ee American League SPORTS IN BRIEF Wer ofthe vali a carey|B Careine League, He managed timed handicap endurance test/Pensacola to a second-place fin- Opens On April 9 \ D Alabama- pb Bien te SETTER INTURED jim era rear mmol os Pls ik" ra eat et BOSTON (AP) -- The Amer- : é , MONTE CARLO (AP) -- Thelrock on a mountain road. Driver leaving the Leafs. ican League will open its 1962)4.-. crash of a British Austin/Rauno Aaltonan of Britain suf-| | WILSON GETS POST TIE SOCCER MATCH @ : 7 Si : . t ] paseball schedule April 9 with'a5 miles from the finish line|fered facial burns when his door| RALEIGH, N.C. (CP)--Archie| ABERDEEN (Reuters) -- Ab ton Senators, league President marred the end of the 2,400- jammed and he could not es-|Wilson, long a popular outfielder|erdeen drew 3-3 with Raith Rov- Joe Cronin announced Monday. mile Monte Carlo Auto Rallyjcape as the car lay on its roof|in the International League with|ers in a Scottish Soccer e The league will have 390 night Tuesday. : and burst into flames. The other|Toronto Maple Leafs and Buf-|First - Division match Tu y The car, which had started the|driver Geoffrey Mabbs, also ajfalo Bisons, Tuesday was namedjnight. ca e ; ] ] M n gl be 8 Pre Baring night-and-day drive from Paris|Briton, was uninjured. nas ] lan increase of 18. *|Saturday, flipped over several| A total of 225 cars out of the The season's opener will be | power. Whether or not this| layed in new Washington move will succeed is in the bal- Pacem whore this wart pa LONDON (CP) -- The track|ideas to solve the sport's prob-|up. At present there are num- and field revolt in the he poe lems. lerous independent bodies scat- oe ker tare - 4 States may have repércussions| Leading the struggle for a| aro' the country. A/®" ynhes and company|all-star game is scheduled for in Britain this year. new setup is the International| <cainca United Kinedom|™i certainly be in for @ hot|July 10 'The second will be al Many leading athletes and|Athletes Club, formed by intet-| body they say, would allow time in 1962, : 'Chicago's Wrigley Field July 30. their followers here are dissat-|national trackmen three years) 1,24' money there is to be dis- isfied with the way the sport is|ago. tributed better. being run. The discontented! ¢ first the IAC contented it- Like the Americans, they also We wish to apologize to our many fine patrons who could U.S. trackmen want to break'self with raising funds to coach|want broken - time payments. not get in Soturday or Sunday nights to see "POCKETFUL away from the present admin-|juniors, but now it has joined) Athletes frequently have to go OF MIRACLES". We will be holding this wonderful, de- istration. Less drastic steps are/newspapers and fans in a bid|9n overseas tours without any lightful comedy. over until Sundoy night so thot all moy likely in Britain. to get track and field back on|compensation for loss of wages. have « chance to see the ALL STAR cast in "POCKETFUL The rumpus owes its origin tojits feet. There has been a national call OF MIRACLES". We urge you not to miss it. It leaves the resignation last year of] It kicked up a fuss last fall|to vote the present rulers out of @ worm glow In your heart. Geoff Dyson, Jim Alford and)when a British team was sent Sincerely, Lionel Pugh, three of the fivejto France without a coach. D. P. SAVAGE a coaches in the Amateur Ath-|Team officials said there wasn't ANCE be Pi : Th | TECHNICOLOR letie Association's coachingione available but later it was anager Plose Theatre H ; sae PAMANSION® scheme. revealed that at least two could as Hy 3 A PARAMOUNT RELEASE They said they were fed up|/have made the trip. | ao ; PS. ago to the Plaza bison Feb. Ist with the treatment they re-| he militant athletes also| FLOWER DRUM SONG