EXECUTIVE STUDY QUEBEC HOSPITAL REPORT Talon Hospital Left to right, Drs. Arthur istrative practices at Jean gare. mission report which con- demned surgical and admin- Thé executive of the Quebec College of Physicians and Syr- geons study the Chabot Com- | in Montreal, first vice-president, Vance Ward, president, \CAPSULE NEWS TORONTO (CP)--Const. Mur- ray Lee ran into a_ burning building Christmas Eve and car- riea two children to safety down a ilaming stairway. Const, Lee said he found Mr. and Mrs. Wiliam Volleman dressing their daughters Paula, 6, and Ellen, 4, snside the burning home. jie. grabbed the children. and ran outside with them. The pa- rents had followed. him out. "Azather 30 seconds and all 'our would have been overcome,' said the constable. HUNTER KILLED PAKRIE (CP)--William Par- ker J}riest, 65, of Barrie, was accidentally shot and killed about five miles northwest of \here Tuesday ona hunting trip jwith his son and son-in-law, Po- 'lice said Priest stepped into the path of a .308-calibre bullet some 5 1eet from where it was fired 4 by another member of the hunt- --CP Wirephoto |i5 party shooting at an animal. "Gerald LaSalie, registrar, and Georges Lachane, second vice-president. TONNAGE DOWN HAMILTON (CP) -- Seaway Family Saved By Policeman 0 DEVELOP SHIPPING TOhYO (AP) -- Communist China and Albania signed an agreement in Peking Tuesday to form a joint stock shipping com- pany to develop shipping be- tween the two countries, the New China news agency re- ported. Communist Albanial® turned to Red 'China after ac- cusing the Soviet bloc of throw- ing up an economic blockade aga'nst it as a result of its ideo: logica' dispute with Moscow. 3 DIE IN CRASH CASCADES, Quebec Tnree persons were killed Tues- (CP)-- jday night when their car col-; lided head-on with a transport truck near this community 20 miles west of Montreal. Rrovin- cial rolice said Walter Dzur- man, 36,. his wife and an uni- dentified seven - year - old boy died. The Dzurmans are from jthe Montreal suburb of St, Lau- rent. FIRE KILLS 3 140-Year-Old Book Records 'Boy Averts tonnage at this port in 1961 fell) WELSH, La. (AP) -- Fire below last year's record, the|catsed by an exploding kero- harbor commission announced|stne stove destroyed a frame Hope Township History | Bad Blaze WHITBY (Staff) -- Fire pre- Tucsday. Tonnage was 8,012,-| 063, compared with 8,489,663 in) 1960 A six-week strike of Sleve-/ jhouse here Tuesday killing three children. FIVE KILLED veniion training paid off Tues- ores and an eight-per-cent drop name of Sodom. This is stated, verted to pathmasters. Four,day when a Grade 5 student i «ron ore imports were cited) in the 'Valley of the Trent' by poundkeepers were now needed'{yrneg in an alarm~ at the 48-main reasons. Guillet. ' and named were Norman Strong,|Hambly Concrete Products : a In 1831 pathmasters and their) George Riddeil, William Lee and! par on Highway 2, between one bd peag A duties increased in numbers John Bradford. Osaawa and Whitby. hea'th department is streamlin-| 10 SELL EMPIRE STATE again which would indicate the; In November, John Foster} Peter Matthews, a junior Fire|\. > 'i. administration to make) NEW YORK (AP) -- New area was becoming more set- paid a fine of £3-15s for assault-| Marshal at Dr. Robert Thorn- ig tield health services more|York's Empire State Building tled. Townlines were indicated ing a pathmaster. ton public school, was credited effective, a departmental|will be sold to the Prudential and Brown's grist mill was ' ink: aha evasion with greatly reducing fire dam-|. 