Oshawa Times (1958-), 2 Jan 1962, p. 6

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WHITBY And DISTRICT March Of Dimes Begins In Whitby The mothers of Whitby are onjease or inherited the march, This was announced) growing each year, today by Mrs. A, R. Urch in kicking off the 1962 funds cam-|pay dividends, paign.of the March of Dimes, |ment of disabled workers in Serving as Chief Marching;wage - paying positions has Mother, Mrs. Alberta Urch, who|reached a record high level, and lives at 114 St, Lawrence street.|these handicapped persons are expressed her dedication to this|proving their worth in com- annual project. 'Helping the/petitive industry." disabled to a new life of useful:| The March of Dimes, which, ness and achievement is not ?/in Ontario is the Rehabilitation one-shot affair," she -- said.! Foundation for the Disabled, de- "Rather, it is a continuing pro'}pends entirely upon voluntary cess which vitally needs contin-|contributions to provide the uing public support. This year) medical, surgical and retraining we are one of nearly 300 On-| programs which are essential in tario communities taking part in! equipping the disabled to regain March of Dimes Month. That is) their rightful positions as useful why I am asking for the full/ citizens, : | assistance of everyone in our) Noting the remarkable expan- community, sion of the Rehabilitation Foun- SED VOLUNTEERS dation since its beginning eleven ar the present stage of this|vears ago, Mrs, Urch pointed drive our main problem is the/out that the Foundation's first nead for volunteers, Obviously/campaign netted $11,616, Within there cannot be a Mothers'/SiX years the annual returns March unless sufficient num-|rose to more than $400,000 and bers of our women volunteer to|the Soundation broadened its spend this one hour in behalf of|services to provide rehabilitation this truly worthy cause." services not only to victims of Mrs, Urch pointed out that|Polio but also to adults physical: while in former years the March|ly disabled by any cause. of Dimes campaign has met! In 1961, a high mark was causes, is for the place- "Yet efforts in their behalf do} § Top Project-M In an inaugural address, de- .... . oe 2 livered at 11 a.m, today, Mayor " ' Stanley Martin has called upon : his new counci! to select as top priority long-term capital = /works pla for the town, His * |Worship was addressing the } first meeting of the 1962-63 } council, : Besides the -capital works plan, His Worship indicated that in the years ahead he fore+ 7 sees the dey when the town | will take active steps to in- aie duce prestige induStry to locate in Whitby along Highway 401, The portion of His Worship's address dealing with these mat- ters follows: | "The deventure debt 'struc- ture of the town is now very close to the prudent limit, This situation can only be improved if we -- exercise forbearance on the borrowing capacity of the town; new assessment is care- fully balancea viz Residential, Commercial and Industrial; new MAYOR W. S. MARTIN growth of any kind is encourag:| ed in the areas already serviced|and understanding between or close to sei vices ;council and the various spend- | "Thirdly, we make up curiae boards and commissions. |minds to finance some of the/Good will and team spirit can }most needed improvements out/produce the best results and lof current revenue. Council has|surely we wilt not be satisfied followed this practice to some/With anything less. extent and must continue to do OTTIVE so although we must always be} TOP. OBJECTIVE : This capital works " | budget t h ser Fini ont mill should be our No, 1 objective in i] QUEEN'S COUNSEL Two. Whitby solicitors are included in the list of 112 Queen's Counsel announcec on New Year's Day by Attorney | General Kelso Roberts, They are Terence M. Moore, above, and George Boychyn, a Whit- by resident, who practises in Oshawa, Another county resi- dent, Thomas Allen Newman, of Dunbarton, was also honored in the list WHITBY with enthusiastic response, thejreached when more than $600,- need is even greater this year.