Oshawa Times (1958-), 28 Dec 1961, p. 16

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16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, December 28, 1961 Monthly Diary Of Big News Events During The Year 1961 By THE CANADIAN PRESS JANUARY Santa Maria Pirates 1--Nation - wide strikes in Belgium protest proposed eco- nomic reforms. 2--Polish art treasures held by province of Quebec since 194f ieave for Poland. 8~--National referendum in Frarce and Algeria endorses de Gaulle's policy. 1j--Liberal party ends three- day national rally at Ottawa. 15--Ocean radar tower 80 mies off New York coast collapses with loss of 28 mcn. Landslides, washouts in Fiaser Canyon cut rail, road links to Vancouver. 17--Columbia River power deveiopment treaty signed by Eisenhower and Diefenbaker at Washington; Eisenhower later makes White House fare well address. 2i--Last of socialist: union strikers return to work in Bel- gium. Huge throngs welcome Queen Elizabeth at New Delhi. 23--Armed opponents of Por- tugal's Premier Zalazar seize control of cruise ship Santa Maria with 600 passengers in Caribbean. 30 -- President Kennedy's first State of the Union mes- sage to Congress says present state of the economy is "'dis- tu bing." $i--Chimpanzee "Ham" sur- vives 16-minute flight to alti- tuae of 155 miles in U.S. space capsule from Florida. FEBRUARY Lumumba Slain 1--Trade Minister Hees an- Mounces national oil policy with periodic setting of pro- duction targets. +--Rebel leader Capt. Hen- rique Galvao surrenders Santa Maria to Brazilian navy at Recife, seeks asylum in Bra- zil with 29 followers. 10 -- Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip welcomed at Lahore, West Pakistan. 12--Russia fires deep-space rocket ea:th satellite. 13 -- Katanga radio says former Congo premier Lu- muinba and two companions killed by villagers after their escape from custody. Yugo- slav news agency asserts Bel- gian army captain was slayer. 14--Soviet asks UN penalties against Belgium in Lumumba slaying. Mobs attack Belgian embassier in Moscow, Bel- grade, New Delhi. 15--UN Security Council ses- sion interrupted by racial out- break among spectators. Bel- giun airliner from New York crashes at Brussels, 18-mem- ber U.S. figure-skating team ameng 73 dead. Ottawa DBS report shows post-war record of 693,000 unemployed as of Jan 15. toward Venus from DR. VERWOERD 22 -- Three men and two women convicted at London of spying on naval secrets for Russia. Gordon Lonsdale given 25 years, Peter Kroger and wife Helen 20 years, Henry Houghton and Ethel Gee 15 years. 26--Kennedy and Macmillan at Washington agree on com- mon policy to preserve Laos against threat of Communist domination. 28--South Africa's four-year treason trials end as last 28 defendents acquitted of con- splracy to overthrow the gov- erilment, %6---Canadians win world ewling title at Edinburgh against Scottish, U.S. rinks. 31--Ferry William Carson with 70 passengers freed after being stuck in ice seven days nea North Sydney, N.S. APRIL First Spaceman 5--Dr. Bernard Finch and Carole Tregoff get life im- prisonment at Los Angeles for murdering Finch's wife. 8 -- Saskatchewan Lieuten- ant-Governor F. L. Bastedo re- se,ves assent on bill which would give cabinet power to order mineral lease contracts renegotiated. 9--Ontario has first Sunday movie performances at Coch- ranc and Timmins. 10--MacPherson royal com- mission recommends annual federal subsidy to railways, $97,300,000 in 1961 dropping to half that in five years. 12--Soviet Air Force Major Yuri Gagarin lands after circling earth in 89 min- utes in space vehicle which reached altitude of 187 miles. 16 -- Chicago Black Hawks ocat Detroit four games to two to win Stanley Cup for first time in 23 years. 17--Anti-Castro rebel force lands in Cuba. Burt Lancaster ana Elizabeth Taylor win moyie Oscars. 19 -- Cuban invasion col- lapses; rebels abandon beach- heac at Cochinos Bay. Ottawa police hold Yugoslav. immi- grant Shani Ferizi in slaying of K. Sandra Pilai, first sec- retary in Indian high commis- sioncr's office. 22--Anti-de Gaulle French generals in Algeria seize con- trol of Algiers. 23 -- Military junta claims control over all Algeria; de Gaulle assumes dictatorial powers. 