THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, December 27, 1961 25: Trish Farm TELEVISION LOG WKBW-TV Cha-el 7--Baffalo © WROC-TV Channel 5--Rochester) [7 5 ' fd MUSIC. CFTO-TV Channel 8--Toronto CKVR-TV Channel 3--Barrie ; WEDNESDAY EVE.) ? 4:00 P.M. %--The. Hideaway T--American Bandstand Grows the 5-2--Make Room For Daddy 4--The Brighter Day ll--Popeye with Capt. 3--Women's Show 4:15 P.M. 6~Valley of Yester- © 1961, King Features Syndicate, Ine, World rights reserved. -- Bp eal lead and zine in | 4--Secret storm mr r ; J e world on a farm near obeys" and airs? 4:30 P.M. wi ; rea, in Galway County, 'House 63--Let's Look Cam. ; Patrich Hughes, president of the Pioneer Harry Irish Base Metals Company, is Reasoner 2--Three Stooges authority for the statement that 10:30 A.M. 4.45 P.M ; about $265 million in thang Seizee ued Besy THE ROOF LEAKS LIKE A SIEVE, BIG CHUNK OF PLASTER i FacPiay Your tuned | 9--Captain Bob i "Th [| | EVERY ME It RAINS, Wate' | | ES LAST WEEKS HIT, Jf |the oi 4--I Love Lucy ise y 0 ahaa . THE j lan ' PARTMENT ITS A F ; Family Theatre . ; : Di THERES i _Hemle Dazzle 5--Kukla 4--The Mischief Makers 5:30 P.M, 6-3--Alberta Game reservoir of wealth was mad@ by the Canadian geological ex- ploration group brought here by Mr. Hughes, after six weeks of test borings. . RICH STRIKE ; Mr. Hughes says: ' 5 "We can reveal that this is by : M. ' } & | far the richest strike made anys ports §--National Velvet < | , HS where in the world in recent 7--Camouflage Farm Repor' 18. Olym- " ug li 6 ar years," 4 , tgs Mister | sbioiecton Rata pice ROR The rich deposits are between , Sports & Follows 4, Newt six feet and 20 feet below the %--Sports--Annis Stukus (colloq.) 5. Profit ia surface, he reports, so that deep I a eof tas uF bg el 9. Apart shares BIUINICT PIAL ILI . --<--] mine shafts will * oD aniy 6--Mr. Fix.It Family ' 21g INOMINIAI 2 The cas m pond gene mr230 BM $--Huntley-Brinkle 2. Faping Sis) Cleatri- EEEMADOLEL! WHERE cing tauren. 9-77 Sunset Strip 12:30 P.M. hee BA pe ? ; ICES MBIT) ( ; "O sicists that 6--Playdate 7--Make a Face 200 P.M. (var.) 7, To go ces s ie "THUH WINTER! "Our geophysicists say that $-3--Playdate 6--Movie Matinee 9--Real McCoys 11, Utter away 23.Grape Rie AILIMMEF | INIAIL this is a mine on top ofa mine, Cia rete" \soneca unwisely quickly 4. Swedish EIOIDIASIE ISIElele says Mr. Hughes. PUT IN EQUIPMENT oer, ' 4--News Weather 12. Important (vul.) coin wasabi k 3--News: Weather: Sports Ancient 8. Young zt. Male et y's Answer More and more equipment is pouring into the site of the dis- $rte4S P.M, | 2-Hoval Canadian Egyptian movie covery: Wooden huts were flown over from Canada to ac- sheep 4--Guiding Light Mounted Police . Fortified actress .30. Covered 34. Girl's 1:00 P.M. | : commodate the workers on the 4--Video Village 7 -Early Show -0-One 3--Romper Room are Tracy $--Real McCoys 11:30 A.M. ae Ta theniee ah atonal tite 2--Huckleberry Hound "so = "hain . 9--Man From Cochise 2--The Pioneers 12:00 NOON é--Metro News : 3--Man F: M wath, iuppnowe [EHEC | CROSSWORD 7:30 P.M. o-oown Weather: 6:15 P.M a JANE ARDEN 9--Twenty Questions 3--Popeye and Pals Bachelor Father 12:15 P.M. 7:45 P.M. MICKEY MOUSE 9-NHL Hockey place (Irish 9, Funda- site. ao 2~-Mid-day Matinee | 5-2--Outlaws 19. Malt coin Zane ---- 2:00 P.M. [See ee Drake sharply : permission to explore the Mi Sh 2--Jan -- ow | 4--Bob canoe Show 28. Consumed GO SHE'LL KNOW WHO 'T? On a neighboring farm mn House 7--Margie 36, Hindu lord Meat Price 63--American Musical | 4--Years Of Crisis (slang) 6-5-3-2--Perry Coma _|'1--Movie Matinee 7:30 PM antiq.) mentals Twenty-five year old Eamonn G. Goes To 1:30 P.M, 4--Frontier Circus 9--Theatre i Oselieg PLES $s0y 'Theis fens 29. Per é PING COUNT FOR WHEN GHE'S prospectors have come 6-3--Ope! 5&2--Loretta Young 5-2--Haze| 38. Herb of Theatre 3--Country Junction 40. Red, like : : : : Z * : . j -- fie = ss : f 12D Millionaire Oe age og beets Vi: SP Level Irks ie ioni 'oleman Show > y i) 10:30 P.M. 41, Amo, amas, \ * 3 $-The Wawatien Bye .