0? P » The Ins e C | age. The bouk could easily pass| added. The. first fence viewers DISTRICT COUNCIL age by turning in a yrompt|*posesman said Tuesday. hg harbiye Company today for unnoticed for a school boy's|were appointed in 1835, It re _ In 1842, in a new hard-covered| 5114, "at 5.40 p.m. rida ba gi ire gers ed s aalehawid | copy book in any scrap heap. quired Uhre: Daniel Bra nd, minute boo: school, commis: Garrard Road Brigade Fite|s™i "4! in gte dueciorate| MOLD UP STORE But it is the most valued in|Humphry Ridley, and Robert'® ' e § ; headed by Dr. P. KE. Moore, di-| PARIS (AP)--Two men held| up a jewelry store on the fash-| ' : Chief James Watson said he the whole collection of records! Cassidy. and the first mention was made believed the fixe: stattad in an . ite ; wct | ° of a poll fer the election of rector of Indian and northern because it contains the first : I isauble Fauboure Ste, Bente minutes of the establishment of{CATTLE BRANDS istrict'. councillors... The -poujovet nested baller. te flames administration of the affairs of| Im this year the branding of opened at noon and closed at quickly spread to the rool 0} a Ee the piant. a newly organized township, 140|Cattle was entered in the book three p.m. : aor See L . years ew - ' and a special brand was assign-. Elected were Myndert Harris, .-1¢,a8 at this time that Peter) TGRONTO (CP) Claude i eta Matthews noticed the fire. Ma'het, 13, walked into a police : ' ed to each owner, samples were, Alexander Morrow, and school , Ma het, lo, Pp It is the minute book of the) ,, 7 abel a 2 i "There is no doubt that the); shristmas Ev d . " cut ht ~ SW. " jstaLon Chris as Eve an beginning, and the register for on paper with the fame commissioners were William 5 BALD CREEK, N.C. (AP) -- Five persons died early Tues- day 1n a fire that destroyed a log home. Along with other records care- fully preserved in the Hope Township office vault is a sim- ple and insignificant looking soft covered book about eight inches by eleven, made of thin gray paper. The writing 1s faded and dim,} and the pages are brittle with 'SPRING FASHIONS BY AMERICAN DESIGNERS gracefully draped skirt. The jacket is heavy blue lace. The skirt is white crepe, Fashions were presented re- cently in New York. -- ---AP Wirephoto Double Talk Drill For Practice NEW YORK (AP)--It's been some time now since we've had a drill on double talk, the art of saying one thing while actu- ally thinking another. Here are some more useful phrases (and their literal trans- lations) to pep up your double talk vocabulary: sidewise over a slim skirt. It is banded in the middle with velvet. At right is a modestly covered up dress by James Galanos, with long sleeves, high neck, long gloves and a Here are two fashions from the spring collections of two American designers. At left a floral patterned chiffon print, by Count Sarmi, gathers at the neckline and drapes |heasth services. POLICE HELP FAMILY |shortly before noon today and| jsped off on motor. scooters |parked a' few yards away. |Jacques Serra, owner of the men--apparently lovely | r |shop, estimated the loss at '1 . ; ; . ; FUNERAL OF ADOLPHUS B. HENSHAW written on and pasted onto the Potts, Thomas Quay, S$: iad averted a major fire byljaskea to be put in' jail. Hej $100,000, including a $50,000 dia- ' many years, of the township in| Minute bok apse gl cy Pr new Samuel rnin in his fast alarm," said|thought he would get Christmas|mond necklace scooped from a MRS. ANNA Pe ghgnghesen The death occurred at the the district of Newcastle before) 1) tes of January 1836. McKibbon, - John Wilson and Chie) Watson. Damage was esti-|dinncr with his jailérs--and per-/show window: But the. bandits Mass was sung in St. Mary S|Ajax and Pickering General] the village of Port Hope was which pani boa ei - here Torsin ma.ed to be $200. hays a hockey stick. Policemen|left behind $200,000 worth of| Ukrainian Greek Orthodos! Hospital Tuesday, Dec. 26, partitioned off and incorporat-| 70 niente tee Say 8 ' The youngster received hisisent him home with toys and ajgems in an open safe. Church Tuesday, Dec. 26, at 10} ' ed ppewey ag House, men-| Growth