Vw 6 ey eee ar i ee WORK GOES ON him drop. 'After the age of 60, the intel- ligent candidate for a full happy life accommodates himself to a different pattern of experi- ence. As a very wise woman of 80 once said: "These are the fragmentary years," in which one tries out new roles, of minor importance, perhaps, as com- joy. "Oh, divine master, grant that)any food as may not so much seek to be \ consoled as to console; to be un-|be in a dither. derstood as to understand; to be loved as to love. For it is in giv- ing that we receive. It is in par- doning that we are pardoned.|most to the breaking point. And it is in dying that we are born to eternal life." M.H. sets before him, or as much of | writes: |and one three sirable, attractive food. Don't once. He may go a long time she thinks he should, the whole family may For example, an Ohio mother "We have two boys, one five "We've 'tried letting him eat what he wants, which is very little. We're given him very mall amounts, never loading Occasionally a mother says ie dish full. If I tell him he the problem is straining the| has to clean his plate off, he father - mother relationship al-| gags and forces himself to vomit. At the first mention of eating,.he always vomits. time again for that. Now, we "We've paddled him time and/ | | tell him to eat it but let him/without choosing to eat. any- know that unless he chooses to) thing. Let that be his privilege. do so he will have nothing more|If he should hold out for two or to eat at that meal and nothing| three meals, better consult your before the next regular meal-| physician. time, no matter how much he cries or complains. If he does choose to eat thei lution, may be had by sending (My bulletin, Eating Prob- lems: Their Prevention and So- (CP)--A truck driver travelling BERLIN (AP)--Despite the. along a main highway in Che-| Communist wall through Berlin, | shire didn't have to stop for his} west Berlin's industrial prodyce / tea-break. His load was 90 cases) tion increased by 5,3 per cent im~~ of tea pots, which one by one/|the third quarter of 1961. slipped off the back leaving a|blockade is intended to prevent - six - mile stream of shattered|East Germans working in West. handles and spouts, Berlin. This le part of the pitch of and trimming details change|¥ growing old gracefully. The other part includes cultivating philosophic inwardness -- or with the season, but careful fit- ting is essential, whatever the doctor time and again. He's thin é r and high-strung. Last winter he)ies, which he hasn't refused. had the flu every month, and won't eat, I've offered him cook- "Does he have us completely ence oufbluffed? Everything I pre-;small portion, give him a tiny' THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, December 27, 1961 MARY HAWORTH'S MAIL a _-- . CHILD GUIDANCE pare is homemade, yet he'll| portion some other food. i 9 : 3 cate fe | the table and growl and ying < - food Ea ame a self-addressed stamped enve . HELP OTHER! complain," yf be begs for a any , . a 1 Every really mature - minded Mother Asks How To Deal My seeiy, th vats food, be very stingy. Give him| Pe t me in care of this news- NEWS IN BRIEF ea ers n ers an g older person should Lge at Don't tell him he must eat|ly @ very, very tiny portion. paper.) , w 5 mes soemewiet to ea in ine : *1 3! : anything. Say nothing about his| TTY to have a quiet mealtime,| PARENTS' QUESTIONS ISLAND ARTIST Ot Growing Old Gracefully fac'esevresess| With Child's Eating Problems |:iims: int. tine ei et aot ac tty at taate h a cINCSTON a Ca MO me all punishment, Keep all sweet| slat, Tt, would oe eam el Att Uist four hake aaa see ena ; , j i sal "Tor _| By G. CLEVELAND MYERS he's starting this winter to have|and other