Oshawa Times (1958-), 20 Jan 1962, p. 14

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Januery 20, 1962 \BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT BIRTHS BADGLEY -- Fd and Marion wish to announce the birth of a son, Kerry Adam, 7 Ibs. 3 ozs., on Friday, Janu ary 19, 1962, at Oshawa General Hos-} pital, A brother for Lee, lan and Kurt Mother and son doing fine cox Frank and Martha (nee By PETER DUNN Campbell) happily announce the arriva' Canadian Press Staff Writer of their first ann ADE d at = A speculative splurge, whop . January 19, 1962 at the Osha Friday THorpiial. Mother and baby Ping volumes, toppling indus- fine trials and a power failure--all } shts is week's WARRISON -- Gylee and Marion are Were highlights of thi happy to announce the arrival of a7 Ib. Stock market action. 1 ox. baby girl, Sharyn Lorene, on Northgate Explorations con- Thursday, January 18, 1962 at the Osh-',; senna sscachv : awa General Hospital. A sister for Dan, tinued its winning ways Mon Special thanks to Dr. Ross day and by Tuesday, recently- inactive mining issues had GOOD NEWs STORY--When yoo; a ionic. the birth of your child to#/climbed on the bandwagon. the Oshawa Times, el ippil ne be ao' Northgate was overshadowed 00; . A ' Bee. Be) wecorde and o re your in the torrid trading and ranked friends and relatives in those far away well down on the exchange s ae ge ite" Cianeitiod most active list for Tuesday as phone RA 3-3492 jWayne Petroleum, Werner Lake, Atlin Ruffner, Iso Mines and Head of The Lakes were DEATHS volume leaders. Closing volume for the day LONG, George _ was 7,068,000 shares -- highest Entered into rest-in Whitby, Ontario, S lov. 3 5 7.620.001 on Thursday, January 18, 1962, George | Since Nov. 30 when - 7,620,000 Long, beloved husband of Emily Harti shares were traded. Dollar vol son and father of Patricia sat cae ume was the greatest since ef Toronto and Marcus Long o! s . of Toront@ rather of Professor Marcus|Dec. 8 at $13,000,000, and the Long of Toronto, in his 49th year number of transactions reached Rest ing at the Armstrong Funeral Home,|j9 4]. the most since Nov. 29 Oshawa. With memorial service faiteked< in anid in the Zs Chapel on Saturday, January 20, at 2 Northgate p.m Interment Oshawa Union Ceme- week when profit-taking drove tery BH down as much as $1.40 to $5.00. However, when the week GERROW 'FUNERAL ended, it had rebounded to $6 CHAPEL 95--its highest price yet Kindness beyond price yet within reach of all Industrial issues went into a 728-6226 decline in mid-week as well 390 KING STREET tumbling more than 11 points LOCKE'S FLORIST on index before staging a slight arrangements recovery Some losses were T heaviest in weeks, banks, steels and refining oils the weakest groups Losses in around $3.25 WE bank issues ranged Motor issues were also lower. Goodyear Tire fell $8.00 to $152 Tuesday but closed Friday at $158. U.S: Ford went down $5.00 to $110 early in the week but sold at $112 at the close Friday Salada Shiriff gained 3719 cents Monday on announcement of an extra dividend. Harding Carpets moved to a 1961-62 high of $1875 following news that the company plans to make a tax- Funeral for floral requirements occasions OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 24 HOUR PHONE SERVI 8.6555 GIDEON Bibles are a continuing me morial. For placement contact fune director or phone 