 'McLaughlin|$55/ monthly. Close. "e Beth General |¢S¢s, very central, Telep t East,|now. 424 King Street West. 725-6122. = Each word, initial, abbreviation 4 . For rr Motors, TWO rooms for rent, consisting of Accountants, 114 King Stree' > , a oe WOMAN or girl wanted to look after/7A Highway, wi.a full basement, large teleph 7 kitche: or figure counts as a word. Box || nidren durin: § Live in or out.|iiving room and kitchen with builtin|'¢/ePhone 728-6115, LARGE four-room arate unfur-|Kitchen and bedroom, furnished, close Oshawa. Ronald F. D. Wilson, CAi/THE DOROTHY NEIL School of Charm : G. Edmund Burrows, CA. 728-7554. has started evening classes at the Osh. MODERN GRILL charge 15¢ additional. ; |Telephone MO sink, hot and cold water,|TWO - nished, heated, heavy wiring, near to bus line. Telephone 723-3237. awa Business College. For information All Classified Advertisements |EXPERIENCED waitress, reliable and|¢omplete bathroom, oil furnace, near|with stove, refrigerator, and. laundry |Shopping Centre. "Children THREE rooms, builtia Appraisers telephone 725-3375 or 728-7016. Bar-B-Qued Chicken, Turkey must be in by 5 p.m. ss ig Fe | Ineai. acply to manager, South End|school. $70 monthly. Telephone 985-2339. bce oreyed bos Simcoe North, $65 monthly. Dial 725-1674. ss | and ri » elderly couple j|PRIVATE teacher, student counselor.) Dinners, Fish 'n Chips, Home Hai Pea Gorter ot Thanks Restaurant, 5 Bloor St. East. FIVE room three bedroom home, new. 5 5 p. ae RN upper duplex, two bedrooms, vel a y, $00 monthly, Telephone 728-1076 ere a eeard Broker' ren|0,2e27s" experience, by interview only: AAade Pies id Desserts. which will be accepted until 9 a.m, ||RELIABLE baby sitter Oto Ai Gemnented. 4) Rested, stoems. and | QU ESD Dee a SOc satin athaalan wien Se : a PP Act now. 725-1054, f E and ||while mother works, steady. 'Apply screens, full basement. App) rew | partly 9 rs of appraisal Whitby. Deadline for Lost and. Found and i» . washer, er, monthly. Riverside Drive South. Tele. cd WE DELIVER Cancellations 8:30 a.m. Office ||Mrs. Deeks, MO 8-5637. Street. : lane é rc » Tennoasble rent, Baek, ate one 20-3318, ATTRACTIVELY bi 2 cabot bina Insurance 345 RITSON, RD. SOUTH Hours Daily 8-5, Saturday 8-12, FIVE room, three-bedroom brick bun-|s: THREE room apartment" with" bath FURNISHED ROOMS _ i Auto Parts ALLSTATE Auto 5 Tasurance. Sa 725-3887 REGULATIONS -- ae |17--Male Help Wanted eT b scdlarere Ga Than 723-9610." aa [ROOM apartment with pri.|hatdwood floors, private entrance, to 20 per cent, six months to pay. For The Oshawa Times will not be |iivGpeasE yo, ome with pleasant -- vata*bath and private entrance, heavy |heated, garage i desired. Immediate i 'ood wel weatiie paris aad ae sass: Psion, en ee eee Plumbing and Heating responsible for errors in advertise- sales work. rs or part time. Sell at |EXECUTIVE type home, attached aa. uty wiring, esky bus stop, reasonable 723-4847. Cat teneun Pond 7 -- ries, | 725-1625, a -------- mn, -- ments submitted otherwise than in ities (Tage, Oil heating, modern decorating t, ly 767 ee 145 King Street West, Oshawa,) jALL types of repairs and remodell! writing, not for more than one beter nay Here yee seed cosmetics, throughout, at 70 Harris Avenue. For in- Tent, Apply _Simeoe ) Street South. -- MODERN heated upper duplex, oe bell 728-1607-8-9, Five bays to serve you. L M new and used materials. Reason \] incorrect Insertion of any adyer- |), formation apply 76 Harris Avenue. WO-BEDROOM duplex (upper), close |contained, kitchen, living room, bed- 82 PARK ROAD NORTH awn mowers rates. Esti free, Dial 738-4081. 