Market Hits High Volume TORONTO (CP)--Torrid trad- ng in speculative mining issues hoisted the stock market to its greatest volume in six weeks Tuesday, despite th market's general decliné. Recent favorites played sec- ond fiddle to little - known stocks and Northgate rated sixth on the exchange's most active list. Volume leaders were Wayne Petroleum, Werner and Atlin Ruffner. } Lake Dufault was well behind, although it gained 85 cents on the day to $7.50. Northgate re- treated from Tuesday's gains dropping 55 cents to $5.85. Iso Mines went down 11 cents to beg after climbing as high as Industrials were hard hit by losses, with banks and foods suffering most. Bank of Nova Scotia dropped 144, Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce one point and Royal Bank %, Westons B fell one point. Biggest drop of the day went to U.S, Ford, down five points at 110 in light turnover. .Gen- eral Dynamic went down three 4 THe OSHAWA TIME8S, Wednesday, Jenuvery 17, 1962 3 Times Out 'For Driver, Gets 30 Days Bowmanville Appoints Committees Of Council BOWMANVILLE (Staff) Police -- K. Hooper, W. Fice,| Planning Board -- J. A. Cole BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- It|The recently appointed striking|S. Little, Mayor ex-officio. 1960-61-62; W. Lycett 1962-63-64; was third time unlucky for|:ommittee of Bowmanville Town| Public Property -- J. Brough,|J. Brough 1962; L. C. Mason Robert James, of Toronto, when|Xouncil Monday night announced|S, Little, A. Oke, Mayor ex-|1961-62-63; N. E. Osborne 1962- he appeared in Bowmanville|the names of personne liofficio, 63-64; I, Smith 1961-62-63; Mayor Magistrate's Court Tuesday, and|appointed to commisstons and] Rds. and Streets -- R. Ni-|Hobbs ex-officio. pleaded guilty to driving while|committees. chols, S. Little, J. Brough,) Cemetery Board --R. Stevens his licence was under suspen-| The top three of the town's|Mayor ex-officio, 1962; W. Fice 1962; A. Sturrock sion--he has been convicted|municipal government -- Mayor| Welfare and Civic -- A. Oke,|1961-62-63; Rev. H. Turner 1961- twice previously for the same|Ivan Hobbs, Reeve Sidney Lit- W. Fice, K, Hooper, Mayor ex-|64; P, Bathgate 1962-63-64; offence, tle and Deputy- Reeve Rossjofficio. Mayor Hobbs ex-officio. Magistrate R. B. Baxter dish- Stevens --comprised the com-| Board of Works -- §S. Little| Hospital Board -- G. Hughes an « 30-day "sail sentence| mittee. and all members of Council. |1962 on this offence; a $10 fine or The appointments are as} Industrial -- G. Hughes, K. three days in jail for falling t follows: First name under the|/Hooper, J. Brough, N. Osborne, ys in jail for failing to|,. rious committees of councillG, MacNeil, Mayor ex-officio. report an accident (over $100); ? y and an additional $10 fine or denotes the chairman. Wage Negotiations -- R. Ste- three days for unlawfully dis-\COMMITTEES OF COUNCIL |Vens, G, Hughes, Mayor ex- layi driver' it not] Fire --W. Fice, R. Nichols, |Officio. eos iy ea ani es A. Oke and Mayor Ivan Hobbs,| Emergency Measures -- G. An Ontario Provincial Police|°Xoficio. cao Finance -- R. Stevens, officio. officer testifying on the charges, nen : said he stopped a vehicle Jan. Nichols, J, Brough, G. Hughes,| Dog Control W. Fice, A - i ieee officio. 