Oshawa Times (1958-), 17 Jan 1962, p. 13

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TEMPLE LODGE No. 649 OFFICERS ARE INSTALLED Brother G. Martin, junior steward; Brother R, E, Wal- lis, senior steward; Brother Irvine Harrell, inner guard; | Worshipful Brother John junior warden; Worshipful Brother B. Flutter, organist and Very Worshipful Brother Owen Friend. secretary, Standing, from left, are Broth- er T. H. -Campbell, tyler; Grosart, immedi- master; Very Wor- Brother A. S. Clark, Brother James warden; Wor- W. Cornish; Crawford; An annua! event, the instal- ; Brother T lation of executive lodge offi- | ate past cers of Temple Lodge, No. | shipful 649, AF and AM took place | treasurer; Tuesday night at the Centre Barron, senior street Masonic Temple. Seat- | shipful Master J ed, from left, are Worshipful | Brother Gordon Says Statement Not Made By Local 45 Executive Council. He Keith W, Ross, ODLC tary-treasurer and its repre- sentative on the hospital board, | Donations Total $1,725 Donations lo the Oshawa Gen- eral Hospitai's Christmas ap peal totalled $1,725, W. A. Hol- land, hospital administrator, told the hospital board Tues- day night. Donations not previously ac- knowledged include: E. F. Cuthbertson, $25; Miss| C. Abbott, $25; Dr H.C. Arnott,} $50; Mrs. Mabel Robson, $200; Mrs. F, J. Rundle, $50; Miss May Cockburn, $25: Anonymous (for dictating equipment) $500; Oshawa General Hospitaliter, that the item 'Protest pointed oul that board was assured Tuesday|Hospital Retirement Plan" ap night that an opinion expressed| pearing in the Jan. 10 issue of at a meeting of Oshawa and|The Oshawa Times, is not the District Labor Council, was not| opinion of the executive, nor of the feeling of the executive, nor|the union members in general, the membership of Local 45,)but is the opinion of one man National Union of Public who is a member of Local 45 Service Employees, but was the) Mrs, Milner asked that her feeling of one member of the|letter be brought to the atten- Anonymous (for nurses' Christ- sie Meets tht atuaae tae mas presents) $100 A hospital worker charged Following the protest Yolced The previously acknowledged|last week that it has been the at labor council last Tuesday Christmas: appeal donations|Policy of the hospital board to|)., the hospital worker: dele- totalled $750, Mr. Holland said.| release workers at age 65. gates to the council voted to go In addition, the OGH building) The worker told the Labor! on record as opposing the policy fund received a $300 boost from Council that a worker, after)of releasing workers at age 65, Dr. J. H. McKinney, the hospi-| retirement at age 65, could then which the NUPSE spokesman tal administrator said. be rehired for a one year period! said Local 45 would fight dur- HOSPITAL BOARD at a lower pay rate ing contract negotiations next W. A. Holland, Oshawa Gen- plain to the delegation board's petition. gate's statement was not chal- lenged S. F. Everson said the hospi- tal hires many persons who are "far too old to think of getting work in industry." He added if the board is going to continue getting a lot of criticism, pos- sibly it should adopt the same policy as industry -- to refrain from hiring anyone over age 45 years. The board voted to send a Mrs. Kathleen D. Milner,) May. copy of Mrs. Milner's letter to 'eral Hospital admunistrator; H Local 45, NUPSE, recording sec-| Ald. John Brady said he felt A. Washington, hospital board|Tetary, informed W A. Holland,|the board's position was not building committee chairman| hospital administrator, by let-i properly explained to the Laborito the attention of Mr. Ross. mez tants on' Fleet Street Row Uniform Speed il appear before ibe, comm For Seaway Over Snowdon Job ¢.,.,31 Boats tee of adjustment tonight to seek a bui permit to erect By ALAN HARVEY {against Lord Snowdon's name, DEARBORN, Mich. (AP)-- LONDON (€P)--The Earl ofjbeing used for the "enlarge-|Canadian canals in the St, Law- an addition to the McLaughlin Hal) nurses' residence. Paul Coath, of Whitby, was mamed a Whitby Town Council appointee to the Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital board of direc- tors. Ald. oe ye ee ae Snowdon's hope that he could|ment and enrichment" of the rence Seaway hi oid a i gate to the hospital for a one-|SiiP_ back into Fleet Street as/Rewshaper empire owned' by|form seven--mile-an-hour spee fa unobtrusively as he first went|Canadian publisher Roy