of Canada thistles be- fire prevention training during he aay dinner for his family a.m., for Mrs, Anna Pawlet a a : tioned for the first t tl - C2 ' . a ae 8 oy | heiaay 2 " ' etic. a val Ajax, FIRST MEETING corporation of the ie: of Port yea ee was elec./4, ¥©ek's course at Dr. Robert/Ciauce's father, a steclworker i PLAN MONORAS chuk, who nel bail ae W aie it Ajax, after ing to the hand. writ-|Hope which had actually tak ee alm mR. Thornton Public School. In-/has been unemployed for most! TOKYO (AP) -- The trans-;General Hospital Saturday, "an illness 0} two weeks, Mr. According to the han rit-, Hop ad actually faken ted township clerk in 1846, He). ' . 4 » portation ministry today author-|23. |Henshi vas in his 78th ing report of James Fox, the or-|place by Act of the Legislative was a gifted penman. His writ-|>\"" cted by members of the|oi 've months since the family pa the oonatdation at fanane ; oe Wapaewnluk, Of kt enshaw was in his 78th year. iginal and for many years,| Assembly March 7, 1834, and the ing was fine, legible and artistic, @27T@t Road station, pupils movea here from Shediac, N.B./ 7 constr of Japan's) Rev. P. Zaparyniuk, '| He was born in Ilkeston, Eng- ; , initi ian : : ; i ieary safety techniques and are tst major passenger monorail./Mary's Church sang the Mass. : township clerk, the initial town|Board of Commissioners ap-, Under the Municipal Act, of| peo pith ae tind WAS NOBEL WINNER. [It will link Tokyo International The deceased was in her 76th//@nd, in 1884. His parents were meeting took place at _ the/pears. 1849 or the Baldwin Act as it/M&0e #te conscious. --~ ae 7ORK = aan irport will wntown TOKVO.loac. : a i 'the late James and Mahala Hen- " | | NEW YORK (AP)--Dr, Otto Airpor th downtown Tokyo,|\vear, Interment was in St. Wellington Inn on the'first Mon-) The name of pathmaster was was known, vural wards were Loews, 88; who won. @ Nobellpossibly in time for the 1964 trots', Cemetery shaw. 'He 'came: to: cada int day in January 1822. changed to Overseer of High- established in Hope Township ® ety a RO i . syo Olymnics We uh 1901 and lived in Toronto until The first legislation passed|/ways. Road divisions were no and a returning officer was ap wo esl ents eS eee eee | Pallbearers were W. Paltuta, 41. He then lived "g Port was to govern the height of a/longer from the center of the pointed for elections to munici- # |Chnstinas night at his Manhat-| pecLINE INVITATION «|G. Pawlenchuk, J. Hrehoruk, 4.5001) tr six years and hadl fence, and to restrict the run-| Walton St. bridge in Port Hope! pai office. . |tan home. He was research pro-| 7 onnON (Reuters)--The La-/Dwernychuk, D. Kochy and Sine a veniaenteor Ajex for 34/uh I td cng ag wort ye un; ning at large of hogs, bulls and Pex: were designated from the, (Peterborough Examiner)| £ IT@€Man Vea ning otra wecrages oA pet nd bor party's international sub-|Pentescul. years ag te ag Moma a hi ownline. ' i j iat were yoritiod leeee. bes any| The book tells of a special 5 ot e aze dicine. A native of Germany, poo ite erro gg Mike - et . Mr. Henshaw was 8 eprgonsi rowed from overyboy shee - damage caused by horses was] meeting, rewarded with pay and B d T H Id Dr. Loewi came to the United| ¢ bt Pas pepe s on the Toronto Police Depart-|the office, and you're on le by the ener. jheld Feb. 10°at the Marsh Inn Oar 0 0 NEW YORK (AP)--Two resi Staies in 1940, He won a Nobel a a eee Pine The memorial service was|ment until 'his retirement in sucker left.) Handwriting in this.