Oshawa Times (1958-), 2 Jan 1962, p. 9

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g THe OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, Januery 2, 1962 CHILD GUIDANCE ANN LANDERS a Moving To A New District Can Cause Confusion In Child FKEE ON PAROLE TORONTO (CP) -- Kenneth Leishman, 29, who commuted from Winnipeg to two bank holdups in Toronto, is free on parole after serving 3% years of a 12 - year penitentiary. term. Evidence at his trial indicated Leishman left his car at Winni- peg airport, flew to Toronto, Considering Marriage With Ex-Convict By G. CLEVELAND MYERS The bureau of Census reports that one person in five, over a year of age, changed his resi- the grades, moving to a new school district, may feel over- whelmed and confused -- new school building, new teacher, rented another car and regis- tered at an apartment hotel prici-to the two 1958 holdups. REMOVING LIPSTICK Lipstick stains on napkins may be removed by rubbing with a grease solvent, then a de- tergent, followed by laundering. HOUSEHOLD HINT Make it a habit to put shoes on trees after each wearing. Even inexpensive, lightweight shoe trees will help keep toes from curling up. Dear Ann Landers: I'm a Chi- cago widow, 48, with a son in the service 1 have a nice little home and I work to support my- self, | Two months ago I met a man who impressed me with his gen- tleness, his lovable personality and interesting mind. Ed is 50 years old, and a salesman. This man has been very at- tentive and I haven't been so happy since my husband passed away. I could not understand why a man so wonderful as Ed never married. Last night he told me. When he was very young (22) he got mixed up with a mob. He was caught in a holdup and a policeman was shot. The man who did the shooting got the chair and Ed served 16 years. He was paroled in 1949. My family would die if they knew this. Should I stop seeing him? I became fonder of him on every date--ACCUSTOMED TO HIS FACE. Dear Accustomed: This man was honest enough to give you the details of his background (Voluntarily) which speaks well for him. ' Continue to see him and view his 'character and personality under a variety of circumstan- ces, Introduce him to your fam ily and give them an opportu- nity to know him. If the rela- tionship continues to flower and bloom tell your family about his past. You tw conceivably could i dence between April 1, 1956 and F April 11957. A more recent re- the gold-digger type, but then)nort by the National Education maybe the truth would hurt so/ Association says that 40,000 fam- bad I'm blind on purpose. --_|ities, one family out of four, How can | be sure that I'm changes homes every year. not being played for a sap? I want to know 4he score, even| somes bad . yor. ee if it's a blow -- WHEELS | Aas Dear Wheels: it's simple, Tell) Farm: families move least of- her gas is expensive (no lie)|ten. Families of children in the and that you're putting the car|one - to - four age group move jin drydock for awhile. Then see! nore often than families of jhow she reacts to taking the bus, doubling with others or|School-agers. using plain ol' shoe-leather. One study reports that inci- If something within her sud-jdence of emotional disorders denly dies you'll know the fel-|parallels mobility. At least there lows were right. If she doesn't|tends to be decreased capacity utter a word of complaint (or|to cope with life situations after tell you to get lost) you'll know moving, This decreased capa- it's you--you--you. city, plus feelings of helpless- Ss SS, , isola- [BRIDE HAS FRIEND, Mon aiearof the. unknown, Dear Ann Landers: 'Ive been may become more than tempor- |married for two months and al-| ary if the child already is an- new and strange classmates, different books, different meth- 'ods and rules. Great may be the child's ordeal if in his grade the reading, words to spell and problems in arithmetic are harder, If the moving child had been slow in some subjects in the old school he will surely feel discouraged in the new one. Important as it is to help a child at home to do well at school when learning in the old familiar school, how much more imperative is such help in the new school! Whether in the middle grades or high school the child who had learned good habits of school-homework where he used| g to live has much to help him succeed in the new. PARENTS' QUESTIONS CcOMPARNIE jready there is trouble. The