Oshawa Times (1958-), 20 Jan 1962, p. 1

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ata >shawa THOUGHT FOR TODAY No two snowflakes are alike, but the last shovelled feel like large economy models. Pedestrian She Oshawa Cimes £ ety Sought: P. 9 WEATHER REPORT Sunday clear, clouding over in the evening, milder with a chance of late evening snow. Price Not Over 10 Cents Per Copy VOL. 91--NO. 17 OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, JANUARY 20, 1962 Authorized as Second Class Mal! Ottawa and for payment | Post Office Department, of Postage in Cash. SIXTEEN PAGES Skills Now 'Main Test For Entry OTTAWA (CP)--Asians, Afri-| In the Commons, Mrs. Fair- cans and the nationals of Middle} clough said the new regulations} East countries will gain the| mean that any suitably-qualified| most from new immigration reg-|person from any part of the! ulations announced in the Com-| world can be considered for im- mons Friday by Immigration) migration to Canada entirely on Minister Fairclough. his own merits and without re-| She said these people now will|84td to race, color or nice |be considered for admission to| T81N. : ; Pe |Canada if they have the educa-| By way of example she said| "pt ; | tion, training and skills to fit)@ doctor from Greece likely 'linto Canadian social and eco- would not qualify if he did not| . * a |e ; j . h '| nomic life, and if they are suit- speak either English or French. 'lable on other counts as well, |He would not be able to meet No longer would they require| Provincial regu'aticus governing a special cabinet order-in-coun- OE atenan einiains fn wars cil for entry. Once in Canada,|ioys countries were aware of |they would be able to sponsor| needs in Canada for various pas Rad geil vies somes of] types of skills and would be in} rene P sak | charge of the selection of skilled Mrs. Fairclough told a press} m igration to Can-! conference later that she does pereons, fr. migrat ' ss not think the new regulations will change the Canadian immi-/ MAY ALSO BE SPONSORED gration pattern. The country; Mrs. Fairclough said immi- setiessenens oar ~ DOMINICAN COUNCIL TAKES OATH Dominican Republican Pres- | At extreme left is Monsignor ; Bonnelly, Father Sanchez and ident Rafael Bonnelly (centre) | Eliseo Perez Sanchez and sec- | Dr. Pichardo were prisoners swears in the new state coun- ond from left. is Doctor | for 48 hours when Gen. Pedro : e Nicolas Pichardo. Partly hid- | Echavarria set up a military cil after it..resumed civilian | den by a hand at right is | government authority at Santo Domingo. ' Luis Amiama Tio. President --AP Wirephoto white. sponsored by a parent, parent- « scaeat "4 haere an Will the new regulations mean jn-law or fiance already in Can- a big increase in immigration?) ada provided the sponsor is a e |The minister said the future Canadian citizen. The Canadian) |rate will depend on Canada's|must be able to maintain the| jeconomy, and conditions in the)ijmmigrant until he can look| |countries from where the immi-| after himself. Armed Escort ; In 3 Close Ridings | ARRIVALS FEWER On City Buses A total of 56,168 immigrants-- |mostly Italian and British--ar-| ALGIERS--The city's public : rived in Canada in the first nine} By THE CANADIAN PRESS |the official score put his manjerals slicing mightily into the| months of 1961, well down from| transport was paralyzed for the} third day today as authorities) Recounts in three tight fights|}behind, he will demand a re-|1959 general election pluralities/ 83,843 in the corresponding pe-! are indicated as a sequel to On- count. of the Conservatives. riod in 1960. Figures for all of tario's five legislaiure byelec-| On the existing basis of count-- And the Liberals did better,!1961 are not available yet. refused to provide: armed escort} on buses, Moslem and European trans- tion contests of Thursday. ing, the Liberals snatched the|t0o, in Brant and Kenora. WIFIE FROTHS, port employees warned they The Liberals announced re-| Renfrew riding from the gov-| With 19 of 141 polls still to be counts will be sought in the/ernment party--the only seat to|heard from in northwesterly MASSING, Germany (AP) will continue their walkout until their demands for protections Toronto ridings of Eglinton and|tyrn over. Kenora--the province's largest Beaches, won by the govern-| Brant and Kenora stayed in| riding in area--the Liberals had ment..Progressive Conserva-ithe Liberal ranks, with "handy|Over-all about 45 per cent of A 33 - year - old Bavarian housewife took drastic means today to end her hus- | aoainst terrorists are granted. There was no official explana- tion for refusal by the author- in the protest move. Terrorist attacks killed three persons and wounded two others} day's toll in Algeria's major) cities was 