-hook var-|to "fill the vacancies of those NEW YORK (AP)--Two resi-inrizc for his discovery of 'the|The ' subcommittee thought ii/held at the Armstrong Funeral 1941, following an injury. He) "Oh, what a cule little dog. desteenrsinemeiiinn Siiteiake ofjwho had refused to take the 0 en House dents-and a fireman died early chemical transmission of the| would not be wise to accept the|Chapel Tuesday, Dec. 26, at 2|was a member of the Church of/Does he know any tricks?" (If township clerks. In some in/|oath of allegiance" as required P today in a dire on the ninth nervous impulse. invitation from Premier Fidel|p.m. for Harry Ricketts, whojthe Holy Trinity in Ajax. Until/he does, tell him to disappear.) stances it is scarcely readable.|by law. (The McKenzie rebellion ae __, |floor of the 17-storey Hotel May-| Gee 3 eee Castro's government "under the/died at the Oshawa General his retirement 'he had been aj. "ret me be the first to con- Letter formations varied as|was getting close at this date).| 'tesidents of Oshawa willflower overlooking Central} ALGERIAN STRIFE GROWS |) cumstances." Hospital Saturday, Dec, 23. member of the Masonic Lodge ,.atulate you on your new pro- much as the spelling of words.| ; have the opportunity of seeing) Park ALGIERS (Reuters) -- Four- vine i | Rev. A. E. Larke, minister of|it Toronto and of the Orange eon ods * (What henraned Interesting to note was the|FEED RATIONS the many modern facilities in-| Two other jteen persons were killed and 19 CRITICALLY ILL Albert "Street. United Church, |Lodge. to the boss--is 'he losing his double letter formation, for|, Poundkeepers were authorized|ruryorated into the new admin-|residents--were burned, one of|ot!ers injured in 31 violent at-| WASHINGTON (AP) -- Mrs.|- " : ick-| Mr. Henshaw was predeceased 2 A |to feed 14 pounds of hay, 10listration building at tl ; : ltacks: th hout. Al Tues-| tana: Vie ac s,|conducted the service. Mr. Ric . Hens Pp marbles?) example the word assessor Was) | te of oat d d suf [stration Suralng at we corner them. critically. Seven firemen|tacks throughout Algeria Tues-| Woodrow Wi!son is critically ill cits was in his 68th year. Inter-|by his wife, Laura Mary; nee written as 'asfesfor'. -- F pewleg pal seg 7 Ml Suf-/of Rossland and Stevenson|were burned or overcome by|¥ mititary officials said here) with a respiratory infection and) ot was in Oshawa Union|Rollins. Surviving are three|CLOSETS OR ROOMS Town meetings consisted of paunhed. fier tn _ roaus tomorrow when the Osh-| smoke. jearly today. The attacks were} complications, her physician| Gometery. sons, George (Bert), of Peter- "You'll love this apartment. freeholders and householders. | 8g Coy ava Board of Education holds' nro. of the 400 guests in the C@ttied out by both Moslem in-| says. The doctor reported Tues- : ' ere |borough; Raymond' and Leslie/It has 84 big rooms." (That Riencaraa ppaed Gg os elena aie an open house. largety residential hotel at Cen. SUrent and European extrem-|day night that the 80-year-old) | hee vee lg pants: Charles, of Ajax, and eight\is, counting the 314 sm§ll close Taking from the first minutes) show £12 'saunas 5 the Distriet The open house will com-|irai Park West and Gist: Street|/*! STOUPS. pg - rie ag pesto. ar Kotike and R. Keenan, --_|8tandchildren. eter) in this book, Thomas Harris waslof Newcastle, £5 sterling, 18 "o™ce @ 3 pm. when Rt. Rev. fled from their rooms shortly' PLAN DOME FOR TOWN OO ee | J Mr. Henshaw is resting at the "I don't want you to get the named the first assessor andjshilling, 8 pence was paid to rede wees . ae officially 'before 2 am. LONDON (AP) -- Moscow ra- BIRD KILLS MAN FREDERICK J. BARNARD |McEachnie | Funeral Home,|idea I simply hired you to be William Nash the first tax col-/Sam Bigelow for sawing lum- A Bice Soh he ae oe The guests--many of them in,dio *said Tuesday that plans} MANILA (Reuters)--A game-| The death occurred at his Port|Pickering. The funeral serviee|@ yes-man. (But if ahy man lector. Other officers appointed|ber for the bridge at Brown's a teh h "ihe building - until €¢ nixluclothes -- congregated in| have bcen made to build a town| cock attacked and a a cock-| Perry Seems poring ren be os nes act ~. chapel Friis going to ay +n alah this or- at this time were pathfinders,|Mills, 7s, 6d for paper, and to {hear tetneee aa tne lobby. There was no panic.