26--French army revolt in i, Algeria collapses, Gen. Mau- PATRICE LUMUMBA is--Lord Bertrand Russell heads 4,000 persons in sit-down outside London defence min- istry protesting U.S. Polaris submarine base in Scottish loch. 23 -- Flight engineers end week - long strike that par- alyscd operations of six U.S. airiines. 24--Provincial premiers: in Ottawa conference with fed- era} government reach new tax-sharing agreement to start in 1962. 7% -- Fire does $2,000,000 damage at rocket range at Churchill, Man. MARCH South Africa Out 2-Elizabeth and Philip open Iran visit at Tehran. 5--Nine Canadian soldiers free after capture by Congo- lese soldiers at Matadi. $---Ontario budget imposes three-per-cent retail sales tax to start Sept: 1. i0--Alberta rink wins Cana- dian curling title at Calgary. 12--Canada's Trail Smoke Faters win world hockey championship at Geneva. 13 -- Heavyweight cham- "pion Floyd Patterson knocks Out Ingemar Johansson sixth round at Miami Beach. 14 -- Commonwealth prime minister's conference at Lon- don draws up statement of priruiples including racial eauality which all members musi adopt. § --- Prime Minister Ver- woerd leads South Africa out of Commonwealth, to become a 1epublic May 31. 47. - U.S.-backed right-wing government of Laos an- nounces failure of peace talks with neutralist ex - premier 7 Souvanna Phouma. 21--Thgee vessels with total in rice Challe surrenders. Congo- lese soldiers arrest President Moise Tshombe of Katanga after he walked out of con- ference of Congolese leaders. 24 -- Famed 1st Parachute Regiment of Foreign Legion destroys its camp outside Al- gicrs as unit disbanded. 30 -- Russia awards Lenin Peace Prize to Fidel Castro. MAY Laos Cease-Fire 2--Canada signs agreement | to sell Red China $362,000,000 of wheat within three years. %-Cease-fire in effect in Lav between government and pro-Communist rebel forces. ¢--Railway strike by non- operating unions averted by settlement as companies ac- cept conciliation board rec- o.amendation of 14 - cent in- ercase, 5--U.S. Navy Cmdr. Alan B. Shepard makes 15-minute sub- orbital flight, maximum height 115 miles. Queen Elizabeth and Po,»e John meet at Vatican. Federal government at Ottawa announces royal assent for Saskatchewan legislature bill on mineral rights, on which lieutenant - governor had re- safely served assent. Toronto St. M.chael's College beats Ed- monton Oil Kings four games to two in Memorial Cup final at Edmonton. 6 -- Tottenham Hotspurs, Enughsh League champions, defeat Leicester City 2-9 in English Cup final. Carry Back wins Kentucky Derby. London House of Commons officials bar entry of new peer Vis- count Stansgate, Anthony Wedgwood Benn, re - elected Labor MP for Bristol. .¢--French airliner crashes in Sahara, all 69 passengers, 10 crew, killed. 17 -- President Kennedy in address to Senate and Com- mons at Ottawa urges Canada to increase its role in NATO defence and foreign aid. 18 -- South Korea Premier John Chang resigns in favor of military jupta that seized power, 20--Toronto Drao Players in Rasko - Mon win Dominion Drama Festival finals at Montreal. «y -- Liberals win Leeds, Ont, from Progressive Con- servatives; standing un- changed in three other federal byeiections. Quebec legislative assembly approves bill legal- izing margarine sale. s--Dictator Rafael Trujillo, 69, assassinated in Dominican Republic. A. J. Foyt, 26, wins Incianapolis 500 - mile auto classic. 31--French horse Psidium wins 182nd Epsom Derby. Maurice Challe and Andre Zeiler, former French gen- erals, sentenced to 15 years fe. complicity in abortive Al- geria revolt. South Africa for- mally becomes a republic. JUNE Vienna Summit 1--Rafael Trujillo Jr., 32, named head of Dominican armed forces. 4---Kennedy and Khrushchev end two-day talks at Vienna with limited agreement on Laos, no agreement on Ger- many and Berlin. 8--Duke of Kent, 25, mar- ries Katharine Worsley, 28. 10 --- Two Canadians, two Americans, killed as motor- boat capsizes in rapids above Niagara Falls, 12--Bank of Canada Gover- nor James E. Coyne refuses request for his resignation by Finance Minister Fleming. 