725-2327 IN MEMORIAM FLINT -- In loving memory of Annie Rebecca Flint, who passed away Jan uary 19, 1946. To know we never said goodbye Will always bring regret, But the heart that loved you dearly Is the ofe that doesn't forget Always remembered and sadly mi ed by son Whelsby and daughter-in-! aw Ethel MeLEOD -- In loving memory of our dear mother and grandmother, Verna ate en McLeod, who passed away January 2, NEW YORK (AP)--The tar 1961 ' iff wall between the- United Tas eiancy evar States and the European Com- And o'er thy grave in mon Market began to tumble Shall fall a silent tear this wask Lovingly remembered by Dawn this week : Marie, Walter, Wally and Dawn Marie. And President Kennedy sent a balanced' federal budget for fiscal 1963 to congress. The two governmental actions U.S. business de- hearts shall hold dear, loving grief MOON -- In loving memory of Roy C. Moon, who passed away January 21 1960. Sadly missed and ever remembered by son Bill, daughter-in-law Charlotte dominated Wisse ont Kevin. sae anny' velopments. The Common Market reduced tariffs on a broad range of in- dustrial imports from the United States, such as automo- : biles and machinery, and made ROYLE -- In loving memory ef my some concessions on agricul- dear son, Gerald Raymond (Bud), who tural pro ducts. The United passed away January 21, 1960. 'The blow was great. the shock severe, States cut tariffs on many in- We little thought his death so near, dustrial products to the limit of The cee Guten' witbout ts fare- authority in the reciprocal trade well. act. The average was believed ~Sadly missed by Dad to be considerably under 20 per -- In loving memory of my cent Gerald idan nie The reductions are subject to esate "approval by the Common Mar- ket council of ministers, the General Agreements of Tariffs and Trades and the U.S. Con- Beer gress, but approval was con- who sidered a formality President Kennedy wants lower the barrier further. He has asked Congress for au- thority to cut tariffs across the board. by up to 50 per cent The Kennedy budget is a del- icately balanced affair with an- ticipated revenues of $93,000,- of my 000,000 and expenditures of $92, Jan: 5; This compares with MOON -- In loving dear husband, Roy, who left 2 21, 1960. Love's greatest gift remembrance ~-Sadly missed by wife Violet memory m us Janu ROYLE dear husband, Royle, who passed away 1960. While he jies in peaceful sleep His memory we will always keep Ever remembered by wife Ruth and daughter Sandra SMITH In loving fear mother and grandmother passed away January 20. 1958 The golden gate stood open Four years ago toda} With farewells left unspoken You quickly slipped away God knew that you were weary The hill too steep to climb He gently took your hand in His And whispered "Peace be thine' --Sadly missed and lovingly remember ed by the family to SMITH -- In dear wife Mary, w 58. loving memory who passed away 37,000,000. anticipated revenues of $82,100,- 00,00 and spending of $89,75,- ing June 3 Most of the increased outlay would go for defence and space He takes only the best research and technology --Ever remembered by husband Harry The numbing cold wave that In loving memory of a SWept Texas and Florida vege- dear friend, Ernest Alfred Trott who table and citrus growing areas Pee Ga ee Ie teat caused millions of dollars in His memory we shall a crop losses Housewives