Thom- limit in the 1962 shipping sea- rs oC, Acualtins peed: into it was smothered Tuesday|Son. ' Foes son and all ships using the sea- denkalact ra pt tal Gen |i2 columns of critical type. Princess Margaret will in ef- way will be required to have i = a " " eT > fect become a party to the fi- very high frequency. communi- eral Hospital Ladies Auxiliary Booby trap,' says The Eve-| vanci egy ; ' ' : ¥; al aspirations of a single'cations equipment. hey TA'd oa on po svi hy Me bad |Mewspaper empire," chimes in' This was announced to the asa L, legate. s rs ae psa VA eapror sume aed Pe ' An Ontari itepital Services blunder when they allowed Prin- pei cag Pangea ate PY|joint conference of the Lake Commission 'progress payment Cess Margaret's husband to ac-}) 00. achany More seavel Carriers' Association and the of $3,397.50 towards a grant to cept a job as artistic adviser to Aart Hou any nualine feat Dominion Marine Association the cost of renovating the Burns The Sunday Times. siveet ey have jee Lord by R. J. Burnside, director of home interns' residence was re- After a slow start, several/snowdon's entry into the highly operations and maintenance for ceived by W. A. Holland, hos- Fleet Street papers mounted| competitive world of publishing,|s2n2¢2,5, 9 Lawrence Seaway pital administrator their big guns against the ap-|jt can also see the funny-side, Authority. A General Motors of Canada|pointment, saying that it was The Daily Mail. in a cartoon|. There is no speed limit in the Lid. cheque for $125,000 has|unwise for the Royal Family tolby Emmwood, shows a poster-/Great Lakes or in open river heen received by W. A. Holland, become involved in what is painter who looks remarkably|Sections of the seaway. Speed hospita) administrator, to be|known as the "jungle of Fleet! jike Thomson, thick glasses and|limits in the canals have been added to the OGH new wing Street," with its cut - throat/ajl, pasting a picture on a wall/Six m.p.h. for vessels more than bw tnd -- bagged competitive policies and high-\heside an advertisement say-|260 feet long and eight m.p.h. 000 pledae ts the building find. at iiad ERUEIRS. ing: "Top people read The for smaller vessels. Ten additional Abciore were There seemed to be a growing Times," Burnside said the only excep- appointed to. the OGH medical |-oo ing among seasoned politi- The second sign, picturing ation to the new speed limit will stat Tuesday Wweht. Dr Tose| C2! observers that somebody, |coroneted Lord Snowdon wield-|be a nine m.p.h. limit in Agvirre-Ferro rap aovotnited % somehow, had missed a trick,|ing his camera, says Top peo-|the Beauharnois Canal, where the associate staff with general ahaa ~ appointment would/ple run The Sunday Times." stronger currents prevail. practice privileges. Dr. Stanley ' Ce aera Burnside said checkpoints will Mankiewicz was appointed to SPEAKS OUT SHARPLY HOPES FOR CURE be established hioashout the the associate staff with priv- Bott The Dz ly W ne CLEVELAND (AP) -- Tom system to check on speeds. ileges in neurology vy * ' : Dp aily Mail and the iudson, 48 year - old Winnipeg|Captains of ships _ travelling The Oshawa General Hospital ob shed og gerd Saat One taxi driver, arrived here Tues-|slower. than seven m.p.h. would lag ag cafeteria, Tuesday, sdibgthen , os Pkg at boa Burnside said the new speed Graduation date fdr the sen-| June 1, Mrs. Mary Telford, di- fo ise a See ce nor {Will permit' more uniform 'pas- } ' 7 pes a new serum|cage of vessels. , a of the OGH School rector of nursing said Tuesday being tested by doctors here - ursing has been set for night may help him. 2 ehavatis. ditt enosin ONE ACCIDENT Oshawa Police Department re- 'ported one accident in the city, Tuesday. This occurred shortly| gested retail list price reduc-| were Mr, after 5 p.m. on King street east. tions on a wide range of tires. Mr, Police said one car was at- tempting to overtake another at the time of the collision,/and suggested list price reduc- Phillips, Mr which caused an estimated total of $170 damage to the two cars involved. Drivers were Norman car tires, all truck tire--includ-|the head table. James Moran, 66, 441 King street east and John Keith How- den, 20, 621 Mary street. Con- stable James Powe!1 inves- tigated. Meeting With Local 132 Oshawa city council's Labor |Relations Committee, headed |by Ald. Hayward Murdoch, met |with representatives of Hills- dale Manor's local 132 Tuesday night for preliminary