9.11 tsement,. nor beyond. the' price [lune ates pereitane Simca ee Bada o bus. Rent reasonable, elght minutes |room, dinette, bathroom, good lovatioi 8 . Foley. charged for a, single insertion of iz: et knell hes af paper pe ire ee bungalow, | valk downtown. Telephone 723-4221. parking, ra sceag -y Avaliable Fett 728-8671 arristers WE SHARPEN AND RENT x eee Bet a ae | the advertisement in' which error EeRETIME man with bis P| rm pei pad self-contained), Steyen-|FULLY modern two-bedroom apart-|27 + Telephone 728-8393. BOWMAN, DAVID L., Barrister, Solici- ALMOST EVERYTHING ALLELE occurs. And olso reserve the right phone 728-2383 after 5 p.m. (son Road area, Telephone 725-9087. ment in new apartment building, re-|/THREE-ROOM | basement apartment |27__Real Estate For Sale Simcoe South, 725-9592, Resi. \ eee to classify advertising according | AB hn Behe. ge ae erator, stove, washer, dryer, paved |on bus line, modern, reasonable, ps RET pabsiestivele ) Mk ate Se ie a8. 2 GIVE US A CALL... ' ye its own classification. ISERVICE STATION attendant, prefer-|SIX-ROOM house, rented private base-lparking, 'school' and shopping close.|avallable anytime, television outlet. 301/¥ property, nice five- But if you insist In the case of display advertise- |/ably married, over 35 years, experi-|ment & rtment, Apple Hill, two-year | 728.5282, Gibbons Street, 725-1615. room bung: » four-piece bath; all fireplace, two of | r) | ¥S, BOYOHYN and BILL- STA S iB RUMPARE af N | on the best .. Call ments The. Times will not be held jenced, a aaa and ambitious. panel only. 7257001. 36. |UNFURNISHED $3 room apartment,|FURNISHED three room b acres MAN, Barristers, Solicitors; R. 0. g 3 i f tha: private bath, downtown location ( apartment, three plece bath, washer|!and. Eight miles from Oshawa, paved Humphreys, QC; G. S. Boyctiyn, BA?} CORNER KING AT BURK 57S. responsible for more space nT omhar' te oo ysis, Outnun Ties | FiGWROOW Lome' cen oe aed. [private ae a Samat re, Yasstion Cone apa matt, three pl Oe ae ee Wil Senses ae res W. A. Hillman, LLB, 36% King Lor a eB that in which the actual error hithy, 'Ontart \F D East. Phones: Office 725-1177. .| GUSCO PLUMBING occupies. The publishers endeavour wi ye ari0, for new 8 gas stove, if de- after 1 p.m. phone 725-4391, a ped pb lg ac ag A or write | Res. 725-4604 or Whitby, MO 8-2761; 725-5203. | 23-3224 | i ; to reproduce all advertising matter ||SEVEN delivery men, $1.50 per hour. |alred. Available ly. " CARGE i 3 LY ; Money to loan. 7 and Heating -Hetted correctly, but assume no liability }ICar essential. Write Box #10, p Oaawa| 728-7626, SES [LARGE clean furaiehed soet, codiril, M6 MONTELY (6 oulected Steshh TiKigex 7, RB 2, Bowmanville -- Barrier, geil | 207 Simcoe St. $.--725-5132 of advertisement, if any inaccuracies Imes. BUNGALOW with attached garage for/rates, Telephone 728-8402. four-corner area, decorated, stove, re- ng reggae Sigg mg c| Money to Loan : in any form ore contained therein. |i CANVASSERS wanted for - ting and|sale or rent. on Cloverdale Street, |" oon rane clean room for gentle.|{riserator, hot water. 'Bedroom, living Street East, 723-4943. Mort monies| |CLIENTS' money to loan on first mort-| Public Stenograph air alary andjthree bedrooms, large living - dining) 7" Cisse to North room 'Anpiy 195|T00m» kitchenette and bath. Ask for Mr, available." , _|gage. Mortgage and agreement of see EE bs ee | Apply 375 Myce Street | area. Property, ws as nee poy Ritson Noni ys 'Ghibkons, Fe A Konak a, dokastons Men's Wear, 8 =are eeELWY. Bari "y . . h, ae - oe ed coe "ee! GREER ond KELLY, Barrister, Solicl|Purchased. NHA mortgages oa Mr grins. duvticaling, phot] 2--Personal -- |$100 monthly. 