|/000 was collected by an army of "Although the rehabilitation of}some 50,000 volunteers in On- disabled persons becomes more|tario, This expansion has trig- and more successful each year," |gered a further reassessment of she said, "the number of meni the Foundation's province-wide and women who have become|program, Even further expan- disabled from accident, dis- sion is planned | 1962 and, when completed, let! us not make the mistake of go:| ing our separate ways until the! "Members of -- the -- school|next election. There is much to boards, Pubiic Utilities Com-|be gained by regular joint meet: | jmission and other boards are,|ings between council and the . Thursday Night , {without doubt, as concerned in| various spending bodies -- sort:| | Singles, 250 and over -- E./these matters as council andjing out our problems, making Waddel 271, D. Rowden 280, M.|this is why as -your Mavor, Jjadjustments and, in short, con-| |Reeson 250, 371, E. Jordon 272,/am most anxious to organize alducting the people's business as| |265, B. Meorehouse 277, W. Hubs| series of joint meetings inja management team rate JOINT MEETINGS | BOWLING NEWS WHITBY AND DISTRICT MEN'S BOWLING LEAGUE | new ' phase Long Term Works Plan ayor manner, courcil will be setting the stage, as it were, and through careful preparation in advance, we can encourage industrial development which we need. "There is another important in which 'council can assist our (ndustrial Commis- j sion and thai is by initiating and supporting the revision and upgrading of our present zon- ing bylaws as applied to indus: trial areas, The object of this move would be to encourage wi the prestige type of industry along Highway 401 by means of special provisions in our by- laws aimed al the ultimate de- velopment of an attractive in- dustrial park, CAN START IN '62 "All of these measures can be authorized by council now and need not involve the town in major capital expenditures until there is good reason for the work on the ground to be start- ed, The impertant thing is to prepare our plans, "I would like to Impress on council that if we can keep our- selves from atiowing the petty little differeiaves dealing with minor problems to interfere with progress; if we remember that all of the elected and ap- pointed people are also trying to make Whithy e better place in which to live, we will be able to handle the job we were elected to do, a great deal better," ORDERS PROBE TORONTO. (CP) -- Council of suburban North York Township Thursday ordered an investiga- |Mr. Freight Rates~Leonard J. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday Ianuwy 2, 1962 § my Freight Rates F Dean, Knowles Blackstock Pupils Retires Today Present Pageant OTTAWA (CP) -- Canada's By MRS, OLGA HILL BUACKSTOCK -- Pupils from Grades 1-6 presented their an- nuai Christmas concert recently Livmen of Grade 1 presented several recitations, An Old Fachioned Christmas was play- ed by pupils in Grade 6, Bob Kyte, Grade 7 and Pina Duivesteyn, Grade 8, won writ- ing prizes. awarded by the Nestseton Women's | Institute, The presentation was made by Mrs_H, Vine. A folk dance was shown by Grade 4 pupils, A novel number wus one of recitations by seven Graoe 2 pupils. the program was concluded by singing of Merry Christmas To you by all grades in the scl, Che following teachers direct- ed 'he program: Miss Linda Clements, Mrs. Dorothy Venr ning, Mrs, Margaret Mountjoy, Miss Jannis Higginson, Mrs, Shirley Turner and Mrs, Dorothy Henry, The music supervisor was 'Mis. Carol Wonnacott. Knowles--relires today from the board of transport commission: ers ve ee the on try's $1,500,000,000-a-year