talks on the 1962 agreement This' marks the second talk jwith city employees. Early tlast December the committee jmet with the Oshawa Fire | Fighters' Association, bocal 465. | Their bargaining committee pre- sented a brief asking for jincrease in pay along with a jreduction in hours worked per week Ald. Murdoch said today his committee, made up of Ald. | Gordon Attersley and Cecil |Bint, will meet soon with the rest of council to reveal con- tents of the briefs received, and discuss general policy before | Proceediniy with negotiations All exeant department heads. HEIFER DONATED TO AJAX HOSPITAL FUND A five-month-old Ayrshire heifer, donated by Harry Boyes and Son, wili appear at today's fund-raising Ritz for with the Dunkeld the new Ajax - Pickering Hos- | Farmers. Shown pital. Tickets on the calf will | heifer are Evelyn | be «old by the Brooklin Jynior and Freda Draper Carey, chaplain; Worshipful ' r ~ She Oshawa Simes SECOND SECTION OSHAWA, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 17, 1962 PAGE THIRTEEN Committee Planned The Oshawa General Hospital board will appoint a_ three- member committee to sit with three members from the medi- cal staff advisory committee to form a medical staff - hospital board joint conference committee. When it is formed the com- mittee will become a standing committee of the hospital and will discuss problems common to both the medical staff and hospital board. A joint committee was re- Brother B. J. Stredwich, di- rector of ceremonies; Broth- | er A. G, Barron, junior dea- | con, and Brother A E. Bathe, | senior deacon. --Oshawa Times Photo 4 New Beds 'To Be Opened H. A. Washington, Oshawa General Hospital board's build- ing committee chairman, said |Tuesday night that four new secre-|beds in the new wing's third|tinued quality "of care can be \floor will be opened today. | Mr. Washington told the hos- the new third floor (Ward 3F) T. L, Wilson, board chairman, | aqditi 1 beds will be opened board members is a_ standin: said he noticed the NUPSE dele-|po tonal beds will 'be op : for patient care. The building committee chair- man said the physiotherapy de- |partment moved to new quar- |ters in. the new wing Jan. 4, the new wing conference room was opened Jan, 12 and the record room was moved to the new wing Jan. 10. He said the school of nursing and paediatrics department were moved into the new wing before Christmas. According to Mr. Washington, the labor council and to call it)the fourth, fifth and sixth floors|Calls were reported. The am- are complete with the exception lof the installation of cabinets |which are due to arrive at OGH | today. | Mr,. Washington said he ex- |pects renovations and enlarge- jment of the main lobby should |be complete within two weeks, 'COASTING FINE (FOR MAGISTRATE KETCHIKAN, Alaska (AP) District Magistrate \Richard Lauber and Robert H. Viegler, Ketchikan attorney, were fined $5 each Tuesday for coasting on an icy street after midnight. Ziegler, 40; said he. was baby - sitting Monday night and Lauber, 33, called to him to come out and join the fun, "You were too easily. en- ticed,"" ruled Esther Powell, who is Lauber's deputy mag- istrate. "'The fine will be $5." Both pleaded guilty. They { were arrested at 1:25 a.m. by Police Sgt. Carl Webb, Webb had warned they were violat- ing an ordinance which says sleds, coaster wagons and toy cars must not be used on the streets, Lauber protested they were sliding on the snow and ice, not on the streets. Webb whipped out his citation book and wrote them up. | | Pricing Policy For Firestone HAMILTON (CP)--The Fire- stone Tire and Rubber Com-} pany Tuesday announced the! jadoption of a new, simplified j\deaier pricing policy and sug- Firestone said the new, sim-| plified dealer pricing policy| tions will be effective Feb. 1 on the popular types of passenger} ing off-highway types, all truck tubes and some farm tires. Reductions range from five to} 25 per cent at the suggested re-! tail price list level Is He'd | Registered Nurses and office staff at Hillsdale' Manor are members of NUPSE (National Union of Public Service Em- ployees) Local 132; this includes |}practical nurses, kitchen and laundry stafis, maintenance and | housekeeping personne! | The bargaining commitiee of the Oshawa Police Association has already presented its de- mands to the Police Commis- sion. This commission, made up of Judge Alex Hall, Mayor Christine Thomas and