9:00 A.M. #-2--Truth ow | qToAmarican Bandstand THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, January 20, 1962 15 insequences ' | \1--Movie 4--Search for Tomorrow, 5--Danny Thomas V 7--Romper Room 3--News: Weather: 4 The Brighter Vay 5--Movie * y ' T E L E I S I O N ie O G 'Popeye's Playhouse | ac P.M. Sohaaks Room a H . i - A BAD Frenchman 8 Bay \ a 0S A ' » 2--Funny Funnies Daddy i Bowling Scores CHCH-TV Channel 11--Hamilton CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronto 9:15 A.M. | 4--The cares ia 4:15 P.M 'wui-TV Channel 2--Buffalo WBEN-TV Channel 4--Buffalo| 2-Denbie Drake show PO Bo 4 pagiee bene : By MRS. W. FERTILE FRENCHMAN'S BAY -- Bowl- WKBW-TV Chanvel 7--Buffalo © WROUC-TV Channe) 5--Rochester i woes fe MW sie | 7--Afternoon Show | 4:30 FM. CFTO-TV Channel $--Toronto CKVR-TV Channel 3--Barrie| «Burns and Allen, sme| sraieet the atilere, | $ Here's Hollywood 5 ¢ 9:00 A.M. 7--Canisius College 10:00 A.M. ooidday Matinee | eee Gnive' ing scores are: Flounders 91, sereney PY pe asergy | "Forum 11--Hobby Time 1:30 P.M. 4:45 P.M. Lions 65, Freeloaders 64, Rough- - tae ant ree women a | A Kin To Win 6-3--Sing Ring Around riders 60, Rocketeers 56, Slow Pokes 56, Clare's Clowns 55, Spoilers 55. Over 200. flat -- Clare Skitch 224, 258; George Laming 252, 3 > 229; elt : ite 9-4-3--News: Weathers | een tron Education ree, ¢ M. ee . a - Sk ¥ ct roe 7 h ports | 5:30 P.M. 11:00 1 | 6--Nursery School | 4--Fun To Learn q . i J . } : 4 arvey Fertile ; Vera a. : Heaers--edec 11--Bob McLean | The Cotton Bowl 5:15 P.M. f ; : Tranquada 217; Anna Cichun _| 4-GE College Bow! twas Teas 2:30 P.M. 'iD Tinaoe's : é 221; Pat Tranquada 214, Reg S--Highway Patro} ex ' F z "National Velvet 7--The Way 5-2--Price Is Right \1--Jane Gray Show Adventures : Carpenter 200, John Wood 226, f * 5--Hour of St. Francis | 9--Hart of the Matter Villa Ki age Oe 4--Lamp Unto My Feet | 6--Disney Presents Pehl "ed 6-3--Open House 5:30 P.M, 313; Bill Robins 239, 245; Jean 9--Punch and Johnny 10:15 A.M | 5--Meet the Press . $-2--Loretta Young 7--Early Show of aa ae fad Siew se mere |4--The 20th Century x : Theatre 6--Long John Silver , 216; Clarence Sim" coleme ah sa~concentration = | House Pare cones bons 200; Lois Fertile 205; Andy im Coleman Show | 10:30 A.M | suns ot ine ae $-2~Concentration 3:00 P.M he 4 tesalte ok 0 . . 4 | > age c! 'our Surprise ai ae Pals Tl % i a ah gy ge "Or a 11--Romper. Room a-Popers 408 Fa THATS RIGHT/ IT LOOKS ASIF THE WHOLE |] T TELL YOU, THIS ALMOST U1--Bronco 7--Hour of St. Francis 0 v.M. Package NOON 7--Queen For A Day 2--Yogi Bear Wi BLOCK WILL GO,' THE BUILD- COULD B' CALLED High single flat, Win Jones 302, a Pp MM TWO FIREMEN AND Sere rR canes |S teceety On, Farade I's Great Hymns | wie puney and | GRcMSD From internet = 6:00 P.M. ONE WOMAN MISSING/ | | INGS ARE OLD AND THE MURDERS Andy Whyte 335. 