14 -- Fleming tells Parlia- ment government will intro- duct bill -to dismiss Coyne; says Coyne's resignation sought because of fear his tight money policies would thwart new fiscal program. 15---Report of O'Leary royal coinmission urges diversion of Canadian advertising dollars from U.S. magazines; 17---British government an- nouices West Indies federa- tiun will become independent May 31, 1962. Col. K. R. Mar- shail s Blue Light wins 102nd Quecn's Plate at Toronto. Gene Littler wins U.S. open gol title at Birmingham, Mich 26--Federal budget repeals 7" per-cent excise tax on pas- scuger cars, makes no change in personal and corporation income tax. Canadian dollar to be lower than U.S. 22 -- Katanga President Tsnombe released from cap- tivity by Congo central gov- ernment at Leopoldville. 25--Iraq lays claim to oil- rich Persian Gulf sheikdom of Kuwait. zi--Farmers Union of Al- berla asks federal government to declare southeast Alberta a disaster area as Prairie drought continues. 30--Rain on broad areas of Prairie provinces is first in wecks, 1 JULY Coyne Resigns 2--British Marine comman- dos and tanks man Kuwait- Iraq frontier, 7--Commons votes 129 to 37 for government bill dismissing James E. Coyne as Bank of Canada governor. Australian Rod Laver wins men's singles tennis title at Wimbledon. 8--Angela Mortimer is first British winner in 24 years of Wimbledon women's tennis title. Portuguese liner Save explodes and burns at Lou- renco Marques, 259 dead, 290 survive, 10 -- Former British prime minister Sir Anthony Eden be- comes Earl of Avon. 1l--Russian spaceman Yuri Gagarin given tumultuous wel- come at Soviet trade fair in London. 12--Senate's 38-to-17 vote re- affirms amendment to govern- . ment tariff bill inserting right Niagara Falls Texas wins golf title at* Winnipeg. Arnold ot 17 fishermen lost in storm off Nova Scotia. YURI GAGARIN of appeal against minister's decisions. 13--James E. Coyne resigns as governor of Bank of Can- ada after Senate votes 33 to 16 to kill government bill dis- missing him. Parliament ad- journs after record of 157 sit- ting days. 14--Two-day talks between Britain's Commonwealth Sec- retary Duncan Sandys and government at Ottawa end with communique saying Can- ada "gravely concerned" over British approach to European Common Market. 15--Nathan Boyd, 30, of New York, survives plunge over in steel and rubber ball. Jacky Cupit of Canadian Open revenue Palmer of U.S. takes British Open at Birkdale, England. 19 -- French and Tunisian forces clash after Tunisians surround French naval base near Bizerte. Cecile Dionne Langlais, one of four surviving Dionne quintuplets, gives birth to twin sons at Quebec City. Mount McKinley, North America's highest peak (20,- 230 feet in Alaska) climbed for first time by six-man Italian team. 21--Virgil Grissom, second U.S, spaceman, makes 15-min- ute rocket flight from Cape Canaveral, highest altitude 108 miles. . 22--Ceasefire in effect at Bizerte. Warrant Officer Nor- man Beckett, 52, of Hamilton, wins Queen's Prize at Bisley, England. 24 -- Louis Rasminsky, 53, former deputy governor, be- comes governor of Bank of Canada. 25--Kennedy in TV-radio ad- dress on Berlin crisis an- nounces stepped-up program in men and arms for military preparedness. Selwyn Lloyd, Britain's chancellor of the ex- chequer, announces austerity measures to meet current eco- nomic crisis. 28 -- Algerian rebel delega- tion breaks off taixs with French. High Court in London rules new peers automatically ineligible to sit in Commons, Malcolm St. Clair declared elected in Bristol byelection won by Viscount Stansgate, formerly Wedgwood Benn. 31--Macmillan tells Parlia- ment Britain will apply for membership in European Common Market. JAMES E. COYNE AUGUST Douglas: Heads NDP 1--Anti - Communist Cyril Adoula becomes premier of The Congo. East German po- lice halt commuters who work in West Berlin. Australia wins Test cricket series in Eng- land, two games to one, with one draw. 2--B.C. legislature in special session approves government bill to take over B.C. Electric Company as crown corpora- tion, province pays $110,000,- 000: for company stock. Pre- mier Frost of Ontario an- nounces decision to retire as Ontario Progressive Conser- vative party leader. 