ceived from officials who take! yant ¢he administration tidied| TEENSVILLE exception to professionalism in | Feature Times? sport. Their efforts, they | FRIDAYS 8 P.M H =! : claimed, were frustrated by i) A 8 Cc E LT LALA fonts Victorian - minded administra- -- bg Mr pga eg ot dpe Right now you're invited for iH SHIRTS AND TIES " | eir claims were bac | by ealine athletes wtio say] 9 FREE dance lesson ond o WILL BE WORN 5 ; \ | a e eee] that the AAA, which rules|} get-acquainted party et your || k Q track and field in England and|} joeg} ARTHUR MURRAY || NO Jeans or Slacks at S omin Wales, is outmoded and in needif¢. 4. you. consees for THE ' ; of fresh ideas. yourself how quickly you learn | RECREATION | EVERY Pe, : . : 4 F | | | JANUARY 27th > UNPAID COACHES to dance and gain new popu- |) More full-time coaches afell igity ond fun. Consult your CENTRE } badly needed but AAA secre-| : | 4 F R I D A Y r tary Ernest Clynes says there| phone book for the nearest |) 100 GIBB STREET | : # | IT'S isn't enough cash to pay them.|| ARTHUR MURRAY licensed | DIAL 725-1111 | PLUS ou OUTSTANDING Meanwhile the bulk of the work |f studio. JAZZ GROUPS THE "GET" FORMAL is done by some 2,000 honorary i SPECIAL ATTRACTION mmm A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE @ PANAVISION' COLOR coaches their -- apa PL AAA av a ne ots | e 7 || vga mes cova' CMON DOWN & JOIN THE LAFFS! $] ~~ SP lies on proceeds from meets,|¢ | S WE cae R in the television fees, donations from|¢ 4 #7 COMEDY TRAT SWAMPS THE {ABER BOATS FRANK EVANS =} private firms and money raised } OCcVI A dit e ae cont | AND HIS QUINTETTE | P uditorium by pools. The coaching scheme --costing £10,000 a year -- swal- PEGGY CUMMINS | RADIA GRAY j | ; Featuring Ion derline In spectator inierest eer eee | DANCING ADMISSION | is adding to Clynes' headaches 9P.M.--1A.M. 1.00 PERPERSON || | THE BILL ASKEW ORCHESTRA White City stadium once drew EASTMAN ' | Johnny Weismuller with * 6 trax peceRiT en PECTED crowds of 40,000. Last year at | -- IN -- Entertaniment by the EXECUTIVES x kee ees "Cannibal Attack" ||) TIME 8:30 P.M. $2.50 PER COUPLE Nobody doubts that the pres- | N ent officials are dedicated. 4 ; F " ' ' "They give thelr services tree Hf L Ls a re) iq E Poy 2) | "TUNES OF GLORY" plus Tickets Available from all "GET" Executives but they are getting on in years $| ' "YOUNG SAVAGES" and at the Door. and seem unable to adopt new SALE OF meses jpesnosisnnusiersitsneiummtticittie Here's your opportunity to really save a bundle of cash on as fine a selection of "like-new" demonstrators as you'll ever see... or drive! And each car is equipped with a full new car warranty! See them today! 11962 CHEVY II A beautiful 4-door deluxe sedan, a pleasure to drive, a good car to own. Complete with automatic . » « white walls . . . wheel discs . . . windshield washers... and radio. RETAIL $2876 1962 CHEVY Il copvan | 1261 CORVAIR Deluxe Sedan -- SPECIAL CLEARANCE DelIVERY | save seis" 920 OF USED '61 CARS! 1 ONLY 1 ONLY zi felons ors 4 | 1961 CHEVROLET BEL AIR 1961 PONTIAC 1961 CHEVROLET washers, wheel discs, automat: -- Deluxe 2-door with radio. A-door sedan in Honduras Maroon transmission, heater, 6-ply tires, A sparkling, like-new, 4-door hardtop equipped with (700 x 14). Custom equipped with radio, windshield washers, wheel diss, white gee and chrome trim, automatic transmission. New List $3470, $] 94 * $] 89 5 Retail $3784 3 SAVE $789 11961 CHEVROLET IMPALA ost onevnousr | ros convan a real buy! 4-door hardtop. Has automatic transmission 2-door sedans, Seden, like) new. + +.» white walls . . . wheel discs . . . windshield ' : woshers.. . SAV New List $3686. $] 89 5 : $] 745 ie d 725-6507 Pe an ee ee ee ee \ hs . . . 3 ' " xe - . a, EE PEO OD: PE a ge 0