Mazgis- trate Frank Ebbs deals direct ly with the Association. Council has no say in these talks. Board of Works, NUPSE Local 50, and City Hall em plavees, NUPSE Loca! 51; have agreements terminating on |March 31 and April '30, respec- tively. Neither local has pre- sented briefs to the Council!) |Labor Committee as yet, ac- cording te Ald. Murdach | President Harold Phillips and commended in a letter to the board from the medical staff advisory committee. Dr. W. G. Y. Grant, chief of the medical staff, told the board many items of interest to both the board and the doctors could be discussed through the joint committee without the need to bring medical problems to the board. Dr. G. B. Doherty, president} of the medical staff, said the committee is not intended to be| ~ a directive to the board but the board is interested in the quality of care as is the medical staff. | He said through regular meet-| ings of a joint committee con- FATHER-AND-SON RIFLE Deschenes 16, is seen centre, as he watches his father, Mr. Lawrence Deschenes of 1028 Centre street, Whitby, get some pointers on handling a The annual Father-and-Son rifle shoot was held at Rotary Hall Tuesday night, sponsored by Air Cadet Corps (Chad- insured. burn), Oshawa. Cadet Robert "3 SHOOT rifle, from Corps instructor FO J. W. Houston. A large number of cadets and their fathers attended this year's event, --Oshawa Times Photo W. A. Holland, hospital ad-|------ was not at the meeting to ex-|nital board that as the nursing|ministrator, said a joint con- the staff becomes sufficient to staffference committee of medical staff members and _ hospital committee in 75 per cent of the larger hospitals. Board chairman, T, L. Wilson will appoint three members of the board to sit on the com- |mittee. One, he said, will be house committee chairman H. M. Smith Health Minister M. B. ; . ee ros ae oe aye to aces : charges made at the Oshawa SMOKE SCARE and District Labor Council last City firemen were called to|Tuesday that people of Ontario investigate a smoke scare at a\can no longer place any confi- home 'on Arthur street at 8.30/dence in the health minister's p.m., Tuesday. No other fire/ ability to carry out his duties, Thomas Edwards, first vice- president of ODLC (and chair- |man of its Political Action Committee) in a4 PAC resolution "|called for Dr. Dymond to be removed from office and former Agriculture Minister W. A, Goodfellow to be severely repri- manded by Premier John Lions Hold Charter Night ass is" wnat he' wrmed | An evening of celebration to|vincial government to prevent . mark the 13th annual Charter| the sale of diseased meat for Night and Ladies' Night of the| human consumption'. Oshawa Loins Club, was fea-| Following is the text of tured at Hotel Genosha, Tues-|Health Minister Dymond's let- | day evening, as Lions, Lionettes/ter to Mr Edwards and the ann tee guests ' attended the] Labor Council: | celebration "Certai » by | aver Crisine Thomas and|you ig 't,esolGon te go |her husband, T. D. 'Tommy'? Council, as reported in The Osh-| disappearance of carcasses sus- Thomas, MLA, were present. lawa Times of Jan. 11, are api ected of rabies infection' to ae by ag Apogee Brati-| far removed from fact that ii The Toronto Board of in the past. Mayor Thomas|_ _ Would state to you, liao. with me and other Min- |made special mention of the|TeViewing my files, that at nojisters inspection of meat for -itime has the Toronto Board of|sale for human food, but no rec' t i * . . jaginaalhinrpsciieblig act He Health or ANY veterinarian) veterinarian has ever spoken to lisdaleltexpressed concern about the|me about meat since this has bulance service answered four calls during the 24 hour period ending at 8.30 a.m., Wednesday, DR. M. B. DYMOND Manor. She conveyed the grati-| ©*? jtude of the residents to the club. e "You are building up credit I t P re) e \for yourselves," Her Worship mmigran r said. "All you have done shall |be returned unto you," "Tommy" Thomas pointed tta a out that a person, by promoting Left To O W the theory of good. principles, good government and ethics is TORONTO (CP) ~ John D.