'Telephone 723-2819. THREE-ROOM, seli-contained, base-| very Ca corner Simeoe and Mill LIST WITH LLOYD Dial|Creighton, Fraser, Drynan and Mur-|copy. Complete stenographi ervices. | WILL pact s " tor, etc, 114 King Street E a Free estimates on church and annu week. Write Box a for 40 hours per | ROOM house on Brock Street|Ment apartment. Private nat- N a THEN CALL YOUR gover 3 al 725.2778. Residence phones: J, M./d0ch-__ a reports; bulletins, letters, envelopes. $10 REWARD for information 'oncern- ural fireplace, heavy duty wiring, TV t , pes. % . y duty wiring, Greer, BA, Sc., 725-3368, Terrence V./FIRST and second mortgages. Gale Steno-Serv, 728-6341. Jing whereabouts of Herbert (Bert)|two men to work 8.9 p.m. daily, $00 ioc Ee ie utile pomell outlet, On city bus route, Central Park paging unig. Telephone 725-5433 Kelly, PA, BCL, 726-6832. jagteements purchased and sold. Hen-| |Howard or Mary Burton. Strictly confl-|per week. Write Box 809, Oshawa|ieo" Felephone MA '3-2636. North, adults, Telephone 725-1326. GURL te chars be apeiessaah okies. WELLAND A¥ nick, Barristers, 31 Kin; ---- eo recnrneteenins yp pelea a Mey THOMAS W.lcireet East 7207232. */Rug-Upholstery Service _| ential. Box 704, Oshawa Times. Times. a THREE-ROOM apartment, unfurnished,|other reliable girl, close to bus: line.| 6-ROOM BUNGE | $65, five room bungalow, "garage, ~ pos- CHARTERED accountants' office re- stage * 431 Bloor| Self-contained, heated, hot and cold/Telephone 728-4280. Sree stati "| aus rvpis MORTGAGES [SESE TE came es Stee Leo oe Na ee AP ee ltt me Paring "ened Ga "like "ei LARGE treroom aiariIRL BOW RE] pe PRETO Bony BRUCY V. MACKEY, BA, Barrister! " APR ANIGED OR SOLD ling, 78 Charen 'Street, sai er |/PACHBHUND 'Puppies tor ginle, \s'ght| Moore anc Company, 130 King Street| '25--Apts. & Flats for Rent) <2#t;,¢ bus stop, avaliable, Telephone Tr North General acer, E ra aul Bes Rin test East # =|fS"eho!"Sotr "aac" Sat fesse Ee pes. 6. Siete for Reet fase fa $2,300 down buys. this top Heaesal Hes. 965-7169. el ; N.H.A. and PRIVATE FUNDS pond ao <r Z| 728-1875. RELIABLE, middle-aged man required | SINGLE furnished a ae ee Siees oNSURNSRED three - room apart- $85 MONTHLY, modern indecen resale, no repairs to do, just JAMES A; MacDONALD, BA, Ete,| JOSEPH BOSCO, MTGE. DEPT. |at' Modern Upholstery, 142 Simcoe|BEAUTIFUL baby budgies ready Yor Spe near fehait 23437 privil |Cuadburn 'Biteet. -- " a pein bald Bes andetle, Tetoehone apartment, stove, refrigerator, washer) move in. Extra bathroom § - L . > id | ™ e a it ind Solicitor and Notary Pub. oA South. Call: 728-6451. Free estimates. training, talking strain. Apply Mra i <j 712 aa and dryer, five minutes ge 9 from! plus kitchen unit in bose Se. 'The Commercial Building, 286 King 725-9870 built, re Broad, 114 Elgin Street East. YOUNG boy, to Testaurant busi-/860. THREE nicely decorated unfur. |723-4712 after 1 p.m. South GM. Available March 1.. Apply ment, paved. drive; T.V. rotor; possession in 30 CHESTERFIELDS re-built, re-covered oy ik and '0 " , good ch fe nished rooms, oil heated, sink and cup-| Ty; 235 Malaga Road; 725.6674. Welt. openers, Ontatio, Client parking sel fl opie cag lke new. Why pay more? Our rates Market Basket peed £ cannes Sieve ek bate | boards, garage. Suit business couple. |with stove, refrigerator, and laundry xe peawoou ritneat) darulabel