g0S-| ious about his relationship with} sips in this neighborhood like to his parents or is low in self-| jmake life miserable for every-| reliance. | one. My husband has a good pay-/FAVORABLE FACTORS ing job which he enjoys. It takes} Favorable to a child's com- him out of town three days ajfortable adaptation in his new |week. I get lonesome all by my-|home after moving are these jself so I sometimes go to the |factors: |movies or out for a few cock-| ye should feel secure and \tails with the single fellow who| worthy in the family, have lives next door. \learned in his former home to lb Lev Soglh i friend bag od hus-|cooperate in family routines, | | band's as well as mine. There iS!have acquired self-reliance phy- | S ' j " yee is . : | absolutely nothing between this sically and emotionally, be able guy and me but pure friendship. to amuse himself and find abun- |Shall I come right out and tell/ gant fun with other children of |the evil-minded hags to mind his age; easily find new friends, Q. What is essential for lim- iting or forbidding sweets be- tween meals for children 4 to 12? A, Educating them well in the use of a budgeted allowance, GASOLINES®e owweo 8y CANADIANS OPERATED BY CANAD IANS CANADIAN OIL WHITE ROSE o> ti mMiteno MOTOR OILS $-2 WABASSO "Zefendable" PILLOW SLIPS FLY |their own business or sha |keep quiet and hope things calm jenjoy successes at work and play, get along well with the have a good life together. down? -- INNOCENT ' adults of the neighborhood and py imag Oe Pin a'high Dear Innocent: If you don't\pe jearning to' assume normal ear. An! ' |want the name -- stop playing! responsibilities school senior, not much to 100k) the game. ' : responsibilities, at and no great personality. The girl I've been dating is a real doll and she could have her pick of guys. Some of my friends have told me that she's interested in my car and not in me. I've let her borrow my car a few-times and she really does get a kick out) of it. This girl doesn't seem like Easy Care, Keynote For First Baby There's a fine big crop of wonderfui babies on the way, the maternity wear people tell us. Planning for that first baby's arrival can keep any young mother busy from dawn to dark. She has to consider her own clothes, Baby's clothes and the nursery furnishings. In all the excitement of shop- ping and planning, there's one thing she should always keep in mind and that is easy care. As many wash-and-wear gar- ments ant accessories as pos- sible should be chosen for the maternity wardrobe. When it comes to choosing) Baby's layette, easy care should be the watchword, too. Good sense should be well mixed in along with the sentimental ap- proach to Baby's clothes. The expectant mother must remem- ber that there will be less time for iaundry after Baby is back from the hospital and installed as the newest, most precious| member of the household. MOST REWARDING The little garments that will) prove the most rewarding are) easy - washing, quick - drying) items of cotton knit, stretch] terrycloth and the synthetic blends and mixtures. As for furnishing the nursery, easy - care plastics should be) used wherever possible. Everything in Baby's domain) will need frequent going over with suds, from crib to floor. Nursery furniture these days is mad for easy care and with) everyday care, the nursery| should be kept shining clean. The safest world a baby can live in is a sudsy world. And) when Baby's things, from crib] to carriage, can be suds-sponged| in a jiffy, the job is quick and) the results safe. | And wher Mother buys new!= footwear for her little darling,| she'l! find a wonderful array of! wasn-and-weai shoes that fea- ture the gayest colors, ] WASHABLE SHOES For little girls, the wash-and- wear shoes have ribbon ties that go around the ankle and rosette- like flounces on the toes. Little boys have smart ging- ham boots with buckles and straps. ; The shoes can be popped into the washing machine or hand- washed. They dry quickly and won't fade. It's such a joy to be able to wash Baby's shoes safely, know-| ing that they will dry quickly, and still fit | | A bride of two months should |be able to find something better }to do with her free evenings | than going to the movies with the guy next door. Don't you} have any girl friends? | It is favorable, too, if his par- ents have mingled satisfactorily with the other parents and neighbors in the old home area and participated