13 killed and 15) ' wounded. Besides the $15 in the bank,|2° 5 CONGO TROOPS MISS UN JETS would remain predominantly) grants with skills may also be} 103 YEARS OLD Miss Suzan Black of Granby, Que., poses for a photograph- er after celebrating her 103rd Aircraft Burning LEOPOLDVILLE (Reuters)--| Congolese soldiers today opened | |fire on United Nations jets fly- birthday Friday. She is still in good health and reads and watches television daily. Explosion Could End K's Silence MOSCOW (AP)--Western dip- lomats pictured the strange associations threatened to join) quiet in the Kremlin today as ajnounced by Khrushchev at the| jmask for a major development} Soviet party congress last Octo- in the wind. Exactly where it will blow no in Algiers this morning. Fri-| western diplomat would predict.|expel him from the Communist But one of the most respected) Western ambassadors in Mos- lcow said he believed it is more|lomats described as the Krem- likely to involve Communist} China than Berlin. | This diplomat said there never} has been a period of quiet like | this without it exploding into some major move. | The diplomat, in close contact) with high members of the So-| viet government, said it was ob-| vious that a major disagreement} is going on. What was not clear,} said, was whether it was a| squabble among top members of} the Soviet Communist party or) more. widespread among mem- bers of the Soviet bloc. Western diplomats also sug: gested that Premier Khrushchev is engaged in an ideological bat- tle with V. M. Molotov, the Stal- inist former foreign minister. They said Khrushchev may have suffered a setback. | Western ambassadors were al- most united in a belief that Mol- otov's return to Vienna has been delayed only because the old Bolshevik doesn't wanted to be} shunted off again to such a mi-| nor job as Soviet representative} to the International Atomic En-| ergy Agency, the atoms-for- peace organization headquart- ered in Vienna. Molotov held that: post wh e Hospital Sweepstake STUNNED SILENCE? Proposal Heads List OTTAWA (CP) -- A nationaljhour daily provided for them.,adds | is proposed by a New lottery, higher pay for members| And Commons adoption of a pri-|Brunswick MP. : of Parliament and the perennial|\vate member's proposal is al question of a distinctive Cana-rarity. In the 'past, however,; MENTIONS PRESS tives on the basis of an official| wins in both constituencies. | |the popular vote, against 38 for} ficial count in the other. , _ jthe NDP. | Premier Robarts said the} The Socialist New Democratic! In the last general election, ay | i Progressive Conservatives will|Party trailed everywhere, all/the Conservatives got 50 per| band's drinking -- burning 25. offieia! tabulation in' Ren-|in the Beaches polling less than) Liberals 38. The CCF, predeces- "If the brewery burns |ities. The strike seriously ham- frew South, where a see - saw/half the winner's vote. sor of the NDP, got 12 per. cent} down, they can't make beer and mixed-up count found the| Like Renfrew South, the con-|in contesting four of these seats.| and my husband can't |154q 9 'number of professional] Wintermeyer said that, should/ were squeakers, with the Lib- pected in 1963, party standings telling them after her ar- in the 98-seat legislature now gave soe hy tnaion ure jare: Progressive Conservatives amage 0 e brewery | marks ($62,500). No Injuries were reported. Mr. Wintermeyer called e results a 'fantastic swing' to) ----_--___ Another Province #2" ae" 2 777 first time since the Conserva- D t 000 OTTAWA (CP)--The first firm|federal cabinet -- say it will|tives put it out of office in @ ] | step was taken Friday toward|likely take 25 to 30 years before 1943. | province--but the next one may cial status. election,' Mr. Winter meyer l I B nk not come for 30 years. The western and _ southern said, "I am sure the result u n | The Northwest Territories boundaries of the Mackenzie|would have been even more two of its members--decided to|borders of the Yukon Territory) From the Liberal viewpoint, onto. construction company with|000 in the last 21 months. go ahead with establishment of and the provinces of British Col-,a chest-thumping aspect of thea total issued share capital of the new Territory of Mackenzie|umbia, Alberta and Saskat-|three party wins was that they|s63 has gone broke owing $777,-|the company's assets include| The nine-member council set| The eastern boundary, the) Provincial byelections ; The company, Noy Construc-|and some office equipment.