14 THE OSHAWA TIMES Thursdey, December 28, 1961 Advance Marks Heavy Trading TORONTO (CP)--New highs | were frequent on the stock mar- 25 72 23 +1 | ket Wednesday. as industrials, wh ws 3h | base metals and western oils re Nl ol nf | pected strong advances in heavy 13% 13% 13% -- %4| Fading. : 84 84 8% + %! Liquors, foods, oil and gas is- sues led the industrial index to) three mid - day highs before settling back slightly at the close to 618.27, ahead 2.81 on Big Construction Year Predicted ments; hospitals will continue to increase; university A particularly in residences, picked up substantially in 1961 and should carry well into 1962. A substantial increase in water and sewage systems should oc- cur in response to availability of federal loans in this field. The $800,000,000 spent an- nually in recent years by high- way departments should _ be equalled in 1962. Housing prospects for 1962 look good, with amendments to the Nationa: Housing Act, re- duction in mortgage interest and increased activity in urban renewal all primary factors. In the first nine months of 1961 housing was up 21.3 per cent over 1940, but 7.4 per cent below the 1955-1960 average. Engineering construction should total some $3,000,000,000 "but delays in commencement of work on one or two large hydro developments in British Columbia wili mean that vol- ume will not be boosted as much Today's Toronto Stock Market Listings 11 Net | High Low a.m. Ch'ge| Stock $54% 34% 54% -- 14) Agnico 16 -- Ys|Anglo Hur 26% 27 + Ww Ang Rouyn 14% 14% + M4) Ansil 22% | Aumaq Base Mets 4 -- Vs| Baska 11 Net High Low a.m, Ch'ge| 51 50 50 155. 155 155 11 Net j Bales High Lowa.m. Ch'ge Stock 819 $60 59% 59% + %\T Fin A 10 $162% 162% 162% --2%/T Fin 57 w $18 18% 18% Tr Can PL 625 605 625 | Trans-Mt 275° «275 «275 Un Gas 300 300 300 U Corp B $15% 154 15% Un Steel $164 164 1614 Vendomat 11% ¢| Wainwr 17 Walk GW WCoast Tr WCoast T Ww C Brew Weston A 200: § Woodwd A ~ 400 Wdwd A w 255 Curb Asbestos 140 C Paper 205 Price Br xd 125 Thd CG In 100 OILS , Alminex 500 223 220 "'Am Ledue 12833 9 8 Bailey S A_ 1600 125 1500 100 1000 950 600 650 600 TORONTO 11 A.M. STOCKS Stock BIRTHS By The Canadian Press Stock Torente Stock Exchange--Dec. 2% GMC A BLESSED EVENT -- The birth of; (Quotations in cents unless marked $. Goodyear your child is interesting news that your); Odd jot, xd--Ex-dividend, xr--Ex-/GL Paper friends want to know. It is easy to tell) rights, xw---Ex.warrants, Net change is everyone at once through an Oshawalfrom previous board-lot closing sale.) 'Times Birth Notice and the rate for this! service is very reasonable, only $1.50.' A friendly ad-writer will assist you in| INDUSTRIALS | Greyhnd 100 wording a Birth Notice. Just Telephone 1! Net | Hardee 2525 723-3492, ask for Classified, Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge Hard Carp 175 Hur Eri 70 165 840% 40% 40% + %iImS ON 1611 $25 24te 25 Imp Tob 220 $i2% 12% 12%%:+ Yeiind Accep 195 5 318% 18% 18% Inglis 100 265 265 265 Inland Gas 240 5 1s Inland G pr 250 837% 37% Inind G w 300 $1644 16% Ys Inter PL 200: $8344 $484 48 + "% Int Stl P '2/Inv Syn A 494 + * Jickey C 53) + 4! Jock wts --10 \Kelly D A Labatt Lafarge % LOnt Cem * Lambitn L Py Laur F A ® Laur 125 pr 225 a, LobCo An 210 12) LibCo A w 7300 LobCo B n 400 MB and PR 420 4 M Leaf Mill 100 Mass-F 1030 + % Met Stores 2300 --5 | Mid-West 500 | Molson A 25 |'Mon Foods 150 Mon Inv 5 {Mont Loco Moore |Nat Drug %N St Car Nia Wire B_ 200 275 100 250 105 Sales 1020 | 11 Net High Low a.m, Ch'ge 107 +1 |Latin Am 975 | Leitch 1400 12% 12% 124% -- %/|Lorado 5900 13% 13% 134 -- %/|Lorado wis 6800 6 6 6 Lyndhst 1000 1% --~ %| Macassa 200 -- %| Madsen 300 --1 |Marboy 500 +1. |Marcin 1000 +3 | Maritime 690 -- ¥%| Martin 800 +2 |Mattgmi 100 --- ¥%|Maybrun 1500 +1 | Meintyre 145 --10 |McMar 5000 --10 | Merrill 2500 + % Meta Uran 1000 +5 | Midrim 1400 Mt Wright 2925 -- % Multi-M 2000 --15 |Murray M 18900 -- ¥%|\|Nama Cr 1000 |New Bid 500 |N Kelore 2000 | Newlund 500 |N Man 2109 220 Bales 350 ca L Pow w n200 yas W 100 |GN Gas B w 100 ;Gr Wpg vt 150 +10 +20 --10 OTTAWA (CP)--Another $7,- 000,000,000 construction year is predicted for 1962 by Arthur G. Sullivan, of Montreal, president of the Canadian Construction Association, in a year-end state- ment, The record figure was $7,092,- 481,000 in 1958 Mr. Sullivan, who is president of Foundation Maritime Ltd.,| says surplus capacity - plagues) ™" 6% 16% 4 U4 51 138 16 23 8 16% 1 | B-Duq 4 --10 | Belcher Bethim + % Bevcon Black Bay Birdulac Bouzan Bralorne Brnswk Buff RL Camp Chib C Tung 51 138 10 52 138 10% 23 6% 50 615 445 6 745 58 19% 18 35 Stock 200 yt 550 25 $35 58 5014 17% 34% 8 686 BI 494 49% 44+ $50% 50% 900 «900 «6900 ALLOWAY -- Bill and Patsy (nee Abitibi $17%s 17% Mathe) are happy to announce the birth | Abit pr of # daughter, Cindy Sonja May, 4 lbs.,4cad-Atl on Tuesday, December 26, 1961 at the Sgnew-S Oshawa General Hospital. Thanks to Alta Dist Doctor Russell. jAlta Dis w Alta Gas JOHNSTON -- Dr. and Mrs. Malcolm AltaGas w 225 (nee J T » Algoma are happy to announce the birth of Alumini Pail their daughter in Rochester, New York, Arg 250. : on Wednesday, December 27, 1961. An' 30. PF. after Christmas present for Dougie. 6% 6% 7 50 50 s - +% 5 75 (15 ithe day. ia it jie t (| Base metals was ahead 2.14 at 154.149 134 | April, 1957, Western oils gained BR 23% + %/2.51 at 118.25, highest since Aug- 24 125 +4 Just, 1959. Golds showed a slight|the industry and competition} 7 {gain of .01 at 89.75. will get even tougher in the M. Loeb led food issues with) year ahead. _4 {a gain of 2%. Oshawa Wholesale| "Constructicn purchasers," he --% rose 4. ( adds, "will continue to get excel- os Canadian Breweries, 'Molson's|lent value. Profits will continue =" B. and Walker - Gooderham all|to be low or non-existent, In |gained % . |short, a "'profitless prosperity" | Canadian Tire was up twojwill still be with the industry. +8 |points, General Motors 1%, and| Mr. Sullivan says the marked iy Canadian Celanese, H a r din g| decline in the capital investment Carpets and Aluminium all one|construction program is a ser- +1 point. ious one. +4 Final volume was 3,304,000; NEED TAX INCENTIVE |shares compared with 2,040,000) "If business is to regain its | Tuesday. previous expansion rate," he | Falconbridge led base metals|adds, "'some real taxation in- jhigher, up 144. International] centives must be introduced. In- Nickel and Ventures each gained) dustrial expansion creates new {one point. Lake Dufault rose 35|jobs--not only. temporary ones 434 |cents at $6.20. during the construction period but permanent ones once the pr | Senior western oils provided| 20% --%\the strength behind the index/new facilities are completed. | 4 "It is hoped the federal gov-| 83 --2 |rise. Home B rose one point, ernment will bring in this year} 255 +5 long-needed tax-law changes to} ys 5% -- %|Home A % and Pacific Petrol- nr +15 }eum and Great Plains Develop- introduce accelerated deprecia-| tion and also sales tax exemp-! y,|ment each %. tion on construction ietms such| Clothing Men = g.0=re an ore.2 Wen) Seek Markets Industrial construction in 1961) totalled about $400,000,000 com-| _ {pared with $600,000,000 in 1957.| OTTAWA (CP) -- Canadian|Based on maintaining the 1957] clothing manufacturers will look) figure, "losses" in this category for new markets in Europe in a three-week trade tour which be- gins Jan. 19. 