Oshawa Times (1958-), 22 Jan 1962, p. 1

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Weekend Accident Damage Heavy, Six Hurt--P. 9 ¢ Oshawa Times THOUGHT FOR TODAY Experience is what you have left after everything else is gone. WEATHER REPORT Cloudy and colder with a few snowflurries tonight. Partly cloudy and cold Tuesday. VOL. 91--NO. 18 Price Not Over OSHAWA, ONTARIO, MONDAY, JANUARY 22, 1962 Authorized as Second Class Mail Post Office Department, Ottawa and for payment of Postage in Cash, SIXTEEN PAGES 10 Cents Per Copy TROUBLE WITH OXYGEN DELAYING SPACE TRIP. French Raided "6 BY | Probable Date oe Next Saturday By Terrorists ALGIERS--Striking boldly at! Meanwhile, Algiers doctors to- dawn, uniformed armed raiders|day joined busmen in a 24-hour | of the underground secret army| strike to back demands for pro- r |fighting Algerian independence /tection from attacks by Moslem jinvaded a French military] insurgents and European ex- |camp Sunday and escaped with! weapons and equipment. A government communique} said about 70 raiders wearing| visibility poor French army uniforms were} * |aided by a sentry and an officer not released. is Rie FIVE DIE IN CRASH peg Sunday night. Six per- | snow made sons were injured in the crash | Names were on the Trans-Canada highway, | which occurred while blowing | These are the. wrecks of two cars in which five per- sons died in a head-on colli- sion 25 miles west of Winni- National Plan Urged In Medical Insurance REGINA (CP)--The Saskat-;must be developed on the prin-|mental, economic and technical chewan government today advo-|ciple of equalization of provin-|reasons, the idea of state sub- cated a national medical insur-| cial ability to meet a share of sidization of existing insurance egmmando units recently set up| ance plan with the federal gov-|the costs." plans, either for gg sociO-|/hy the rightist Secret Army ernment paying at least 60 per i a economic groups or for the Pop-\Organization, which has suc- cent of the cost. WOULD UP TB GRANT ulation as a whole," the brief|ceedged in enlisting the support ; The brief, first presented as! aig , a? | In a brief to the royal com- the commission under Saskat-| > c. ce ak oa of most of Algeria's 1,000,000) mission on health services, the| bas : : : Such subsidization of current Ryropean settlers. oe chewan's Chief Justice Emmett|»:emium levels of insurance CCF government called for a \P involve govern.|. Several hundred Moslem pris- bd oners were being held in the would jments in rising subsidy expendi-| 445 but there was no indica- tion that any Were molestéd by already adopted in Saskatche-| 5 ' * - aware |greater federal assistance in the t vate ' sh wan-and scheduled toitake ef-/feid, of mental health afid rt eter -- ant ot he the taléek e raideks, |FRENCH LOSING BATTLE fect April 1. berculoais would retain control Though Ottawa would pick wl ee ee ee ee mium rates being subsidized by} French troops and police have government. |been waging a losing battle to near Oran, in western Algeria. There was no report of whether the guards put up a fight. The raid came amid continu- ing hit-and-run terrorist attacks throughout the North African} territory. Sunday, 22 persons were killed -- 15 Moslems and seven Europeans -- and 58 wounded. Sources said the invaders of the Sidi Chami camp apparently} were members of one of the} --CP Wirephoto inside the camp at Sidi Chami,} | It advocated a doubling Of/henefit expenditures and pre- "Only by a tax-supported pro-|check the mounting wave of most of the tab, the plan would|the $2,000-a-bed hospital con- gram of universal coverage canj terrorism since the Secret Army tremists. The doctors also proclaimed today a day of mourning for a| 3 colleague who was one of the more than 125 persons killed last week in Algeria. The doctors are pressing for the right to have armed guards in their offices as well as au- thority to carry arms them- selves. Similar demands have been made by the busmen, now in the fifth day of their strike. Tehran Police Clash With Demonstrators TEHRAN, Iran (AP)--Police again clashed with anti-govern- ment demonstrators in Tehran today, breaking up several street-corner meetings in the city's bazaar quarter. Clubs were used against some persons in the crowd who were shouting pro-Mossadegh slogans in suppor: of the ition Na- tional Front. Mossadegh, a former prime