MARY HAWORTH'S MAIL Light and Dry THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, December 20, 1961 7 | | perme gon i et a Boy Seeks Another Chance Cactus Care p tong 18 them plenty of| With succulents it is Cacti and other succulents|light. 'Don't overwater cactijidea to place a layer of s 7 B h + have soared in popularity over|-- never water more than once yg dg Md ' of the * ter net 1ca e avl10r the past few years, and now\a week. The safe thing to do This pol ge Brady o Pai enjoy a special success during|is wait until the soil looks bone pe Aa tible. they Dear Mary Haworth: I am albreak off the relationship, a cor-|the holiday season. One reason|dry and then leave for a few puoie. ) boy, 17, a junior in high school.|rect move on their part, I think.|is that florists have packaged|days before watering. .Many| A weak liquid fertilizer I have a girl friend, 14, who is 'S$ FAULT them in delightful miniature|more cacti die from too muchjoften beneficial to full - grown a freshman. ' -- dmission, it was bowl gardens and they make|water than from too little. The|plants. e are going steady for six ene. ie saniedar (meaning attractive gifts. only time when they need a months and one night wel\.. more than she, I take it)| Cacti are easy to care for little more water, is during HAIR CONSCIOUS riods of growth and flower- ee Pg gh Racy mad oe who strayed from the bounds of|you keep a few simple rules in i To poly them bloom, place| MONTREAL (CP)--The owner propriety, trying to sweep her| mind with regard to water and|in a cool, bright location dur-|of a barber shop here which tee No adga Gee along with you into folly. Henceliiont, Don't forget that mostjing the winter months. Many/had a window sign advertising begged her at to? ba she in-|it would be your weakness, sel: Cacti come from desert areas|People believe that cacti only|permanents for men said: isted; now I see that she was fishness and foolhardiness that} 71 they get lots of light, but| bloom once in seven years. This)""There are some men who like right." derailed the romance. So don't) iittie water. These are|is quite untrue. If they arelto have curly hair. It makes a a blame her parents. conditions that you must. try to|Properly cared for, they willlthem feel younger." He said the eae ee bya na-| As you are three years older|quplicate. These hints fro m/|Dloom regularly. male permanents take abdut 40 ee, oe ee a 4 eave.lthan the girl and presumably|horticultrists with the Ontario| The soil mixture should notlminutes and last three months, Later I was told I could never!more experienced, socially, one deer sen, rover. OTR might reso xg Sat rd but I find I have some real you would be ber protector on feeling for her that, isn't easily elgg ape teagan = ' ing her se ; -- gee gad forgotten. that Regrettably, you proved un- . igh 10 Pe og Pry oa at trustworthy on that score. You "aye ag dla tke cations for Were equally unethical in trying dates W 41 that coing|t,dissuage the girl from mak- our age. We agreed that going/ing a clean breast of things to steady is wrong in the early/ner parents. She saved herself and middle teens. from approaching disaster when EYES OPENED Pe she took that course. Had she ' ' let your wishes prevail, she This entire episode has opened our eyes to the right way of life probably would be wretchedly involved in a joyless sex in- and thought and we feel Weltricue by now--cut off from her : should have been given a chance parents' help by a gulf of sin, TURKEY RETAINS ITS PRIDE OF PLACE ON CHRISTMAS DINNER TABLE by her parents to prove our si0-lfear and guilt. derstand." But she is afraid to| It is thanks to her and to them i i ) i that you have a fresh new vis- Md 7 i foil or several| grees F.)