KEEP IN TRIM A Stimulating By IDA JEAN KAIN | Grab hold of this morale- boosting promise--you can be a size slimmer by St. Valentine's Day. To slip into a dress a size smaller you will have to lose 10 to 16 pounds, or possibly as many as 20, But what's 10 or 20 pounds once you've made up your mind, Expect to reach your goal. If you just go ahead and act as if success were certain--it will be! Never dwell on the mistaken idea that you lack will-power.| The very thought is defeating,| for it amounts to trying to go ahead with the brakes on. Shift into high gear. The tech- nique is to associate will power with willingness instead of self- denial. Are you wholehearted in your be a size slimmer by Feb. 14? Are you enthusias- tic about applying the science of nutrition to build slimness? If you are, then you've got the e| will power. You will to do what) you want to do. ATTITUDE. IMPORTANT | Another thing--the number of pounds that stand between you and ideal weight is not of para-| mount importance. It's your at- | titude toward modifying your food habits that makes all the| difference. Reducing is a mental tri- The New Year Offers \drift to sleep, flash onto the Challenge In your mind's eye create the picture of what you want-- dream on it. Tonight as you | screen of your mind a picture of yourself, slim and trim. This is a graphic way of impressing upon your mind what you want. When you awaken in the morning, stretch, relax and play your mental movie again. Then get up and stretch, bend and pull... you'll even feel slimmer, Tomorrow: How many inches to smaller dress. MENU Breakfast--255 Calories Citrus fruit juice, % cup Poached egg Toast, 2 thin slices Margarine or butter, 44 pat or jelly, 1 tsp. Black coffee Luncheon--320 Calories Tomato bouillon, 1 cup Choice of: Grilled meat loaf, 1 slice on) thin slice rye bread Or: Cheese, 1 oz. slice of rye bread, mustard Crisp celery Fresh pear | be level-headed and blessed with THE STARS SAY by ESTRELLITA For Tomorrow This would be a good time to take stock of oneself. Mend your' ways if you have become care- less. If you find it difficult to correct your habits, just keep plugging. It takes time and pa- tience, For The Birthday If tomorrow is your birthday, your horoscupe indicates that the coming year should be no- table for the strides you can make improving your financial status. Althvuugh you may be obliged to dea with some minor problems in this connection dur- ing September and October, do not become discouraged. These phases will pass -- with your help, of course--and you can go on to reap satisfying rewards for your endeavors. March and October should be fine for job matters and June counts, Domestic, social and sentimental relationships are favored for the next twelve months, with emphasis on the and December. A child born on this day will good health Pick-Up--85 Calories Glass of skim milk or butter- milk Dinner--405 Calories |Broiled chicken NEWS IN BRIEF HOPEFUL EMIGRANT CHICHESTER, England (CP) Penelope Wakefield, 19, wants to looks highly promising on all|¥ romantic angie in June, October| 7 Port Perry, Miss Freda | Dancey, all of Oshawa. Dancey, Mrs. Robert Alds- | worth and Miss Patricia Mis' Donald Feather, To- a "THE BRIDE, seen with her ronto, Miss Barbara Heyes, attendants from left to right: Sheila Kathleen Dancey Wed (4 of 2-Ib broiler) |follow in her great-great-uncle's jup all the forces of your per- (Choice of: baked acorn squash footsteps by going to Canada. lsonality are focwSed on your) (4) with nutmeg er ancester was Edward Gib- bon Wakefield, an official ad- goal. You begin to visualize|Or julienne carrots, yourself zipping into that/ginger viser to Lord Durham when the jumph. When your mind is made| --Aldsworth Photography touch of SANDRA LOUISE latter was governor-in-chief of To William Allan Watson in St. Andrew's United Chuich on Tuesday, December 26, Sneila Kathleen, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. John Gardener Daucey, was united in mar- riage with William Allan Watson, son of Mr, and Mrs. Wiluam John Watson, all of Oshawa. The ceremony was perform-) ed by the Reverend J. R. Leng, DD, and the Reverend George Telford, DD, and following the nuptial rites the bridal pair received Holy Communion. fhe soloist, Mrs. Laurie French, sang '"O Lord Most Holy" (Cesar Franck) and "The} Weading Hymn" from Ptolemy} (Handel), accompanied by the organist, Mr, E. Kelvin James, who played "O Perfect Leve'"' as the processional hymn, and "© God of Bethel," both sung by the congregation. Given in marriage *by her fatixer, the bride wore an 18th| century, bustle gown of white peau de soie, appliqued with) hand-clipped Alencon lace} which outlined the scalloped| necgline, The bodice was styled with: short sleeves complement- éd. by elbow-length white kid gloves, and the skirt flowed into a cathedral train, richly appliqued with lace. Her finger-| tip veil of tulle illusion was} secured by a pill-box head-) drezs of peau de soie. She car-| ricd a spray bouquet of white! camellias and holly on a white hynmnary. Mrs. Robert G, . Aldsworth was matron of honor for her|.