rail-lin ine Cartwright Central Schoo! way businew. lin wiackstock, As dean of the freight rate) Following the introduction of men, Leonara Knowles, 75, to-/siaf' by the Principal Mrs, Dor- day, returns to private life afterlginy Venning, the following pro- 44 years in the railway business ura was presented, and 10 years with the transport A rhythm band number was board, yiven by Grade 2 pupils and For more than 50 years hejroctations by Wendy Finlay, has played a key role in setting/Ricuard Miller and Dale Van freight rates on the railways--|Cainp of Grade 1. thus influencing the cost of just)' A choral-speaking play with about everything in the country|thme scenes was put on by from toys to timber, Graves 4 ad 5. A Christmas His place on the six - manicantasy was presented by board will be filled by Alfred S./Grade 3. Pupils in Grade 2 put Kirk, 65, the board's traffic di-/on a Wand Drill. rector since 1939, Pamela Collins and David Born in Enyiand, Mr, Knowles joined the CPR in 1907, He left the CPR in 1912 to join the Ca- nadian Northern Railway, which later became part of the CNR system. When he retired from the CNR in 1952, he was _as- sistant to President Donald Gor- on, He has been the key witness) for the CNR in some of the big-/ |gest rate battles of this century| --not only before the transport) commissioners but also before) the Interstate Commerce Com-' mission in the United States. # DODD & SOUTER | PAINT and WALLPAPER STORE 107 BYRON ST. S., WHITBY PIONEER POST Canada's first post office, in the modern sense, was estab- lished at Halifax in 1755, Prices Slashed On MEN'S SUITS Stock Suits&Tailored-to-Measure MO 8-5231 , {tion into charges of maladmin- Mrs. T. F airbrother ; /bard 256, D, Walker 303, 278, R. order to work out the best pos-| "I am certain that this is), dea |Pascoe 258, 264, F. Lloyd 286,| sible solution over the next few|what: industries look for when/'stration in its parks depart: J. Sutherland 261, M. Jordan! years, jselecting a location for a new/ment, The charges were made Garden Club Speaker A most enjoyable Christmas} Mrs. Harold Brown played the meeting was held by the Whitbv/piano for the singing of carols, Garden Club, when- Mrs. T.jand Mrs, 0, Edgeley played two Fairbrother was the speaker,/beautiful selections, Alt-Wien and displayed examples of the/by Godowsky, and Minuet by work of the junior members of|/Paderewski. These added much the cone asd ei Society,|to the pleasure of the evening. of which she is leader. ¥ Stressing the use of "'Nature's|\CHRISTMAS SHOW gifts", Mrs. Fairbrother showed) In the many beautiful and a beautiful Nativity scene in|Varied entries in the Christmas which the stable and the figures|competition for club members, were made almost entirely from|the following were the winners: straw or corn. The children had) Class 1, Winter Bouquet --/¢ Mrs, A. Wigston, Miss Elaine a P any ges ry - (Crawforth, Mrs. J. Crawforth, " Class 2, Corsage -- Mrs. E. E. door swag of silvered cedar and B aS Weadiea "Sh fern, = -- also mcs -- A Wiewan » Crawforth, Mrs, from these pods, to hang from)'. . thin threads to give the illusion] Class 4 gg iy = of flight. ae ig BO : inson, Mrs, E. fo. cathes caper with = Class 4, Centrepiece for Din- ing Table -- Mrs. R. Van Horne, pers of red baubles. Weeds with ee tints & heres poe gl lg Rar ye amy welass 8 'Arrenguacnh tor 1 But- <a Boao pent Flos ty 0 fet or Mantel -- Mrs, J. Craw- 1 : . H. Brown, Mrs. S. arrangements, . were kv oll -- Mrs. . . sometimes found on goldenrod. : Teazles made a silver tree by; Class 6, Arrangement depict- arranging them on a base ofjing a Christmas Song or Story-- = wire, Even plastic Mer bs eg .. --. Mrs, E, E, Bond, xes held tiny figures, and|Mrs. 0. Moore. were made decorative with glit-| Class 7, Coffee Table Arrange- ood to make ornaments for melee ay bmg pre. ree, |\Moore, Miss