| i pe? Gree Movie | scahowteen Music note 13, On guard O'Reilly says pe is bos go College 3--Real McCoy beverage % that the tests have turn wees. | isne 8-00 PM, 20.A ( [2 [3 + Ys je | . and also to put up the huts," 7--Number _P1 |\1--OHA Junior Hock 25, Perfect r ba--cher Helene |The Real McCoys (slang) Zi said. "I have been told | 6-3--My Three Sons Ni School 6-3--The Defend HUNTIN'AN GRRAND BOY/ = on Sotho Detenters ~ Sun god black mud which has all . : 230 P.M, . Tree crude oil. Theatre 10:00 P.M. carro 4--House Party 7--The Untouchables vi 3:30 P.M. H 7--Who Do You Trust /|1il--Bob McLean 5-2--Bob Hope Show 4--Meet the Millers 7--Ozzie and Harriet Rose, a8 (slang) 32, American \1--Bob McLe: World Tu hiteb: so well. --! cLean 4A 9--Theat: . itebo: > s rhe Wor ros eatre wi y 5 Y 5--Home Cooking 26, Streetcar ne Y) will be well treated by the by vee Gray Show 3:00 P.M. 9-5-2--Mitch Miller family 6-3--People and Places |3--One Step Beyond 42, Affixes H : : é " Jo ok 4--World Artist Concert DOWN Ee ~ S ' : f nsum bah 'hese Roots Hall "7 é 3:45 P.M. Sua 9:30 Pains. 3--Movie 6--Toronto File vapor 15, Bulgarian novelist, City 3--Movie | 7--Donna_ Reed 22, Chide "I gave the mining company 4--Password 5-2--Dr. Kildare terminals pany." --Seven Keys 9--Film 35. Always 03 é= : or being sooth 7--Queen For A Day 6--Ben Casey 39. Tricks 11:00 P.M. 4. Apportion weteness : By M. McINTYRE HOOD 1-0-7-6-5-43-2--News Special to The Oshawe 'Times LONDON -- The British tax- payer is a patient indivi 4% T oe ae MOTORS LTD. [ze wnt: es | million of this amount is -to cover agricultural and food sub- sidies. Most of this amount is i1--Romper Room OH-508/- PANSY #7-AH ~CHOKLEIE AM TOLE YO'NOT T' HIJACK JY PLANN' THIS PLANE /7 WEIS =PUT IT DOWN ANYWHAR IN {224 W A ceoce i FRONT O'THET POOLROOM, the subsidy which will have to be paid to the farmers on their meat production. CAP'N?! ~ IT'S WHAR-sHudobel! BEIN' FOLLYED BY A HANGS EVIL EVE FLEEGLE SWARM 0' POLICE!! OUT=CUSS HIS TWISTED -- LI'L BRAIN IF pees Because of the slump in the wholesale prices of meat, the level has fallen far below the government's guaranteed price to the farmers. For the last few months, the government has been paying from 30 to 50 per cent of the wholesale cost of meat. This, with increases. in the subsidy payments for pigs, potatoes and barley, will send the farm subsidies up from about $800 million to $980 million, which is by far the largest total since rationing was ended. ~ ENCOURAGE FARMERS . About $90 million has been THERE AREN'T ANY TEEN-AGE paid out by the treasury for beef GIRLS AROUN? since Mr. Soames increased the ' HERE We, guarantee by $1.50 per hundred weight. This was intended to encourage farmers to rear more beef cattle and speed the switch from milk, which was over- plentiful. It was intended tobe a long-term measure. ; 'The good spring weather, however, put rich grass into the fields from February onwards, and brought into the market an unexpected avalanche of cattle. Wholesale prices slumped to the lowest level in four years, and government funds had to be used to maintain the guaranteed Phat Is the public to - = Rr Saker eeh 5 \ j at is causing the pu : BAR yr A " mitt | a 'A . ' -- Ve\\i: be angry about the situation is 6! ' " THE LONE RANGER MUGGS AND SKEETER fie that in spite of the slump in E wholesale prices, there has been no appreciable drop in retail prices in the butcher shops. They are still paying just as much for their meat. So they feel they are paying for it twice over -- once in the amount they pay the butcher, who has not lowered his price, and then again in increased taxation to pay the farmers the guaranteed. price. JULIET JONES THERE'S NOTHING LONESOMER THAN A SILENT HAIRCUT 'T WILL HELP THE PAIN WHEN 1 CUT OUT THE PRIMITIVE FORM OF __ASPIRIN. fae, Warts reatares 'iy % Unable LARRY BRANNON King