7 3 46 615 440 6 "i 615 37% 16% M% 745 Me 23% 129 1 13 jAst Wire C Arg 260 pr LAING -- Don and Georgina (nee | Atlas Steel Stone) are pleased to announce the 241) phone birth of their son, Scott Alexander, 7) p.2,:) Ibs. 4 ozs., on Friday, December 22,/ 34 6; 1961 at Oshawa General Hospital. A) pe first grandson for Mr. and Mrs. G.)pc pow Laing; also a grandson for Mr. and)pc¢ phone Mrs. G. Stone. Many thanks to Doctor) Rug Prod Irwin and the nursing staff of the 4th) purns floor. |Can Cem CI Fndry LEGREE -- Bernard and Joan (ne€'cqn Brew Hotforster) are happy to announce the |CBAL Aw birth of their son, Thomas Lawrence, |CBAL Bw on Monday, December 25, 1961 at the/Cdn Celan Oshawa General Hospital. A brother for)c © 7! Nancy, Robert and Mark. $164 1648 $649 360 2% 8 20% ep 6 36 53 25 5 $5914 59%4c 59% ™% ™% %--1 285 290 +5 74 72 72 146 «131 = =«(139 20% 20% 20% 12 12 12 7644 $57%4 5758 5. 320 320 $37'e 3% 3 $12% 12 $1558 154% $50% 50% 50° $34 33% 900 75 $25 4 Coch Will = Comb Met 2 + 4 Coniagas C Bellek C Callinan + ¥%'C Discov Nor-Acme Noranda ¥4 | Norgold Normetal N Coldstrm 1000 Norgate 138975 + %|N Goldert 500 vi 1500 2000 2500 533 5900 2 5000 2.200 300 4000 1000 250 4500 1395 2000 2500 1100 1000 2150 475 500 2325 5100 1000 3050 1100 1500 525 250 26 22% 83 Britalta Calalta Cal Ed C Oil Lads C Dethi Cdn Dev C Ex Gas 200 Cent Del 3520 Charter Oil 1400 C Mic Mae 215 Dev-Pal 1000 Dome Pete 300 Duvex 1000 Gr Plains 925 Home A 810 Home B HB OU G LI Pete Marigold Medal Midcon NC Oils ,/Pac Pete "| Pamoil Permo Place Privo Gas Quonto Sapphire 1000 Sarcee 600 Secur Free 2250 South U 1000 Spooner 3000 Stanwell 500 Triad Oil 800 Un Oils 3500 Ww Cdn OG 200 | Wsburne 3000 Wstates 1700 Yan Can 1000 MINES % Abacus 2000 12 12 eo 3% 250 250 415 me $10% $18% $15% $13 39% 180 $30 $14% $22% 22% 3 «83 405 365 161 72 112 390 49 15 5 14 13% 13 18% 64 be 405 375 161 725 118 390 49 15 5 4 45 45 45 5 $24% 24% 24% 124 122 122 45 45 5 240 240 240 12 2 12 54 5% 5% 8 225 600 45 210 i 5 $3444 344 Hi $365-- 36% 36% |C Mirrison |C Mosher Con Negus C Red Pop © Regcourt Cop Corp *) Coprand 138 Deer Horn 131 Delnite 185 y Denison "s -- *§| Dicknsn 6% + %| Duvan a" East Sull "6d | Elder 25 | Falcon 170 | Fatima 14% -- %| Frobisher 39 --1 |Geco Mines |Giant YK |GF Mining | Grandroy | Granduc Ms |Gulf Lead +3 | Har-Min +10 | Headway | Hasting --_%| Hollinger --2 |Howey --3 |Int Moly |Int Nickel {Irish Cop | Iso +2 -3 8 8 +2 13% 14 55 660 199 % 60 Opemiska | Orchan Paramaq % Pick Crow 195 % 60 2 274 2B 4% 448 4% 8 8 8 +1 3 8 15% 15% 15% ng 117-117 ee: Baas} 444448 1044 10% 10% 330 80 15 + ¥ is $13% $1344 $18% 7 MeNAB -- To Doctor and Mrs. Rob- ert G. McNab (nee Tonkin), Port Perry, a daughter, Alison Joan, on Monday, December 25, 1961 at Oshawa Genera) Hospital. 4+ : -- % Quemont +10 | Realm ~-1. |RioAlgom +1 |Rix Athab --1 |Satellite + | Sherritt -- ¥|Sil Stand 14 | Siscoe ¥ | Stanrek Starratt %|Steep R ¥ | Sylvanite | Taurean --S |Thom L +1 | Tormont + %|Trin Chib U Asbestos -- ¥%|Un Keno --5 |Upp Can | Ventures %| Waite Am | Wiltsey |Wr Harg 100 3 +1% % NO NGas Nor Phone y%\Ocean Cem Page-Hers %| Premium ¥%|QN Gas |QN Gas pr %/QN Gas wts 100 Roe AV pr 215 . 