minister, is under virtual house arrest at his residence in the village of Ahmedabad, west of the capital Today's demonstrations also were in protest against the oc- cupation of Tehran University campus by security forces Sun- j | ] CAPE C ANAVERAL, Fla. (AP)--United States plans to / send astronaut John H. Glenn ; Jr three times around the earth | were postponed a second time ; today, probably until next Sat- + urday. ASTRONAUT JOHN GLENN 13 Children Die right-wing group the al-|day. legiance of at least 750,000 per-| Police were moved in after a jsons in Algeria with powerful) clash with a crowd of 6,000 stu-| |sympathizers in the government] dents, de mon strating against In Weekend Fires be organized and administered] struction grant and a propor- by individual provinces. tionate increase in the total| As in the field of hospital in-| grant available to each prov-} surance, the federal authority|ince. whe the inherent difficulties in our|Organization was formed 11| would establish the "content" of} The government said it had present methods of providing|months ago | a country-wide program, ensure|come to the conclusion that onl) cych insurance protection be) French fi 'ial amit th uniform terms and conditionsjay medical program organized) pecolyed." hese Soy oun mam 'f for all Canadian citizens and/and financed on a universal,! 'The Saskatchewan govern- nas provide consultative and advis-|province-wide basis could pro- ment held a cardinal belief that ory services to the provinces j|vide comprehensive and un-|«eyory person in Canada, re- Federal financial support, said|interrupted medical care serv- . the brief, "must be designed to/ices. meet the special requirements} "We have totally of medical care insurance andifor many important rejected, funda- Income Tax Trim Power Requested WASHINGTON (CP) -- Presi-jsuggested wage increases be dent Kennedy said today the|geared only:to rises in produc- United States has regained its |tivity. economic momentum but called) [f all goes well, the estimated on Congress to arm him with gross national product, forecast new power to trim the U.S. per-'to reach a record $570,000,000,- sonal income tax raté by five/000 in 1962, could climb to a per cent in the event of another |"staggering" $600,000,000,000 in recession. 3 1963, Kennedy said. The GNP. This would be equivalent to/a total of goods and services a-cut of about 20 per cent or|produced, was $521,000,000,000 in more for most citizens. The fed-| 1961, eral tax rate ranges from 20 to On the foreign front, he em- 87 per cent on taxable in-omes.| phasized that *t is acniiers Most Americans pay rates Ofine get his proposed tariff-slash. between 22 and 26 per cent. ing power f Congress Arguing there' is no reason ne P ree oneness. tls : Bae : vear, partly to help prevent a why the U.S. economy should ossible flight of U.S. c have to take dips and climbs i ent of U.S. capital to between lean years and fat, | Europe. gardless of geographic location the government.: The university] By THE CANADIAN PRESS |learned of the death of her chil- administration and police. or economic circumstances, has) --------_------. the right to a uniformally high quality of health services." While hospital and medical care: services had priority, the government said a_ balanced] |health program must include |such additional services as den-| - ildi ; Thirteen children ranging in building ang. some of ee {ur-| ge from four months to five nishings were damaged, mainly) ; ia th fi t by flying rocks. Some 200 stu-\Years died in three fires--two dents were arrested and 190|in British Colombia and one in aie fies /Ontario--during the weekend. persons 80 of them police, were)" at Lillooet, 120 miles north- French Official s Di |injured. u r Sappeals Later the university chair.