days. availa end Mortgage Broker are 8 ruarar 4--Mar lrant, 8 Bloor St. East. 728-5665 before 2 p.m. facilities, on Simcoe North, Telephone| i oturnished. Apply 496 Siaieoe Breet} Phone Bill Millor et 728- RUSSELL J MURPHY, BA, LLB.,| lattresses re-built. Oshawa Upholstery APPLES, Gpys, graded fancy, for $2.50| 725-6343, 9 to 5 p.m. tit rnished. par ® pod 5123 ? q Barrister and Solicitor, 4 King Street Co., 10 Bond Street West, Dial 725-0311. bushel, rm, Townline North, - Fast, Oshawa, Ontario, 728-271 MONIES FOR Me mile south "ef Taunton. Telephone WE NEED TWO-BEDROOM ree sie reise pa ie a $900. GOWN MANNING F. SWARTZ and RONALD MORTGAGES tail ed dese RELIABLE MEN APARTMENTS. __ [festonsuie rent. Telephone vasaai."|menta in iaplex, near everything. Free! $10,800 FULL PRICE L. SWARTZ, Barristers, Solicitors, No- : 7 ' H. FLIM an@é TROLLOPE, Ontaric taries. Money to loan. Henry, ~~ Monies -- on First |pand Surveyors, 216 Adelaide Avenue| 5S-----Farmers Column with proven solesability. to SURES or teurroom apartment ta lorh war taeinde. camer no. Tele, EAST-END NEAR POWER ais ing 6 = gg . aerci = : % per onnum |£ast, Phone 725-6881. row sale = 130 pales of straw. Ap-| 'epresent the fastest-growing All conveniences, In apart- apartaient batlding, large stove, refrig-|phone 728-1203. STORE : cme withou' lu DONEVAN AND FLEISHMAN, Ontario|ply A. O'Bri R No, 1, Brooklin,| food company in. 'Whitb i ind $95, jetator, z a CREIGHTON. FRASER, DEYNAN 094] Mjonies also availoble on | Oa nN COLE MMAN: Ontario|ply A. O'Brien, R a ar YY Pek thes rah stole hed parking, 68 Wayne Street, 725-2938, |TWO-Carge) room apartment, aa Cl. tach. Sousica. iii' . THREE-ROOM apartment 'in private |Charles treet Oshawa. no money to spend here after S » Solicitors, No- ' ears ov di EES ORP CONT Ree EEO tary Pantie Bask of Commerce Bldg.| Second Mortgages. ing, 11 Ontario Street, 725-5633. TOP MONEY for dead and disabled CALL MO 8-587 4 4 ) Apt. 5. 725-9341. home, all' conv FOUR-ROOM apartment for rent at 84| you move in. Coll Ed Drurim collect, 24-Hour, seven-day service. or telephone 726 Apply 7 Pacific Avenue Simcoe Street North. Telephone 723-2118 tee 728.5123 % Simcoe Street North, 723-3446. T. K. Mortgages and Agreements TV 2 Radio Repairs farm stock. R. Vivian, Markham, 1169J, or 725-4462, Creighton, QC; N. C. Fraser, QC; G. K. for Sale purchased. Drynan, G. L. Murdoch. NHA mort gages arranged. M, F. SWARTZ makes. Thompson "Electronics," 151|11--Articles for Rent "ie Lage rg yo 4 a 1 and 2 BEDROOM |stonenx tour-room "apartment at a5 DONALD BLAKE DODDS, Barrister) Short-term ond Builders' {Elliott Avenue. 723-9792 (Fred). ee Fone i. BUND Mary Street, equipped with refrigera-/26_. Rooms for Rent $700. DOWN $700. and Solicitor, 26% King Street East.) 4004 t bl Dishes, Cutlery, Glosswore career with a long establish- APARTMENTS tor, stove, washer, dryer. Adults only. Telephone: Business 723-2201. Resi. moar Shc. aronooe bat Bee Be lage Br Bh Blom (all sizes), Silver ervice hawa industry? This is Telephone 723-2511. ONE large room, sult one or two per-| 3-bedroom brick bungalow, dence 728-5373. Baa Bie Wide th es Mh pte gyrate Appliance Service,| sets, Silvet cande.abra (single, t a door to door or night $85 'and $95 LOW 'rental apartments, $87 monthly, |£0ns. close to bus and soutlt General) hollywood kitchen, alurinurn JOSEPH PF. MANGAN, QC, Barrister, a ig >t. . 