Marion Crawforth. Club members were most in-| Class 8; Door Decoration, Nov- terested in the ingenuity shown|ic) -- Miss Marion Crawforth, by Mrs. Fairbrother and the|Mrs. C. Styan, Mrs. J. Craw- pee -- with Pg in us wan ai making these very fine ex- Ts. nson and her com- amples of decoration. mittee served refreshments. Manchester Lady Has 97th Birthday By MRS. W. F. CROSIER )Rev day visitors were Mrs. Viola piano. Schnapp, Buffalo with Mrs. Bain! The chubby chap in red suit jand white whiskers arrived to : ; Ww ,| distribute gifts from a loaded Mer, end Mrs. Bert Weeden ieee and bags of good things and Ear! Mitchell. Port Perry with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Weeden Mr. Hary Cowan, Miss C. Cowan, Mr. and Mrs. R. Barfoot, John and Wendy, Mr. and Mrs. John Cranley, Jill and Martha, Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. A. Roach. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Crosier,' Lakeview, C. Harrison, Toronto, | Mr. and Mrs. .W S. Taylor and/ rom the Sunday school. Minden, | |with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. -- Johnston over the heli- ay. | Best birthday wishes to Mrs. Hannah Johnston who will cele- aon her 97th birthday on Dec. Brenda, Stuuffville with Mrs. home for the haliday. berncenp Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brooks, Mr. and Mrs. Art Vander-| Robert and Garth were Christ- woort were with friends in} mas guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy = and Agincourt on Sun) Hart, Uxbridge. Miss Yvonne McPhaden and! i Miss Catherine Christie are at) ENGLISH STYLE ne their respective homes, Cobourg| VICTORIA (CP)--The "Olde and Baltimore, Md., for the Engiish" atmosphere that at- Christmas holidays traits tourists here will be Mrs. Medd and "her public|strengthened next summer, school pupils gave a splendid, when three double-decker buses Christmas entertainment show|from Jondon are used for wa- in the hall last Friday evening. iterfront tours. whirsy sanaliaisieeeateeaeeemmmmmminmaaimmanmmmmemammnne EVENING SHOWS AT 7:00 - 8:20 LAST COMPLETE SHOW AT 8:20 Start The TERRY-THOMAS ATHENE SEYLER HATTIE JACQUES PLUS SECOND FEATURE ATTRACTION "THE TWO BEARS" with Jane Wyatt - Eddie Albert Braham was chairman MANCHESTER --- The holi-/and Mrs. Sandison was at the Mr, and Mrs, Jas. Torrens jand family of Kingston were | Mr, Jim Stevens, Toronto was! 310, J, Levett 270, J, Cherry)" "phey will be difficult years) plant. 255, A. Hepburn 279, F. Cap 270,/tor Whitby -- the painful con-| «At this point, I want to say jD. Adams 359, J. Bruechle 308,/solidating of growth which took|a few things concerning the ine |E. Samanski 311, W. Watson 263,] place too ravidly. But they willl dustrial prospects for Whitby. | 261, C. Mott 281, J, Little 276, Felbe infinitely more difficult if| "We have been most fortu: Hutcheon 280, M.\we fail to pull together, The/nate in 1961 in the number ot | C.1.L. Paint Dealer YOUR Painting & Decorating Contractors Gyptex, Paperhenging Full Well Murals by Keeve Norman Goodhead at, ter a preliminary 'inquiry con- cerning sanitary landfill opera- tiuny and topsoil requirements for five township parks. |Major 262, C [Bemis 276, ,;management of Whitby's busi-jexisting industries which have Triples, 700 and over .Iness is truly a joint responsi-/expanded, Credit for this be-/ |Major 703, C, Hutcheon 727, E {bility as a team, and, here Ijongs, primarily, to the indus: |Samanski 774, J. Bruechle 733,)feel that I am speaking direct-/ tries themselves, for it has |D. Adams 827, M, Jordan 770,/ly to you as members of coun been their skills and careful J, Levett 734, J, Cherry 730, J./cil as well as to the School management which made it Sutherland 712, R, Pascoe 731,/Boards and Public Utilities possible. I know that every |W. Hubbard 712, B. Gordon 718,/Commission, then I am sure/member