Jo Aldwinckle, Wemen Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, December 29, 1951 7 PERSONALS Rosseau - Walker Double - Ring Rites Held in Brampton A double-ring ceremony sol- emnized the marriage of Joyce Sandra Walkem, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hunter of Brampton and Robert. Samuel Rosseau, son of Mrs, Percy Ros- seau of Toronto and the late Mr. Rosseau, The wedding was held in Cal- vary Baptist Church in Bramp- ton. The Rey. B, M. Ward offi- Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Payne, : /Park road south, had as Christ- mas guests their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Don- ald Gaynes, of Ingersoll and their son, Mr. Lorne Payne, |Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Barrand, -|Sunset drive, spent the Yule- tide season as guests of. their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. < |and Mrs. D. J. McLean, Weston. Mrs. James Lesley, Elgin street east, had as guests for the holiday season: Mr. and Mrs. John C. Hole of Ottawa . and Mr. and Mrs. James Lesley land son James, Port Credit. || Mr. and Mrs. T. K. Creighton, A MEMORABLE MOMENT Mr. and Mrs. Alfred S. Lowe Celebrate Golden Wedding Married in Smethwick Old) Chutch, Staffordshire, England, on Christmas Day 1911, Mr. and Mis. Alfred S. Lowe of Courtice celebrated their golden wedding anniversary on Tuesday by hold- ing open house at their home durimg the afternoon and eve- nii.g Among the many visitors who called to extend congratulations were their old friends Mayor Chrivtine Thomas and Mr. T. D, Thomas MPP and Mr. and Mrs. George Shreve. From out of town were Mr. and Mrs. Reg- inaid Lowe, Scarboro, and Mr. and Mrs. William Warren of London, Ontario, who are spend- ing a few days of the holiday season as house guests. M and Mrs. Lowe received a framed certificate from the Provincial secretary, Mr, John Yaremko and messages from the Prime Minister, the Right Honorable John Diefenbaker, and the Premier of Ontario, the Hunorable John Robarts. They aleo received a personal letter from the Honorable' Michael Starr, minister of labor. Master Terry Lowe, a grand- son, was in charge of the guest book and greeted guests at the Glenholme Pupils Join In Concert Ihe children and _ teachers frcm Glenholme School for Re- tarucd Children presented a door. Mrs. William Warren and Mrs. George Madder presided at the tea table. Two daughters- in-law, Mrs. Reginald Lowe and Mrs. Douglas Lowe, and Mrs. Gordon Blow servede refresh- ments, Ma. and Mrs. Lowe, the for- mer Elizabeth Wilkes, are both natives of Smethwick and they came to Canada with their elder son in. 1920 and settled in Osh- awa, Nine years ago they moved to their present home in Cour- tice. Mr. Lowe worked for the city from 1927 when he join- ed the Public Utilities Commis- sion as a meter reader, He re- tired in 1958. Their family consists of two sons, Reginald and Douglas, and a Caughter, Mrs. I. J. Couper (Norma) of Vancouver, British Co'umbia; eight grandchildren and two great grandchildren, the second of whom was born three days before Christmas. |King street east, spent the holi- lday weekend as the guests of Miss Sophia Holmes, Ottawa. and Mrs. Fraser Holmes and family, Kemptville. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Eadie, Grooms avenue, were Yuletide guests of their son, Mr. Allan Eadie and, Mrs. Eadie and family, Scarborough. Mr. and Mrs. L. Elmer Eadie and fam- ily of Markham joined the fam- ily party. The Misses Alice |Wilson, Mary street, jing their uncle and aunt, and Mrs. Peter W. Summers, Montreal. are visit- Miss Elizabeth Munday, Ryer- son Institute of Technology, To- ronto, and Mr. Robert Munday, University of Western Ontario, day season with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Munday, Glencairn street. Mr. and