~ sister and the other attend- ants were Miss Barbara Heyes, Port Perry; Mrs. Donald Weather, Toronto; Miss Freda Dancey and Miss _-- Patricia Dancey, both of Oshawa. All wore identical dresses of holly greer peau de soie in sheath style with portrait necklines and three-quarter length sleeves and tell overskirts of matching velvet, caught at the waist with a .tlf rose. Their headdresses were matching pillpboxes and they carried cascades of crim-| son carnations and holly. -My Murray Hansel of To- rulto was best man and the ushers were Mr. Robert G. Aldsworth, Oshawa; Mr. Don- ald Robb, Toronto, Mr. Neil Wilson, Whitby, and Mr. Rob- ért McAleese, Toronto. A reception was held in the church parlors. To receive, the bride s mother wore a sheath WIFE P PRESERVER Cut vegetables in pieces of equal size so they will cook evenly. dress of sapphire blue peau de soie with blue accessories and a pil'-box of velvet and ostrich feathers. White gardenias com- posco her corsage. The bride- yroum's mother was in purple crepe with a#@cents of satin; a binch velvet hat, black acces- sories and a corsage of pink} roses The couple flew to New York Cy for their honeymoon. For traveiling the bride donned a mecha wool knit dress with mocha accessories topped with a ssim coat of beige Cashmere| with a matching fox fur collar} R. and beige plush hat. Mr. and Mrs, Watson will re- cide in Oshawa. ofa | | BABY"S FAVORITES| By ALICE BROOKS |Hipkins, Mrs Weme Women's Editor Jo Aldwinckle, smaller size, easily. Creative picturing is a strong ally of ~ will. Dial 723-3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, January 2, 1962 7\ PERSONALS Toronto guests at the Watson- Dancey wedding on Boxing Day jincluded Mr Bryce Owen, Mrs. Mansell, Mrs. Joseph Wilcox, |Miss B. N. LeGrice, Mr. J. G.| Roy Pett, Miss Marlene Christie, Mr, Robert McAleese, Miss Rosalyn Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Feather, Mr. John Finley, Miss Lydia Filby, Mr. and Mrs. George] Reynolds, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Sleep, Mr. and Mrs. D. Prest, Mr. and Mrs. G. Boyle, Mr, and Mrs, R. Dearman, Carol, Rich- ard, Judith and Patricia, Mr, and Mrs. J. Bromell and Mr, and Mrs, R. Ward. From Scar- boro were Mr. Miss Margaret Cousins, others from out of town were Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bolton, Etobicoke; Mr. and Mrs. John Elliott and Mr, Donald Robb, and Neil Wilson, Whitby; Mr. Lee Batstone, King- ston; Miss Elaine McFarlane, Ottawa; Miss Barbara Heyes, Port Perry; Mr. and. Mrs, J. Prest and Mr. and Mrs, K. Prest, Lindsay; Mr. and Mrs, W .Prest, West Hill; Miss Joyce Watson, Burlington. Mayor Christine Thomas and Mr. T, D. Thomas held open house on Friday evening for Miss Kathleen Murray, To- ronto, was a weekend guest of Mr..and Mrs, J. A. Aldwinckle, Bonniebrae Lodge. Mr. and Mrs. K. FE. Sproule and family of Pointe Claire, Quebec, spent the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, E. F. Cuthbertson, Mary street. Mr. and Mrs. T, M. Whelan of Maple entertained at dinner in the Guild of All Arts Coral Room, Among the guests were: Mrs. Sebastian Conlin, Mr. and Mrs, Norval Crossman, Mrs. Frank Love, and the Misses Nancy and Mary Jane Love, all of Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Wil- members of the press and radio. | Have done with wishful think- ing. This is your chance for a fresh st: Get excited about what you can-do for yourself. Excitement, effort and enthu- |slasm restore vigor. | art art. Green beans, % cup Butter or margarine for veg. 4% at Grapefruit and green pepper salad on lettuce leaves Chocolate D-Zerta prepared with skim milk Hot tea or coffee British North America in 1838. Penelope plans to work as a mother's help. SEEKS DIVORCE LONDON (AP) -- Mimi Me- dart, the St. Louis meat heiress who used to keep company with| Daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Arthur Stovin, Court street, is one-year-old Sandra Louise, Sandra is the granddaughter of Mrs. John Stovin, Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Prince, Huntsville. --Photo by Ireland mans had failed to return from trips to such countries as Aus- Total calories for day--1,110.| former King Farouk, said today|tria and Sweden, Jellied Salads Colorful Touch As a decorative touch to the Yuletide table try an attractive- ly garnished moulded salad. To- festive. So are beets and celery or shredded carrots and peas shining through a light colored jelly. Moulded fruit salads are al- ways popular, too. Add sliced grapes and pears to a partially set raspberry jelly, or pineapple sections, grapes and nuts to a lemon-lime jelly mixture. Food coloring may be added, if desir- ed: If using pineapple in mould- ed salads, use canned pineapple or cook the fresh slices. Other- wise, the salad will not set. From the Food Department of Macdonald Institute, Guelph, mato aspic rings are bright and) 9 On Buffet or Dinner Table comes a colorful version of the ever-popular Perfection Salad. Speedy Perfection Salad envelopes unflavored gel- atin 1 cup cold water 1% cups ice water 