of council will join D. Walker 748, E. Jordan 782,/the road ahead can eventually] with me in expressing. our grat- M. Reeson 854. |be made easier and more effi-/ification in the expansion pro-/ Second Section Winners -- Le-|cient for the taxpayers. of the} gram instituted by nine of sat | | ion No. 2 town, | industries, High Averages -- M. Reeson} The preparation of the long:| 8 251, M, Jordan 250, E, Jordonjterm capital works budget will/40l1 DEVELOPMENT 239, D, Adams 238, require the utmost co-operation| Form Study Group -Principal Urges By MRS, KEN GAMSBY "Important as this growth is to the town, we must, never. theless, redouble our efforts to! secure new industry and there| is much that council can do to/ assist in this task. Our Indus- trial Commissioner feels. . that more can be done to open up| for development the land zoned) for industry along Highway 401.) Eventually this will require cap | ital funds and provision must be) made in the long term capital) work plan, Certainly the fi-| nancing of such work will create new problems but I sug- gest that with council and od | |white 'mums, and red carna- ORONO -- The principal ofjtions and a three « tiered wed: jthe Orono Public School ad-!ding cake made and decorated! dressed the annual meeting of|/by Mrs, John Morris. the Orono Public School direct-| "yirs. ¢. V. Walker read an ing his rema-ks to parents hav-| i a ing students in Grades 7 and 8, |@4dress and with some humor- Ainslee McGee stated '"'Gone|OUS remarks Mrs. West and forever are the days when a/Mrs. Dost presented the couple pupil can attend school just to/With a silver tea service and keep warm for the winter,"| other lovely gifts, Students musi now have guid-| Family members were pres: ance and parents must havejent from Camp Borden, Osh- somewhere to obtain the an-| awa, Newcastle and Orono. swers to their many questions, |) =---------- ------ he said. | The principal recommended that this group form a study) group, possibly along the lines of a Home and School Club He felt that students in the lower grades still had plenty of time to make their decision on what course to enter when en- tering High School. For stu }dents in Grade 8 there is only }six months to make their deci. sion. Following the meeting a num- ber of parents remained with a view of organizing such a study group as recommended by the Industrial Commission collabor- ating now, a sound policy can ve formulated, | "In addition, the preliminary) planning and engineering ° of basic services and access roads can be authorized by council and commenced now. In this =< ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION WHITBY BRANCH 112 INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS (FOR 1962) vitae TOPCOATS & SUBURBAN COATS 20% OFF USED SKATES 1.97 SHIRTS Ploins, Plaids, Colors. Reduced To Clear 3 for 9.00 ALL SWEATERS REDUCED 20% Plus Your Exchange SPORTSMAN' CORNER 103-105 BYRON ST, SOUTH OTTENBRITE MEN'S WEAR CLIP AND SAVE FOR WEEKLY REFERENCE ! YOUR CALENDAR WEEKLY Events! This Programme Presented By The Local Business pene of WHITBY and DISTRICT !! STAFFORD | wHiTBY MOTORS LTD. G.M. DEALER FOR PONTIAC, BUICK Brothers Lid. VAUXHALL & G.M.C. TRUCKS Monuments NEW AND USED CARS MO 8-3552 Whithy principal, Mr Ainslee McGee, | PERSONALS } Mr. W. J. Leamen spent the Christmas holidays with Mr and Mrs. Henry Leamen, Clark- son, Ontario Mr. and Mrs. Harold Snell, Danny and Bobby, Toronto,/ |spent the weekend with Mrs./. Ken Gamsby Mr, and Mrs. Bob Cooper jand family spent the holiday weekend with their parents, Mr. jand Mrs. F. QO. Cooper and Mrs. |Carl Tennant. They visited Mr. }Tennant in the Bowmanville! Hospital. Mrs. Ken. Gamsby, Orono, |Mr. and Mrs. Harold Snell, | Danny and Bobby, Toronto, j Spent Christmas Day with Mr and Mrs George Flegg and family, Oshawa Mrs. M. Raskerville, Mrs Leatha Montroy, Toronto, Mr