4--U of B Roundtable | 9 Cartoon Ficvkouss 7--Matty's Funnies | Friends 4--Mil!ionaire | 9--Man From Cochise = a FIRE GOTA High single hdc' Win Jones 6-2--Chet Huntley 10:45 A.M 5--Margie | 9-Free and Easy | 3:30 P.M- | &--News SH, te igh sing! Dp.» n 7:30 P.M. ee | Satie ma /--Camouflage See te peak | omnes eaices ; 345, Jean Holobon 305; Fred 9--The Rifle Man 5--Christophers | 3--I Married Joan $.2--Your First Pear iia Bi ns aes igewey Fate @ |Scharge 345, Bill Deisley 333. 7--Roaring Twenties {iss AM. | 7:00 P.M. Impression = hed is xr | 6:15 P.M. High th . fiat 3% Skitch 6--Dr. Kildare 7--The Christophers 11--The Real McCoys 4--News and Weather eae ive Daughter | ¢_Intercom ig! ree flat, Ivey c 5--Ben Casey 62--Church Service 9--Telepoll 3--Popeye and Pals (3:45 P.M. | 6:30 P. 663; Clare Skitch 728; John 4--Perry Mason er ee | eee mare 12:15 P.M. 6-3--Sing Ring Around | 5.2 Weather: Sports Wood 702. i 4---Spearer of the Coun | = 4:00 PM. $:65 PM High three hdcp, Gerry Colley ' 737, Helen Fenton 719: Alex Parker 769, Kurt Reinhardt 751. s--within Four Walls 7--Jane Wyman Show | 5_Educational Special oe oa wep iu 5:00. >,°". | Say When | inThe, Worla P ea MON @¥ Invitation l--Family Theatre 200 2.M. ING 9:15 A.M. etal ea of Sports 9--Theatre pig M 3--Citizens' Forum shpat 6--Chez Helene aoe eee eS Se | 5-2--Focus $--Free and Easy Sa--Jan Murray Show |{1--Family Theatre -- 0 ' | a ts In 7--Day In Court 7--Popeye U--Father Knows Best 7--Faith For Today | 4--Crosscurrents $3---Play Your Musch asia, 1° a5 namie Dawe © King Features Syndicate, Ine, 1962. World rights reserved. 3--Robin Hood 6-3--Hazel | we 1S ' ee ik AM sto ilies 12:30 \--Popeye With Capt. |(i--Family Theatre a | 9-6 2--Weather: elie et | 7--Make A Face | Andy othe Holy, ma bape P.M | 6--Movie Theatre %The Hideaway News: Sports er avi, i--Jamboree 9--Fea' atre are oe wilt $--Report From li--Sunset Strip Congress 9--A Kin To Win s < 4 LV | \ . ee, | ew cw tte tet | CROSSWORD : > UNO, Se / CRIME INCREASE t\1--Movie Showcase |\-Biology -- McMaster | 6-3--Parade é XPD Y, Number of crimes reported to T--Leave It To Beaver| University bo-Walt Disney = bareasornnieni irs cm cennansit ; 3 LKR : ' police in England and Wales in i id of Col ; \ 6--Red River Jamboree | %--Italian Theatre ¢betls tee Mdanaae ACROSS 43. Never 17. Dutch NAMPIADION i -- , ae ie AY 1958 was 120 per cent higher 7--Playh S Stanton cers | G-Let's Speak. English 8:00 P.M. .Calf'sfiesh (poet) than in 1938, | ! 