140 Simcoe South, 728-4873 double, triple), Bun boskets, calling job, but a position TH two' bedrooms,. four-piece bath, refrig- storms and screens Bolieitor.. Money to loan. Office 14% Oshawa, Ontario 723-4697 With o Grint fur if SIMCOE ST. NOR erator. and: stove, in new apartment|FURNISHED room with small kitchen, King. Street. East, Oshawa. 276822.) Registered Under Mortgage Bud vases, Ash trays, Auto- chest Ti iodo ee All conveniences, parking, |bullding. Telephone 728.3377. [refrigerator and stove, separate en- Residence 725-3405. Brokers' Registered Act. 1 V TOWERS matic percolators {all chrome, lusiasm an inl tlative ore edults, PRESTONVILLE Road South -- uffur- trance, central, for one person. Tele- Id. Coll Irwin C MeGIBBON and BASTEDO, Barristers, 10-44 cups capacity), Punch applied in the right \propor- 5-3302 nished four rooms, bath, full b phone 727-3764, eyed rwin Cruikshonks Solicitors. Clients' funds available for 361 GIBBONS ST. bowls, Ice. buckets) etc. --~ tions, PHONE 725-3 private entrance, TV antenna, garage, |NIGELY furnished light housekeeping} 'todoy ot 728-5123. Sat mortgages, 20 times tareaacs| «© MORTGAGE 728-8180. | SARGEANTS RENTALS, : Sine teleghene SIRT. leaorian Geoeeaae Ra Coe ae MARY ST. Edgar F. Bastedo, Qc. Terms. Open evenings. 725-3338 Write Box 838 Oshawa Block to. Simcoe in = FURR aL pepa: |North General Motors. 725-2251. 6 ee 1. : Solicitor, Notary. Public, sin Simcoe LOANS | "OSHAWA T.V. -- |12--Articles Wanted Times, -aiving. : hechoround, OOM Fie nope, at esd. Te ft dovlved ruttabie'tor lady. er geatio | down, oll heat, bath, garage, Free Survey | age and previous selling ex- 2-BEDR phone 725-8132. man. Park Road South. Telephone 728- reasonable _ with low down North, 728-2991, Res. 728-2765 A 4 ! Ks ; ; el eee yA EM ORES =F SALMERS, BA, Bartister, Solel eo -- ____ond Estimotes, SHAW perience. High school educa- THREE unfurnished rooms, stove and one I, ge, opts., - $90 00 refrigerator optional, Private bath |90 PER WEEK. Breakiast included. open mortgage, Ask om Bill: af and entrance. Utilities paid. Parking.|Clean hotel rooms, single or double. Horner at 728-5123. tor, etc., 13% Simcoe Street North. a : tion essential 723-1101. Residence 725-5542. iness, summer properties. AUTO WRECKING CO. ae tice Tae t8l. Rereene | SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT IT Reasonable. Telephone 726-6108. Nightly rates. also available, Telephone a .| Members of Ont. Mortga ee? f yreckiny . . RUNDLE, Barrister, Soli goge piss ants cars for wrecking. 0 tltor, and Notary Pub 28% King) Brokers Assoc, TO ee | Parts for sale, also scrap iron ABILITY AND 725-4218--725-8680 THERE lean Benes | zeus, Private Boosie rer -- Lloyd: Realty (Oshawa) -Ltd., a -1763. i rri f hroom, - TWO farni is bed and i ee ee J. E. Horris, F, G. Harris and metals, etc., bought AMBITION AVAILABLE NOW. cutie' Davita catranse, Avibaus tan. Kitehen, bullt-in cupboards, sink and te- Realtor, : and R. C. Bint ba Open Saturday all 'day. Ph mi : Seenheoping SUMMERLAND | call 128-5286 725-2311 89 BLOOR E, | Tht#_c~ whet count with | MODERN APARTMENTS [siect risa." "7 = Pr ikesiverstie Aegon tan bee] 54, 720-5128 nd us. no je or education. 