Murray Porter, Donna and Frankie, Newtonville, Miss Verna Port- er, Peterborough, visited with Mr. and Mrs W. N. Porter. |. Mrs. Ruby Porter spent the holiday weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ball and family, Aylmer. Mr. and Mrs, Allan Shields, | Toronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Rickaby and Norman Mrs. F. E Rhodes fell 'on the slippery sidewalk last Sat- had evening, breaking her Pp. WEDNESDAY, JAN. 3 AT 8:00 P.M. All Branch Members Urged to Attend January Sale FREE!! 4 NEW NYLON TIRES PLUS A NEW BATTERY WITH EVERY CAR FROM 1955 UP For Quality By Far... BUY a Bill Whittick Car 40 USED CARS TO CHOOSE FROM NO Down Payment, LONG Terms Balance Arranged To Suit Your Budget FOR PERSONALIZED SERVICE SEE: KEVIN O'CONNOR or DAVE SMART OPEN? A.M. -- ? Before You Buy Give Bill A Try! Bill Whittick Motors 146 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY 'A happy gathering took place last weekend when Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stapleton celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary at the home of Mr. and Mrs. | Dean West. The dining - room table was ) decorated with white tapers,| ANCIENT ISLES The Danish.owned Fatoe Is lands, betweer the Shetlands "A HAPPY NEW YEAR" The Management And Staff Extend To One And All | and Iceland, were settled by PHONE MO 8-474] Norsemen before 800 AD. : Rousseau Upho FURNITURE AND FURNISHINGS Our toeation at 216 MARY ST. EAST 1 Bleek North of Post Office tm Whitby 's Most Convenient For Your ing Needs of Quelity ee Prices That Save! MO 8.3483 New Car Sales 1006 Brock South VIGOR OIL STATION MO 8.4911 Weenie" Used Car Sales Operated by "Vie" Van Luven Dominion Royal Tires The Best Deal on New and Used Tires DIESEL OIL Phone MO 8-3644 $01 Brock St. N., Whitby CONSTRUCTION CO, LTD. GENERAL CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS 411 Feirview Drive MO 8.3366 witty TRENCHING AND COMPLETE SEPTIC TANK SERVICE THIS WEEK'S SPORTS EVENTS HOCKEY METROPOLITAN JR. "A" LEAGUE Ne games scheduled for Whitby Mohawks JUVENILE LAKESHORE LEAGUE Ne gemes scheduled for Whitby WHITBY MERCANTILE LEAGUE Sunday, Jon, 7, 12 noon et Whitdy Arena, Suncee. vs Arene Sundey, Jon. 7, et 2 pm, At Whitby Arene, Burnes ve Fleming. Shel w INDUSTRIAL HOCKEY LEAGUE Sundey, Jen. Wanton. Whitby Areno, Ensen wa Woods Sunday, Jon. 7, et 10:20 pm, Lerry's ve Blelr, Plore WHITBY MINOR HOCKEY LEAGUE Tuesday, Jen, 2, 5 to 7 p.m. Juvenile Howe Leegue Thursday, » 4, 3 te 8 p.m, Bentom House Leegue Gereten Sen, 4.7 Se le cate Pos Won route Usage SKATING : Wednesday, Jon, 3, 8 te 10 a.m, Adulte onty, Wh r » Jon, 5, 8:30 te 10:30 p.m, adults end Weeden tee ce, ce 14 yeers end under, CURLING Seturdey, Jen, 6, et Whitby Curling Club, Men's open bonspiel, two draws, et 9 a.m. end 11 @.m. BASKETBALL Thursdey, Jon, 4, at 4 Pt: Andenon St. High School vs YOU WANTA SELLUM YOU GOTTA TELLUM USE The Classified Ads Dial MO 8-3703 WwW. C. TOWN FUNERAL CHAPEL LTD, Funeral & Ambulance Service You don't have to play @ sport to be @ good sport 110 Dundes St. &. MO 8.3410 WHITBY WILSON Cycle & Sales C.C.M. & RALEIGH DEALER "The Best in Bicycles" 1@o Colborne St, E. MO 8.3746 COUNTY BOWL "OPEN BOWLING" Saturday: 1 p.m, - 5 p.m 7 p.m..- 11 p.m. Sunday, Stast Oct, 1 1 p.m. - 6 p.m, 118 Byron N. MO 8.2651 K & M CLEANERS AND DYERS Alterations--Repairing 8-HOUR SERVICE 112 Colborne St. West, Whitby Whitby--Ph. MO a Oshewe---725-0 Looking For A Fine Men's Shop? TRY THIS ONE FOR SIZE RON ARMSTRONG 3.0) SHOP WHITBY PLAZA MO 8-8721 e FREE PARKING e @ Texeco Fuel © "blue coal" @ Coke @ Wood. JAMES SAWDON & SONS from local deoler, He =. prin swell Town Sports, ssc @ 24-HR. BURNER SERVICE (established 1914) Diel MO 8.3071 & Stove OF Semet-Solvey 244 Brock St. S. MO 8.3524 WHITBY, Ont. e asta

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