foods, exe " painter to be made a Fellow of. helped 5 'to ae piel ge ord lite He ise living owen pny peck Where there| I still receive a good many|it again. fruit juices, from pope py ig bag aor once + oe, more hye Bin! the Royal Society of Arts," column, Now let me hel , oulit In effect he is saying: '"Iflis hatred, let me sow love, etters about the youngster) 'Our doctor prescribed an iron og a. Rog mm We help him enjoy making things had we to help him become a plans to attend the New Yorke: with the problem submitted' by| 'can't be young, enjoying or|Where there is injury, pardon. oe ee Pale i Angee acerige spe ego dy> soshn sa po ' with his hands, that would help| better dra py he y tolled Va: - icipati i is doubt, faith. c ah $s 2 meal] \ the wile wha asks wha odo frlaiiiating, the dviends of Where here is doubt fakh|tat ger 'at mealtime. Beis appetite, 'After tha, cogplace before him a very very| tan ogg, Ne eM YO? versity College of the West Iam now despondent at 65. "| Sttorts of life. I give up." So life|Where there is darkness, light,|cause he doesn't choose to eat/ liver oil. Nothing has worked, pa eo, wt more than) yo. won't ai a has SIX-MILE TEA BREAK dies. I am ptesently reading Dr,|takes him at his word and lets|And where there is sadness, the desiragle foods his mother! i wing CHOOSE a teaspo of just one de- HOLMES CHAPEL, England Jeanne G. Gilbert's book Under-| standing Old Age, published by) the Ronald Press. Dr. Gilbert, trained in clinical) psychology, is a member of the| American Board of Examiners) in professional psychology, and) a. lecturer in psychology at the) graduate schools of both Ford- ham and Long Island universi- ties. red to ambitious sustained ex- HOUSEHOLD*HINT send him to his room. Rather) FULFIL NEEDS (ions of earlier times. But| Fit is the foremost considera- al omy yin od F ace fhe than eat one little piece of meat! gl boned ma tg the rea-lone's mind is open, one's spirit/tion when buying gloves. Fash-|is a "bedlam.' He's been like|or vegetable, he prefers to 80) people. Why this. depression? (ery ro Be. ne gag inns in color, length, sikterialy vo ioe oe oe wT he has some degtee| perenne Tne cides person bas 8 "I've had him checked by our|of appetite because when he| Poem Pid Sg gg of tage finished with life, done with the world. | The doctor emphasizes the im- portance of satisfying basic emo-| tional needs in older people.) They must not be deprived of] security, recognition and self) esteem. New interests, new sit- uations, love and affection must also be offered to them. As Dr. Gilbert explains, these are prob- ably the most significant needs of people of all ages. Sincerely, R.Y. | LIFE TOUGH Dear R.Y.: To be frank with your I don't find much help 'n your comment, although this may be unfair to Dr. Gilbert's book, which I haven't read. You seem to be saying that,| in order to be healthy and happy} in their later years (or at any) age), people must have access} Helena Rubinstein shows how to.. . KEEP A YOUTHFUL LOOKING SKIN... and at a fabulous SAVINGS to YOU! Save $3. on Helena Rubinstein's world-fi beauty _preparati containing Estrogenic Hormones-- the most effective beauty aid known for warding off tell-tale signs of aging skin, Take advantage of this special once-a-year offer and start now to recapture a lovelier, years- "Time" on your hands? Take the look away with... Helena Rubinstein's ESTROGENIC HORMONE HAND LOTION Makes your hands | SAVE on SUPER-RIGHT MEATS! | Grade "A" Oven-Ready Hen to satisfaction of their basic) a look. Regular Retail Price smoother, softer, young-looking and helps 20-LB. AND OVER 10 to 14 POUND AVERAGE GRADE "A" OVEN-READY Roasting -- 5 to 7-lb Aver. Ib Well Trimmed -- Short or CROSS RIB ROAST b67e