im- Always remembered by mediately felt an increase in Russell and Gloria food costs New car sales in the first CARD OF THANKS - JENKINS -- relatives end friends for visits, the love cards ors gifts received dfiring my recent stay in the hospital. Thanks to Rev. Larke and co fag Ey Bodies Urged Street Church: also many thanks to the. TORONTO (CP -- Productiv nurses and staff of 3 C for their extra ity councils, already forming on are and kindness. Special thanks to f fe HalamAreres, De Richmond, Dr,i2. provincial basis;. should also Ugray and Dr. Maroosis be set up at local levels, says Jenkins, 135 Albert Street. 1] George De Young, chairman thank all my Of the National Productivity relatives for Council. He told the Toronto Ro- the lovely cards, flowers and gifts Tian Club Fridav. tt received during my recent iliness in '@TY ub Friday the national hospital and at home; also Rt. Rev. council is setting up two sem Monsignor Coffey, Rev, M and Rev. F. Schumave, and Dr, M on the subject, one in Mortis: and the nurses and aides on D2, March and one Jater for their kind attention, Oshawa Gen "If we can make them suc- tal ' eral Hospita ceed more will follow. We are inviting heads of companies} The fa of the af Di ahinn 4nl Mary O'Donnell wish to thank and representatives of labor to friends and neighbors for "'t down together and look at during their recent be? the problem of how we should work together to make Can- ada grow. Mr. De Young, president of DIVIDENDS Atlas Steels Ltd.. said Can-) ada must prepare for 1970 com- By THE CANADIAN PRESS petition and he outlined what : other countries are doing to Canadian General Inve st- wards the same end $i punta oe . cents plus 15, (Productivity, frequently con cent. bonus, April 16, record'tysed with "moré production," March 30. , | has as its aim more efficient Cosmos Imperial Mills Ltd., production. or the best use of| 17% cents plus 10 cents extra, capital, Labor management,| Feb. 15, record Jan. 31 raw materials and machinery. to Hambilton Cotton Company improve output and lower Lid., five. per cent pfd. $1.25,/costs) May 15, record May 4; common! Urging emphasis on research 25 cents plus 10 cents extra,'Mr. De Young stated: "Our ef- March 1, record Feb. 9 forts at improving our United. Corporations.. Ltd., petitive position' must come Class B. 20 cents, Feb, 5, re-\from new equipment, processes, cord Jan, 31. 'products and procedures. . . ."! ' y @, 1951 ou suffered with courage, We knew not vour pain You fought to get well But all was in vain When God called you To His garden of rest It's true what they say home TROTT -- Dot, Alfred, 10 ish 'to thank 1 the my nany and Productivity -- I wish to friends, neighbors and Mrs. Mary_Lyon O'DONNELL -- late Mrs relatives their kindness réavement The O'Donnel] family com Torrid Trading arket Feature free preferred stock dividend to shareholders. | Western oils ttaded heavily | and ended the week slightly} ahead. New highs were scored | by Home A and B, Medalli ion, | Royalite, Asamera and Pacific | Petroleum. Base metals declined more) than two points on index over| the week. Noranda moved to a| new high of $62.50 on Wednes- day, but eased back to end the week at $60.75 | A late-week trading burst in| golds had not significant effect} on prices as the group re-| mained steady. | EXCHANGE CRIPPLED In the midst of Monday's hec-} tic buying, a power failure} crippled elec trical recording, equipment and threw the ex-| change into confusion. Messen-} gers had to rush information of; transactions from the trading floor to the statistics depart-} ment, where volumes, price changes and indexes were com puted by hand. | More than 400 ticker tape machines across Canada and 'in the U.S.