Mrs. David McMillan, Oshawa boulevard north, were Yuletide guests of Mr. and eg Douglas Fallis, Bowman- ville, Mrs. S. Conlin, Mr. and Mrs. Norval Crossman, Arlington av- enue, Mrs, Frank Love and the Misses. Nancy Ann and Mary Jane Love, Park Lane Apart- must enjoyable Christmas con-| é cert, fhe enthusiasm and efforts of hese handicapped children delighted the large audience whch was comprised. mostly of parents and association mem- bers Mrs, William Wilson who act- ed as chairman expressed her appreciation of the efforts 0: the teachers who have worked untiringly with the children through the past several years. The program included carols by «ne audience. Wayne Vennor gave the "Welcome" recitation. Mrs. Adair's classes sang "Come Sing a Song of Christ- mus" and "Hear the Christmas Beis." Christina Straszewski, McArthur, Wayne Vennor, Car! DeJong, Billy Nichols sang a group of songs, "The Teapot," "Away in a Man- ger' and "The Bus." Recita- tions were given by Christina Straszewski, Gary Nichols: and Billy Nichols, A play, "Peace on Earth," Randy Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Bruce Stephens sign the reg- ister following their marriage recently in St. Paul's United Church, Bowmanville. For- merly.Miss Brenda Joan Oke, the bride is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Morley J. Oke WEDDING PRINCIPALS of Bowmanville and grand- daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Norman J. Holmes of Osh- awa. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Stephens of Bowmanville. --Photo by Rehder, Bowmanville. and Dawn) Mr. | Tondon, are spending the holi-| : joil in a heavy skillet, ments, Adelaide street east, and Mr, and Mrs. Albert Barker, Montreal, enjoyed a family Christmas dinner party at the Guild Inn, Scarborough. Mr. George Barrand, student in pharmacy, University of To- ronto, son of Mr, and Mrs. L. R. Barrand, Sunset drive ,is spending the holiday season in Florida. Professor Trevor Cuykendall and Dr. Muriel Cuykendall of Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, were Christmas guests of Miss Jean Fetterly, John street. Miss Enid Wallace was in Hamilton on Saturday to attend the wedding of her niece, Miss Mary Beth Wallace to Mr. John Walker in McMaster chapel, ' Many members of the library staff of McLaughlin Public Li- brary were out of town for Christmas. Miss Irene Boes went home to Brighton; Miss Meryl Hartley to Woodstock; Miss Charlotte Abbott, Montreal; Miss Margery Maunder, Lake St. Peter; Miss Marjorie Tref- fler, Hamilton; Miss Sharron Jibb, New Liskeard; Mrs. Mel- ville Buttars, Galt, and Miss Valentine Dyck, St. Catharines Mr and Mrs. Robert F. Taylor land Mr, and Mrs. Harry Hill of Port Perry had as yuletide guests Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Taylor, Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Taylor; Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Taylor and son, John, of Ux- bridge; Mr Milford Simmerson lof Port Hope; Mrs. M. Dodd and Miss Betiy Dodd, Whitby. Miss Betty Dodd, Euclid street Whitby, is spending Christmas holidays with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Taylor and her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hill and also visit- ing the Misses Alice and Ethel Dodd, all of Port Perry. The Misses Ethel and Alice Dodd were Christmas Day guests of Mrs. M. Dodd and Miss Betty Dodd, Euclid street, Whitby. Mr. Edward White, a student at the University of British Co- lumbia, Vancouver, was a Christmas guest at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Char- les White, King street west. Also 'overnight' guests 'were Miss Marian MacMillan and Miss Peggy Coolidge, both from Vancouver, B.C, All are attend- ing the Student Christian Move- ment conference in Toronto this week, Major Grey's Curry For, Men