| the boundaries of the territory,|council decided, will run along ie nder former premier Leslie tion Limited, went into bank- Money from rentals of 34 apart-| taking in the heavily populated|the 105th meridian to the Arctic|/ Frost,' the Conservatives had|ruptcy in November. Sharehold-|ments, rented at an average of| trict, and tentatively decided on)!and, about 50 miles across at) guows STRONGLY raeli paratrooper, who is presi-|the British Mortgage and Trust the 160-year-old, one-time trad-|its widest point, to the Keewatin|" 'phe only NDP candidate to/dent, and two unnamed persons.|Company, Stratford, which holds ing post of Fort Simpson as its|Territory, which will form a por-| make a strong showing was Mr,|. The company, which built two|the mortgage. The new territory--to be goy-|Territories. who polled 4,795 to come within|Chener, owes the $777,000 to 66/a chance some money may be erned by a council of five| Commissioner Gordon Robert-|150 of the second place Liberal different firms and persons: Of/recovered, though nothing could elected members and four ap-|son predicted a bright future for|and 404 behind winning Pro-|the total, about $300,000 is in/be guaranteed. into being in 1964 this future would be hastened/ Harris, Mr, Harris' 256-vote un-|now has $15 in the bank. _ jattempt to find an accptable| _Members of the present coun- if the more developed area had/official margin over Donald} Fourteen creditors met. with solution. j cil--four elected from Macken-/greater control over its own|MacGregor will be challenged|Mr. Noy here Friday The company also built and ---- company bought land in Kit-|block in the city, and at one \chener from Motek Fishstein, of| time negotiated with the city to} Toronto, for $100,500. Mr. Fish- build a merchandise mart in! jland nine months earlier. | "It smells," was the comment jof W. C. Attridge, who repre- nymede Steel Construction Lim-| lited of Toronto. DEALS WITH ONE had dealt solely with Mr. Fish- stein, who spoke of his many fi-| nancial connections. Mr. Noy ' More Opinions On Tonys Job |but in most cases the fall has |been light he and other members of the so- called anti-party group were de- ber.. Molotov returned to Mos-| cow Nov. 12 to fight a move to party. Evidence of what Western dip- lin's present state of indecisive- ness was the fact that the new Soviet ambassador to Washing- ton, Anatoly F. Dobrynin, has not left for his post one month after appointment, and the fact that the Soviet Union is marking time on concluding & new cul- tural agreement with the United States Arctic Blasts Felt Across Whole Nation By THE CANADIAN PRESS Virtually every part of Can- ada, with the exception of south- ern Ontario, today is under the influence of brisk. arctic air. Even on the west coast, where rain is the usual form of mid- January precipitation, temper- atures are well below freezing except at a few points on the coastal islands. Snow was falling today in ince, (AP)--The world has been in- vited to watch the first U.S. attempt to rocket a man around ___|the world next week. photographers, including 77 from 13 foreign countries, have} been accredited to the historic event by the U.S. national aero- nautics and space administra-| tion. astronaut John H. Glenn Jr., 0! a globe-girling, 81,000-mile tri through space. trast to that of the Soviet Union, which conducts all space activi- ties in deep secrecy. porter, has ever witnessed a Russian space shot. The Russians rarely announce any space activity un- til after it has been completed. Katanga province, scene of a re-| ;|cent massacre of whites, the UN announced here. A U.S. spokesman said the after two fighter bombers sighted a burning village south! which the Congolese were feared f to have seized. The spokesman said the UN planes did not return the Con- golese fire. Neither of the two British-built Canberra jets was damaged. The jets also reported seeing burnt-out houses north of Sola at Kongolo, where 19 Roman Catholic missionaries were mas- sacred New Year's Day. SEE HOUSES BURN The two: UN Ethiopian jet pi- lots reported Friday that sev- eral houses were ablaze at the Roman Catholic mission at Sola on the border between Katanga and Kivu provinces. The only sign of life at the station was two soldiers who ran for cover in the mission church when the jets appeared over- head, At Kabonga, in north Ka- tanga, radio reports reaching Elisabethville said rebel troops had killed four missionaries and 11 civilians Another atiack also was re- ported to have been made on Spot Village four of the rebels and turned back the attack, Little was known of the attack 'ling over the Kongolo area injon Sola. About 30 priests and some Franciscan nuns were be- lieved to be based at the Sola mission, which contains a col- lege and a girl's school. column of soldiers opened fire} The Ethiopian pilots were sent to the isolated mission after UN headquarters in Leo- of a mission station at Sola|poldville received a report from Red Cross officials that the reb- els were mounting an