5, Rothman 125 +5 | Royalite 300 $144 4% 14% |StL Cem A 200 $15% $14% 14% 14% StL Corp xd 24 $7% 7% 7% St L Cp A pr 25 $102% 720 720 720 St. Maurice 500 95 21% 21% Salada-S 1315 $17% 15 15 + %/Salada wis 360 $11% 45 45% + %|Seven Arts 2005 $9% 24% 24% Shawin 830 $26% ® 65 65. -- % Silverwd A $13%% 14 4 Simpsons $284 18% 1858 -- % | Southam $314 22% 22% St Pav 2844 28% + %4' Steel Can 17 17 \% Steinbg A 28% 26% +c%'S Propane 120 «120 Tamablyn + %/| Texaco 175 $ 1045 5 ) 120 15 Imp Bk C 355 2100 15 180 #177 «+178 164 164 164 368% 68 68% 27 26% 26% 11 10 11 $274 27% 27% $10% 10% 10% 16 1" 8 235 27 2 170 170 $15% 14% 39 39 g 37 37 37 49 48% 49 222 221 222 17% 18 39 639 112 109 «112 510 500 510 15% 15% 15% 10 10 10 3B B 2B 172 171 153 152 105 105 63 405 ic 8 {c 00° 237 READ -- Don and Joyce (nee Halll-|CIL day) wish to announce the arrival of | Can oil their baby daughter, 7 lbs. 7 ozs., at;CPR the Oshawa General Hospital on Mon-|Cdn Pet pr day, December 25, 1961, Thanks to Dr. /Cdn Tire Lindsey and Dr. Butts. |C Tire A | Cockshutt SAMULSKI -- Bill and Liz are happy|Col Cell 350 to announce the safe arrival of their/Cimb Ent 100 son, Frank Gerhard, 7 lbs. 7 ozs., on|Con Bldg 225 Sunday, December 24, 1961 at the Ush-|Con Bldg pr 100 awa General Hospital. A baby brother|Con Bidg wt 300 for Sonja. Many thanks to Doctor Ross | Ce Gis. | and the nursing staff of the 4th floor, Dist Sig Br SCHLARBAUM -- Reverend and Mrs.|D Bridge 350 Norman Schiarbaum (nee Dorothy Mor-|D Fndry 460 ris) thank God for the safe arrival of|Dom Strs n_ 600 their baby son, David Norman, 7 Ibs. 5 ozs., on Wednesday, December 27, 1961, in the Peterborough Civic Hospital. Oshawa Flying Club NEW YEAR'S DANCE DEC. 3Ist DANCING TILL 3 A.M, Doors Open At 11 O'Clock AIRPORT RECREATION HALL Dance to... 700 2895 1300 10110 12000 1700 2250 23 200 120 250 27 400 845 43% -- 155 37 #1 <1 39 +1% 15 + | +10 $75 +10 | 90 | | 300 1 | | 1176 210 1300p 600 3000 1100 1500 175 66% + % 840 --5 4%+1 | 100 5% 100 125 75 300 146 210 $ +5 1 om + Dom Tar xd 600 +3 |Dom Tar pr 245 |Du Pont b>) }Fam Play 150 S0UCH -- Jim and Joan are pleased) Fanny © 25 to announce the birth of a daughter,| 15 Yellorex |Yk Bear | Young HG | Curb ¢@ 0 | Bulolo | Jacobus | Joburke |Kerr Add | Kirk Min \L Dufault Lamaque 102 +1 3 + total about $800,000,000 in the 1958-1961 period. +3 +5 +1 rial . Gains in commercial and in 500 780 780 780 210 120 Carol Elizabeth, on Monday, December 25, 1961 at Oshawa General 00 $11% 11% 115 ndtn 1 25 $101% 101% 10 Gat 5 pe pr | Langis +1 | Sales te 11.00 a.m. 844,000. q %\Acad Uran 6000 10% 10 Tor-Dom Bk 286 HURLBURT -- Bob and Vi are happy & to announce the birth of their son, Darryl Robert, 8 Ibs. 9 ozs., born Satur. day, December 16, 1961 at Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital. A brother for Anne Marie. Many thanks to Doctor Stanley and the staff of 4A. DEATHS BELL, Arthu: At Memorial en Wednesday, ir Hospital, Bowmanville, December 27, awn (Mrs. and Genn E. Bell and dear father of Gerald Anderson), Ot at home, in his 58th ye Northcutt and Smith Funeral Home, 53 Division Street North, Bowmanville. Gervice in the chapel on Friday, De- cember 29 at 2.00 p.m. Interment Orono Cemetery. (In lieu of flowers, dona- tions to the Canadian Cancer Society will be appreciated.) GOULDING, Catherine into rest in the Oshawa Gen- oral on day, 27, 1961, Catherine Lane Lawton, wido' of the late William Frederick Gouldin, and mother of Clifford Lawton and |i grandmother of Desmond Hawley, in her 79th year. Resting at the Arm. strong Funeral Home, Oshawa, with memorial service in the chapel Friday, December 29, 2 p.m. Interment Mount Lawn Cemetery, Oshawa. HENDERSON, Margaret © At her home, 125 Roxboro Drive, on Tuesday, December 26, 1961, Margaret Irwin, wife of the late Robert Hender- son, mother of Mrs. J. S. Corrigan, Mrs, Graham Coulter, the late James 1. Henderson and the late Robert Bruce Henderson. Private service was held at Bates and Maddocks Funeral Chapel, 124 Avenue Road, on Wednesday after- noon. Cremation with Prospect Cemetery. HENSHAW, Adolphus Birchel Entered into rest at