THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, December 29, 1967 73 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 32--Articles for Sale | FILTER Queen Gales and Service, lb : 4 era) trade-in allowance. Free demon- stration. 728-4683. ¥ SELLING furniture? We'll buy it. Re- TV's pianos, ? : po yee ete. For top cash offer contact a Street. Phone 728-1131. QTE bay" and wll and exchanes Sad S| gu. me Bee THIS TREMENDOUS VALUE Prompt service, free ootironios. "Chair, table rentals. Cleve | Fox, 412 Simeoe North. WE buy and sell used furniture, ete. ¢ t - 4 : Call Bags amir "ant 140 Simcoe Street je oP 8B = GooD: RICH Stores -- Tires, ba' 5 teries, Kelvinator refrigerators, ion . oN 725-4543. ; >- . e vision. Thrifty Badget Plan. egg ge forced air, 10-year guaran » $2.25 per hore no down ree 130. Telephone 7 WE pay highest prices in the city a ie used furniture. Pretty's Used Furniture) Store, 723-3271. 444 Simcoe South. i d 4 a hs m BAWAIAN electric guitar ("Kay") in k f : / very good condition, plus amplifier, al- K : i / ot ren BP B ' Off S most new. Would make a lovely gift. Telephone 723-7596. CIGARETTES carton $3.09. Butter .65 eent Ib. Seals sae Rha? | Its Subscribers $10,000.00 Open every night 'till 10. Ei MER Wilbur, Hampton, Ontario, Duys anc sells used televisions, chester. Sa ea i Accident Insurance Coverage motors, tools. Everything is priced to gave you dollars. Call Elmer, CO 3-2294. GIRLS'. better dresses and party | dresses, size 11-13, some worn only! once; also ladies' party dresses, og silks, chiffons, etc., ert sizes 8, | Pe 9, very reasonable; children's blouses, i » skates, coats, etc., sizes ; This Travel And 5-6. Telephone 723-2798. _| 4 rigs SETS knittea and crocheted, | all types of Knitting, bulky knit sweat: | \ s . ste en a | Pedestrian Acciden BILL HAMILTON, Ashburn, Brookiin, Now Hamilton Office Equipment. 137) Brock South, Whitby. Visit our store | i rot ware Oe wy Insurance GOOD selection of reconditioned TV's) at reasonable prices. Parkway Tele- | . Vision, 918 Simcoe Street North. Your| 4 ' Is C 1] iv color TV store. i Of / t TYPING paper on sale, letter size,| a J Le he mu a | e. white newsprint, buy in bulk lots and save. 4% Ib. pkg. $1.00, 9 Ib. pkg. $2.00. | Circulation Dept., Oshawa Times. 7 x In 5 t GRATES, new and used, sold and | i , cag ears Ss changed. Apply Drayton Cyele, Bond Street East. CUSTOM Cin the dash), ransiator se ' ' Maximum Coverage radio, lowest prices in town minion Tire Stores, 48 Bond Street West. SNOW tires, two 670 x 15; one 650 ned ¢ R h U T one 600 x 16 both regular. One under dash radio, Telephone 725-5055. " : eac. es p 0 USED parts and repairs for all makes of wringer type washers, % hp motors, $5 to $8, guaranteed reconditioned wash- " ers and stoves. Paddy's Market, Hamp- t ton. CO 3-2241. ' $ WESTINGHOUSE laundromat, auto e matic, recently completely fag earn & time / Appearance like new. Port Perry, 905-7926. AFTER Christmas sale: Elna sewing | machines, new and used, from $20 up. 165 Simcoe Street South. 728-2391. PORTABLE sewing machine, almost pew, $49.50, Telephone 728-2976 after 6) o'clock. REFRIGERATOR, | Kelvinator, , with 50 pound freezer, one year old; eed reconditioned; |) acheniaanre = i : Underwritten By PER WEEK FREE TUMBLER on INSURANCE CO. Limits WITH $3 GASOLINE at the HILLTOP Open_10 o.m. till Midnight Enthusiastic response by the OSHAWA TIMES * COSTS ONLY FOOD & FREEZER | regular subcribers to this offer of 24-hour in- $ 1 50 Fer AB: Ages PLAN surance protection show that it doesn't take ae guy You moy have tried the rest, a he bass bee bone, long for a good investment to become truly ae a appreciated. You'll never find a better one than SCHEDULE OF BENEFITS FOR FIRST YEAR -. ducts, highest quality meats." | this for less than 