attack, The rampaging troops were believed to have been formerly under the command of Col. Al- Phonse Passaka, now under house arrest in Stanleyville. The same troops also were held responsible for the Kongolo Massacre and the deaths of 13 Italian airmen at Kindu in Kivu province last fall. _ Passaka is a supporter of left- ist leader Antoine Gizenga, who has been ousted from his post as deputy premier by the cen- tral government. Passaka and another officer were arrested Thursday by troops loyal to the central government, Europe Scared By Smallpox Cases In U.K. LONDON (AP) -- An emer- gency supply of 400,000 doses of seven clergymen at St. Paul's) Kivu one College in Bagira, smallpox vaccine arrived today from the Urited States as eight European nations put Britain The attack occurred during aj under a virtual quarantine, battle between rival tribal fac- tions in the area. Police killed World Invited To View Flight CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. More than 565 reporters and The attempt will be to launch n. P The U.S. approach is in con- So far as is known no re- Russian or otherwise, southern Alterta and Saskat- chewan, and along the north shores of lakes Erie and Ontario An exception has been the Toronto area, where more than two inches had fallen.|| Elsewhere, the picture is the same--from northern Alberta to Newfoundland--clear and cold. Coldest weather station over- night was Saskatoon, where the mercury dipped to 27 below zero. Snag, in the Yukon, was a close second at 26 below, while count in one riding and an unof- the Conservatives and 17 for NDP TRAILS make a decision after the Jan.) candidates except Stan Bullock) cent in the same riding and the| down the local brewery. pered economic life in Algiers Liberal ahead. Liberal Leader|tests in Eglinton and Beaches With a general election ex| drink," police quoted her as Moving Towards [222275 | asi. o mre g |SNIFFS VICTORY the eral election victory for the formation of an 11th Canadian/the territory achieves provin-| "If this had been a general Council--despite objections from|Territory will be formed by the! overwhelmingly in our favor." KITCHENER (CP) -- A Tor-|Noy was paid.a salary of $10,-| on schedule. chewan. were the first in 18 years inggp. four parcels of land in Kitchener} and mineral-rich Mackenzie dis-\Ocean. This gives a chunk of|W0n 19 in a row since 1949. ers are Ben Noy, a former Is-|about $100 a month, is going to} capital. ition of the remaining Northwest/putiock in' Toronto Beaches, atge apartment blocks in Kit-| The meeting was told there is) pointed -- is scheduled to come/the new territory and said that gressive Conservative. Jo hn\unsecured debts. The company) Five creditors were named to zie and five appointed by the'destiny. by the Liberals. The meeting was told that the| subsequently sold a business| stein had paid $40,500 for the|downtown Kitchener. | sented one of the creditors, Run-| Mr. Attridge said his company (pc--|was a "quiet bystander," re- dian flag are among 66 propo-\some have' resulted in _generat-| J. Chester MacRae | sals already put forward by pri-|ing enough support, both in the York-Sunbury) gave formal no- vate MP's at the new session of Commons and outside, that'tice of his motion, which men- ferred to by Mr. Fishstein as "the building superintendent." LONDON (Reuters)--Britain's|the top establishment since the/o¢ -95 and -24, respectively. top political weeklies added fuel/Townsend affairs"--a reference} |Regina and Winnipeg had lows The minimum of 22 above re-|:J Parliament. The luck of the draw smiled on a bill for a national hospital sweepstakes sponsored by Fer- gusor Browne (PC--Vancouver Kingsway) The Commons' own lottery, held at the start of each session to decide the order of priority, put his bill at the head of a list of 38 private members' bills, and thus it will be the first de bated Not all of the bills and 28 pri- vate members' resolutions are likely to be debated in the one CITY EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS POLICE 725-1133 FIRE DEPT. 725-6574 HOSPITAL 723-2211 the government itself brought in 'egislation on the subject. WOULD RAISE MP PAY That's the hope of Douglas Fisher (CCF--Port Arthur), who has sponsored a resolution ask- ing the government to give im- mediate consideration to the need for boosting income of MPs 4 Members now receive $10,000 1 year, of which $2,000 is a tax- free expense allowance. Mr. Fisher said he considers. $3,000 a minimum increase. The last increase--to $10,000 from $6,000 --occurred in 1954 Three private members' pro- would posals involying a new national! jjame flag are already in the hopper. handling Creation of a 15-member Com-|third mons committee to survey ing and recommend what step --if