|ir the Soviet Arctic under an| fighting referee in Zamboanga)25, of Frederick James Barnard.|day, Dec. 29, at 2.30 p.m. Inter-| fe and their duties were defined for! Jacob Choats 7s, 6d. They show- p.m. Monsignor Coffey has been ps, og: them carried pet ca-\erormous dome of transparent del sur Province in the southern|The deceased, who was in his|ment will be in Pine Grove) "Oh, darling, what 10: roads. ed a balance of £2-13s-10d. res pap hig se a i representa-| yaries from their rooms. plastic to provide good climate] Philippines, police said here to-/82nd year, had been ill for the|Cemetery, Prince Albert. The|to now, you bum?) Several of ihese names can/ Road repair: came up in 1837, ag the board for many) fire burned out of control|the year around. Moscow did|day. The bird, enraged after! past nine months. |service will be conducted by| "If I were you, sir, I'd try be traced through to the present and 27 overseers were appoint: '* he Baard has. also arranged {et almost an hour. It was con-/not say where or when the town} being struck by its opponent,! orn in the Tillsonburg area Rey. H.R. Perkins. the beef stew--it's especially generation, and are linked al§0/ed. Sale of an impounded horse. tor Sud niee aie of the build.|incd to the ninth floor, woula be built. jknocked down referee Teofilo|i, iso, Mr. Barnard was a son MRS. A. P. LANDRY |good today." (It was even bet- to. the earliest settlers who} A bylaw stipulated that the|!! ' all wheal Pay, PAE Oe | |Bation, 49-vear-old father of|y¢ tne late Margaret and Jonah| ,, ter the day before yesterday came to Hope in the 1790's and|township clerk must be bonded!!%* ftom 7 to 9 p.m. and is| : | ALMOST A CASUALTY jseven children and attacked)». ard. He married the former The death occurred in Co-lwhen the chef 'first cooked it.) to' the Irish settlers of the/and the name of James Fox/"0ving that many Oshawa resi-) Murray Wyzel, about 60, de-- COPYNHAGEN (Reuters) --|him with its spar as he lay on ya. ping} Jan. 10, 1906 at|Ours General Hospital Tues-| «yoy 7 ty honest 1890's. was dropped from'the records, 'cuts will avail themselves o{|Scriocd by friends as a song-\Copenhagen's 100 - (oot high|the ground eos Welle Avy: one day,. Dec, 26, '6f Mrs:., Mary) .s.o" 2 | Wank: goer ieee Pathfinders were Paul Hay-| William Allan's name appear- tlie chance to view the building|\vriter who had written for the Crrstmas tree almost became a 7 a: Bares Ow. \Landry, widow of the late Alex./pr man nt Bes 8 oe ward, George Laxton, Georgejed as clerk in 1838, and the Where the board holds its meet-/Perry Como television shows. |ponjire Tuesday when a drunk|. _RETURNS FROM TOUR M1. Barnard spent most of | ander P, Landry, who pre- 3 ay SE BP : Brown, John Potter, William| officers became wardens. The iMss and its executive offices) Fireman John King, 26. set fire to it. Bystanders put the) WASHINGTON (AP) -- Sen-/his younger years in the Nor-/deceased her in 1944. She was| "No, I couldn't say just how Marsh, David Marvin, Calvin|first named wardens were Wil-\are jocated. An unidentified woman. fire out with snow ator Hugh Scott (Rep-Pa.) says|wich area until he went to Rag-lin her 92nd year. |soon you can see him. He's in Hamilton, Timothy Ionson and/jjam March. Samual Gilchrist! gees ; 1--jhe was told by some defected/tan in the 1940's and farmed) ge was born in St. Mary's jconference. " (The old boy's Samuel Co!lwel!l.,Named as\and Samua! Martin. i ssw East German police that they|there until he retired 10 years|kent County, New Brunswick,|Wife is such a windbag you can poundkeepers were Thomas! Statute labor on jihad orders to withdraw if the/ago land resided in that province|Mever tell when he'll be