--all supplied 'with sta tistics by the Toronto exchange --were idle for 244 hours Volume at Toronto this. week was 31.573 shares compared with last week's 21,407,000. Dol ar value was $63,338,444 On index at Toronto, trials fell 10.87 at 608.80 metals 2.39 at 211.24 and 01 at 91.04. Western oils vanced .46 at 1910 Industrial volume at Montreal! totalled shares com pared with 1,780,814 last week Mines volume totalled 8,613,009 this week, compared with 2,169 756 On index at Montreal were off 1.46 at 30; utilities 2.1 at 143.5: industrials 1.1 at 340.8: combined 4.7 at 275.0; pa pers 14.0 at 490.0 and golds .39 at 85.16 indus base golds ad banks ariff Barriers Being Lowere days of January, averaging 17 668 each selling day, were the best for the period since 1957 Opposition to the proposed merger of the nation's two big gest railroads, the New York Central and the Pennsylvania mushroomed this week Michael Quill, president of the Transport Workers Union which has 25,000 members working for the lines, threat- ened a strike unless they were guaranteed job security. The railroads said they would dis- cuss it later. Slight Easing In Bond Prices | By THE CANADIAN. PRES Prices on Canadian bond, markets eased fractionally this! week in light trade | Day-to-day money was quoted at 234 per cent at mid-week and 244 per cent at weeks end The 91-day treasury bills were quoted at 3.09 per cent} and the 182-day bills at 3 26 per cent On the mid and long-term government market the Canada 414-per-cent, 1966, bonds were quoted at $101.50, the 414 per- cent Canada, 1983 at $93.25 and the five-per-cent CNR, 1987 at $97.7. On the provincial market one new issue was featured The $15,000,000 Saskatchewan 5!4-| per cent Feb. 15, 1982 issue,! priced at $99.25 to vield 5.56 per cent, met with good reception. | There was no new major cor-! porate or municipal financing| and prices remained practically | unchanged in light trade NET EARNINGS yY THE CANADIAN PRE Premier Trust Company, yea ended Dec. 31; 1961, $246,577; 1960, FOR A HAPPY CAREFREE WINTER IT'S THE VINOY PARK Te. HOTEL Rest, relax, play in the sparkling winter sunshine; enjoy tropical surroundings of the Jargest, most luxuri- ous hotel on Florida's Gulf Facing 'Tampa Bay, the Vinoy offers superb cui- sine, its own golf course: Par Three on grounds pool beac 'ht Pacing sport Plan, Wire or Write Sterling B. Botiome, Mgr.-Dir. Coast Course club, Am. 'St' PETERSBURG, FLORIDA eekly Summary Of Stock Market Activity TORONTO WEEKLY By The Canadian Press Declines outnumbered advances by Toronto Stock Exchange this week. 164 the week was 31,807 the changed Volume for totalled previous week's 21,474,362 date are 31,807,516. t marked §&. WEEK'S H By Btock Sales Dom C Husky 34 Trans Mt BA Oil Dom Stores 6 3439 28982 25934 Wayne 2194260 South U 723260 Dynamic 262550 Dev-Pal 140118 Un Oils 97205 Werner Iso Northgte Atlin Ruf Arcadia 860 1296544 922900 86190 Industrials A and B 404 405 Abitibi Abitibi Acad-All Acad-Atl A Acad-Atl | pr Agnew-S Alta Dist Alta Dist vt Alta