Ajax and Pick- ering General Hospital, on Tuesday, December 26, 1961, Adolphus Birchel Henshaw of 17 George Street, Ajax, be- loved husband of the late Laura Mary Rollings (former sergeant of Toronto eity police force) and dear father of George (Bert) of Peterborough, Ray- mond and Leslie Charles of Ajax. Mr. Henshaw is resting at McEachnie Fu- neral Home, 28 Kingston Road, Picker- ing. Funeral service in the chapel on Friday, December 29, at 2.30 p.m. In- terment Pine Grove Cemetery, Port Perry (Prince Albert). GIDEON Bibles are a continuing me- morial. For placement contact funeral director or phone 725-2327. GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL Kindness beyond price yet within reach pf all. 728-6226 390 KING STREET WEST LOCKE'S FLORIST Funeral arrangements and floral requirements for all occasions. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE 728-6555 IN MEMORIAM ADAMS -- In loving memory of Gary Adams, who passed away December 27, 1955. There is a star shines o'er his grave Not very far from here, Where sleeps the one we won't forget, As it dawns apother year. --Lovingly remembered by Lorna. DEAN -- Treasured memories of a dear husband and father, Bert Dean, who passed away suddenly, December 2, 1958. A silent thought, a secret tear, Keeps his memory ever dear; Time takes away the edge of grief, But memory turns back every leaf. ~-Ever remembered by wife Mary and sons Bert and Tommy. Preaching Key To More Food MOSCOW (AP)--Soviet Com- munist propagandists, assem- bled at a time of reported food shortages in all parts of the| country, have been instructed by| propaganda chief Leonid Ilyi-| chev to get on the ball. The more ideology you teach the more grain, cotton, steel cast iron and meat you get fro the workers," Ilyichev told Moscow conference of Commun-| ist party activities Monday. i Highlights were reported Wed-; nesday in Pravda, the party| newspaper which Ilyichev edited| in the final years of the Stalin) era. He is a secretary of the) party's central committee. | Ilyichey saccused the propa-| . gandists of failing in the com-|ing plex and difficult task of orient-| The denounced Stalin's "ci 1961,/5 Arthur Bell, beloved husband of Alma |; interment in} | *\coincided with a campaign by|major tasks will be to try tol|pattens haave not included the|Cabinet is awaiting the recom- m| MARKET PRICES Bank Purchase jcream and butter print prices Deal Approved Me were reported unchanged to-| TORONTO (CP) -- Sharehold- A day. ae in oes Ankerite Gol " ,| Mines Ltd. Wednesday approved E| The egg market was steady| »-onocals for purchase of all the with offerings barely adequate). _: . for uclight to aie demand | capital stock of Standard Bank ng. lof Zurich, Switzerland, for $500,- Country dealers are quoted by|000, United States currency. the federal department of agri-/ Payment would be through culture on Canada grade eggs,|six - per - cent debentures-- \delivered Toronto, in fibre! $100,000 yearly for five years-- | | fORONTO (CP) -- Churning| > ¢ EMPIRE STATE BUILDING DEAL Wednesday. Henry Crown, { holding model of the Lawrence A. Wien, left, and edn C principal stockholder in the | scraper, heads investment A government-sponsored mis- sion, including eight representa- tives of clothing companies, will visit West Germany, the Nether- lands, Belgium, Sweden and Switzerland, the trade depart- ment announced Wednesday. It is 'one of 22 official trade mis- sions scheduled next year. The announcement said that a survey by Canadian trade com- missioners in the five countries has indicated there is a good market for quality clothing. Jim Forsyth Jr. of Kitchener |will be a member of the