13 which was registered to a\Mayor ex-officio. Oke, Mayor ex-offic' wemean. The accused said the officer produced the driver's Memorial Arena -- J. Brough 1962-63; S. Little 1962-63; N. Osborne 1962-63; F. Hooper 1962-63; W. Morrison 1962-63; E. Rundle 1962-63; R. Guthrie 1962-63; Mayor Hobbs ex-officio. LIBRARY BOARD Library Board -- G. Vice 1961- 62-63; Mrs. Swan 1962-63-64; R. L. Hamlyn 1960-61-62. Recreation Committee -- G. Hughes 1962; K. Hooper 1962; D. Stutt 1962; P. Chant 1962; C. Kilmer 1962; C. Samis 1962; ® |been drinking, and damage to | ® BOWMANVILLE HIGH SCHOOL CHEERLEADERS Rah, Rah, Rah, went the; CI at Bowmanville recently, | Donevan 29-28 but Donevan's | Alder, 15; Lois Maguire, 15; newly-formed Bowmanville | Plop, plop, plop went Done- | bantams crushed Bowman- | Carol Elston, 16. Front row High School cheerleading | van baskets as the seniors ville 41-10. Shown are: Back |(1l-r) Mary Munday, 16; Tleane squad when the school's bas- | dumped Bowmanville 60-34. | row (l-r) Sheryl Ann Luxton, | Rahm, 16 and Pat Carter, 15. ketball teams played Donevan | Bowmanyille's juniors edged ' 15; Pat Thompson, 15; Patti jon Highway 115, just south of the | Fourth Concession, said the offi- s \cer. --Oshawa Times Photo permit of his passenger -- a Robert Smith, of Toronto, against whom a charge is pend- ing. In addition, the accused had the car was later tied in to damage to Department of High- way-owned guy posts and braces Since his licence was suspend- ed in 1957, the accused admitted now only the latest charge, but the same infraction in 1958 and 1960. lesson," said the magistrate in handing down the jail term. SEE NO SPLIT LONDON (AP) -- Diplomatic a charge of impaired driving, | lining his client's need for a ! s s s s D Ch Dec, 16. {driving permit and that this| | d D ragging ain! re) Ontario Provincial Police|was his first offence. | mpailre river Fined $50, Costs QUIET SEASON towtruck dragging a chain along! yigpon (AP) -- The Portu-| | OPP Off 7 |Constable told Magistrate R. B 1ps O| Baxter that after witnessing a Highway 2, he stopped the veh- y-|guese government BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- A|But the informants added the announced|3l-year-old slaughterhouse em- informants reported Tues- day that the U.S and British ambassadors in Moscow have detected a peculiar atmosphere \of political uncertainty lately. lenvoys have found little evi- "We will have to teach you a/& Odds-Ends Dance High School Plan BOWMANVILLE -- An inci- dent of some concern through- out the school is Gary (Flash) MacDougal, our student photog- rapher, He has broken another Wrist. broken his other wrist three times and had suffered broken nose, Which bone will be the next to 0? The Students' Council is going Due to a teacher's meeting at 3.00 p.m. on Wednesday classes started at 1.00 p.m. and there was no noon sock hop. The members of the BHS Stu- dents' Council met on Wednes- day, Jan. 10 in the cafeteria. Many things were decided at this meeting. SCHOOL JACKETS SOLD The annual At Home dance is to be on February 23 with a Valentine theme. By PAT GILL Formerly, Gary had toe and collar bone. fined as a general improvement in dress, posture and courtesy. Tleane Rahme, Publicity man- ager, was elected chairman of the school dance scheduled for this Friday. The dress is to be "odds and ends" style such as rich from the waist up and poor from the waist down. Odds and ends Thursday, at decorations from other dances are to be used. DANCE COMMITTEE Members of Ileane's dance committee are Kathy Hooey, Marg. Cowan, Merv. English, Dan Marshall, Brad Lucas and Pat Gill. It's the last dance before the At Home so we'd like to see a lot out. January 11, BHS Junior and Senior girls' basketball