Dis W Alta Gas Alta Gas pr 105 5770 1260 380 6200 5300 6040 10762 pr B pr wis 400 wis ) Alum 3 pr 60 Alum 2 pr 2075 Analog 7 Ang Pulp pr Anthes IMP Anthes B pr Argus Argus Argus Ash Ashdown A St Wire C Atlas Steel Auto Ault Bank Bank Bath 250pr 260pr Lumber Lumb A Phone nore Biwater pr Bowat 4!apr Bow Mer P Bowater Brazil Sugar Brown Bruck A d Prot Bu liochs A Burlington ns 15284 Cal Can Can Can Pow Bread Cem Cem 375 160 1245 445 Cdn Can A Cdn Celan © Cel 175 pr Chem Chem wis Collieries In wt Sec A Husky Husky wts Hydro Car Imp Bk C Ind Gas 2928 8675 390 MOST ACTIVE The Canadian This Week------ 1961. High Low Close Ch'ge High Low INDUSTRIALS Tar 35218 $195, 19 194 88 11500 $41% $254 $132 $2314 110 $103 $18 275 2 460 $110 10 $108 $49%4 $25'4 $54 $53% $82 $i2%e 90 $100 855 Cdn Wide pr Chat-Gai Cockshu Col Comb Conduits Con, Baks Cons Bidg Con Bid Cc Bidg Con Con Gas A Copp Clark 620 Coronatiin Corby vt Cosmis Crain RL Crestbrk wis Crown Trust Crush Int Crush p Mist Sea D Bridge D Coal pr Dom Elec Dom Elect w D Fairy D Fndiy pr D Magnes Don Scot Dosco Dosco Dom Dom Dom Dom Dover Du Pont Gas Stores Tar Tar pr Text 3025 Eddy Match Eddy Emp Erie Eaquisite Exquisite pr x025 Fam Play 1960 Fanny } 05 Fed Farms Fed Grain 150 Fed Grain pr 60 Fibre 200 Fleet Mig 27900 Fleetwood Ford (US) 620 Life 300 GNGas Gas GB Coal Coal B Great West G Wpe G Wye GW n Gua Hardee Hardee oe $174 20 $198%-- 108+a $10'% $101%4 101% 101% SB% $135 $19% $22\2 $2014 Ss: 224 99 $160 $644 490 110 Quotations in 10: 103 260 185 120 1 1 I L 108%s 108 1 1 7 1 1 i I 480 100 «100 15 fOCK QUOTES Stock 391 to 344 on io Issues un- H Pauch Horne Pf Mur Erie Imp Life Imp Oil Imp Tob Imp Ind 1 Ac Ind 16, sales for cents up from the the year unless Total TORONTO STOCKS Press Min Ing Injand C Inland G Inland Inind ¢ Int 1 Brinze Int Util Int Intprov Intprov Inter PL I Stl Inv S Intpr Intpr 20'8 144 s Jamaica Jefferson Jeff B Jock Jock C pr Jock © Kelly DA Kelly wts Kelvinator 25 12% Labatt 2 2344 1 Lafarge Lafarge farge akeland 18 18 275 200 120 365% 365% Mid-West Milt B M Cont A Nolson A Molson B Ingersoll A pr wits Bronze pr Util pr A wis ck Molsin pr Mon Mont Mont 'Trst Moore Mon Nat Nat Nat N St Neon Nia W NO N NQ Nor No NW Inv Drug Groc Car Pow Ocean Cer OB Ont Ont Osha Over Overla Page-Hers Parker Pbina Penmans PC Jewel Phantom Pheto Pow Premium Pres Qn Loan Steel Gas Loco Phone Phone Util pr n Sup pr Eng Corp Elect QN Gas pr QN Gas Quinte A Rapid-G -A Reitman Reitman R Litth R Roe AV Roe Rothmans Royal Mauric Salada-S Salada Seyties Selkirk A Seven Art Shawin Shawin A Shawin Simpsons SKD Mfg Slater Ind Slat Sout ham Stedman Steel Can Steinberg Siuart Oil S Propane Suptest Switsin 630 90 Tians-Mt 94 1 'Trans 1 Union Oi) Un Acc Un Gas wis s Ind pr Tob pr p pr pr s PS wis Foods Drug pr pr re B Gas wis Bank AP A ord PPL 2 --I----ThisqWeek Sales High 50 52% 365 6 58 240 $147% 1 400 9 59 wt 13000 110 1200 $614 3000 310 700 $10 Lt $16 $7% 300 4805 825 1000 S7\e 1003 160 6000 270 Can AV pr Rolland A 30100 235 3195 230 300 899 1603 4 $16 $5 495 Un Gas A pr Corp B Fuel B n Steel Viceroy Viceriy B Venlomat Vulcan Wainwr Walk GW Wat Webb Westeel '"s 10% W Copper Westfair Weston A Weston B Bq BN 49 49 0% 107» 10% 10% -- 4s 13 13% 19 19% 22.4 22 Wstn 6 pr West A WCoast T Wood J Wood .) pr Wiodwd A Wdwa A Zenith Curb Andian Asbestos CD Suz Corp pr Equip Knp wis a 23% 1 Wsn 4\5 pr wis WCoast Tr vt 13870 Cloth L MacLaren acLaren Zeller's AP Cins All Rox Almine. Am Ledue Ancho glo Am 62 480 +20 sia 16 304 9% %% 416% ili A $30% $64 Si 30! 