Who Cook Melt 2 tablespoons butter in a sauce pan, add 2 medium size onions, chopped, 2 diced bananas, 2 apples peeled and chopped, cooked until lightly browned. Heat 3 tablespoons add 2% Ibs. diced lamb (shoulder or neck) and saute for 3-4 min- utes. Remove the meat from the skillet and add it to the onions and apples. Season with one tablespoon salt, one crush- ed bay leaf, 1 clove garlic, crushed, a little thyme, 1 table- spoon tomato paste, 3 table- spoons curry powder, % cup shredded coconut, 4% cup shred- ded blanched almonds and mix well, Add 1 quart. stock, bring to a boil and cook slowly over low heat for 1 hour or until tender. Add 1 cup heavy cream, correct the seasoning with salt ried remove it to the serving sh, by the whole school, was well played by John Baxter, Judy O'Borne, Linda Harding, Linda Nichois, Phillip Tipton, Sharon Sheyan, Patricia Kraut, also} "Tne Friendly Beasts" by Mr.| Liptay's class, A trio, Sherry Wakelin, Pat- ricia Krout, Susan' MacF aden, sang 'White Christmas" and "Rudolph The Red-Nosed Rein- deer" was sung by the school, and the closing "Thank You" by Donald Slomin. "The Night Before Christ- mas," recitation by John Baxier, was an excellent per- fui mance. Santa arrived with his pack) fuil of gifts and each child re-| SelAAA AAA TEE Deed KRRESGE'S SOULE ET CRO IEE TORE AT EE at YEAR-END SPECIAL! ciated, assisted by Pastor G. H. White. Mr. Harold Stetson of Cleveland, Ohio, sang Wedding Prayer" and "O Per- fect Love'. He was accompan- ied at the organ by Mrs. A. J. Barrasin of Oshawa, The bride wore a dress of white peau de soie, with scoop neckline, three-quarter length bouffant overskirt with a plain sheath beneath. The sleeves were elbow length. The head- dress was a large feather rose, holding in place a circular veil of tulle illusion. She carried a nosegay of red roses with white stephanotis amidst a . circular setting of fern. She wore a red SOCIAL NOTICES ENGAGEMENT Mr.. and Mrs. C, Harvey Pal- mer wish to announce gagement of their younger daughter, Karlie Ann, to Mr. Dean Charles Allin, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Allin, all of Bowmanville. The marriage will take place on Saturday, January 20, 1962, at 4 o'clock in Trinity United Church, Bowmanville. MARRIAGE Mr, and Mrs. Charles D. Ran- kine of Oshawa announce the forthcoming marriage of their younger daughter, Margot Dale, to Mr. Allen Gordon McKay Moffatt, younger son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon M. Moffatt of Bow- manville, ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Archie I. Camp- beil of Brooklin, Ontario, wish to announce the engagement of their eldest daughter, Sandra, | to Mr. Alexander Campbell, son| of Mr. and Mrs, Walter Camp- bell of Oshawa. The marriage will take place on Saturday, January 27, 1962, at 3 o'clock "Thelin in the en-| in the United Church, Brooklin. | velvet evening coat to complete her ensemble. The matron of honor was Mrs. Harold Stetson, sister of the bride. She wore a dress of red velvet with rounded neckline and scalloped bodice. The sleeves were elbow length. Her headdress was a large red vel- vet rose securing a tiny veil. She carried white carnations tip- ped in red, The best man was Mr. Wil- liam Forrest, of Orono. The reception was held at the Yellow Briar Inn, Brampton. At the reception Mr, Harold Stetson sang "Bless This House". The bride's mother received a two-piece dress of white brocade trimmed with fur, Her accessories were a brown tulle hat and matching gloves. Her corsage was yellow roses tied with brown ribbon. She was as- sisted by the bridegroom's mother who wore a two-piece dress of teal blue brocade. Her accessories were in winter white and her corsage was of tiny pink roses tied with silver ribbons. For their honeymoon the couple planned a motor