7 ae ping room, * . N. L. SCHAPELHOUMAN SECURITIES [AR Siento Our 'well estoblihed Ioeai | SBN, fo. laundry: focil-. |SURIES Sek meetie, peewee apon id ws f apartment, building, Telephone 728-1934. OSH , MITED business hos grown to the --------| COMPLETE eng 8 112 SIMCOE ST. Ny OSHAWA S "ELECTRONICS WANTED point where we can now offer | "ental. Mo 8-3092 THREE-ROOM apartment, xitchen WHITBY CLASSIFIED z $ P tead x ti, and basement, cupboards, heavy RETURNS, PHONE 725-3568 | 74) Towers | SAND FEATHER CRS | teste Cartas | or 101 Croyen Ra Ant. 5 (ig, Mie" Seer e + NOW | WER Deer Hides and: Raw' Furs have good character, car, After 5 p.m. <aaite aEREET Cine Fook bait 686 OSLER STREET N OSHAWA All galvanized, no paint (collect) Sales experience is helpful, ed, sink, cupboards, refrigerator and |CAR FOR SALE? Bring hayere right to/SEPTIO tanks cleaned. Walter Ward, he fu with fast-action wa 204 Chestnut Street West. Tel 1. TURNER not essenticl, Our stimulat: TWO BEDROOM aaa "prakerad wees ts ies Cia ha. Dial new |MO #-2563. " ve 12 FOR THE FIRST TIME LEN & LOU'S not esser ildi 723- be 5 ing training program will lead sults ; Building Trades ANTENNAS 3-2043 - 723-3374 to excellent earnings with DUPLEX Ne Bod weed Bad MEN'S SUIT GALE: Ratire sek of all|TOR RENT! Thies roomed aif com a em cacohian anal ther benefits. Telephone dults N ri k, kite a ? d & 3 d - Completely private four-room, heated $47.50. Good range of shades and |& only. Immediate possession boards, recreation rooms, ete. Call wn, | n r 728-5804 or 725-7844 MR. CARNIE 728-7331 549 Lansdowne Drive, 20 apasunber, on second floor. Lovely and ing ay sizes 36. to 46, Also we have |Phone after 5, MO 8-2780. Wilkins, 723-1231 nights only. 4 bright. Evenings, apply 13-Athol. Street|/men's all wool sport raat in FOR RENT: Three bedroom home fs ALL types of building repairs, roofing, MORTGAGES cluding chimneys, fireplaces, sidewalks, stoops. |13--Business Opportunities ved PARLOR for rent, furnished, ; fi foot living room, two large V--Ren central location. For further informa-| .. . for confidential inter- ' West. Harris tweeds, sizes 36 to 46. Reg-/Whitby, near shopping, school and T Rentals |tion, telephone 723-4807. anytime. view. Evening appointment if bedrooms, plenty of cupboard FWOBEDROOM apartment, one block |$32.50. and $35.00, now only $15.95. Mer-|puses, newly decorated, storms, et ge BOOK, and tobacco store, centrally lo-| desired space, hugh kitchen with Jim King and Simcoe Streets, Mod- Chg Department Store, Whitby, On-|s reason- | | | | | | . M t aise . Pi ; Bee. Sot | | Purchase your de-humidifier |eated in Bowmanville, doing substan. table and chair area, tiled ern kitchen with «large dining area. | tari able rent. T 655.3637. | | | $10 down -- $7 per month, tial turnover, Building includes store /18--Male or Female Hel bathroom. Immediate poss- leat FOR BENT: Three REPAIRS, » clocks and jewel- estimates. Phone Harry, 723-2413 Remove the dampness from hey er ea ania be ieee | | Wanted P ession. Open for inspection, heat = fie raprsitigg bk? yice baile a copes is ear ~~ lary, 24 hour service. 35 years in watch- L AND B ROOFING. Specializing in} @ Low monthly payments your basement. Rent a tele- |ate sale. Kowal Real Estate, B three blocks north of King -- |798-1673, ruary 1. Telephone MO 8-4864. Midtown Furniture, Brock Street North, tar and gravel, asphalt shingles, metal @ No Bonus vision --- only $7 per week | ville, MA 3-2453 evenings. J. A. Barton,|MARRIED couple, man to operate gas| - Street on Wilson Road North DOWNTOWN area, two-bedroom apart. RENT; One bed apariment| Whitby. MO 8-4981. Sets: eee ee ee Fs oe from [A 2908 ot F. Mowal, MA 386ep. (pumps, women to manage sosak bet! to Lansdowne Drive. Coll [ment private Satie, Bewy aasreten lie anata: Gemilang piste te Sees BRESEMATGNG sults, coats, dresses, , R . ; and fit. SFECIALTENG ia, rooting sae fore] WITHOUT LEGAL FEES! All work guaranteed. Free est-'@ Discount for prepayment | THE KIND OF MAN you'd want in Some capital required. Telephone 725- A : iz- jk ood