SIGHTLESS Charles Stewart McCor- mack of Toronto is one of four blind lawyers practising in Canada. He lost his sight at the age of nine"when he was struck by a baseball and _| Sudden Danger '| In 'Quick Clay' Topics this week: A mys- tery clay, a termite secret and a Soviet view on Mars, QUICK CLAY A first-class scientific mys- tery is the 'quick clay" found | mainly in Norway and Swe- i den. Solid areas of the quick clay can suddenly turn into a | flowing mass of mud, carry- ing along houses, trees and fences. In the past such dis- astrous movements have ta- | ken a heavy toll of life and a property. The quick clays are marine | glacial deposits, and there are varying theories as to '| why they will suddenly begin flowing, whether from shock or other causes. Similar clay have been reported in Que- bec, northern New York and Maine, says Dr. Paul F. Kerr, University of Columbia min- | eralogist who has just re- | ceived a sample of quick | clay from southern Norway. | The sample was shipped to him with careful instructions | not to turn or shock the. cop- | per tubes filled with | strange material. SOLICITOR became totally blind after an operation six years later. Mr. McCormack, 32, uses a braille stylus and desk slate (lower photo) that allows him to take notes at longhand speed. --(CP Photo) TERMITE SECRET Entomologists have tive termites. Out of wood fungus infection, lated a chemical tracts termites. This offers the possibility of using the chemical as a method of lo- cating the feeding grounds of | termites, or using it as | trap to destroy them. PILLS FOR PLANTS In a promising new experi- ment, plants are being fed decayed by they've which at- fertilizers wrapped in plastic capsules, The capsules dis- solve slowly for steady, long- term release of' the fertiliz- ing nutrients, rather than de- livering one single 'jolt early in the growing season. Fertilizers covered with both wax and _ polyethylene coatings have successfully slowed the release of nutri- ents into the soil, report sci- formations | the | turned | up a secret which may prove P a death sentence for destruc- | iso- al | NOW PLAYING entists of the University of Wisconsin. SOVIET VIEWS ON MARS A Soviet astronomer lieves that yellow served on Mars represent only dust, mainly from an iron oxide known as limonite. As Mars has little water, products formed by decom- be- DEATHS By THE CANADIAN PRESS Kingston, Ont. -- Dr. H. +4 Kent, 81, a founder and lead-| ing theologian of the United) Church of Canada and a theol- Third Of Involves TORONTO (CP)--Drivers in jogy professor at Queen's Uni-\the 16-to-24 age group are in- Fishing Club off Manitoulin and|§ | fogs ob- | | versity for 25 years; of a heart attack. Little Current, Ont. -- Harold G. Hutchings, operator of the Harbor Island Yacht Club and well known to yachtsmen in the United States and Canada; af- ter a long illness. Redhill, England Alfred Green, 73, oldest male among the 275 refugees from volcano- ravaged Tristan de Cunha is-' land; of pneumonia. position of rocks are unable to cement into clays and re- main instead as loose dust, says Prof. Vsevolod Sharnov of Leningrad University. He disagrees with scientists who think the fogs could be due to sand. lvolved in almost a third of all jfatal accidents in Canada al- though they represent less than 20-per cent of licensed drivers,| ays Carl Laybourn, Ontario' idirector of safety promotion. "We can't hold them solely responsible for this. We must s | jcidents and traffic law viola- jtions. SAME IN U.S. "The Americans have a v . |Ontario actively behind the pro-|dents and an instructor in each Fatais \gram--with instruction courses|car, there is from six to eight . 