3--Saskatchewan CCF Pre- mier T. C. Douglas elected leader of New Democratic Party at Ottawa founditiz con- vention. 5--B.C. team wins Willing- don Cup inter-provincial golf tourney at Edmonton. 6--Russia's second cosmo- naut, Gherman Titov, lands safely after 25 hours, 18 min- utes in orbit, 17, earth circuits with maximum altitude of 159 miles. 7--Bob Hayward in Miss Supertest III beats U.S. chal- lenger in Harmsworth speed- veg trophy races at Picton, nt. 8--Refugee flow from East to West Germany reaches rec- ord heights. Robert Cleroux wins Canadian heavyweight boxing title from Toronto's George Chuvalo on split decis- ion at Montreal, 9--American World Air- ways' DC-8 jetliner, 81. pas- sengers, lands in Cuba. Cuban government releases plane. 10--Britain formally applies for membership in European Common Market. 12--Judy Darling wins Can- ada women's open golf title at Vancouver. Gary Cowan of Kitchener wins Canada ama- teur golf title at Edmonton. 13--Communists bar exit of all East Germans to West Berlin. 14 -- Four-month trial of Adolf Eichmann, charged in Nazi slayings of 6,000,000 Jews, ends at Jerusalem, ver- dict to come weeks later. 15 -- Canadian unemploy- ment total for this date, 323,- 000, is decrease of 31,000 from previous month, first drop in 18 months from year-earlier level. 16 -- Canadian government announces asylum granted Russian scientist Dr. Mikhail Klochko, member of Russian delegation to Montreal chem- ical congress who defected from Russia. 20--Forest fires at peak in Newfoundland. 21 -- More than 130 forest fires blaze in British Colum- bia. Cheddi Jagan's People's Progressive. Party wins ma- jority in British Guiana's first election for self - ruling gov- ernment. Jomo Kenyatta, Mau Mau leader in Kenya, released after eight vears in prison. 22--East Berlin entry points for foreigners from West Bez- lin restricted to one. 24--Premier Smallwood pro- claims state of emergency in Newfoundland forest fire sit- . uation. 25--President Janio Quadros resigns in Brazil. 27--Reading of riot act dis- perses demonstrators in mine, mill and smelter union juris- dictional dispute at Sudbury, Ont. 28--National Mine-Mill un- fon executive withdraws from Sudbury local union offices. Rain eases forest fire threat in Newfoundland. 29 -- Six tourists killed as French jet fighter hits tow cable on Mont Blanc. Herman Willemse of Holland wins CNE 15-mile swim at Toronto. SEPTEMBER Dag's Death 1--Above - ground nuclear test explosion in Russia's cen- tral Asian area is first by any power in almost three years. TWA Constellation crash. at Chicago kills all 78 aboard. 3--Kennedy and Macmillan propose to Russia agreement on voluntary test ban. 5--Kennedy orders resump- tion of U.S. nuclear tests halted since 1958. 6--Belgrade conference of unaligned nations appeals for Kennedy - Khrushchev meet- ing to save peace; Nehru 27--UN General Assembly approves Canadian - sponsored resolution to speed up radia- tion studies, and separate ap- peal to Russia not to explode super-bomb. 28--Dead heat between Henry VII and Violetta in Cambridgeshire race at New- market, England. 30--Soviet Union sets off nu- clear blast of at least 50 mega- tons despite world-wide pro- tests. Communist. party con- gress approves removal of Stalin's body from place along- side Lenin in Red Square. 31--Hurricane Hattie causes 319 deaths, heavy damage, at Belize, British Honduras. NOVEMBER Defeat in Katanga 1 -- British government an- nounces plans to restrict im- migration from Common- wealth. 3--Son, Viscount Linley, born to Princess Margaret and Earl of Snewdon at London. Burma's U Thant unanimously elected acting UN secretary- general, Evacuees from Tris- tan da Cunha eruption, 264 men, women and children, reach England. 4--Congo centra] govern. ment concedes military defeat in 'Katanga 7--Woodrow §. Lloyd suc- ceeds T. C. Douglas Sas- katchewan premier. $--John P. Robarts succeeds Leslie Frost as Ontario pre- mier. 9--Queen and Philip open state visit to Ghana at Accra. Ralph Erdman of Lethbridge, Alta., named world wheat king at Toronto Royal Winter Fair. 10--British House of Com- mons approves independence for Tanganyika, new constitu- tion for Southern Rhodesia. 