658 $5%e 5% 125 120 $5 355 285 1700 $10% 200 150 6 5 355 270 25 $40% 5146 3490 $22 106 $98 40 $107 10614 7257 $1034 10% 9100 $21%s 19 $209% 19% 1305 $38R 37 225 $90 90 1475 S17% 450 600 20660 325 100 8 7 800 = B00 04 + 99 990 910 2500 500 0 9% 28020 430 10061 99 94 47633 320 50 524 365 58 49% 16°% * 400 107 104@ 1% M% ee 1961-67 Low Close Ch'ge High Low 52% 18's 6% ------~weeThis Week This Week High Low Close Eat 410 ar 410 1% 7 Stock 12620 430 395 s 3 Granduc 30167 166 15 3 Gulch 8800 25 Gulf Lead 8005 115 Gunnar 1200 56 Gwillim 21921 740 3700 120 200 20465 100043 19640 400 3700 225 140118 61 7055 $1444 0 Homestd Williston Cent Del Charter Oil Com Pete C Dragon C East Cr © Mie Mac C West Pete Dev-Pal Dome Pete Duvex : Dynamie * +2 H of Lakes Headway Heath High-Bell Howey Hud Bay Hydra Ex Inspiratn Int Moly Int Nickel Irish Cop Irin Bay 16 19% +2% 5 45S at 104 9% 13 42% 262 250 --10 260 225 240 ---I17 956% 545 56 28348 420 2110 410, Fargo Fr Pete pr Gr Plains $14% Home Oil A 33020 $154 Home Oil B 16574 $14 HB Oil G 5098 $18% Jump Pnd 1440020 Jellicoe ti N 350 5 Joburke L 464 390 73200 7% 6 14000 38 8636 Joliet 2% 1 Jonsmith 10 5 5 Jiwsey Kenville Kerr Add Kilembe Kirk Min Kirk Town Kopan Landa ¢ LI Pete Long Point Majtrans 4000 Marigold 11600 Medel 46896 265 Milcon 22000 «27 Mill City 14600 18 Murphy 700 250 Nat Pet 2800 255 235 N Concord 8509 4% 4% N Cont 23 N Davies 1 9 4 Northeal 19662 64 +1 L. Dufault NC Oils 5390 225 203 Lake Ling NCO wis 2000 60 57 5 a L Osu NCO pr 315 $25 25 2 ' L Shore Northid 37300 25 Lamaque Langis Latin Am Leitch Lencourt Lexindin LL Lac Lorado Loradi Liuvict Lyndhst ou 225 2240 353665 500 Labralor Okalta Pete 1614 990 10% 585 40 2 166667 130635 8300 wis Macdon Macfie py Leod ndsen Seecnes Malartic Maneast U Man Bar Maralgo Marboy Marcon 5 0 8 > Maritime an 5 +4 " Martin Triad Oil 4 Matatch U Canso vt Mattagami Un Oils Maybrun MelIniyy McKen™ McMar McWat Mentir Merrill Meta Uran Midrim Min-Ore Moneta Mt Wright Multi-M Murray Nama Cr Nealon Nello New Alger New Ath New Bid New Cal N Goldvue K 5 N Harri 207000 10 New Hosco 513375 120 New Jason 5479 8 N Kelore {0295 Newlund 224935 2514 N Man 9900 36 N Mylaam 76782 44 Newnir 500 New Rouyn N Senator New Taku Nick M S$ Nipissing Nisto Nor Acme Noranda Nirbeau Norgold Norlartie Normetal Norpax N_ Coldstrm N_ Golderst N Rank Norsp A wis North Can Norvalie Niva Beau Nudul e Sapphire Sarcee 1 Secur Free 495 * 485 t 3 17 Spooner Stanwell 27206 19000 19950 36800 41700 4850 Tidal 12 $10% 7205 9 W Cdn OG W Cdn OG w Wsburne Wstaies W Cecalta Windfall Yan Can Curb SW Pete 5600 6900 = 18600 145170 12200 144100 2250 11800 13188 A and B Abacus 20 Acad Uran Advocate Agnico Akaitcho Am Larder mal Rare 3. 134620 1100 16746 1320 150 48500 7 40100 «29 27 16257 362% 60% + % 2003 «(37 7 37 7000 7% 7 11000 «13% 13 13 3953 300 300 131900 17% 14400 78 9998 25 18200 «45 200 «+47 34300 250 25400 «11 8500 55 2000 12% o 24500 6 O'Brien 71230 «74 Oka Rare Brie 10% O'Leary 15 \ Opem 67 "14 665 9 625 Orchan $6025 245 212 Orenada 8500 7% Ormsby 25400 27 Osisko 103000 = 85 Pamour 5150 «80 Patini M 200 700 Pato 1650 277 Paymast 3750 15% Peerless ak 0 Perron Pickle Crow Pitch Ore Placer 17 Pow Rou 40525 52 5 Preston 2170 565 565 Pros