teams left 3.30 p.m. for Henry Street School, Miss D. Purdon 1962. Oshawa Regional Planning Board -- Mayor Hobbs 1962; A. J. Cole 1962. Traffic Advisory Board -- S. Little 1962; B. Kilpatrick 1962; P. Patrick 1962; D, Kennedy 1962; E. W. Crawford 1962. High School Board -- L. A. Parker 1961-62-63; A. E,. Mc- Gregor 1960-61-62; A. Strike 1962-63-64. Chamber of Commerce -- A. Oke 1962. Central Lake Conservation Authority -- G. Hughes 1962. Lake Ontario Development Association -- R, Stevens 1962. Committee of Adjustment -- B, Vanstone 1961-62-63; T. Reh- der 1961-62; W. Carruthers 1962- 63-64, Museum Board -- A. M. points, also in light trading. On the exchange index, indus- trials slipped 1.48 to 617.69 and base metals .11 at 213,50. West- ern oils climbed .45 at 119.02 and golds .52 at 91.87. Volume was 7,068,000 shares + pag with Tuesday's 6,201- Base metals were weakened losses to Falconbridge, Hudson Bay Mining and International Nickel, all off in a % to % range. NEW INDUSTRIES WINNIPEG (CP)--At least 30 new manufacturing plants were established in the Winnipeg area in 1961. One food products plant is a $1,750,000 operation, and a custom abattoir in neighboring St. Boniface cost $1,000,000. Thompson 1962; Dr. J. Henry 1962; W. Bert Syer 1962; Miss Apha Hodgins 1962; Mrs. Nel- ville Wiseman 1962; Mrs. Elsie Lunney 1962; A. Oke 1962; W. Fice 1962. DAG'S STAMP BRUSSELS (AP)--The Congo Va AWAKE YANSUEEP Depa Many people never seem to a good night's rest. They toss ol hie in bed, then are dull and listless during the day. When kidneys slow down wastes and excess acids stay in the system. Disturbed rest, tired feel Impaired Driver icle and found the accused dri BOWMANVILLE (Staff)--For-|ing. dence to suggest an imminent split or change of policy in So- viet leadership. In Paris, French officiai sources ex-| The Council also decided at pressed doubt that some big de-|the meeting that Dress-Up Day velopment may be taking shape|would be every second Tuesday in the Kremlin. lin the month. This day is de- don' inthe Pills, has announced a series of pos- tage stamps commemorating the late Dag Hammarskjold, UN secretary - general. They show his head in profile against a map of Africa. Whitby. Two exciting games were played. The Senior game was won by Henry School with a score of 22-10. BHS was vic- torious in the Junior game with a 24-16 score. and backache often follow. If rest well at night--if you feel daytime--use Dodd's Ki wait Soi Yoncentpeed va Bobs work better. You can on Kidney Pills, » |that because of the loss of the|ployee, Rudy Urgecs, of RR 1, ty-six-year-old Harold Webber,| 'He staggered, and his breath/ Portuguese territory of Goa| Bowmanville, was fined $50 or of RR 3, Bowmanville, was fin-|smelled of alcohol," testified|in India, this predominantly|seven days in jail in Bowman- ed $50 or seven days in jail in|the officer. Romance Catholic country will] ville Court Tuesday after plead- Bowmanville Magistrate's Court] Counsel Terence Kelly, of Osh-|not observe the joyous pre-jing guilty to a charge of im- Tuesday after pleading guilty tolawa, asked for lenience, under-|Lenten carnival season. paired driving, Jan. 13 SALE SALE NOW NOW to sell red corduroy school jack- ets to all students interested. BIG CITY -- Sliced - White - Sandwich - Whole or Cracked Wheat BREAD 2 2 35° SUN RYPE CLEAR -- VITAMINIZED sae 2-49" | 299 8-OZ. JAR GOVERNMENT INSPECTED CANADA APPROVED RED BRAND BEEF 24-OZ, LOAVES SEAMLESS MESH NYLONS X STEINBERG 