floors, parking. One 'child ace, in Brook-! alterations, mates. mates. Telephone MO beens = = e Loans Life Insured MEAGH ER'S head ee i? ae reading _ Oshawa |°°*° lnadte Sem ie aUceh 7508) Taser herd e, in quiet aivale' home. Tele-|1in. Fs nacmond Fevers fie alterations, slip covers. G s; MO CERAMIC, plastic wall tile, woodwor'! mes Want s tomorrow, Place your qi hone 728-4061, pase cachet neon eee 8-272. Tom: 5 KING ST. W, 723-3425 "1 120--Room I 728-4651. | THE PETS you want are offered in the Free esti- offer where he'll see it. Cali 723-3492. and Board or Douglos Gower, - - =" Tt Za Chace section. Check ge DENES Apap mies. Work guaranteed. 728-0050. | NO LEGAL FEES! mates. ork guaranteed. 7 B | ! } bath. ; e haw. : a : : Trade School | ¥OR YOUNG gentlemen, friendly ae furnished apartment. Private righ mately 630 sheets of letter 'a typing i Ep Ii peren Apreny lg aan eet EXCLUSIVE ral, one Meta ley aloes te Oshawa's Finest ro se ailsabell Btecet 725-8100, |FOR RENT: Furnished apartment, self)PaPer (news print) for only $1.00. Ap- tral, near North General Motors. 725- clate, 242 Elizabeth Street. 725-8106. Oshaw: rag Auply, Oe /L1it Dandas Street Weak : neys built and repaired, gas linings READ TO SELL your business? Sell| stalled, farnaces vacuumed, Free esti- SUPERIOR jit with dependable Oshawa Times FRANCHISE 7687. 51 Colborne Street East, THREE-ROOM apariment, heavy duty|Anderson Street, Whitby or mates. 723- Classified Ad, Dial 723-3492 now to start ROOM AND BOARD for one or two PARK LANE wiring, kitchen cupboards, heat, lght|/0 8-3276. _|8.C. SERVICES. Complete bookkeeping service for small DISCOUNT LIMITED jyour ads, $2,500 for Exclusive Fran- girls, or light housekeeping, in private and water included, $65 . Apply 'weekly, Telephone 723-4553. 119 Central' Park Blvd. South or tele- WESTINGHOUSE eet pre: WE BUILD. REPAIR AND "THE FASTEST-GROWING on on new product with (wet Nome. "Telephone 723-4553. MODEL | : Weil Drilling-Digging all-year demand, a. EC ALL : : 3 BOS erica cu. |" CoMpANY OTN. |RSS ie: FBS | "Tk phone rabies ee APTS. | MALL APARTMENT LAUNDROWAT, Eee BOARDS, es 17 SIMCOE ST...N. BOX ST)" FOR THE Seer value in living accom "BACHELOR SUITES he 1 oe San es - 80.16 xsi sali HAR 25 clean-outs. Tile OSHAWA TIMES modation the lowest price, tele- Builder - ¥ Gu ewonane eReonn phone. 728.0084." 14--Emplo Wented (ee the bes fee feos" 1 BEDROOM SUITES | Apply: Sere : T§ room apartment, 728-5210 yoaily until 5:30. p.m | mployment COMFORTABLE home for. clean, re. LOGUE APTS. ry i lng a9 Wednesday until 8 p.m. | TED VEENHOF MIDDLE aged Sean eae desires sob Pe escent dean yo at heer eae 2 BEDROOM SUITES | 795 King St. E. MO 8-3725. wr aetinds by agvumeen | nn re" amily. Telephone 7355348 2 eeaton Sunes 723-9292 NOTICE TO ALL, Businss Training Other evénings by appointment <M Wane teas -- Gaal 1 coc al eee WELL DIGGING NURSE CPractieal) would Tike work. Wo single rooms, sult two gentlemen, --Private Balcony | CREDITORS AND t Id. In- i tenes garage Rage oF Clean-outs ond Deepenings Jection to light household duties. Live downtown, home cooked meals, lunches} "--Poved Parking NEW 2 BEDROOM OTHERS Seas Sees Sart | Means Cee Ve ere pe ee mg inte oe ae ee APARTMENT nT esa Cartage sold. Call Mr. "paaiesa,' ori "a 728- 3864 day, 8.30 to 6.30, 581 3 og hai man or lady, close to downtown, bus ' Built in china cabinet, color- MARGARET eal SomWw MOVING god Botaas, Goeee } Soha A, J. Bolahood Lid, | |_| 728.2604, stop at the door. Seven-day week. 173) MR. DON HOWE | ed bath, idee and