in the ac- tivities of that community. The child should learn about |the projected move first from} jhis parents and, if old enough to understand, the reason for) |the move, in an honest, straight- \forward manner. Obviously, he jshould be told of the move as far in advance as possible, If possible, too, the child, es- jpecially the preschool child, |should take with him his favor- jite pets and playthings--any- |thing very precious to him, how- ever evaluated by his parents. |SCHOOL CHILD | The school child, especially in SIZES 14%--24'4 4897, o MONTREAL - WINDSO SARNIA - (= a Windsor/Detroit * Sarnia Dep. 9.15 a.m. -- Kin, 4 ef Nery <a> Tordain® times are tentati R/DETROIT See your Travel Agent, or 'phone NORDAIR 728-9011 This service operates by authority of Class 2 Licence; days and SERVING THE FUTURE FROM SOUTHERNMOST CANADA TO THE FAR NORTH KINGSTON gston « Montreal Dep. 9.30 a.m. ive, subject to change or cancellation without notice, fpamieis? = Tile | SMART, SLIMMING | By ANNE ADAMS You'll love this smoothly shaped casual as much next} Spring as you do right now. Cardigan neckline is casual, slimming above 8-gore skirt. Printed Pattern 4897: Half Sizes 1414, 1644, 1844, 2044, 22%, 24%. Size 164% requires 35%| yards 39-inch fabric. Send FIFTY CENTS (50c) in coins (stamps cannot be accept- ed) for this pattern, Please print plainly SIZE, NAME, AD- DRESS, STYLE NUMBER. | Send order to ANNE ADAMS, | c/o The Oshawa Times Pattern} Dept., Oshawa, Ontario. Did You .. .| Visit "The Village'? | MODEL HOMES OPEN EVERY DAY JUST DRIVE SOUTH ON HARMONY RD. IT'S OPPOSITE THE DONEVAN COLLEGIATE MR. SWARBRICK WILL SHOW YOU AROUND. JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD Real Estate - Insurance Ltd. FOLLOW THE PATH ... Everyone loves Milk . . DAILY QUART OF . . MORE FOOD VALUE Y y TO BETTER HEALTH it's better for you, too! THERE I$ NO BETTER INVESTMENT IN GOOD HEALTH THAN A GUERNSEY GOLD MILK "AT THE STORE OR AT YOUR DOOR" suit every personality on yo 8q. in, i} . . . LESS CALORIES ! DIAL 728-6241 TEX-MADE sheets--a type @ Fora boy who plays football even in his sleep--hard wearing, economical Tex-made 'Homestead', over 132 threads per @ For a teenager who thinks she's lovers of any age)--posy-strewn 'Fashion' sheets. ur goodnight-kiss list. @ For a Mom who dreams (in @ For a husband who likes good living on a budget--crisp Tex-made 'Colonials'; hundreds of washings from now they'll still be crackling! Over 142 threads per.sq. in. SIZE 42" X 33" REG. $1.29 PAIR SALE PRICE you-sAVE 30c WABASSO "Ze SINGLE BED SHEETS SIZE 72" X 100" REG $5.39 PAIR ri SALE PRICE i] 7 hendable"' PAIR you SAvE 62c WABASSO " Dependable std, DOUBLE BED SHEETS SIZE 81" X 100" SALE PRICE YOU SAVE 80c REG. $5.79 PAIR '4.99 Light Weight FOAM RUBBER PILLOW¢€ SIZE 18X26" PRINTED COTTON COVER or 2 FOR $1.69 for every sleeper stock up now--at "WHITE SALE" prices! Here's homemaking at its most creative! Match up each member of your family with one of Tex-made's imaginative assortment of colors and styles. There's a Tex-made sheet to a princess (and for beauty or candy-striped Tex-made vain) of breakfast-in-bed-- luxurious, satiny Tex-made 'Combed Percales', over 184 threads per sq. in. (Go ahead, you deserve it!) Now's the money-saving time to stock your linen closet with Canadian Tex-made sheets--the sheets that suit Canadian personalities best. Look for the Tex-made counter at your Px4 aoe store's White Sale--then set your fancy free! WOOLWORTH'S BEDDING SALE+>WOOLWORTH"S BEDDING SALE 3.49 \ RAYON AND NYLON SALE PRICE Dundee BLANKET "THERMO WEAVE" SIZE 72" X 84" 7" SATIN BINDING 5.99 *+WOOLWORTH'S BEDDING SALE+>WOOLWORTH"S BEDDING SALE>WOOLWORTH'S BEDDING SALE+WOOLWORTH"S BEDDING SALE Homespun Cotton BEDSPREAD SIZE 80" X 100" REGULAR $3,59 VALUE SALE PRICE 2. 11 YOU SAVE 82c¢ » rif guy : DACRON TAILORED | CURTAINS SIZE 82" OVERALL WIDTH X 81" LONG REGULAR $3.95 5 12.99 PRICE YOU SAVE 96c HLYOMI00M:-S31VS DNIGGSEA S.HLYOM1I00M:31VS DNIGGSEG S.HLYOMIOOM: 31VS ONIGGSS S.HLHOMI0OM Open Daily 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. (Friday 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.) fords. S.HLUOM 100M > 31VS. DNIGGsa S.HLHYOMICOM:31VS DNIAGGSRE S. SHEETS Made RIGHT...here in Canada DOMINION TEXTILE COMPANY LIMITED, 1950 SHERBROOKE ST. W., MONTREAL WOOLWORTHS | Ideal Dairy Limited DUALITY DAIRY PRODUCTS,

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