100% Complete Meat Eating Satisfaction Guaranteed! or money refunded Open Daily 9:00 TILL 6:00 WED. till 12:30 FRI. 9:00 till 9:00: To The Bare Walls! BLOUSES COTTONS - DACRONS TERYLENES CREAM -0 INSTANT COFFEE ""* S FUSSIES -- COCKTAILS 'DRESSES TERRIFIC SELECTION Reg. to $35.00 Reg. to $14.95 Reg. to $5.95 HEY.O9 |f 6.77 || 1.97 FULL SIZE RANGE WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF A 1 POUND PKG, OF MAPLE LEAF WIENERS COUPON EXPIRES JAN.24/62 5 = Bp WITH THIS COUPON '\ AND PURCHASE OF A.3 LB. PKG. OF PEF INSTANT. MILK 2 COUPON EXPIRES JAN. wu S 'WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF A SWEET PICKLED bs WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE. OP A 1% U8. TIN OF OAAPLE LEAF BONELESS , i a 'WITH THIS COUPON \ AND PURCHASE OF Ite ete eee eee WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF Serie Tear assure SANDWICH MEATS COUPON EXPIRES JAN. ans) A PKG OF BUDDIG SLICED SMOKED BEEF COUPON EXPIRESJAN. one ) CANADA APPROVED 0 ROLL. BLADE ROAST COUPON EXPIRES JAN. -- y, 'WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF es, 210 OZ. TINS OF AVLMER CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP 2/35¢ COUPON EXPIRES JAN. ar) ~\ WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE,OF WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF A 6 OZ. PKG. OF CRESCENT SWITZERLAND Swiss 49¢ CHEESE COUPON EXPIRESJAN. sae Sale Continues Till All Stock Is Sold! FLEXEES & JULIETTE BRAS AND GARMENTS ¥, PRICE AN 8 OZ. PKG. OF CRESCENT 31 CHEESE COUPON EXPIRES JAN, 24/62 SLICES LADIES' 'WITH THIS COUPON Reg. $4.95 TONGUE 65¢ sat Qe rootuPaste 9c Hundreds Of Other Bargains! COUPON EXPIRES JAN. er) LADIES' WEAR PULLOVERS- CARDIGANS SLASHED CLOSE-OUT 'WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF A 12 OZ. TIN OF HEREFORD BEEF 55 COUPON EXPIRES JAN. ad) 'WITH THIS COUPON \ AND PURCHASE OF A 5OZ. TIN OF ATRWICK peoporizer 19¢ NATURAL COUPON EXPIRES JAN, 24/62 J 'WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF A7% OZ. TIN OF. CARNATION COHOR SALMON 49¢ COUPON EXPIRESJAN. 24/62 ) WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF A PINT TIN OF JOHNSON'S HARD GLOSS GLO Coat LIQUID cooWAX,, 096. § WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF A DOZ, OR MORE OP ANY VARIETY OF ORANGES COUPON EXPIRESJAN. us 49 STEINBERG AND BE SURE! SAVE 77s Get © genvine Wm. Rogers Silverplated GRAPEFRUIT SPOON 'with serrated edge for only 23¢ reg. velve $1.00) with the perchase of 10 Florida's Finest iver seo | WITH THIS COUPON: AND PURCHASE OF PEPSODENT SUTFAAPOALIROH LIRA ES RARER ORDER O40: 'WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF ANY HEART OR STALE OF U.S. NO, 1 CELERY COUPON EXPIRESJAN. 24 wd ae) steeraee ge 'WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF A CHILD'S PEPSODENT TOOTHBRUSH 39¢ COUPON EXPIRES JAN. 24/420) AND PURCHASE OF s 215 OZ. TINS OF MISS CANADA RED 3 RASPBERRIES 336 cHoice COUPON Expines JAN. un? WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF A 50 18. BAG OF A! VARIETY OF CANADA GRADE NO. 1 cool dtatoes 24 wi P) ~\ WITH THIS COUPON rit ui WITH THIS COUPON WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF 2 1 U8. PKGS. OF Rom! SPAGHETTI /4] COUPON EXPIRES JAN. 24/62 / \OPEN THURS. & FRI. TO 9 P.M. COUPON EXPIRES JAN, as) WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF A 37 OZ. PKG, OF ) MONARCH TEABISK 53¢ 6) COUPON EXPIRES JAN, 24/62) ro? ROUGE HILL © 306 DUNDAS ST. W. WHITBY DUNDAS ROAD STREET WHITBY bok be O14 OR