3--Peter Gunn | Felix The Cat 6-4-3--Ed_ Sullivan . Keats, 44. Golf-ball 18, Outer 2--Tall Man 4--News; Weather: | Show for one elevators bound- iN] 9:00 P.M. |, Sports Academy Pertorm- t vt a FLATS . re 3--Popeye and Pals | ance--Part | Forest WN ao i E sicue nad JANE ARDEN eto gy Ay 2-Gene Autry 8:30 P.M. trees 1. Apparent of an Pe teeta 12:15 P.M. \\1--Junior "A" Hockey Island 2. Otherwise area 9:30 P.M. ate Tae. AS | goes | (New York 8. Miss 21. Neuter | $- 4 [ORK (Have Gus wo | "So pM | ee OP: harbor) Gardner pronoun FAT iiSeeL nl | 3 Fravel |1--Musi¢ -- McMaster |11--Canada Outdoors . Test, as 4. To place 22. De- AVIAIIS mA! 10:00 P.M. University | 6-3--Bonanza ore 5. Monetary posits t1l--Man From Interpol | ¢.3--Speaking French | 7--Bus Stop Silk- 6, Bullfight a Yesterdsy's Answer | S--Bowling | 5-2--Bonanza ' ' B 81. Foreign 7--Championship Bowl- | 4--Utica Club Bowling | 4--GE Theatre | cotton cries . | Tournament | 9:3. P.M. tree 1. Choice $2. Proclaim | 12:45 P.M. 1l--Zane Grey Theatre | . Recline group . Rig loudly | 4Stories of the Year | 4--Jack Benny Show . Gloss 8. Italian 36, "Bus Stop" arg i er ee « pol This. Week i Russian river Baer --Rev. Oral Rober |\1--Debu' ¥ ' \GanGood Life 'Theatre | $--Andy Griffith's Show river 9. Ship's 26, Boring 87, Sioux 10:4) ¢.M. |2--Family Playhouse 7--Adventures In | 17.---- Door social 27. Consecrate Indian S--Johnny Esaw Show-- | 1:3" PM, ear aradise | "Policy cabin with oil 89. Baseball be \--Forward $_Show of the Week . Epoch 11.Girl'sname 29. Little child club 04 | i spans ere tie | . Salad- 15. Constel- 30. Projecting 40. "Honest 3 6-3--Country Calendar tig Ow OF tne dressing lation parts eee %--Country Hoedows Week ingredient 7-6-4. ' 5-1, 2, 3, Go q a Teta porte | Sheriff' of Cochise 10:30 P.M. "Weight 1 fe 4 oT eY sash ris nt Le 4 ° 2-Award Theatre = | 00 P.M. \--Twenty Questions (Abyss.) T "zt I wasn't mad at myself 1:18 -.M. 11--Junior "A" Hockey 9--Loretta Young | Td hay " 9% | 65cseat Heart Y never have bought it." | 11--News. Weather: 9--Movie Feature 4--What's My Line Spo: 7--Championship Bridge od artery 1--Late Show 6-3--Junior Magazine 11:00 P.M. . Four- aiieieeiaeenll eemmammmmmmmnenel 6--Night Metro 5--World of Sports 1-7-6-5-4-3--News: fifths of 4--Film Featurette | Sports: Weather atmosphere 15 3---M 2:30 P.M 9--The Law and Mr. . .M, 1--Meet The Professor Jones . " YEP, GRANDMA, «HAVE VOTED YOu TH' ! RRED 1 Late Show phate --nse hg 1i:15 P.M. 2 FOR TH' THIRD NICEST AN' PRETTIEST TH BE / : i raw 3:u2 1. Takats, Show | : a > day rtp at agp ys In THIS it KS i Ni ' +See thastve 7 Directions '62 | 5his. Week's World rth Y oO 2 : MUFFLER 200 ?.M, -- 3--Movie | 6--Midnight Zone 3:30 P.M. | 3--Award Theatre | i V/, Pg ms : ve ae OU 4 \ INSTALLATION tte tere ae age 11:30 P.M. | -- ev ta, TT | 1--Mahali 7--Editors. Chi \1--Late Show cd a Mae 6 5 a S-- Scouting Report meee Beanie Piasl: |< Sl eee f s . ae p Our fully experienced stoff oe : bird 1% Ips ill "install lity = fi 4:00 P.M. S--Paramount Play- | "Jack in ) = $i i w install @ quality rst : ¢ § Welker" muffler on your cor 8:00 A.M. '1--Rec Room house 2-This Is The Life 9--Junior "A" Hockey | 4--Starlight Theatre the Bean- 4 , / : -..» you pey for the muffler 8-70 A.) be | RY 's i a only, installation, FREE ! Ui : porte 63--King Whyte Show MICKEY MOUSE +20 0s me tee, 1 217 A.M. | 7--Issues and Answers . > stalk" cities . | 6-3--Heritage MONDAY 8:30 A.M 4---Wonderfuj World of "seaeaer I 7--Talk of the Town 89. Condue- Golf C\ « 7--Search 'i , Sr = 2--Pic-a-Polka 5-2--Today Show tor's wand "hh eG b ) , "ieee | 4:30 P.M. Captain Kangaroo 41, Twilled Z 3 4B ' ' &--Farm, Home and | 1!