trip east and to parts of the United States, The bride was attired in a beige wool suit with large brown buttons. Her accessories were a beige feathered hat and gloves to match while she wore a corsage of tiny pink roses with gold satin leaves. Mr, and Mrs. Rosseau will re- side in Oshawa. TWO STORES IN OSHAWA OPEN TONIGHT UNTIL 9 P.M. ZELLER'S| RETAILERS TO THRIFTY CANADIANS | YULE BIRTHDAY T. H. Everson celebrated her 94th birthday on Christmas Eve when she was the guest of honor at a family party held at the home of her son, Mr Ewart Everson and Mrs. Everson in Montreal. Mrs. Everson was accompanied in her flight to Montreal by her daughter, Mrs. W. J. Salter. Oldest member of a well- | known Oshawa family, Mrs. | SIZES 6-13 9.99 keep snow and wet out). STURDY CANADIAN MADE RUBBER OVERBOOTS ZELLER - THRIFT - PRICED! SIZES 1-4 4.39 A TIMELY "BUY" f Now's the time to shop for this cold and wet weather "must" ! Rugged no-nonsense overboots in sturdy rubber; lined with rayon fleece and edged with a snug shearling cuff (designed. to Easy-to-handle strap clos- ing even the smallest hands can manage. DOWNTOWN 21 SIMCOE ST. $, Phone 723-2294 ZELLER'S LIMITED SHOPPING CENTRE 226 STEVENSON'S RD. §, Phone 723-2209 SPECIAL BUY ON NATIONALLY ADVERTISED Warner, Styles Replace your winter-tired girdles and bras. with springy new Warner favo- rites! They're the very same styles regularly ade vertised across zines McCall's... while in news-papers Canada and magae such as Life, And now -- they last -- they're yours at Warners's special January-only prices! 'DOUBLE. PLAY" pantie or girdle. Criss-cross bands bene StoreWide Sale 20% to 50% OFF Women's Misses? Junior? Petites' Holiday Dresses Beautiful 7% dresses for daytime and cocktail wear in this season's latest styles, newest fabrics .e. brocade, chiffon, crepe, wools and double knits. Values up to 29.95 ID. High Fashion FUR-TRIMMED Two groups from this season's collection . with famous "Bromleigh" trademark ., . finest domestic and: imported fabrics top- ped with quality furs. GROUP 1 FUR-TRIMMED . . . luxurious pastel and wild mink, deep brown china mink (dyed) Persian lamb. x 560, GROUP 2 FUR-TRIMMED and UNTRIMMED . . . ranch and ceived presents. wild mink, Persian lamb, china mink (dyed), vm $50, RICH FABRICS IN 100% CAMELHAIR WOOL AND CAMELHAIR, WOOL AND MOHAIR, WOOL AND ANGORA, WOOL AND ALPACA AND SCOTTISH ALL- WOOL. PLUSH. PETETIES --- MISSES' --- HALF-SIZES eath front panel put the HEX on tummy bulge, act the tummy muscles should but don't! SML Regularly $8200 NOW ONLY $6.50 HAIR ROLLERS SPECIAL 1.00 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY CHEERFULLY REFUNDED WE WILL NOT KNOWINGLY BE UNDERSOLD ON IDENTICAL ITEMS TWO STORES TO SERVE YOU BETTER DOWNTOWN OSHAWA OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE HOUSEHOLD HINT . To protect bright - colored patterned woolens from run-| ning during laundering, soak in) coo! salt water before washing; | wa.h in warm water. 20 hair rollers, complete with pins, WONDERFUL. FITTING *TOMORROW" BRA in aoft cotton. Airy elastic panel adjusts automatically to the exact cup size you need! The only bra that gives you **All Around" fit} Regularly $3.00 NOW ONLY $2.50 for perfect curls. Two sizes to choose from. Choice of pink or blue. REGULAR $145 oo .5.s ceccesess Sorry! No Mail, C.O.D. or Telephone orders, please! OPEN DAILY 9:30 TO 6 -- FRIDAY TILL 9 Northway OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Available in limited quantities until January 20, 1962. WALKER'S OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE WIFE PRESERVER ' You can keep your dish-rags and towels out of sight in the kitchen if you put the rack be- hind a ventilated door on a cup- board or under the sink, sub- stituting a perforated door for a solid one. PHONE 728-4626