> Use chart as a guide|speak her feeling at home, for . King of the Christmas Feast come ot cheesecloth. 4 the length of roasting time.|fear her father will beat her. Sal ¢ re} ey by < nd ge Roast in a slow oven (325 de-|See tests for doneness.* - -- | So this is my problem and 1\20¢ 'ought. bd ui their downright rejection of your ; ; a .- i could use a solution; but maybe ; Moist Golden-Brown Turkey |e, Furcuaret_-- oom istoats ere is none. As her parents re-ers™il, NaM andas bE; QQ lit ee ae 5-% to 6-14 hours fused to let me explain, I feel a\¥ : 0 14 poun (1 j , : ; iougee yourself a great hunger for her Witn plans for the Christmas) THAWING: Thaw turkey in 14 to 18 pounds 6-14 to 7-14 hours need' to discuss it with some- society on honorable terms. feast our first thoughts turn to| refrigerator. Allow 1 to 2 days| : __|body to clear up the subject in|«ormally," you say in effect, the highlight of the occasion,|for an 8 to 1k pound turkey, 2) HOW TO ROAST IN A, guide to the length of roasting)my mind. When I asked my "losing a girl friend wouldn't the turkey. to 3 days for an 11 to 18 pound|COVERED PAN: Place turkey|time. See tests for doneness. mother, she had no suggestions. |pother me. But this girl is dif-|f- ; THE PERFECT GIFT, Tnis noble bird deserves your|turkey and 3 to 4 days for anj|breast-side up on a rack in the If bird is not sufficiently|So I am turning to you. Was ferent." fincat consideration and care in|18 to 24 pound turkey. For|bottom of a roaster. Use nojbrown at the end of roasting/I right or wrong in wanting a) Now what? As you are too © Famous brands selection..A fast-frozen bird will|quicker thawing, a peng bogs roti bagels > Soenltiaee Pie . rot fair chance? D.S. young for serious commitments, : i ty| running cold water. Keep thaw-|ter. Roast in a moderate oven|tinue roasting minu eg pth vogue pated yh ed turkey in refrigerator. Do) (350 degrees F.) Use chart as aluntil brown. CAN'T CHANGE PAST and the girl's parents forbid you ; @ Newest shades ; . to see her, my advice is to be tion to juicy dark meat. jnot refreeze. Weight as Purchased Approximate Roasting Time Dear D.S.: What do you mean : strong enough to close the book é @ All Sizes One feature which makes one) PREPARATION FOR ROAST- 8 to 11 pounds 2-% to 3-% hours 4 a fait chance--the opportun-lon that romance--at least for brand so popular is, the drum- ;: 2 il from 14 to 18 pounds 3% to 3-% hours oh , some years. If you hang around, ; ihatecrcrel grum-lING; free legs and ta' 14 to 18 pounds 3-34 to 4-14 hours writing the story of your r0-\Wo9 her on the sly, encourage stick: which are "tucked" intoltucked position. Remove neck P ' mance? That is asking the im-\her to deceive her parents, etc a clit of skin at the base of the/from main cavity and giblets|) The approximate roasting] TO COOK NECK AND GIB-|possible. The only change' you|.% adhe Pijap oer aint . breastbone. This allows the legs) from neck cavity, Rinse turkey|times shown above were de-|LETS: Simmer neck and gib-lcan make, that will revise the rod pg bok ~ : " 5 abt y Wallet ana to be easily slipped in and out] inside and out with cold water.|termined using dark enamelled|lets in salted water until tender,|record in your favor, is a cg Ny ey should dis Pte bmi slg for s'tuffing and eliminates} ¢...9n body and neck cavi-\roasters. If a shiny light-color-| about % hour for the liver and|change for the better in your\)ou: } f see trussing the bird. The drum-|1i.. with salt. Fill lightly with|ed pan is used, it may be neces-|2 to 24 hours for the reck,lown character. And that will 7\ ay, } "5 and with seams . « sticks will remain juicy during stuffing, allowing about % cup|Sary to increase time as much/heart and gizzard. take time, to develop and to HOUSEHOLD HINT \Wes Gift-boxed. neo the roasting period by being! stuffing per pound purchased|as one hour. confirm. To get children to try new ; $1.19 and $1.50 pr, held close to the body of the } i P i " E foods, offer them little tastes at , weight. To shape bird, return| «TESTS FOR DONENESS: HONEY 'N ALMOND RIC As of now, you talk as if you|{00ds © bird. Use an uncovered pan for|jegs and tail to tucked position.