--Tiny Talent Time 8:30 A.M. fabric Garden 9--Sports: News | 7_snowcase 42. Around 1-20 ESSO STATION --~ SERVICE STATION OPEN~~ CIINNAY JAN 94 |= 9 A.M.-9 P.M. AND ALL NEXT WEEK 7 A.M. "9 P.M. 4 " SCOTTY 222 KING ST. W. (King at Gladstone) For the Best Service Drive to THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. CORN-GRAVJ-00-LAYGHUNS, )!)) | BUT, SUMPTHIN' WORSE |S Alf: + X IFI KIN HOLD HER = rage rey re FOLKS J! YO' DONE. SURVIVED /%] | COMIN'-TH' PRESIDENTIAL f piu OFE JUST FIVE. 'TOWN WITH THE tonee he THE DAUGHTER OF THE. a TH' BLINDIN' FURY OF A WHAMMY! MAH ADVICE |S, MINUTES MORE, | TRIPLE WHAMMY J! WASHIN'TON SHOULD BE KIN HOIL THE. EVACUATED, q i IMMEDIATELY! oe INJURED JEWELER. WHAT HAPPENED TO BMY FATHER 2 mS ee THE LONE RANGER BARGAINS Waterproof Your Basement WITH PROVEN Resilacrete EP COME HERE GUCK BIGGEST BIRD YOU EVER SAW eS8 Product : : ALA Pe roducts x IN YOUR LIFE? ot rarer \ . we mA WHY NOT TRY COLINTING I" THEY WERE CUTE LIKE WOW! HEY, MUSG6, DO YOU WANT TO SEE THE 1T6 MIDNIGHT, '* Toe ~~ LITTLE...HMM? UNCLE LUDWG... pT § Be | H, THAT'S AN IDEA! ON SHEEP... THEY a BORE ME! ele B Resilacrete MASONRY SUR- FACE FILLER. Assorted 3 12 colors. 10-Ib, pkg. Only Ws APPLICATION DONALD DUCK Le hey i : ; / Resilacrete WALLPLATE, in Nap MV ' ) p. | " on your choice of color. pha ees j : : GAL., ONLY MUGGS AND SKEETER YOU DO GET MORE FOR LESS WITH SCOTTY'S CASH & CARRY PRICES!! MR. STUBBLE, YOU WPT veEIBAGCOD, We 1M] IP IN TRE REALLY SHOULD RAISE ~ \ HONEST, PESERVNG) 4 Gone" NUBBIN'S ALLOWANCEY/! | BOY we DUTCH YS lash f ns Hes. % ee \ HOWARD 3 ay sk IARD JONES--HAVE YOU Weed ! b Resilacrete MOISTURE BAR. DECIDED TO SPEND THE REST ) Neg f OF YOUR LIFE UP IN THAT ---- { i ( a on "oe DUSTY OLD ATTIC? GAL., ONLY a reserved ry © Kine Poatures Syndtonte, tre, teed. Resilacrete CONCRETE HARD- ENER. For concrete . floors. Pick the color you want. GAL., ONLY .. 8.45 APPLICATION BRUSH, ONLY JULIET JONES @ 'No Payments Till Mey ©@ Free mates @ Budget Terms from WELL, OKAY-- GO {III | TT war atime \!l in E : 6 to 60 months ALLI ASK OF YOU IN LIFE IS JUST TEN MORE LITTLE MINUTES-- BACK To SLEEP TO GET &, ; , 4 BUT ONLY FOR INSOMNIA! ; ny 2M COMING TO TEN MINUTES scrote HELP YOU, MAMAN your HELP. 24 Ba. SILVER BEAR. < : 60 BACK TO = ef YOUR GENTLEMAN ) : : FRIEND. fe) SY q AND BUILDING SUPPLIES 1279 SIMCOE NORTH Open daily from 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Friday Till 9 p.m. 728-6291 King Fontares 37 odiante, Inc, 1962. World nights reserved LARRY BRANNON