| est eo etn as hea PARIS (Reuters)--A Gaullist}man, Dr. Ahmed Farhad, and|° F i ital. and optical Care, @ C0-|National Assembly deputy was|members of the board resigned|"@#e¢ ci oon rns ordinated rehabilitation service,|kidnapped from his suburban] in protest against the entry on? -- rer var i ine provision of prescribed drugs/ home today by three armed| police into university precincts. nw orl five fie chy and appliances and the organ-/ men who may have been mem-| Today the university area was|StTove their sma CAL rt Ba ization of a program of home| bers of the outlawed Secret quiet. It is a religious holiday | indian seed page oencintle ps care. Army Organization, police re-|in Iran. There was no indica: |i islan a si | It urged the 'federal govern-| ported, tion from the government as to|*he ne Ontar io fire at Kars, 20| ment to consider grants in the fiow long the university would| In the pager Gltan hie field of dental care and home remain closed. otic Bieerat ps nursing care. o in a small frame bungalow. ] | In all three fires the children e were alone in the houses. In leach case authorities have sug: | gested overheated stoves as the} cause of fire. The Alert Bay victims were the three children of Mabel and Fred West Freddie, six months, Harry George, 19 months, and Harry Joseph, 5; and the two children of Mary and Harry Gorge Walkus-- Allen Freddier, 3, and Maggie | Police said the kidnappers ar- |\rived at the Bourg-la-Reine __|home of Deputy Paul Mainguy, a doctor, for a fake appoint- |ment and seized him in his | consulting room. The secret army is opposed jto President de Gaulle's self- PUNTA DEL ESTA, Uruguay) determination policies for Al- (AP) -- The United States|geria and has backed its anti- warned Latin America Sunday|independence campaign ' with it must quarantine Cuban com-| terrorism. munism to assure success of| Another incident today involv- President Kennedy's $20,000,-|ing a National Assembly deputy 000,000 Alliance for Progress\caused a political sensation in 'program |Paris. | Firemen Batt Fire In Church ST. CATHARINES (CP) Firemen were battling a blaze today in St. Catharines' largest Protestant church, St. Paul's Street United, which threatened to destroy the structure. There were no injuries re- ported and no one was reported Quarantine Cuba, U.S. Warns Latins Kennedy also proposed he be au- thorized to reduce the rate by as much as five per cent for periods of six months in times of stress. The period could be renewed if needed and if Con- gress did not exercise a veto| within a 30-day period. He estimated this would mean a saving to taxpayers of about $5.000,000,000 for six months or $10,000.000,000 during a full! year. Personal income tax col- BARI, Italy -- NATO military experts today sifted through the lections for the current year are wring I gear ag wae bg se a se paspeiciy eco.| Crashed near a NATO base Sat- ; 5 ' "ba "'l\urday in what nomic message to Congress. | shape up ae - Us teen co Kennedy also propsed he be AU-| reverse. ° : Russian Plane Probed By Military Experts in the building when the fire broke out during the night. The fire was discovered at |7:15 a.m. when' J. J, Krueter, janitor of the church which seats about 900° persons, tried the handle of one of the church's doors and blistered his hand. Firemen could only contain the blaze and prevent it from jspreading to other _ buildings. | landed because "I chose free-|crashing into the ground 2,000/The church was still burning at dom. yards from the base. The base|9:45 a.m The pilot first was identified|is near Bar' and Taranto, two} Alice, 18 months. THOUGHT WAS CURFEW All but two firemen thought the fire alarm was a children's curfew, scheduled to sound 10 minutes later. However, fire- men said, by the'time the alarm sounded the roof of the shack had already collapsed. At Lillooet Mrs. Laura Cope- land, about 30, collapsed and }was given sedation after she as Lieut. Miloas Podgoros but! other important air and naval) this later was changed. | installations in southeast Italy. | But the lialian government] If the pilot was "choosing| and press treated his statement| freedom" he could have landed| dren, Rose, 5, Mormaline, 4, Felix, 3, Susan, 2, and Gerald- ine, four months. Mrs. Copeland has been on relief since her hus- band, a logger, was drowned six months ago. "The cabin exploded like a bomb," said the Lilloet assist- ant fire chief, Bob Ness. |"There wasn't a chance of sav- ing the children." The Kars fire broke out Sat- urday afternoon in a one-storey house near the Rideau River. Danny, 4, and Nicky, 3, were the sons of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Lukyniuk. The third victim, Donna Lee, 4, was the daughter of Mrs. Donna Young, who kept house for the Lukyniuk family. Mrs. Young had gone to get a load of bread from a neighbor when the fire started. Nyerere Quits In Tanganyika DAR - ES - SALAAM, 'Tangan-| ; yika (Reuters)--The Governor- General of Tanganyika