3c a week. gnetress ree Bes Lignt Bicycle, Life-time warranty freezér, FOR LOSS OF or sebway Sitney a06 Pedestrian, | gurricane, r Airplane or frees yn Gematite Bee the only one guaranteed by ._Usr P ' Good Housekeeping. No Y . : Accident worry down payment. Call now for our maximum coverage when you take Life ; "$10,000 ~ $3,000 ne ra ¥ $1 000 sevfavaes | out the policy is for $10,000.00. From then on sth Hers i089 8 | "LE | may wom 34--Lost & ss : Death and Dismemberment benefits increase Sight of Both Eyes 10,000] 3,000 1,000 ' Reee: OM setvice ring on Saterday. b 10% f i Z One hand and one foot 10,000 3,000 000 1,000 oy Re y 10% per year for 5 years. At the end of this One hand and sight of one eye | 10,000) 3,000 1000 © go) racelets, one fine i H * t ight * 000 . chain. aoe serie se a= period your maximum coverage will reach up <a ¢0606l6UlUtCU ee 1/000 a4 ping Centre, December 21. uae ce to $] 5 000 00 Either foot 3,750 1,000 500 crease by 10% per year for ward, Telephone. 723-4215. ! UU. Sight of either eye 3,750; 1,000 500 -- 35--Legal NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN ie Bint oe we TWO TYPES of POLICY These Extra ce --_-- ee ee ee ee ee BEATRICE ROBINSON, Mar- ried Woman, deceased, | H | 0 dae nl ng Personal Policy -- Benefits Too! | TO: SCOTTISH & YORK INSURANCE COMPANY LTD. Rinat the Evtote of Mor : : 425 University Avenue, pong all Toe o @ POLIO--Hospital Indemnity | TORONTO, tea For any individual subscriber to The County of Ontario, Marri . . HY SS Oshawa Times from the age of 1-79 for Poliomyelitis up to $2500! obout' the. 22nd doy of --costs less than 3c a week. Date .cvvcccccccccccoes November, 1958, are hereby notified to send to the un- | i -- $4.50 PER YEA derlgned Foronsl "Hepe | ~~ Plan ® @ CUMULATIVE POLICY ihe undersigned hereby makes application for the ive of i : or coverage of both husband and wife, ravel and Pedestrian Insurance Policy with Hospital ceased on or before the 11th Had VALUE INCREASE Indemnity for Poliomyelitis issued by the Scottish & York day of Jonuery, 1962, por- or husband and wife, and all unmarried ! Cc Ltd. Iti ular of their said claims. J | children under the age of 19 years, liv. At no cost to you, your Scot- ine eppicgrs will becribe t0'The Osnowe Titer Bareie HOSPITAL INDEMNITY FOR POLIOMYELITIS UP TO $2,500 After which said date, the said deceased having regard | j The insurance cove i i shall then have notice" | rage for both Personal and year for the first five years. ALVA HOWARD ROBINSON, | terms and conditions contained 'in the actual maximum coverage reaches <-- R. M. HEFFER, B.A. LL.B. | Whitby, Ontario. Overilow audiences saw the ee ae ; t ; 2 as Parsaial" Raprasenntive Wan | ing at home--costs less than 9c a week. tish & York policy will in- the life of the Policy when issued and will pay the regu- only to claims of which he St tov 04 Oeeeder he Family policies is identical, The coverage out- At the end of five years its Administrator, bet f policies. up to $1 5,000.00. BENEFICIARY |. cvevewess...: Barrister, Solicitor, see Sepa lease Read All Details Before Completing Application -- ee bp one- pe sea Presented| nd in the roun y Bishop's Uni i : "inthe round" by B hop's Uni SIGNATURE wcccveccosscacesndvie were "The Devil and Daniel J Wevsier," "Hangs Over Thy See von Gee oe One tae ; eee eee eS ene eee ee eee tee i, ; distribute the assets of the lar subscription prices: crease in value by 10% each pleas shall then hove notice, 1961. lined in this advertisement is subject to the by his solicitor SBF Coldes Scots Wen: RELATIONSHIP TO YOU: < wecccces cosuasvcesuvecces " LENNOXVILLE, Que. (CP)-- edy "Antigone." Judges 'selected | the first. one, to be entered in! the Canadian Inter - Varsity; Di-ia League Festival at Mc- Gill University next February. |