1% teaspoon salt 1/3 cup sugar Y% cup vinegar Y% cup lemon juice 1% cups finely shredded green cabbage 1 cup diced celery 1 cup cooked frozen peas Y cup chopped green pepper 2 tablespoon diced pimiento Soften the gelatin in cold water, only until gelatin is dissolved, stirring all the time. Remove from heat. Add salt and sugar and stir to disselve. Add ice liam Rich, Whitby; Mr. and Mrs, A. E. Barker of Montreal; Mr. and Mrs. George Cox, and Miss Carol Barker, Scarborough; Miss Joan Barker, Montreal. water, vinegar and lemon juice. Pour an % inch layer of the jelly mixture into an oiled 6 cup mould. Arrange a decora- tion such as poinsettia having Here are many of baby's spe- cial pets, worked in the easy embroidery stitches. Do in blocks or in one panel. Do lazy-daisy flowers in gay colors, blue predominant for a boy, pink for a girl. Pattern ea transfer of 9 motifs 51%4- in. "Send Thirty-five cents (coins) for this pattern (stamps cannot be accepted) to Alice Brooks, c/o The Oshawa Times Needle- craft Dept., Oshawa, Ont. Print plainly NAME, PATTERN NUMBER. NEVER-BEFORE) VALUE! 200 yes, 200 designs to knit, crochet, sew, weave, embroider, quilt in our new 1962 Needle- craft Catalog--ready now! see Beautiful Bulkies in a complete fashion section plus bedspreads, linens, toys, afghans, slipcovers plus 3 free patterns. Send 25c 'now! plus ic provincial tax. Science Now: Without Pain Finds Healing Shrinks Piles Or Discomfort Substance That Relieves Pain And Itching As It Shrinks Hemorrhoids Toronto, Ont. (Special) --For the first time science has found a new healing substance with the ability to s hemorrhoids and to relieve -- and itching. spremess ve been relieved with this ine substance « right in the privacy of their own home without any fort or inconvenience. In one hemorrhoid case after another, "very striking improve- ment" was reported and verified by doctors' observations, Pain was promptly relieved. And while relie » actual reduction or retrscticn (ohrinking) took place. And most amazing of all--this improvement was maintained in cases where doctors' 'were continued over # period of many months! In fact, results were so thorough that sufferers were able to make such statements as."Piles have ceased to be a problem |'? And among these sufferers were a very wide variety of hemorrhoid con- ditions, some of even 10 to 20 years' this, without the use of ~ in- stitute. 'Already yw be is in wide use for healin jured tissye on all parts of the This new healing substance' is fered in or ointment form called a Ask for individually sealed convenient paration H tories or Preparation H ointment =~ licator. is told at all dr Sa!' "action guaran' refuiu.ed, stores. or money ADDRESS, | | | ¢ DRESSES - COATS e SUITS - SPORTSWEAR ing ae og (Bio- -Dyne)--the | SHOPPING CENTRE CLEARANCE SALE REDUCED UP TO AND MORE TO CLEAR ALL SALES FINAL Sd is SHOPPING CENTRE Place over hot water] she is seeking a divorce from the Earl of Coventry. Mimi while still in her teens was a frequent companion of the Egyptian king at various Euro- pean centres. But in 1955 she married the earl. Both were \then 21, RESTRICT TRAVEL | BERLIN (AP) -- Communist East Germany has removed neutral nations from the list of countries its citizens may visit this winter, leaving only the Soviet bloc. Western sources here said a number of East Ger- red. spimiento petals, yellow cheese centre and a green pep- per stem, When the remainder of the jelly is partially set, add the remaining ingredients. Pour over the set decoration. Chill PEACE PARTY ST. ALBANS, England (CP) A group of women in southern England have formed the Women's Political Party for Peace. Its alm is to get more women into Parliament and in- ternational politics. Watch Out For Phony Repairmen To know how they operate is your best defense against these who cheat home- owners of more than a billion Gollare a your, January Reader's the schemes Digest eé: used by phony salesmen and per ni to dota you. Read t to do (and wie not to do) when your home needs until firm, Unmould on lettuce. Garnish with endive or water- cress. or. improvements, Get my TASTY CRUST Uncooked granular cereals and cereal crumbs, of crushed ready-to-eat cereals, give a crisp, tasty crust to fried foods. HOWARD'S 926 SIMCOE N, 725-3144 @ BROADLOOM @ SLIP COVERS @ BAMBOO @ UPHOLSTERING Got. something in mind 'you've always wanted? ... something that would add greatly to your anticipation of the year ahead? A new car, per- haps... a hi-fi... or an up-to-date TV... or even a cottage in the country? There's no need to let an after-holiday, empty- pocket feeling interfere with the way a shiny New Year could look to you as it gets underway. 1962 could be the year for getting things you want for you and yours. Resolve now to start things off by dropping into your neighbourhood branch of the Bank of Montreal. The people there will be glad to discuss a low-cost, life-insured loan through the B of M Family Finance Plan. well worth keeping! It's one resolution that's BANK OF MonTREAL SR Fami y WL BANK Finance Plan LOW-COST, LIFE-INSURED LOANS