eve, | DECEASED. , . eae a on free automatic wa an Whitby. Reasonable rates. Fully equip- Ww, : : W. WARD 16--Female Help Wanted |noom and board tor gentiemeh, single 725-7732 or dryer, paved parking, TV out- All persons ang "ar + foeeent Ty ped and insured. Phone 728-3661. : i 4 2 -- sew Broker, 161 Dundas West, MO 3% WELL DIGGING by WAITRESSES, experienced, full or|srivtiesten clone ton mene Tee. 723-9692 evenings let, bamboo drapes. against the - estate Dressmaking MACHINE Sy th Doreen to ae ents, AD iphone 25-0197. Howe & Peters, Realtors 723-1424 ue pig Pages "fl 5, BE 'AU y S ALON UL _____|Nursing Homes NV . . PECIA 44 INVISIBLE mending and re-weaving. SPECIALIZING IN 30" TILE {Gout coe Alexandra Street, Sotreck 122 tore Space & Garages or about /thi TREMO ae DERN | -} Telephone 7259796 or "apply 625 'Dun-|SUNNYBRAR NURSING HOME, ii\| WHITBY, ONTARIO 7 and 9 Vee ee ick ae : "all yan MO. 8-2563 -- MO 8-3809 ia weeny -- N \DOUBLE fe t PARKWOOD MANOR th day of June, Fg aggre 4. pants |Whitby and Oshawa. Call 725-2530. | 204 CHESTNUT ST. WEST [for house work, enntt malare wenn space. Telephone 725-9548 between 1| hereby red i sigs bs 'Blair ParkPlaza, Whitb , | the undersigned adminis! itby cuffed, collars turned, mending, ete. Apply 216 Oshawa Blvd. South, Nursing Services After 6 p.m. apply Mrs. E. Robinson, co Beene as before the 1 Sacrifi ( MINOR alterations, children's a aa|SENIOR CITIZENS' boarding "i aR : 231_Annis Street or telephone 723- 7876. t R S of Fel i oy Bat ese ladies' wear, Reversible skirts a spe-|Warm, bright rooms in ine _bows, 1 'Women Col OFFICE SPACE | APA TMENT aan "aot ote teen 45. Senge pone ane Mary 5t. 5 vanes. Reasonable rates. Call Orono D0 Do Foot suller, from rheumati AVON CALLING! TO RENT | . (KING AND PARK ROAD) Immediately after the said kinds. Low prices. Apply 22 Rowe or jtension, headaches??? MASSAGE~ may date | the mornin -- FOR RENT ' Sa -- ain ws, telephone 06. ometrists {hel ; | Scant sod Ss woo Pisin; | COLD WAVES. ow ae Gaz | W's @ woman's world, Hove | Approximately 950 sq.ft OFFER THE LOWEST RENTS | sip vite hog pe? able . 'CK, o j } kinds, on ladies' '8 wear.| pay TUCK, mi = : Optometrist o| Gressings 396 Pine Avenue, ground floor. Parking avail- only to claims of which, he, Telephone =a Bank or 74 Bi . | 725-5363, @ new and interesti ' oble. Be een stares exam Capen CALL 725-3579 IN TOWN oy baba mtee Fuel and Wood F. RICHARD BLAOK, Doctor of Optom. 2--Personal If you ore over 30, have | DARTED ot Toronto this: 1 tl etry, ie examination of eyes, contact ambition ond qualify, Avon WE ARE VACATING A RE- Modern 2-bedroom apartments. Fridge, stove, paved ly of January, 1962, PREMIUM .QUALITY lenses. 16 Simcoe North at Colborne. ' BS = y a Tea4i91. ELECTROLYSIS | | sin wee a Webel dee TAL STORE ON maces st parking, T.V. outlet, EASTON H: BLONG, VILDE R NTAL { ing an lecorating |. Removal of superfluous hair, i ini STOVE OIL [at connor prem saag| Marie Murdtt vil be in| Remrerttives in the Oo- | ~ REASONABLE RENT ne en teth, Adih 1 thee bes ; a a. o nishing. 1962 rowa, Jan. 30th and 31s we Or or interview . " Ni , ; i Nid FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE |wallpaper in stock. Telephone 728-0086. Phone Genosha Hotel on these ~ oe Oe eee LEASE AVAILABLE 725-7272 wh ee hae WHI ig STOVE OIL AVAILABLE' AT on we eae Law| dates for appointment Call 725-8 '6 2 CALL MR. SHERIDAN 728 9217 Toronto, Ontario, P.O. BOX 329 old. Must live in. Steady employmen n. - and 5 p.m. OUR SERVICE STATION | 723-464} | 728-7333 his: solicitors herein, * smi!