| 4 p Yield: 6 servings d the beginning of the meal when ri § : ( '| 1, Protect thumb and fore ' had been denied a fair heari a -- ---- ---- = ' Fold neck skin to the back. finger with paper or cloth. Pager ag Shay win ri cre Saar eel Pag te ih Then ask if olson aay It 'A fapartant There are two ways to roast} Pinchthickest portion of Aim ann mae But as I get the picture, they ey a like more. to scineeee that the routine this turkey. Use an uncovered drumstick. Meat should % cup bridle slivered haven't misjudged your present| time must be continuous as par- opiadhy ne oe ee . cel ge hong I thermo: | almonds guatity; nor Go they pocune you| LET'S HAVE A PARTY Hat aye on one" day fit! covered pan to shorten the] meter into thigh muscle| 4 Cup honey gene ce talc 'cea abu corny and Prouuce a less-maist turkey and! roasting time. The bird may bel _ next to body cavity. Tem-| Combine rice, orange juice,| Rather, they simply recog-/§\ce beskel ole geet een 9 SIMCOE S$, a reheated flavor on the second) jes attractive if cooked by this ' i nized from their daughter's : ' ; . y perature should be 190 de-jand salt in a 3-quart saucepan. : : | S Rental day. Furthermore, no time is| method. grees F. ; boil, stirring once or|{T@nkly worried recital that you argeant's Kenta actuaily saved. TO STORE: When the turkey|>""8 to @ boil, stirring weren't a responsible associate| 725-3338 OAST IN AN UN ¥ twi i For added convenience on the| HOW TO ROAST 'lhas been roasted, serve within|twice. Lower simmer.|for her; so they took steps to| 'big day" the stuffing ingredi-/COVERED PAN: Place turkey|14 hour. After service, remove|C2ver pan and cook Sg to = ents may be prepared the day|breast-side up on a rack in an|the remaining stuffing and|minutes or until liquid is ab- aliead and combined just before|open pan. Use no water nor|store the stuffing and the tur-|sorbed. Remove rice from heat. sjeover.. Spoo melted fat. over|key separately in the refrigera-|Stir in almonds and honey. e 'turkey lightly/tor. turkey. Mi ed Serve hot with SPEGIAL ALLOWANCE to the customers of (Gonsumers' ("as For our customers who use gas for cooking, water heating or clothes drying but not for home heating this is a golden opportunity. You can replace your present heating with economical ats modern gas --at a saving you can't afford to miss-- m7 4 (i nN Pa 70 TAKE IF YOU ACT NOW! the largest stock " wer hoa ADVANTAGE $150 atowance on the purchase price of any gas-fired Thousands to choose forced air furnace, conversion burner, gravity furnace or boiler. @ OF THIS ; from, Gy ? -- | a SPECI AL EXAMPLE 1: FORCED AIR FURNACE Regular Price (approx.) $625.00 2 : OFFER Less Allowance 150.00 SHE'LL ADORE \ Completely Installed %477'5-90 MOST OF ALL $2 50 on vem and from her favorite shop, TOO ! ONLY @ GAS BILL EXAMPLE 2: CONVERSION BURNER Regular Price (approx.) $249.00 - Less Allowance 150.00 ° OFFER Completely Installed: #9@-°° 2 '|| EXPIRES SEES omy 60! Se SPORTSWEAR DECEMBER an" IT NOW! PAYMENTS CAN s DEFERRED UNTIL se Ist, 1962 Aho, 19644 Consumers' las OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Oshawa Expects Every Citizen to do his Duty to the Community | a 48 SIMCOE SOUTH _ PHONE 723-3468