| "Mr. Minakakis has assured the person. who should be elect-|McFarlane, immigration de-/us that at no time was there jed as representative to organ-|partment superintendent here,|any cash or payment in any ae such as the Lions|said Tuesday "the final word" other form given to anyone in ub Mrs. Jack Anderson, presi-|travel agent Constantinos Mina-|every confidence in my staff in dent of the Oshawa Lionettes, |kakis '"'will have to come from|that regard." te gpm to = Mi ions|Ottawa." Mr. Minakakis said in a state- slu or "the education re-| ,, : . ' ment that he produced a full set ceived in operating the Lion-, "Mr. Minakakis has explained) q¢ }ooKs for Mr. McFarlane and aitna everything to my satisfaction, "all my evidence and records Mrs. Anderson's husband,|he said. to show that I dealt properly past president of the Oshawa| The superintendent was com-|with these people." club and chairman of the Zone|menting on newspaper reports; "Eyerything listed -- ex- committee, was in high praise|that Mr. Minakakis charged im-|penses involved and all the of the induction team. |migrant Greek women a fee On| services I performed for them." Seated at the head table be-|the understanding that he could| pierre Berton, for the second sides Mayor and Mrs. Thomas, /get their husbands into Canada| gay today, published in his daily and Mrs John Norris,|swifter than would be the case/coiymn in the Toronto Star Miss Ann Howden, Robert} gration department procedure, |davits stating the women paid Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Harold) Mr. McFarlane said his in-|Mr, Minakakis to expedite visas and Mrs. Jackivestigation uncovered no evid-|\for prospective husbands. Anderson and Dr. and Mrs. Bill/ence of malpractice in the de-| "They're false affidavits, all Sands. Dr Sands _ introduced! partment. 'of them," Mr, Minakakis said. on an investigation concerning|this office and of course I have! and Mrs. Donald Branch,|if they followed normal immi-|what he said were sworn affi-| Dr. Dymond Challenges ODL Council Statements never been a function of the Provincial Department of Health. As vou no doubt know, the inspection (pre-mortem and post-mortem) of animals to be used for human focd is carried out by the Federal Department of Agriculture. All food for human consumption may be in- , spected by the Federal Departs ment of Health under the Food * and Drug Act. Sanitary condi- and tions in slaughter houses butcher shops, as well as the health of food handlers, comes under the Local Medical Officer of Health. "You are reported (by the Whitby Weekly News of Jan. 11, to have said -- 'The situation was so serious that the Oshawa Board of Health had been forced to close three slaughter houses in that area'. You do not state 'what' was so serious, but the Board of Health has the author- ity and the responsibility to close slaughter houses if they do not measure up to health standards. Indeed, this is where the responsibility Hes and not with the Provincial Department of Health. If the Local Board of Health requires advice or assis- tance in these matters, the Pro- jvincial Department of Health }gives such help on request. | "Re the other matter in your resolution -- you either are not in possession of the facts or you have misunderstood what was reported to you. "Veterinarians and Sanitary Inspectors from the Department of Health were sent by me to inspect this farm. They did this thoroughly, discussed conditions |with the local Medical Officer of Health and Sanitary Inspec- tor, as well as the nei > and found nothing to contravene the Public Health Act. | "The Court action to which jyou refer was laid by the SPCA, and had to do with cruel- ty and nothing to do with the Public Health. "All the foregoing can be verified' by reference to public records. "In the matter of "pigs being fed garbage' -- I point 'out this comes under the Federal De- partment of Agriculture and, according to operators whom I know, the law is very rigidly enforced, | "Since I believe you to be |fair-minded and interested in the truth, I am sure you w want your members to have this factual statement "" DR M. B. DYMOND. SANG SHOWN AT THE 13TH AN- NUAL Charter Night of the Oshawa Lions Club are, left to right, Vice - President Don Branch and Mrs. Branch; Mrs. Phillips and Zone Chair- man Jack Anderson and Mrs. Anderson. T. D. "Tommy" Thomas, member of the Legislature for Oshawa rid- ing, was one of the guest speakers, together with his wife, Mayor Christine Thomas. Charter night is always the hjghlight of the Oshawa club's social calen- dar. The event was held in the Hotel Genosha on Tues day night with a good tura- out on hand to enjoy. the event. Oshawa Times Phote

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