mis- | sion. | | | | | | Donner Predicts High Auto Sales |Donner, chairman of the board \of General Motors Corporation, |forecast Wednesday that the |U.S. economy will boom in 1962 | with the auto industry chalking jup the second best year in its | history. | In a year-end statement Mr. Donner said the demand for cars and trucks in 1962 would exceed 8,000,000 units of which ;more than 7,000,000 would be | passenger cars. | The industry's best year was {1955 when 9,187,000 units were | produced. | OLD CALENDAR Before the Gregorian calendar |set Jan. 1 as the start of the |year, March 25 was usually con- |sidered the first day of the lyear. Louis R. Managh, centre, rep- resent the new operators and owners, respectively, of New York's Empire State building, in picture made following transaction in Newark, N.J., Fund Raising Frank Exchanges Has Big Year | On Touchy Topic OTTAWA (CP)--This year has/ been one of special achievement) / : LONDON ( P) -- Britain and| Britain would like to see Can-| main centres, the Canadian Wel-|Canada are to try frank talking ada provide more assistance to} sin perp tg yore | syndicate which took control president of the purchasing | by leasing the building from Prudential Insurance Com- | Prudential. pany of America and Wien, | --(AP - Wirephoto) | | DEC. 31-9 "TWICE AS MUCH FUN FO NEW YEAR' MODERN AND OLD TIME DANCING § EVE BALL P.M. TILL ? HATS--HORNS--BALLOONS--NOISEMAKERS $5.00 Per Couple RED BARN Phone 725-0022 725-3093 R HALF AS MUCH MONEY" in fund-raising in the country's} fare Council said Wednesday. jat a high level next week in @/. syecial working party now| DETROIT (CP) -- Frederic! stitutional work during 'the five- year period have been a little more than the loss in industrial. Commercial totalled $715,000,000) in 1961 compared with $656,000,-) 000 in 1957 and institutional was} $722,000,000 compared with $519,-| 000,000. | For 1962 Mr, Sullivan pre-| dicts: | Institutional construc tion) stiould be shghtly above 1961.) Need for schools continues to} grow; building of technical ed-| ucational facilities will increase) under federal-provincial agree- RON TOMLINSON & HIS ORCHESTRA @ Hats @ Lunch @ Noisemakers For Table Reservations and Tickets PHONE 728-1626 After 5 P.M. 725-1631 ADMISSION $10 PER COUPLE @ COUPLES ONLY @ | ' inn Se Dees Disney's--'Third Man on the Mountain' plus -- "Robinson Crusoe Land" | BILTMORE pt@mcbtew ADDED. THRILLER The Dramatic Sensation "JET STORM" with STANLEY BAKER MAI ZETTERLING | is i4 "TOMMY THE TOREADOR" in co Added--" Follow That Horse" PPG NEW YEAR'S EVE ONLY! SUNDAY MIDNIGHT, DECEMBER 31st. Statistics issued by the coun-|pid to settle a feud that has been y #3 eres cil show more donations in cash| simmering ever since the Brit-|Studying the "hypothetical ef-| and pledges were collected than|ish decision to apply for mem-)fects of the Common Market's) H M4 proposed tariff wall on exports excitement-- high as the sk mystery-- ew y! deep as the sea! Michael Craig - Joan Greenwood - Michael Callan-Gary Mert Beth RogaN «aHerhert LOM as caoran Nemo] fn eine, Dane utman and Cane Wi @ Feature Times; 1:30 - 3:2 5:25 - 7:30 Last Show 9:15 | DOORS OPEN 11:00 P.M. SHOW STARTS 11:30 P.M. : satan WN A PARADISE OF SONG! See ELVIS sing and dance THE ROCK-A-HULA TWIST! He's the woman leases: A large 32; A medium/and the debentures would be no market. of Buffalo Ankerite at $5 a Bulicr prices: Canada first share if all the debentures were grade: Ontario tenderable 63-| Converted. : \$4; non-tenderable 63%, in light| Standard Bank was formed ltrading: western 63 (nominal), |2D0ut two years ago, but the | founder has since died and the E 4 St t | tate. mpire a e | Buffalo Ankerite, a former | gold producer in Northern On- jtario's Porcupine area, now has lauthorized capital of 1,000,000 NEWARK, N.J. (AP) -- The issued. Wednesday's meeting /Empire State Building, the authorized an increase to 3,000,- world's tallest structure, was| 00. Other legal changes in line sold Wednesday to the Pruden-| With the company's changed na- tial Insurance Co. of America in| -- To approved. a $65,000,000 transaction. n the Toronto Stock Ex- : kerite shares closed at $3.50 a granted control of the 102-storey)| d New York skyscraper to Empire re gan gi ge gg pee |State Building Associates, an in-| ¢9 79 Seri law be $1 Poi o vestment syndicate headed by| Garson Rei i New Vow Lawrence Wien, a New York|;, oreident and t YC on \lawyer and real estate operator. | - ys eee \a 114 - year leasehold, gives btn 'group the right to rent office | space and operate the tourist ob- 'servation roof and the television tower. Seller of the building was cipal stockholder of the Empire! | State Building Corp. | | Prudential paid Crown $29,-| | 000,000 and Wien $36,000,000 to) }complete one of the most com-} plex real estate deals in his- Oil Activit ever before in most Community|pership in the European Com- CALGARY (CP) -- The Cana-| {Chest and United Appeal drives./ mon Market. of manufactured goods from the) 5 ppg heb bac Feed vo | At least 18 of the 24 cities re-| ae aw developed Commonwealth coun-|. : | eye th dat lini | Lord Privy Seal Edward) sies_cCanada Australia anaiasked Wednesday for govern jporting to date raised' more) Heath, minister in charge of the|Now Zealand : ment incentives to help oil and pee ao. heard ue and! t9 meet External Affairs Minis-- WANT OPINION In a year-end statement the ete abc d number are/+o,'Green and Finance Minister) The British government wants|association expressed concern {PORnE ADrIng Crives. 'Fleming in Ottawa Jan. 3 and|the Canadians to give some in-jover declines in the purchase of | At least nine cities over-sub-|, ; ; g | : lecribed thelr soals toe tha first| 4 in an effort to ease the strains'dication of what they would|Crown reserves in Alberta and ; & ;._|that have developed. consider acceptable terms. in|Saskatchewan and in explora- 'eluded London and Oshawa. ; dad | A | The Toronto United Appeal, | 20d Ottawa for talks about Brit-|ment. Prag ot Leta ek ee lwith a goal of $10,225,000, had|ain's negotiations for Common) The Canadian position as seen| stry, s | sted th t ¢, Market membership He is due) jn London is one of treating all/the federal goverfiment for a jcollected the largest amount o : 4 2 i table deniat il |any drive--$9,242.461. The final/in New York Tuesday on the/trade matters, particularly Can-;More equitable epietion allow- ner Queen Elizabeth, and willjada's access to the British mar-|4NCce, encouraging greater par- |$9,300,000. fly the same day to Ottawa. jket under Commonwealth pref.|ticipation by Canadian citizens Feather and Catholic Charities) Washington Jan. 5 for talks ex-|as_vital interests. tion of our important oil and leampaigns went over the top.jpected to centre on proposed; Essentially Canada is saying |Amounts raised were: Red/U.S. tariff reductions as well asithe imperial preference system Feather $2,151,059, Catholic/Britain's market negotiations. | was agreed on after lengthy ne- L ® iCharities $676,663. line . mr & jgotiations. Since Britain now esage walts Hull, Que., raised 20 per cent DISCUSS TROUBLE SPOTS wants to join the Common Mar ltawa and London 14 per cent.