any--should be taken to pre-|drug addiction and conviction for 'vent fraudulent and misleading|certain serious crimes. allisome new grounds for ¢g aspects, of commercial advertis-'divorzre tions advertising on Canadian radio and television, "in certain " ; ' newspapers" and other fields of| goods, fi es = havin mass communications. His mo-|. V® Ta tht the total sag cf tion makes no mention of com-|PUt into this business was $63. mittee membership. The meeting was told that Mr. The CCF served notice it will ie continue its campaign for changes in Parliament's proce- dure for handling divorce appli- cations from Quebec and New foundiand, which have no di-- MELBOURNE (Reuters) vorce courts More than 500 homes were de- Arnold Peters (CCF--Timiska-|stroyed in bushfires this week ming) has sponsored three bills.|in Victoria state -- 200 more One would shift Parliament's di-|than earlier estimates, accord- vorce task to the Exchequerjing to the first official police Court. If that fails, another bill/survey issued Friday. establish the post of par-| Police said the final check of ntary of divorce cases. Thejber of houses destroyed as high measure would | Bush Fire Base Over 500 Homes provide!as 550. The number of persons including incurable in-|hnt it was believed to run inte sanity, habitual criminality,| thousands Eight persons fires. died in 4 | The New Statesman, The/ally with. Margaret. Spectator, The Economist and son. But none echoed earlier criti- cism that Snowdon, who takes over his new job at the end of} the month after returning with} the princess from a Caribbean holiday, is being used as a cir- culation gimmick. lightly The mass - circulation Daily) which the front |bare-faced for decency." the Tony?" showing a cartoon |versy, coming down on the side| photographs of Margaret. jof the man it criticized for tak- after he married Margaret. 'been such a stunned silence in'supplement. "All our dealings were with|Friday to the controversy over|to Capt. Peter Townsend, whose! corded at Victoria was Canada's Fishstein and he sold us a bill/the Earl of Snowdon's new job./name once was linked romantic-| hishest, while low readings in But the New Statesman adds:/15 above to Fort William's. 10 opic News magazine all ap-| If you believe that the Royal) pelow. pealed with references to the|Family is inevitably an append-| Montreal and Saint John, new job Princess Margaret's|48¢ of the Tory party, and that N.B., both had lows of seven husband has as artistic adviser|its function is to keep the world) above, while at Halifax it dipped te The Sunday Times, owned hy/safe ig sie chore ga Hg an to nine mere aos at St. John's, sepa i .|afford to sit back and laugh|Nfid., to 14 above Canadian publisher Rey 'Thom when somebody boobs and the 2 whole thing becomes a bit too | The New Statesman carries a cartoon of a woman.asking her news agent: "Which paper has The Spectator also treats it rammed into a transport truck's in|parked trailer on the icy trans- page of The|Canada highway Friday night. proctor to oversee|devastation might put the num-|Mirror also entered the contro-|Sunday Times js covered with|Twenty persons were hurt, none Topic makes no comment, re- anting|left homeless is still unknown|ing the title ot Earl of Snowdon porting merely that Tony's job|tioning the truck driver, who will be to supply ideas on page|they said apparently had un- The New Statesman, a Social- design and treatment of pictures|hooked the trailer from his cab the|ist weekly, says "There has not\in The Sunday Times' new colorjand driven off, [Ontario varied from Toronto's Bus Rams Trailer On Icy Highway KENORA, Ont. (CP) -- A bus severely. Police said they were ques- leaving the 'traijer on the side of the road. The disease, brought into the country by Pakistani immi- grants in late December and early January, has killed six persons. Persons leaving Britain were advised by the health 'ministry that fhey must have proof of recent vaccination to entre Tur key, Cyprus, Spain, Italy, Ger- many, Austria, Finland and Sweden. British contestants in the an- nual Monte Carlo automobile rally also were told before leav- ing Glasgow that they must be vaccinated to enter France. The vaccine, in dried form, arrived in five cardboard car- tons aboard an Air India jet- liner. Another 100,000 doses are due Sunday. NO SHORTAGE A health ministry spokesman said so far there is no shortage of vaccine in Britain "but the additional supplies were ordered as a precaution." Tens of thousands of Britons have lined up at medical cen- tres for vaccination in London, Leeds, Bradford, Cardiff and other cities where confirmed or suspected smallpox cases have turned up. BRITISH LINE UP FOR VACCINATIONS

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