5 for teachers, grants for class-jhours of behind-the-wheel prac- room studies, free textbooks and tice and 18 hours as an observer training aids, and a staff in the|while other students receive ¥. t transport department to help set driving instruction, . Ou Ss {up courses. Through an arrangement with Twenty schools have added|four major auto manufacturers, \tomatic 10-per-cent decrease 'nthe course in the last three|!ocal dealers provide the cars |insurance rates for the 16-to-24-|years, bringing the total in On-|and the department supplies lyear-old driver who has taken tario to 50. dual clutch and brake systems. an approved instruction course. "There should be a substan-, For classroom and _ hore ore important, there is ajtial increase in the number of study, there Is a text by the dramatic decrease in both ac-CUrses next year," Mr. Lay-|American Automobile Associa- bourn 'said, "More and more|tion which emphasizes the pro- school boards and principals are Per attitude, makeup of a car recognizing the merits of it." (and its parts and the natural / laws that come into play in ast OUTSIDE SCHOOL HOURS (driving. He is careful to emphasize} [sau all jtake our share of the blame be-|amount of 'experience in this too often it is we field and they're pretty well sat- adults who have taught them to|isfied that these courses reduce drive--in many cases taught/accidents by 50 to 60 per cent and violations by 90 per cent. "We must find a remedy for Our experience bears this out." \this disastrous state of affairs) Although the first student land the logical one ts for all/driver instruction course in On-} secondary schools to offer,driver'tario began at Kitchener colle-| |instruction courses to their stu- giate more than 12 years ago,! idents."" it was not until recent years As the man behind Ontario's'that the idea caught on. school driving program, Mr.| A joint memorandum in Oc- Laybourn says it's paying off, |tober, 1960, from 'the transport them our own bad habits. __| For one thing, there is an au-iand education departments put pe 5 ASSOCIATED BRITISH hatlie ands BILTMORE LL FUN and Drake of ADDED ATTRACTIO They Love 'em and Leave 'em Laffin' in Bagdad! Leo GORCEY - HUNTZ HALL ond THE BOWERY BOYS "Bowery to Bagdad' i GIRL SHOW! the Desert Releseed through WARNER "PATHE DISTRIBUTORS Led, COMING January 2/t SEE DANCE EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT that driver instruciton takes place outside school hours, since some education officials "seem to deliberately misunderstand that point." What does the course involve? The minimum standard calls for 25 hours of classroom in- struction. Then, with four stu- HONOR PIONEER ASH VALE, England (CP)--A will be d in this Surrey area in honor of Ameri- can-born Samuel F. Cody, who in 1908 made the first airplane flight in Britain. The museum was founded by the pioneer's grandson, Leslie Cody. HELP HOME COOKING .. take to dinner tonight | @eeeeeeeeess eee esses eseseveeseeseeeeTee her out YOU... samc time that he provide a "THE fitung job. | With the government unable! Grim Evidence Of Congo's Economic Plight By FRIEDEL UNGEHAUER LEOPOLDVILLE (Reuters)-- Every day, crippled Congolese beggars drag themselves pain- fully through the streets of Leo- poldviile, providing grim _ evi- dence of the economic plight of The congo. They can be seen pleading at the doors of butcher shops for a siiver of meat or sitting out-: side hotels and on the steps of public buildings waiting for the charity of passers by, Although tens of . thousands, are unemployed in Leopold-| vilte, begging is still the private domain of cripples and children. | Able-bodied Congolese do not plead for charity. The invariable plea of beg-) ging children here is: "I am| hungry. I have not eaten for| twe days." It is never more and never Jess than two days, and if they! are offered food instead of the) expecied five-franc piece, they usuaily refuse it. But it is the unemployed, not/ the beggars, who constitute the! msjor social problem. Their| number has been swelled 'to mere than 60,000 out of a pop- ulation of 500,000 by the influx of natives from the bush. TRY FOR WORK Every day, several men will knock at a European's door, meek y offering their services as house boys. Others invent oc- cupations, or offer to cars parked on public squares. Some have drawn up elabo- rate handwritten recommenda- tiens tor themselves, which they wnfoid in front of a cornered European, demanding at the DICTATOR'S CAR _. BROMLEY, England (CP)-- Kent car dealer Andrew Brown returned from Italy with a lim- ousine once owned by the late Mussolini. The 18% - foot - long Lancia was custom-built for the Italian dictatcr in 1919. It had been standing abandoned in an protect |= lo oifer relief, the Congolese family has shouldered the bur- cen of the unemployed. Those wno do work support relatives whe earn nothing, no matter ho. distant the relationship. Though meat is sometimes rare and expensive in the city, the sight of an undernourished Congolese is rare, at least in Leopoldville. CRITICS AGREE ONE OF THE YEAR'S BEST y A movie that etches unforgettably the story of an innocent hope to love and be loved HAYLEY MILLS BERNARD LEE NOW PLAYING ] FEATURE TIMES: 1:45 3:45 - 5:45 - 7:45 - 9:25 POLICE , DOG . STORY STARRING JAMES BROWN MERRY ANDERS Released thru UNITED ARTISTS e@ HIT NO. 2 © Alt / th QINemaScOPE coor oy 08 ut | e HI T NO. 3 @ old rice granary near Milan. AUDREY HEPBURN KEY ROONEY. TECHNICOLOR | Extra! New Color Cartoon FEATURE DAILY AT... 1:30-3:30-5:25-7:30-9:35 WILSON & LEE LIMITED MUSIC STUDIOS Register Now For Lessons On These Popular Instruments ACCORDION SAXOPHONE VIOLIN SPANISH GUITAR POPULAR PIANO bs aaa CLARINET HAWAIIAN GUITAR TROMBONE VIOLA : CELLO Our 6-week beginner's course on the accordion accordion during that period which is taken home for practice. WILS é 87 SIMCOE ST. ON & LEELTD. MUSIC STORE NORTH 725-4706 at 1.50 weekly includes the FREE use of an $) AT THE SATURDAY GET-TOGETHER CLUB SPOT PRIZES -- DANCING -- REFRESHMENTS 0.C.V.1I. Auditorium--Dress, Hard Time ADMISSION:-- Members 40c Non-Members 60c AGES 15 - 21 Tickets on Sale for GET' Formal Jan. 27th NIGHT 8:30 8 P.M. CLUB LORELEY 389 DEAN AVENUE iL] (Off Kitchener Avenue) OOOOH E SOOO HS HHOEOHHHSSSOHHHHHHHHHHHSHHOSHSHOHOHOHOOOD Hhping "15 from MOTOR HOTEL AND RESTAURANT Och @000000000060808008 ot Bowmanville" COOHOHHOHOHHHHOHOOHOOOSOHOSO HEED EOEO®S en Highwey 401 @eceseeseseseservesoooveeeoeesseeseaeeee CLEARING Dinette Chairs! In sets of four Reg. 27.95... Save 8.00! Extra cha tion or TV room! Bronz-finished or chromium and backs upholstered in combina- tion colours of black and white or beige and on legs an EATON Special Price, 4 chairs 19-95 EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT, 370 PHONE 725-7373 irs for the kitchen, recrea- -plated; with padded seats brown, to blend with finish d frame. atonia 'Brentwood' Cotton Rugs Rich plush pile, in up-to-date colours; ~ bY exclusive with EATON'S Come to Eaton's During the Preview Days... Tonight (Friday) And, All Day Saturday SPOTLIGHT SALE of FABRICS Approx. sizes. 24 x 36", (Sale Starts Monday, January 8th) The elite of our cotton rugs! Deep, cushiony cotton pile. Completely washable. Latex backs to help prevent slipping or creeping Fringed ends lie flat Colours of White, Off-White, Sandalwood, Beige, Burnt Orange, Dark Green, Light Green, Blue, Grey, Hyacinth Blue, Rose, Pink. EATONIA VALUE: 24 x 48", each 6-75 each 8-95 ach 4.50 Two sizes available by special order only: 24 x 72", each 1 4.50 EATON'S. LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 272 Store Hours: 9.30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday-to Saturday.Open friday Nights until 9 each 2 7.50 30 x 60", 4'x 6, PHONE 725-7373 é