today accepted the resignation of Julius Nyerere as prime minis- ter, it was officially announced. Rashidi Kawawa, minister without portfolio, was appointed to succeed Nyerere. (Reports in Nairobi, Kenya, said Kawawa, 32, was believed to hold views well to the left of Nyerere's moderate policies.) Nyerere took the post when Tanganyika, a former United Nations trust territory adminis- tered by Britain, became inde pendent last month Previously he was chief min- ister of the East African terri- Reliable sources reported ad- ditional days were needed to check a faulty oxygen system in the environmental control system. This system, which feeds oxygen to the astronaut's pressurized space suit, devel- 4 oped problems during a check 4 early today. The discovery of the trouble prompted officials to call an immediate 24-hour delay of the shot, pushing it from Wednes- day until Thursday. Later, the sources reported, it was decided to make a complete check to ensure all is right for Glenn's safety. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration has not announced a definite date for the firing and therefore declined comment on the report. The trouble developed in a hard-to-get-at spot in the cap- sule and the entire control panel had to be removed so techni- cians could correct it. This is the fourth postpone- ment of the launching. It origi- nally was set for Dec. 20, when officials felt there was a chance to achieve manned orbit flight in 1961. When this was deemed impossible the shot was put off until Jan. 16. Problems with the Atlas booster resulted in another week's delay and minor capsule difficulty pushed the launching back still another day. News of the postponement came as Glenn, like a condi- tioned boxer closing out his training camp, began final prep- arations for the flight. In the last three weeks, he has 8-Year-Old Queried In $100,000 Blaze OTTAWA (CP) -- An eight- year-old Ottawa boy was taken to police headquarters Sunday for questioning in connection with a $100,000 fire which last week left 38 people homeless. Fire Chief Armand Page said the boy was picked up after the fire department received a call to' fight a minor rubbish blaze in the same neighborhood Sun- ay. Chief Page said that under questioning the boy admitted to setting a blaze which burned three houses last Wednesday. The boy was released in cus- tody of his parents. Chief Page said no decision has been made as big whether a charge will be laid. flown 60 theoretical flights and in the process has landed in the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific oceans--hypothetically, that is. The U.S. hopes to send Glenn, in the capsule atop the. Atlas booster rocket, into an orbit be- tween 100 and 150 miles above the earth. If all goes well, he will make three trips around the earth at about 17,500 miles an hour, Then his capsule is to parachute into the ocean for a pickup by waiting helicopters and ships. Glenn gave little indication of tension Sunday. He attended the Riverside Presbyterian Church in Cocoa Beach, prayed, joined the hymnm-singing in a sturdy tenor, signed autographs for Sunday school children and gen- erally acted like a man who wasn't going any place more dangerous than a desk in a busi- ness office. As he left the small church, the last hymn he heard the choir singing was God Be With You 'Til We Meet Again. 6 People Die In Colorado Snow Slide TWIN LAKES, Colo. (AP)--A giant mass of snow slid almost silently down Colorado's highest mountain Sunday, sweeping over four houses and taking at least six ltves. Officials estimated more than 200,000 tons of snow plunged down the southern slope of 14,- 3341-foot Mount Elbert in a 314- mile run. It engulfed the west- ern end of Twin Lakes, a cen- tral Rocky Mountain village 140 miles southwest of Denver. The avalanche was more than 300 yards wide and 15 feet deep. One family was wiped out. G. L. Shelton, 50, his wife Marie, 40, their son Stevie, 14, and daughters Linda, 9, and Vickie, 8, all died. Two persons were rescued from 'the buried wreckage of home. William Adamich, 35, and his wife Barbara, 30, were taken to hospital in Leadville with frostbite and possible internal injuries. Their son, Billy, 8, was found dead. Another son, Mich- ael, 10, was missing. The other two houses were va- cant. About 600 persons worked more than six hours in the frigid mountain air, searching the wreckage of the houses. A neighbor, Nels, Lindstone, 66, said that when he awoke at 8 a.m. he looked out of a window and saw only snow and wreck- age where the houses had stood. thorized to step up government ; Sita ; Z i Leth investigation was ex- spending in times of recession pected to determine positively and provide cities and States) y : sad ; with federal loans .and' grants} hether or not the Russian-built to help them stern protest Sunday to Commu- nist Bulgaria. c I The circumstances speed tip work.