|Heath is expected to review with| ernment to say what compensa- College Report Campaigns were somewhat /Canadia® ane U.S. se the| tion will-be offered in return for jless succes: i tropolitan'latest developments in East-jan end to the preferences. eBEC (C ; | jless successful in me Lrohat Sid dl QUEBEC (CP)--Premier Jean jcentres, except for Montreal. West relations, the United Na-' Canada apparently feels she|Lesage said Wednesday night |Drives in Toronto, Vancouver,|tions and the trouble spots of is under no obligation to ad-|the Quebec cabinet has not yet [Winnipeg and Hamilton fell/ Berlin, The Congo and Kuwait. yance possible solutions until reached a decision on the report Jan. 8 where he is scheduled to! Reiterated assurances that|that investigated the administra- ing the Soviet people to the|address the Overseas Press Club| neither Britain nor the. Com-|tion of Montreal's Jean-Talon Communist viewpoint on world and the Council for Foreign Re-/mon Market countries--France, | Hospital. affairs. ee lations. He plans to return to/West Germany, Italy, Belgium,| Health Minister Alphonse Cou- The conference, aiming among London late in the second week The Netherlands, Luxembourg--|turier, who emerged with the other things to help step up the /f January. want to do anything to jeopard-|premier from a five-hour ca}- |28; A small 25; B and C grades|convertible into common stock purchase would be from his es- Building Sold | g | ul In |shares, of which nearly all are Prudential simultaneously] change Wednesday Buffalo An: sky- | Wien's control, in the form of|« mel of St, Comarines firm |Henry Crown of Chicago, prin- |tory. money than in 1960. Nine cities) Common Market negotiations, is |gas exploration. time in several years. These in | Heath is going to Washington any European trade arrange-|tion activity. figure was expected to reach li in Montreal. both the Red} From Ottawa he will fly tolerential trading arrangements, and corporations in the exploita- {gas natural resource." more than last year, and Ot-| Diplomatic observers saidiket, it's up to the British gov- jshort of the objectives. Heath will go to New York'this is done: of a government commission output of farms and factories,! Informants said one of Heath's|ize the Commonwealth's trade|inet meeting, told reporters the Premier Khrushchev to increase |allay Canadian fears over the|/Canadians to change their posi-|Mendations of the Quebec Col- food production to a level as-|Common Market talks in Brus-|tion so far. lege of Physicians and Surgeons suring the population of some- sels. which has been studying the re- thing besides bare necessities. ~~ TEACHERS ARE TARGET Ilyichey told the conference of ccna ihe NET EARNINGS less declared the late premier education of the young is a ma-|"/4 some good work By THE CANADIAN PRESS jor party problem and should) He implied the spread of athe- Merrill be pushed to the forefront. Not|ism among the population could Ltd., port. in a TED RICHMOND mooseern The report among other things urged the government to draw jup a Public Hospitals Act to baste | N x : {govern hospital accreditation A Island Mining Corp. and the use of public funds. . year ended June 30: 1961, > | Cilta JIM HUTTON : only students buy many teajh-|be attributed to Stalin. $631,498; 1960, $645,182 suveicel petviaaee er Ge. chara ers, he said, need more teac ; The overwhelming majority O'Brien Gold Mines Lid., year|Hori, the hospital's founder, | "OM ane o. CARTOON of the Soviet people are con ended Sept. 30; 1961, net lossichairman and _ chief surgeon lene nae b80 r scious atheists," he said. 1$51,931; 1960, net loss $55,936. | "be limited without delay." | assem 'BacHelori Ko home companion--while hubby's at work! in CINEMASCOPE and MetroCOLOR. in PARADISE' IS PAIGE PAULA PRENTISS In Valuable Merchandise _ DOOR