able to *2/Allies moved in to smash the] 'Tne deceased was a member|yntil nine years ago, when she|S*t off the phone.) b the roads } Hartwell ard a Mr. Stevens| was enacted, and now only one a christtan name was omit-| person was highway overseer. | ted. Jacob Choate and John Far- ley were appointed church war- dens. This was the year of the first' establiched church which was given to the Anglicans by Berlin wall. Scott, back from) of tke Methodist Church in Nor- 'four weeks in Western Europe,|wict and attended the United came '0 Oshawa to make her ANOTHER LANGUAGE ' : A 'COLORED TIRES TO MATCH AUTO Colored tires to match auto upholstery and finish are on the way. Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co, will introduce a premium line with special sidewalls con- taining fade-proof dye, ini- tially in blue and red, Price: 10 per cent' more than white walls. Match up your rental va- cancies (with the -- reliable tenants you want by using inexpensive Oshawa Times Classified Ads to take your rental offer to them. Clas- sified Ads are the surest way to fill vacancies be- cause most people who are looking for (rental property turn to The Oshawa Times Classified Section first. Dial 725-3492 today for a helpful Ad Writer. THE BOARD OF EDUCATION of the CITY OF OSHAWA Cordially invites the Citizens of Oshawa to attend an OPEN HOUSE To Officially open the ADMINISTRATION BUILDING 555 Rossland Rd. West THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28th, 1961 Between the hours of 3:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M. and 7:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M STEPHEN G. SAYWELL, Chairman. THE EISENHOWERS AT DISNEYLAND President hower puts an arm around his granddaughter, Mary Jean, 6, Former Eisen- grandparents Her brother, David, is partially visible in the background. The children | are the son and daughters of Lt. Col. Joh Eisenhower and auto as the Eisenhowers pose for photographs during their visit to Disneyland in Ana- heim, Calif Another Fisen- hower granddaughter, Ban Ana, 12, poses with her Thomas Henderson was appoint- } i : 5 ies Sbibilne: i \W jhome with her daughter, Mrs.| « r ed as such and the others re- , said in an interview recorded'Chyich at Raglan. Louis. Nadeau. Pilg ogg seg oe Tuesday for radio and television| Besides his wife, Mr. Barnard) 'c.. 'was member of thelyou do, Mr. Quiniby'" (ia wee . . Hee eee eee tnaceeath, merntee Ny. two daughters,| se venth-Day' Adventist Church, lers all speak En lish.) V d Sl » ahave and should have "'knocked|/T}e1ma and Mrs. Lola Mc- She i ead ty te rls, he ngush. arie 1ces =\the wall down." lHachern and two. granddaugh-|,. °° *§ Survived by ei: daugh-) "You're not like most fellows John David Smith and known | FIVE DIE IN FIRE ters, Thelma "Bunny" (Mrs.R.|Nageau, Mis Molittord Perry\. Pe St en ee now as St. Mark's, but original- Of Weather || MINDEN, La. (AP) -- Five/Rowiand) and Mary Lea (Mrs. a Mts Wie st Powell jsafe with you." (And so bored, Jy known as the church of St cag cate a \J. Dewson), all of Port Perry.|2" ts, Wesley .Fowell,] could scream.) John the Baptist persons were burned to death)™- * ciaegthaae rit all of Oshawa, Mrs. Vaughn} ' ee I i d Tuesday in their home near|A sitter, Mrs. George McKinnon) (q.,51¢, Mars Hill, Maine; and! i er FENCE HEIGHT n ana a poner. 