| UG 17 Plane was on a spy mis-|crash have led most o making construction projects. sion, ue : to believe the planc was on a A ministry communique said| similar mission to that of U.S. HOLDS WAGE LINE the plane, a Soviet-built MiG-17,| pilot Francis Gary Powers who of the bservers with scepticism and fired off ajhis plane safely at the coastal/ |naval and aur base at Brindisi,| which he flew over on his way inland, the observers said. The Bulgarian legation, which| has asked for the return of the |pilot and plane, ciarmed the jet Kas on a training flight and lost Former Nazi Arrested STARNBERG, Germany Karl Wolff, a prominent figure in German-Allied peace negotiations in 1945, is being held on suspicion of crimes against the Jewish people. The Bavarian justice ministry said Wolff is suspected of complicity in the mass murder of tory. | His resignation followed ru- mors of a government crisis in Tanganyika in which cabinet changes were forecast. (AP) -- Former Nazi Gen, Sanitation Worker At the same time, he ap-|crash-landed. The plane previ-|was shot down while flying alits way because of bad weather. pealed to management and la-/ously had been identified as a|U-2 spy plane over Russia in The legation added that the bor to hold the price linein 1962/MiG-19. May, 1960. Powers is serving al plane was not supposed to leave! tc prevent inflation as the U.S.| The communique said evi-|!9-4ear prison sentence in Rus-! Bulgarian territory, which is 400) eceonomy starts to roli again. He |dence of spying was obtained Si@- air miles from the Italian coast.| Jews in Nazi-occupied Europe. No further details were given. Foreign Ministry Bombed Held In Strangling| BUFFALO (AP)--Police to- day held a 23-year-old sanita- tion worker for questioning in from film found in the plane, CITY EMERGENCY which carried high - powered PHONE NUMBERS ONE OF A GROUP "Press reports alleging the) The observers pointed to the;Plane was one of four are not! course of the jet, which was re-| Correct," the legation said. "'The| ported to be one of a flight of| Plane, according to our informa-| |four to eight jets picked up on} tion, was flying alone." PARIS (Reuters) -- An explosion occurred in the court- yard of the French foreign ministry today. First unconfirmed reports said there was one dead. The reports said the ex- plosion appeared to have been caused: by a booby-trap bomb in a car, the strangling last November of Samuel Yochelson, a door-to- door. salesman. Authorities said they had been Cameras on two Passes over a secret. Western missile base hear Bari just before it crashed. PCLICE 725-1133 FIRE DEPT. 725-6574 HOSPITAL 723-2211 | Solakov, 22. who was under|Italy's Adriatic coast-at 40,000 |heavy guard in a hospital at! feet \ceuavivia southeast Italy The plane made two low-level with a broken left arm andjpasses over the NATO missile 'head injuries, claimed he crash|base at Gioia delie Colle before The pilot, 2nd Lieut. Milusc|radar screens as they flew over) An Italian defence ministry) spokesman said Sunday the pi- lot will be questioned and "'if, as it appears, this is a case of spying, he will be arrested andj 'brought to trial," ROME (AP) -- The Italia the Bulgarian plane that cras an aerial spying mission. Italians Say Plane Spying looking for two days for Willis [Bryant, who lived in the neigh- |borhood where Yochelson was last seen. Bryant was picked up at the home of a relative 'after calling police himself. . William Adamish, 35, sips water in St. Vincent's Hospi- tal after he was rescued yes- terday from an avalanche that swept down on Twin n defence ministry said today hed in Italy Saturday was on SURVIVES SNOW SLIDE Lakes, Colo. Adamich and his wife, Barbara, 30, were only survivors. Six bodies were re- covered and a_ seventh is missing. --AP Wirephoto '

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