SAUSAGE MEAT b 39ec e STEAKS or ROASTS DEEP CUT SPECIALS! A&P Fancy Quality APPLESAUCE Ann Page, Pure Orange MARMALADE White Swan TOILET TISSUE Christie's PARTY THINS Coloured KLEENEX Carnation EVAP. MILK Reg. 2 tins 290--SAVE 13¢ 7 15-fl-oz tins 89 Reg. jar 390--SAVE 20 24-flozier BAC Reg. pkg 580--S8AVE 4e pkg of 4 rolls 49« Reg. pkg 38e--SAVE 4e 9-oz pko BD Reg. pkg 81e--SAVE 30 2 pkgs of 400 5 De Reg. 3 tins 440--B8AVE 30 6 16-fl-oz tins 8 Se SPECIAL ALLOWANCE to the customers of (Gonsumers' ('jas For our customers who use gas for cooking, water heating or clothes drying but not for home heating this is a golden opportunity. You can replace your present heating with economical modern gas -- at a saving you can't afford to miss-- IF YOU ACT NOW! TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS $ .00 150 allowance on the purchase price of any gas-fired forced air furnace, conversion burner, gravity furnace or boiler. Hence, almost everyone is| dane Parker Reg. 990--SAVE 100 NO. 1 GRADE NO. 1 GRADE needs for security, recognition, . eabe 7.5 Cs a Keoec underskin obliged to struggle through life with some of those so-called SPANISH BAR CAKE 29 Jane Parker Caramel Reg. 490---SAVE 6e mts | 5 C , bunches 1 5 c "PARTY ITEMS" i} self esteem, new interests, new situations, love and affection. now 'A. 50 | UJ 4 K EYS retain needed Hand Lotion fora LIMITED TIME ONLY moisture. G S ESE VENA Rt LIMITED OFFER is OVEN-READY basic needs unmet, in whole or in part, at one time or another. | PECAN ROLLS kg of A Se dane Parker Sliced Reg. loaf 21e---SAVE Te Solo Regular stlozin 39¢ MARGARINE 8-fl-oz jar 3 3c (Security, I take it, embraces Helena Rubinstein's Regular Retail The good life is one that some- BREAD Cracked Wheat 2 24-02 loaves 3 5c 2 ub pkos Qe Millionaire Brissling 8-0z pkg 3 go: food, shelter, clothing, medical! Price--$4.00 how triumphs over handicaps|} -- | and becomes a blessing to other| : i is lives. } | dane Parker Sesame Reg. pkg 250---SAVE 6c SARDINES v'stin 29e 8-oz ctn 5 5c care and the like--for these are The man who bogs down pd SCHNEIDER'S CHUBS SANDWICH ROLLS = visei819% Mild & Mellow (Custom Ground) 1-tb bag 6le wh's tin 5 5c basic necessities, too.) | melancholy at 65, with no or- BRAUNSCHWEIGER ant 2 3 ' dane Parker Reg. pkg 38e--SAVE 80 8 O'CLOCK COFFEE 3t01,77 FRUIT CAKE sib ring 2.69 But the fact is, the Kingdom) of Heaven hasn't yet been per-| LIVER & BACON LIVER SAUSAGE SIRLOIN, PORTERHOUSE er WING &#QYc @ BAKERY SPECIALS! FUDGE WAFERS tO-ez rks 2 Se PRODUCE FEATURES! EXAMPLE 1: FORCED AIR FURNACE Yukon Club (Contents Only) etn of 6 12-fl-oz btls 296 GINGER ALE 2 20-02 bis 2 Se Buy Quality -- A&P 6-or jar 800 INSTANT COFFEE = %-:i«1.39 Regular Price (approx.) $625.00 Less Allowance 150.00 Completely Installed %477§-00 ony *20SO c's ON YOUR EXAMPLE 2: CONVERSION BURNER GAS BILL McLaren's Manzanilla (Place Pack) STUFFED OLIVES Crispie SWEET GHERKINS Swiss (12 Portions) GRUYERE CHEESE Kraft McLaren's IMPERIAL CHEESE Fancy Red Sockeye A&P SALMON Jane Parker Regular Price (approx.) $249.00 Less Allowance 150.00 Completely installed %99-9° NTN bo ae ¢ WEEKLY 30 gerbil ONLY 60 ON YouR DO IT NOW! PAYMENTS CAN BE DEFERRED UNTIL APRIL Ist, 1962 * Gonsumers' (as Oshawa Expects Every Citi to do his Duty to the C 48 SIMCOE SOUTH, PHONE 723-3468 fected on earth, even though a| beachhead was established 2,000 years ago. | BAKED IN A@P's OWN BAKERY BY MASTER BAKERS dane Parker Reg. 590--SAVE 100 CHERRY PIE each 49: CALIFORNIA PASCAL, TASTY CRISP CALIFORNIA NEW CROP, TENDER SWEET THE GREAT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TEA COMPANY LTO. Super Markets EXPIRES DECEMBER 30th, 196], All Prices In Thie Ad Guaranteed Through Sat, Deo, 80th, 1961