14 by me Pari of ee ot ee heta|S sons, Felix and Fred. of| Think Big é The legal height of a fence, py 3 4 155 ey were identified as Athe- ' h |Moncton, New Brunswick, Sam-| A . Thi tee Sa cn ce By, THE CANADIAN, PRESS, tee sha, Sgnie Mei Meernot "Parables gneon Now Brew Sa] unk of ror Fee, ik six inches. was much like. the' Christmas| ters, Irene, 2; Diarakee and|Funeral Chapel. ort Ferry,/Brunswick, William of Saint] good future} Security. The following year JameS\tirkey today--it came in sand. |i|Leatrice; and her brother,)| Thursday, Dec. 28, at2-p.m. The| ony New Brunswick, and| Pp was Wand and David Smart were! ich. : : |Rickey, The ages of the last/funeia; will be conducted bY | Philip, of Newcastle, Ontario. restige: ay einted church wardens. Hekovsiggand ' J mee three were given as 3, 4 and 7|/Rev Linstead of Port Perry) A sister, Mrs. John Duplessis To Get Them You 1a 1825 Leonard Soper and) The first slice was in British p |but Dr. T. A. Richardson, Web-|United Church. Interment willl (+ paie Ste, Anne, New Bruns.| NEED SPECIALIZING David Bedford were named as-\Columbia where temperatures jster 'Parish (county) coroner,/be in Pine Grove Cemetery. (eG. t naenilar tal IN sessors and Mark Hewson was|8enerally ranged from the mid- said he could not say which mere es ae i o echilar ie: vd BUSINESS TRAINING the collector. Other names ap-/'le 30s to the low 40s. was which. All were Negrogs. MRS. CATHERINE GOULDING Foe ee ee ENROLL AT ONCE. in peared now that link the past) This contrasted sharply with Mrs. Catherine Goulding died|¥'V®- : : ; | BAY: Sete ee with the present such as Has-|the bitter cold of the northern at the Oshawa General Hospital), The memorial service will be) OSHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE kill, Walker, Bowen, Riddell,'territories, Alberta, Saskatche- |Wednesday, Dec. 27. She wasjheld at Tuttle's Funeral Par-] "wow. term--Jenuory 2nd, 1962 Molson, Quay and Hawkins. wan and much of Manitoba and § the widow of the late William|lors, Moncton, New Brunswick. Free Literature -- Get the Facts In 1826 the meeting was held|part of Ontario. Frederick Goulding. She had|Friday, Dec. 29. Interment .will) DIAL 725-3375. at the Mansion House ee Coldest spot in the country): par Fadi ye y oe son, cil Pe in Elmwood Cemetery. i an order relating to poundkeep-' was Snag in the Yukon with an coe |ford Lawton, of 207 xreenwoo ers fees, which had been extablovernight low of 30 below er are, Me Gouin ad ag 5 . t r | 5 s and in its stead an order gave tyrical = vlna? yor i jyear. She was in her 79th year. gpa age alg ll sul andl nelew at EGmonten, ax Helow || Gatheing "Tene" i uk on , » anelat Calgary, 19 below at Saska-| | y - maul ngs three pence for hogs, sheep andiioon 13 below at Regina, 11 be- born in Bolton, Lancashire, Eng- young horned cattle. How ut Winuines and nine below! land, Jan. 25, 1883, She came Tont ' Canada in 1925 and had been HEIGHT CHANGED at Fort William. He epunant of Oshawa ever since ' i we ger year, seomediGurs WARM BREAK | She was predeceased by her of domestic animals : chilly spot on the weather map, | Sister, Mrs. Susan Hawley, of In the year 1830 it was found 'Ported a high of 23. Oshawa. Surviving relatives are, necessary to add to the safety| The chunk of warm air over Shag flan mba gg Ph of law and order, and a con-| Churchill extended over much of| Hew and a grandson, Desmond stable was appointed, named|Ontario and brought milder tem- |Hawley, 'also of Oshawa. Dennis Riorden. jperatures to most, of the prov- Mrs. Goulding is resting at the 'About this time a Methodist|ince and Quebec. Typical tem-| | Armstrong Funeral Home. The} circuit rider who had preached!Perature was at Toronto which memorial service will be held in Port Hope had said of the 7eported the mercury staying in, the chapel Friday, Dec. 29, community that it was the larg- close to 30 degrees all day Tues- at 2 p.m. Interment will be in est village and full of enterprise day. Similar conditions. pre Mount Lawn OEBENEEY The ser and spirit, but so full of whis- vailed at Montreal, Ottawa and vice will be conducted by Canon and sin that i bears the Quebec City, Clinton D. Cross, rector of St his Mamie, right, gets info the spirit of things | and leans out ef am old4ime as Wife J. R. BACKUS, his wife, Barbara Business Administrator, AP Wirephoto | | Soeer's Anglican Church.