Air 92 83 88 Purdex s Que Ascot 221 9% Que Chib 42650 Que Lith 1000 500 Que Man 4600 14 Q Metal Qunston Quemont Radiore Rayrick Realm Reeves Rexspar Rio Algom Rio Rup Rix Athab Roche c¢ Rockwin Rowan Cin Ryanor San Ant 11016 193 Sand Riv 44100 7 Satellite 31500 28 Sheep Cr 35 Sherritt Silvermq Sigma Sil Miller Sil Stand Siscoe Stanrek Steeloy Steep R Sturgeon Sud Cont Sullivan 140 --10 54+ % pe 18500 4300 2930 7380 42988 4000 9100 32500 20000 23900 8700 9000 15900 8825 8178 20000 359825 242700 226500 128900 4440 9800 umaque Aunor Bankeno Bank{iell Barex Barnat e Bary Expl Base Metal -1 +10 --6 -3 wwe i ei SreiSSwe rats Obaska i] Bordulac Bouzan Bralorne Broul Reef Brunswick Buffad Buff Ank Buff RL Cadamet Camp Chib Camp RL C Tungsten Cdn Astoria © Dyno CN Inca C Nwest Candore Can-Erin BSu0efS 495 5530 970 69900 67 108525 115 65030 17 205 165 Chester Chib-Kay « Chib M Chimo Chrom Cochen Will Coin Lake C Met Coniagas Coniaurum 500 Con-Key 123600 © Bellekno 3 » Beta G 7 Callinan 514 Discovery 9000 Fen 7242 on Gillies 2080 G Arrow 9700 Halliwell Marcus on MS Mogul 62150 128 Morrison 265107 65 Mosier 8100 225 on Nichil 4000 Northid 10100 3 30 32 Persh 1500 10% 10% on Que 2060 2 Red Pop 2509 Regcourt 7500 Sunburst 730100 19% 131% Conwest 22664 71 Sylvanite 8550 33 33 Cop Corp 9000 T to Z Cop Man 158000 Taurcanis 19025 45 41 "4 Coprand 565 feck-H 27786 165 153 155 Coulee Temag 4609 110 164 106 Cowich 'Territory 10100 1444 13 14 Craigmnt Thom L 59680 162 Croinor 'Tirmont Crowpat e Tombill Cusco Torbrit Daering Towag D'Aragon Trans Res De Cour Tribag Deer Horn Trin Chib D'Eldona U Jt Shaw Mining Asbestis SE ao 30700 30650 401200 ° 300 525 9400 540 30400 43 17600 2714 24% 24% --3} 10300 - 5 9659 10500 ee 00 205 210 --15 5 5 54926 830 5500 24 6000 8 5950 179 173 1 3 =21% 2 5: 33000 37100 7017 3500 12096 935 7300 «13 29983 183 16600 9712 Dome Donaida Dunraine Duvan Upp Can Vandoo Vespar Vauze Violam Waite Am Wasamac E Amphi Fast Mal Fast Sull +38 --l* i Fk y Fara 95 3 3 7 es Wi roy 179 F r ae Wiltsey 3 3 2 Winch 5 5 Wr Harg Yale Lead Yk Bear Yiung HG Yukeno Zenmoc Zulapa Curb Bulolo 7960 825 Gaspe Cop 30 $244 Pend Ore 675 218 Yukon"Con 5900 49 Fatima Francoeur Frobisher Gaitwin Geco Mines Genex Gnt Masct Glacier Glenn Goldale Gr Mining Golldray Grandroy 5 5 3 4375 100° 100 100 2500 ll, 10% 10% --x 19430104 100 102 +1 88150 32 29 32 +1 5000 «6 54 5h---*% 429700 24% 18 230 «+6 6875 32 28 Bm 104200 i 501 Uran 800 24% 218 4814 800 --25 24% --1% 218 --2 48% --1'4 830 29% 17% 265 «191 65 45 Production consisted of 7,707 Car production by companies cars compared with 6,166 and this week and this year with 1,285 trucks compared with figures for last week and the 1,147, corresponding period last year Production to date this yearjin brackets, was: American motors 354 (348), (nil); Chrysler 932 (nil), 1,885 (1,646); Ford 1,715 (848), 4,578 mding period last year--madc | (4. 186); General 'Motors 4,529 p of 21,116 cars compared with]\479i); 13, 183° (10,984); Stude- J072 and 3,502 trucks com-|baker - Packard 117, (178); 499 pared with 3,604, 1(256).* S Outma Higher TORONTO (CP) ~ Canadian|is estimated at 24,618 units com- motor. - vehicle production thi: | :ared with 22,676 in the corres- week is estimated at 8,992 un compared with 7,313 last wer says the Canadian Automobil €hamber of Commerce,

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