11 -- Mutinous Congolese troops massacre 13 Italian UN airmen at Kindu in eastern Congo. 14--Specia} UN commission blames Lumumba slaying on President Tshombe of Katanga and President Kasavubu of The Congo. Canada's 24-hour Tocsin B civil defence exercise ends with estimate of 2,215,000 dead in mock nuclear attack. 19 -- East German workers protected by Communist' troops complete construction of Berlin boundary wall begun Aug. 13. New York State Gov- ernor Nelson Rockefeller abandons search for son Mich- ael, 23, lost on anthropological expedition in Dutch New Gul- nea. 20 -- Russian Orthodox Church admitted to full mem- bership at third assembly of World Council of Churches in New Delhi. 23--Elizabeth and Philip ar- rive on roya' yacht in Liberia. Trujillo - founded party dis- solved as Dominican Republic changes name of capital to Santo Domingo from Cuidad Trujillo. Prof J. D. Morton special commission report to Ontario 'egislature recom- mends government - con- trolled horse - race betting shops. Alberto Aguecci, 39, Toronto, sought in New York narcotics smuggling case, found siain near Roches- ter, N.Y. 25 -- Queen and Philip at Freetown, Sierra Leone. Ham- ilton- Tiger-Cats beat Toronto Argos 48-2 to win Big Four title 55-27 in two-game total. 29--Chimpanzee Enos twice circles earth in U.S. satellite, lands safely in Atlantic near Bermuda DECEMBER India Takes Goa 2--Winnipeg Blue Bombers beat Hamilion Tiger-Cats 21- 14 in first overtime Grey Cup final at Toronto. 4--Geneva conference of 14 nations on Laos names Britain and Soviet Union permanent guardians. ol Laotian peace. Dr. Marcel 'Chaput, Quebec separatist leader, resigns | from federal defence researelt board. World heavyw champion Fioyd Patterson knocks out Tom McNeeley of, Boston in fourth round at Toronto. ; 6--Elizabeth returns to Lon- don from African tour, India claims trvops from Portue guese Goa crossed into Indian, territory ; 9 -- Menzies' Le tr arty governmen' potted in Australia with red duced majority. 9 11 -- Lt.-Col. Anatoly Logi« nov, assistant military aby, tache at Russian embassy in Ottawa, expeiled from Canada' for receiving secret Canadian documents. } 15--Eichmann sentenced to; death at Jerusalem in Nazi, slayings of 6,000,000 Jews. 17--Circus tent fire kills 300! at Niteroi, Brazil. ? 18 -- Indian troops . occupy' Portuguese territories of Goa, Damao and Diu. : 19--Russian veto kills UN Security Council resolu-' tion asking cease-fire in Goa. Indonesia's President Sukarno, orders mobilization to "liber, -ate" Dutch West New Giunea, 20--Congo Premier Adoula, Katanga President Tshombe,) reach tentative agreement im talks at Leopoldville. takes message to Moscow. 7 -- Diefenbaker at Parlia- ment opening announces 15,- 000-man increase in Canada's armed forces, plan to 'train 100,000 Canadians in national survival program. Joao Gou- lart assumes presidency in Brazil. 9--Geneva negotiations for nuclear test ban close in fail- ure after 34 months. 10--Speedboat ace Bob Hay- ward 4of'Embro, Ont., killed as Miss Supertest II flips over in race at Detroit. ll -- Hurricane Carlo smashes Texas-Louisiana Gulf coast, 36 dead. 12 -- Bertrand Russell,89- @ ministers meeting at Accra, » Nearly 1,000 arrested in Lon- | ; don civil disobedience protest | year-old British philosopher, and wife sentenced to week in jail for sit - down protest against nuclear arms. 13--UN military forces in The Congo turn 'over control of Katanga to central Congo regime. 14 -- Commonwealth finance Ghana, oppose Britain's entry to European Common Market. 15--U.S. fires first of series of underground nuclear test. 17--Dag Hammarskjold and 12 others killed as UN plane crashes en route from Leo- poldville to Ndola for talks with Tshom be. Adenauer's Christian Democrats lose over-all Bundestag majority in | West German elections. Rock Salt 25-Ib. bag against nuclear arms. 18 -- Katanga forces claim | surrender of 500,-Irish and | Swedish UN troops at Ka- mina. 19 -- Jamaica plebiscite re- jects West Indies federation. 20 -- Katanga President Tshombe and UN forces agree to ceasefire: Roger Maris of New York Yankees hits 59th home run in 154th game; Babe Ruth's 154-game record of 60 remains intact. 23--Daniel Johnson elected leader of Union Nationale party at Quebec. 25--Kennedy addresses UN General Assembly, challenges Rustia to a "race for peace." Vancouver beats Brampton, Ont., four games straight in Mann Cup senior lacrosse final at Vancouver. 27--Diefenbaker tells Com- Mons government cannot ac- cept Senate amendment on tariff legislation, and it will be allowed to die. 28--Army revolt instals ci- vilian regime in Syria, breaks union with Egypt in United Arab Republic. 29 -- Canadian Parliament prorogues after record session of 174 days. French govern- ment agrees to withdraw troops to former positions out- side Bizerte. OCTOBER The Big Bomb 1--David Pratt, farmer who wounded South African Prime Minister Verwoerd in 1960, commits suicide in mental in- stitution. William C. Dixon of Brampton, Ont, wins world plowing tit}e at Grignon, France. Roger Maris hits 61st home run in fast game of 162- game scheduie. 3--Antony Armstrong-Jones raised to peerage as Earl of Snowdon. , 6 -- Federal Mines Minister Paul Comtois appointed lieu- tenant-governor of Quebec. 7 -- Donald C. MacDonald, Ontario CCF leader, chosen Ontario New Democratic Party leader at Niagara Falls. 9--Soviet scientist Alexei Go- lub, 35, defects to West at Am- sterdam. New York Yankees beat Cincinnati four games to one in World Series. 10--Volcanic eruptions force evacuation of Tristan da Cunha. 17--Khrushchev at Commu- nist party congress withdraws deadline fer German peace settlement; says Soviet Union will explode 50-megaton bomb. 18 -- Verwoerd's Nationalist party slightly increases ma- jority in South African elec- tion. 19--Communist China's Pre- mier Chou En-lai at Moscow congress attacks Khrushchev's move to oust Albania from Communist bloc. 23--Nobel Peace prize for 1961 posthumously awarded Dag Hammar skjold; 1960 Peace Prize goes to South Af- rican Zulu chief Albert John Luthuli. 25--Ontario Education Min- ister John P. Robarts elected Progressive Conserva- tive leader to succeed Premier Frost. Agreement on prisoner exchange ends armed conflict between UN and Katanga 75 For control of ice on steps, driveways, sidewalks, 50-Ib. 'bag 1.25 Teco Deluxe Ice Scraper Not illustrated; with straight wooden handle. Each 2.79 Teco Deluxe Ribbed Aluminum Shovels Blade size approx. 13% x 17", with steel edge to help Prevent corners from buckling, Wooden "'D" handle, EATON Price, each 3.98 EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 253 EATON'S for how Shovels, Scrapers, Rock Salt EATON Price, each 4.15 24 x 10%", EATON Price, each 4.50 Aluminum General Not Illustrated. 'D' handle. Each 2.89 PHONE 725-7373 straight handle. Purpose Snow Shovel Taste-Treats for snacking anytime... and specially priced, EATON Special Price, UPPER LEVEL SALTED MIXED NUTS Freshly roasted peanuts, with crisp Brazils, fil- berts, cashews and almonds ! Salted to taste... lb. .79 EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 214 ~ Manufacturer's Clearance ! WOMEN'S SAMPLE DRESSES Prints, plains, crepes and wools; mostly one-or-few- of-a-kind from much higher priced lines ! Women's sizes, EACH .......-+ee00e CLEARANCE OF BRAS Discontinued style, priced low to clear. Nylon lace bra; cups framed with foam rubber; low back style with wide-set straps. White only; sizes 32 and 79 34, A and B cups in the group. EACH ..... ® CLEARANCE OF MILLINERY Wool and felt fabrics in an interesting choice of stylings and colours. EACH BRIDGE MIX A favourite with many people . . . choco- late coated raisins, creams, jellies, cara- Ib. 53 PHONE 725-7373 mel. EATON Special Price, . .. imited Quantity specials On sale at 6:30 p.m. Friday and only while quanties last. Please, no telephone or mail orders FLASHLIGHT SPECIAL! Handy flashlight has standard bulb; plus red signal flasher. Useful in the car, at home,.or when walk- ing at night Standard 2-cell light in rugged plastic has 3-way switch. Complete with batteries. \ each 1.29 Mohair Paint Standard 74" paint rollers; mostly mohair, a few lambswool. Complete with metal paint tray. set 1.49 Roller Sets EATON"S Telephone Order Service open at 8 a.m. Phone 725-1373 forces in Congo.

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